当前位置:文档之家› Enough的用法






(1)Are there enough seats for ten persons?


(2)We have enough food for a week.



I don’t have wine enough(=enough wine)for five persons.



只有当主语是代词数词和“数词+名词”时,enough才可作表语用,如果主语是名词,enough 便不能作表语用了,如:

(1)That’s enough..Thank you.够了,谢谢。

(2)Five is enough.五个够了。

(3)Will12apples be enough?十二个苹果够不够?


① The beer isn’t enough.

There isn’t enough beer.啤酒不够

② Was the time enough?

Did you have enough time?时间够吗?

如果enough之后跟其它修饰语(如不定式或for短语时),前面的主语不受限制。如:(1)The time is enough to finish it.(=There is enough time to finish it)


(2)The food is enough for us two.(=There is enough food for us two)有足够我们俩吃的食物。


(1)Enough has been said on this subject


(2)-Do you need some more materials?你们还需要材料?

-No,thanks.Enough have been supplied for us.不要了,谢谢!我们已经够了。

(3)I have enough to do today.




(1)This room is large enough for us to sleep in.

这个房间足够大,我们可以睡.(不可说enough large)

(2)He knows the situation well enough.

对他情况了解得非常清楚。(不可说enough well”)

Ⅱ、修饰动词。常用于句型Can’t/can never do…enough中表示“无论怎么做都不为过”,如:

(1)I can never thank you enough.


(2)He is such a good engineer that we can not praise him enough.




(1)a large enough room一间足够大的房间

(2)a deep enough well一口足够深的井

(3)I don’t have big enough nails to mend the cupboard.我没有足够大的钉子修理柜子。


(1) enough large room足够大的房间

(2) enough deep well足够深的井

(3)I don’t have enough big nails to mend the cupboard我没有足够大的钉子修理柜子。

五、与介词of构成短语enough of,使用时,须遵守如下规律:

1、enough of+既定词+名词(其中既定词为冠词,物主代词或指示代词)

2、enough of+代词

(1)Is there enough of the blue material?(=Is there enough blue material?)


(2)I’ve had enough of your complaints.(=I’ve had enough complaints from you)


六、enough之后跟介词短语”for sb”和不定式“for sb to do sth”,如:

(1)He was lucky enough to succeed in his first attempt.


(2)He spoke slowly enough for everyone to understand.


(3)There isn’t enough ice cream for all the children.



(1)We have not enough glasses for everyone.(不能说成no enough glasses)


(2)We had hardly enough food to go around at the picnic.(不能说成no enough food)


(3)He has barely enough money to live on.(不能说成no enough money) 他的钱仅够维持生活。

八、常用于句型“Would you be kind/good enough to do sth?”表示礼貌的请求,如:

(1)Would you be kind enough to let us know the date of your arrival?


(2)Would you be good enough to open a window?




Enough has been said about this subject.关于这个问题已说得够多了。

Enough were present to constitute a quorum.出席的人数够法定人数。


He has enough money to buy a car.他有足够的钱买辆汽车。

We have time enough to get to the airport.我们来得及赶到机场。


I was fool [=foolish] enough to accept his offer.我接受他的提议真是太傻了。


He didn’t practise enough.他练习得不够(from https://www.doczj.com/doc/d32012393.html,)。

She isn’t good enough for [=to pass] the exam.她的功课还不够好,还考不及格。

I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help.我和他不够熟,不能请他帮忙。



正:Is the river deep enough to swim in?

正:Is the river deep enough for swimming in?

误:Is the river deep enough that people can swim in?


Would you be kind enough to open the window? (=Would you

be so kind as to open the window?)请你打开窗户好吗?


That’s enough.够了(from https://www.doczj.com/doc/d32012393.html,)。

One such dictionary is enough.这样的词典一本就够了。

Six bottles of wine will be enough.六瓶葡萄酒就够了。


误:The beer isn’t enough.啤酒不够。

正:There isn’t enough beer.啤酒不够。

误:Was the time enough?时间够吗?

