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外贸常见税务术语中英对照发表时间: 2005-06-14,01:36:21

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 保护关税(Protective Tariff)

保税制度(Bonded System)

布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of value BDV)

差别关税(Differential Duties)

差价关税(V ariable Im port Levies)

产品对产品减税方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff)

超保护贸易政策(Policy of Super-protection)


出厂价格(Cost Price)

初级产品(Prim ary Comm odity)

初级产品的价格(The Price of Prim ang Products)

出口补贴(Export Subsidies)

出口动物产品检疫(Quarantine of Export Anim al products)

出口管制(Export Contral)

出口税(Export Duty)

出口退税(Export Rebates)

出口信贷(Export Finance)

出口限制(Export Restriction)

出口信贷国家担保制(Export credit Guarantee)

出口许可证(Export Licence)

储备货币(Reserve Carreacy)

处于发展初级阶段(In the Early Etages of Developm ent)

处理剩余产品的指导原则(The Guiding Principle of Clealing Wi th the Surplus Agricultural Products)


从量税(Specific Duty)

从价(Ad Valorem)

从价关税(Ad V alorem Duties)

单方面转移收支(Balance of Unilateral Transfers)

动物产品(Anim al Product)

多种汇率(Multiple Rates of Ex change)

反补贴税(Counter V ailing Duties)

反倾销(Anti-Dum ping)

反倾销税(Anti-dum ping Duties)

关税(Custom s Duty)

关税和贸易总协定(The General Agreem ent On Tariffs And Trade)

关税合作理事会(Custom s Co-operation Council)

关税减让(Tariff Concession)

关税配额(Tariff Quota)

关税升级(Tariff Escalation)

关税水平(Tariff Level)


关税同盟(Custom s Union)

关税和贸易总协定秘书处(Secretariat of GA TT)


国际价格(International Price)

约束税率(Bound Rate)

自主关税(Autonom ous Tariff)

最惠国税率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty)

优惠差额(Margin of Preference)

优惠税率(Preferential Rate)

有效保护率(Effective Vate of Protection)

世界贸易组织World Trade Organization(WTO)

《关税与贸易总协定》General Agreem ent on Trade and Tariff(GA TT)高峰关税 Tariff Peak

从量税 Specific Duty

从价税 Ad V alorem Duties

关税减让 Tariff Concession

关税配额 Tariff Quota

关税升级 Tariff Escalation

技术性贸易壁垒 Technical Barriers to Trade(TB T)

技术法规 Technical Regulations

技术标准 Technical Standards

合格评定程序Conformity Assessm ent Procedures

反吸收 Anti-absorption

反规避 Anti-circum vention

《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》Agreem ent on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property


《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》 Agreem ent on Trade-Related Investm ent Measures (TRIMs)

《农业协议》 Agreem ent on Agri culture

《服务贸易总协定》General Agreem ent on Trade in Services(GATS)

《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协议》Agreem ent on the Im plem entation of Sanitary and

Phytosanitary Measures(SPS)

Leasing requires an agreem ent. The first step towards setting up an agreem ent will be m ade by


a) the supplier he wishes to sell his product and sees in leasing the m eans of achieving this with m ore certainly and speed.


b) the lessee he wants to buy certain equipm ent and sees in leasing the m eans to do this wi th few financial pressures.


c) the bank of lessee where it considers leasing to be the m ost advantageous possibility, it will advise the custom er accordingly, and put him into contact with a leasing com pany.


d) the leasing com pany it knows the requirem ents of its custom ers and keeps in close contact with them.


A leasing com pany will need to examine the sol vency of any future lessee, the reliability of the supplier and the risk on the leased product. The lessee will be asked to fill in a leasing application. The leasing com pany will also need to know whether the leased product will help the lessee to increase his cash flow,


租赁公司需要察看未来租赁人的清偿能力、供货商的信誉和被租赁货物的风险。租赁人要求填写一张租赁申请。此外,租赁公司还要了解是否被租赁的货物会增加租赁人的现金流量。In the process of investigating the lessee, the leasing com pany will have to find out whether its custom er will be able to m ake the contractual rental paym ents. Besides analyzing his actual financial situation, it will also m ake som e estim ates about his future position. The lessee will, therefore, be asked to subm it his balance sheet and his profi t and his profi t and loss accounts for the past three years, in addition to his budget plans for the years to com e.


