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英文高分作文 当苏格拉底遇到孔子

英文高分作文  当苏格拉底遇到孔子
英文高分作文  当苏格拉底遇到孔子

When Socrates Meets Confucius

It is universally acknowledged that Socrates, the great ancient Greek philosopher, has imposed profound and far-reaching influence on the world with his ideas in education, moralizing and politics while Confucius, kind of Socrates’s counterpart in ancient China, is regarded as the greatest sage whose ideas have laid the foundation for Chinese thinking pattern. And since they were both fond of traveling around the county to advocate their thoughts and ideas, there could be a chance that Socrates traveled to ancient China and came across Confucius who was teaching his students, then two great minds met and discussed about their ideas of education.

The most possible matter they may discuss is the ideal teaching method, also the one they were practicing. Socrates introduced Maieutics or Socratic Method to Confucius, and he insisted that every man has got his innate knowledge in his mind which is just like the baby in a pregnant woman’s body, and the teachers’ work is supposed to be help the students to give birth to that innate knowledge. In other words, he made conversations with the students to arouse the hidden knowledge in their minds by asking questions to make them aware of their ignorance and leading them to find the truth. And judging Confucius’s way of teaching by this standard, Socrates criticized Confucius for telling the students what’s true directly sometimes. Then Confucius would answer him with

one sentence,” I would not give any guidance to them until they reach to the point that they must figure out it; I would not inspire of enlighten them if it isn’t that they have understood it but can’t express it correctly and completely; I would give them no more examples if they can’t draw inferences about other cases from one instance ”. Here, both of them focus on enlightenment. Socratic Method is based on the presumption the students acquire knowledge in the very way he has assumed, i.e. like pregnant women giving birth to babies, but actually students acquire knowledge in various ways, we can’t simply imagine or take it as granted that they all learn things in the same way, and treat them with one teaching strategy.

And that brings them to the next question--educating students in accordance with their aptitude and cognitive rules.

Confucius started by tell one example: both his students Zilu and Ranyou came to ask him that when they heard something whether they should put it into practice immediately, and he told Zilu not to practice it while he encouraged Ranyou to do it. He explained that Zilu was an adventurous man, so I told him to be cautious, but Ranyou was a little timid, so I encouraged him. Confucius pointed out that he got to know his students better though observing them and talking with them, and then he gave guidance to them according to his understanding of their aptitude. And when Socrates wanted to justify himself by saying that his Maieutics did

help to arouse the students’innate intelligence, Confucius could make him speechless by asking,"what if the student shakes his head in answer to all questions? You still don’t give him a clue?"Indeed, different students follow the different cognitive pattern when they approach the world around them. Today we have many different theories with regard to the human cognition such as Theory of Tabula Rasa and Constructivism, we can not tell which one is right or wrong, because the only way to judge them is whether it is suitable for the individuals. Teachers in the modern society should bear in mind that there is no fixed teaching method, so we should apply flexibly different teaching methods to deal with different students based on an in-depth understanding of their cognitive style.


苏格拉底的名言英文 I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world. 我不是一位雅典人或是希腊人,而是世界的公民 I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. 除了我无知的事实之外,我一无所知 The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows. 分手的时刻已经到来,我们将各走各的路─我将死了,你将活着。那一种比较好呢?只有神知道。 Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. 有愈少的欲望,我就愈接近神。 An honest man is always a child. As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent. Be as you wish to seem. Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. Beauty is the bait which with delight allures man to enlarge 1 / 2


启发式教学:孔子与苏格拉底的差异 黄津成(现供职于杭州市教育科学研究所) 撰写于2002年 在教育史上,孔子与苏格拉底都是启发式教学方法的首倡者,但他们的启发式教学法却有着本质上的差异。 孔子所处的春秋时代,中国的文明已经走过了漫长的道路,积累了丰富的文化遗产和典籍,已经形成了相当稳定的文化传统。在这样的文化背景中成长起来的孔子,自然地形成了承袭的、宣教的学习(治学)态度。因此,他的启发式教学的主要目的在于启发弟子们更好地接受已有的文化知识,而非去发现新的知识,创造新的学说,“好古而不作”既是孔子的治学态度,也是孔子教学的重要原则。所以孔子的启发式在其本质上是一种接受式的启发法。 苏格拉底所处的希腊时代,西方文明才刚刚起步,成文的文化典籍很少,文化传统也还没有成形,这就使得苏格拉底的教育活动中没有既成的、公认文化道统可资遵循,也没有权威的古圣先贤规范他的思维,因此他拥有自由的思想和另立新说的自由天地,于是形成了他批判的、探索的治学态度。这样,苏格拉底的启发法------“产婆术”是发现式的,他通过让人发现自己的无知,从而努力地去认识、理解自己的世界,发现知识。这种

