当前位置:文档之家› 初升高英语衔接知识1,2讲







1. 课本编排上的区别:初中的每一个单元是分为4课的,每篇中有的是对话,有的是阅读文,也配有一些练习,而高中的每个单元并不分课,而是基本上按版块划分,大体为“Warming up”(热身),即是针对本单元的话题提出的一些问题,以练习口语的形式做引子,便于进入本单元的主题,然后为“listening”(听力)和“speaking”(说),这两部分都是旨在进一步提高我们的听、说能力,难度较初中有较大的提高,请同学们做好准备。下个部分就是“Reading”了,高中的阅读文分为阅读前和阅读后的讨论、思考问题并加入了有关的语言知识的学习及练习,可以说在内容上是极大地丰富了。除此之外还会有稍短的阅读,写作等方面的练习,即“Integrating skills”(综合训练)当然书后的workbook也与初中不同,内容更为丰富,练习也更多。

2. 在词汇上的区别:我们初中的教材已是新版本了,每个单元的单词可能大家觉得已经不少了,但高中教材中的词汇更是成倍甚至是成三倍地增加了,这也是新编教材的一个特点,加入了许多当前常用的,新出现的流行的词汇,也是与我们学的新编初中课本相承接的,所以,为了能尽快适应高中词汇的学习,我们应该及早着手把初中阶段的词汇再熟悉一遍。


3. 在所学语法上的区别:在初中阶段我们把基础的语法内容已经学习过了,而在高中我们要学习的是更深更高层次的语法。如定语从句,非谓语动词、名词性从句,倒装结构、虚拟语气等等,其中的部分内容我们并不陌生,但是初中我们所接触的还只是皮毛,高中阶段的学习会比之前的所学内容复杂得多,所以我们要充分利用暑假把之前的漏洞弥补好,在后面的学习中,我们也会一起与大家重温这些知识并将之与高中内容做一对比,为大家步入高中学习打好基础。

4. 在课堂要求上的区别:大部分的初中对学生的要求还是比较严格的,而这种严格与小学又是不同的,所以有一部分自觉性差的学生就被分化出来,在稍微宽松的环境中,对自己要求降低导致了滑坡的出现,而升入高中后又会有新的变化,对于自律要求就更加明显了。如果你是按照老师要求做的学生,那么在高中除了把基本要求做好之外,自己一定不可放松,适当增加课外阅读及一些课外习题是有必要的;如果你是不太自觉的学生,那么你要努力改掉自己的毛病,除了完成要求交给老师的作业,那些如读、背等要求也要认真完成才能使自己的高中英语学习逐步走上轨道。不管你属于哪一种,都要持之以恒,千万不可因为任何原因而放松对自己的要求,即便是你已取得了一定成绩,也没有理由沾沾自喜。

5. 在考试评估制度上的区别:这一区别可能是影响最大的一点,我们许多同学初中英语一直较差的原因在很大程度上是由于初中这种不正常的考试制度,很多人认为英语不用下功夫学,反正最后背背答案就可过关,这样成绩不错,学得也很轻松。一旦抱有这种想法,初中这个重要的打基础的阶段就被荒废过去了,这对我们升入高中后的英语学习是极为不利的,这就好比是建造没有基础的空中楼阁,肯定会感到很难,很吃力。进入高中之后我们的考试是没有范围的,不能靠背答案过关,而且所学所考的内容应该都是向高考看齐的,难度肯定不小,但同学们也不要害怕,只要认真努力,坚持不懈,做好充分迎接失败的心理准备,然后在每次经历中吸取经验,一点点地弥补自己的不足,肯定会取得很好的成绩。




1. 可以充当谓语的几种形式:



如:They arrived yesterday .


如:They reached Tianjin yesterday .

They arrived in Tianjin yesterday . 他们昨天到达了天津。


如:She is a student . 她是个学生。He felt very happy . 他感到很高兴。


如:We should protect our environment . 我们应该保护环境。





④be+行为动词-ing形式:be doing

⑤be+行为动词的过去分词:be done

⑥will+行为动词原词:will do

⑦have / has / had+行为动词过去分词:have / has / had done


2. 系表动词与行为动词的区别:


Class is over . 中的over表示的就是“结束了,完了”的这种状态。而很多副词并没有这种功能,自然也就不可以充当表语,如happy和happily,前者为形容词可表示主语的状态,而后者是形容以何方式做的某事,是在修饰动作,而非表示状态,因而,前者可作表语,后者则不可充当表语。


如:She went home happily . 她高兴地回家了。

He did it with great difficulty . 我费了很大劲才完成了这件事。

3. 要掌握准动词的性质、用法及搭配:


4. 在写简单句时的方法:


要把握好以上原则,而不能按照汉语去逐个翻译。如“我们骑车去上学。”这个句子如果按照汉语习惯很可能会写成:We by bike go to school .或更有甚者可能还会写出类似这样的句子:We by bike to go to school .或We take a bike go to school . 等等错误的句子。但如果我们按照英文习惯来写就不会出现以上错误了,主语We+谓语go to school+状语by bike也就是We go to school by bike .


1. —Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata ? —Yes , it really beautiful .

A. feels

B. sounds

C. listens

D. hears

2. The Internet it easy to get much new information in a short time .

A. finds

B. makes

C. feels

D. takes

3. —Oh , you painted the walls yourself ? —Yes . It was not hard . The whole work didn’t much .

A. want

B. cost

C. spend

D. pay

4. Soon Wu Dong up with Li Lei , then they were neck and neck .

A. taught

B. caught

C. bought

D. brought

5. They will Guangzhou tonight .

A. arrive

B. get

C. reach

D. go

6. —Do you still have a headache , Billy ? —No , it’s. I’m all right now , mum .

A. dropped

B. run

C. left

D. gone

7. It will about half an hour to get to the park by bus .

A. spend

B. cost

C. want

D. take

8. I didn’t quite what the teacher said . Could you ask him to it again ?

A. catch , speak

B. hear , talk

C. follow , explain

D. listen , say

9. —will you finish your homework ? —In half an hour .

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

D. What time

10. They watched the game , and then they were invited to it .

A. join

B. join in

C. take part

D. attend

11. It’s going to rain . We’d better our things , so that they will not get wet .

A. put up

B. put down

C. put away

D. put in

12. —Where can we get a football ? —Let’s .

A. lend Jim one

B. lend one to Jim

C. borrow one from Jim

D. borrow one of Jim

13. When she was 22 years old , her dream to be a teacher .

A. came true

B. come true

C. came real

D. come real

14. It’s that some foreign students will come to our school next week .

A. sure

B. right

C. real

D. true

15. We made several different plans for out holiday , but we went to Huangshan .

A. at the end

B. in the end

C. by the end

D. to the end

16. He was looking very with himself , so I knew he had passed the examination .

A. please

B. pleasing

C. pleased

D. pleasant

17. He had a strange way of making his class and interesting .

A. live

B. lively

C. living

D. alive

18. —When is he going to leave ? —next week .

A. Sometime

B. Some time

C. Sometimes

D. Some times

19. What words can you talk about the picture ?

A. used to

B. use to

C. look for

D. look up

20. Ted , the radio is too loud . Please .

A. turn it over

B. turn it on

C. turn it back

D. turn it down

21. —Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008 ?

—I don’t think so . Now the young the old can speak some English .

A. either , or

B. not only , but also

C. neither , nor

D. both , or

22. —Look ! The bus is coming .

—But there are too many people . We can’t it .

