当前位置:文档之家› Coco-寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本 42页

Coco-寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本 42页

Coco-寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本   42页
Coco-寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本   42页


1--Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.有时候我觉得自己被诅咒了

2--'Cause of something that happened before I was even born.这个诅咒源于我出生前发生的一些事

3--See, a long time ago, there was this family.很久很久以前有这样的一个家庭

4--The Papá, he was a musician.爸爸是一个音乐家

5--He and his family would sing and dance 他和他的家人总是载歌载舞

6--and count their blessings.知足常乐非常幸福

7--But he also had a dream.但他有一个远大的梦想

8--To play for the world.他想让自己的音乐被整个世界听见

9--And one day...于是有一天

10--he left with his guitar...他带着他的吉他离开了家

11--and never returned.从此再也没有回来

12--And the Mamá...而这个妈妈

13--She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.根本就没有时间为这个出走的负心汉伤心

14--After banishing all music from her life...她把所有音乐从她的生活里抹去之后

15--she found a way to provide for her daughter.她找到了一个养活女儿的方法

16--She rolled up her sleeves...她卷起衣袖

17--and she learned to make shoes.学会了怎么做鞋子

18--She could have made candy.她本可以学做糖果

19--O-o-or fireworks.或者烟花也好

20--Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers.或者摔跤选手穿的亮闪闪的内裤

21--But no.但是她没有

22--She chose shoes.她选择了鞋子

23--Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.然后她教会了她女儿怎么做鞋子

24--And later, she taught her son-in-law.接着她教会了她女婿

25--Then her grandkids got roped in.后来她的孙辈也进入了这个行当

26--As her family grew, so did the business.在她的家族壮大的同时生意也越做越大

27--Music have torn her family apart.音乐曾使她的家族分崩离析

28--But shoes held them all together.而鞋子又将他们凝聚在一起

29--You see that woman...这个女人

30--was my great-great-grandmother...便是我的曾曾祖母

31--Mamá Imelda.伊梅尔达

32--She died way before I was born.她在我出生之前很久就去世了

33--But my family still tells her story...但每年亡灵节的时候

34--every year on Día de los Muertos -- the Day of the Dead...我的家族还会传颂她的故事35--And her little girl? She's my great-grandmother, Mamá Coco.而照片中的小女孩便是我的曾祖母可可

36--Hola, Mamá Coco.早上好曾祖母

37--How are you, Julio?你好吗胡里奥

38--Actually, my name is Miguel.其实我叫米格尔

39--Mamá Coco has trouble remembering things.曾祖母的记忆力不太好

40--But it's good to talk to her, anyway.但是跟她说话还是很愉快

41--So, I tell her pretty much everything.所以我总是找她倾诉

42--I used to run like this.之前我是这样跑的

43--But now I run like this, it's just way faster.但现在我这样跑跑得快多了

44--The winner is... luchadora Coco!获胜者是女角斗士可可

45--I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side.我脸这边又一个酒窝但另一边没有46--Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple.有酒窝没酒窝有酒窝没酒窝

47--Miguel, eat your food.米格尔好好吃饭

48--My abuelita, she's Mamá Coco's daughter.这是我祖母我曾祖母的女儿

49--Aw, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more.看看你都瘦成猴了多吃点

50--No, gracias.不了谢谢

51--I asked if you would like more tamales.我问你要不要多来点玉米粉蒸肉呢


53--That's what I thought you said!我就知道你会这么说

54--Abuelita runs the house just as Mamá Imelda did.祖母掌管家庭的方式和曾曾祖母伊梅尔达一样

55--No music!不要音乐

56--No music!不要音乐

57--No music!不要音乐

58--I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music.我们家可能是墨西哥唯一一个憎恶音乐的家庭

59--And my family's fine with that.家里的其他人都习以为常

60--But me...但我

61--Be back by lunch, mijo.午饭前回来哦孩子

62--Love you, Mamá!好的妈妈

63--I'm not like the rest of my family.我和我的家人不一样

64--- Hola, Miguel. - Hola.-早啊米格尔 -早上好

65--- Muchas gracias! - De nada, Miguel!-我拿一个谢谢 -不客气米格尔

66--He-hey, Dante!嗨丹丹



69--Roll over.滚一圈


71--Fist bump.碰拳

72--Good boy, Dante!好孩子丹丹

73--I know, I'm not supposed to love music.我知道我不应该爱音乐

74--But it's not my fault.但这不是我的错

75--It's his.这全都怪他

76--Ernesto de la Cruz.厄内斯托·德拉库斯

77--The greatest musician of all time.有史以来最伟大的音乐家

78--Here in this very plaza, the young Ernesto de la Cruz 就在这个广场上年轻的厄内斯托·德拉库斯

79--took his first steps toward becoming 完成了他的第一次表演

80--the most beloved singer in Mexican history.就此成为了墨西哥历史上最受人爱戴的歌手

81--He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me.最初他只是圣塞西利亚的一个无名


82--But when he played music,但只要他开始演奏音乐

83--he made people fall in love with him.所有人都会不由自主地爱上他

84--He starred in movies.他出演了很多部电影

85--He had the coolest guitar.他有世界上最酷炫的吉他

86--He could fly!他还能飞

87--And he wrote the best songs.而且他写出了世界上最好的歌

88--But my all-time favorite is...而我的最爱是

89--# Remember me ##请记住我#

90--# Though I have to say goodbye ##虽然我终将离开#

91--# Remember me ##请记住我#

92--# Don't let it make you cry ##莫要因此而哭泣#

93--# For even if I'm far away ##尽管我身在天边#

94--# I hold you in my heart ##你仍会在我心里#

95--# I sing a secret song to you # # I hold you in my heart ##每个分离的夜晚#你仍会在我心里

96--# I sing a secret song to you ##每个分离的夜晚#

97--# Each night we are apart Remember me ##我为你唱这首歌记住我#

98--# Though I have to travel far ##虽然我终将离开#

99--# Remember me ##请记住我#

100--# Each time you hear a sad guitar ##每次耳闻吉他曲#

101--# Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be... ##记得我常伴你身就让歌声陪

伴你 #

102--# Until you're in my arms again ##直到你我再相拥#

103--He lived the kind of life you dream about... # Until you're in my arms again #他过

着人们梦寐以求的生活 #直到你我再相拥#

104--He lived the kind of life you dream about...他过着人们梦寐以求的生活

105--# Remember me ##请记住我#

106--Until 1942.直到 1942 年

107--When he was crushed by a giant bell.他被一口巨大的钟砸死了

108--I wanna be just like him.我想要成为他那样的人

109--Sometimes, I look at de la Cruz...有时候当我注视着歌神

110--and I get this feeling.我会觉得

111--Like we're connected somehow.我们之中有一种联系

112--Like if he could play music...他能成为伟大的音乐家

113--maybe someday, I could too!或许有一天我也能

114--If it wasn't for my family.如果我的家庭不反对的话

115--Ay, ay, ay, muchacho!唉你这小子


117--I asked for a shoe shine, not your life story.我让你擦鞋又不是让你讲你的人生故事118--Oh, yeah, sorry.哦好吧抱歉

119--I just can't really talk about any of this at home, so.只是我在家里的时候没法跟任


120--Look, if I were you,听着如果我是你

121--I'd march right up to my family and say,我就会走到家人面前大声跟他们说

122--"Hey, I'm a musician. Deal with it!"嘿我就是要当音乐家你们看着办

123--I could never say that.我可不敢那么说

124--You are a musician, no?但你歌唱得不错对吧

125--I-I-I don't know.我我不知道

126--I mean, I only really play for myself.我一般都只唱给自己听

127--Ah! Did de la Cruz become the world's best musician 难道德拉库斯是靠藏着他的唱歌技巧 128--by hiding his sweet, sweet skills?而成为世界上最伟大的音乐家的梦吗


130--He walked out onto that plaza 他走上了那个广场

131--and he played out loud!放声歌唱

132--Mira, Mira, they're setting up for tonight.你看那边

133--The music competition for Día de Muertos.他们在布置今晚亡灵节的歌唱比赛呢

134--You wanna be like your hero? You should sign up!你想成为像你偶像那样的人的话就应该去报名

135--Unh-unh. My family would freak!还是算了我的家人会气坏的

136--Look, if you're too scared, then, well, have fun making shoes.听着如果你害怕的话就乖乖的做鞋子

137--Come on, what did de la Cruz always say?好好想想德拉库斯是怎么说的

138--Seize your moment?抓住你的机会

139--Show me what you got, muchacho.让我看看你的才艺孩子

140--I'll be your first audience.把我当作你的第一个观众




144--What are you doing here?你在这里干什么

145--Um... oh... uh...额我

146--You leave my grandson alone!你离我孙子远点

147--Dona, please! I was just getting a shine.婆婆我只是让他给我擦鞋而已

148--I know your tricks, mariachi.我知道你的把戏流浪歌手

149--What did he say to you?他跟你说什么了

150--He was just showing me his guitar.他只是给我看了看他的吉他

151--Shame on you!真不要脸

152--My grandson is a is a sweet little 我的孙子是一个

153--angelito, perrito, cielito!可爱的小天使

154--He wants no part of your music, mariachi.别用邪恶的音乐侵染他

155--You keep away from him.你离他远点

156--Ay, pobrecito!哦我可怜的宝贝

157--Estas bien, mijo.我真是担心坏了

158--You know better than to be here in this place.你知道你不应该来这种地方啊

159--You will come home. Now.你现在就跟我回家

160--How many times have we told you?要我跟你说多少次

161--That plaza is crawling with mariachis.那个广场上全都是落魄的音乐家

162--Yes, Tío Berto.知道了叔叔贝托

163--No, no, no, no, no.不不不不不

164--Hey, go away, you. Go!嘿走开

165--It's just Dante.别打丹丹

166--Never name a street dog.永远别给流浪狗起名

167--They'll follow you forever.他们会死缠着你的

168--Now, go get my shoe.现在去把我的鞋子捡回来

169--I found your son in Mariachi Plaza.我又在广场上找到你儿子了

170--Ay, Miguel?是吗米格尔

171--You know how abuelita feels about the plaza.你也知道祖母多不喜欢那个广场的啊

172--I was just shining shoes.我只是去擦鞋而已

173--A musician's shoes.擦音乐家们的鞋子

174--But the plaza's where the foot traffic is.但是那里要擦的鞋子多啊

175--If abuelita says, "No more plaza", then no more plaza.如果祖母说别去广场就别去广场

176--But what about tonight?那今晚呢

177--What's tonight?今晚怎么了

178--Well, they're having this talent show.今晚在广场上有一个才艺表演

179--- A-and I thought I might... - Sign up?-我想我可以 -报名?