学习方法是一种发现的、研究的、批判的学习方法。 孔子与苏格拉底是中国与西方教育史上、思想史上的居于开创地位的伟人,这种来自于起点的不同,耐人寻味。这种不同与差异给人以启发:文化的丰富传统,历史的丰厚资源,为教育、学习,也为思想的发展提供了厚实的基础,但也制约了创造力的发展,成为对自由思想的一种限制。文化传统的“浅”,使教育、学习和思想缺少了丰富性,但却造就了创新、发现、研究的品格。 历史的作用是一分为二的。如何正确地对待传统,对待文化遗产,是一个需要认真研究的问题。 2002.5


当孔子遇到苏格拉底 【摘要】孔子与苏格拉底道德教育思想影响绵长不绝。由于二者生活的时代背景不同,其道德教育思想有相似之处,但其理论基础、教育过程、价值取向与教育方式也迥然相异。比较、反思孔子与苏格拉底道德教育思想的异同,对于深入了解中西方文化传统,批判继承我国古代和西方道德教育中的积极因素,对于改善我国目前道德教育具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。 【关键词】孔子;苏格拉底;道德教育思想;异同;启示 一、孔子与苏格拉底生活的时代背景 (一)孔子生活的时代环境。孔子生于春秋时代鲁襄公二十二年,孔子生活的时代正是中国社会组织变迁得最厉害的时代。是时,西周以来的国家权威开始全面崩溃,“周文疲弊”,传统世袭社会开始解体,社会阶层流动形成,社会经济出现某种程度的发展。具体表现为:分封、宗法、等级三位一体的社会政治结构走向衰微;士的崛起与百家争鸣。 (二)苏格拉底生活的时代环境。苏格拉底(公元前469~公元前399)生于古希腊雅典城邦的一户修鞋匠家中。一生喜欢与人交谈,甚爱探讨政治、军事、道德等社会问题。苏格拉底经历了雅典由盛及衰的转变,他试图通过引导人们的追寻美德从而重塑强大的雅典城邦。苏格拉底期望通过自己和人们的交谈使得人们能够重新认识自己,能够找回反思精神,而不是轻信智者的言论,从而找到真正意义上统一的道德。 二、孔子与苏格拉底的道德教育思想简述 (一)孔子的道德教育思想。孔子创造了以“仁”、“礼”、“中庸”、“教”与“学”为主要内容,包括哲学、政治、伦理、道德、教育等思想在内的完整学说。孔子的弟子辑录而成的《论语》一书集中地体现了孔子的思想学说。孔子的中心思想实际上是一个“仁”字,“仁”的意义几乎包括了一切美德。在这里,孔子表现出对人的平等相待和尊重以及对完善的道德人格的追求,是“人本主义思想”的明确体现。“礼”是道德教育内容的外在表现形式。“礼”是处理人与人、人与社会、国家关系的行为规范,是国家安定、发展的基础。其作用为维护社会宗法等级制度和规范个人行为礼节。 (二)苏格拉底的道德教育思想。苏格拉底道德教育内容的核心若用一字来概括,那就是“善”。苏格拉底认为,“善”是万物的本源和最高真理。苏格拉底认为,万物是受到善或道德的约束才结合在一起的。善是一切美的标准,是促使灵魂追求美德的动因,它催生道德之光并是这种道德光线的主导。苏格拉底提出“美德即知识”的主要目的是为普及伦理,提倡德性具有可教性。苏格拉底认为,知识是人们通过理性把握的对事物自身本性的认识,主要是关于人自身的知识,善的知识,整个世界的理念的知识,是辨别是非、真假、善恶的能力,是个体灵魂


