当前位置:文档之家› 美式英语与英式英语单词拼写区别




kilogramme/kilogram (公斤), programme/program (方案), catalogue/catalog(目录)等。


behaviour/behavior(举止、行为), discolour/discolor(褪色), labour/labor(劳动)等。


anaemia/anemia(贫血症),aeon/eon(永世), aesthetic/esthetic(美学的)等。


chilli/chili(干辣椒),dialling/dialing(电话拨码),leveller/leveler(水平测量员)等。但是,也有一些相反的例子,如美国英语中的appall、instill, distill、installment、willful等在英国英语中往往只有单写l。而distillery、installation、propeller等词的拼法则在英国英语和美国英语中是相同的。


axe/ax(斧), blonde/blond(亚麻色的)等。




activise/activize(激起), advertise/advertize(为……做广告)等。


如,calibre/caliber(口径),centre/center(中心), fibre/fiber(纤维)等



1.I don’t think you’ve quite grasp the _________(严重性) of the situation. 2. A (私人) car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. 3.The heart is one of the body’s vital (器官). 4.The old man entered the room (搀扶) by his grandson. 5.When you pick up some bad _________(习惯), it is hard for you the throw them away.. 6.The government announced (正式地) that they would build a new highway to the mountain. 7.As we are often told, (失败)is the mother of success. 8.I recommend that you choose a travel (机构)to make a plan for your tour. 9.No one is born (完美的).You just need to be practical and self-confident. 10.Man is fighting a b against pollution. 11.Are you alone or with a (同伴). 12.We teachers should have noble (信仰). 13.Don’t envy him. His wealth comes by hard (劳动). 14.Mr Baker will set off on a (航行) to South Africa in three days. 15.She accepted his invitation without (犹豫). 16.Science 小说is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future. 17.Many people were killed in the 碰撞between the bus and the car. 18.She is a very 温和的person, who never loses her temper. 19.The disaster has become 永久的pain in people’s heart. 20.A bad cold kept me a 罪犯to my room. 21.There has been a (有特殊意义的) improvement in the company’s safety record. 22.According to the American constitution,presidential ________(选举) are held every four years. 23.The books are (安排) on the shelves in alphabetical order. 24.Everyone was silent when he (宣布) the winner of the competition. 25.The house stands on a hill and can be seen from a d of two miles. 26.The ship was on a 航海across the Atlantic. 27.The plane is taking off in ten minutes and it’s time to go 登机. 28.He likes to observe the 现象of nature. 29.This time you did your homework (相对) better. 30.The patient’s condition is (稳定的). 31.She was trembling with excitement but her voice was (平稳的). 32.My favourite (消遣) is chess. 33.There is a lot of rubbish (漂浮) on the river. 34.The eyes of a cat are (敏感的) to light. 35.Do you know when the French (革命) happened. 36.He is connected with the Wangs by (婚姻). 37.You look (可笑的) in those tight jeans. 38.The (隔离) of infectious patients from other patients prevented the virus from spreading.


英语单词拼读规则 前言 《英语单词拼读规则》是编者李徽老师经过二十多年的积累、研究与实践,在教学工作中厚积薄发,整理出的一套英语单词拼读规则。这套规则在网上(https://www.doczj.com/doc/d08794623.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/d08794623.html,)发布后,受到全国各地大中小学英语教育、教研人员及英语学习者的高度评价。《英语单词拼读规则》在不同学校经过广大英语教师反复的教学实验,并在他们的推动下日臻完美。 《英语单词拼读规则》率先提出字组、字群、-re音节变体、长音短化及相对弱化概念,科学、合理地揭示了英语单词拼写与读音之间的联系,这一概念的引入,既精简了教师的课堂用语,又使学生很容易认清英语单词“音”与“形”之间的对应关系,引导学生根据词形判断单词读音及根据单词读音理解单词拼写的合理性,帮助学生养成科学的识记单词习惯。这不仅在很大程度上提高了记忆英语单词的效率,而且对增强拼写能力和提高听力有不可估量的作用。 这套拼读规则注重单词形音的对应关系,培养读者以字组、音节为单位识记单词的好习惯,通过严谨、科学的训练步骤,使读者获得拼读单词的能力,降低学习强度和难度。尤其适用于有一定汉语拼音知识,能正确朗读26个字母,能准确辨认国际音标的读者。这套《规则》可以使他们解除对单词量过大的畏惧心理,让初学者把记单词变成乐事,增强学习英语的信心,从而取得满意的成绩;也可以使有一定拼读经验的读者巩固完善自己的经验,使自己对拼读规律的认识更牢固、更系统。 这里需要强调的是,“英语单词拼读规则”不是万能的,但不懂得一定的拼读规律是万万不能的,而且规则宜少不宜多,规则太多了就等于没有规则了。这套《规则》总的目标是要训练读者具备拼读能力。这个目标的实现要通过“三只眼”的训练(字组眼、音节眼、重音眼)一步一步地实现的,不能一蹴而就。 《英语单词拼读规则》共有十五章。前六章是基础部分,后九章是拼读规则部分,二者联系紧密不可分割。读者在使用时,一定要首先明白前六章的主要内容和说明,在此基础上才能正确领会拼读规律。在每一章之后,编者都精心设计了跟踪练习,目的在于提高对理论的运用能力。附录部分提供了一些实用的观念和学习方法,源于实践,很值得参考。 了解拼读规则不仅仅是解决成千上万个英语单词的记忆问题,更重要的是,拼读能力的培养关系到学习者时间、精力的投入与产出的效益问题,关系到英语学习的成本问题。长期以来,我们的学生学习单词,记了忘,忘了又记,有谁能统计出中国学生在学习英语过程中付出了多少艰辛?又有谁知道他们的收获是多么的少?中国人学习英语的成本必须降下来!站在国家与民族利益的高度来看,编者在英语学习的贡献上功不可没。 尹维鸿 二〇〇五年六月二十九日


