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to be the master of your mobile phone

good evening

ladies and gentlemen.

i feel more than glorious to stand here to deliver my speech. my topic today is “to be the master of your mobile phone”. first, i would like to ask you a question: if we don’t have mobile phones, can

you imagine what your life would be like? yes, it’s hard to imagine…

however, every coin has two sides. mobiles also have some bad effects on us,

especially on school students. the radiation may do harm to our health. some students

are addicted to on-line chatting or games, which is not only bad for their studies

and their eyes but also causes more phone rates. students use them to chat online

and bend their backs, stare at the floor regardless of the teachers’ teaching during

classes which seems to be inconsiderate about everything happening around. some students even use mobile phones to cheat in the exam, it’s indeed a pity

of the information age.

i have a lot of pals to chat with, i have many ebooks to read, i need it to kill

my sleepless midnight……they answered so when asked “why do you need a cell phone?”


so it’s obvious that cell phones have been misused by many of us. in my opinion, mobile phones are made by us human beings. we should use it properly.

take myself for example, there is an english dictionary in my mobile, it is a good

helper for me to learn english; when i travel with my friends, i usually take some

photos with my cell phone; i have also downloaded some nice songs to my cell phone.

in my spare time, it’s wonderful to enjoy the beautiful mp3 music. my dear friends,

we have to admit mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention. but it is also

double-edged sword, so why not make good use of it and let it serve us well? the great

era needs us to be the true master of our mobile phones. thank you, thank you very much.篇二:有趣的手机app 英语演讲稿

what did you do with your phone everyday? watch movie or (转载于:关于手机英语

演讲稿)play mobile game? use wechat or browse weibo? you spend a lot of time in these

matters, but you learn nothing. why don’t you find some interesting and useful

applications? i will show you three interesting and useful applications. no.1 yingyuliulishuo(英语流利说) i believe your spoken english will be improved after used period of time. no.2 nike+running

this application is the most popular for runner. would you like to know how many

calories during the run? have you made some progress since you run? this app will

tell everything and help you stay motivated as long as you use this app. nike running shares your runs and let your friends keep going with cheers along

the way. in this way, it helps you stay motivated. and nike running stay on track, no matter where you are. on the trial treadmill,

or streets, your phone’s gps and accelerometer accurately track your distance, pace

and time. you can also track your metrics at every mile with in-run audio feedback. no.3 zhihu(知乎)

now, i will show you a video to get more details.


as you see, zhihu is a very interesting and useful application. in the end, i want to say your phone can enrich your life and broaden your views,

not only play games. hope you like these applications i introduce.篇三:演讲稿(关


to be the master of your mobile phone good morning /afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. the title of my speech today is

“to be the master of your mobile phone”. first, i would like to ask you a question: if we don’t have mobile phones, can

you imagine what life would be like? yes, it’s hard to think…

in the so-called information age, people rely more and more on the small personal

belongings. as we all know, mobile phones are playing an important part in our daily

life . they have been used almost by everyone all over the world. as a matter of fact, mobiles have brought us great convenience and pleasure.

wherever we are, mobiles make it possible for us to keep in touch with others

immediately(at once). we can text a message instead of writing a letter, it is a

popular and cheaper way to contact with each other. we can chat with our friends,

read e-books, play games and listen to the radio on the mobiles. a however, every coin has two sides. mobiles also have some bad effects on us,

especially on school students. the radiation may do harm to our health. some students

are addicted to on-line chatting or games, which is not only bad for their studies

and their eyes but also causes more phone rates. some students even use mobile phones

to cheat in the exam, it’s indeed a pity of the information age. in my opinion, mobile

phones are made by us human beings. we should use it properly. take myself for example,

there is an english dictionary in my mobile, it is a good helper for me to learn english;

when i travel with my friends, i usually take some photos with my mobile; i have

also downloaded some nice songs to my mobile. in my spare time, it’s terrific to

enjoy the beautiful mp3 music. my dear friends, we have to admit mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention. so why not make good use of it and let it serve us well? the great

era needs us to be the true master of our mobile phones. thank you.篇四:英语演讲稿

turn off your cell phone 关掉你的手机

we may need phones to get touch with our friends and relatives. but it is also

very necessary to turn off our phones some particular occasions like having classes

in the classroom or attending meetings to show your politeness. it’s also good for

your health to turn off the cell phone when having sleep at night! that’s all,thank you for your listening!