苏格拉底与孔子教育思想的比较 孔子和苏格拉底,几乎是同一时期产生于不同两个国家和文化的两位著名的教育家,一个来自东方中国,一个来自西方希腊,不同的文化熏陶,不同的时代背景,但文化往往是相通的,地域的差别阻挡不了两位智者精神层次的交流和相通之处。 教育对象上,两者认为人都有受教育的权力。孔子认为“有教无类”,孔子所处的是春秋战国时期,教育被贵族所垄断,平民根本没有受教育的权利,高昂的学费也不是一般平民能承受得起的。孔子并不认同这一观念,他创办私学,并提出“有教无类”的办学方针,提出平民也有受教育的权利,同时战争使得文化学术下移,私学的规模进一步扩大,这不仅适应了时代的需求,还满足了平民受教育的愿望。而苏格拉底认为人有天赋的差异,但是都应接受教育而获取知识、完善美德,这与孔子的“有教无类”思想是很相似的。苏格拉底说:“我愿同样回答富人和穷人提出的问题,任何人只要愿意听我谈话和回答我的问题,我都乐于奉陪。”从这句话中,我们不难看出他的想法,即人人都有受教育的权利。青年人、老年人、有钱人、穷人、农民、手艺人、贵族、平民都是他施教的对象,不论是谁,只要向他求教,他都热情施教。并且从他的弟子中我们同样可以看出这一点,他的弟子囊括了出生豪门的富家子弟,出生贫寒的手工业者等各行各业的人。教育方法上,两者都采用启发式教学方法。孔子是启发诱导,因材施教,学思结合,知行统一。他主张在教学过程中先让学生认真思考,思考很长时间但还想不通的,可以去启发他;经过思考后已经有所领

悟的,但不能以适当的言词表达出来得,此时可以去开导他。他强调教师的启发是建立在学生思考的基础上进行的,启发之后,应让学生再思考,获得进一步的领会,并能举一反三。苏格拉底的“苏格拉底方法”,又称之为“产婆术”。他的“产婆术”教学法则是为思想接生,是要引导人们产生正确的思想。“苏格拉底方法”自始至终是以师生问答的形式进行的,所以又叫“问答法”。苏格拉底在教学生获得某种概念时,不是把这种概念直接告诉学生,而是循循善诱,先向学生提出问题,让学生回答,如果学生回答错了,他也不直接纠正,而是提出另外的问题引导学生思考,从而一步一步得出正确的结论。相比之下,两者都注重启发学生的思维,试图通过学生本身的学习发现进步,这利于培养学生独立思考的能力和创造力。 教学内容上,两者都注重文德教育。孔子说:“子以四教:文、行、忠、信。”用现代的话说就是以文学、品行、忠诚和信实教育学生,这是孔子教学内容四个基本方面,我们可以明显的看出“文”是排在第一位的,历史上的孔子在教育方面确实是偏重文教的。《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》等“六书”是孔子所使用的基本教材,但与此同时,孔子也没有忽略技能技巧的培养,他也要求学生学习礼、乐、射、御、书、数等“六艺”。而苏格拉底呢,他认为美德即知识,他教人学会做人,成为有德行的人并学习广博而实用的知识,强调了知识对人的重要性。同时,他主张教人锻炼身体,他认为健康的身体无论在平时还是在战时,对体力活动和思维活动都是十分重要的。而健康的身体不是天生的,只有通过锻炼才能使人身体强壮。


Good afternoon and welcome you all to listening to my presentation. Today, I’m going to do a comparison on the lives of Socrates and Confucius. My presentation have 4parts,as you can see on the screen. Now, I would like to introduce them one by one. So, first of all, I want to talk about, why we put these two great men together to have a comparison. One of the greatest reason is that both of the two men laid the foundation of Western or Eastern philosophy, and both of them made great contribution to the development of the whole world. The first part is about their earlier stage.Both Socrates and Confucius were born in about 500BC .Neither of them was extremely high-born, but they certainly were not peasants either. During that time , it is the heyday of Pericles, and Confucius lived in Zhou Dynasty. It is obvious that both of them lived in cultures where hereditary privilege was the main factor in social status. Because of that


