当前位置:文档之家› 江苏专转本英语历年真题虚拟语气、倒装强调句考点




1. (2019/31) If I had started out earlier I____ the flight to Beijing.

A. caught

B. would catch

C. had caught

D. would have caught

2. (2019/28) If we had had adequate time to prepare, the results______ much better.

A. would be

B. were

C. had been

D. would have been

3. (2019/37) It was advised that a special committee of ten members______ to investigate the case.

A. be appointed

B. are appointed

C. being appointed

D. would appoint

4. (2018/29) The flowers looked as if they ______for a long time.

A. haven't watered

B. didn't water

C. hadn’t been watered

D. watered

5. (2018/31) Had it not been for his carelessness, David _____the first prize in the mathematics contest.

A. would win

B. would have won

C. will win

D. won

6. (2018/35) It is essential that you_____ train tickets as early as possible before the Spring Festival.

A. must book

B. will book

C. are booking

D. book

7. (2017/37) If she hadn’t gone back for her credit card, she ____the early train yesterday.

A. won’t have missed

B. wouldn’t miss

C. wouldn’t have missed

D. won’t miss

8. (2016/24) It is suggested that the regular meeting on Wednesdays ___ limited to 20 minutes.

A. were

B. was

C. is

D. be

9. (2016/36) Having stayed in China for five years, the American teacher can speak Chines fluently as if he ___ a China.

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. had been

10. (2015/29) We came early and had to wait for one hour before the wedding ceremony began. We____.

A. should not hurry

B. need not have hurried

C. must not have hurried

D. need not hurry

11. (2015/33) The teacher of physical education told us that the football match ____ if it rained.

A. will be put off

B. would be put off

C. would put off

D. will put off

12. (2015/38) If he were you, he ___ take the task that you are unwilling to do.

A. will

B. can

C. would

D. must

13. (2014/28) To make our environment cleaner, people suggest that no smoking ____in public places.

A. allow

B.be allowed

C. was allowed

D. allowed

14. (2014/33) I wish I ___ a spaceman like Yang Liwei and could stay in the spaceship for a few days.

A. were

B. have been

C. can be

D. am

15. (2013/33) I didn’t see you at the meeting. If you had come, you____ our sales manager.

A. would meet

B. would have met

C. will have met

D. had met

16. (2013/40) His father has been suffering from lung cancer for half a year, so the doctor suggests that he ____ an operation as soon as possible.

A. takes

B. would take

C. took

D. should take

17. (2012/25) It’s high time ____ him a severe lesson for being late.

A. you give

B. you gave

C. you’ll give

D. you should give

18. (2011/40) Don’t come tomorrow. I’d rather you ____ next weekend.

A. will come

B. came

C. to come

D. had come

19. (2009/45) Look at the terrible situation I am in now! If only I____ your advice.

A. follow

B. had followed

C. would follow

D. have followed

20. (2009/59) Tom has been most helpful to us; in fact I don’t know what we ____ without him.

A. have done

B. will have done

C. had done

D. would have done

21. (2008/30) It is suggested that smoking ____ in public places.

A. will not be allowed

B. was not allowed

C. not be allowed

D.is not allowed


1.(2020/38) Only when you have obtained sufficient data _______ come to a sound conclusion.

A. you can

B. can you

C. do you

D. would you

2.(2019/24) It was______ the beginning of 2018_____ I got a chance to work in my hometown.

A. not until; that

B. until; that

C. not until; when

D. until; when

3.(2019/26) Only after Mary read her composition a second time______ the spelling mistake.

A. did she notice

B. she noticed

C. does she notice

D. she has noticed

4.(2018/30) ____ , he has achieved great success in the field of information technology.

A. As he is young

B. Young is he

C. Young as he is

D. Young he is though

5. (2018/34) ____ was because of his misjudgment that the company got involved in financial difficulties..

A. It

B. That

C. What

D. Which

6. (2018/38) Not only____ the nurses want a pay increase, they wanted reduced hours as well.

A. did

B. do

C. have

D. had

7. (2017/39) Under no circumstances _____do anything that will benefit yourself but do harm to your country.

A. you will

B. you should

C. you can

D. can you

8. (2016/26) Only when you are over65 years old_____ take buses for free in some cities.