关于手机的英语作文 Cellphone indeed facilitates our life.We can keep in touch with our friends any time anywhere instead of making an appointment.We can make new friends through QQ,getting knows what our friends are doing right away.Before,if people miss their family,the first thing they do is to write a letter and send it home,but now,they just pick up the phone and call their parents,they can catch them immediately.How efficient the work is. 手机确实使给我们的生活带来便利.我们可以和朋友随时随地联系,而不用计划,我们可以通过QQ结交新朋友,第一时间知道我们的朋友在做什么.以前,如果人们想念家人,他们做的第一件事就是写信寄回家,但是现在,他们只要拿出手机,打给家人,就可以马上和家人联系.这是多么有效率啊. While the phone brings convenience,it does harm to people’s life to some extent.Today as cellphone’s function has been fulfilled,people share message from many ways,like QQ,blog and so on.People like to paste pictures on the social online world,they like to catch friend’s attention,so they take pictures as long as they want to.If a girl goes out for dinner,the first thing she does is to take a picture of the food instead of enjoying the food.Too much attention on the


关于军事的英语必背词汇整理 同学们是不是还在为英语成绩的提高而烦恼呢?记得要在平时加强练习。以下是为大家搜索整理的关于军事的英语必背词汇,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们网! xx军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC) xx省军区:xx Provincial Military Command xx军分区:xx Military Sub-Command 第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force 预备役部队:the PLA’s reserve force 驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison 武警部队:the Armed Police Force 总参谋部:the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA 总政治部:the General Political Department of the PLA 总后勤部:the General Logistics Department of the PLA 总装备部:The General Armaments Department of the PLA 集团军:army 军:corps 师:division 旅:brigade 团:regiment 营:battalion 连/排/班:company/platoon/squad 民兵:militia (总称)/militiaman (个体) 空降兵:airborne force

陆战师:marine division 装甲旅:armored brigade 军衔:military titles of the People's Liberation Army 陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant) 海军(Navy): 上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign)


关于时间的英语演讲稿范文4篇On time 编订:JinTai College

关于时间的英语演讲稿范文4篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:关于时间的英语演讲稿范文 2、篇章2:关于耐心的英语演讲稿 3、篇章3:关于耐心的英语演讲稿 4、篇章4:关于耐心的英语演讲稿 篇章1:关于时间的英语演讲稿范文 hello, dear teachers and fellow students. it is my honor to be here on this beautiful friday morning

to share with you my view on “me- time”. in my opinion,finding me-time is important. with the development of the modern society, we students in china have more and more pressure. we have to spare every minute to study very hard and join various kinds of out-of-class training courses to improve ourselves. so we are really in lack of me-time which is helpful to keep ourselves from being over-stressed、tired and worried. i do not have as much fun as before and i always miss my childhood. three hours of homework and two piano lessons one day make me have hardly any me-time to relax myself. i was once an active basketball player on my school team. but now, basketball, my best friend, i haven’t touched it for almost two months. me- time seems to have become a luxury. last week, when i heard there was going to be a basketball match between our school and no 1 middle school, i was so excited that i rushed home and told my parents the news. i asked my father, “ dad, may i