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d310113541.html, 孔子与苏格拉底的对话 作者:本刊记者 来源:《走向世界》2011年第34期 中国与欧洲,作为东、西方文明的主要发源地,对人类文明进步都做出了巨大贡献。早在公元前数世纪,古老的“丝绸之路”就连接起长安和罗马,开了中欧文明对话的先河。 2011年的金秋时节,由中国人民对外友好协会和希腊雅典孔子学院、弗雷展会集团、意 大利罗马大学孔子学院、瑞中文化交流协会共同主办的孔子文化行暨中欧文明对话系列活动于10月10日至20日分别在瑞士的苏黎世、意大利的罗马和希腊的雅典举行。山东文化代表团带着孔子故乡的问候,来到遥远的欧洲,进行了为期10天的文化交流与访问活动。 民间艺术亮相苏黎世 10月11日,中国民间艺术展在瑞士苏黎世奥布里姆勒文化中心举办。 瑞士是首批承认并与新中国建交的西欧国家之一,建交61年来,两国在人文交流方面不断深化,两国人民互相了解的热情日益高涨。 展览选取了陕西华县的皮影、山东潍坊的年画和各地剪纸精品共60余幅。瑞士的观众通过观看中国农村的草根艺术感受到中国农村的乡土气息和文化生活,从而增进了对中国的全面了解。展览会上,来自相关地区的专家还向瑞士朋友介绍了民间作品所包含的故事和寓意,使观众获益匪浅。瑞中文化交流协会主席汪人健表示,愿意与中国加强合作,深化交流。 孔子文化展在罗马 在几千年的历史长河中,中国和意大利两个文明古国跨越万里,相互沟通,交流融合,深刻影响着人类的文明进步。近年来,意大利已经拥有了10所孔子学院和3个孔子课堂。孔子学院是一项着眼于青年、未来和友好的事业,它将成为新丝绸之路上跨越时空的文化之桥。 10月14日,孔子文化展开幕式在罗马大学孔子学院举行。此次展览由50余幅精美图片组成,采用图文结合的形式展示孔子的生平事迹、儒家学说创立、传承和变迁。展览受到了各地孔子学院师生及当地民众的欢迎,让欧洲观众对孔子有了更亲切和人文的感受,并对其生平和思想有了更全面的了解。 中华文明和希腊文明分别代表了东方和西方的古老智慧,共同为世界文明发展做出了重要贡献。没有古希腊文化及罗马帝国所奠定的基础,也就没有现代的欧洲。同样,没有古老的中华文明也就没有现代的亚洲。希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等与中国的老子、孔子、庄子等伟大的思想家曾经共同引领世界文明走出蒙昧,向前发展。

when socrates met confusious当苏格拉底遇到孔夫子

(1) Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen: Today, I’m very glad to be here to share with you some of my ideas about the topic: when Socrates met Confucius. Socrates, a sage in the Western history, and Confucius, a sage in the Eastern history, both are very famous educationists and philosophers. In ancient society, people couldn’t have a formal school to learn knowledge. It was these two philosophers, Socrates and Confucius, who set up schools of different style to bring light into people’s confused minds. So, Socrates and Confucius are great educationists in human history. But, Great educationists as they were, they had quite different teaching methods. As of their methods, let’s image a scene! One day, Socrates and Confucius were giving their own students a lesson on Truths. Confucius would say: “My students, today, I will teach you what is a truth and how to distinguish between true and false.”and then presented some examples, mostly stories, to help students understand truths. Socrates: he would ask at first: “Dear sirs, this time, please tell me what a truth is?”Having been replied, he would not give out any comment and just kept on asking: “then dear sir, what is a fallacy!”“How can you distinguish them?” By such endless questioning and even debating, he cultivated students’ own ability to reason, to deduce and to put forward a conclusion themselves. From the above-mentioned example, it is clear that Confucius favors giving instructions and directions to his students while Socrates more willing to question students, debate with them, inspiring them to independently find instructions and directions. Just as a saying-- Different minds lead to different ways. And, different minds of great sages even lead to different foundations for some systems. Socrates and Confucius, the two greatest pioneers, have brought the West and the East different educational systems. The East, especially China, stresses passing down knowledge but a little omits cultivating independent thinking, while the West focuses on independent thinking and reasoning ability but a bit overlooks fundamental knowledge. Just like, we can’t say who is the greatest educationist in human history, Socrates or Confucius? There is still no perfect one among their separated teaching methods. So, we just need to make Socrates meet Confucius ---I mean, mix their different methods together---let one’s advantages make up for the other’s disadvantages. Such meeting, of course, would bring human beings more benefits quite beyond these two great men’s expectations.