If the custom er agrees to the leasing conditions offered t o him, lessor and lessee will sign the leasing agreem ent which is done by way of sending back a signed copy of the offer.



第一部分、计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构 Dictionaries 字典 Priority Queues 堆 Graph Data Structures 图 Set Data Structures 集合 Kd-Trees 线段树 Numerical Problems 数值问题 Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组 Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩 Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法 Determinants and Permanents 行列式 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划 Random Number Generation 随机数生成 Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Sorting 排序

Searching 查找 Median and Selection 中位数 Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成 Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成 Calendrical Calculations 日期 Job Scheduling 工程安排 Satisfiability 可满足性 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支 Topological Sorting 拓扑排序 Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树 Shortest Path 最短路径 Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点 Network Flow 网络流 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘 Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入


信号与系统常用词汇中英文对照表 序号英文词汇中文翻译 1 Absolutely summable impulse response 绝对可和的冲激响应 2 Absolutely integrable impulse response 绝对积的冲激响应 3 Accumulation property 累加性质 4 Adder 加法器 5 Additivity 可加性 6 Aliasing 混叠 7 Allpass system 全通系统 8 Amplitude Modulation(AM) 幅度调制 9 Amplifier 放大器 10 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 模数转换 11 Analysis equation 分析方程 12 Aperiodic signal 非周期性信号 13 Associative property 结合性质 14 Audio system 音频系统 15 Autocorrelation function 自相关函数 16 Band-limited signal 带限信号 17 Band-limited interpolation 带限内插 18 Bandpass filter 带通滤波器 19 Bandpass-sampling technique 带通抽样方法 20 Bandpass signal 带通信号 21 Bandwidth of an LTI system 线性时不变系统的带宽 22 Bilinear transformation 双线性变换 23 Block diagram 方框图 24 Bode plot 波特图 25 Butterworth filter 巴特沃斯滤波器 26 Carrier frequency 载波频率 27 Carrier signal 载波信号 28 Cartesian (rectangular) form for complex number 复数的笛卡尔(直角坐标)形式 29 Cascade-form block diagram 级联型方框图 30 Cascade (series) interconnection 级联连接 31 Causal LTI system 因果的线性时不变系统 32 Channel equalization 信道均衡 33 """Chirp"" transform algorithm" 线性调频变换算法 34 Closed-loop system 闭环系统 35 Coefficient multiplier 系数乘法器 36 Communication system 通信系统 37 Commutative property 交换性质 38 Complex conjugate 复共轭 39 Complex exponential 复指数 40 Complex number 复数 41 Continuous-time signal 连续时间信号 42 Conjugate symmetry 共轭对称性


鞋业(类)常用术语中英文对照 ---欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店 --https://www.doczj.com/doc/d81306644.html, 目录 第一章:Stage 阶段………………………………P2-P10 第二章技术……………………………P7-P15 第三章鞋型转移……………………………P16-P17 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.doczj.com/doc/d81306644.html,- 1 -