180--Well, maybe?我想去试试

181--You have to have talent to be in a talent show.你得有才艺才能参加才艺表演啊

182--What are you gonna do? Shine shoes? Oh!你要表演什么擦鞋吗

183--It's Día de los Muertos. No one's going any where.今晚是亡灵节你哪都别想去

184--Tonight is about family.今晚我们要一家团聚

185--Ofrenda room. Vámonos.你跟我来去祭坛室

186--Don't give me that look.别这样看着我

187--Día de los Muertos is the one night of the year 亡灵节是每年

188--our ancestors can come visit us.我们的祖先回来看望我们的时候

189--We put their photos on the ofrenda 我们将他们的照片放在祭坛上

190--so their spirits can cross over.这样他们的灵魂才得以返乡

191--That is very important.这非常重要

192--If we don't put them up, they can't come.如果我们不摆放他们的照片他们就回不来了193--We made all this food.我们烹制精致的食物

194--Set out the things they loved in life, mijo.摆出他们生前喜爱的东西

195--All this work to bring the family together.就是为了将家庭凝聚在一起

196--I don't want you sneaking off to who-knows-where.我不希望你偷偷去什么鬼地方

197--Huh! Where are you going?嘿你想去哪

198--- I thought we were done. - Ay, Dios mío.-我以为你说完了 -过来孩子

199--Being part of this family means being here for this family.我们是一家人就应该在一起

200--I don't want to see you end up like...我不想让你成为像

201--Like Mamá Coco's papá?像曾祖母的爸爸那样的人

202--Never mention that man!永远不要提起那个人

203--He's better off forgotten.最好把他给忘了

204--- But you're the one who... - Eh, thchhsss!-但是你先提 -嘘

205--- I was just... - Tchsshh!-我只是 -嘘

206--- But... - Tchshh.-但是 -嘘

207--- I... - Shhh.-我 -嘘


209--Papá is home?爸爸要回家了

210--Mamá, cálmese, cálmese.妈妈冷静冷静

211--Papá is coming home?爸爸要回家了

212--No, Mamá, it's okay. I'm here.不妈妈没事的我在这呢

213--Who are you?你是谁

214--Ay... rest, Mamá.唉休息吧妈妈

215--I'm hard on you because I care, Miguel.我对你很苛刻是因为我在乎你米格尔216--Miguel?米格尔



219--What are we going to do with that boy?我们该拿他怎么办啊

220--Ha ha ha, you're right.哈哈我知道了

221--That's just what he needs.他需要的是这个


223--Oh, it's you. Get in here.是你呀进来吧

224--Come on, Dante. Hurry up.快点丹丹

225--You're gonna get me in trouble, boy.别给我惹麻烦哦

226--Someone can hear me.别人会听见的

227--I wish someone wanted to hear me.我倒希望有人愿意听我唱歌

228--Other than you.除了你之外

229--Ew, okay!好了好了


231--I have to sing.我必须要歌唱

232--I have to play.我必须要演奏

233--The music, it's... it's not just in me.音乐不只是存在于我身体里

234--It is me.音乐就是我

235--When life gets me down.当生活使我沮丧时

236--I play my guitar.我就弹起吉他

237--The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I...其他人都随波逐流

238--must follow my heart.而我必须追随我的内心


240--You know that feeling...你知道那种感觉吗

241--like there's a song in the air 好像空气中弥漫着一首

242--and it's playing just for you?只为你而奏的歌曲

243--# A feeling so close #这感觉近在咫尺

244--# You could reach out and touch it #你可以伸手去触摸它

245--# I never knew #我想不到

246--# I could want something so much #我能对此如此渴求

247--# But it's true #这一切是真实的

248--You must have faith, sister.你一定要坚持信念亲爱的

249--Oh, but Padre, he will never listen.噢但是神父不会听我的辩解的

250--He will listen to music!但他会聆听音乐的

251--# Only a song, only a song #仅仅一首歌

252--# Has the power to change a heart #便拥有改造人心的力量

253--Never underestimate the power of music.永远不要低估音乐的力量

254--But my father,但是我的父亲

255--he will never give his permission.是绝对不会支持我的

256--I am done asking permission.我已厌倦等待他人的准许

257--When you see your moment,当你看到机会

258--you mustn't let it pass you by.你绝不能与它擦肩而过

259--You must seize it.你一定要抓住机会把握当下

260--Senor de la Cruz,德拉库斯先生

261--what did it take for you to seize your moment?你是如何做的把握当下的呢

262--I had to have faith in my dream.我坚守梦想

263--No one was going to hand it to me.因为没有人会将梦想送到我手中

264--It was up to me to reach for that dream.只有我才能追逐自己的梦想

265--Grab it tight...将未来握在手中

266--and make it come true.将梦想实现

267--No more hiding, Dante.我不要再躲躲藏藏了丹丹

268--I gotta seize my moment.我要抓住机会

269--I'm gonna play in Mariachi Plaza if it kills me.我无论如何都要去广场表演

270--Día de Muertos has begun!亡灵节已经开始了

271--No, no, no, no, no.不不不不不

272--We have to make a clear path.我们必须要摆出一条清晰的道路

273--The petals guide our ancestors home.这些花瓣们会指引我们的祖先回家

274--- Mamá! - Hunh!-妈妈 -嗯

275--Where should we put this table?这张桌子放哪

276--In the courtyard, mijos.放在院子里亲爱的

277--You want it down by the kitchen?在厨房旁边?

278--Si, eh, next to the other one.对在那张桌子旁边

279--Get under, get under!快藏起来


281--Uh, nothing.呃没事

282--Mamá, Papá, I...爸爸妈妈我

283--Miguel, your abuelita have 米格尔你祖母有一个

284--the most wonderful idea.非常好的主意

285--We've all decided...我们决定了

286--it's time you joined us in the workshop!是时候让你加入我们的制鞋工作坊了


288--No more shining shoes.你不用在擦鞋了

289--You will be making them, every day, after school.你可以开始做鞋了每天放学都做290--Oh, our Miguelitititito 噢亲爱的宝贝米格尔

291--carrying on the family tradition.准备继承家族传统

292--And on Día de los Muertos!而且还是在亡灵节这天

293--Your ancestors would be so proud.我们的祖先们会为你骄傲的

294--You'll craft huaraches just like your Tía Victoria.你可以像你的维多利亚阿姨一样做拖鞋

295--And wing tips just like your Papá Julio.或者像你爸爸一样做翘尖皮鞋

296--But what if I'm no good at making shoes?但是如果我不想要做鞋呢

297--Ay, Miguel.米格尔

298--You have your family here to guide you.你的整个家庭都会为你带路

299--You are a Rivera.你姓里韦拉

300--And a Rivera is?而姓里韦拉的人都是

301--A shoemaker...鞋匠

302--through and through.世世代代的鞋匠

303--That's my boy!真是个好孩子

304--Haha! Berto! Break out the good stuff!贝托把好东西都拿出来


306--No, Dante, stop!丹丹快停下

307--No, no, no, no, no!不不不不不


309--De la Cruz' guitar?德拉库斯的吉他


311--Mamá Coco.曾祖母可可

312--Is your papá Ernesto de la Cruz?你的爸爸是厄内斯托·德拉库斯吗

313--Papá! Papá!爸爸爸爸

314--Papá, Papá!爸爸爸爸

315--It's him!就是他了

316--I know who my great-great-grandfather was!我知道我的曾曾祖父是谁了

317--Miguel, get down from there.米格尔从上面下来

318--Mamá Coco's father was Ernesto de la Cruz!曾祖母可可的爸爸是厄内斯托·德拉库斯319--What are you talking about?你在胡说些什么

320--I'm gonna be a musician!我要当音乐家

321--What is all this?这些都是什么

322--You keep secrets from your own family?你连秘密都不跟家人说吗

323--It's all that time he spends in the plaza.这就是他在广场上干的好事

324--Fills his head with crazy fantasies.满脑子装的都是些疯狂的幻想

325--It's not a fantasy.这不是幻想

326--That man was Ernesto de la Cruz.那个人是厄内斯托·德拉库斯

327--The greatest musician of all time.世界上最伟大的音乐家

328--We've never known anything about this man.我们从来没听过这个人

329--Or whoever he was, he still abandoned his family.不管他是谁他还是抛弃了他的家庭330--It's no future for my son.我的儿子不能跟他学