When Socrates Meets Confucius Common people come to the world with nothing, and leave with nothing. Great people come to the world with nothing, but they’ ll leave with endless possibilities. Socrates and Confucius are such great people. Assuming these two wise individuals with their regional thoughts deeply in mind meet one day, what kind of spectacle will happen on them or even in the two countries, especially in China? Firstly, Chinese will gradually realize the importance of the establishment of the legal system. The Confucianism centered on morality. It emphasizes that morality is much more important than the law, which inversely causes the citizen ’ s law consciousness to be light. While the Socrates lived in a more law-based country, comparing to the virtue, he attached greater importance to the legislation. So, when Socrates meets Confucius, he will share his legal awareness with Confucius and finally blend it to the Chinese culture. Secondly, Chinese will deal with things in a more rational and scientific way. In ancient China, most people are superstitious. The Confucianism spread some kind of mysterious figure, such as the god and the fairy. So, many times when it came to something difficult to deal with or explain to the civilians, the rulers may choose to advocate the illusory theology to comfort them. This kind of handling will only cover up the facts in short term. While Socrates ’ thought is scientific, he may have an absolutely different way to deal with the same thing. Thus, when Socrates meets Confucius, as the days progressed, Chinese will be more rational and no longer depend on the so called god to bless for a good life, but try to work hard on their own. Thirdly, Chinese culture will be more inclusive and exoteric in academic. The Confucianism is almost authoritarian in the ancient times, especially in the Qing dynasty, which limited the development of other schools. Whereas the Socrates treats the academic in a broader way, he recognizes the freedom of learning. Therefore, when


苏格拉底与孔子之比较 冯友兰先生曾经说过:“孔子在中国历史上的地位,如苏格拉底之在夕阳历史。”一个是代表古希腊文化中的思想家,开创哲学研究新方向的跨时代;一个是中国春秋末期的思想家、政治家和大教育家,儒家学派的创始人,其儒家思想影响华夏儿女几千年。 古希腊文化与华夏文化中,一个在西方,对夕阳历史文化有着深远的影响;一个在东方对华夏文明有着不可磨灭的影响,两人又太多的相似,带式他们更多展现出来的是内在实质上的差异性,这种差异性,实在相似之处中的不同之处,也反映出来的是古希腊文化与华夏文化背景和结构的不同,此处浅略地做以比较分析。 一、苏格拉底与孔子启发式教学比较 当我们把孔子和苏格拉底的启发式教学加以比较,就可以看出,二者有两个主要的共同特点。其一是历史背景,大致相同,尽管当时的中国处在奴隶社会向封建社会过渡的时代,而雅典则处于奴隶制民主时代,但二者都有政治民主,学术空气活跃,百家的争鸣的气氛。因此,虽然当时的中国和雅典,因地理隔绝,互不联系,但二人还是先后独立地提出和运用启发示教学。其二是,二者的最核心部分是相同的,那就是都从不同的角度向顺申购,启发学生积极的,独立地思考问题,主要地学习,获取知识。他们不同之处。其一,孔子的启发式教学把学和思结合起来,强调启发学生独立思考的同时,也强调教师要传授知识,学生要学习知。他的名言是:“学而不思则罔,思而不同则殆。”而苏格拉底在这个问题上不同于孔子,只强调在教学过程中教师引导,启发学生的思考,这是对的,而忽略了或者说以此知识的传授则是不对的,片面的,可见在这个问题上,孔子的思想比苏格拉底要高超得多。其二,苏格拉底的启发式教学,只是限于一味地提问题,回答问题这一种方式,未免显得单调。孔子的启发示教学,除了启发性提问外,还辅以浅近的例子,说明深刻的哲理的方式,由浅入深,循序渐进地引导学生思考问题的方式,“叩两端”的方式这也要比苏格拉底全面一些,从这方面来看,孔子的启发式教学比苏格拉底的要略高一筹。 二、孔子与苏格拉底的成人艺术比较 苏格拉底最具审美意味的是“苏格拉底式的讽刺”,苏格拉底式的讽刺是与现代所谓讽刺不同。它是一种谈话方式,一种自由愉快的社交。苏格拉底提出问题,诱导别人思索、回答,以便对自己想说的话存疑和对别人自由思索加以等待。例如在《美诺篇》里,苏格拉底问美诺:什么是美德?美诺立刻就分别回答了男人的美德是什么,女人的美德是什么,等等,苏格拉底讽刺他说:“当我只问你一种美德时,你就把你所留着的一窝美德都端出来了”,而这并不是他所要问的,他要问的是“美德本身”。因为美德“不论他们有多少种,而且如何不同,它们都有一种使它们成为美德的共同本性。”苏格拉底就这样以“无知者”的身份一步上引导美诺进行推导,从具体的感性经验,指出构成美德概念的部分概念(正义,勇敢等等),最后推出美德是一种“知识”。这就是引导人开始了意识对自己的反思,寻找从每个人中都可以找到的普通的道德本质。