第一章:Stage 阶段 ----欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店https://www.doczj.com/doc/d81306644.html, I.3.1. Two main sections in Dev. Division 开发的两大部分: 1. Development section: explain more in process of new models to make samples in order to introduce market to achieve qty. 开发部分:此部分着重于新型体的样品制作,以便可介绍给客户来争取一定数量的订单。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d81306644.html,mercialization section: explain more in process of technical after it was developed with Fitting test and Wear test to ensure that all products meet consumers’ expectations in terms of Fitting, Comfort and Performance. 技术部分:开发转移到技术部门,此阶段着重于在开发阶段完成试穿测试, 确保产品在试穿/舒适/功能方面可满足客户的要求后进行的技术工作。 I.3.2. Development Stages 开发阶段 I.3.2.1. PPR: Pre Prototype Review 初始线条评估 1st stage to review all sample products Internally by customer ( Marketing,designer,L.O) For performance shoes, we have Fitting and Wear Test Sample to be sent. * The topics of review are : 1. Material 2. Quality 3. Performance 4. Price 5. Color 6. Design 7. Forecast 客人内部(市场销售、设计师、本地客人)对于新鞋型第一阶段之评估。 对于功能性鞋型,我们要寄Fitting test &Wear test试穿样品。 此时检查要点如下: 1、材料 2、品质 3、功能 4、价格 5、颜色 6、设计 7、订单预测 I.3.2.2. PFR:Prototype Final Review 最后线条评估 Final stage to review all sample shoes before introducing the products to the customers. At this time, all key points should be finally decided (Pattern / Design, Color,Price, Material (should be released), etc.). The result of Fitting Test should be considered for PPR meeting as a basic. 在全部新鞋型介绍给客户前之最后检查阶段,此时所有要点均需做出最后确定,如:纸版、设计、颜色、价位、材料(必须是通过了测试)等等。 寄出试样鞋时需附上试穿报告。此时的试穿结果是PPR 会议之基本考量点。 I.3.2.3. SMS1:Salesman Sample 1 销样一 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.doczj.com/doc/d81306644.html,- 2 -


常用外贸术语大全 ANER 亚洲北美东行运费协定Asia North America Eastbound Rate B组 BAF 燃油附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 B/L 海运提单Bill of Lading B/R 买价Buying Rate C组(主要运费已付) CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港) CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价 C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT C&F 成本加海运费COST AND FREIGHT CIF 成本保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港) CIF 成本,保险加海运费COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHT

CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FOB (离岸价):FREE ON BOARD CPT 运费付至(……指定目的港) CPT 运费付至目的地Carriage Paid To CIP 运费保险费付至(……指定目的地) CIP 运费保险费付至目的地Carriage and Insurance Paid To CY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点) C.Y. 货柜场Container Yard CY(码头):CONTAINER YARD CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION C/D (customs declaration)报关单 C.C.(运费到付):COLLECT C.C 运费到付Collect CNTR NO. (柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证


第一部分计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Fourier变换Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Satisfiability 可满足性Determinants and Permanents 行列式Linear Programming 线性规划Matching 匹配Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Clique 最大团Cryptography 密码Random Number Generation 随机数生成Shortest Path 最短路径recursion递归Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Searching 查找Sorting 排序Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Calendrical Calculations 日期 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成Job Scheduling 工程安排 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Network Flow 网络流 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路 Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Independent Set 独立集 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Vertex Cover 点覆盖 Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分 Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色 Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何 Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分 V oronoi Diagrams V oronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询 Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题 Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形 Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题 Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩 DP—Dynamic Programming动态规划Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串String Matching 模式匹配 Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化


熟练掌握名目繁多金融术语除了是专业人士的必修课外,在金融渗透、人人参与投资的时代,了解一些常用的金融术语也对普通投资者们大有益处。本文就为你详细列举了一些常用的可中英文对照的金融术语,帮助你了解生活中的金融。 金融 资产组合(Portfolio):指投资者持有的一组资产。一个资产多元化的投资组合 通常会包含股票、债券、货币市场资产、现金以及实物资产如黄金等。 证券投资(Portfolio Investment) :国际收支中、资本帐下的一个项目,反映资 本跨国进行证券投资的情况,与直接投资不同,后者涉及在国外设立公司开展业务,直接参与公司的经营管理。证券投资则一般只是被动地持有股票或债券。 投资组合经理(Portfolio Manager):替投资者管理资产组合的人,通常获授权 在约定规范下自由运用资金。共同基金的投资组合经理负责执行投资策略,将资金投资在各类资产上。 头寸(Positio n):就证券投资而言,头寸是指在一项资产上做多(即拥有)或做空(即借入待还)的数量。 总资产收益率(ROTA):资产收益率是企业净利润与平均资产总额地百分比,也 叫资产回报率(ROA),它是用来衡量每单位资产创造多少净利润的指标。其计 算公式为:资产收益率二净利润/平均资产总额X 100% ;该指标越高,表明企业 资产利用效果越好,说明企业在增加收入和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果,否则相反。 整批交易(Round Lot Trade):指按证券和商品在市场最普遍的交易单位(例如 100股为一单位)进行的交易。 交易回合(Round Turn):指在同一市场上通过对两种证券或合约一买一卖,或 一卖一买的交易两相抵消。通常在计算手续费时会提及交易回合。