A. get off

B. get down

C. get on

D. get up

23. Again and again the doctor the crying girl , but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her .

A. looked over

B. looked after

C. looked for

D. looked out

24. —Hello ! Can I speak to Alice , please ? —, please .

A. Call on

B. Go on

C. Hold on

D. Carry on


1. Don’t the road when the light is red .

A. across

B. cross

C. pass

D. past

2. I’m thirsty . Please me something to drink .

A. take

B. bring

C. carry

D. show

3. If you to learn a foreign language well , you must practise it every day .

A. like

B. love

C. want

D. think

4. This digital camera is so expensive that I can’t it .

A. carry

B. use

C. pay

D. afford

5. I’m not tall enough to the book on the top of the shelf .

A. feel

B. take

C. arrive

D. reach

6. We are going to plant trees tomorrow . Would you like to us ?

A. follow

B. share

C. join

D. enjoy

7. I you a pleasant journey .

A. wish

B. hope

C. expect

D. want

8. What would you like to us about your hometown ?

A. speak

B. talk

C. tell

D. say

9. Young people must learn to what is right and what is wrong .

A. speak

B. talk

C. tell

D. say

10. Did you your pen-friend every month ?

A. heard about

B. hear from

C. heard of

D. hear to

11. This is very difficult . I can’t work it out .

A. math

B. physics

C. question

D. problem

12. The young lady over there our new English teacher .

A. may

B. maybe

C. may be

D. can be

13. We should keep in the reading-room .

A. quiet

B. quietly

C. quite

D. quickly

14. There was a strange sound outside . Mary went out and around , but she nothing .

A. looked , saw

B. saw , saw

C. watched , looked

D. looked , find

15. Father is sleeping . Please the radio .

A. turn on

B. put down

C. turn down

D. put on

16. It’s not polite to others when they are in trouble .

A. get on well with

B. play games with

C. laugh at

D. wait for

17. Jack always runs faster than Peter , but this time he him .

A. went over

B. fell behind

C. put off

D. dropped off

18. More and more foreigners want to their companies in Dalian .

A. clean up

B. look up

C. pick up

D. open up

19. —Can I use the expression in the text ? —No . It has . Nobody uses it today .

A. given up

B. broken down

C. gone out

D. got off

20. I don’t know Sam’s telephone number . Will you please in your address book for me ?

A. look up it

B. look it up

C. look for it

D. look at it

21. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly .

A. went on

B. went over

C. went down

D. went out

22. Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to there are no mistakes .

A. look for

B. make sure

C. find out

D. think about

23. Mrs. Green is out , I have to her baby at home .

A. look at

B. take out

C. look for

D. take care of

24. They often help the farmers to the crops in autumn .

A. get in

B. get on

C. get back

D. get to


1. Let’s him a message to meet us at the station .

A. take

B. get

C. leave

D. receive

2. Never forget to “ Excuse me ” when you trouble somebody .

A. say

B. speak

C. tell

D. talk

3. The war another three years before it ended in 1864 .

A. had

B. went

C. fought

D. lasted

4. The girl’s team us in the football match .

A. beat

B. knock

C. hit

D. won

5. He spoke so fast that I could not what he said .

A. touch

B. catch

C. hear

D. find

6. We can what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone .

A. learn

B. hear

C. see

D. understand

7. This bus was built to less than 60 passengers .

A. carry

B. take

C. accept

D. keep

8. The meeting room is large enough to fifty people .

A. keep

B. have

C. hold

D. fill

9. I got up late this morning , so I had a breakfast and hurried to school .

A. fast

B. quick

C. rapid

D. soon

10. Many people were burnt to in the fire .

A. die

B. dead

C. death

D. dying

11. She has been in Tianjin for ten years . Tianjin has become her second .

A. family

B. house

C. home

D. room

12. We Chinese have sent a spaceship into .

A. space

B. sky

C. heaven

D. universe

13. Tom’s ill in hospital and his mother is him .

A. looking for

B. looking over

C. looking at

D. looking after

14. China another spaceship , “ Shenzhou III ” into space in March from the Satellite Centre in China .

A. put up

B. put off

C. sent up

D. sent away

15. The students in our class very well with each other .

A. get in

B. get up

C. get on

D. get to

16. Tim felt too hungry when he got home . He quickly all the food on the table .

A. ate up

B. looked up

C. took up

D. ate out

17. The ticket is on the floor . Could you please for me ?

A. pick it up

B. pick up it

C. pick up them

D. pick them up

18. You may and then decide if you’ll buy it .

A. try on it

B. try out it

C. try it on

D. try it out

19. —What’s wrong with your aunt , Bill ? —She’s very ill . A doctor must be .

A. sent back

B. sent up

C. sent away

D. sent for

20. The government will some new colleges for more students to receive higher education .

A. set up

B. set out

C. put down

D. put on

21. “ Get a ladder , please . I can’t . ” Jim said in a tall tree .

A. come back

B. come out

C. come down

D. come over

22. —Did Jack come for the meeting last night ?

—No . He was so tired that he soon in his room .

A. fell behind

B. fell off

C. fell asleep

D. fell over

23. If you don’t know a word , you must the word in a dictionary .

A. look up

B. look down

C. look over

D. look out

24. Please the TV . I’d like to see the TV play .

A. turn up

B. turn on

C. turn down

D. turn off


1. If you make a lot of , you may disturb others .

A. noise

B. noisy

C. voice

D. sound

2. Dad told us a very interesting story , which made all of us .

A. smile

B. smiling

C. laugh

D. laughing

3. My father is ill . I stay at home and look after him .

A. have to

B. must

C. don’t have to

D. mustn’t

4. I’m sure our football team will the team from No. 3 Middle School .

A. win

B. beat

C. lose

D. fail

5. It took her afternoon to check out information .

A. the whole , the all

B. the whole , all the

C. whole , all the

D. whole the , the all

6. Could you please help me the children ?

A. wear

B. dress

C. put on

D. dress in

7. The doctor will operate on him at once as soon as he the hospital .

A. is sent to

B. will be taken to

C. leaves

D. doesn’t return

8. Jack , all the things on the desk .

A. puts away

B. put away

C. puts on

D. took away

9. , young man ! If you’re late for work again , you’ll lose your job .

A. Watch your step

B. Take it easy

C. Use your head

D. Have a look

10. —I’m going to school now . Bye , Mum .

—Wait ! It’s cold outside . your coat , please .

A. Put on

B. Take off

C. Put up

D. Take down

11. —Mr. Black , some boys are going to fight . —You’d better the police .

A. send for

B. send to

C. look for

D. look over

12. He has for three or four days .

A. got a headache

B. fallen ill

C. caught a cold

D. had a cold

13. The farmers are all busy the next year .

A. get ready for

B. got ready for

C. getting ready for

D. gets ready for

14. The students will the hole the earth .

A. fill , with

B. full , to

C. fill , to

D. full , by

15. Jim Kate broke the mirror . The cat did .

A. Both , and

B. Either , or

C. Neither , nor

D. Not , but

16. —When is the plane to Shanghai going to take off ?

—. Please get ready as soon as possible .

A. For a moment

B. Just a moment

C. In a moment

D. A moment ago

17. —Why are you in such a hurry ?

—I was told that my mother had been sent to the hospital . I have to leave .