苏格拉底英语名言 导读:本文是关于苏格拉底英语名言的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance。唯一的善,是知识;唯一的恶,是无知。 2、Goals determine what you are going to be。目标决定你将成为什么样的人。 3、Life is sweet。人生是美好的。 4、One should eat to live,not live to eat。人生应为生而食,不应为食而生。 5、Life is a horse,and either you ride it or it rides you。人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。 6、Every action has its pleasures and its price。每个行为都有它的乐趣和它的代价。 7、I cannot teach anybody anything。I can only make them think。我不能教会别人任何事。我只能让他们思考。 8、Life consists not in holding good cards,but in playing well those you hold。生活不在于握有一手好牌,而在于把手里的牌打好。 9、From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate。最深的欲望总能引起最深的仇恨。

10、All things in their being are good for something。天生我才必有用。 11、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it。生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。 12、The great use of life is to spend it for some thing that overlasts it。生命的最大用处是将它用于比生命更长久的事物上。 13、Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind。生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。 14、There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,and that's your own self。宇宙中只有一芥之地你肯定可以改善,那就是你自己。 15、The hour of departure has arrived,and we go our separate ways,I to die,and you to live。Which of these two is better only God knows。离别的时刻已经到来,我们分道扬镳,我死去,你活着。这两种哪个更好只有神知道。 16、Know thyself。认识你自己。 17、I tell you that virtue is not given by money,but that from virtue comes money。我告诉你,德并不是用钱买来的,但是德却可以带来金钱。 18、Beware the barrenness of a busy life。当心碌碌无为的生活。 19、Life is real,life is earnest。人生真实,人生诚挚。