A. need you

B. you can

C. can you

D. you need

9. (2015/22) Feeling something wrong with our car, we pulled over. Not until then _____it had been badly damaged.

A. did we find

B. found we

C. we found

D. we did find

10. (2015/31) It was not until she had arrived home _____she remembered her appointment with the doctor.

A. that

B. and

C. which

D. then

11.(2014/25) Seldom ____ any mistakes in the past 15 years’ working in the physics laboratory.

A. she did make

B. did she make

C. she should make

D. she could make

12. (2014/34) It was the information from the interact_____ gave him great help in the final exam.

A. that

B. what

C. when

D. how

13. (2013/36)——“Where is the girl we talked about yesterday?”

——“Look! Here ___”.

A. she comes

B. comes she

C. she came

D. came she

14. (2012/24) It _____John and Peter who helped me with my work the other day.

A. were


C. had been

D. was

15. (2012/31) Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past 10 years of working here.

A.I did make

B. did I make

C. I would make

D. I made

16. (2011/30) Scarcely ____ asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.

A. had she fallen

B. she had fallen

C. Did she fall

D. she fell

17. (2011/31) ____ man realized that the brain controlled our thinking.

A. It was not until the 18th century that

B. It was the 18th century since

C. Not until the 18th century did

D. It was until the 18th century which

18. (2010/57) Why! I have nothing to confess. ___ you want me to say?

A. What is it that

B. What it is that

C. How is it that

D. How it is that

19. (2009/24) Never before ___ available for quick and easy access in so many different fields of study.

A.so much free information were

B. were so much free information

C. has so much free information been

D. so much free information has been

20. (2009/29) It is only in the most difficult circumstances ____ a man’s abilities are fully tested.

A. when

B. that

C. where

D. so that

21. (2008/23) Hardly ____ making the speech when the people stood up applauding.

A. has the speaker finished

B. the speaker had finished

C. had the speaker finished

D. had finished the speaker

22.(2008/43) It is during his spare time____ Johnson has been studying a course in history

A. when

B. which

C. what

D. that


1-5 DDACB 6-10 DCDBB 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 DBBBD 21 C


1-5 BAACA 6-10 ADCAA 11-15 BABDB 16-20 AAACB 21-22 CD


英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 基本语序(natural order): 主语+谓语+宾语(subject + predicate+ object) I love English. 完全倒装 (full inversion) 谓语+主语 Here came the headmaster. 部分倒装 (partial inversion) 助动词/情态动词+ 主语 + 动词 Nerve will I forgive you. 一、完全倒装 1. There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。 There stood a dog before him. There exist different opinions on this question. 例题: ________ a beautiful palace ________ the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at 2 (1).在以here、there、now、then等副词开头的句子里。 句式:副词+vi+名词主语 “Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be,go,lie,run) + 主语" 结构。 Here comes the old lady! Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. Now comes your turn. 如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语语序不变,不用倒装。 如:Here you are. There she comes. (2).表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如: In came Mr. White. Up went the arrow into the air. Away went the boy. 题:There ________. And here ________. A. goes the phone; she comes B. is the phone going; is she C. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she 3.当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。 句式:介词短语+vi+主语(必须是名词) 如:At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. East of the lake lie two towns. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.