A. before long

B. right now

C. from now on

D. all the time

18. When the headmaster came into the hall , all the students to welcome him .

A. sat down

B. went out

C. stood up

D. turned back

19. Miss Li told the children to walk one after another . She didn’t want them to in the park .

A. get wrong

B. get away

C. get lost

D. get ready

20. I have friends . They often come to see me .

A. a quite new

B. a few quite

C. quite a few

D. quite few

21. Uncle Wang is man that he always helps others .

A. such friend of

B. such a friendly

C. such friendly a

D. such a wonderful

22. Lucy said she hadn’t heard music before .

A. such a beautiful piece of

B. a beautiful

C. so beautiful a

D. such a wonderful

23. After we them , we the last match .

A. beat , beat

B. won , beat

C. beat , won

D. win , won

24. Would you please speak slowly ? I can hardly you .

A. talk with

B. agree with

C. follow

D. hear of


1. B

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. B 10. B

11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C


1. B

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. C 10. A

11. D 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. B

21. D 22. B 23. D 24. A


1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. B 10. C

11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A

21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B


1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C 10. A

11. A 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. C

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C



1. 选B。考查4个动词中可作表动词的一项,且可表示“听起来”,只有sounds符合。

2. 选B。可以接it做形式宾语的动词A、B、C三个均可,但A、C常用人做主语,且由句意思“互联网使得在短时间内获得很多新知识变得容易。”这样只有makes一项符合要求。

6. 选D。此句意为“头痛已经消失了。”所以gone是正确选项,它可表示某人或某物、某事消失,不存在了。

10. 选B。join后可以接组织等,表示长时间地加入,也可加某人,指短时间地加入;join in可以活动,比赛等;take part后加in才可加活动,比赛等,而attend较为正式,用于正式场合,如出席会议等。故选B。


10. 选C。固定搭配be burnt to + n. 被烧成……,所以只有C为die的名词。


6. 选B。考查与“穿”有关的动词区别,其中只有dress后可加某人,意为给“某人穿衣服”。




1. 简单句:

(1)定义:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子叫简单句,如:We learn English . 我们学英语。(一个主语和一个谓语)

Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang are from Beijing .


He once lived and worked here .


My father and mother go to work at seven in the morning and come back home at eight in the evening .



2. 并列句:



(3)连接并列句常用的连接词:and , but , or , so , not only … but also , however , neither…nor , either…or , still等。


I help her and she helps me . 我帮她,她帮我。

He is very old but he is in good health . 他年纪很大了,但他身体很好。

We must hurry or we’ll be late . 我们得赶快走,不然就晚了。

This girl did her work carefully , so she never made any mistakes .


Jim not only wrote to me last week but also came to see me yesterday .


Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory .


Either he is to blame or I am . 不是他该受责备,就是我该受责备。


He can swim , so can I . 他会游泳,我也会。(so代替swim)

Iron is a kind of matter , so are water and air .


3. 主从复合句



①时间状语从句:常见引导词:when(当……时),as(一边……一边,当……时),while(在……过程中),before(在……以前),after(在……之后),since(自从……以来),till(until)(直到……,直到……才),as soon as(一……就……)等。




He didn’t hear the knocking at the door because he was listening to the radio .


Since you are free today , you had better help me with my English .


As the day was fine , they decided to go on a trip .





I’ll go where work conditions are difficult . 我愿意到工作条件困难的地方去。

Wherever you are , you should work for the people heart and soul .



If I go to the Great Wall tomorrow , would you like to come along ?


He is sure to come unless he has some urgent work to do at home .



as(正如),as if(似乎,好象)等引导。如:

I know you better than she does . 我比她更了解你。

The more you practice , the more knowledge you will get . 你实践得越多,你得到的知识就越多。

You should study English as hard as Mary does .


The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man .

这位老人跑得很快,简单像个年轻人。(在以as if连接的从句中,谓语动词用过去式,系动词were 可用于所有人称,表示虚拟语气,而不是真实情况。)

⑥目的状语从句:常由so(使得),that(以便),so that(为了,使得),

in order that(这样……就)等来引导。如:

They set out early that they might arrive at the station in time .


She takes notes carefully in class so that she may use them when she reviews her lessons after class . 她在课上认真记笔记,以便能在课下利用它们复习功课。

⑦结果状语从句:常由so(结果),so that(结果),so…that(such…that)(如此……以致……)等连接词引导。如:

Everybody lent a hand , so the work was done in time . 人人帮忙,结果工作及时完成。

He finished his homework so well that his teacher praised him in class .


The film was so interesting that I enjoyed it very much .


It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it away . 这是一个很重的箱子,谁也搬不走。

⑧让步状语从句:常由though(although)(虽然……但……),even if(即使),however(不管怎样),whatever(无论什么),no matter how(who…)(不管多么……)(无论谁……)等连接词或连接词组引导。如:

He went to school , though he was ill . 虽然他病了,但还是去上学了。(注意:有(al)though的句子,就有“虽……但是”的含义,不能在主句中用but,但可接yet,still等。)

She carried on the job even if she had a bad cold . 即使她患了重感冒,她还是坚持工作。

However much I tried , I failed to work out the maths problem .


Whatever you say , I will not change my mind . 不论你怎么说,我都不会改变主意。

He keeps taking physical training in winter no matter how cold it is .


No matter who asks her for help , she is ready to help . 无论谁请她帮忙,她都愿意帮助。



引导定语从句的关系代词有who , whom , whose , which , that等。这些是我们在初中已学习过的,对于它们的用法已经在以前的讲解中多次提到过,主要掌握它们指代人还是物,在句中可以充当什么成分。

引导定语从句的关系副词有where , when , why等,这些是高中要学习的内容,在后面的讲解中我们会渗透其用法及定语从句其他内容。




引导名词性从句的关联词有:连接词that , whether , if;疑问代词who , what , which , whose;疑问副词when , where , how , why等。在这四种从句中,我们已学过的是宾语从句,其他三种在课文中偶尔出现过,只要求理解,宾语从句是必须掌握的内容,对于它的三要素也已多次复习过,请同学们认真学习并将有关练习题做好,为今后学习其他三种名词性从句打好基础。



1. She said she would leave the message on the headmaster’s desk .

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. what

2. Could you tell me ? I’m his old friend .

A. where does Jim live

B. when will Jim come back

C. where Jim has gone

D. how is Jim

3. I’m sorry I can’t decide to do .

A. what

B. how

C. when

D. where

4. I want to know Mother has put the presents round the Christmas tree .

A. when

B. where

C. whether

D. that

5. He hasn’t decide .

A. if he’ll go on a trip to Hainan

B. when will he go on a trip to Hainan

C. if he goes on a trip to Hainan

D. when does he go on a trip to Hainan

6. Do you know the population of Shenyang ?

A. what is

B. how much is

C. what are

D. how many are

7. I don’t know when . When he , I’ll let you know .

A. will he come , will come

B. he will come , comes

C. he comes , will come

D. does he come , comes

8. Do you know if back next week ? If he back , please let me know .

A. he comes , will come

B. will he come , comes

C. he will come , comes

D. will he come , will come

9. —Can you guess if they to play basketball with us ?

—I think they will come if they free .

A. come , are

B. will come , will be

C. will come , are

D. come , will be

10. —Do you know ? I’m going to see him . —Sorry , I don’t know .

A. where does Mr. Li live

B. where did Mr. Li live

C. where Mr. Li lives

D. where Mr. Li lived

11. Could you tell me ?

A. when shall we start

B. who are you waiting for

C. where the bus station is

D. why were you late

12. —What did your son say in the letter ?

—He told me that he the Disney World the next day .

A. will visit

B. has visited

C. is going to visit

D. would visit

13. You must remember .

A. what your teacher said

B. what did your teacher say

C. your teacher said what

D. what has your teacher said

14. In the bookshop , a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book .

A. that

B. how

C. what

D. if

15. —Excuse me . Could you tell me get to the plane ?