字母是构成单词的基本单位,反过来说,单词是由字母构成的,但是单词的各个字母与各个音素之间并不是一一对应关系,倒是字组与音素之间存在着一对一的关系,即一个字组对 应一个音素。因此,以字组为单位记忆单词远比以字母为单位记忆单词更合理,可以在单词 的“音”与“形”之间建立起一对一的关系。“音”指的是单词读音中的各个音素,“形” 指的是字组而不仅仅是字母。由此可见,在掌握26个字母的基础上熟记一部分元字组和辅字组是非常有必要的,可以很大程度降低记忆单词的难度,延长遗忘时间。 深入了解英语单词读音和拼写之间的内在联系,深入了解英语单词中的字组与单词中各个音素之间的一一对应关系,可以使学习者准确地把握英语单词的读音和拼写,避免会读不会写或者会写不会读的现象,可以准确、牢固地记住英语单词,从而大大降低记忆单词的难度。 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词编号 在开音节中[ei]name plane Jane baby cake1-01 a 在闭音节中[?]bag dad hat map black back1-02 在开音节中[i:]he these me Chinese1-03 e 在闭音节中[e]bed let pen desk yes egg 1-04 在开音节中[ai]bike fly drive time nice kite1-05 i 在闭音节中[i]fish big drink sit milk swim1-06 在开音节中[ou]those close go hoe home no1-07 o 在闭音节中[]clock not box shop sock1-08 在开音节中[ju:]student excuse duty Tuesday1-09 u 在闭音节中[]bus cup jump much lunch1-10在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:J u ne bl u e r u ler 1-11 s u per


高考英语单词拼写练习 第一部分 I? Edison was a great s ______ in the world? 2.We are all s _________ at the news that they lost the game unexpectedly. 3.He was t ________ and fell asleep soon. 4.The Young Pioneers got to the top of the mountain s _______ and sound? 5.Grandpa often told us some i _________ stories after supper. 6.Please read the i __________ before you operate the machine? 7.Tom has a poor eyesight to see anything c ________ . 8.Have you any d ________ in doing this work? 9.Hebei is in the n __________ part of china? 10.I f _______ to bring your dictionary. I left it in my drawe匚 II? Today more and more Chinese go to study in f ______ countries. 12.Pm sony to t _________ you, but could you tell me how I can get to the airport? 13.My house is about twenty-m _________ walk by bike? 14.Fni every day e ______________ today. 15.He is not in the office. Shall I take a m _________ ? 16.The doctor insisted that he need an o ___________ a t once? 17.一Could you look after her for me while we're away? -With p _________ ? 18.The glass was easy to break so he put it on the table s _________ . 19.There was no e _________ for being late. 20.The steps are rather n ___________ . Please take care? 21 ? You needn't turn left or right. Just come s ___________ along die way and you'll find it at die end of the road. 22.Everybody can borrow two books at a time from the school 1 __________ . 23.The Huangshan Mountain a ______ large numbers of tourists every year. 24.It is going to rain. You d better take ail u _________ with you. 25 ? Do you know how to r _______ the waste paper or bottles? 26.The used car is w _____ as little as 2,000 yuan. 27.I beg your p _______ 、I can't quite catch you. 28.Shopping online is c _________ because you needn t go out. 29.Jim made up his m ______ to stay with his parents? 30.My parents always e ____________ me to try again every time I fail?