比较孔子与苏格拉底思想主张的异同点 相同点:强调道德和知识 不同点:社会阶层不同所代表利益也不同。孔子是为古时奴隶制度服务为了恢复周礼仪,苏格拉底是为了挽救雅典世风日下的雅典民主制。 对知识道德侧重点也有不同,孔子强调个人守礼知节,苏强调个性美德和认识自己对人的探索(使其变成哲学) 比较文艺复兴宗教改革启蒙运动异同点 相同点:都是解放人们思想的文化运动,打下了资本主义在欧洲发展的思想基础; 不同点:文艺复兴披着复兴古典文化的外衣进行文化改革,宗教改革在宗教的外衣下进行社会变革,启蒙运动彻底抛开伪装进行资产阶级革命,并实践了政治变革 文艺复兴与宗教改革的异同点。 (1)相同点:①背景相同:都是因资本主义在西欧的兴起而产生;②都是成长中的资产阶级反封建斗争,尤其是反对天主教会;③都迅速波及整个西欧,促进了人们的思想解放和近代文化繁荣。 (2)不同点:①背景不同:意大利本身的文化遗产和人才结构是文艺复兴运动的重要条件。德意志是受教会压榨最严重的地区,所以首先爆发了宗教改革运动;②时间和范围不同:文艺复兴开始于14世纪的意大利,然后波及西欧各国,16世纪达到高潮,且主要在思想文化领域里进行。宗教改革开始于16世纪的德意志,是一场社会各阶层都广泛参加的社会运动。③历史作用不同:文艺复兴适应了资本主义发展的需要,为近代自然科学和各种学术的发展消除了思想障碍;宗教改革摧毁了天主教的精神独裁,宗教自由逐渐盛行;促进西欧民族文化、教育事业的发展;宗教改革中产生的一些新教,为以后的资产阶级革命提供了意识形态方面的依据。 文艺复兴与启蒙运动的比较。 卢梭、孟德斯鸠、伏尔泰思想的异同点 同:他们都倡导天赋人权的思想,人生平等,个人财产神圣不可侵犯,都痛斥了时政的残暴统治


苏格拉底与孔子思想主张的异同 [ 标签:苏格拉底,孔子,思想] っ说不会离开回答:2人气:2解决时间:2011-02-03 15:36 满意答案 好评率:50% 中国的传统哲学的主导思想是孔子的儒家思想,而西方经典的学院派哲学的鼻祖则可以追溯到苏格拉底,他是西方哲学史上第一位将“集中于对物质与自然现象之理则的确定,转入人生事务、道德问题及人论问题研究的哲学家”。这两位伟大的思想巨匠不但自身产生了巨大的影响,而他们各自留下的分支庞杂的学派更像是树根一样,穿进了民族思想的最深处。从 20 世纪下半叶开始,越来越多的人认识到,中国的和西方的文化是几乎同时诞生和发展的, 两者之间存在着共时的对应关系。根据这样的认识,人们把孔子和苏格拉底作为这两个伟大文化传统的代表人物,比较他们思想的异同。孔子和苏格拉底由于社会背景、历史、政治等多重因素的影响,使他们的哲学思想呈现出独自的特点。本文拟从哲学角度来比较孔子和苏格拉底。 1、人本主义在他们之前,古希腊和中国的哲学家所注重的都是对自然的研究和思考,就是 以“自然”为观察和思辩的对象。当然,他们思索的“自然”并非我们现在所说的作为自然事物和现象总和的自然界,而是特指事物运动变化的本性。脱离了人这一主体,显得有些空洞和不切实际。现在在追溯西方哲学中人本主义思潮的源头时,一般追溯到苏格拉底。诚然,苏格拉底以前的哲学家,例如赫拉克利特与德漠克利特,在他们的著作残篇中也不乏人生智慧的格言,但苏格拉底是第一部人的哲学的创始者,是他使希腊哲学真正从自然哲学转移到以研究人事为中心的方向上来。他所研究的对象,不再是自然哲学家所研究的自然、太空或宇宙,而是关于人的问题,人的思想、人的道德、人的情操,即研究人的精神自我。他认为,探讨人的问题,不能用探测物理事物的方法,也不能单凭经验观察和逻辑分析,而是要根据人的意识活动,审视人的生活状况来洞察人的特性。苏格拉底开创了西方哲学对人的思考的先河。他认为哲学的目的不在于人世自然,而在于“认识你自己”。苏格拉底的哲学以道德为研究的主要对象。他所特别感兴趣的题目是“德行的性格”和“善是什么”。他致力于发明一种分辨是非的合乎理性的原则,以及如何了解道德的意义。他想要为人生行事立下一个合理的标准。这些都是关于人的本质的问题。孔子对于中国哲学传统的首要贡献,在于他率先在道德领域内自觉地确立了情理精神,代表了儒家思潮发展的主流方向,并且对中国文化传统产生了深远的影响。孔子是中国历史上第一个真正从人的角度去探讨人的价值、人的尊严和人的地位的人,他发展了周初以来萌发的人本思想,创立了自己的关于人的学说体系。孔子的儒家思想也正体现了人本主义的思想。儒家的伦理思想一切本于人性。孔子的思想中包含了“天人合一”的思想,认为支配着宇宙和人伦的是同一种道德秩序。更进一步说,孔子的儒家哲学在本质上就是一种实用人生哲学,他希望人们行“仁”、“义”、“忠”、“恕”、“克己”,把“大同”作为自己的理想。他把“礼坏乐崩”的根源视为人们在道德上的沦丧,故“复礼”的前提是“克己”,“克己复礼”也就是“为仁”。孔子学说体系的核心是“仁”,它体现了孔子人的地位、


