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2.书信或图表评分标准:Task1(书信或图表)按照以下三方面评分:Task Fulfillment(完成任务);

Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)。

Task Fulfillment指的是考生是否能够在正确审题的基础上完成题目的指令。

Coherence and Cohesion指的是文章通过一定的衔接手段(Cohesive Devices)来表明上下文的连贯性

Vocabulary and Sentence Structure指的是文章的语言表达。





(08-08-30)You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with it.Write a letter to the owner and tell him or her:

●What the problems are

●Describe the problems

●And say what actions you want the owner to take to solve the issue

(08-04-12)You recently bought an item of clothing in another town,but you found some problems with it after you returned home.Write a letter to the manager and say:

●What happened

●What are the problems

●And what you would like them to do

(08-11-20)You got a newspaper prize,but you did not get it yet.Write a letter to inquire about this.In your letter, you should ask:

●When the prize will come

●What your expectation of the prize is

●And how the editor should deal with it for you

(08-11-08)Write a letter to the local council to provide suggestions on how to improve tourist facilities in your town. In your letter,you should give:

●Present situation of tourist facilities

●Your suggestions

●Benefits from tourism


You booked a holiday with a travel agency but the tour did not live up to your expectations.Write a letter to the agency.In your letter,you:

?Describe the problem

?Explain what you expected on your holiday

?Explain what you want the travel agency to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I wish to complain about the service provided by one of your travel operators,Jenny Chang.I contracted with her for a holiday I booked in Sydney for a total cost of`$2,000,but later discovered the tour fell below an acceptable standard.

On February13,2006,I talked to Mrs.Jenny Chang and reminded her of some special requirements I had, including a double room in a four-star hotel,ten main places of interest and so forth.Your tour operator confirmed that these would be surely arranged.Unfortunately,these requirements were not met.The four-star hotel was in fact a three-star hotel,and the room service was below the average.The so-called double room was cramped and caused me considerable discomfort.The guide took us to six places of interest(instead of tem,as set out in contract)and some famous tourism sites were not on our itinerary.Since you undertook to book a holiday in accordance with my requirements and your tour operator assured me that all my requirements would be met,I must hold you responsible for my disappointment.

Please let me know how you propose to settle this matter.

Yours sincerely…

You want to sell some of your furniture.You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.Write a letter to your friend.In your letter:

?Explain why you are selling

?Describe the furniture

?Suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture

Dear Jan,

As you know,we’ll be moving to a new house soon and there are a few things that I won’t be able to take with me. The new house is a bit smaller so I have to sell some furniture and I was wondering if you might be interested.

In particular,I want to sell my big dinning table.Do you remember it—the one in the living room?It has wooden legs and a grey glass top and it’s big enough for six people.There are six matching chairs to go with it.

I know you’ve always liked this furniture so I could let you have it at a good price.I’d rather sell it to you than to a strange.

Why don’t you come around and take another look at them on Saturday?We’ll be here all day,so maybe we could have some lunch together.

Give me a ring and let me know,








如果收信人为一个企业、团体或者机构,不知道收信人的名字和性别,一般用Dear Sir or Madam或To whom it may concern;也可以使用Dear加收件人头衔:Dear Professor/Manager/Editor

如果收信人是一个认识的人(知道姓名和性别),但其并不是你熟悉或者亲密的朋友,一般使用Dear Mr./Mrs.

/Miss/Ms.+收信人姓氏(surname);举例:Dear Mr.Gates、Dear Ms.Clark

如果收信人为熟识的朋友,一般使用Dear+收信人的名字:Dear+名字(first name);举例:Dear John










信末礼貌语通常使用yours sincerely,yours faithfully,yours truly

如果写给很好的朋友,一般使用yours,with best wishes,lots of love等







1.投诉信(Letter of Complaint)














You have bought a camera in a Duty-Free store of an airport.On reaching home,you discovered some problems with it.Write a letter to the airport authority to:

?Explain the situation

?Talk about your feeling

?Express what you want to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the camera that I bought last week in your airport Duty-Free store.

As I reaching home,I tried to take some photos with the new machine and it worked very well.However,after a few second it powered off.I thought it might be automatic switching off,but I cannot start it up again.I tried many many times but it did not work.

The sign in that store says that goods with any problems can be replaced within14days.Unfortunately,I cannot go back to your country in such short time.I feel very unhappy with the quality of the camera,and I have to say that my right has been aggressed.

