当前位置:文档之家› 深大成教本科英语第三册第一课句法






Going to a dinner party is strange.

=It is strange going to a dinner party.

get=are 考点:round for 表示目的。He went there for his camera.




He gave me a camera. 主谓宾宾结构

人:间接宾语物、事:直接宾语(camera)He told me a story.

He told me that I should not be too late.


…and tell them how wonderful the evening was(感叹句,做直接宾语从句,原句:the evening was very wonderful.)


.then you head home in the car (开车回家) complaining……现在分词短语做方式状语(伴随状语),修饰谓语动词head home




现在分词-ing :主动、进行

过去分词-ed :被动、完成

用Seen / Seeing 填空:

the village from the top of the hill, they are wild with joy.

from the top of the hill, the village looks more beautiful.


及:跟着,提及;物=宾语object 宾语


I am not interested in what he said. complaining about how the chicken was too spicy, or how they didn’t open the bottle of wine you took…


you took 定语从句,修饰前面的名词bottle “你带的(酒)……”

call them up词组(应对完形填空和单项选



考点:turn (参阅Notes 3)

平时要培养“语感”:the sense of language 第六行:

词组1:the other night(day, week, month, year…)

词组2:make an extra effort 颇费周折

词组3:show up 出现,露面

第七行:put on 假装,穿上,戴上,扮演第八行:

knock at

let us in (in 这里是副词)

host n.男主人;男主持,男演员(主演),男主角

v. 主持


考点:We complimented them on their nice furniture.



2、prefer + 名词;


…and it’s got to be a bottle that someone once gave us at our dinner party, which our host will now put aside and to some else at another dinner party.





VIP=very important person

=very important part


1、Now it was time to play Dinner Party Perfect Match.(不定式短语做定语,定time)

2、This is a pen.

This is where you’re introduced to all the other guests, (where引导表语从句)

I don’t know where he is reading now.(where 引导宾语从句)

where he is reading now is a secret to everyone of us.


…because the hosts thought you would have plenty in common.(原因状语从句里面有一个宾语从句you would …)



have little in common 没什么共同之处

It is because you come from Hainan province.(because引导表语从句)



省略:避免语言重复——承前省、蒙后省not (an honour)

This can be an honour if the other guests are interesting, and not (an honour) if the other guests are a couple of grinning middle-aged nobodies.



indulged in 沉湎于,陶醉于,陷于

talk about 谈论


We’re never going to get burgers or pizza you actually WANT.(划线部分是定语从句,定burgers or pizza)



We get steamed fish with all the tittle bones left in, and ice-cream cake still frozen in the middle, and a plate of expensive chocolates flavoured with chilli and tea leaves...

(A steamed B to steam

C steaming

D steams)


1、with…介词短语做定语,定steamed fish

2、(still)frozen…过去分词短语做定语,定ice-cream cake


of expensive chocolates,


flavoured with chilli and tea leaves...




the students in Room305

leave v. 离开;留下n.左(left)





(2)就在那时,就在当时=just then, just at

that time

2、leave ...alone 顺其自然,不要干涉


1、“Look, I’m Washing the Dishes Now”句法功能定语,定hint

2、I am washing. 现在进行时表示将来动作。同理:过去进行时,表示过去将来动作。The great event is approaching. 这个重大项


The bus is coming. 公共汽车就要来了。


around=round 寓意“开车绕一大圈,很不容易”。

place=home, house,family

call them=call them up

a few days later=a couple of days later







2、reserve v. 保持,坚持,保留;预约,

预订reservation n.

reservoir n. 水库

call up and cancel 动作的先后顺序,有“顺承”之意。


法。to become…是不定式短语,做结果


the sense of language 语感


stomach n. 胃,胃口,味道,食欲;肚子,腹部He has a good (poor) stomach.

比较:祝你好胃口Have a good appetite. 5、本句中,it是形式主语,真正主语是后面的不定式复合结构for sb. to do sth. 逻辑主谓关系




(2)as ever和从前一样

(3)in spite of



10、本句不是虚拟语气。请说出upset adj. freeze froze frozen

upset upset upset


11、little 否定的概念,其他如hardly, few, scarcely, seldom, rarely…

12、last在本句中做动词,是谓语动词。last adj. He is the last student to answer the question.

adv. v. n.


14、(1)keep watching

(2) take the hint



三天搞定英语语法 英语语法分为两个部分。一个部分是词法,即词的构成和词的使用规律。另一个部分是句法,即句子的组成和句子的使用方法。 英语语法的特点可以用三句话来表示:1、每个词都有词性;2、每句话都有动词(实意动词或系动词);3、每句话都必须符合五个基本句型。 三句话用一句话来说,就是,标出句中每一个单词的词性,找出句中所有动词,并标出其种类和相应的句子成分。理解,掌握,运用好这句话,按照一:词性;二:动词种类;三:动词相对应的句子成分;四:从句;五:非谓语动词方法就能透彻理解英语语法体系。 词的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功能,可以分成十个大类。 词类词义英语名称缩写形式例词中译 noun n. student 学生 1、名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名 称。 2、代词主要用来代替名词。pronoun pron. you 你 3、形容词表示人或事物的性质或特征。adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4、数词表示数目或事物的顺序。numeral num. three 三 5、动词表示动作或状态。verb v. cut 砍、割 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 6、副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时 间、地点、程度等。 7、冠词用在名词前,帮助说明名词。article art. a 一个 preposition prep. at 在... 8、介词表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句 子成分的关系。 9、连词用来连接词、短语或句子。conjunction conj. and 和 10、感叹词表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。interjection interj. Oh 哦 词性的分类: 修饰: 形容数冠代词名词 (red)(one)(a/the)(my)wood 1.名词 代替: 代词it 形容词the red 数词one