When socrates meet confucious Good afternoon . Welcome to the scene of the moot, I'm jane,the monitor for today’s debating contest. It's a great honor for us to invite two heavyweight masters to launch a debate about education.First,let me introduce them ,the positive part is the metaphor for the father of philosophy , Socrates, and the opposite is from China which is the founder of Chinese Confucianism ,confucious.our topic is knowledge comes from the heart or gets by outside. Next, let us enjoy this language storm. Hello everyone, I am Socrates, my view is knoeledge just comes from our heart.The best person is yourself, know yourself, to know the life. Human’s potential is unlimited, the purpose of education is to stimulate people's potential. There is no absolute truth in the world, so I never told my students the answer to the question,I just proposed it, let them find the answer. it is because of people's creativity and imagination, make the world develop so quickly. so I think the knowledge comes from the heart. Dear students, I am confucious I believe that knowledge is acquired by the outside world, I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.I do not deny that the thinking of innovation, but we need the previous experience, the purpose of education is to inform you of their thinking .Only by standing on the shoulders of giants to see better. so I think knoledge just get from outside. Thank you. Listen to the great debate of two masters, I believe we will benefit a lot. Educate in realizing corpus society in the character of important role. learning without thinking is useless,thinking without learning is perilous.okay,our debate here is over, thanks to the support and welcome to see next time,goodbye.


苏格拉底的名言英语 导读:本文是关于苏格拉底的名言英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我非常清楚地知道,我并没有智慧,不论大的还是小的都没有。I know very well,I don't have wisdom,no matter big or small all have no。 2、未经审视的生活是毫无价值的。An unexamined life is not worth。 3、男人活着全靠健忘,女人活着全靠牢记。Man alive all by forgetfulness,woman alive on remember all。 4、知道的越多,才知知道的越少。Only know know know,the more the less。 5、要想向我学知识,你必须先有强烈的求知欲望,就像你有强烈的求生欲望一样。If you want to learn knowledge to me,you must first have a strong curiosity,like you have a strong desire to survive。 6、好的婚姻仅给你带来幸福,不好的婚姻则可使你成为一位哲学家。A good marriage bring you happiness,only a bad marriage can make you to become a philosopher。 7、最热烈的爱情会有最冷漠的结局。The most passionate love will be the end of the cold。

8、最有效的教育方法不是告诉人们答案,而是向他们提问。The most effective education method isn't tell people the answer,but ask them。 9、告诉我你的朋友,我就知道你是什么样的人。Tell me about your friend,I know what kind of person you are。 10、我不是给人知识,而是使知识自己产生的产婆。I don't give a person knowledge,but to make the midwife who knowledge produce。 11、任何确实的实验都说明,任何一种生理或心理的疾病都能靠吃素和喝纯水而减轻病情。Any do experiment shows that any kind of physical or mental illness can drink vegetable diet and pure water and reduce the disease。 12、好习惯是一个人在社交场中所能穿着的最佳服饰。Good habit is a person can wear the best clothes in the social field。 13、德性就是知识或:美德即知识,愚昧是罪恶之源。Virtue is knowledge or:virtue is knowledge,but is the source of evil。 14、知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。Contentment is natural wealth,luxury is artificial poverty。 15、想左右天下的人,须先能左右自己。Think about all the people,must first can control yourself。 16、纵使富有的人以其财富自傲,但在他还不知道如何使用他的财富以前,别去夸赞他。Even wealthy people pride in its wealth,

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