关于军人励志的演讲稿 关于军人励志的演讲稿 尊敬的各位首长,亲爱的战友们: 大家好!我是来自隆尧县人武部的安珂。今天我演讲的题目是《走在新世纪的征途上》。九十年前,在那风雨如磐的旧中国诞生了中国共-产-党,她象一盏明灯冲破了漫漫长夜的黑暗,象初升的朝阳给沉睡的大地带来了希望的曙光。从她诞生的那一刻起,神州大地就有了一群引路人,中华民族就有了更加挺拔的脊梁骨,这个坚强、光荣的集体在黑暗的灰烬中爆出一个崭新的新中国。九十个风雨春秋,九十年的奋斗不息,中国共-产-党历经沧桑,经历了初创时的艰难、抗日战争的硝烟、解放战争的炮火,又历经社会主义改造和建设、改革开放等历史阶段,共-产-党一次次面临历史的重要关头,又一次次实现历史性的抉择。不管是雪山草地大渡河的霏霏雪雨,还是井冈山太行山的腥风血雨,不管是延安窑洞的斜风细雨,还是改革开放的惊风急雨,中国共-产-党同全国人民始终紧紧地团结在一起,与中国命运的脉搏一起跳动,从单薄走向厚实,从年轻走向成熟,从二十年代走来,驶向一个新的世纪。走在新世纪的征途上,沐浴着晨曦的阳光,唱着《咱当兵的人》,我心情是那样激荡。走在新世纪的征途上,我看到了金菊含笑,听到枫叶流丹,闻到硕果飘香。还有那抖擞的雄姿震憾,在九百六十万平方公里的大地上。我欣喜地发现,21世纪是充满活力和经济飞速的时代。走在新世纪的征途上,我感慨万千。作为一名军人,我首先是人民的儿子,同时也是人民中的一员,父母给了我的生命,党和人民给了我的智慧和勇气,给了我展示自我的平台。



手机的好处与危害演讲稿5篇 提到手机,大家一定一点儿也不陌生。说到手机的好处,那就像天上的星星,数也数不清,但是我们却不能忽略,手机也存在很多危害,需要我们时刻去留意。这里给大家分享一些关于手机的好处与危害演讲稿,供大家参考。 手机的好处与危害演讲稿1 有一种东西已经广泛地进入了千家万户:它可以使远隔千里的人看见对方;可以使你更快地知道新闻;可以在买东西时方便支付……但它也可以使人们视力下降,更可以使你的事业和学业变得荒疏。它是现代家长不离手的“孩子”,青少年不离手的“宠儿”。几乎没有人可以做到对它熟视无睹,它就是——手机。 现代成人看手机,大多数都是社交方面的,也有少部分人会在手机上追个剧、看看新闻。本来手机只是一个供人娱乐的电子产品,也给人们提供了很多方便,大有裨益。可是很多成年人接触手机比接触自己孩子的时间都要多,这就让手机变了味。 在生活中,“低头族”随处可见:有走路看手机撞树上的,有掉进水里的,还有自拍摔下悬崖的……坐公交时,除了一些小学生和爷爷奶奶,其他站着的或坐着的人也都在看手机。我在外面吃饭时看见了这样可笑的一幕:对面一桌的几个人简直就是神同步,在吃饭时都低着头盯着手机,谁都不愿意将自己的手机放下。他们左手拿着手机看,右手夹着菜和饭……我猜想,他们这样不把心思放在吃饭上面,能吃出来饭的味道吗?或许味同嚼蜡吧!我觉得这个可笑却值得我们去深思:莫不是手机退化了人的智力,让人为机器所控?人类可是高智商动物,怎会被一个没头没脑的破铜烂铁所控呢?说起来实属有些讽刺的意味。 现在的青少年上网、看手机、打游戏简直入了迷,游戏对于青少年而言不只是娱乐,而是成年人无论如何也猜不到的—攀比心。看到这里,你或许会有疑问,别急,继续往下看。玩游戏不和别人或同学一起联机玩而自己单排的很少吧?你肯定不希望别人任何事情上超过你吧?拿一些游戏举个例子:王者荣耀和第五人格,比什么?比段位;迷你世界和我的世界,比什么?比粉丝量。相貌平平又平平无奇的人,却可以在游戏中做一个“欧皇”“大神”。虚荣心可以在此得到满足。现实中只是一个活在别人世界的无名小卒,而游戏中,却可以轻易成为虚拟世界里的人上人。曾经有段时间,我对于手机游戏到了痴迷忘我的境界。爸爸看到后