—Certainly . Go straight along here .

A. how can we

B. how we can

C. when can we

D. when we can

16. —Be careful ! Don’t break the bottles . Do you hear I said , David ?

—Yes , mum .

A. what

B. that

C. why

D. if

17. —Do you know ? —He’s Tom’s father .

A. who is he

B. what he is

C. what’s he

D. who he is

18. I’d like to know .

A. when will he give back the tape

B. whether has he received higher education

C. that he has been busy

D. whether she will join in our English Evening

19. The students are studying hard , for they know .

A. what are they studying for

B. what are they studying

C. what they are studying for

D. why they are studying for

20. Will you please tell me ?

A. where Pudong Airport is

B. how far Pudong Airport was

C. how can we get to Pudong Airport

D. when was Pudong Airport built

21. —Where does he come from ? —Pardon ? —I asked where .

A. did he come from

B. he came from

C. he comes from

D. does he come from

22. Do you think an English film tomorrow night ?

A. is there

B. there is going to have

C. there is going to be

D. will there be

23. He told me a new bridge in his village the next year .

A. built

B. will build

C. will be built

D. would be built

24. She said she hoped her soon .

A. him to see

B. he would see

C. him seeing

D. he is seeing



1. The mountain was steep few people in our city reached the top .

A. so , as

B. so , that

C. as , as

D. too , to

2. Time passed quickly and three months went by we knew it .

A. when

B. after

C. before

D. till

3. —What are you going to do in the future ? —I’d like to be a doctor you are .

A. so

B. as

C. what

D. when

4. He wait until the rain .

A. won’t , will stop

B. won’t , stop

C. will , stops

D. will , will stop

5. Although I the truck for half a year , it still looks new .

A. have bought

B. bought

C. have had

D. had

6. —Is David at school today ? —No . He is at home he has a bad cold .

A. because

B. if

C. though

D. until

7. W e’ll climb Qianling Hills if it next Sunday .

A. won’t rain

B. rain

C. rainy

D. doesn’t rain

8. Jim has been in the factory for two years he left school .

A. when

B. since

C. as soon as

D. whether

9. he’s very young , he knows several languages .

A. Though , but

B. Because , so

C. Though , /

D. Because , /

10. I was cleaning my room Tom called me .

A. when

B. until

C. while

D. if

11. We will visit the Great Wall it doesn’t rain tomorrow .

A. until

B. before

C. as

D. if

12. I was reading a newspaper he came in .

A. as soon as

B. since

C. while

D. when

13. The little boy ate a big meal he said he wasn’t hungry .

A. if

B. though

C. because

D. as

14. You’d better do it your mother did .

A. when

B. as

C. like

D. because

15. Wang Lin will come to see you he reaches this city .

A. before

B. since

C. while

D. as soon as

16. all the passengers are here . Why don’t we start at once .

A. As soon as

B. After

C. Now that

D. When

17. I’ll come to see you I’m free next Sunday .

A. until

B. after

C. if

D. before

18. I went to bed at ten I did my homework .

A. when

B. because

C. if

D. after

19. —Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow .

—Yes . But if it , we’ll visit the museum instead .

A. you have , will rain

B. you will have , will rain

C. you will have , rains

D. will you have , rains

20. I don’t go to bed I finish my homework .

A. until

B. when

C. after

D. since

21. I don’t know if it tomorrow . If it , I will not go finish .

A. rains , rains

B. rains , will rain

C. will rain , rains

D. will rain , will rain

22. They were doing maths exercises I left .

A. before

B. until

C. when

D. as soon as

23. Mr. Green doesn’t climb down the chimney until the children .

A. fall asleep

B. were asleep

C. go to bed

D. are sleeping

24. I’ll catch up with Lucy before she the finishing line .

A. reach

B. is reaching

C. reaches

D. will reach



1. The picture has a house and flowers is the one I like best .

A. who

B. which

C. where

D. whose

2. This is the man last night .

A. whom I saw him

B. whom I saw

C. which I saw

D. who I saw him

3. Do you know the man spoke just now ?

A. which

B. what

C. who

D. whom

4. The result of the experiment was very good , we hadn’t expected(预料).

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. it

5. A child parents are dead is called an orphan .

A. which

B. his

C. whose

D. with

6. I will never forget the day we spent together last week .

A. that

B. which

C. /

D. A, B and C

7. This is the very boy I have been looking for .

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whom

8. —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .

—Is that the reason you had a few days off ?

A. why

B. when

C. what

D. where

9. In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions were asked in French .

A. where

B. who

C. in which

D. which

10. The man teaches us Chinese is from Hunan .

A. that

B. whom

C. which

D. /

11. I don’t like such a person often lies before your face .

A. what

B. that

C. as

D. which

12. The trees were planted last year grow well .

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. /

13. He talked about the people and things interested him greatly during his stay here .

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. they

14. The house the old man lives in was built in 1945 .

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. Both B and C

15. He is not the man he used to be .

A. that

B. whose

C. which

D. what

16. I lost the book my sister bought last week .

A. that

B. which

C. /

D. A, B and C

17. He is one of the students who praised by the teacher .

A. were

B. was

C. have

D. has

18. The village he lives is very beautiful .

A. in that

B. in whom

C. in which

D. that

19. The doctor is leaving for Africa next month .

A. the nurse is talking to him

B. whom the nurse is talking

C. the nurse is talking to

D. who the nurse is talking

20. Mary likes to eat food has chocolate in it .

A. that

B. it

C. those

D. this

21. He wrote to me and told me everything he saw on the way to Beijing .

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whom

22. Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful parks thousands of visitors every day .

A. which attracts

B. which attract

C. that attract

D. it attracts

23. Which of the following sentence is right ?

A. He lost the bike his uncle bought it for him .

B. I hate people that talk much but do little .

C. This is the most interesting film which I have ever seen it .

D. The man that you met him in the street is from Beijing .

24. Can you tell me the name of the factory you visited last week ?

A. what

B. that

C. where

D. when


1. A

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. C 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. A

17. D 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B


1. B

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. B

9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. C

17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. C


1. B

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. A

9. D 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. D

17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. B



7. 选择B。此题第一个空的when引导的是宾语从句,其时态因主句是一般现在时而要根据从句本身所要表示的情况确定时态,此句意思是“我不知道他什么时候要来”,应为将来时;而第二个空前的when 引导的是时间状语从句,又表示的是还没发生的事,因此符合主将从现的时态要求,故从句用一般现在时,选择B。类似的题还有8和9。

15. 选择B。此题首先考查宾语从句的语序应为陈述句语序,因而排除A、C。又因为回答“一直沿着这走,”所以选how引导的宾语从句。


1. 选择B。此句意为“山太险太陡峭了以至于我们城市里几乎没有人能登上山顶。”因而选“so…that…”,“too…to”后面连接不定式构成简单句式,与题不符。

16. 选择C。此处的now that意为“既然”此句意为“既然所有的乘客都在这,我们为何不马上启程呢?”