331--Well, Papá, y-you said my family would guide me.爸爸你你说过我的家人会引导我332--Well, de la Cruz is my family.德拉库斯也是我的家人

333--I'm supposed to play music.我应当做音乐

334--Never! That man's music was a curse.绝不那个人的音乐是诅咒

335--I will not allow it.我绝对不允许

336--- If you would just... - Miguel.-如果你能 -米格尔

337--You will listen to your family.你要听家里人的话

338--No more music.不许再有音乐了

339--Just listen to me play.听我弹一首吧

340--End of argument.讨论结束了

341--You want to end up like that man?你想像那个人一样吗


343--Left off your family's ofrenda?照片都不在家人的祭坛上

344--I don't care if I'm on some stupid ofrenda.我才不在乎什么愚蠢的祭坛呢

345--- No! - Mamá!-不要 -妈妈


347--No guitar.没有吉他了

348--No music.不再有音乐了

349--Aw, come.过来

350--You'll feel better after you eat with your family.你跟家里人吃顿饭就全都好了

351--I don't wanna be in this family!我才不想待在这样的家里呢

352--Miguel, Miguel!米格尔米格尔

353--I-I wanna play in the plaza.我我想在广场上演奏

354--Like de la Cruz.像德拉库斯一样

355--C-can I still sign up?我还能报名吗

356--You got an instrument?你有乐器吗

357--No. But if I can borrow a guitar.没有但我可以借一把吉他

358--Musicians gotta bring their own instruments.音乐家们必须自己准备乐器

359--You find a guitar, kid, I'll put you on the list.你去找把吉他孩子我把你写到名单上

360--Hey, excuse me, can I borrow your guitar?打扰了我能借用一下你的吉他吗

361--Sorry, muchaco.抱歉不行年轻人

362--You guys have a spare guitar?你们有多余的吉他吗


364--I need a guitar just for a little bit.我需要一把吉他就用一会

365--Get outta here, kid.滚开小屁孩


367--What am I supposed to do?我该怎么办

368--No, no, no, no. Dante, stop.不不不不丹丹快停下

369--Cállate, shh.快闭嘴

370--I'm sorry.抱歉了

371--Senor de la Cruz.德拉库斯先生

372--Please don't be mad.请您不要生气

373--I-I'm Miguel.我我是米格尔

374--Your great-great-grandson.你的曾曾孙子

375--I-I need to borrow this.我得借用一下这个

376--Our family thinks music is a curse.我的家人都认为音乐是诅咒

377--None of them understand. But I know you would have.他们都不理解我但我知道你会懂我

378--You would have told me to follow my heart.你会告诉我顺从自己的心意379--To seize my moment.去把握当下

380--So, if it's all right with you...所以如果你不介意的话

381--I'm gonna play in the Plaza.我要去广场演奏

382--Just like you did!就像你以前那样

383--What's going on?发生什么事了

384--Somebody stole de la Cruz' guitar.有人偷了德拉库斯的吉他

385--The window is broken, look!窗户破了快看

386--All right, who's in there?好了是谁在那

387--I'm sorry, I-it's not what it looks like.我很抱歉不是你想象的那样388--De la Cruz is my...德拉库斯是我的

389--There's nobody here!这儿没有人

390--- Miguel! - Mamá!-米格尔 -妈妈

391--Miguel, come home!米格尔回家

392--Dios mio, little boy! Are you okay?我的天啊小孩子你还好吗

393--Here, let me help you.来让我帮你

394--Thanks. I...谢谢我

395--Do you mind?你干嘛呢

396--Look how big she's getting.看看她都长多大了

397--Uh! Dante?丹丹

398--You can see me?你能看到我吗

399--Wait! What's going on?等等怎么回事

400--Dante! Dante!丹丹丹丹

401--Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.噢对不起对不起


403--- Miguel? - Miguel?-米格尔 -米格尔

404--Y-you're here!你在这

405--Here here.在这个世界

406--And you can see us?而且你还能看到我们

407--Our Miguelitititito!我们的米格尔小宝

408--Remind me how I know you?我认识你们吗

409--We're your family, mijo.我们是你的家人宝贝

410--Tía Rosita?罗西塔婶婶


412--Papá Julio?胡里奥爷爷


414--Tía Vic...toria?维多利亚婶婶

415--He doesn't seem entirely dead.他看起来不像死透了

416--He's not quite alive, either.但他也不像是活着

417--We need Mamá Imelda.我们需要伊梅尔达奶奶

418--She'll know how to fix this.她会知道怎么解决的


420--It's Mamá Imelda!是伊梅尔达奶奶

421--She couldn't cross over!她过不来了

422--She's stuck!她被困住了

423--On the other side!困在另一边

424--Tío Oscar?奥斯卡叔叔

425--Tío Felipe?菲利普叔叔

426--Oh, hey, Miguel.你好米格尔

427--I have a feeling this has something to do with you.我有预感这跟你有什么关系

428--But if Mamá Imelda can't come to us...但如果伊梅尔达奶奶不能过来的话

429--Then we are going to her!我们只好去找她了

430--- Whoa! - Vámonos!-喔噢 -我们走吧

431--Come on, Miguel, it's-it's okay.来吧米格尔没事的



434--Dante, wait up!丹丹等等我

435--You've gotta stay with me, boy.你得跟紧我狗狗

436--You don't know...你不知道


438--This isn't a dream, then.这不是在做梦

439--You're all really out there.你们真的活在另一个世界

440--You thought we weren't?你以为我们不是吗

441--Oh, I don't know.我不知道

442--I thought it might have been one of those made-up things...我以为这只是那些大人说给小孩听的

443--that adults tell kids, like...编出来的故事就好比


445--Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.米格尔维他命是真实存在的

446--Well, now I'm thinking maybe they could be.现在我开始相信了

447--Mija, it's not nice to stare at...女儿盯着别人看不礼貌

448--Ay, Santa Maria 啊圣母玛利亚

449--Are those?那些是


451--- But those are... - Real alebrijes.-但那些是 -真的亡灵怪

452--Spirit creatures.亡灵生物

453--They guide souls on their journey.它们给亡灵们指路

454--Watch your step, they make cacitas everywhere.当心脚下它们喜欢随处大小便

455--Welcome back to the Land of the Dead.欢迎回到亡灵之地

456--Please have all offerings ready for re-entry.请您准备好申报物品以便重新进入

457--Welcome back.欢迎回来

458--Anything to declare?有要登记的东西吗

459--Some churros, from my family.一些油条家里人做的

460--How wonderful!太好了

461--If you're experiencing travel issues...如果你有旅途上的麻烦

462--Agents at the Department of Family Reunion 家族重聚部门的员工们

463--are available to assist you.很乐意协助您

464--Next family, please.下个家庭

465--Oh, your photos are in your son's ofrenda.你们的照片在你们儿子的祭坛上

466--Have a great visit.探访愉快

467--- Gracias. - Gracias.-谢谢你 -谢谢

468--And remember to return before sunrise.记得在日出前回来

469--Enjoy your visit!探访愉快


471--Your photo's on your dentist's ofrenda.你的照片在你的牙医的祭坛上

472--Enjoy your visit.探访愉快



475--Yes, it is I, Frida Kahlo.没错是我芙丽达·卡罗

476--Shall we skip the scanner?可以跳过扫描吗

477--I'm on so many ofrendas 我在太多人的祭坛上了

478--it will just overwhelm your blinky thingy.你那发光的小玩意可能会被烧掉

479--Whoa, shoot.该死

480--Looks like no one put up your photo...看来没有人供奉你的照片


482--Okay, when I said I was Frida, just now...好吧刚才我说我是芙丽达


484--That was a lie.那是骗你的

485--And I apologize for doing that.我很抱歉骗了你

486--No photo on an ofrenda, no crossing the bridge.没有照片在祭坛上就不能过桥

487--You know what?你猜怎么着

488--I'm just gonna zip right over. You won't even know I'm gone.我就直接溜过去你压根不会知道我走了


490--Almost... there...就差一点

491--Just a little... further...还有一点点

492--Upsy daisy.我自己起来

493--Fine. Okay. Fine, who cares?好吧好吧谁在乎呢

494--Dumb flower bridge!该死的花桥

495--Aw, I don't know what I'd do if no one put up my photo.如果没人供奉我的照片我都不知道该怎么办


497--Oh, come mijo, it's our turn.来吧宝宝到我们了

498--Welcome back, amigo.欢迎回来朋友

499--Anything to declare?有什么要登记的吗

500--A-as a matter of fact...事实上



503--Paging Marta Gonzalez Ramos...呼叫玛德塔·冈亚雷斯·德莫斯

504--Marta Gonzalez Ramos...玛德塔·冈亚雷斯·德莫斯

505--Please report to level seven.请到七层报道

506--I miss my nose.我想念我的鼻子

507--Come on, help us out, amigo.拜托帮帮我们朋友

508--We gotta get to a dozen ofrendas tonight.我们今晚得去十几个祭坛呢

509--We are not visiting your ex-wife, Stanley,今年亡灵节我们不会去看你前妻的

510--por Día de Muertos.斯坦利

511--I demand to speak to the person in charge.我要求和管事的人说话

512--I'm sorry, senora, it says here 抱歉女士电脑显示的是

513--no one put up your photo.没有人供奉你的照片

514--My family always, always put my photo up in the ofrenda 我的家人一直永远都把我的照片供奉在祭坛上