2008年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 大学英语 本试卷分第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 卷中未注明做大对象的试题为英语类和非英语类学生共同作答的试题,注明作答对象的试题按规定作答。第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension (共40分) Passage 1 Sometimes, people simply do not realize they are being ill mannered. Take Ted, for example. He prides himself on speaking his mind, and has something to say on everything. But his frankness is often extremely embarrassing. He is incapable of saying, “I thought that last advertising campaign had a lot of good ideas in it, but perhaps next time we could give the copy more vitality (活力) .” Instead, he could say, “That campaign was a disaster. A child of three could have done be tter!” The fact that he is often right does not help. Other employees dislike his manner even more, he is too sensitive to notice. Another character among the list of ill-mannered employees is Sally, who seems to regard just being at work as a severe punishment. Everything is done unwillingly. Asking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is often not worth the trouble. It will be done, but half-heartedly. Fergus is just the opposite. He shows an over-familiarity to his boss. When an important visitor is shown into the manager’s office, Fergus cannot take the hint and leave. In stead he w3ill attempt to take part in the conversation, declaring, “You can talk in font of me. Henry and I don’t have many secrets, do we? ” Over the years Pergus has fallen behind his former equals. But he seeks to maintain the same close relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days. 1. Which of the following words describes Ted best? A. Cold B. Tactless C. Stupid D. Warm-hearted 2. It can be inferred from the passage that Ted . A. is well-known for his honestly B. tends to blame others rather than himself C. often gives the right idea in the wrong way D. is treated unfairly by the management 3. Which of the following is true about Sally? A. She thinks it’s unfair to have so much work to do. B. She is unhappy to help others. C. She hates being ordered about. D. She does everything half-heartedly. 4. Form the passage, we can infer that Fergus . A. was once close to all his colleagues B. has remained in the same position for years C. doesn’t kn ow what a hint is D. knows everything that happens in the office 5. The writer is taking the point of view of . A. a colleague B. people like Ted C. an employee D. a manager Passage 2 A lot of real businesses are focusing on the Internet as a way of building sales, but some people with nothing to sell are creating their own Web sites to announce wedding plans, show off pictures of their kids or just have communication. It’s not as hard as you think and it can be a lot of


2009-2013年江苏专转本英语历年真题 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目。 2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. Passage One Questions 1~5 are besed on the following passage. Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner, though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls. Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also play a role in the process during which young Koreans meet. In Confucius Korea, where marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul. The business of continuing the family lineage (血统)and keeping the blooding pure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, from which her parents can tell if she is interested. For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay. Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction being made by friends. But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean man in the country who has not gone through this process --- sometimes six or seven times. 1. The word “matchmaking” in the passage means ____. A. a very formal ritual(仪式)attended by boys and girls B. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriage C. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigarette D. arranging games between men and women 2. The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that ____. A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very much B. men and women want to meet as many times as possible C. they are busy with communicating with different people D. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred


江苏省2012 年普通高校专转本统一英 语考试 第一卷(共100 分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20 题,每题 2 分,共40 分) Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. American researchers have developed a technique that may become an important tool in fighting AIDS. The technique stops the AIDS virus from attacking its target-cells in the body's defense system. When AIDS virus enters the blood, it searches for blood cells called T4 lymphocytes (淋巴细胞). The virus connects to the outside of T4 lymphocytes, then forces its way inside. There it directs the cells' genetic (基因的)material to produce copies of the AIDS virus. This is how AIDS spreads.Researchers think they may be able to stop AIDS from spreading by preventing virus from connecting to T4 cells. When AIDS virus finds a T4 cell, it actually connects to a part of the cell called CD4 protein.Researchers want to fool the virus by putting copies or clones of the CD4 protein into the blood. This way the AIDS virus will connect to the cloned protein instead of the real ones. Scientists use the genetic engineering methods to make the clones. Normally a CD4 protein remains on the T4 cell at all times. The AIDS virus must go to it.In a new technique, however, the cloned CD4 protein is not connected to a cell. It floats freely, so many more can be put into the blood to keep the AIDS virus away from real CD4 proteins on T4 cells. One report says the AIDS virus connects to the cloned proteins j ust as effectively as to real protein. That report was based on tests with blood cells grown in labs. The technique is just now beginning t o be tested in animals. If successful, it may be tested in humans within a year. 1. The new technique can ________. A. cure AIDS B. kill the AIDS virus C. prevent the AIDS virus from spreading D. produce new medicines for AIDS 2. When the AIDS virus enters the blood, it is reproduced by ________. A. the inside of the virus itself B. any blood cells in the body C. the CD4 protein D. the genetic material of T4 cells 3 The AIDS virus connects to cloned proteins instead of to the real ones because ________. A. the cloned proteins stay on the T4 cells B. the cloned proteins can float freely in the blood C. it connects to cloned proteins more effectively than to the real ones D. the cloned proteins are made by genetic engineering methods 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The new technique has been tested in labs. B. The new technique is being tested in animals. C. The new technique may be tested in humans. D. The new technique is now under clinical test. 5 Which of the following could be the best title of this passage? A. AIDS---a Fatal Disease. B. A New Technique in fighting AIDS. C. A Report on the Spread of AIDS Virus. D. The Technique of Cloned CD4 Protein. Passage TWO Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. During the early ears of last century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada.