Personally,I want to return this camera and request the store to replace it with a good one for me and pay for all posting fees.If I cannot get a satisfactory response soon,I have to claim a refund that I paid for the camera.

Yours sincerely



You were hurt in a minor accident inside a supermarket,and you wish to complain to the supermarket.Write a letter to the manager of the supermarket.In your letter:

?Say who you are

?Give details about the accident

?Suggest how the supermarket could prevent similar accidents

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you of the accident I had at3:45pm yesterday.

I was pushing my shopping cart down the aisle by the frozen meats when I slipped on the wet floor and broke the

scaphoid bone in my right wrist as I tried to stop my fall.Your staff were very helpful,and your assistant manager drove me to St.Martin’s Hospital,where my arm was put in a cast that will stay on for about six weeks.

I am a self-employed canteen owner,and will not be able to work for at least two months.My insurance will only cover my medical costs,not my lost earnings,which,as you can see from the attached photocopies,average450 pounds a week.Given that the accident was due to the dangerous condition of the floor,I trust you will arrange for me to be compensated with an amount equal to my average weekly earnings for the time that I am unable to work.

May I suggest that you instruct your staff to pay better attention to safety,and have a sign that clearly warns customers of such dangers as a slippery floor.

Yours sincerely

John Smith

2.咨询信(Inquiry Letter)与求助信(Request Letter)











Your school has no sports facilities.Write to a nearby club to apply for a membership.In your letter,you

●Provide personal information

●Describe service or facilities you want

●Inquire about the fees

To whom in may concern,

I am a student currently studying in St.Luck’s Grammar School,and I am interested in the membership of your club in late May.The school I am studying in has limited facilities and I have heard that your club is an excellent

training service provider.Location is another reason why I perceive your club as the best option.It only takes fifteen minutes to get to your club on foot.

I appreciate receiving any pamphlets with information about facilities,such as weightlifting equipment,swimming pool,sauna,shower rooms and lockers.I was told that all these facilities are provided,but I am writing for confirmation.By the way,I would love to be informed about membership fees and any discount I am entitled for.I am16years old,male,and holding an international student visa.Should you have any questions or need to speak to me about my request,you can reach me at NancyXia@https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf5201894.html, or at(09)365-4562.

I am looking forward to your earliest reply.Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Nancy Xia


You are going to London to take a training course for two months.Write a letter asking the local accommodation agency to reserve a flat for you.In the letter,you

●Provide relevant information about yourself

●Describe your requirement

●Clarify when you would arrive

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am looking for a single-bedroom apartment in London.Please let me know if you have any suitable vacancies.I would be happy to give you a deposit to hold it.

I am about to attend a training course in London during the months of July and August,and St.Atlas Polytechnic College,the college where I will be studying,is at Queens Street.If possible,I would like to have an apartment that is within two or three miles of the college.The apartment is preferably spacious,air conditioned with a private bathroom,a telephone line and Internet access.I will appreciate it if it is quiet,comfortably furnished,because I think it will help me focus on my studies.I am willing to pay up to£500a month.

I would appreciate hearing from you within the next two weeks.My email address is xiaoyan@https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf5201894.html,.

Sincerely yours,

Johnson Lee


以下是我的整理资料,基本上都是自己一个个字从电脑上打上去的,决不是随便从哪个网站上抄来的,请大家熟练背诵,书信写作的开头结尾部分再不是问题! 1. 一般开头 How is everything going with you? I am writing to extend my heart-felt thanks to you for …(感谢) Thank you for your letter of February 8 informing me that I have been accepted by yo ur college. But I must apologize to you for… (道歉) I am writing to inform you that ... (通知) I am writing to seek your assistance in… to request to(请求) I am writing to express my views on … (建议) I am writing in response to your… (回应) I am writing to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students fr om other countries. (申请) I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regardi ng…(咨询) I am writing to express my disappointment/dissatisfaction about … to complain about …(抱怨) I am writing to lodge a claim for the suitcase I lost on my journey to … (挂失) I have learned from…that you are looking for …. And I am writing to recommend …fo r the post.(推荐) 补充句型:I am writing this letter for the purpose of doing sth. (较为正式) 2. 表达感谢的句型 I am most grateful to you for your… I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for… I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks for… I feel greatly indebted to you for …. I am writing to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me. But for your kind assistance, I would have … I must thank you again for your generous help. My thanks to you for you generous help are beyond words. Please accept my deepest gratitude. 3. 表达道歉的句型