515--That devil box tells you nothing but lies.那个邪恶的盒子谎话连篇

516--Mamá Imelda?伊梅尔达奶奶

517--Oh, mi familia.我的家人

518--They wouldn't let me cross the bridge.他们不让我过桥

519--Tell this woman and her devil box 告诉这个女人和她那邪恶的盒子

520--that my photo is in the ofrenda.我的照片在祭坛上

521--Well, w-we never made it to the ofrenda.我们我们没能去祭坛


523--We ran into a...我们碰到了

524--Hunh! Miguel?米格尔

525--Mamá Imelda.伊梅尔达奶奶

526--What is going on?怎么回事

527--You the Rivera family?你们是里韦拉家庭吗

528--Well, you're cursed.你们被诅咒了


530--Día de los Muertos is a night to give to the dead.亡灵节是活人向死人供奉的节日531--You stole from the dead.你却从死人那偷东西

532--But I wasn't sealing the guitar.但我不是要偷那把吉他


534--It was my great-great-grandfather's.那是我曾曾祖父的

535--He would have wanted me to have it.他肯定也想让我拿走的

536--Ah-ah-ah! We do not speak of that musician.别想了我们不能再提那个音乐家了

537--He is dead to this family.他对我们家来说已经死了

538--Uh, you're all dead.你们都已经死了


540--I am sorry, uh, who's alebrije is that?抱歉这是谁家的亡灵怪

541--That's Dante.他叫丹丹

542--He sure doesn't look like an alebrije.他看起来一点也不像个亡灵怪

543--He just looks like a plain old dog.而是像一只普通的老狗

544--Or a sausage someone dropped in a barbershop.或是谁丢在理发店的香肠

545--Whatever he is, I am- achoo!不管他是啥我都阿嚏

546--terribly allergic.严重过敏

547--But Dante doesn't have any hair.但丹丹又没有毛

548--And I don't have a nose and yet here we are.我也没有鼻子啊但我还不是过敏


550--But none of this explains why I couldn't cross over.这些都不能解释我为什么过不了桥551--You took my photo off the ofrenda?你把我的照片从祭坛上取下来了

552--It was an accident.那是个意外

553--How do we send him back?我们怎么送他回去

554--Well, since it's a family matter...既然这是个家事

555--The way to undo a family curse is 要解除家族诅咒的方法是

556--to get your family's blessing.获取你家里人的祝福

557--That's it?就这么简单吗

558--Get your family's blessing 获取家里人的祝福

559--and everything should go back to normal.一切都会回归正常了

560--But you've gotta do it by sunrise.但你必须在日出前完成

561--What happens at sunrise?日出时会怎么样

562--Híjole, your hand!我的天呐你的手

563--Whoa, Miguel. Can't have you fainting on us.米格尔你可不能在我们面前晕倒了

564--But not to worry.不过不用担心

565--Your family is here.你家人在这里

566--You can get your blessing right now.你现在就可以得到祝福

567--Cempasuchil, cempasuchil.亡灵花瓣亡灵花瓣


569--Perdón, senora.我可以吗女士


571--Now, you look at the living and say his name.现在你看着生者然后说出他的名字


573--Nailed it.搞定了

574--Now say, "I give you my blessing."现在说我给你我的祝福

575--I give you my blessing.我给你我的祝福

576--I give you my blessing to go home...我给你祝福让你回家

577--To put my photo back on the ofrenda...把我的照片放到祭坛上

578--And to never play music again.然后永远不要再碰音乐

579--What? She can't do that!什么她不能那样做

580--Well, technically, she can add any condition she wants.理论上讲她可以添加任何条件581--Fine.好吧

582--Then you hand the petal to Miguel.现在你把花瓣给他

583--哈 Ha!

584--没有骷髅了 No skeletons.

585--流浪歌手广场我来了 Mariachi Plaza, here I come.

586--already break your promise.才过了两秒你就忘了你答应我什么了 Two seconds and you 587--This isn't fair, it's my life.这不公平这是我自己的人生

588--你们已经活过一次了 You already had yours.

589--I ask for your blessing.胡里奥曾祖父我需要你的祝福 Papá Julio,

590--Tía Rosita?罗西塔姨奶奶你来吧

591--奥斯卡舅爷爷 Oscar?


593--Tía Victoria?维多利亚姨奶奶

594--Don't make this hard, mijo.别把事情弄的这么复杂孩子

595--You go home my way, or no way.想回家就听我的不然你回不了家

596--You really hate music that much?你就真的这么讨厌音乐吗

597--I will not let you go down the same path he did.我不会让你重蹈你曾曾爷爷的覆辙的598--The same path he did.曾曾爷爷走过的路

599--He's family.他也是家人呀

600--Listen to your Mamá Imelda.听你曾曾奶奶伊梅达的话

601--She's just looking out for you.她都是为了你好

602--Be reasonable.听话

603--Con permiso, I need to visit the rest room.抱歉我要去一下洗手间

604--Be right back.马上回来

605--Ah, should we tell him 我们要告诉他

606--there are no restrooms in the Land of the Dead?在亡灵之地没有洗手间吗


608--We got a family looking for a living boy.有一家人正在找一个活着的小男孩

609--I wanna be a musician, I need a musician's blessing.我想成为一个音乐家我需要一位音乐家的祝福

610--We gotta find my great-great-grandpa.我们得找到我的曾曾爷爷

611--Hold it, muchaco.等一等小朋友

612--哈 Huh!

613--I found that little boy!我找到那个活着的小男孩了

614--Oh, excuse me. Excuse me, folks.不好意思各位让一下

615--Excuse me.让一让

616--哦 Oh.


618--Disturbing the peace.扰乱公众秩序

619--Fleeing an officer.拒绝被捕

620--Falsifying a unibrow.戴着假一字眉

621--That's illegal?那也算犯法

622--Very illegal.当然算啦

623--your act, amigo.你得遵守法律啊朋友 You need to clean up


625--Oh, that's-that's so nice to hear you say that because 听您这么称呼我真是倍感欣慰626--I have just had a really hard Día de Muertos 因为今年我过了一个很糟糕的亡灵节

627--and I could really use an amigo right now.我现在正需要一个朋友的帮助

628--And amigos, they help their amigos.而且朋友之间是会互相帮助的吧

629--Listen, you get me across that bridge tonight...听着如果你让我通过那座桥

630--and I'll make it worth your while.我绝不会亏待你的

631--You like de la Cruz?你是德拉库斯的粉丝吗

632--He and I go way back.他和我有很深的交情

633--I can get you front row seats to his sunrise spectacular show.我能给你弄到他日出演唱会前排的门票

634--I-I'll get you backstage. You can meet him.我可以让你去后台去见见他本人

635--You just gotta let me cross that bridge.而你只需要让我通过那座桥

636--I should lock you up for the rest of the holiday.我应该把你关起来直到亡灵节结束637--But my shift's almost up and...但是我就要换班了

638--I wanna visit my living family.我想去活人世界见见我的家人们

639--So I'm letting you off with a warning.所以我就给你一个警告你可以走了

640--Can I at least get my costume back?至少把那套戏服还给我吧

641--Uh... no.没门

642--Some amigo.还说什么朋友



645--You really know de la Cruz?你真的认识德拉库斯吗

646--Who wants to... ah! Ay! You're alive!谁想认识... 我的天哪你是活的

647--Yeah, I'm alive.是的我是活人

648--And I want to get back to the Land of the Living...而且我想回到人间

649--I need de la Cruz' blessing.我需要得到德拉库斯的祝福

650--That's weirdly specific.干嘛非要找他

651--He's my great-great-grandfather.他是我的曾曾祖父

652--He's your gr-gr-gr- what?他是你的曾曾曾啥

653--恶心死了 Ew.

654--Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.等一等等一等

655--Wait, wait.不对

656--啊 Hunh!

657--Wait. No. Wait, wait, wait, wait 等等不等一等

658--Wait, uh, wait,等等

659--Wait, uh, wait, wait,等一等

660--Wait, uh, wait, wait, wait,等等等等

661--Wait, uh, wait, wait, wait, wait,等一等

662--Wait, uh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,等一等

663--Wait, uh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.等....等一等

664--Yes! You're going back to the Land of the Living!太好了你要回到人间

665--You know what? Maybe this isn't such a good...或许我不应该问你...

666--Nino, nino, I can help you.不不不我能帮助你

667--You can help me. We can help each other.你也能帮我我们能互相帮助

668--But most importantly, you can help me.但更重要的是你能帮到我

669--- Miguel! - Huh!- 米格尔 - 啊

670--- I'm Héctor. - That's nice.- 我叫埃克托 - 很高兴认识你

671--Esperame, chamaco!等等我小朋友

672--Ay! He is going to get himself killed!哎呀这小子会害死自己的

673--I need my spirit guide...我需要我的灵魂向导


675--Who has that petal Miguel touched?谁有那片米格尔碰过的花瓣

676--Here... n-nice alebrije.来闻闻亡灵怪

677--Hey, hey, hold still.嘿别乱动

678--Look up, look up. A ver, a ver.眼睛向上看向上对向上看

679--Look up, up, up!向上上上


681--Eh. Ta-da!大功告成

682--Dead as a doorknob.你现在就像一个真的死灵

683--So listen, Miguel. This place runs on memories.听好了米格尔亡灵岛这个地方是靠活人的记忆才能运转的

684--When you're well remembered, people put up your photo...当你被很多人记住人们就会把你的照片供起来

685--and you get to cross the bridge 那么你就可以在亡灵节期间过桥

686--and visit the living on Día de Muertos.去探望你活着的亲戚朋友们

687--除非你像我一样 Unless you're me.