4. 选择C。此句主从句之间有逗号分开,且从句并非主句必要成份,属于非限制性定语从句,应由which 来引导,不可用that。

8. 选择A。reason做先行词,其后定语从句又缺少原因状语,故用why这一关系副词。


初高中英语衔接学习材料(2) 一: 词汇积累 1. The goods will be transported (transport 运送,运输)to Tokyo by air. 2.That sort of thing varies(vary v.变化variety n.种类 various adj.多种多样的) from person to person. 3.One swallow (swallow燕子) does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 The waves swallowed(swallow吞咽) up the little boat. 4. The discovery was significant (significant adj. 重要的). 5. It took a long time for him to recover(恢复, 重新获得) from a bad cold. 他患重感冒,很长时间才康复。 6. All our work was in vain(vain徒劳的). 我们的工作白干了. 7.He never touches alcohol( alcohol 酒精). 他从不沾酒. 8.She was upset (沮丧的)that she had not been invited 9.you had better ignore (忽视)his advice, because it’s not practical(切合实际的). 10.The country has gone through (经历, 经受)too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。

高中英语 初高中衔接课程 第二章 语音基本知识教案

第二章语音基本知识 一、26个英文字母及发音音标 A a [eI] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [d?i:] H h [eIt?] I i [aI] J j [d?eI] K k [keI] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [??] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks] Y y [waI] Z z [zi:][zed] 从以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素,比如: 1)含元音音素[eI] 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk 音标: [eI] [eIt?] [d?eI] [keI] 2)含元音音素[i:] 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d?i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:] 3)含元音音素[e] 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed] 4)含元音音素[ju:] 字母: Uu Qq Ww 音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:] 5)含元音音素[aI] 字母: Ii Yy 音标: [aI] [waI] 二、英语音标 英语音标一共有48个,具体如下: 元音 12个单元音 长元音 [i:] [З:] [?:] [u:] [ɑ:] 短元音 [e] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?][Λ] 8个双元音 [aI] [eI] [?I] [??] [I?] [e?] [??] [a?] 辅音


第一章?语音知识及实践演练 一.语音复习 26个字母复习 任务导学 学习任务一:熟练掌握26个字母的规范大小写 【学生活动】写出26个英文字母的大小写。 学习任务二:掌握26个英文字母按读音归类 学习任务三:用“an” 或“a”填空。 【学生活动】两人一组进行讨论完成配套练习。 【配套练习】 1. There is______old womanin _____empty room. 2. Ithink it is______intersting story 3. It isnecessary for a parent to write______after-school note for their children. 4. There is ______“F”in the word“flowers”. 5. I can see_____man over there. 6. In three years, I want to go to_____university. 7.Yesterday I bought ___useful dictionaryand saw _____European in the bookshop. 【归纳】单词前表“一”用“a”的字母: 单词前表“一”用“an”的字母: 拓展导练【综合练习】填空

1.There is ___________“f”and _______“r”in the word”letter”. 2.He is such _______honest boythat we all like him. 3.If you’ve grown up in______big family, youare more likely to develop_______abilityto get on wellwith the others. 二.48个英语国际音标 任务导学 学习任务一:掌握48个英语国际音标的正确书写和读音。 【学生活动】1、正确写出48个英语国际音标。2、反复练习48个音标的读音。 学习任务二:拼读下列音标及单词。 各类音素的发音要领 1.元音: 单元音:单元音分三类——前元音、中元音、后元音 单元音又分长音和短音,加点的是长音,不加点的是短音。 前元音:/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/ / i: /:he, street, meat, receive,people,key,police, thie f /?/ :palace, describe, if, busy, gym / e / :any, said,French, heavy, friend /?/ :black ,glad 中元音:/з:/ /? / /з:/:person ,learn, dirty,work ,turn / ? /: across,camera ,other,potato,doctor 后元音:/u/ /u:/ /?/ / ?:/ /?/ /ɑ:/ /u /:cook, should ,put /u: / :lose ,zoo ,soup ,rule ,fruit /?/ :wash ,stop /?:/ :walk ,warm ,autumn ,daughter ,saw,corner,mor e ,door ,bought ,your /?/ :money, young, summer /ɑ:/ :grass,half,market ,aunt


初高中英语衔接 专题一:名词考点集汇,讲解和训练 【名师点睛】 一、名词的数 1.单数和复数 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。复数形式通常是在单数形式后加词尾“-s”构成,其主要变法如下: (1)一般情况在词尾加-s,例如:book→books,girl→girls,boy→boys,pen→pens,do ctor→doctors, boy→boys 。 (2)以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的词加-es,例如:bus→buses,class→classes box→boxes,watch→watches,brush→brushes。 (3)以ce, se, ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s,例如:orange—oranges。 (4)以辅音母加y结尾的词变“y”为“i” 再加-es,例如:city→cities, factory→factories, country→countries, family→families。但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:boy →boys, day→days 。 (5)以o结尾的词多数都加-es。例如:hero→heroes,potato→potat oes,tomato→tomatoe s,但词末为两个元音字母的词只加-s。例如:zoo→zoos,radio→radios,还有某些外来 词也只加-s,例如:photo→photos,piano→pianos。 (6)以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f为v再加-es,例如:knife→knives,leaf→leaves, half→halves。 复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法如下表所示。 复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法 情况读法例词 在[p][t][k][f]等清辅音后[s] cups, hats, cakes 在[s][z][t][d3][F]等音后 [iz] glasses, pages, oranges, buses, watches,faces 在[b][d][g][v]等浊辅音后[z] beds, dogs, cities, knives (7)少数名词有不规则的复数形式,例如:man→men,woman→women,tooth→teeth,foot →feet,child→children,mouse→mice。 【注意】与man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men和-women。例如:an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans;man,


英语语法基础知识(适用于初高中衔接) 第一部分语法框架 词类:名词、动词、形容词、副词、冠词、数词、介词、代词、连词 语句子成分:主、谓、宾,定、状、补,同位、表 法主语+谓语 句简主语+谓语+宾语 法单主语+谓语+宾语(间宾)+宾语(直宾) 按句主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 结主语+系动词+表语 构并列句:简单句+并列连词+简单句 分定语从句 复合句:主句+从句状语从句 句名主语从句 子词宾语从句 结性 构从同位语从句 句表语从句 陈述句:肯定句/否定句 按疑一般疑问句:将be/情态动词/助动词do/does/did/have/has/had移到主语前构成 语问特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(what/when/where/why/which/how…)+一般疑问句 气句选择疑问句:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(通常省去与前句相同的内容) 分反义疑问句:前肯后否;前否后肯 祈使句:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等,以动词原形开头 What +名词+主语+谓语! 感 What+形容词+名词+主语+谓语! 叹 How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语! 句 How +形容词+ a +单数可数名词+主语+谓语! How +主语+谓语! 第二部分词类

第三部分句子成分及简单句 一、简单句的五大基本句型: 主语+ 谓语 名词/代词/动名词/不定式+ 不及物动词 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语 名词/代词/动名词/不定式+ 及物动词+ 名词/代词/动名词/不定式 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语(间宾)+ 宾语(直宾)名词/代词/动名词/不定式+ 及物动词+ 代词+ 名词 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补 名词/代词/动名词/不定式+ 及物动词+ 代词+ 代词/名词/数词/非谓语动词/副词/形容词/介词短语 主语+ 系动词+ 表语 名词/代词/动名词/不定式+ 系动词+ 代词+ 代词/名词/数词/非谓语动词/副词/形容词/介词短语 实例依次如下:She arrived (on time). 主谓(状) 她按时到了。 We will accept (their) invitation. 主谓(定)宾 我们将接受他们的邀请。 The company offered him a well-paid job. 主谓+直宾+间宾 那家公司给他提供了一份待遇丰厚的工作。 All of them consider him considerate. 主谓宾+宾补 他们大家都认为他很体贴。 This is an exciting result. 主系表 这是一个令人激动的结果。 二、句子八大成分:主语、谓语、宾语,定语、状语、补语,同位语、表语(主谓宾,定状补,同位表) 1、主语