雅思 ( IELTS ) 一、概况 IELTS (雅思)是International English Language Testing System (国际英语语言测试体系)的简称。 IELTS国际英语水平测试由英国剑桥大 学测试中心((The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicat - UCLES))、澳大利亚高校国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)及英国文化委 员会(The British Council)共同举办。1990年4月在中国推广。全球已有210 个考试中心,遍布105个城市。为准备进入以英语为主导教学语言的大学和学 院进修的学生或以英语为母语的国家(指英联邦国家)移民人士测试英语水平而设。英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、荷兰、英格兰、苏格兰、新加坡、美国(200所院校)以及许多国家的众多院校均采用并认可雅思成绩。澳洲7月1 日起留学全部递交雅思,不使用托福成绩。加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家 的移民局均将考试成绩作为技术及其他类移民中衡量英语语言能力的唯一标准。以上国家的学校和进修项目及许多国家院校都接受考试成绩,并设立不同的成 绩合格标准。 二、IELTS考试分类 培训类(General Training )目前较多适用于移民;学术类(Academic)目前较多适用于留学。不论那种考试, 不论你将此成绩用于何目的, 所有同类(G或A)考试同一次都使用同一份试卷,考试中不涉及你的专业知识, 只考试英 语水平能力。因本考试有口语项目,因此会比TOEFL更具有可信度。 通常经验,一名有中级英语基础的考生通过雅思参考书籍学习或考前培训班,2-3个月后可参加本考试。对中国考生来说,IELTS考试的词汇要求并不高,主要偏向生活化,但答题技巧和英国传统题型,因与TOEFL(托福)和国内英语 考试(4-6级)完全不同,所以掌握题型和快速解答就显得非常重要。 三、考试参考网站及组织机构 国际IELTS组织 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf5201894.html, 英国文化委员会中国考试部 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf5201894.html, 考试组织机构: 英国剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL 英国文化委员会British council 澳大利亚高校国际开发署idp 四、IELTS考试结构 考试全程时间2小时55分钟(包括听力的10分钟填写答案纸) (一)听力部分(General Traning和Academic试卷一致) 通常考生会听到4段语音(独白部分及2人或多人对话部分)。共给38-42 小题作答,你将只听到(一次)语音,不会重复(边听边作答)此部分。所以学 生作答时,千万别等待语音结束才作答(不要回头作答),考生可把答案先写


Growth in air travel harms environment(飞行增多危害环境) Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Centre in Britain have said urgent action(紧急行动)is needed to curb the rapid growth in air travel(抑制飞行的快速增长)if the government is to meet its commitments(实现承诺)on tackling global warming(处理温室效应). This report from Stephen Evans: Falling ticket price and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel.(导致国际航空业迅速发展的原因是机票价格的下降和收入水平的提升。)According to the British government, the number of British air passengers, for example, will more than double in the next quarter of a century(下一个25年). Increases of such an order would mean much more aviation fuel(燃油)being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is emitted at high altitudes(高海拔). A group of scientists at the environmental research group, the Tyndall Centre, says that if Britain is to meet its overall target for cutting damaging emissions(减少有害气体排放), other uses of fuel like for heating homes or driving cars would have to be cut dramatically. The British government wants the use of aviation fuel covered by international agreement on the environment. The difficulty for any individual government(任何政府)is that taxing fuel used at its own airports might push airlines to move their operations to competing airports in other countries. https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf5201894.html,/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2005/09/050921_aviation.sh tml Calls to control low-cost flights(限制廉价航空) Cheap flights(廉价航空)on no frills airlines may not be a burden on our wallets but they will dearly cost the UK's environment(严重危害环境), campaigners believe. Scientists predict that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase, global warming will bring higher annual temperatures and heavier rainfall(温室效应会带来更高的气温以及更大的降水)- with all the associated problems(相关的问题). +将来时)it is . Agencies such as the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) want our air tickets to reflect "the true cost of flying" to the environment. To green groups, this involves the aviation industry having to pay tax on the fuel(航空业应该为燃油使用赋税)it puts in planes.