正:Did you have enough time?你们时间够吗?二、


初中英语语法口诀大汇总 【新初一年级英语语法口诀(上)】 大小写字母书写口诀 大A箭头指上方,小a系辫好模样; 大B耳朵右边长,小b食指指向上; 大C吃饭把嘴张,小c大C一个样; 大D肚子圆又胖,小d五线谱里藏。 大E将山竖着放,小e像鱼肉真香; 大F像旗杆上绑,小f像个小拐杖; 大G让C挂条棍,小g大辫真正长。 大H工字放倒写,小h椅子侧着放。 大I工字中间长,小i像人跪地上; 大J长得多像“厂”,小j子弹射出枪;大K伸臂又踢腿,小k稍息把事想; 大L指针三点过,小l像根火腿肠; 大M像海鸥在飞翔,小m鼻孔出气长。大N电闪实在亮,小n单门墙上装; 大O鸡蛋喷喷香,小o蛋小人人抢; 大P圆旗高飘扬,小p让b练倒立; 大Q西瓜连藤摘,小q和9很相似; 大R是P右踢腿,小r向上撅撅嘴。

大S弯弯溪流淌,小s像8没合上; 大T铁锤当当响,小t像个大写七; 大U陷阱在下方,小u将n倒着放; 大V竖起两手指,小v长个尖下巴。 大W是M朝天躺,小w将v弄成双; 大X像叉画本上,小x剪刀裁衣忙。 大Y弹弓没皮筋,小y比v多尾巴; 大Z和2最相像,小z呼噜声最响。 英语字母书写口诀 字母书写有规则,右倾五度正适合。 大写全在上两格,高低一致不会错。 小写字母也不难,请你记住这几点。 有头就用上两格,b, d, h, i, k, l 和t。有尾就占下两格,g, p, q, y要记着。 无头无尾写中格,多练几遍不会错。 剩下j, f不一般,三个格子全都占。 仔细辨来认真练,养成书写好习惯。 单词首字母大写用法歌口诀 单词字母要大写,下面规则是小结。 句子开头首字母,文章标题虚词除(外)。


enough 的用法 1.用作形容词,意为“充足的;足够的”,在句中可作定语或表语。作定语时,它的位置较灵活,既可放在所修饰词前,也可放在所修饰词后。例如: We have enough time(time enough)to finish the work.我们有足够的时间来完成这项工作。 2.用作副词,意为“充分地;足够地;十分”,修饰形容词、副词或动词,位于所修饰词之后。例如: enough往往用在“be+ 形容词 +enough+ for+sb. +to do”结构中,注意do后面不接宾语。例如: The book is easy enough for you to read. 这本书很简单,你们可以看懂。

3.用作代词,意为“足够;充分”。例如: ―Would you like another cup of tea 你想再来一杯茶吗 ―I have had enough. Thank you very much. 我已经喝够了,非常感谢。 我们在使用enough时,还需要注意以下几点: 1.enough不能与no连用。如:不可以说I have no enough money to buy a car. 而应说:I don't have enough money to buy a car. 2.enough 用作形容词时不可被very修饰,但可以用quite修饰。例如:

We have quite enough time.我们有足够的时间。 3.can't/can never……enough表示“越……越好;无论怎样……也不过分”。例如: You can never be careful enough.你越细心越好。 We can't thank him enough.我们无论怎样感谢他也不过分。


Some和any的用法 some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。--I can’t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。 Enough的用法 英语中enough表示“足够”,它可以用作名词、形容词和副词,它的具体用法有: 一、用作形容词,意思是“充足的; 足够的”;在句中可作定语和表语。作定语时它的位置较灵活,既可放在所修饰的词前,也可放在所修饰的词后。例如: We have enough seats(seats enough)for everyone.我们有足够的座位让大家都能坐。 二、用作副词,意思是“充分地;足够地”,修饰形容词、副词或动词,位于所修饰词的后面。例如: 1. He is not strong enough. 他不够强壮。 2. She is old enough to understand this. 她年纪已足够大了能了解这事。 3 .I didn't know her well enough. 我对她不够了解。4.He did not work hard enough. 他不够用功。 [提示]enough常用在“be+形容词+enough +for+sb.+to do.”结构中,注意do后面不接宾语。例如: The book is easy enough for you to read.这本书很简单,你们可以看懂。 三、作名词,意思是“足够; 充分”。例如: 1. —Would you like another cup of tea? 你想再来一杯茶吗? —I have had enough. Thank you very much. 我已经喝够了。非常感谢。 2. He couldn't earn enough money to keep a family. 他赚得钱不够养活家人。 我们在使用enough时还要注意以下几点: 1)enough不能与no连用。如不可以说:I have no enough money to buy a car.而应说:I don't have enough money to buy a car. 2)enough用作形容词时不可被very修饰,但可用quite修饰。例如: We have quite enough time. 我们有足够的时间。 3)can't / can never... enough表示“越……越好;无论怎样……也不过分”。例如: You can never be careful enough. 你越细心越好。 下面的“口诀”可能对大家理解和掌握enough的用法有所帮助:


英语辅导:透视高考试题解析enough 用法 Unit 16 Scientists at work的 READING部分有这样一个句 子: The pieces should be just long enough to reach the corners of the handkerchief. 再看NMET2000单项填空的第8题: ________ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave 本题考查考生对enough用法的掌握情况。enough是现行教材中较为活跃的一个词,是历年教学大纲和高考考纲中的重点词汇,更是高考命题的热点词汇。本文拟从其词性入手,结合历年高考试题对其用法进行剖析,希望同学们能更好地掌握。 一、enough可以作名词、代词,意思是"足够;充分"。作代词可以代替可数名词或不可数名词,在句中作主语或宾语。如: 1. Enough has been said on this subject. 关于这一问题说得已经足够多的了。 2. No, thanks. I've had enough. 不,谢谢。我已吃饱了。(enough= enough food) 【注意】当enough后的名词前有冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词或其本身就是代词时,要用介词of。如: We've had enough of your coldness. 我们已经受够了你的冷漠。 二、enough作形容词,意思是"足够的;充分的",常与for或不定式连用,可以作定语或表语。作定语置于被修饰的名词前后均可,前置时强调enough,后置时强调被修饰词。如: 1. (NMET95第22题题干) I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______. 2. Five men will be quite enough. 五个人就足够了。 三、enough作副词的意思是 "十分地;充分地;足够地;充足地",置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后,常与不定式或介词for连用,在句子中作状语,表示程度。如:


?形容词的概念: 形容词(adjective),简称adj.或a,形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏与否,形容词在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 ?形容词的作用与位置: 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。 如:a language difficult to master, a leaning tower about 180 feet high (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。 如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。 如:I have something important to tell you. (4)else常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。 (5)enough、nearby修饰名词前置或后置,程度副词一般位于形容词、副词前面,enough 修饰形容词、副词时,必须后置。 (6)几个并列的形容词作定语,其语序通常为:限定语(The、A)+描绘性形容词+size (大小)+shape(形状)+age(年龄、时间)+color(颜色)+origin(国籍、来源)+material


一、冠词分类 冠词分为定冠、不定冠,零冠 不定冠词a和an,“—”的含义表泛指, 表示特指要用the,次序、方位、最高级, 世上物体独一个,人或事物再次提, 以下情况冠词免,学科球类三顿饭, 名词复数表泛指,季节星期月份前, 二、定冠词the的用法巧记 特指、重提和唯一,岛屿、海峡和海湾,海洋、党派、最高级, 沙漠、河流与群山,方位顺序和乐器,年代、团体与机关, 船名建筑和组织,会议条约与报刊,姓氏复数、国全名,记住用定冠。 三、零冠词的用法口诀 月季星期节假洲,呼语头衔职务前,

三餐球类惯用语,学科棋类名词前。 不定冠词表示泛指、类指,定冠词表示特指、专指、类指,零冠词表示泛指人或事物、类指。a、an,仅用在单数可数名词前来表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目概念,只表示名词为不特定者。 定冠词the,表示名词的特定者,表示“这”·“那”·“这些”·“那些”,用在可数名词单数、复数,不可数名词前均可。(/)则表示名词化的其他词或专有名词,因此单数复数均可。复数可数名词和不可数名词前不用冠词,也表泛指,有些语法专家称之为“零冠词”。 扩展资料: 冠词的使用位置 1、不定冠词位置 不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。注意: (1)位于下列形容词之后:such,what,many,half, I have never seen such an animal.

