当前位置:文档之家› 商务英语协商价格





?Your price is a bit high.

?Would you consider dropping the price a little?

?Can you offer anything a little more competitive?

?Our supplier now is giving us $19.50 per gross.

?We're still a small company and can t afford such a large sum of


?Our sales are still low, so we would only need 800 boxes for our initial


?We're planning on an order of 3000 gross for a start, with more to


?If we order 1,000 boxes, would you consider dropping the unit price

to $3.25?

?Our initial order might be small, but future orders will far exceed our

first amount.












?Which product were you interested in?

?What size order are you thinking about?

?What kinds of materials and quantities do you have in mind?

?The price list is only a guideline.

?Ican do the translation for $900 instead of $1, 000.

?Normally, we only accept orders of 1,000 boxes or more.

?The numbers we discussed earlier were based on the quantity of your


?I hate to break it to you, but 200 dozen is not exactly a substantial

order for us.

?I might be able to give you a 3% discount based on your order size.

?For those materials and dimensions, the unit price would be about

$3.50, plus shipping.

?With an order that size, I would only be able to offer you a 2%

discount off the price listed in our catalogue.

?If you were able to increase your order by an additional couple

thousand gross or so, we might be able to give you a better discount.






























credit my name on在……上给我署名draft up草拟

drop the price降价

Fortune 500 companies世界500强公司I'll tell you what这样吧

initial order首次订量

meet you in person见到您本人

shut down my business停业


初级商务英语阅读理解试题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级商务英语阅读理解试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 初级商务英语阅读理解试题(1) A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really kn ow their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,


商务英语论文题目 1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 6、商务谈判中的语言艺术 7、商务谈判的文化障碍 8、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 9、商务英语函电翻译技巧 10、商务谈判中英语的重要性 11、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 12、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 13、浅谈涉外合同英语特色 14、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 15、商务谈判的艺术性 16、跨文化的商务谈判 17、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 18、如何翻译好日常商务文书 19、商务英语信函的语体分析 20、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 21、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 22、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 23、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 24、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 25、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 26、商务英语阅读研究 27、商务英语写作问题研究 28、商务英语考试技巧研究 29、商务英语听力策略研究 30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 31、商务函电交流研究 32、商务英语学习方法 33、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 34、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 35、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 36、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 37、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 38、广告英语的分类及分析 39、虚拟语气与商务英语表达 40、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用 41、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 42、商务英语在国际营销中的作用

43、术语在国际商务中的重要性 44、商务谈判语言技巧 45、浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪 46、例析论网络环境下商务英语的拓展学习模式 47、浅析商务英语汇商务英语中俚语的风格及翻译 48、商务英语教学中英语知识与商务知识的关系 49、商务英语中以谓语动词为中心的基本句型的翻译 50、商务英语的语言特色探讨 51、反译法在商务英语中的应用 52、奈达“等值”理论于商务英语翻译中的理解和应用 53、商务英语中的平行结构及其翻译方法 54、语用原则在商务英语应用中的度范畴 55、商务英语语篇文体特征分析 56、商务英语常用单词的多义现象例析 57、商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译 58、商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素 59、商务英语中书面语言的文体特征及语用分析 60、社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响 61、英语写作中常见中式英语分析 62、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 63、美国英语习语与文化 64、中美日常交际中的文化差异 65、中西方文化差异及语言体现 商务英语论文题目|商务英语毕业论文题目参考 一、英语论文基本格式 1、毕业论文结构包括:主标题、论文摘要、正文(一般不少于5000字)、注释、参考书目,注释统一用尾注。 2、板式:毕业论文一律用计算机打印。(使用A4规格打印,每页30行) 二、阅读类参考题目以下参考题目对应的范文请到VIP留学生论文网下载,如需原创论文需与在线辅导老师沟通。 1、持续性交际法对商务英语学习者口语和写作能力提高的研究分析 2、商务英语文体学分析 3、语篇功能对等视角的商务英语翻译 4、高职商务英语专业实践课程开发 5、关联理论在商务英语阅读教学中的应用 6、成人商务英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养 7、功能对等理论视角下的商务英语翻译 8、中职商务英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养 9、论商务英语翻译中的文化转向 10、职前学生商务英语词汇教学法探索 11、商务英语中模糊语言的应用及其语用分析 12、从目的论角度看国际商务英语翻译的质量评估 13、高职院校商务英语精读教学中的任务型教学法 14、词典类型对翻译与习得商务英语新词作用的实证研究