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 去新的城市工作.doc

雅思G类小作文范文雅思书信写作去新的城市工作 本期G类雅思写作书信部分的专栏,雅思小编要介绍的是一篇与去新城市找住宿话题相关的书信题材类考题。这道题主要要求写信人给自己的朋友表达寻求帮助的意愿,考生需要在撰写书信的过程中注意一下语体形式。建议大家在参考范文之前可以自己对照题目在限定的时间内完成书信的任务然后参考答案进行学习。 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.?请花二十分钟完成此项任务 You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there. 你即将搬到一个新的城市。你认识一些住在那个城市的人。 Write a letter to someone you know who live there. In your letter ? 给一位在那边认识的人写一封信,在你的信中: ?ask them for help finding accommodation 请他们帮忙找一下住宿 ?tell them where you would like to live?告诉他们你想住在哪个方位 ?tell them the type of place you are looking for 告诉他们你想要找什么类型的地方居住 Write at least 150 words.?写一封不低于一百五十词的书信。 You do NOT need to write any addresses. 不必写出任何地址信息 Dear Justin, 亲爱的贾斯汀: Hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to let you that I have accepted a new job in California and I would be working with Optus Corporation from the next month. As you know I have never been to California so I am seeking your help in finding accommodation. 希望你看到这封信的时候身体健康。来信是想告诉你我接受了在加州的一份新工作的邀请函,大概下个月就会去Optus公司工作了。你懂得,我从来没去过加州,所以想请你帮我找一下住宿。 My office is near the bay area of San Francisco and I shall prefer an apartment with a single bedroom in this vicinity. The apartment should have an attached bathroom and a small kitchen. This translation is from Laokaoya website. I would not mind the rent if the location is near my office. I would like to live somewhere new, so something in a modern apartment block would be great. My budget for the accommodation is between


最新雅思图表小作文范文品读 最新雅思图表小作文范文品读,今天就给大家带来了最新雅思图表小作文范文品读,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 最新雅思图表小作文范文品读混合图之成人教育现状 The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information shown above.Write at least 150 Words. 图表展示的是成人继续接受教育培训的理由,以及它的费用该由谁来承担的调查统计。请为大学讲座写一篇150字以上的报告。 雅思图表小作文混合图(线图+饼图)9分范文: The summary of a survey on adult education is presented in the 2 charts. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their education, while the pie chart shows the public opinion regarding the funding of adult education.(简要概括导入)


Animal 类 范文 Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both view and give your own opinion. Animals were friend of foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal right activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because putting animals through experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit. Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any attention to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane. It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. They may, in some case, even constitute sheer torture of live animals. However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence bounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effective than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on Homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only practical alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies. To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance, I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time we use techniques such as anesthetic to minimize the pain of the test animal. Animals 类词汇 动物权益保护主义者 animal rights activists 医学研究 medical research , 残忍的cruel/ merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal 活体解剖 vivisection 麻醉anaesthetic


Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接) 雅思写作(普通培训类)Task 1—书信写作 一、基本信息及备考重点 1. 考试时间—建议 20 分钟;篇幅要求—150-170 words ;评分权重—40% 2. 书信或图表评分标准 : Task 1 (书信或图表 )按照以下三方面评分 : Task Fulfillment (完成任务 ); ;Vocabulary and Sentence Structure (词汇与句子结构)。 Task Fulfillment 指的是考生是否能够在正确审题的基础上完成题目的指令。 Coherence and Cohesion 指的是文章通过一定的衔接手段(Cohesive Devices )来 表明上下文的连贯性 Vocabulary and Sentence Structure 指的是文章的语言表达。 5 分或 5 分以下的作文一般语法错误较多。 6 分作文则一般没有致命的语法错误,用词和句子基本准确。 7 分以上的作文用词丰富(Variety )、句子结构复杂(Complexity )。 3. 书信写作类型 (08-08-30) You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with it. Write a letter to the owner and tell him or her: ● What the problems are ● Describe the problems ● And say what actions you want the owner to take to solve the issue (08-04-12) You recently bought an item of clothing in another town, but you found some problems with it after you returned home. Write a letter to the manager and say: ● What happened ● What are the problems ● And what you would like them to do (08-11-20) You got a newspaper prize, but you did not get it yet. Write a letter to inquire about this. In your letter, you should ask: ● When the prize will come ● What your expectation of the prize is ● And how the editor should deal with it for you (08-11-08) Write a letter to the local council to provide suggestions on how to improve tourist facilities in your town. In your letter, you should give: ● Present situation of tourist facilities ● Your suggestions ● Benefits from tourism 4. 书信的格式与基本结构 You booked a holiday with a travel agency but the tour did not live up to your expectations. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter, you: ? Describe the problem ? Explain what you expected on your holiday ? Explain what you want the travel agency to do