dear teacher and classmates: good afternoon. i’m eva, my number is 39. i am very glad to say something here. my topic is the use of internet innovation reading. as we all know, now is the era of the internet. the reading is a fine tradition of the chinese nation. due to busy work and other reasons, modern people reading less and less time. how to use the internet to innovative way of reading to retrain peoples reading habits are both a challenge and an opportunity. let me give you an example. recently my aunt pregnant, they do not have time to do prenatal care, reading it to the baby. my uncle was a judge often work at night, my aunt is a university teacher. my aunt wanted a way to download the prenatal music, prenatal stories and other prenatal material on the phone, when my aunt to do housework, correcting homework, she can always play to the baby listen to stories or music. even my grandfather said, the internet is good, that is practical. it can save more time in reading to read more books. there are many similar examples. as long as we are willing, we can anytime, anywhere enjoy the internet has brought us pleasure reading. i finished the speech. thank you for listening. 各位老师、同学: 下午好!(早上好等等)我的名字叫伊娃,我是39号选手。 我很高兴在这里演讲,我的演讲题目是利用互联网创新阅读方式。 众所周知,现在是互联网时代,阅读是中华民的优良传统。由于工作繁忙等原因,现代 人读书时间越来越少了,如何利用互联网创新阅读方式,重新培养国人的读书习惯,是我们 面临的挑战和机遇。 我的舅妈最近怀孕了,舅妈和舅舅都没有时间做胎教,读书给宝宝听。我舅舅是法官, 晚上经常加班,舅妈是大学教师。我的舅妈就想了一个办法,将胎教音乐,胎教故事等胎教 材料下载到手机上,这样我的舅妈在做家务、批改作业的时候,可以随时将故事、音乐放给 小宝宝听。连我的外公都说,互联网就是好,就是实用。它可以节省更多读书时间用来读更 多的书。 类似的例子还有很多。只要我们愿意,我们就可以随时随地,随心所欲的享受互联网给 我们带来的读书的乐趣。我愿意为互联网阅读的普及做出一份贡献。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。篇二:读书演讲稿 快乐的读书之旅尊敬的评委老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我叫刘天成,是汉南区育才小学六年级五班的一名学生,今天参加这次“楚童杯”读书 汇活动演讲比赛,我感到非常高兴,也非常自豪。我演讲的题目是——《快乐的读书之旅》在日常生活中,只要你善于发现,勤于学习就能体味到很多的乐趣,我就是一个兴趣广 泛,活泼快乐的男孩。绘画、书法、钢琴是我的特长;乒乓球、跑步、跳高跳远是我的强项。 除了这些以外,在生活中,我还有一个最大的乐趣,——读书。 记得我很小的时候,每天晚上,妈妈总喜欢捧着一本书,坐在床前,指着书中的图画和 文字给我讲述动人的故事和有趣的知识。从《安徒生童话》《十万个为什么》到《三十六计》 等等,我静静地听着,觉得这些小小的书本真是太神奇了,我渐渐地爱上了他们,同时也和 文字成了好朋友。5岁时我就认识了很多字,可以自己读书了。那时我最爱看妈妈给我订的 《童话王国》和《小百科》,书里的故事特别美:,三只小猪非常可爱,小女


手机英语演讲稿 篇一:不做低头族英语演讲稿 as to this issue,different people has different ideas .some take the view that it is no use connecting but may cause the big events .such as the accident or fight.there is no doubt that phubbing is a false behavior .while others think the opposite,they agree that there is no way but have to do it .because the time is limited.as far as i am concerned ,every coin has two sides .while most people prefer it,the phubbing is a bad habit .as a matter of fact ,a few person mostly do a good deed. 篇三:不做低头族背景 随着科技的发展,手机是人手一部,以前是人掌握着手机,现在我们却变成了手机的奴 隶,于是出现了低头族大军,那么你是其中的一个吗?手机族,是指如今在地铁、公交车里那些个个都作“低头看屏幕”状,看手机或是掏出 平板电脑聊天、购物、玩游戏、看视频,想通过盯住屏幕的方式,把零碎的时间填满的人。低头族危害极大,不仅