quotation sheet 报价单 FOB 离岸价,分RMB含税价,和USD价。FOB美金价= (FOB人民币含税价-退税收入)/美金汇率 CFR C&F 到岸价(等于FOB+海运费) CIF CFR+保险(CIF= CFR/(1-1+保险加成率10%)*保险率0.3%) firmed order 实单 fresh order 新订单 purchase order 采购订单 order amount 订单金额 MOQ 最小起订量minimum order quantity delivery time 交货期 sample time 样品交期 sales contract 销售合同 commercial Invoice 商业发票 proforma Invoice 形式发票 packing list 装箱单 bill of lading 提单 Telex released B/L 电放提单 Original B/L 正本提单 B/L copy提单副本Bill of Lading Bill of Entry 报关单 Certificate of Oringin 产地证 Telegraphic Transfer 电子汇款 deposit 定金 balance 尾款 letter of credit 信用证 operate an order 操作订单 arrange production 生产大货 notify forwarder 通知货代 book shipping space 订舱 Commodity Inspection 商检 customs clearance 清关 entry inspection 报检 deliver goods 交货 ship the goods 运输货物 Inner Pack 内包装 Outer Carton 外箱 shipping mark 唛头 Main mark 主唛 Side Mark 侧唛 A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号


计算机编程英语词汇算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构 Dictionaries 字典 Priority Queues 堆 Graph Data Structures 图 Set Data Structures 集合 Kd-Trees 线段树 Numerical Problems 数值问题 Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组 Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩 Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法 Determinants and Permanents 行列式 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划 Random Number Generation 随机数生成 Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Sorting 排序 Searching 查找 Median and Selection 中位数 Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成 Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成 Calendrical Calculations 日期 Job Scheduling 工程安排 Satisfiability 可满足性 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支 Topological Sorting 拓扑排序 Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树 Shortest Path 最短路径 Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点 Network Flow 网络流 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘 Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题 1 / 20