英语倒装句(Inversion) 主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序: 一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order); 二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。 而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。 部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。 前一种情况,倒装是必须的,否则就会出现语法错误;后一种情况,倒装是选择性的,倒装与否只会产生表达效果上的差异。 语义解析 一、表示强调: 倒装句最突出、最常见的修辞效果就是强调,其表现形式如下: +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: Only in this way can you solve this problem. 只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。 Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。 2. hardly,in no way,little,scarcely,seldom,never,no more, no longer,not, not only, no sooner, not only … (but also),not until… 等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。 例子: No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就下起了雨。 Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 Not until twelve o'clock did she go to bed last night . 她昨晚十二点才上床睡觉。 3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分。 例子: So unreasonable was his price that everybody startled. 他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。 To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walked out. 她的彩排进行得那么长,以致于那两个演员都走出去了。 以上各例都用倒装语序突出了句首成分,其语气较自然语序强烈,因而具有极佳的 修辞效果。 二、承上启下


绝密★启用前 江苏省2014年普通高校专转本选拔考试 英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. People and the sources of air pollution are found in the same place. This means that cities with large population have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes (烟尘) from cars. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the country. On the average, we throw away trash and garbage than years before. The burning of garbage leads to air pollution. Many major industries are also the cause of the dirty air in and around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum production add particles (粉尘) to the air. The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy traffic may cause headaches or loss of clear sight. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the lives of human beings by leading to lung diseases and causing early deaths. 1. From the passage, we know that ______. A. air pollution is caused by electricity B. the cause of air pollution is not people C. air pollution is caused by many different sources D. headaches and death are not related to air pollution 2. What is stated in the passage? A. How cars produce fumes. B. Why so many people live in cities. C. What the causes and effects of air pollution are. D. How people in cities feel about polluted air. 3. Which of the following is NOT the cause of air pollution? A. Trucks. B. Headaches. C. Burning garbage. D. Burning coal and oil. 4. What are the major sources of air pollution in cities?


江苏专转本英语真题和答 案解析 It was last revised on January 2, 2021

江苏省2017年普通高校专转本选拔考试 英语试题卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,试题卷共 10 页,全卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 2.必须在答疑卡上作答,作答在试题卷上无效。作答前务必将自己的姓名和准考正好准确 清晰的填写在试题卷和答题卡上的指定位置。 考试结束时,须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 Prat I Reading Comprehension (共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) Directions: There are 4 passage in this part . Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements . For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet . Passage One Questions 1 to 5 based on the following passage . We use both words and gestures to express our feelings ,but the problem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different ways . It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language . So does laughter or crying . There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings . Dogs , tigers and humans , for example , often show their teeth when they are angry . This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns . Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world . In Chinese and English literature , a phrase like “he went pale and began to tremble”suggests that the man is either very afraid or deeply shocked . However , “he opened his eyes wide ” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise . In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out their tongues ”. Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike . Even in the same culture , people differ in the ability to understand and express feelings Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear ,anger love and happiness on people’s faces . Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do . to the passage , _________.


2011年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 21. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world's people ____in cities rather than in rural areas. A. are living B. will be living C. have lived D. will have lived 将来完成时will have done 22. All flights ____because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but stay at the airport. A. had been cancelled 过去完成时 B. were cancelled C. having been cancelled D. have been cancelled 23. The problem is believed ____at the meeting two days ago. A. to have discussed B. to have been discussed 过去将来完成时 C. being discussed D. having been discussed 24. It was so hot that they ____the electric fan ____all through the night. A. had; running(have sth done/doing 让某事做/被做但run没有被动) B. had; run C. had; ran D. had; to run 25. Some of the committee members suggested ____ a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn't approve. suggest doing A. to arrange B. arrange C. arranging D. to be arranging 26. - Do you regret paying five hundred dollars just for the oil painting? - No. I would gladly have paid ____for it. A. twice as much B. twice so much C. as much twice D. so much twice 27. ____me most was that the young man who had lost both arms in an accident could play the piano beautifully with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C. Which amazed D. What amazed固定句型,比如what matters was that… 28. The team leader promised to attend the meeting ____he arrived at the office. A. for the time being B. the moment=just when, 一…就… C. as much as D. the day 29. Bob ____hard, otherwise he ____this exam. A. must have worked.... would fail B. mustn't have worked... wouldn't fail C. can't work …wou ldn't have failed D. can't have worked...wouldn't have failed can't have worked 对过去的否定猜测一定没有努力学习 wouldn't have failed 过去将来完成时would have done 30. Scarcely ____asleep when a knock at the door awakened her. A. had she fallen B. she had fallen C. did she fall D. she fell Scarcely… when: when引导一般过去时从句,Scarcely引导的主句使用过去完成时,并且倒装。相类似的还有“hardly…when…”/ no sooner… than…