商务谈判实例(四) 今天Robert的办公室出现了一个生面孔――Kevin Hughes,此人代表美国一家运动产品公司,专程来台湾寻找加工。接洽的加工产品市运动型“磁质石膏护垫”,受伤的运动员包上这种产品上场比赛,即可保护受伤部位,且不妨碍活动。现在,我们就来看看两人的会议现况: R:We found your proposal quite interesting,Mr.Hughes.We'd like to weigh the pros and cons(衡量得失)with you. K:Mr.Robert Liu,we've looked all over Asia for a manufacturer;your company is one of the most suitable. R:If we can settle a number of basic questions,I'm confident in saying that we are the most suitable for your needs. K:I hope so.And what might be the basic questions you have? R:First,do you intend to take a position in(投资于……)our company? K:No,we don't,Mr.Liu.This is just OEM. R:I see.Then,the most important thing is the size of your orders.We'll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production process. K:If you can guarantee continuing quality,we can sign a commitment for75,000pieces a year,for five years. R:At U.S.$1000a piece,we'll make an average return of just4%.That's too great a financial burden for us. K:I'll check the number later,but what do you propose? R:Here's how you can demonstrate commitment to this deal.Make it ten years,increase the unit price,and provide technology transfer.


商务谈判最常用30个疯狂英语-商务谈判,商务英语,商业-商务指 南- 15、Are you negotiable? 你还有商量的余地吗? 16、I’m sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定还有商量的余地。 17、We have another plan. 我们还有一个计划。准备多么充分!胜利一定会属于这样的人! 18、Let’s negotiate the price. 让我们来讨论一下价格吧。 19、We could add it to the agenda. 我们可以把它也列入议程。 20、Thanks for reminding us. 谢谢你的提醒。 21、Our position on the issue is very simple.

我们的意见很简单。 22、We can not be sure what you want unless you tell us. 希望你能告诉我们,要不然我们无法确定你想要的是什么。 23、We have done a lot. 我们已经取得了不少的进展。 24、We can work out the details next time. 我们可以下次再来解决细节问题。 25、I suggest that we take a break. 建议休息一下。 26、Let’s dismiss and return in an hour. 咱们休会,一个钟头后再回来。 27、We need a break. 我们需要暂停一下。 28、May I suggest that we continue tomorrow. 我建议明天再继续,好吗?少提这种建议,中国人一定要学会如何在谈判桌“熬得住“,很多时候不是“技术战”而是“神经


商务英语谈判课后作业 ——案例分析

商务英语谈判案例分析 Example: Dan smith was a bissiness who works on gymnasium equipment,and it was the first meeting between Robert Liu and him.In just a few minutes of the conversation, Robert Liu felt that this big fellow with a straightforward appearance kept a mind of a cunning rabbit .Known that the guy was skilled in this way ,he took great care in the negotiation. In the first round ,their covercition was as follows: D: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. R: Shoot.,I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. D: Y our products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. R: Y ou think we about be asking for more?(laughs) D: (chuckles) That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount. R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers. D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business――volume sales――that will slash your costs for making the Exec-U-ciser, right? R: Y es, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over so many? (pause) We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise. D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee? R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.But even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much. D: Just what are you proposing? R: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin .We suggest a compromise――10%. D: That's a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas? R: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow? D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this. NEXT DAY D: Robert, I've been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else.