(2)当名词前的形容词被副词as,so,too,how,however,enough修饰时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后: It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. So short a time. (2)quite,rather与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。 但当rather,quite 前仍有形容词,不定冠词放其前后均可。如:quite a lot (4)在as,though 引导的让步状语从句中,当表语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放形容词后: Brave a man though he is,he trembles at the sight of snakes. 他尽管勇敢,可见到蛇还是发抖。 当名词被比较级形容词修饰时,不定冠词通常置于比较级形容词之后。 2、定冠词位置


enough的用法: 1.enough用作名词,表示足够(的数目或数量),没有复数形式,但根据情况可表示复数意义。如: Enough has been said about this subject. 关于这个问题已说得够多了。 Enough were present to constitute a quorum. 出席的人数够法定人数。 2. enough用作形容词,通常修饰复数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰名词之前或之后(但以前置为多见)。如: He has enough money to buy a car. 他有足够的钱买辆汽车。 We have time enough to get to the airport. 我们来得及赶到机场。 【注】有时与某些具有形容词意味的名词连用,此时enough必须后置,且该名词通常不用冠词。如: I was fool [=foolish] enough to accept his offer. 我接受他的提议真是太傻了。 3. enough用作副词,可用来修饰形容词、副词、动词等,此时总是放在被修饰语之后。如: He d idn’t practise enough. 他练习得不够。 修饰动词常用句型can’t/can never do … enough,表示“无论怎么做都

不为过”。 She isn’t good enough for [=to pass] the exam. 她的功课还不够好,还考不及格。 I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help. 我和他不够熟,不能请他帮忙。 其后可接不定式或介词for,但一般不接that-从句。 4. 在通常情况下,enough不能用作表语,除非其主语是代词或是具有(或暗示有)数量意义的名词。如: That’s enough.够了。 One such dictionary is enough. 这样的词典一本就够了。


【篇一】enough的用法 enough的用法1:enough用作副词时,意思是“足够,充分”,一般应放在所修饰的形容词、副词或动词的后面。 enough的用法2:enough还可作“相当地”“还可以地”解,这时在语气上起弱化作用,即语气上比不加enough时为弱。 enough的用法3:enough作形容词时,意思是“足够的,充分的”,在句中多作定语,一般修饰复数名词或不可数名词,可置于所修饰的名词之前,也可置于所修饰的名词之后。后者属于旧式用法。 enough的用法4:当主语是it或是特定数量时, enough也可用作表语,其后常接for引起的短语或动词不定式。 enough的用法5:enough用于修饰表示坏的品质的名词(如cheek, conceit, impudence)时,一般放在这些词的后面。 【篇二】enough的常用短语 用作副词 (adv.) curiously〔oddly, strangely〕 enough sure enough 用作名词 (n.) have had enough of 【篇三】enough的用法例句 1. Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough. 3亿美元远远不够。 2. The plan is good; the problem is it doesn't go far enough. 计划不错;问题在于不够深入。 3. America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes. 美国在该地区拥有足够的火力发动持续的空中打击。


小学英语自然拼读顺口溜 1. 我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏),让我sad(伤心难过)。有只cat(猫咪),非常fat(肥胖),专吃rat(鼠)。 2. 放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(门口),已经late(晚了)。清晨wake(醒来),来到lake(湖边),钓上snake(蛇)。 3. 撇下net(网),鱼没get(得到),衣服wet(湿了)。为捉pest(害虫),从不rest (休息),本领best(最棒)。 4. 一只pig(猪),非常big(大),把洞dig(挖)。没给tip(尖),把我lip(唇), 装上zip(拉链)。 5. 一只kite(风筝),颜色white(白色),被狗bite(咬)。学会ride(骑车),妈妈 pride(自豪)。 6. 清晨jog(慢跑),带上dog(狗),踩到frog(青蛙)。轻轻hop(跳),跳上top (顶部),唱起pop(流行音乐)。 7. 把眼close(闭上),用我nose(鼻子),去闻rose(玫瑰)。喝着coke(可乐),听着joke(笑话),把腰broke(扭伤)。 8. 举着gun(枪),瞄准sun(太阳),不停run(跑)。小小bug(烦恼),把我hug (环抱)。 9. 找个excuse(借口),借车use(用),遭到refuse(拒绝)。假装mute(哑巴), 真是cute(聪明)。 10. 开着car(车),向着star(星星),路途far(遥远)。想变smart(睿智),必须start(开始),学习art(艺术)。 11. 一个driver(司机),掉进river(河里),生命over(结束)。一个robber(强盗),专抢rubber(橡胶)。 12. 穿上shirt(衬衫),脱下skirt(裙子),扔进dirt(污垢)。这只bird(鸟),总跑third(第三) 13. 个子short(短小),喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport(太空)。拿着fork(叉), 吃着pork(猪肉)。 14. 一个nurse(护士),丢了purse(钱包)。买只turtle(龟),颜色purple(紫色)。 15. 一只goat(山羊),穿件coat(外套),上了boat(小船)。一片oat(燕麦),卡在throat(喉咙)。