《英语单词拼读规则表》 - 最新标准版

《英语单词拼读规则表》 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 编 号 a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake 1-01 在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black back 1-02 e 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese 1-03 在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes egg 1-04 i 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite 1-05 在闭音节中[i] fish big drink sit milk swim 1-06 o 在开音节中[ou] those close go hoe home no 1-07 在闭音节中 [ ] clock not box shop sock 1-08 u 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday 1-09 在闭音节中 [ ] bus cup jump much lunch 1-10 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super 1-11 二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 编 号 a [ China another woman breakfast 2-01

] [i] orange comrade village cabbage 2-02 e [ ] hundred student open weekend 2-03 [i] chicken pocket begin children 2-04 i [ ]/[i] holiday beautiful family animal 2-05 [ai] exercise satellite 2-06 o [ ] second tonight somebody welcome 2-07 [ u] also zero photo 2-08 u [ ] autumn diffcult 2-09 [ju:] popular congratulation January 2-10 动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operate 2-11 u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue 2-12 在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[ ]音,也可以读作[i]音。 三、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 元音字母读音例词编


高考英语单词拼写必背全表 一、一个星期七天 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 二、一年十二个月` 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. _______ 8. ________ 9. _______ 10. _______ 11. ________ 12. ________ 三、一年四季 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. ________第八 2. ________ 第九 3. ________四十 4. ________第十二 5. ________第二十 6. ________第四 7. ________第五 8. ________第三 四、亲属称呼 1. _______ (女儿) 2. _______ (侄女) 3. ________ (侄子) 4. _______ (阿姨) 5. ________ (叔叔) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing要如何? 1. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 后悔 2. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 控制 3. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 承认 4. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 出现 5. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 宁愿 6. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 提到 7. __________ (_________ing,__________<过去分词> ) 忘记 8. __________ (__________ed, __________ing)允许 9. __________ (__________ed, __________ing) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. ________ (________,________) 逃跑 2. ________ (________,________) 禁止 3. ________ (________, ________) 原谅 4. ________ (________,________) 结冰 5. ________ (________,________) 悬挂 6. ________ (________,________) 说谎 7. ________ (________,________) 位于8. ________ (________,________) 寻求


英 语 单 词 发 音 规 则 表 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 编 号 在开音节中 [ei] n ame pl ane Jane b aby c ake 1-01 a e i o u 在开音节中,元音字母 u 在辅音字母 j l r s 后面时读 [u:] 音,例如: June bl ue ruler super 1-11 二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 编 号 [ ] Chin a another wom an breakf ast 2-01 a [i] or ange comr ade vill age cabb age 2-02 [ ] hundr ed stud ent op en week end 2-03 e [i] chick en pock et b egin childr en 2-04 [ ]/[i] hol iday beaut iful fam ily an imal 2-05 i [ai] exerc ise satellite 2-06 o [ ] aut umn diffc u lt 2-09 u [ju(:)] pop ular congrat ulation Jan uary 2-10 动词中的 a 如果处在开音节位置, a 读[ei] 音,例如: oper ate 2-11 u 处在开音节位置, 又在辅音字母 j l r s 后面时, 读[u(:)] 音,例如:July infl uence Febr uary issue 在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母 a e i 即可以读作 [ ]音,也可以读作 [i] 音。 三、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 2-12 元音字母 读 音 例 词 编 号 a 在[w] 音后面 [ ] w ant wh at w atch w ash qu ality 3-01 a 在 f n sk ph sp ss st th 前 [α :] after pl ant gr aph ask grasp gl ass fast f ather 3-02 i 在-nd -ld 和 gh 前 [ai] f ind ch ild l ight h igh 3-03 o 在-st -ld 前 [ou] m o st postcard o ld co ld 3-04 在闭音节中 [?] bag d ad h at m ap bl ack b a ck 1-02 在开音节中 [i:] he th ese me Chin e se 1-03 在闭音节中 [e] bed l et p en d esk yes egg 1-04 在开音节中 [ai] bike fl y dr ive t ime n ice kite 1-05 在闭音节中 [i] f ish big dr ink sit m ilk sw i m 1-06 在开音节中 [ou] th o se clo se go hoe h ome n o 1-07 在闭音节中 [ ] clo ck n ot b o x sho p so ck 1-08 在开音节中 [ju:] student exc use duty T u esday 1-09 在闭音节中 [ ] bu s cup j ump m uch l unch 1-10 [ ] second t o night someb o dy welc o me 2-07 [ u] also zero phot o 2-08