初高中衔接英语讲义一 一.高一新生英语学习存在的主要障碍。 1 语音不过关,听不懂英语授课。高中老师会尽可能地用英语授课,包括单词的解释,语言点的讲解,课文的长、难句子释义等,而很少进行汉语翻译。有些同学单词发音不准,基本上不会口语表达,所以很长一段时间都感觉听得“云里雾里”。 2基础知识薄弱。你们初中学习过程中或多或少地存在着基础知识不扎实不牢固的问题,更为糟糕的是,毕业后经过长达三个月休息放松之后,词汇量急剧下降,对于高中课文中的一些本来的熟词,也都变成了生词。英语知识的关联性是相当强的,所以暑假中你一定要把初中的内容巩固扎实。 3自主学习能力缺失。高中阶段,词汇要靠自己去学习掌握,课文也是以整体教学为主要方向,教师主要是引导学生对课文篇章的理解和课文的深层理解;另外学生的自主学习时间很长(早晚自习多),如果你不具备自主学习习惯和能力,就很难适应高中英语老师的教学,就会掉队。 二.解决办法和建议 所以我们要好好利用宝贵的暑假,为高一学习打下坚实的基础。 1.词汇方面包括两个方面的内容,一是基本词汇,二是重点词汇 的用法。 初中阶段的词汇量为1500个左右,每天早晨利用1个小时复习50个词汇应该是没有问题的,开学前一定要把初中词汇巩固扎实。切记:词汇是英语学习的生命线。高中要求掌握的词汇是3600个,所以三年中也要天天识记单词,每天的识记量不能少于30个,因此你要爱上背单词。 语法基础知识也是不可缺少的一环。高中的语法学习更加系统和复杂,而初中的语法知识会为高中语法学习奠定良好的基础。在衔接材料中,我们为你准备了一些高中要用到的语法基础知识,请你务必做到理解识记,另外你应该整理一些介词的意义和用法,如at, in, on, against, with, beyond, of, about, during, over等。2准备一本权威的英汉双解词典。 词典是高中英语学习最好的老师,她知识渊博,有英汉解释、典型例句、短语搭配等,所以学习优秀的同学都是最擅长也最经常查阅词典的。每个同学都要准备一本权威的词典(如《朗文高阶英汉双解词典》,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》等),务必确保你的词典正规出版社新出版的英汉双解词典,暑假期间要提前学


【2018高考】英语超重点学习营 课前资料 目录: 一、重点单词………………………………………………第1 ~5页 二、重点词组………………………………………………第5~15页 三、高级词汇………………………………………………第15~18页 四、词组固定搭配…………………………………………第18~27页 五、高级句型结构…………………………………………第27~29页 六、过去完成时概念………………………………………第30~31页 七、阅读理解解题指导………………………………………第32 页 一、重点单词 1 用法:: 反义词表示不能,而表示残疾的。 可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面 不加介词。 : 可以说, 表示从国外回来。 3 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 : 表示允许进入的时候与介词搭配。 : 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。 即: . () 的形式。 5 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 : 前面需要有或等词。 6 用法:表示在时间、空间之后; 表示追寻。 : 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而接一个时间段,如:3 o’; 3 .

: 表示达成一致;表示批准;表示同意某人说的话。 8 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定 语。: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:. . 9 用法:; . : 可以表示允许进入,如:. 10 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 : 还可以表示其中之一,如:. 11 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结 构。 : 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:, ’ . 12 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于的含义。: 不 能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如: 2 . 13 用法:及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词、 搭配。: 可以表示接电话、应门等。 如: . 14 用法: : 表示担心; 表示盼望得到。 15用法:不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动 语态。: 还可以作为系动词,与同义,表示看起 来……。 16 用法:表示到一个小地方;表示到一个大地方。: 引申含义表示得出,如: a . 17 用法:; . ; : 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:. () 的形式。 18 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作 定语。: 通常与动词及搭配; 表示熟睡。 19 用法:表示参加,后面经常加上, , , , , , 等词;也可 以表示照顾,照料。 : 可以表示处理、照料等。 20 用法:; ’s : 写通知时的常用语:I , ? 21 用法:表示打败某人,或连续不断地击打某物。 : 表示心跳。 22 用法:后面接原因状语从句, 后面接名词。: 表示直接原因,因此只有用它才可 以回答的特殊疑问句及用在强调句中。 23 用法:系动词,表示变得……。可以由好变坏或由 坏变好。 : .表示某人发生了什么事情。 24 用法:, , , / 上上周/前年 : + 段时间…在该句型中,主句时态只有将来时态和一般过去时态。 25 用法:; : 当本身是进行时的时候,只能用的形式。如:. 26 用法:.表示相信某人说的话;.表示信任;6123 结构。 : 回答问句时通常用I 的形式。 27 用法:表示除……之外还有,包含在一个 整体之中。 : 还可以用作副词,表示此外,要用逗号隔开。28 用法:表示越过、在另一边,如: . : 可以用于引申含义,表示超出……, 如:. 29 用法:与a 一样可以修饰不可数名词, 形容词或副词。: 修饰名词时要用a ;a 表示一点也不。 30 用法:; . . . : 表示应受到责怪时不用被动语态,如: . 31 用法: : 表示风刮得很大时要用. 32 用法:表示沸腾的;表示煮过的。 : 可以表示沸点。 33 用法:表示借入:表示借出。 : 点动词,不能表示借的时间长短。 34 用法:’s ; ’s : a 表示深吸一口气; 表示喘口气。 35 用法:’s


新课改背景下的初高中英语教学衔接的策略研究 开题报告 一、课题提出的背景 (一)现状需要 1.教学目标的差异 《新课标》要求初中英语教学在听、说、读、写方面达到五级要求。而高中英语教学需要达到八级,才能参加高考选拔性的考试。以词汇为例,初中阶段要求把握约1500个词汇,200—300个短语以及基本的语法知识。而高中则要达到3500个单词和300—400个习惯用语及固定搭配,语法结构也明显复杂起来。而且高中英语对学生口头和笔头的语言综合运用能力的要求明显提高。语言技能上,初中应侧重听说能力的培养,兼顾读写能力的训练。而目前一些初中学校,因受师资水平、学习环境、应试教育的残留思想与方法的影响,往往在教学过程中强调笔头上的应试,对学生语音、听力的培养有所忽视,从而导致学生听、说方面的基本技能差。而高中在兼顾听说能力训练的同时,侧重读写能力的培养,尤其是阅读能力的培养。由此,高中英语学习与测试的重点已从初中的基础知识转向语言能力的综合运用。 2.教学方法的差异 初中课堂教学容量较小,知识单一,教师讲解可能比较慢而细,甚至逐字翻译;而高中英语教师要求全英文授课,且课堂容量大,致使综合性强,侧重精讲精练。以语法、词汇学习为例,初中以讲解、归纳后记忆、操练和运用为主要形式;而高中则是在老师指导下,由学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自主发现和主动实践等方式,从语言现象中归纳出规律,然后进行运用。除此之外,因高中学习环境的重新组合及多样化,教师的课堂教学更富于指导性,学生学习更趋于自主化,因此,学生如仍沿用初中学法而不进行预习、复习、总结等自主规划或调整,只会使初高中间的落差越来越大。 3.学习方法和习惯的差异


人教版必修一各单元知识点总结Unit 12345One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是… 17. no longer / not …any longer 不再… 18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.) much too 太…(后接adj.) 19. not…until 直到…才 20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。