enough的用法(词汇讲解) enough的用法 一、enough可以作名词、代词,意思是“足够;充分”。作代词可以代替可数名词或不可数名词,在句中作主语或宾语。如: 1. Enough has been said on this subject. 关于这一问题说得已经足够多的了。 2. No, thanks. I’ve had enough. 不,谢谢。我已吃饱了。(enough= enough food) 【注意】当enough后的名词前有冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词或其本身就是代词时,要用介词of。如: We’ve had enough of your coldness. 我们已经受够了你的冷漠。 二、enough作形容词,意思是“足够的;充分的”,常与for或不定式连用,可以作定语或表语。作定语置于被修饰的名词前后均可,前置时强调enough,后置时强调被修饰词。如: 1. (NMET95第22题题干) I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______. 2. Five men will be quite enough. 五个人就足够了。 三、enough作副词的意思是“十分地;充分地;足够地;充足地”,置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后,常与不定式或介词for连用,在句子中作状语,表示程度。如: 1. (NMET93) —Mum, I think I’m ________ to get back to school. —Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two. (Key:C) A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough 2. (NMET98)If I had ________, I’d visit Europe stopping at all the small interesting places. (Key:A) A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough 3. When they reached the burning building they found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the people who were trapped. 当他们靠近烈火熊熊的大楼时,他们发现梯子不够长,够不着那些被火围困的人。 4. (NMET95第26题题干) —You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. —Well, now I reGREt ________ that. 四、enough作感叹词时意思是“够了;停止;住手;不要再继续了”,用以表达不耐烦或恼怒。如: You’ve been practising the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 五、用在“主语+cannot...+enough”句型中该句型形式上是否定句型,实际上表达的是肯定意义,意思是“再……也不过分;越……越……”。如: I cannot thank you enough. 我对你感激不尽。(我怎么感谢你都不算过分。) 六、enough还可以用于以下的短语中 1.sure enough 果真;确实。如: He said he would come, and sure enough he came. 他说要来,果然来了。 2.well enough 还不错;还可以;相当;很;极。如: You know well enough. (口)你明明知道。(你心里明白。) 3.be good / kind enough to do sth. 劳驾;务请做某事。如: Be good / kind enough to reply early. 请早日赐复。 1 / 1


直接引语变间接引语 口诀 人称,时态,状语始终变 一主二宾三不变 时态向后退一格 状语变化见表格 陈述that 可省略 一般疑问用if(whether) 特殊疑问去助动 以上语序为陈述 祈使句选动词(tell,ask,order,beg) 将它改为不定式 详解 人称变化 一主She said. "My brother wants to go with me tomorrw. "→ She said her brother wanted to go with her the next day. 二宾Jack said to me,“You look worried today.” Jack told me that I looked worried that day. 三不变The teacher asked,”Has she read enough this week?” The teacher asked if she had read enough that week. 陈述that 可省略 She said. "I have a pen."→She said that she had a pen. She asked me , “ what is it?” →She asked me what it was. 一般疑问用if(whether) She asked me , “Do you like watching TV? ” → She asked me whether I liked w watching TV. 特殊疑问去助动 They asked: “ where do you come from?”→ They asked where you came from. 附表: 时间状语、地点状语、指示代词和动词的变化:


enough修饰形容词的用法 enough作副词,意为“充足地;足够地”,可用来修饰动词,形容词或副词,通常置于被修饰词之后。 知识拓展 enough作形容词,意为“足够的,充分的”,可作定语修饰名词,多置于被修饰的名词前,也可用作表语。 He doesn’t have enough money to buy a house. 他没有足够的钱买房。 1,This movie wasn’t ______.He fell asleep half way through it. A ,interesting enough B,enough interesting C,interested enough D,enough interested 2,她已经足够大了,可以自主作出决定。 She is old________ ________make her own decision. 3,My son is too young to join the army. My son isn’t _______ ______to join the army. 4.Mr.Liu wants to buy an expensive car.he has________ ________.(足够的钱) 5 .I don't like that thick diary.It’s___________ _______.(太厚) 6,Tom wants to buy this T-shirt,because it is__________ __(够鲜艳) 7.Do you want to buy that dictionary?No I have___________(足够的词典) 8---Is that bicycle___________ (够大)---Yes,it's big enough for me. 9.In the old days,lots of people didn't have___________(足够的食物)to eat.And they didn't have___________(足够的钱)to send their children to school either. 10. Teacher:Children,if you have___________(足够的时间),please do more reading. Students:Yes,We have enough time,but we don't have___________(足够的书) Teacher:There is a library in our school.It's___________(够大),you can go there and borrow books you like.And the librarian is___________(够好).