《商务英语谈判》实训场景 甲方(A-BUYER): 刘云(A-Candy),贺小娟(A-Mariah) 乙方(B-SELLER): 岳志平(B-Zoe),黄真真(B–Miss.H) (Introduction) A-Candy: How do you do. B-Zoe: How do you do. A-Candy: On behalf of Luoyang Reisen Electronic C o.Ltd, I’m very glad to see you here. Since we are not familiar, shall we just go round the table, making sure we know each other. Mariah, why don’t you start. A-Mariah:OK, nice to meet you. This is our Purchasing Manager, Candy. I’m the assistant, Mariah. I will be in charge of preparing our negotiation and arrange the routine work. B-H:Nice to meet you too. This is our Sales Manager, Zoe. I’m the assistant, H. Welcome to our head office. A-Candy/Mariah: Thank you. B-Zoe: Before we start, would you like something to drink? A-Candy: That would be nice, just tea please. Thank you. (At the office, small talk) A-Candy: Well, how is business in your sector? B-Zoe: Not too bad, we have got a lot of work to do for the new budget in this year. And we’ve seen a obvious rise in sale. A-Candy: Un, sounds good. B-H: Is this your first time to America, Candy? A-Candy: No, this is my second time to come here. I am very impressed on this city. B-H: I am very glad to hear that. I hope you have a good time these days. What about you, Mariah? A-Mariah: This is my first visit. I am so happy to have the opportunity to visit this beautiful city. I like it very much. B-Zoe: I hope you like this beautiful city. I wish to thank you for coming here .Shall we start? ALL: Y es! (The beginning of the negotiation) A-Candy: Here we go. I think everyone has got the agenda. Today, we have a lot to discuss. We mainly talk about three points: the price, payment method, and delivery. Would you like to talk about price firstly, He? A-Mariah: Y es, I’d like to, this is our first cooperation. we know you are the leading company of office furniture in the USA, and have been in this line for many years. So we are happy and previledged to have this chance to cooperate with you. However, from your letter of Oct. 1st, we know that your quotation is too high for us to accept. I hope you can give us some


A:为出口公司B:为国外进口公司 场景一:价格谈判 A和B开门走进办公室…… A: please take your seat,--- B:Thank you. A:After anttending our new product launch meeting,you must have a detail idea about our products,---.Now please let me know what kinds of flowers you are interested. (A递给B 一个产品目录册,B迅速地翻阅并作出标记) B:Yes,your flowers are pretty beautiful and leave me a deep impression. (A接过B递回的册子,翻阅) B:And I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price.what prices will you offer for these I’ve marked? A:---,before we quote price please tell me how many flowers you are going to buy. B:for No.10 we’d like to phurchase 1500 units,No.20,1000 units and 1000 units for No.30. A:The usual price for No10 is 25 USD,for No20,35,and No30,50USD.they are all on the trade term of CIF Sydney. B:I t hink it’s unacceptable for us,you know the market has shrinked a lot during the economic ressesion period. A:we understand it,but you know these flowers are good for value.And they are newly cultivated after we tried a lot for genetic transplant.I believe you know the cost we spent. B:yes, I know that,---,it’s because of that ,I hope we can cooperate to open the market.If the price is reasonable, the large volume sales will be easy to reach,and that can remedy your large cost,right? A: (考虑片刻)Considering it’s the first time we do business and long-term cooperation in future, we can cut 1 USD for the price which we usual don’t do . B:1 USD? It makes no difference.we need more.and to be frank,we want the price to be 20,25 and 40 USD for each kind. A:No,no,no,I think you are kidding….---,that’s a big cut ,and it will make us have no returns. B:(表情严肃,犹豫片刻)Then how about 22,30 and 45 USD. A:That’s still leave us a little of margin,but increase 500 hundreds units for each kind,we can make it. B:That’s hard for us,yo u know it is a large size,and we can’t keep them for a long time. A:The season of large demand for flowers is coming,we guarantee the delivery within 1 month, that can be helpful for your quick sale. B:The delivery should be within 1 month, otherwise I cannot place the order. Now let’s reach some middle ground,you allow a 20% discount,I increase the order quantity by 500 hundreds units at that new price. A:20% discount? The policy regulates the maxium discount is within 15% in our company. And if you want to get the discount,the units you ordered have to overpass 2000 for each item. B:2000 units?we can’t take that many.Though you can’t offer us 15% discount,10% is ok.I hope you can accept it.--- A:---,we can grant 8% at most,that’s the best we can do.A nd