初高中英语衔接资料 高中英语学法指导 迈进高中的校门,面对全新的学习环境,同学们进入了一个新的学习阶段。学习内容及难度与过去初中有了很大的改变,因而学习方法也应当相应地有所改变。在初中阶段,英语学习主要重视对于简单英语知识和语法的学习,而到了高中阶段则侧重于培养英语的的综合能力,这就需要我们把学到的知识灵活运用到对语言、文章的理解中,不断提高分析判断能力、逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。因此我们应当讲求学习策略,制定符合自己的学习方法和目标,力争从一开始就养成一个良好的学习习惯,使自己充满信心,学好英语。 一、学习英语首先从总体上中要注意的几点: 1、要点滴积累,不要急于求成。 记住:Rome isn’t built in one day! (罗马不是一天就建成的)。急于求成就可能会造成消化不良,或者一事无成的结果。急于求成往往表现为对自己提出过高的要求。这样做往往会给自己很大压力,进而对自己逐渐失去信心,失去兴趣。只有逐步的积累,才能聚沙成塔、集腋成裘,由量的积累进而实现质的变化,从而实现英语成绩的飞跃提升和自己语言运用能力的提高。 2、要把握英语学习的规律,善于积累。 语言的学习应听、说、读、写全面发展,在开始阶段应侧重以听说为主。然后逐步加大阅读,毕竟高中英语学习阶段主要以阅读理解是主要的培养目标。养成每天阅读一定的英文的好习惯会让你终身受益。 记住:Ten mimutes every day is better than ten hours in a day! 我们要尊重记忆规律,利用点滴时间,与其他学科穿插进行。特别是早晨是学习英语的大好时光。 3、要树立信心,不要妄自菲薄。 “有的同学在初中阶段英语学习的并不是很好,对高中学习也失去了信心。其实,语言学习就是一个积累的过程,只要我们在高中阶段认真学习,把握英语学习的规律,就一定能够将这一学科学好。无数的实践也反复证明了这一道理,很多在初中阶段英语基础并不是很好的同学,到了高中之后掌握了正确的学习方法并且努力学习,一样可以将英语学得很好。 4、要做到博闻强识,加强背诵。 许多语言教育专家指出:语言能力的强弱与掌握语言材料的多寡成正比。语言材料输入量越大,语言能力提高越快,其中背诵是一种强化语言材料输入的好方法,是不可缺少的语言学习环节。另外还要学会主动出击,不要坐等人教;要持之以恒,不要三天打鱼两天晒网。 二、高中阶段具体的学习方法 1、把握好课堂学习这一主阵地。 课堂上要积极参与,不能做被动的听众。提高课堂效率,珍惜每一次练习机会。要想在课堂上提高效率,那课前的预习就显得尤为重要了。在预习时,我们要结合课后的notes(注释)熟读课文,了解生词在文章中的使用,标出难点。同时在课堂上要做到认真听讲,积极回答;我们还要学会记笔记,因为理解≠记住≠灵活运用。因此,对好的例句、词语辨析、常用句型、文化差异,中英文差异,习俗差异都可作些笔录。既可以在课上去记,同时课下还要进行认真的补充和整理,要将英语笔记作为我们学习英语的一笔宝贵的财富。语法的框架。2.关于语法知识的学习:掌握一定的语法知识是必要的,它是基础,也是高中英语模块教学的重点。中国人学习外语应该学点语法,但是过分地研究语法是不利于能力的培养的,这也是中国人学习英语的误区。因此我们学习语法的时候,不是单纯的记忆语法的条文,而是看语法在实际语境中是如何应用的。语法会对其他能力的形成有很大的影响,缺乏的扎实的


- 人教版高中英语必修一知识点汇总 Unit 1 知识点一.单词 1.使不安,使心烦____(过去式/过去分词_____/_____) 2.迷住,迷惑_______(过去式/过去分词_____/_____) 3.在户外 adv._______ adj.________ 4.积满灰尘的 adj._______ 灰尘 n._____ 5.不同意 v.__________ 同意 v._________ 同意某人__________ 6.不喜欢 v._________ 喜欢 v._________ 不喜欢做某事___________ 7.敢v._______ 8.悬挂v.________ 9.经历v. n.___________ 经验n._________ 有经验的adj.______ 10.忽视,不理睬v._________ 无知的adj._________ 11.躲藏 v._______ (过去式/过去分词)____________________ 二.短语 1.合计 2.总计为,合计为 3.把加到中 4.对心烦意乱,不安 5.平静下来,镇静下来 6.不得不,必须 7.关心,担心 8.就而言 9.遛狗10.经历,经受 11.记下,放下,登记 12.一连串的,一系列的 13.去户外14.故意15.为了16.在黄昏时刻 17.面对面的 18.不再 19.定居下来20.遭受,患病21.从恢复22.对厌烦23.打包24.与相处,进展地好 25.爱上某人 26.不同意某人 27.因某事感激某人 28.参加,加入 29.加入到做 30.用交换31.害怕32.嘲笑33.躲藏34.对痴迷,狂热 35.可能做了某事 36.保持清醒 37.看一看38.独自 39.碰巧做某事 40.做某事有困难 41.采取某人的建议42.写日记 43.表达你的感觉和想法 44.发现做某事很难 45.擅长做某事46.喜欢做某事 47.无知,不知道 48.解决问题 49.和交朋友三.句型 1. 让人做某事 get/have/make sth. done eg:I get my watch _____(repair) 2. 状语从句的省略: While walking the dog , you were careless While _____ (do)his homework ,he fell asleep. 3. 强调句型结构: __________________________________________________ I had a talk with Tom on 1/ 9


知识点总结 一、考试性质和命题指导思想 上海市初中毕业英语科统一学业考试是义务教育阶段的终结性考试。它的指导思想是有利于推进中小学实施素质教育,有利于推进中小学课程改革,有利于促进初中教育教学改革,有利于切实减轻中学生过重的学业负担,有利于培养学的创新精神和实践能力,有利于促进学生全面和谐、富有个性的发展,有利于学生在高中教育阶段的可持续发展。考试结果既是衡量初中学生是否达到毕业标准的重要依据,也是高中阶段各类学校招生的重要依据。 考试对象为2012年完成上海市全日制九年义务教育学业的九年级学生。 二、考试目标 英语科统一学业考试旨在测试考生的英语基础知识和运用英语进行交际的能力。在语言知识和语言能力之间侧重对语言能力的考核。 语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法以及语言功能。 语言能力包括运用语言获取和了解信息的能力,以及按情景或要求传递信息、表达思想的能力。 依据《上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》(2004年11月版)规定的六年至九年级教学目标,确定语言知识和语言能力的考试目标如下: I.语言知识 主要测试学生在具体语境中对常用词汇、基础语法和常用语言功能的记忆、理解 和应用。 II.语言能力 1.听 主要测试学生理解口头英语的能力 (1)从所听材料中获取事实信息的能力; (2)理解所听材料的基本内容及上下文关系的能力; (3)推断所听材料的隐含意思的能力。 2.读 主要测试学生理解书面英语的能力。 (1)从各类语篇中获取事实信息的能力; (2)根据上下文理解词句意义的能力; (3)理解和归纳语篇主旨大意的能力; (4)推测语篇隐含意义的能力。 3.写 主要测试学生根据要求进行书面表达的能力 (1)运用词汇和语法知识写出正确的句子的能力; (2)用通顺连贯的语言围绕一个主题进行表达的能力。 三、考试内容 以上海市中小学课程教材改革委员会制定的《上海市中小学英语课程标准》(征求意见稿)规定的教材内容为考试的范围,包括《英语》(牛津上海版)六年级到九