There be句型用法口诀

定语从句 要学定语从句,得知道什么是定语。定语是用来限定、修饰名词或代词的。例如,a good book, good就是定语。那么复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句就叫做定语从句。定语从句由关系代词或关系副词引导,相当于形容词,在句中作定语。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose等,绝对没有what;关系副词有where, when, why,how等。关系词放在先行词和定语从句之间,起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的某个成分。 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 1、由who, whom, that,Whose引导的从句 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,who作主语指人,whom作宾语指人,that既可作主语又可作宾语(作宾语可以省略),可以指人也可以指物。Whose 用来指人或物,只用作定语。 (1) Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他是那个想见你的男人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) (2) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语) (3) The man whom you spoke to just now is our English teacher 你刚刚说话的那个男人是我们的英语老师 (4) he man whose son is a doctor is our professor. 那个儿子是医生的男人是我们的教授。 2、由which, that引导的从句 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,作宾语时可以省略,例如: (1) Prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在从句中作主语) (2) The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿那个包裹快要散开了。(which / that在从句中作宾语) 注意:代表物时多用which,但在下列情况中用that而不用which: a)先行词是anything, everything, nothing , none等不定代词时; b)先行词由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等修饰时,这时的that常被省略; c)先行词前有序数词或被形容词最高级修饰时; d)先行词中既有人又有物时; e)整个句中前面已有which,who,that时; f)当先行词为物并作表语时; g)先行词为one时; h)先行词同时又被the only,the very,the same修饰时; 二、关系副词引导的定语从句 1、when指时间在定语从句中做时间状语也可做连接词用I still remember the day when I first came to the school. 2、where指地点在定语从句中做地点状语Shanghai is the city where I was born. 3、why指原因在定语从句中做原因状语,用在reason 后面。Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 常见考法

enough 的用法

形容词Enough练习,按照中文提示写出英文 1.Mr.Liu wants to buy an expensive car.he has__.(足够的钱)2 .I don't like that thick diary.It‘s__.(太厚) 3.Tom wants to buy this T-shirt,because it is__(够鲜艳) 4.Do you want to buy that dictionary?No I have__(足够的词典) 5---Is that bicycle_(够大)---yes,it's big enough for me.6.In the old days,lots of people didn't have__(足够的食物)to eat.And they didn't have__(足够的钱)to send their children to school either.7.Teacher:Children,if you have__(足够的时间),please do more reading.Students:Yes,We have enough time,but we don't have__(足够的书)Teacher:There is a library in our school.It's__(够大),you can go there and borrow books you like.And the librarian is__(够好).Students:Thank you,miss lee. 1.enough money 2.thick enough 3.colorful enough 4.enough dictionaries 5.big enough 6.enough food;enough money 7.enough time;enough books;big enough;good enough enough作为形容词,如果是形容名词的话,就是先用enough,在加上呢个名词,例如:enough books,enough food.但是enough还可以作为副词去形容形容词,这个时候它就要放在形容词的后面,来表示一种程度,中文意思是十分,很,例如:big enough,good enough. 题目 练习:too,very,enough 太,非常,足够 I could answer the questions.They were very easy. I couldn’t answer the questions.They were too difficult. The questions were easy enough for me to answer.______________________ The questions were too difficult for me to answer.______________________ 完成下列句子,用too,very或enough填空 1.I couldn’t speak to the boss.He was ________ busy. 2.I couldn’t go out.It was ________ cold for me to go out. 3.I could answer all the questions.They were _____ easy. 4.Is that suitcase light ________ for you to carry. 5.Is your brother old _____ to be a member of our association? 6.They couldn’t see that film.They were _____ young. 模仿例句回答以下问题: Examples:Could he answer all the questions?(Yes/easy) Yes he could.They were easy enough for him to anser. Could he answer all the questions?(No/difficult) No,he couldn’t.They were too difficult for him to answer. 1.Could he buy the car?(Yes/cheap)(No/expensive) ______________________________________ 2.Could they eat the cakes?(Yes/fresh)(No/stale) ________________________________________