商务谈判常用语 在双方谈判的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点表示了解,可以说:I see what you mean. (我明白您的意思。) 如果表示赞成,可以说:That's a good idea. (是个好主意。)或者说:I agree with you. (我赞成。) 如果是有条件地接受,可以用on the condition that这个句型,例如:We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units. (如果您订2万台,我们会接受您的建议。) 在与外商,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要拐弯抹角,比如,表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:I don't think that's a good idea. (我不认为那是个好主意。)或者Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal. (坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。) 如果是拒绝,可以说:We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time. (我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。) 有时,还要讲明拒绝的理由,如To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will sell very well in China. (说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好。) 谈判期间,由於言语沟通问题,出现误解也是在所难免的:可能是对方误解了你,也可能是你误解了对方。在这两种情况出现後,你可以说:No, I''m afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was…… (不,恐怕你误解了。我想说的是……)或者说:Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I go along with you. (哦,对不起,我误解你了。那样的话,我同意你的观点。) 总之不管你说什么,你最终的目的就是要促成一笔生意。即使不成,也要以善意对待对方,也许你以后还有机会,生意不成人情在,你说对吗? 价格谈判常用句型 商谈价格是买卖之间很重要的一环。商品的价值往往同商品的本质关系密切。当要强调出口商品的品质以使交易达到理想的价格时,我们可以说:This one is very good for 10 US dollars.(这东西绝对值10美元。)或These are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones.(这些货价稍微高了一点,但其优异的品质,使它们比那些便宜的货,更有价值。)在谈到商品价格便宜时,买方切


Unit 1 1. 显著经济增长、significant economic growth 2. 将银行业与汽车业国有化nationalizing the banking and car industries 3. 削减房贷cut back on housing loans 4. 收购国内外资产buying up new assets at home and abroad 5. 大幅提升盈利能sharply raising profitability 6. 获得动力gain momentum 7. 小幅升值a modest appreciation 8. 下岗工人laid-off workers 9. 摸着石头过河crossing the river by feeling for stones 10. 可持续增长的支柱the backbone of sustainable growth 11. 资金密集型行业capital-intensive sector 12. 放宽信贷loosen credit 13. 减少对出口的依赖reducing China's dependence on exports 14. 战略思考strategic thinking 15. 燃油补贴fuel subsidies 16. 解除价格管制deregulated prices 17. 休克疗法shock therapy 18. 支撑经济增长bolster economic growth 19. 经济刺激一揽子计划stimulus package 20. 精明(娴熟)的管理savvy management 21. 边远地区remote areas 22. 回应个人投诉answer individual complaints 23. 取消印花税scrapping the stamp tax 24. 振兴股市revive the stock market 25. 繁荣与稳定prosperity and stability 26. 内幕交易insider trading 27. 进行民意测验conduct public polls 28. 遭遇信贷危机experiencing a credit crisis Unit 2 1.The great depression in the 1930s 1930年的经济大萧 条 2.The old industrial economies 老工业经济体 3.The global economic and political elite 全球经济与 政治精英 4.Amass great wealth 产生巨大财富 5.Welfare states福利国家 6.Emerging economies 新兴经济体 7. A beggar-thy-neighbor populism 以邻为壑民粹主义 8.Double-dip recession 双底衰退 9.Sovereign-debt crisis 主权债务危机 10.The worst-case scenarios 最糟糕的情况 11.Bitter social unrest 激烈的社会动荡 12.Cutting public budgets 削减公共预算 13.Excessive stimulus 过度刺激计划