外贸常见词汇缩写大全 A A.R 一一All Risks 一切险ANER 一一Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate 亚洲北美东行运费协定AW B 一一airway bill 空运提单ATTN 一一attention 注意a/c 一一account no. 账户 ASAP 一一As soon as possible 越快越好B.D.I 一一Both Days Inclusive 包括头尾两天BAF 一一Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费B/L 一一Bill of Lading 海运提单B/ldg.一一B/L Bill of Lading 提单Bs/L 一一Bills of Lading 提单(复数)B/R 一一买价Buying Rate Bal. 一一Balance 差额bar. or brl. 一一barrel 桶; 琵琶桶B.B. clause 一一Both to blame collision clause 船舶互撞条款B/C 一一Bills for collection 托收单据 B.C. 一一before Christ 公元前b.d. 一一brought down 转下B.D. 一一Bank draft 银行汇票Bill Discounted 一一贴现票据bdle. ; bdl. 一一bundle 把; 捆 b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX. 一一Bill of Exchange 汇票B.f. 一一Brought forward 接下页B/G 一一Bonded goods 保税货物bg. ; b/s 一一bag(s)袋bkg. 一一backing 银行业务bkt. 一一basket 篮; 筐bl.; bls. 一一bale(s)包bldg. 一一building 大厦bls. 一一Bales 包, barrels 桶bot. ; bott. ; btl 一一bottle 瓶br. 一一brand 商标; 牌Brkge. 一一breakage 破碎brls. 一一barrels 桶; 琵琶桶bu. 一一bushel 蒲式耳bx. 一一box 箱bxs. 一一boxes 箱(复数), 盒(复数)Bal. 一一Ballance 余额CFR 一一cost and freight 成本加运费价(……指定目的港) C&F 一一COST AND FREIGHT 成本加海运费 CIF 一一COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT 成本、保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港) CPT 一一Carriage Paid To 运费付至(……指定目的港) CIP 一一Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地) COD 一一cash on delivery/collect on delivery 货到付款 CCA 一一current cost accounting 现实成本会计 Contract change authorization 一一合同更改批准 Changed carriage advice 一一变更货运通知 C.Y. 一一Container Yard 集装箱堆场 CFS 一一CARGO FREIGHT STATION 散装仓库 C/D 一一(customs declaration)报关单 C.C 一一COLLECT 运费到付 C.C.O.V 一一价值,产地联合证明书 CCPIT 一一中国国际贸易促进委员会 CNTR NO. 一一CONTAINER NUMBER 柜号 C.O 一一certificate of origin 原产地证 CTN/CTNS 一一carton/cartons 纸箱 C.S.C 一一Container Service Charge 货柜服务费 C/(CNEE) 一一Consignee 收货人 CAF 一一Currency Adjustment Factor 货币汇率附加费 CHB 一一Customs House Broker 报关行


Aspen Plus常用词汇中英文对照表 A adiabatic 绝热的 adsorption 吸附 aircooler 空冷器 algorithm 算法 alias 又名,别名 align 使……排成直线 ambient temperature 环境温度 analysis 分析 annotation 注释 apparent component approach 表观组分方法approach 方法 aqueous 水溶液的,水的,含水的 assay化验(油品分析) ADA (assay data analysis)化验数据分析assign 指定 attach连接 attr-comps 组分属性 attr-scaling属性标量 available可用的 B backup (降液管内的清液层)高度 baffles 挡板 balance 平衡模块,平衡 base components 基准组分 base method 基本方法(包含了常见物性方法)batch 批量处理,一批 BatchFrac 间歇精馏 binary interaction 二元交互作用 blank simulation 空白模拟 block模块 Block-Var 模块变量boilup ratio 再沸比 bottoms rate 塔底产品流率 bottoms to feed ratio塔底产品流率与进料流率比brake power 轴功率 Broyden 布洛伊顿拟牛顿法 built-in 内置 C calculator 计算器 capacity 通量 capacity factor 通量负荷因子 cascade 层叠 case study 工况分析 category 类别,种类 chemical equilibrium 化学平衡 Chem-Var 化学变量 class分类 clearance 间隙 co-current 并流 coefficient 系数 column 塔 CGCCs (column grand composite curves)塔的总组合曲线 column specifications 塔设定 Compattr-Var 组分变量 component 组分 composition 组成 Compr 压缩机或涡轮机模块 comps-groups 组分分组 conceptual design 概念设计 condenser 冷凝器 condenser specification 冷凝器设定 configuration 配置


加工processing 反应性加工reactive processing 等离子体加工plasma processing 加工性processability 熔体流动指数melt [flow] index 门尼粘度Mooney index 塑化plasticizing 增塑作用plasticization 内增塑作用internal plasticization 外增塑作用external plasticization 增塑溶胶plastisol 增强reinforcing 增容作用compatibilization 相容性compatibility 相溶性intermiscibility 生物相容性biocompatibility 血液相容性blood compatibility 组织相容性tissue compatibility 混炼milling, mixing 素炼mastication 塑炼plastication 过炼dead milled 橡胶配合rubber compounding 共混blend 捏和kneading 冷轧cold rolling 压延性calenderability 压延calendaring 埋置embedding 压片performing 模塑molding 模压成型compression molding 压缩成型compression forming 冲压模塑impact moulding, shock moulding 叠模压塑stack moulding 复合成型composite molding 注射成型injection molding 注塑压缩成型injection compression molding 射流注塑jet molding 无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding 共注塑coinjection molding 气辅注塑gas aided injection molding 注塑焊接injection welding 传递成型transfer molding