Enough 用法练习题 1.He ran and ran, but he couldn’t run_____ to catch the bus. A.Fast enough B. enough quick C. enough fast D. enough quickly 2.Mike is only 15 years old. He is not ______ to get a driver’s license. A.ld enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young 3.He is______ school. A.old enough going to B. enough old to go to enough to go to D. enough old going to 4. He walked______. I couldn’t _____ with him A. fast enough…..catch on B. fast enough…..catch up C. enough fast …..catch on D. enough fast…catch up Other, the other, another, others 用法 1.The children should be taught how to get on well with_______. C. the other D. the others. 2. He has three sons. The youngest boy much clever than______ two. A. the other B. other C. others D. another 3. Though the failed, I think he’ll do it better if we give him_______ chance. A. other B. the other C. others D. another has two bicycles. One is red, _______ is blue. A. other B. the other C. another D. others


英语背歌诀 学语法(一)巧记以-f(e)结尾的名词变复数歌诀: 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌; 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。 注:对应的单词:wife,knife,wolf,thief,shelf,life,half,leaf 学语法(二)巧记以-o结尾的名词变复数歌诀: 1.加-es:黑人和英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿。 2.加-s:工作间里有架钢琴,钢琴上有台收音机,收音机旁有幅照片,照片里 有动物园,动物园里有竹子。 注: 1.对应的单词:Negro, hero, potato, tomato 2.对应的单词:piano, radio, photo, zoo, bamboo 学语法(三)名词所有格歌诀: 英语名词所有格,表示某物是“谁的”。 所有格构成有方法,单数名词后-‘s加。 复数名词有-s,其后只加“’”就行了。 名词若是无生命的,所有格用of记心间。 学语法(四)词汇及意义歌诀: 名表人、物的名称,冠、数、形来修饰名。 动表动作或状态,副饰动、副或形容。 连词连接词与句,叹置句首表心情。 代词代替名、数、形,介置名、代之前不独用。 学语法(五)不定冠词用法歌诀: a 与an 两种体,不重数量相当“一”。 可数名词首次提,有时还可表“每一”。 学语法(六)定冠词用法隔绝: 特指双熟悉,上文已提及。 世上独一无二,序数最高级。 某些专有名,习语和乐器。 学语法(七)零冠词用法歌诀: 下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前; 专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭; 复数名词表泛指,两节星期月份前; 颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。 学语法(八)人称代词用法歌诀:

人称代词分主宾,共有八对细区分。 你它主宾形相同,其余主宾要记清。 宾格置于动介后,主格放在谓语前。 动副短语要留心,宾格代词放中间。 学语法(九)物主代词用法歌诀: 物主代词两类型,一曰名来一曰形。 形容词作定语时,后面定把名词用。 名词物代独立用,主宾表语它都行。 物主代词两种数,单数复数莫错用。 学语法(十)反身代词用法歌诀: 反身代词表自身,句中可做三成分。 动介后面用作宾,表示动作回自身。 句中强调同位语,主语宾语后边跟。 系动be后作表语,这个用法记在心。 学语法(十一)基数词构成歌诀: 1至12逐个记,13至19 teen结尾。 20至90整十位,ty结尾是后缀。 要是表示“几十几”,连字符十位连个位。 若要表示“几百几”,hundred之后and立。 学语法(十二)基数词变序数词歌诀: 基变序,有规律,first,second,third要牢记,其余变化有公式,基数词尾加th,eight去t,nine去e。 Twenty,thirty,ninety,ty将y改成i,th前面还有个e。 Five和twelve。需用f替ve。 若是碰到几十几,前面基来后用序。 学语法(十三)分数表示法歌诀: 基数词表分子,分母要用序数词。分子如果大于一,序数词尾加s。 二分之一是一半,a half 就可知。四分之一很好说,a quarter 就很妥。 Three fourths七成半,其意就是四分之三。还有一种表示法three quarters很习惯。“假分数”也不难,基数词在前面,“真分数”在后边,中间要用and连。 百分之几惯用法,基数词在percent前。

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