给我们的身体带来伤害,比如伤肌,伤眼,辐射大,还影响我们 的精神及人际交往,既荒废了自己的学业,也影响他人的正常学习。活动目的“即使你每天都在网上给他点赞、留言,你们在网上聊天,这样的关系保持半年一年,也比不上某个空闲的周末,你们坐在校园或宿舍里晒着太阳说说闲话。”为了让大家清楚明白 的认识到上课玩手机的危害,珍惜美好的大学时光,树立远大志向,公共事业管理班班委会 即将开展以“放下手机,拥抱生活”为主题的活动。活动时间 XX年12月(具体时间待定)活动主题 拒做低头族,抬头向前看主办单位 政法与公共管理学院XX级公共事业管理班xx小组参与对象 XX级公共事业管理班全体学生活动流程 1. 全班同学以小组为单位,进行问卷调查,分析学生迷恋手机的原因 2. 宣传委员制作“拒做低头族,抬头向前看”海报,并举行签名活动 3. 由班委组织上课前在教室门口准备一个收纳盒,呼吁同学们在课前将手机放入收纳盒,


-----------------------------------精品考试资料---------------------学资学习网----------------------------------- 笑谈生死 有数据显示近来自杀已成为我国人群第五位死因。越来越多的自杀者提醒我们不得不慢下脚步静心思考一下这个严肃的问题:人类物质文明的发展与灵魂的发展是否仍在同一轨道上并行?为什么社会安定了、生活富足了人们却纷纷都不要命了? 我认为是脆弱,是精神文明发展与物质文明发展的脱节所造成的。一心只想着赚钱的现代人心灵脆弱得经不起一丁点挫折,社会物质财富逐渐丰裕的背景下,对于人们获取财富的能力要求就越来越高,而这种能力与财富基础息息相关,因此就必然地造成了贫富分化的加剧。而自杀率最高的人群就集中在社会地位、经济、文化三方面水平最高和最低的部分。三者俱高的自杀者很多,例如娱乐明星自杀事件就屡见不鲜,例如多年前的俏黄蓉“翁美玲”、张国荣、韩星崔真实、郑多彬等等等等。这些人在个人的领域某一程度上已达到了顶点,展示出的是无限的风华,背后的内心世界却是极其孤独的。当他们处在精神的困境时,习惯了独自吞咽所有痛苦,并不向他人倾诉或求助,这就注定了他们将一步步走向绝境。 三者俱低的自杀者让我想起一篇记录文革期间无数不堪迫害而自杀 的名人的文章。有位网友对此文评论道:“改革后,因生活压力大而自杀的老百姓,几百万,比你的那些个文人,要多多了。”我们得承认,生活中确有让人生不如死的状况,比如文革时文人的处境,比如

医学对许多疾病的无奈,又比如财富分配不均的社会现状,但我们得正视这些状况,文革被结束了、被批判了;医学科技正有无数人在夜以继日的研究着;社会保障体系也在虽然缓慢但也毕竟开始了的进行着,我们不能只要求客观环境改变而我们自身还是那么脆弱那么无知那么不完美,时代在不由分说地前进,如果你只愿停留,那么自杀便是你的错,怨不得别人了。曾有位自杀者在死之前留下这样一句话:这个世界不符合我的梦想。事实上,这个世界不符合大多数人的梦想,然而我们都活着,像他一样的人却都死了。因为我们懂得,要么就倾尽一生地去实现梦想,哪怕不能实现也死而无憾,要么就把梦想与生活分开来,一面认真地生活,一面将梦想寄望于未来或别处,就如同祝愿分手的恋人在别时别处找到幸福一样,虽有小小的遗憾,但决不会轻生。 1 / 14 我们不仅是我们自己,我们都具有双重身份。从社会人的角度看,用亚里士多德的话来说就是“自杀是对社会缺乏责任感的行径”,从个人角度看,自杀则是对个人生命价值的玷污。 有位网友说,世界太美了,我怕有比阳光更美好的东西,我还没看到就死,那就亏大了。 我相信这世界上还有许多我没看过的美景,你们相信吗? 最后,我要说的是,或许有人会觉得,在校级刊物上不适合谈这样的话题,但我并不这样认为。现代社会不应仅是科技现代化更应是理念