Immigration has a major impact on the society. What are the main reasons of immigration? Immigration has a significant impact on the contemporary society. Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home countries and move to another place. This essay will examine the reasons and the consequences of immigration. 移民对当代社会有着重要的影响。每年,越来越多的来自世界各地的人决定离开他们的祖 国搬到另一个地方。本文将探讨移民的原因和后果。 In my view, the main reason of immigration is a strong desire of better life quality and safe future. A lot of people from so-called Third World move to developed countries in search of better employment opportunities, and therefore, higher incomes. Moreover, living in a wealthy country implies living in a country with stable economy, so risks of losing their savings also lessen. For example, labour migration from Mexico to the USA i s caused by these facts. Other reasons that force whole families to cross borders are wars and various cultural conflicts in their homeland. Many people migrate, seeking security and safe future for their children. For instance, most of the refugees who arrived in the European Union were escaping from wars. 在我看来,移民的主要原因是对更好的生活质量和安全的未来的强烈愿望。许多所谓的第 三世界国家的人搬到发达国家去寻找更好的就业机会,从而获得更高的收入。此外,生活在一 个富裕的国家意味着生活在一个经济稳定的国家,因此失去储蓄的风险也减少了。例如,从墨 西哥到美国的劳动力移民就是由这些事实引起的。迫使整个家庭跨越国界的其他原因是战争和 他们家乡的各种文化冲突。许多人移民,为他们的孩子寻求安全和安全的未来。例如,大多数 抵达欧盟的难民是为了躲避战争。 However, sometimes immigration causes more problems than it solves, resulting in negative consequences for both immigrants and their countries of destination. First of all, most of the refugees can’t find jobs because of the lack of language skills and difficulties in adaptation. That’s why the countries have to run various refugee assistance programs to help those people. But disproportionate burden of maintaining the immigrants leads to tension in the society. Secondly, not all of the refugees receive proper asylum, food and medical care. So they are at risk even after crossing the border. Finally, even highly qualified specialists, who seek better employment, often don’t get what they are looking for. 然而,有时移民造成的问题多于解决的问题,对移民和他们的目的地国都造成了负面影响。 首先,由于缺乏语言技能和适应困难,大多数难民找不到工作。这就是为什么各国必须开展各 种难民援助项目来帮助这些人。但是过度的移民负担导致了社会的紧张。其次,并不是所有的 难民都得到适当的庇护、食物和医疗照顾。因此,即使在越过边界后,他们也处于危险之中。 最后,即使是那些寻求更好工作的高质量专家,通常也得不到他们想要的。 In conclusion, I think that people immigrate to have better life prospects. However, life after immigration may n ot always meet people’s expectations. So it’s very important


雅思写作(普通培训类)Task 1—书信写作 一、基本信息及备考重点 1.考试时间—建议20分钟;篇幅要求—150-170 words;评分权重—40% 2.书信写作类型 (08-08-30) You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with it. Write a letter to the owner and tell him or her: ●What the problems are ●Describe the problems ●And say what actions you want the owner to take to solve the issue (08-04-12) You recently bought an item of clothing in another town, but you found some problems with it after you returned home. Write a letter to the manager and say: ●What happened ●What are the problems ●And what you would like them to do (08-11-20) You got a newspaper prize, but you did not get it yet. Write a letter to inquire about this. In your letter, you should ask: ●When the prize will come ●What your expectation of the prize is ●And how the editor should deal with it for you (08-11-08) Write a letter to the local council to provide suggestions on how to improve tourist facilities in your town. In your letter, you should give: ●Present situation of tourist facilities ●Your suggestions ●Benefits from tourism (08-07-12) Write a letter to your friend as you know she/he is looking for a part-time job while he is studying. In your letter, you should: ●Explain why you think the job is suitable for him/her ●Describe the job ●Tell him/her how he/she can apply (08-01-19) You recently met a manager from a new company in your town. After the meeting, he wrote to you offering you a job in this new company. However, you want to stay in your present job. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter: ●Thank him for the offer ●Explain why you want to stay in the present job ●Recommend a friend to do the job


同意与否文体 There is no denying that the specific issue of srh./ 或接*whetker 从句has become controlersial. Howoer, in spite of those who are against-' for ?“ I approve ■wholeheartedK- of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that ??? Those who hold negach e/ positive aniiude co^ ards ??. "belie1e chsu ... mayexen ad^erse/ significant effect on us. ... isal^\ ays top of the list of their argument. Fnr nampl^...(滴用举洌子的方法*軽).Rxirlz, rhnw crirics/ ad vncar^^ alm claim that ...(就处写第二个原因〉for the reason dial …. It is often the case lhat…(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to .... .... and…:(此处先总结写你所支持的几个锂由户an increasing number of people inducing me are com-inc ed that.. .For one thing ... ? The ev idence rec ent h presented in research journah av a liable to the public confhmw tha.t ???it 处写谓查结果■通过敎字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Stnulariy.. should also deserve our special attention In other words, ...(^种说法解⑥。If .not ..(S过来在说一o Last but not least.... ObY?u$ly t ir is hard for both sides to coiue to an agreement on this coKuplicaced issue, butl srill commit to the notion that <..(HI申你的立场)。