688--You don't get to cross over?你不能通过那座桥吗

689--No one's ever put up my picture.没有人供奉我的照片

690--But you can change that!但是你可以解决这个问题

691--This is you?这是你

692--Eh, Muy guapo, eh?帅到爆炸对吧

693--So, you get me to my great-great-grandpa...那你得先带我去见我的曾曾祖父

694--Then I put up your photo when I get home?然后我回家就会把你的照片供起来

695--Such a smart boy!真聪明

696--Yes! Great idea, yes!对这主意棒极了

697--One hiccup, de la Cruz is a tough guy to get to...不过有一点见德拉库斯非常难

698--and I need to cross that bridge soon. Like tonight.而我必须尽快过桥今晚就得过去699--So, you got any other family here, you know?所以你在这个世界里还有别的家人吗

700--Someone a bit more, eh, accessible?一些更容易见到的那种有吗

701--Um... nope.呃没有

702--Don't yank my chain, chamaco.别想耍我小子

703--You gotta have some other family.你在这肯定有别的家人

704--Only de la Cruz.只有德拉库斯

705--If you can't help me, I'll find him myself.如果你帮不了我我就自己去找了

706--Ugh. Okay, okay, kid. Fine, fine.噢好吧孩子我知道了我帮你行吧

707--I'll get you to your great-great-grandpa.我会带你去见到你的曾曾祖父的

708--It's not gonna be easy, you know.找他可一点都不容易

709--You know, he's a- he's a busy man.你知道的他他是一个大忙人

710--Wait, what are you doing?等等你在干什么

711--I'm walking like a skeleton. Blending in.我在学骷髅人走路混入亡灵世界

712--No. Skeletons don't walk like that.不骷髅才不是那样走路的

713--It's how you walk.你不就这么走的

714--No, I don't.不我才没有呢

715--Stop it!别学了


717--Ernesto de la Cruz' Sunrise Spectacular?德拉库斯的光芒万丈演唱会

718--Que padre?太酷了

719--Wuacch, every year, your great-great-grandpa 每一年你的曾曾祖父

720--puts on that dumb show to mark the end of Día de Muertos.都会举办那愚蠢的演唱会来作为亡灵节的谢幕戏

721--A-a-and you can get us in!你能带我进去


723--Hey, you said you had front-row tickets!嘿你可是说过你能拿到前排位置的票


725--that was a lie.是我骗你的

726--I apologize for that.对不起了

727--Cool off, chamaco, come on. I'll get you to him.但是放轻松小子我能带你见到他的放心 728--How?你有什么办法

729--'Cause I happen to know where he's rehearsing.因为我恰好知道他在哪里排练

730--呃 Ugh.

731--You better have my dress, Héctor.你最好把我的裙子带来了埃克托

732--Hola, Ceci!你好啊塞西

733--诶 Ay!



736--I lost the dress.我把戏服弄丢了

737--Ay, diosa Mia!我就知道老天

738--I've got to dress 40 dancers by sunrise.天亮前我要为四十位舞蹈演员穿戴好

739--- And thanks to you... - Cezi, Cezi...- 现在真是多亏了你啊... - 塞西塞西

740--- I'm one Frida short - Cezi...- 现在少了一条裙子没法表演了 - 塞西

741--of an opening number. - Dante.- 一位开场表演者 - 丹丹


743--We shouldn't be in here.我们不能来这里

744--Dante! Ven acá!丹丹回来

745--You! How did you get in here?你你怎么进来的

746--I-I just followed my...我只是跟着我的...

747--Hunh! Oh, the mighty Xolo dog!噢好可爱的无毛犬啊

748--Guider of wandering spirits.游荡亡灵的指导者

749--And whose spirit have you guided to me?你为我带来了谁的灵魂呢

750--I don't think he's a spirit guide.我可不认为他是一个灵魂向导

751--Uh-uh-uh! The alebrijes of this world can take many forms.你错了哦亡灵世界的亡灵怪可以是各种形态的

752--They are as mysterious as they are powerful.他们既神秘又有强大的能力

753--Or maybe he's just a dog.或者可能它确实只是条狗

754--Come! I need your eyes.来吧我需要你帮我看看

755--Your are the audience.你现在是个观众了


757--And from the darkness...在黑暗中的是

758--A giant papaya!一个巨大的木瓜

759--Dancers emerge from the papaya.舞者们从木瓜里爬出

760--And the dancers...然后他们

761--Are all me!全都是我

762--And they go to drink from the milk of their mother.然后他们去吸吮仙人掌母亲的母乳763--Who is a cactus. But who is also me!这个仙人掌是谁当然也是我

764--And her milk is not milk...而且她的乳汁不是牛奶...

765--but tears.而是眼泪

766--Is it too obvious?这样会不会太明显了

767--I think it's just the right amount of obvious.我觉得这种程度正正好

768--It could use some music.你可以配上点音乐

769--Oh, what if you did like...噢或许你喜欢...

770--噔噔噔噔噔 Tun-tun-tun-tun-tun?

771--Oh, and then it could go...然后再跟上

772--Whenk?嗒拉拉嗒拉拉嗒拉拉嗒拉拉 Darala-dalala-dalala-dalala

773--And what if everything was on fire?那么在舞台上布满烈火怎么样

774--Yes! Fire everywhere!对熊熊烈火


776--You. You have the spirit of an artist.你你是个天生的艺术家

777--The dancers exit. The music fades. The lights go out.然后舞者们退场音乐褪去灯光淡去 778--And Ernesto de la Cruz rises to the stage.然后德拉库斯升上舞台的中央

779--额 Huh?

780--He does a couple of songs. The sun rises. Everyone cheers.他唱几首歌然后太阳升起观众们为他喝彩

781--Excuse me, where's the real de la Cruz?冒昧问一下德拉库斯本人现在在哪

782--Ernesto doesn't do rehearsals.德库拉斯从来不彩排

783--He's too busy hosting that fancy party at the top of his tower.他现在在塔顶忙着喝酒派对

784--Chamaco, you can't run off on me like that.小子你不能丢下我

785--Come on, stop pestering the celebrities.过来别打扰这些大明星了

786--You said my great-great-grandpa would be here.你说过我的曾曾祖父会在这里的

787--He's halfway across town throwing some big party.可他明明在亡灵岛的那一边开派对788--That bum. Who doesn't show up to his own rehearsal?那个混蛋谁演奏前不排练啊

789--If you're such good friends, how come he didn't invite you?如果你真的是他的朋友他为什么不邀请你

790--He's your great-great-grandpa. How come he didn't invite you?他是你的曾曾祖父那他怎么不邀请你呢

791--Hey, Gustavo! You know anything about this party?嘿古斯塔沃你知道那边的派对是怎么回事吗

792--Sh-it's the hot ticket!那里一票难求

793--But if you're not on the guest list, you're never gettin' in,如果你不在邀请名单里就别想进去了


795--Hey, it's Chorizo!你好啊腊香肠

796--Ah-ha, very funny, guys. Very funny.呵呵真有趣真好笑


798--Oh, this guy's famous.这家伙可有名了

799--Go on, go on. Ask him how he died.快你继续问问他他是怎么死的

800--I-I don't wanna talk about it.我不想说这件事

801--He choked on some chorizo!他是被腊香肠噎死的

802--I didn't choke, okay? I got food poisoning 不是噎死好吧是食物中毒

803--which is a big difference.你别造谣了

804--This is why I don't like musicians.所以我说我讨厌搞音乐的

805--Bunch of self-important jerks!一群自以为是的混蛋

806--Hey, I'm a musician.嘿我也搞音乐好吧

807--- You are? - Well...-你搞音乐吗 - 那么

808--If you really wanna get to Ernesto...如果你真的想去见德拉库斯

809--there is that music competition at the Plaza de la Cruz.你可以去德拉库斯广场的那个音乐比赛

810--Winner gets to play at his party.获胜者可以在他的派对里表演

811--No, no, no, Chamaco! You are loco if you think...别别别小子你可别神经发条去想去参加

812--I need to get my great-great- grandfather's blessing.但是我需要我曾曾祖父的祝福813--You know where I can get a guitar?你知道哪里可以搞到一把吉他吗

814--Ay... I know a guy.呃我知道一个人

815--Have you found him, Pepita? Have you found our boy?找到他了嘛佩皮塔找到米格尔了吗

816--A footprint!这有一个脚印

817--It's a Rivera boot.是里韦拉家的鞋子

818--- Size seven! - And a half.-七码大 -是七码半

819--- Pronated. - Miguel.-内八 -那就是米格尔

820--Why the heck would you wanna be a musician?你到底在想什么要去做个音乐家

821--My great-great-grandfather's a musician.因为我曾曾祖父是个音乐家

822--Who spent his life performing like a monkey for complete strangers?谁会傻到浪费一生在一群陌生人面前表演呢

823--Blech! No, no, thank you, no.真傻我可理解不了

824--What do you know?你知道什么啊

825--So, how far is this guitar, anyway?这吉他到底在哪里啊

826--We're almost there.就快到了

827--Keep up, chamaco, come on!跟上啊小子

828--Cousin Héctor!埃克托堂弟

829--Hey! These guys!你们好啊


831--Hey, tío, qué onda?嘿舅舅你好吗

832--These people are all you family?这些都是你的家人吗

833--Eh... yeah, in a way.呃算是吧

834--We're all the ones with no photos or ofrendas.这些人和我一样都没有祭坛或被人用照片供起来

835--No family to go home to.无家可回的可怜蛋们

836--Nearly forgotten, you know?差不多被遗忘了你懂吗

837--So we all call each other "cousin" or "tío" or-or whatever.所以我们互相叫表哥啊舅舅啊之类的

838--- Héctor! - Tía Chelos! Hey!- 埃克托 - 雪洛姨妈好久不见


《飞屋环游记》精讲之一 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命 运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。 不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客---小探险家 拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗? 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客---小探险家拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗? 影片对白: Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen. Man: Good morning, mr. Fredricksen. You're ready to go? Fredricksen: Ready as I'll ever be. Would you do me the favour and take this? I'll m eet you in the van in just a minute. I... wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Man: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. That's typical. He's probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time. You'd think he'd take better care of his house. Fredricksen: So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie. Russell: Hi, mr. Fredricksen. It's me, Russell. Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid?