手机英语演讲稿 篇一:关于手机英语演讲稿 to be the master of your mobilephone good evening ladies and gentlemen. i feel more than glorious to stand here to deliver my topic today is “to be the master of your mobile phone”. first, i would like to ask you a question: if we don’t have mobile phones, can you imagine what your life would be likeyes, it’s hard to imaginehowever, every coin has two sides. mobiles also have some bad effects on us, especially on school students. the radiation may do harm to our health. some students are addicted to on-line chatting or games, which is not only bad for their studies and their eyes but also causes more phone rates. students use them to chat online and bend their backs, stare at the floor regardless of the teachers’ teaching during classes which seems to be inconsiderate about everything happening students even use mobile phones


as to this issue,different people has different ideas .some take the view that it is no use connecting but may cause the big events .such as the accident or fight.there is no doubt that phubbing is a false behavior .while others think the opposite,they agree that there is no way but have to do it .because the time is limited. as far as i am concerned ,every coin has two sides .while most people prefer it,the phubbing is a bad habit .as a matter of fact ,a few person mostly do a good deed. 篇三:不做低头族 背景 随着科技的发展,手机是人手一部,以前是人掌握着手机,现在我们却变成了手机的奴 隶,于是出现了低头族大军,那么你是其中的一个吗? 手机族,是指如今在地铁、公交车里那些个个都作“低头看屏幕”状,看手机或是掏出 平板电脑聊天、购物、玩游戏、看视频,想通过盯住屏幕的方式,把零碎的时间填满的人。 低头族危害极大,不仅给我们的身体带来伤害,比如伤肌,伤眼,辐射大,还影响我们 的精神及人际交往,既荒废了自己的学业,也影响他人的正常学习。活动目的 “即使你每天都在网上给他点赞、留言,你们在网上聊天,这样的关系保持半年一年, 也比不上某个空闲的周末,你们坐在校园或宿舍里晒着太阳说说闲话。”为了让大家清楚明白 的认识到上课玩手机的危害,珍惜美好的大学时光,树立远大志向,公共事业管理班班委会 即将开展以“放下手机,拥抱生活”为主题的活动。 活动时间 2014年12月(具体时间待定) 活动主题 拒做低头族,抬头向前看 主办单位 政法与公共管理学院2011级公共事业管理班xx小组 参与对象 2011级公共事业管理班全体学生 活动流程 1. 全班同学以小组为单位,进行问卷调查,分析学生迷恋手机的原因 2. 宣传委员制作“拒做低头族,抬头向前看”海报,并举行签名活动 3. 由班委组织上课前在教室门口准备一个收纳盒,呼吁同学们在课前将手机放入收纳盒, 上课认真听讲 4. 开展以“放下手机,拥抱生活”为主题的班会,对问卷调查的结果进行分析,并以事 例讲述低头族的危害,比如对身体的危害,伤眼睛,毁脊椎,辐射大,甚至因为玩手机而导 致重大的事故,以及对同学们交流产生的危害,让同学们意识到低头族的危害,并就怎么保 护眼睛以及在玩手机时应注意的事项进行讲解 5. 利用周末的时间,由班委在操场上组织一些课外活动,全班同学参加,以此丰富同学 们的生活,转移注意力,减少玩手机的时间。具体活动内容如下: 一、团体活动项目: 1. 手舞足蹈:(五人一组) 活动规则简介:五人相背站立一列,由比赛队员抽取所猜题目,第一人表演,不能发出 声音,只能用肢体语言表现词语或物品,第二人转身观看,第二人观看时后面队员不能观看, 依次传递,由最后一人说出所猜物品或词语,每人表演时间不得多于30秒,活动结束。 猜测正确队伍获胜,按时间排名次,裁判员宣布比赛结果。 2. 抢板凳:(五人一组)