2021年雅思写作经典 书信作文之信

雅思写作经典书信作文之信 雅思写作经典范文:书信作文之推荐信 以下是精心为大家搜集的雅思写作经典范文:书信之,非常实用。欢迎大家前来阅读借鉴,预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩! You are asked to write a remendation letter for someone you know well. Say who you are, how you got to know him or her, and why he or she is worth your remendation. 亲爱的先生、女士: 我写此信旨在向您推荐姜君蕾女士的超凡个性。 Jan. 29, xx Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing to remend to you the outstanding personality of Miss Jiang Junlei.

我是xx年认识姜君蕾的。那时我在给一组报读我们全日制英语(Q 吧)课程的学生进行分班测试,她便在其中。她自始至终友好而可爱的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象。第二年,当我在组织有600余名中国各地的中学生参加的夏令营项目时,我马上想到了她。理由很简单:她善良、友好、耐心、乐于助人、有一颗爱心,因此,非常适合做一名班主任。此外,她有一定的医院护理,这便为我选择她提供了愈加充分的理由。而她也最终向我以及我所有夏令营的同事们证明了我的决定是完美的。事实上,我极为惊讶她小小年纪,居然会有那么强的人际交流能力,在与学生及家长的交流中表现得可谓淋漓尽致。 I got to know Miss Jiang in xx while I was giving a placement test to a group of candidates who applied to our daytime English Intensive Training Program. It happened that she was in the group and she impressed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughout the test. In the following year, while I was organizing a summer camp program with the participation of about 600 high school students ing from all parts of China, I immediately thought of her. The reason was very simple: she is kind, friendly, patient, helpful and loving, thus well suiting a position as class teacher. Besides, she had some experience in


IELTS写作简介 学术类Academic Module 针对申请国外高校本科或研究生课程的考生,适用于留学; 培训类General Training Module 针对申请应用培训课程的考生,移民或其他类考生 IELTS (A类)写作简介 Task 1(作文分数的1/3) 20分钟内写一篇不少于150词的短文(report) 1)数据分析类占81.68% 2)流程图类占18.32% 1)数据分析类 饼图pie chart; 曲线图curve chart; 柱状图bar chart; 表格table; 多种图表组合 2)流程图类 流程图process diagram; 23.4% 地图题map; 60.5% 功能图; 16.1% Task 2(作文分数的2/3) 40分钟内完成一篇不少于250词的议论文(essay) 1) Argument 2) Discussion 3) Discussion + Argument 250 words→4 paragraphs→ 60 words/paragraph→ 4-5 setences/paragraph → 10-12 words/line→28 lines 答题纸介绍 雅思写作----评分标准 分项式评分(analytical scoring) 1) Task Achievement (完成任务)

2)Coherence and Cohesion (连贯和衔接) 3)Lexical Resource (词汇资源) 4)Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法结构的范围和准确性) 扣题,严密,到位,耐看。 PS: 1)字数不足的,每少50 words在总分上扣1.0分; 2)拼写错误每3处在LR项目扣0.5分,重复错误只计一次; 3)笔迹难以辨认的单词,将在ILLEGIBLE的附加评分项目中减分,每3处扣0.5分;4)抄袭的作文,将在MEMORISED的附加评分项目中减分,全文抄袭算0分。 Band 8 优秀使用者,能充分自如地运用英语,只是偶尔语言组织不准确或不恰当; Band 7 良好使用者,能运用英语,偶尔用法不准确,一般而言,能够运用复杂语言; Band 6 称职使用者,有时候可能用法不准确或不恰当,能够运用比较复杂的句子; Band 5 普遍使用者,可能会出很多错误 1)思路idea 2)词汇vocabulary 3)技巧structure 4)语法grammar 注意事项 1)IELTS写作测验答题不用写题目,也不用重写; 2)左右必须留下约一寸的间格;在段落之间留一行空行来分段(空行不空格); 3)禁止缩写; 4)写大概10至12个词一行; 5)标点符号绝不能用错,避免用感叹号和问号; 6)拼写错误

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