英语配音台词 小孩:I thought you were dead. 老人:What happened? 小孩:I steered us. I did it! I steered the house. Steered us? 小孩:After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap. So I went ahead and steered us down here. 老人:Yeah, sure. ....I can't tell where we are. 小孩:Oh, we're in South Amerca all right. It was a cinch with my Wilderness Explorer GPS. 老人:GP What? 小孩:- My dad gave it to Me.It shows exacty where we are on the planet. With this baby, we'll never be lost!(......) 老人:Well get you down, find a bus stop, You just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother. 小孩:Sure, but I don't think they have buses in Paradise Falls. 老人:There. That ought to do it. Here, I'll give you some change for the bus fare. 小孩:No, I'll just use my city bus pass. That's gonna be Iike a billion on transfer to get back to my house. 小孩:Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer? 老人:Well, we're up pretty high. Could take hours to get down.(wu !) That thing was.... Building or something.(wu wa!) 小孩:What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?


飞屋环游记经典台词大全 经典台词: 我想有一天和你去旅行,去那没有去过的地方,没有行李,没有背包,不带电脑更不要手机,走一个地方停一个地方。在我心里最美好的就是和你一起老在路上,捕捉最后的流星,坐在最高的山顶上,听音乐,聊电影,吃东西当日出越过山涧,我未老,你依然。 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 “如果说去旅行去冒险是为了遇见不曾见过的美妙 景色,经历不曾想过的充实人生,那么与你的相遇相守就是我能想到的最美丽的冒险”。 Thanks for the adventures. 这几天你总是围着我转圈圈。 我好奇地问你在干什么。 你说:“我在环游世界。” 为什么我总是记得那些无聊的小事情。可是就是这些小事情,才是我最怀念的。 如果说去旅行去冒险是为了遇见不曾见过的美妙景

色,经历不曾想过的充实人生,那么与你的相遇享受就是我能想到的最美丽的冒险。 幸福,不是长生不老,不是锦衣华食,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望的达成。 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love. It may not be pretty,but we headed to the city. 其貌虽不扬,扬帆亦远航。 感谢你带给我最美好的一生,现在开始你自己的旅程吧! 或许你会想起我,就像想起一朵不重开的花朵你的皱纹、你的微笑、你的老花镜、你在摇椅里睡觉、你挽起衣袖修葺房屋生命里华丽的冒险不是南美瀑布、不是丛林野地,生命里最美丽的风景对我来说是能够与你一起变老,直到我死去的那一天,容颜依然安详,笑靥依然俏 也许听着很无聊,但无聊的事却是我最难忘的。

《飞屋环游记》节选 台词

Good afternoon.My name is Russell. And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweat lodge12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?”No. I could help you cross the street? No. I could help you cross your yard? No. I could help you cross your... porch? No. Well, I gotta help you cross something. Uh, no. I’m doing fine. Good afternoon. My name is Russell. Uh... kid... And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweat lodge 12. Kid. KID!! Are you in need of any assistance today Sir? Thank you, but I don’t need any help Ouch.

Proceed. Good afternoon... Skip to the end! See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges. You may notice one is missing. It?s my …Assisting the elderly? badge. If I get it, I?ll become a senior Wilderness Explorer! The wilderness will be explorer! Naaaaa... It?s goanna great! There is a big ceremony and all the dad come and we pin our badges... So you wanna assist an old person. _Yeah! Then I?ll be a seniorwilderness exporer! -Have you ever heard of a “snipe”? --“snipe”? A bird . Big eyes. Every night it sneaks into my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas. I’m elderly and infirm. I can’t catch it. If only someone could help me... Me, Me, I?ll do it!


再次在课堂上重温《飞屋环游记》这部影片,我的内心依然充满了感动。《纽约时报》评论它为:“会有无数的小孩喜欢这部电影,而大人们也能从中获得属于自己的感动。而我也确确实实被这部电影深深感动了。” 影片有两个主角,一个是78岁的退休气球零售商老卡尔,另一个是10岁的亚裔小男孩罗素。老卡尔在妻子艾莉去世后,变得孤僻起来,还当起了最牛钉子户,因为他不肯把地卖给开发商。开发商每天软磨硬泡,让他烦躁不已。就在这时候,胖小子罗素找上门来,为了得到一枚帮助老人徽章跟他纠缠不休。老卡尔为了实现艾莉到南美胜地仙境瀑布一游的梦想,用上万个气球打造了飞屋,可是上天之后,才发现罗素居然搭了他的顺风屋。最初,老卡尔并不喜欢罗素,他自己没有孩子,所以也不太了解孩子,而且这个胖小孩要求太多,一会儿要收养巨鸟,一会儿又喊累。但逐渐地,两人成了好朋友。老卡尔和小罗素之间化学反应是这部影片的情感发动机,两人之间真挚动人的忘年交给这部影片注入了强大的情感力量。只有极少数影片能够让人在会心一笑之后,深深地感动,而《飞屋》就是其中之一。 影片开始,卡尔与艾莉,男孩和女孩的相识、男人和女人的相爱、老头和老太的相依,感谢皮克斯,在不到十分钟的篇幅里讲述了一个平凡温馨又不失曲折的故事。用迪斯尼的套路来说,这已经可以结束,下面就是happy forever的字幕了。可惜上帝收走了卡尔的肋骨,那个携手走过多年的人变成了回忆。卡尔和艾莉本是互补的两块,前者木讷少言,后者活泼多语,少了艾莉的调和,卡尔愈发的少言寡语,性格也变的古怪,假如没有一场意外变故,他会像蜗牛一样在自己的屋子里慢慢化为时间的尘埃。相比卡尔,那个和唐僧有的一拼的红领巾小胖子更招人喜欢一点。但是随着剧情的慢慢展开,观众发现这个表面光鲜的鸡蛋下面也有着无数拼接留下的伤痕,缺少父爱的少年渴望用各种行为来吸引父亲的注意。罗素一直挂在胸口的荣誉勋章让人感到一阵心酸,一排沉甸甸的勋章不是为了五讲四美,不是为了十佳杰出,仅仅是为了能见到父亲一面。 飞,是人类自古的理想。从最早的将鸟的羽毛沾到身上期望得到飞行的力量,到用爆竹绑在椅子上的奇想,再到莱特兄弟那永载史册的十二秒。影片中的飞,是通过无数气球来实现的,这多多少少也和我们童年时候的奇思妙想有关,相信很多观众在看到气球拉起房子的一刻都会会心的一笑——“这种事情,我也幻想过啊”。气球不但拉起了房子,也带走了始作俑者卡尔,带走了躲在屋檐下的罗素,离开城市的喧嚣和人世的羁绊,飞向了梦想中的“香格里拉”。阳光透过气球洒下五彩斑斓的影子,编织出一副如梦又似幻的情景。这一刻,无论是为将要实现梦想而激动无比的卡尔,还是为抓沙锥鸟而莫名其妙被带上天空的罗素,都获得了新生。 云的彼端,约定的地方。“Adventure is out there”贯穿了整部影片。查尔斯·曼茨是充满幻想的少年们的偶像,他的座右铭也自然成为少年的格言。正是这句话,引导着卡尔结识了艾莉,引导着两人的生活,引导了后来的飞屋历险每个人都曾有过一些远大的不切实际的理想,在成长中,这些理想在现实的冲击下逐渐淡化,最后只留下一个名字,成为唏嘘往事的代名词。前往并居住在天堂瀑布是卡尔夫妇一生的梦想,虽然事情多有曲折,前往天堂瀑布的时间也一拖再拖,可贵的是他们从来都没有放弃过这个梦想,哪怕是在艾莉去世后卡尔仍能在千辛万险后到达目的地。《飞屋环游记》没有好莱坞大片里拯救世界的魄力


从《飞屋环游记》看动画电影视听语言之特性 [摘要] 在动画视听语言中,要分析和认识视听 元素,了解和掌握元素的组合规律,最重要的是要掌握 动画视听语言与电影视听语言的区别。动画电影的特性主要表现在预设性、虚拟性。作为电影语言的一个重要分支,由于艺术的要求和技术的发展,动画视听语 言在一定程度上大大丰富了电影视听语言体系。在本文中,通过对《飞屋环游记》的分析,主要阐述了动画视觉元素及技术的发展对电影视听语言规律体系的影响。 [关键词] 动画;视听语言;预设性;虚拟性 动画作为一种语言形式,其元素带有明显的符号 化特征,而这些元素之间的组合是有规律可循的,组合 的规律构成了信息沟通的符号编码系统。电影的符号