高一英语单词拼写练习 必修1 Unit 1 1? It was quite terr ible? It took me some time to c _________________ myseIf down? 2.Parents are a I ways c ___________ much about the i r chiIdren. 3.True fr i ends a I ways s ________ the i r sadness and happiness with each other. 4.I'm t er r i b I y sorry ? I d i dn* t do it on p ____________ ? 5.Some a ni ma Is hiberna te un der snow, because there i s much a i r i n I snow ? 6. A _______ to the law, t _____________ are not a I I owed to smoke or dr i nk ? 7.The oId man went t ____________ many wars and s ____________ a lot from them. 8.After the terr ible hurr icane, the whole house was destroyed e __________________ ? 9.If you have some troubIe, you can go to the teacher for a _________________________ ? 10.By internet, we can c _________________ with peopIe a I I over the worId 11.By now, he has formed the h ___________ of doing some reading before going to bed. 12.The r _______ he gave for his c ___________ in the exam was simple? Unit 2 students attended the Iecture, i __________________ our monitor. 2.Though he is a n English speaker, he can speak English very f I uen 11 y. 3.Nowadays, many ta I I bui Idi ngs have e for peop I e to go up and down. 4.He t hough t I had known the fac t? But a ____________ , I knew not hi ng abo ut


高考英语单词拼写高频难词集锦 accident n. 事故,意外的事 adventure n. 冒险; 奇遇advertisement n. 广告 ambulance n. 救护车 anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的 apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪 appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌appointment n. 约会 appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激 audience n. 观众,听众 average a. 平均的;普通的n. 平均数baggage n. 行李 bamboo n. 竹 beard n. (下巴上的)胡须behaviour n. 行为,举止 blame n.& v. 责备; 责怪 bleed vi. 出血,流血 telephone booth 电话亭 boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 breathe vi. 呼吸 broadcast (broadcast, broadcast)vt. 广播 businessman n. 商人;企业家 camera n. 照相机;摄像机 candle n. 蜡烛 carrot n. 胡萝卜 ceiling n. 天花板,顶棚 celebrate v. 庆祝 centigrade a. 摄氏的 century n. 世纪,百年 certificate n. 证明,证明书 chain store(s) 连锁店 cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋 chemistry n. 化学 circle n. vt. 圆圈将……圈起来 classical a. 传统的;古典的 climate n. 气候 clinic n. 诊所 college n. 学院;专科学校comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的comment n. 评论 communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)compare vt. 比较,对照


英语语音知识 1. 元音: 单元音(12):/ i: / i / e / [?] / a: / / : / u / u: / / / : / 双元音(8):/ ei / ai / i / i/ u/ε/ u / au / 2. 辅音:(24) 按声带震动与否为: 清音:/ p / t / k / f / s / / h / θ / t/ tr / ts / 浊音:/ b / d / g / v / z / m / n / / / /dr / dz / r / w / j / l / 3. 音节: 一个元音,或一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合称为音节。[m, n, l, N]和辅音音素结合,也可以构成一个音节。 有几个元音就有几个音节。 开音节: 绝对开音节:辅音字母+ 元音字母 相对开音节:元音字母+ 辅音字母(除r)+ e (不发音) 在重读开音节中,元音字母都读作字母的发音。 闭音节: 元音字母+ 辅音字母(除r) 在重读闭音节中,元音字母a读作/A /, e 读作/ e /,I (y)读作/ I /,o读作/ R /,u读作/ u / 或/ Q /. (重读闭音节三要素:1. 必须是重读音节;2. 最后只有一个辅音字母;3. 元音字母发短元音。) · 音节的划分 ①在两个音节的相邻处有两个辅音时,一个辅音属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。 例如:le t-t er me m-b er chi l-dr en dau gh-t er ②在两个音节的相邻处只有一个辅音时,如果前面音节里的元音是长音则辅音属于后面一个音节,如果前面一个音节里的元音是短音,则辅字组属于前面一个音节。 例如:长音p a-per st u-dent f a-ther z e-ro m o-tor f ar-ther 短音s e v-en st u d-y m o th-er v e r-y m o d-le w ea th-er 字母组合不能分开,必须划在一个音节内,如:ch, th, sh, ph, tr, dr 4.单词重音: 在多音节或双音节词中,有一个读得特别响亮的音节,叫做重读音节。除了一些复合词外,一般说来,每个单词只有一个重读音节,重读音节用重音符号"’"来表示。单音节词不标重音符号,但必须重读。 双音节词重读规则双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。 例如:′stu-dent ′Chi-na ′sec-ond ′au-tumn in-′deed 含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。双音节词的重读位置不会因增加前缀或后缀而发生改变。例如:


高考英语单词拼写总复习 1.Science (小说)is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future. 2.Many people were killed in the (碰撞)between the bus and the car. 3.She is a very (温和) person, who never loses her temper. 4.The disaster has become (永久的)pain in people’s heart. 5.A bad cold kept me a (罪犯)to my room. 6.There has been a (有特殊意义的) improvement in the company’s safety record. 7.According to the American (宪法),presidential elections are held every four years. 8.The books are (安排) on the shelves in alphabetical order. 9.The plane is taking off in ten minutes and it’s time to go (登机). 10.H e likes to observe the (现象)of nature. 11.T his time you did your homework (相对) better.

12.T he patient’s condition is (稳定的). 13.S he was trembling with excitement but her voice was (平稳的). 14.M y favourite (消遣) is chess. 15.T he eyes of a cat are (敏感的) to light. 16.D o you know when the French (革命) happened. 17.H e is connected with the Wangs by (婚姻). 18.Y ou look (可笑的) in those tight jeans. 19.T he (隔离) of infectious patients from other patients prevented the virus from spreading. 20.P arents should not give their children (无条件的) freedom. 21.A ll the slaves were fighting for (自由) in those hard days. 22.W ater can (吸收) and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature. 23.D oing morning exercises every morning (使…….受益) your health. 24.P eople of different (种族) may have different colors of skin,


历年高考英语单词拼写题汇总1 1950年试题 一、用适当的词填空: 1.I was born the north and sent to school six. 2.The girl, who is busy work in the library, was born a farmer's family. 3.Many of my schoolmates are fond playing basketball as well football. 4.I am not well acquainted your brother, spite of the fact that you are a good friend of mine. 5.I am interested the study of mathematics, yet I am a loss to solve this problem. 6.Though he is not sure success, he has made his mind to take the examination. 7.The Chinese working class varied its method and form of struggle accordance changing situations. 8.A man must not wait for wonders to happen, the contrary, he must work hard order to achieve them. 1978 四、在下面短文的每一空格中填入一个在意义上和语法上都正确的词:(本题满分为10分,每空1分) Premier Chou came to my grandmother the first time he Tachai. I shouted into Granny' s , "Granny, the Premier' s here. He’s come all the from Peking to see you!" "How we are to meet you, Premier Chou!" said Granny. "How did you get here and how are you going to stay?" The Premier said, "I came by , so the journey took me only a few hours. I think I can stay in T achai very long, because I've got a of work to do in Peking. I be back today." 1979 二、在下面短文的空格中填入适当的词,每格只许填一个词。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。) Giotto and his father lived a small farm in Italy(意大利). Every day Giotto was sent watch their sheep in the hills. But Giotto loved to draw. He had pencil nor paper, but as he sat in the warm sunshine the sheep, he drew pictures in the sand a stick. Sometimes he covered stones with drawings things he saw about him. Before he was very old, Giotto the chance to study drawing and painting with a great painter. He worked very and before many years had he could draw as well his master.


英语单词发音规则表 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 [] [] 二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 [] [] [i] []/[i] [ai] [] [u] [] 在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[]音,也可以读作[i]音。

三、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 [] [] 四、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音 [:] [:] [:] [:] 音节在非重读音节中通常读[] 五、-re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音 ε] [i] [ai] [:] [ju] [] 非重读音节中音节的变体通常发[r] 再加非重读元字组时,

六、元音字组在重读音节中的读音 ε] [] [:l] [:] [i] ε] [:] [i:] [i] [ei] [:] [i] [u:] [u] [] [:] [au] [:] [ju:i]

七、非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音 [] ou s bisc [n] [n] [n] [sn] [] [] 八、元字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音 d[:] 有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一 st[] [:] d[] nd[]

九、辅字组的读音 [] [] [k] [] [] [] [] [w] [] [] []