初高中英语衔接资料 高中英语学法指导 迈进高中的校门,面对全新的学习环境,同学们进入了一个新的学习阶段。学习内容及难度与过去初中有了很大的改变,因而学习方法也应当相应地有所改变。在初中阶段,英语学习主要重视对于简单英语知识和语法的学习,而到了高中阶段则侧重于培养英语的的综合能力,这就需要我们把学到的知识灵活运用到对语言、文章的理解中,不断提高分析判断能力、逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。因此我们应当讲求学习策略,制定符合自己的学习方法和目标,力争从一开始就养成一个良好的学习习惯,使自己充满信心,学好英语。 一、学习英语首先从总体上中要注意的几点: 1、要点滴积累,不要急于求成。 记住:Rome isn’t built in one day! (罗马不是一天就建成的)。急于求成就可能会造成消化不良,或者一事无成的结果。急于求成往往表现为对自己提出过高的要求。这样做往往会给自己很大压力,进而对自己逐渐失去信心,失去兴趣。只有逐步的积累,才能聚沙成塔、集腋成裘,由量的积累进而实现质的变化,从而实现英语成绩的飞跃提升和自己语言运用能力的提高。 2、要把握英语学习的规律,善于积累。 语言的学习应听、说、读、写全面发展,在开始阶段应侧重以听说为主。然后逐步加大阅读,毕竟高中英语学习阶段主要以阅读理解是主要的培养目标。养成每天阅读一定的英文的好习惯会让你终身受益。 记住:Ten mimutes every day is better than ten hours in a day! 我们要尊重记忆规律,利用点滴时间,与其他学科穿插进行。特别是早晨是学习英语的大好时光。 3、要树立信心,不要妄自菲薄。 “有的同学在初中阶段英语学习的并不是很好,对高中学习也失去了信心。其实,语言学习就是一个积累的过程,只要我们在高中阶段认真学习,把握英语学习的规律,就一定能够将这一学科学好。无数的实践也反复证明了这一道理,很多在初中阶段英语基础并不是很好的同学,到了高中之后掌握了正确的学习方法并且努力学习,一样可以将英语学得很好。 4、要做到博闻强识,加强背诵。 许多语言教育专家指出:语言能力的强弱与掌握语言材料的多寡成正比。语言材料输入量越大,语言能力提高越快,其中背诵是一种强化语言材料输入的好方法,是不可缺少的语言学习环节。另外还要学会主动出击,不要坐等人教;要持之以恒,不要三天打鱼两天晒网。 二、高中阶段具体的学习方法 1、把握好课堂学习这一主阵地。 课堂上要积极参与,不能做被动的听众。提高课堂效率,珍惜每一次练习机会。要想在课堂上提高效率,那课前的预习就显得尤为重要了。在预习时,我们要结合课后的notes(注释)熟读课文,了解生词在文章中的使用,标出难点。同时在课堂上要做到认真听讲,积极回答;我们还要学会记笔记,因为理解≠记住≠灵活运用。因此,对好的例句、词语辨析、常用句型、文化差异,中英文差异,习俗差异都可作些笔录。既可以在课上去记,同时课下还要进行认真的补充和整理,要将英语笔记作为我们学习英语的一笔宝贵的财富。语法的框架。2.关于语法知识的学习:掌握一定的语法知识是必要的,它是基础,也是高中英语模块教学的重点。中国人学习外语应该学点语法,但是过分地研究语法是不利于能力的培养的,这也是中国人学习英语的误区。因此我们学习语法的时候,不是单纯的记忆语法的条文,而是看语法在实际语境中是如何应用的。语法会对其他能力的形成有很大的影响,缺乏的扎实的


高中英语知识点全面总 结版 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

高中英语总结目录: 一、重点单词 二、重点词组 三、高级词汇 四、词组固定搭配 五、高级句型结构 六、过去完成时概念 七、阅读理解解题指导 一、重点单词 1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。

4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to 表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。 Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。


初高中英语衔接学习材料(6) 一: 词汇积累 1.What are the chief exports (export出口,出口品) of your country? 你们国家主要出口什么? It can make much money to import(进口,进口品) food. 进口食品可赚大量的钱。2.Internal (a.国内的,内部的)and external(外部的,表面的)use of water is a treatment for all forms of disease. 水疗法水的外用和内服是各种病症的治疗方法 3.They wondered (v.惊奇, 想知道,怀疑)at his learning. It is a wonder (n.奇迹,惊奇,惊谔)that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building. 他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活着,真是奇迹。4.Please hang your coat on the hook(n.钩子 v.钩住). 5.The government has banned (ban v.禁止)the use of chemical weapons. 政府已经明令禁止使用化学武器。 6.The password was not valid (a.有效的,正当的), so he couldn’t open the computer. 7.He was removed (remove v.搬开,挪开,移开)from the post.他被从那个岗位上开除了。 8.The salesman refused to bargain(n.廉价货v.讨价还价)over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价。 9.The new law forbids smoking in offices. 新法律禁止在办公室抽烟。 Their father forbade them to go. 他们的父亲禁止他们去。 forbid 禁止,不允许常用结构:forbid doing forbid sb. to do 动词allow, permit 也有相同用法,即allow/permit doing allow/permit sb. to do 10.There is a heated debate (n.辩论,讨论 v.辩论)over the problem. 关于那个问题有着激烈的争论。 11.At length(= finally), we began to understand what she wanted. 最后,我们总算弄清楚她到底要什么。 He talked at length(= in details) about his work. 他详细地谈了他的工作。 at length 终于,最后;详细地 诚信自测: 1.What are the chief exports (_________)of your country? It can make much money to import(__________) food. 2.___________ (a.国内的,内部的)and external (__________)use of water is a treatment for all forms of disease. 3.They ____________ (v.惊奇, 想知道,怀疑)at his learning. 4.Please hang your coat on the __________ (n.钩子 v.钩住). 5.The government has _____________ ( v.禁止)the use of chemical weapons. 6.The password was not __________ (a.有效的,正当的), so he couldn’t open the computer. 7.He was __________ (搬开,挪开,移开)from the post. 8.The salesman refused to bargain (n. _________ v. _________)over the price. 9.The new law forbids(__________) smoking in offices. 10._____ ________(= finally), we began to understand what she wanted.

初高中英语衔接课程讲义:第三章 重要词性了解

第三章重要词性了解 二、代词

Exercises: 1. Here is the that his younger brother loves best. A. coffee cup B. coffee’s cup C. cup of coffee D. coffee of cup 2. Mr. Tony always has to tell his students at the beginning of his lectures. A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news 3. As a businessman, Mr. Li gained his by selling famous of English and American writers. A. wealth; work B. wealth; works C. wealths ; works D. wealths ; work 4. He is a kind-hearted man. People can get on well with him. A. Few B. A little C. Quite a few D. Little 5. The post office isn’t far from here. It’s only bicycle ride. A. half an hours’ B. an hour and a half C. half an hour D. half an hour’s 6. The population of Shanghai very big and most of its population native people. A. are ; is B. is ; is C. are; are D. is; are 7. —Would you like to have ,Tom? —No, thanks, l have had enough. A. any more orange and apples B. some more oranges and apples C. any more oranges and apples D. some more oranges and apple 8. —Which do you prefer to drink, or coffee? —, please. A. teas; Two tea B. tea; Two tea C. tea; Two teas D. teas; Two teas 9. lt was really to get a present from him on her birthday party that she couldn’t believe it, looking at him in . A. such big surprise; a surprise B. such a big surprise; surprise

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