中考英语倒装句讲解 为了强调或平衡句子结构,英语中常用倒装。倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。现将倒装句分类讲解如下: 一.完全倒装: 1.以here,there,now,then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be,come,go,remain等,而主语又是名词时,用全部倒装。注意:如果句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如: Herecomesthebus!/Hereitcomes! 2.有些动词与副词out,in,up,down,away等构成不及物动词短语。为了使句子更生动,常将这些副词提前到句首,这时用全部倒装。注意:句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如:Upwenttherocket./Upitwent. 3.将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时,使用全部倒装。谓语动词常为不及物动词。如:Fromthewindowcamethesoundofmusic. 4.当句子主语部分较长,谓语部分较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。如:Gonearethedayswhenwehadnothingtoeat. 5.if虚拟条件状语从句中,如果将连词if省略,需用部分倒装。如:WereI you,Iwould gothere. 6.as引导的让步状语从句的倒装有如下几种形式: 1)从句的谓语部分为“不及物动词+副词”时,常将此副词提前到从句句首。如: Hardasyoutry,youwillnotsucceed. 2)从句的谓语部分为“情态动词+不及物动词”时,常将此动词提前到从句句首。如:Waitasyoumay,hewillnotseeyou. 3)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+形容词”时,常将此表语形容词提前到从句句首。如:Proudasthenoblesare,theyareafraidtoseeme. 4)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+单数名词”时,则常将这个表语提前,但要省略名词前的不定冠词。如:Childasheis,hecantellrightfromwrong. 二.半倒装: 1.具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。如: seldom,rarely,not,never,bynomeans,innotime,hardly...when,nosooner...than,notonly...butalso 等。 E.g:Notonlydoeshedowellinhislessons,butalsoheoftenhelpsotherswiththeirlessons.


2013年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语统一考试试卷 Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. When Mrs. Joseph Groeger died recently in Vienna, Austria, people asked the obvious question. “W hy did she live to be 107?” Answers were provided by a survey conducted among 148 Viennese men and women who had reached the age of 100. What was surprising was that the majority had lived most of their lives in cities. Although cities are often regarded as unhealthy places, city living provides benefits that country living may lack. One factor seems to be important to the longevity(长寿) of those interviewed. This factor is exercise. In the cities it is often faster to walk short distances than to wait for a bus. Even taking public transportation often requires some walking. Smaller apartment houses have no elevators, and so people must climb stairs. City people can usually walk to local supermarkets. Since parking spaces are hard to find, there is often no choice but to walk. On the other hand, those who live in the country and suburbs do not have to walk every day. In fact, the opposite is often true. To go to school, work, or almost anywhere else, they must ride in cars. 1.The Vienna survey may help to explain __________. A.the complaints of people in apartment houses B.the causes of Mrs. Groeger’s death C.the longevity of people like Mrs. Groeger D.the image of cities in general 2.The second paragraph lists some ___________. A.disadvantage of walking B.occasions for walking in city life C.problems of city living https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf4711315.html,ments made by city people 3.To reach the third floor of a building, it would probably be most healthful ___________. A.to take the elevator B.to walk up the stairs C.to ride in a car D.to find an alternative walking 4.People who live in the country usually do more driving than walking because ___________. A.they don’t live near business areas B.they don’t need exercise C.they don’t like walking D.they can’t afford to take the bus

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