Business Negotiation Skills in English (商务英语谈判技巧) Phases of Negotiation According to Robert Maddux, author of Successful Negotiation, negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want. In business negotiations, the two parties endeavor to obtain their business goals through bargaining with their counterparts. Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases: the preparation phase, opening phase, bargaining phase and closing phase. Preparation phase 1.Choosing your team The negotiation team should include members in the following areas: ?Commercial: responsible for the negotiation on price, delivery terms, and commercial policy of risk taking. ?Technical: responsible for specifications, programs, and methods of work. ?Financial: terms of payment, credit insurance and financial guarantees. ?Legal: contract documents, terms and conditions of contract, insurance and legal interpretation.?Interpreter: familiar with the foreign language needed as well as the negotiation-related knowledge, and having certain communication skills. The most important role in the team is the chief negotiator (CN), who is supposed to possess the following qualities: sociability, shrewdness, adaptability, patience, endurance. Other than that, extensive knowledge, clear oral expression as well as strong leadership are also important for a CN. 2. Gathering and analyzing information Valuable information covers the areas in political, legal as well as business system, market research, financial policies, infrastructure and logistics. The knowledge on the counterpart is also necessary. With the information at hand, it is time do a feasibility study to adjust our goals to be achieved. 3. The negotiation plan The plan defines the negotiating objectives, sets the minimum acceptable level for each term, and states the time control, initial strategy, the tactics and others including the location, personnel and facilities needed. A well-designed plan allows more flexibility in different situations and guides the negotiators through the negotiation process without getting off track. The opening phase It is common that the seller submits proposals. Then the buyer confronts with three options: outright acceptance, outright rejection, and qualified rejection, the last of which is usually the most choice. Once the positions and objectives of both parties are revealed, the negotiators begin to reflect both on the loss they will suffer if they would concede and on the loss they will receive if they would refuse to concede.


Unit 1 Text A I. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. N II. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D III.Open Text B I. 1. F 2. T 3. N 4. N 5. F II.Open III.Open Unit 2 Text A I. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6.T II. 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A III.Open Text B I. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T II. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D III.Open Unit 3 Text A I. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F II. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B III.Open Text B I. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. N 5. F II.Open III.Open Unit 4 Text A I. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F II. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C III.Open

Text B I. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F II.Open III.Open Unit 5 Text A I. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T II. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D III.Open Text B I. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. N II. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B III.Open Unit 6 Text A I. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. N 5. F II. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C III.Open Text B I. 1. F 2. N 3. N 4. F 5. F II.Open III.Open Unit 7 Text A I. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T II. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A III.Open Text B I. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T II.Open III.Open


商务谈判中英语的重要性 摘要 在全球经济一体化迅猛发展的背景下,跨国商务活动日渐增多,商务英语也日益受到人们的广泛重视。英语目前是国际通用语,运用英语进行谈判也成了国际惯例,商务英语在谈判过程中特别是在对外的商务谈判过程中,能够很好的交流,大家相互交流中都能够读懂对方的意思,是最锋利、最基本的一样武器,如果没有这样武器,还没有上阵你就先败了下来,掌握好商务英语是你步入涉外商务谈判的门票。因此,一个涉外商务谈判人员不仅要熟识谈判原则、相关法律和商务业务,还要熟练掌握一些谈判技巧,准确地运用一些语言策略,即灵活运用语言的表达手段和技巧等来完整实现自己预期的谈判目标。 关键词:商务英语;谈判;重要性 Abstract Under the background of rapid development of global economic integration, increasingly, multination al business activities, business English is increasingly attracting widespread attention. English is intern ational language, use English to negotiate also become an international practice, business English in t he process of negotiations, especially in the process of foreign business negotiations, able to commun icate well, to be able to read in the everyone to communicate each other's meaning, is the most sharp , the most basic one weapon, if no such weapons, no play you will fall down first, mastering business E nglish is the ticket you step into international business negotiations. Therefore, a principle of foreign-r elated business negotiations personnel should not only familiar with the talks, laws and business oper

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