编码系统与文学相似,就像字、词、句、段落的关系一样,符合人类阅读习惯的组合方式才可以较好地完成 叙事,完成“语言”的顺畅表达,所以说,研究和应用视听符号和其组合规律,是完成电影语言表达的基础。在动画视听语言中,要分析和认识视听元素,了解和掌握元素的组合规律,最重要的是要掌握动画视听语言与电 影视听语言的区别。动画电影的特性主要表现在预设性、虚拟性。 观看动画在一定程度上,比电影更加符合人们的 期望。作为电影语言的一个重要分支,由于艺术的要求和技术的发展,动画视听语言在一定程度上大大丰富 了电影视听语言体系,在本文中,通过对《飞屋环球记》的分析,主要阐述了动画视觉元素及技术的发展对电 影视听语言规律体系的影响。 一、关于预设性

动画不同于实拍电影的关键在于它的预设性,动画导演拍摄的依据是分镜头剧本,在分镜头剧本中,导演已经规定好了每一个镜头的组接、拍摄角度、景别等一系列的内容,而镜头内的运动和配音、音乐则是用文字描述的形式做出规范。当然,实拍电影的分镜头脚本有的也很详尽,像希区柯克、斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格这样的大牌导演都会要求在拍摄前要看到绘制精准的分镜头脚本。因为预设好了分镜头脚本,等于预设了镜头数、场景数、演员数及所需要的设备和材料。而这些信息在拍摄时可以更有目的,避免浪费时间。 动画电影的预设性体现在以下几个方面:前期录音、造型和场景的设定、风格设定、人物动作设定、摄像机角度及运动设定。动画的分镜头剧本的制作中,基本要把视听语言所涉及的各个方面预设完毕,包括镜头的组接、蒙太奇、剪辑。所以说,动画的前期工作

寻梦环游记 观后感分析

一、描述 小男孩米格热爱音乐,想要像偶像歌神德拉库斯一样成为音乐家,但因为高祖父曾经为音乐抛弃了家庭,家族世代禁止接触音乐,发现米格在偷偷学音乐时奶奶摔坏了米格的吉他。但米格依旧想要在亡灵节上表演吉他唱歌,于是去拿了德拉库斯的吉他,机缘巧合进入亡灵世界,见到了逝去的家人。 米格回去需要家人的祝福,但高祖母让他放弃音乐,米格就逃离了家人去寻找“高祖父”德拉库斯。他认识了埃克托,埃克托想借米格回到活人世界,答应了帮助他见到德拉库斯。他们通过唱歌比赛得以见到德拉库斯,然而意外发现了曾经的秘密:德拉库斯杀死了埃克托,盗走了他的歌曲才成名,埃克托才是他的高祖父。他们被德拉库斯关起来,又被米格家人救出,在德拉库斯的演唱会上揭露了事实。米格获得了祝福,回到了人类世界,在祭坛上摆上了埃克托的照片,曾经的真相大白,米格家再次充满音乐之声。 故事的地点有两个,一个是米格居住的圣塞西莉亚,原型是墨西哥的一个小镇,而亡灵之地从下到上代表了墨西哥贫困地区到富裕地区的建筑。主要角色是米格和埃克托。米格作为男主,是一个勇于追求梦想的男孩,他勇敢热情,热爱音乐,对偶像很崇拜,带了点小男孩的不成熟和鲁莽,而这个故事即是米格成长的故事,最后他懂得了家庭的重要和家人的爱,回到了家庭,也因为真相的大白而同时收获梦想。埃克托曾经是追求梦想的年轻人,为了梦想离开了家庭。他有音乐才华,但命运悲惨,被人夺走了音乐成果和性命,家人讨厌他不供奉他,以至于他不能来到人类世界甚至即将消失。他的命运是悲惨的,而男主的到来对他是拯救,让他最后回归了家庭,有了完美的结局。他们有相似性,有不尽相同。主要冲突是梦想与家庭,主要表

现在米格和埃克托身上,埃克托为了梦想离开了家人,米格最后回归家庭,同时也实现了梦想。 二、分析 在影片中有很多的场景非常有视觉美感和民族风味,全方位展现了墨西哥文化的独特魅力。开头通过挂着的一排排剪纸呈现了一些米格家庭的背景,十分新颖,与中国剪纸不同,墨西哥花花绿绿,在各种节日出现,在亡灵节上则以骷髅为主题。在米格表演的广场上有各种街头乐队,是墨西哥的非文化遗产。墨西哥人的亡灵节不似清明节,是非常欢乐的节日,所以祭坛非常美丽,也会有很多音乐的活动。万寿菊是两个世界的连接,所以连接亡灵世界的桥由万寿菊构成,鲜明的橙黄色耀眼而温暖,与深蓝色的背景相互对比,再延伸到亡灵界的全景,万千灯火构成的宏伟世界及其的壮观,很有视觉冲击力。在之后米格走进亡灵世界后铺展开的整个世界和人类世界基本构架是一样的,世界观很完整。同时亡灵世界的建筑颜色整体偏昏暗,而灯光是暖色。本片也有很多面妆,比如米格装作亡灵的涂脸是亡灵节,墨西哥摔角的面具也出现了,亡灵的头骨上是有花纹的,这是墨西哥人为了纪念先人在骷髅上涂画的习惯。影片中出现了两个动物作为灵魂的引渡者,米格的小伙伴无毛犬丹丹和长翅膀的彩色怪兽Alebrjes。后者是一种民间手工艺品,这种怪兽酷似长翅膀的美洲豹,而墨西哥人非常崇尚美洲豹,所以在影片中它非常有威慑力。 剧情上的分割可以通过场景分割,第一部分是现世的故事,第二部分是亡灵节的故事,而第二部分中从米格发现真相起即是剧情推向高潮时,展现了强烈的戏剧冲突,最后在冲突中转向和谐,进入完美结局。米格的一步步


Floating House Movie Fan News presents: Spotlight on “Adventure” What you are now withnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity, a lost world in South America, lurking in the shadow of Majestic Paradise Falls it?s full of plants and animals undiscovered by science. Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? Why, our subject today, Charles Muntz. The beloved explorer lands his dirigible, “The Spirit of Adventure”, into Hampshire, this week, completing a year long expedition to the lost world. This mighty aircraft was designed by Charles Muntz himself and is longer than 22 throw edition petty waggons placed end to end. And here comes the adventurer now. Never-apart from his faithful dogs, Muntz conceived the craft for the canine comfort. It?s a veritable flouting palace in the sky complete with doggy baths and mechanical canine walker. And Jiminy Cricket! To the locals he?s considered a business and hero! And how! Adventure is out there! But what has Muntz brought back this time? –Gentlemaen, I give you the Monster of Paradise Falls! And gully, what a swell monster this is! –But what?s this ? Scientists cry “Foul!” The National Explorers Society accused Muntz of fabricating the skeleton. –No! –The organizatin strips Muntz of his membership. Humiliated, Muntz vows to Paradise Falls and promised to capture the beast… alive. –I promise to capture the beast alive! And I will not come back until I do! –And so, the explorer?s off to clear his name. Bon voyage, Charles Muntz! And


One may fall in love with many people during the lifetimes. When you finally get your own happiness,you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure,which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。 ——《泰坦尼克号》2 Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。 ——《两小无猜》3 In this world,only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness. 在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。 ——《附注我爱你》

We all have a destiny.Nothing just happens,it’s all part of a plan. 我们都有自己的命运,没有什么是随随便便发生的,它都是计划的一部分。 ——《阿甘正传》5 In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us,I love you. 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。 ——《乱世佳人》6 I always like walking in the rain,so no one can see my crying. 我一直喜欢在雨中行走,那样就没人能看到我的眼泪。 ——卓别林7 Love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 ——《恋夏500天》8 If you can hold something up and put it down,it is called weight-lifting;if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called burden-bearing.Pitifully,most of people are


飞屋环游记观后感优秀心得5篇650 字 《飞屋环游记》是一部动画3D片,是一部很经典的进口动画片。这里给大家整理了一些有关飞屋环游记的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 飞屋环游记观后感1 其实正片开始前放映的动画短片Partly Cloudy已经让我流泪了一次。当被摧残得羽毛都不剩几根的大鸟最终还是回到孤独乖僻的乌云身边时,我不禁鼻子一酸。而几秒种后,全副武装的大鸟还是被乌云变出的电鳗再次摧残,看到这里的我又大笑起来。这么一笑倒好,先前勉强忍住的眼泪全涌了出来,于是我眼角湿尽,嘴角却不住上扬。果然,边哭边笑是我看Pixar动画的保留表情。摸遍包里的角角落落也没找到可以擦眼泪的东西,幸好我穿了件长袖,于是就用袖口代替纸巾抹了把眼角。而之后放映的Up却让我意识到没在包里备块手帕什么的擦眼泪实在是大失策,当我最后走出电影院时,右手袖口已全然湿透。 Pixar的动画长片绝大多数都是G级,按照美国的电影分级制,这个级别的电影适于任何年龄段观看。于是Pixar总想着要照顾尽可能多的观众,所以讲故事常常是一浅一深两个层面并