[] [] [] [] [] [tr] ds[dz] ts[ts] ps-[s] 辅字组后加一横线表示这个字组经常出现在音节开头,而不是单词开头。如:tr-(coun-try) y-(Saw-yer)。音节开头也不一定就是音节的最前面,如:tr-(street)


《英语单词拼读规则表》 字组概念的引入 字母是书写英语单词的最小单位,音素是语言中最小的发音单位。字母分为元音字母和辅音字母两种。英语单词中的字母和单词读音中的各个音素并不都存在着对应关系。有时一个字母对应一个音素,有时两个或三个字母对应一个音素。 字组指的是一个或几个字母在起,发一个音素。字组是拼读英语单词的基本单位,一个字组对应着一个音素。字组能很好地体现出单词的拼写和读音之间的对应关系,一个字组总是对应着一个音素。字组分为元字组和辅字组两类,元字组是对元音字母和元音字母组合的合称;辅字组是对辅音字母和辅音字母组合的合称。 字母数量少(26个),字组数量多(73个),但在同一个单词中,字组数少于或等于字母数,以字组为单位记忆单词可以减轻学习者的负担。如chick 一词,字组数是三个ch-i-ck ,字母数是五个c-h-i-c-k ,记忆三个字组总比记忆五个字母要容易。 字母不能很好地体现英语单词“音形一体”的特点,只有引入“字组”这一概念才能使单词的“音”与“形”统一起来。如chick 一词,如果把chick 拆分开来看c-h-i-c-k ,我们并不知道每个字母发什么音,只有把ch 、i 、ck 看成字组,以字组为单位来看待这个词,才能看出词形与读音之间的对应关系,ch-i-ck 分别对应[t ]、[i]和[k]音。三个字组对应三个音素的记忆方式,比排列组合式地记忆五个字母要容易得多。 英语字组表 关于《英语单词拼读规则表》的几点说明 字 组 元字组 元音字母 元音字组 辅字组 辅音字母 辅音字组

字母是构成单词的基本单位,反过来说,单词是由字母构成的,但是单词的各个字母与各个音素之间并不是一一对应关系,倒是字组与音素之间存在着一对一的关系,即一个字组对应一个音素。因此,以字组为单位记忆单词远比以字母为单位记忆单词更合理,可以在单词的“音”与“形”之间建立起一对一的关系。“音”指的是单词读音中的各个音素,“形”指的是字组而不仅仅是字母。由此可见,在掌握26个字母的基础上熟记一部分 [ [


英语单词拼读规则表 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

简单到家的快步英语音节划分口诀 英语单词在发音的时候,不是一个字母一个字母地来发音的,而是几个字母几个字母地拼起来发音的,因此英语单词叫“拼音文字”,几个拼起来发音的字母叫一个“音节”。音节有开音节、闭音节、半开音节之分,不同的音节里,要选择字母的不同发音。比如单词China(中国)划分成chi-na两个音节,单词international(国际的)划分成in-ter-na-tio-nal五个音节,单词English(英语)划分 成Eng-lish两个音节。 1. 快步英语定义的音节标准结构 一条蛇的结构是头、肚子、尾巴,一个英语音节的样子也与此相似,一个英语音节包括音节头、音节中、音节 尾: 音节头 + 音节中 + 音节尾 音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字母。 音节中:指字母表中的元音字母及元音组合字 母。 音节头:指字母表中的辅音字母及辅音组合字 母。 2. 快步英语的四种音节 有一个小秘密要告诉你,别看音节的标准结构是上面的样子,但实际上一个音节只有音节中不能缺,而音节头

和尾是都是可以缺的。音节中为什么不能缺呢,因为它是 元音字母,元音字母是音节的心脏,元音字母的“元”字 就是“源泉”、“根源”的意思,没有了元音字母,就没 有了英语发音。按照音节缺头缺尾的种类,快步英语把英 语的音节分为以下四种音节: 1)头中尾音节:(头尾都不缺) cat, fat, hot, dog, flag, match, cut, tip, march, meet, food, coat 2)中尾音节:(缺头) at, am, of, old, egg, art, aid, eight 3)头中音节:(缺尾) he, me, go, so, she, far, door, sea, 4)单中音节:(头尾都缺) I, a, o, or, ear, are 3. 快步英语归纳的音节划分口诀 拿来一个长单词,怎样把它划分成短小的几个音 节呢快步英语把单词的音节划分方法总结成下面的音节划 分口诀: 先找元音去尾e,一个元音一音节。 元音相连听音定,加上头尾是整体。

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