常用保险术语 保险费率 premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。 损失 loss 非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。通常分为直接损失和间接损失。 损失程度 loss severity 保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。 直接损失 direct loss 由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。 间接损失 indirect loss 由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。 保险 insurance 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 财产保险 property insurance 以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。 企业财产保险 commercial property insurance 以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。 营业中断保险 business interruption insurance 以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。 机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance 以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。 货物运输保险 cargo insurance 以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。 海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance 以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。 陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance 以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。


外贸常用英语词汇大全 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品color sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品counter sample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数number 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight

卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制U.S. System 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb.'s eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack


五金模具常用专业术语中英文对照表 上模座upper die set成型公form punch 脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAM slider 垫脚parallel 误检misfeeder 托板mounting plate顶料销kick off 初始管位first start pin带肩螺丝shoulder screw 两用销lifter pin氮气汽缸gas spring 弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw 侧冲组件cam section 导正装置guide equipment 漏废料孔slug hole刀口trim line 加强装置enhance equipment 入子insert 护套bushing 整形公restrike forming punch 止挡板stop plate 挂台head 扣位pocket of head 导柱guide post 导套guide bushing 油嘴oil nipple 接刀口mismatch/cookie bites 限位块stop block 挡块stopper 浮块lifter 压块keeper 靠块heel 对正块alignment block 简易模prototype tooling 检具gage/checking fixture 料带图strip layout 闭合高度shut hight 俯视图top view 料带strip 公差tolerance 正视图front view 走位travel 避位/空pocket 退磁demagnetization 间隙clearance 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment 镗孔mill hole 表面外理surface coasting 镀钛TD coasting 沉头counter sink 精锣finish mill 线割wire cutting 穿丝孔first wire hole 斜度taper 镭射laser-cut 上夹板/固定座holder/retainer 下模座lower die set 成刑母公forming die

高中数学常用术语中英对照 mathematics

数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than

小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 平均数mean 算术平均数arithmatic mean 几何平均数geometric mean n个数之积的n次方根倒数(reciprocal)x的倒数为1/x 有理数rational number 无理数irrational number 实数real number 虚数imaginary number 数字digit 数number 自然数natural number 整数integer 小数decimal 小数点decimal point 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 比ratio 正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil 十进制decimal system 二进制binary system 十六进制hexadecimal system 权weight, significance 进位carry 截尾truncation

常见外贸英文术语汇总 很详细的哦

常见外贸英文术语汇总很详细的哦 Goods declaration 货物申报 release/clearance 货物放行/清关 drawback 退税 means of transportation 运输工具 duties and taxes 税费 security 担保、保证金 customs control 海关监管 physical inspection 现场查验 customs formalities 海关手续 certificate of original 原产地证 anti -dump 反倾销 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 MSDS 安全技术表 certificate of quality 品质检验证书 commercial draft 商业汇票 endorsement 背书 force majeure 不可抗力 T/T telegraphic 电汇 D/D demand draft 票汇 Bill of exchange,draft 汇票 M/T Mail Transfer 信汇 D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单 Acceptance 承兑 Remittance 汇付 Collection 托收 L/C Letter of Credit 信用证 Open B/L, order B/L 不记名提单,指示提单 Ex work 工厂交货 FCA Free Carrier 货交承运人,多式联运 FAS Free Alongside ship 船边交货 FOB Free on Board 装运港船上交货 CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费 CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight CPT Carriage Paid to --- 运费付至目的地 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to 运费、保险费付至目的地 DAF Delivered at Frontier 边境交货 DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货 DEQ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货关税已付 DDU Delivered and Duty Unpaid 目的地交货关税未付

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