行。浅的那层一目了然,是讲给未涉世的孩子们听的。而深的那层往往是无奈、心酸和感动的交杂,那是讲给已经多多少少明白什么是爱情什么是死亡的大人们听的。在Up中,老爷爷Carl和小男孩Russell与邪恶探险家斗争之而勇救神奇大鸟是Pixar讲给孩子们听的传奇,而Carl和妻子Ellie平凡琐碎却又令人动容的爱情则是Pixar馈赠给大人们的童话。 这个成人童话在电影的前十分钟就似行板如歌般地铺展开来。老爷爷Carl与老奶奶Ellie小时候都是爱做探险梦的孩子,在一栋废弃的老屋里偶然相识。当时还只有那么一丁儿点大的奶奶跟同样只有那么一丁儿点大爷爷分享自己梦寐以求的探险目的地——那本她手工精心制作的My Adventure Book上贴着一张瀑布的图片。这个名叫“paradise fall的瀑布传说在南美,正如其名,有着似乎只有天堂才能堪比的美。于是“去南美找天堂瀑”在两个娃心中仿佛成了今后人生的头等大事。说的容易,可南美到底是啥地方呢?“南美,大概就和美国差不多,只不过在南面吧。” 果然是小孩子呢。 可忽儿间人就长大了,当年的两个小毛孩后来相爱结婚,搬进了最初偶遇时的那栋屋子。探险当然还是放不下的梦,于是她成了主题公园里南美景区的向导,而他则在离她不远的地方卖着气球。南美那个如仙境般的瀑布依然是魂牵梦萦的所在,于是两人开始有的没的往“天堂瀑基金”里存钱,期待着攒够旅费的那一


爱情电影经典台词英文版(34条) 1.You jump, I jump。你跳我就跳《泰坦尼克号》 2.I love you. I really love you.我爱你。我是真的爱你。《人鬼情未了》 3.Love means never having to say you’re sorry.爱意味着永远用不着说对不起。《人鬼情未了》 4.When you are attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing they are a perfect match. 当你被某个人吸引时,那只是意味着你俩在潜意识里相互吸引。因此,所谓命运,就只不过是两个疯子认为他们自己是天造一对,地设一双。《西雅图不眠夜》 5.I don’t want to be someone that you’re settling for. I don’t want to be someone that anyone settles for. 我不想要你将就,我也不想成为将就的对象。 6. Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now. Until I die. 无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远。《乱世佳人》 7. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。


《飞屋环游记》金句赏析 《飞屋环游记》讲述了一个老人曾经与老伴约定去一座坐落在遥远南美洲的瀑布旅行,却因为生活奔波一直未能成行,直到政府要强拆自己的老屋时才决定带着屋子一起飞向瀑布,路上与结识的小胖子罗素一起冒险的经历。 1.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone’s love when you need love. 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 2.I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do! 我发誓要活捉这野兽,成功以前我绝不回来! 3.Adventure is out there!Look out! 探险就在眼前! 4. Paradise Falls, a land lost in time. 天堂瀑布,时间迷失之地。

5. Good,you promised. No backing out. 很好,你答应了,不许反悔。 6. What? That's it? I came all this way here to get stuck at the wrong end of this rock pile? 什么?居然这样?我千里迢迢来到这儿,难道就困在这个碎石桩的另一头? 7. An explorer is a friend to all, be it a plant,a fish or a tiny mole. 探险家是所有东西的好朋友,不论是植物、鱼甚至是小鼹鼠。 8.Sometimes years go by between sightings. 岁月总是在寻觅中就消逝了。 9. Well,it's been a wonderful evening, but we'd better be going. 今宵虽欢乐,但我们该走了。 10. This is none of my concern. I didn't ask for any of these! 这不关我的事,这些都不是我想要的。 11. Now, whether you assist me or not,I am going to paradise falls, if it kills me! 不管你帮不帮忙,即使拼了命,我都要去天堂瀑布。 12.Why, our subject today. 那就是----无所不能的。 13.Is footage never before seen by civilized humanity. 尚未被文明世界知晓的奇异景观。 14.We have so much more to talk about!


电影台词中英文对照 【篇一:电影台词中英文对照】 forrest gump life was like a box of chocolates. you never know what youre going to get. 阿甘正传 不知道下一块将会是什么口味。 the unbearable lightness of being i dont understand how someone can make love without being in love 布拉格之恋 我不明白人们不爱的时候怎么能“做”爱。 the truman show good morning, and in case i dont see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! 楚门的世界 早上好。假如再也见不到你,就再祝你下午好,晚上好,晚安! the dark knight why so serious? 黑暗骑士 干嘛这么严肃? the godfather im going to make him an offer he cant refuse. 教父 我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。 dead poets society no matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world 死亡诗社 不管别人怎么说,文学和语言的确能改变世界 catch me if you can sometimes its easier live in the lie. 逍遥法外 有时候,生活在谎言中更容易。 the shawshank redemption


Quite a sight, huh, Ellie?好一派景象是吧艾莉Mail is here.有邮件了Shady oaks, retirement village. Oh, brother!绿荫橡树养老院真是的Hey, good morning, Mr. Fredricksen.早上好弗雷德里克森先生Need any help there?需要帮忙吗No. Yes!不用要的Tell your boss over there告诉你老板That you boys are ruining our house.你们这些人正在破坏我们的房子Well, just to let you know,跟你说一句My boss will be happy to take this whole place off your hand.我老板会很高兴接手你的房子的And would double his last offer.在上次出的价上再翻一倍What do you say to that?你怎么想呢I'll take that as a no, then.我想这应该是不同意了I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear.我想我已经对你老板明确表态了You poured prune juice in his gas tank.你真是他的绊脚石Yeah, that was good!是再好不过了Here, let me talk to him.给我让我跟他说You in the suit. Yes. You.穿西装的那个对就是你Take a bath. Hippie!希望你早日破产,臭小子I am not with him!不是我说的,那老头说的This is serious! He's out to get your house!说真的他会不惜一切代价得到你的房子Tell your boss he can have our house.告诉你老板他可以拥有我的房子真的?-等我死了再说吧- Really? - When I‘m dead!I'll take that as a maybe.我会转告他的Order now. You get the camera,现在订购这款照相机You get the printer, 4x optical zoom,它集打印机功能4倍光学变焦Schneider lens, photo printer, SD card.施耐德镜片照片打印SD卡存储于一身Good afternoon. My name is Russell.下午好我叫罗索And I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54,我是一名野外探险者Squad lodge 12.隶属54队12小组Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?今天您需要帮忙吗先生No.不用I could help you cross the street. - No.我可以帮你穿过马路不用I could help you cross youryard. - No.我可以帮你穿过院子-不用I could help you cross your porch. - No我能帮你穿过门廊-不用Well, I gotta help you cross something.我总能帮你穿过点什么吧No, I'm doing fine.不我自己能行"Good afternoon. My name is Russell."下午好我叫罗索Kid... Kid - And I am a Wilderness Explorer孩子-是一名野外探险者In Tribe 54 Sweat Lodge 12. -I Slow down. Kid!隶属54队12小组-等一下孩子"Are you n need of any assistance..." - Thank you,你需要任何帮助吗-谢谢But I don't need any help! -" ...today, sir?"但我现在不需要先生今天Proceed.继续吧"Good afternoon..." -But skip to the end!下午好-咱们废话少说See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges.看到这些了吗这些是野外探险徽章You may notice one is missing.你可能注意到这里少了一个It's my Assisting the Elderly badge.这是帮助老年人的徽章If I get it, I'll become a Senior Wilderness Explorer.如果我有了我就能成为资深野外探险者了The wilderness must be explored!誓要探索野外It's gonna be great! There's a big ceremony,那会很棒的会有一个盛大的典礼And all the dads come and they pin on our badges.所有的父亲都会来为我们带上的徽章So, you want to assist an old person?所以你想帮助一位老人对吗Yep! Then I'll be a Senior Wilderness Explorer.这样我就能成为资深野外探险者了You ever heard of a snipe? Snipe?你有没有听说过鷸鸟鷸鸟?A bird. Beady eyes.是一种鸟有漂亮的珍珠眼Every night it sneaks into my yardand每天晚上它都溜进我的花园And gobbles my poor azaleas.偷吃我的杜鹃花I'm elderly and infirm.我年老体弱I can't catch it.我抓不住它If only someone could help me.如果有人能帮我Me, me, I'll do it!我我我来干I don't know, it's awfully crafty.你行吗它可是很狡猾的You'd have to cap your hands three times to lure it in.你得拍手三次来引诱它I'll find himr, Mr. Fredricksen!我会找到它弗雷德里克森先I think its burrow is two blocks down. If you go past...我认为它的洞穴在两个街区外若你穿过Two blocks down. Got it. Snipe.两个街区外知道了鷸鸟Here, snipey, snipey.过来这里小鷸鸟小鹬鸟Bring it back here when you find it.找到了把它带回来Snipe!鷸鸟


Russell(孩子):(发出用力的声音) Fredricksen(老人):How do we get pass these dogs? Dug(狗):oh....point! Fredricksen(老人):Kevin! Kevin: 鸟叫声 Fredricksen(老人):don’t worry, Kevin. We are on our way. 领头的狗:No one should be entering through these doors. Guard well that bird, my minions. Fredricksen(老人):what do we do now, Dug? Dug: 流口水咬东西的声音 一个同学敲击,出现敲击声 Fredricksen(老人):Who wants the ball? 5个同学做群众狗喊me Dog1:me Dog2:me Dog3: me Dog4: me Dog5: me

此起彼伏得喊 Fredricksen(老人):Go get it! Dog1:wo Dog2:wo Dog3: wo Dog4:wo Dog5: wo 一片狗叫声 Dog 3: I got it! Dog1,2,3,4,5: oh ou Fredricksen(老人):I’m sorry, Kevin. Let’s get you out of here. Dog6:master, he’s gone. Dog7:master, he’s gone. Dog8:master, he’s gone. Dog9:master, he’s gone. Dog10: master, he’s gone. 坏老人:what’s going on? Dog 6: he’s got the bird! He ran off!

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