in my 1 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never f et the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. frankly speaking, at first i had some difficulty following the teachers. however, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, i made remarkable progress. now i've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. learning is a long process; i'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. this summer i got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. a publishing house offered me a part-time jo b in pilation and revision. at the beginning i was belittled by my colleagues. but they were really surprised when i translated seven english articles over 5, words on only one day. gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. i also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. so i often take part in activities concerning public welfare. i once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. we taught the kids there who could not afford school. while showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. i couldn't control my tears on the day when we left. the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers. besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. i do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. we also write a play and put it on in our spare time. campus life is the most splendid time. but different people have different choices. the majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they'll be e outstanding. but there are indeed some students still under ignorance. they gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. they're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they f et pletely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland. finally, i do hope everybody can try their best to be e a worthy citizen of the country. i do hope everybody can be e the backbone of our nation and make great


World War 2 Brief introduce: AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war. World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies. Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on . Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war. 1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War 2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War 2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and played a leading role who against German domination of Europe. 3.Stalin, Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler. 4.Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit. note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of the war. note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil . Reason: The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They tried their whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion. In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world. While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,after that ,the world war 2 broke out.


手机危害英语演讲稿(一) 手机有毒,低头有害,远离手机,抬头做人。 陈彦融 Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am Chen Yanrong. Today,I would like to take this opportunity to share my perspective about the influence of Science and Technology. Science and Technology sounds abstract but it can be seen almost everywhere in different concrete forms,such as the lamps above your head, and the cellphones in your hand .Above all,the most closely associated form with our life is the Internet ,of course. As for me ,I have deeply felt the charm of the Internet . My best friend went aboard for further study two years ago . At the begining,I didn't get used to that and therefore suffered from melancholy,tossing and turning late at night,missing her , my spirits didn't sink for too long as it suddenly occured to me that why don't we keep in touch through the Internet? By sharing WeChat moments and using video calls ,we didn't drift apart, but became closer instead. Even though we are tens of thousands of miles apart, I feel like she's always by my side. Science and Technology not only establishes a bridge of communications between friends ,but also offers a broad platform where we can freely express ourselves and maybe resonate with people we've never met you find your life unsatisfying,on the Internet,there 's a free world for you to place your lonely soul. What's more ,we get information through Science and Technology beyond limitations of time and 's why people can unite as one to offer timely help whenever disasters strike. As it walks into tens of thousands of households,Sience and Technology has effectively shortened the distance between people .But I believe some of you are not in favor of this viewpoint ,right?Maybe you think Science and Technology is the chief culprit that makes the distance between people's hearts farther and farther,since more and more people are getting network addition,paying too much attention to the virtual world rather than people and things around them. From my point of view ,however,Science and Technology is not to blame,because what kind of influence it brings into our life depends on how we make use of it. It's as plain as the nose on your face that Science and Technology does offer us better conditions to bring us together , but we should also keep in mind that only by reflecting on how to use it properly can we fully enjoy the charm of Science and Technology. Science and Technology surrounds and sustains us in the world, making the earth more like a small village where we breathe together ,laugh together and watch the starry sky overhead shoulder to shoulder. 手机危害英语演讲稿(二) 手机有毒,低头有害,远离手机,抬头做人。 陈彦融 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m contestant , Zhai feel really honor to stand here and make a I’m going to look together with you in to this question: Does modern technology make the interpersonal communication better? Have you ever found that there’s one word we use more frequently nowadays? The answer is-awkward. If you do not believe, please imagine this scene. Sunlight floods the earth. The spring breeze is warm and gentle. You’re finally going to meet the one that you usually talk with on the

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