本文尝试通过对英语公益广告在词汇语言特点的实例进行分析,总结出其一般规律,希望有助于读者更好地理解和欣赏英语广告,以便更好地推进我国的公益广告事业。词汇即词语的使用。广告作为一种特殊的英语,有着独特的词汇特点,如简单、形象、直接、具有吸引力等。 一、引言 二、商业广告的词汇特色(Lexical Characteristics of) 1、大众商品普遍使用口语体词语 2、富有创意 3、 三、公益广告的词汇特色 1、动词的使用 2、疑问句的使用 3、反语的使用 4、排比的使用 而公益广告(public service advertisement)是广告的重要形式之一,它是指以维护公众利益和提高福利待遇为目的而设计的广告。它不以盈利为目的,而是为社会公众切身利益和社会风尚服务的,具有社会的效益性、主题的现实性和表现的号召性等三大特点。公益广告涉及的主题为公共健康和安全问题,如节约资源、保护生态、预防火灾等。在表达方式上,公益广告使用了与商业广告相同的技巧,但是其目的不是推销产品或服务,而是教育公众、警示民众、普及知识等。英语公益广告经过多年的实践,已经到达了其他语言难以企及的高度,是各国从事公益事业人员学习的榜样。 英语公益广告的特点在用词上主要表现在以下几方面。广告中常使用简单、直接的动词,而公益广告中具有强烈情感和否定意义的动词使用得更多,以表达希望人们做什么或不应该做什么。公益广告中多名词,因为公益广告的主题涉及世界、地球、环境、健康等,不需要过多的修饰词,其目的是希望人们关注其主题,故形容词较少使用。如:Stop Smoking,If You Love Your Life。这则关于吸烟的广告并未使用任何修饰词,却能把广告的主题和含义形象生动地传递给人们。 一则广告的目的是在短时间内向人们传递特定信息并得到人们的认可,故简明的语言经常被采用,公益广告也不例外。有些公益广告需要把信息传递给孩子们,因此其句式必须简单、易于理解和记忆。例如:Animals can’t protect themselves! 根据有关调查数据显示,每30个英语广告中就有一个疑问句,其原因是疑问句的一些特性正好符合英语广告的要求。疑问句有两个功能:一是在心理学方面,疑问句能使读者轻松接受信息并使他们参与其中;二是在语言学方面,使用趣味性句子能降低语法难度。为了达到这样的效果,广告中常使用疑问句。 例如:(1)Got milk?该广告在美国非常流行,人们之间的问候语也由“Hello?”变成了“Got milk?”。众所周知,牛奶对人体建康有益,但是越来越多的美国人不想喝牛奶了,因此人类建康亮起了红灯,尤其是老年人。美国加州乳品加工协会(California Milk Processor Board)制定了该广告,用于提醒人们要想获得成功和健康就必须坚持每天饮用足量的牛奶。这则广告只用了一个仅仅包含两个单词的一般疑问句,却表达了深层含义;(2)Where is your child?当人们看到这则广告都会四处张望寻找自己的孩子,该广告的目的便达到了。这则广告使用了一个特殊疑问句,警告游泳池中的父母们照看好自己的孩子。


Unit 1 Sample 1 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure, while optimism usually brings happiness, good health and success. Pessimists also make those around them very miserable. Therefore, pessimists should change their way of thinking and overcome the negative aspects of their personalities. Here are a few tips for them: 1. Try to smile more often. A smile has great power. It can chase sadness away. It will make you and other people feel happy. And it may even make things easier and better. Smiling in the morning makes a good beginning for the day. A smile is the most important sign of optimism. 2. Build up your self-confidence. Try to discover as many of your personal strengths as you can. Then write them all down. Read them several times when you are getting ready to do something or when you are facing difficulties. Your list will help you see your abilities. 3. Change your way of thinking. Don't always think that things will go wrong or that if they do there will be terrible results. Instead, convince yourself that things will improve and that you can work hard to help improve them. If you fail, think about what you have learned from the failure. If you succeed, praise yourself. Don't be too modest! There is nothing more encouraging than self-praise. Try your best to become an optimist. Sample 2 Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you're a pessimist, here is some advice for you. As everyone knows, pessimism is harmful to people. It makes you unhappy and unhealthy, and even brings depression, loneliness and failure. Pessimists tend to suffer more failures and setbacks because they don't believe they can succeed and thus don't struggle for it. Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. So it is good for you to change yourself from a pessimist to an optimist. Here are some suggestions for you to become an optimist: 1. Remember that everyone experiences failures and disappointments. So when you fail, don't blame yourself too much. It may not be your fault. 2. When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience instead of getting depressed. And next time, you can make your plans to be more successful. 3. When you fail, don't be discouraged. Try again. Don't let negative thoughts hold you back. Just give yourself another chance. So never give up just because you failed. Pessimism is harmful, but it can be changed. Trust yourself and try to adopt an optimistic attitude, and then you will be a winner in life more often. Unit 3 If I Were the Mayor of This City As the topic of the 2010 Expo --- “Bette r City, Better Life” indicates, the ultimate goal of making a city better is to make its people happier. So if I were the mayor of


一、句法分析 1、主语:是句子要说明的人或物,可以作主语的成分有名词,主语一般 在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! v 1) Mr. Lee is a well-known scientist.名词作主语 v 2) He reads newspapers everyday.代词作主语 v 3) Two and ten is twelve.数词作主语 v 4) Smoking is harmful to the health.动名词作主语 v 5) To swim in that pool is a great pleasure.动词不定式作主语v 6) What we shall do next is not yet decided.从句作主语 2、谓语: 说明主语的动作,状态或特征 v 1) The new term begins on the 1st of September. v 2) His father is an engineer. v 3) She seemed happy. v 4) Li Hua showed me his album. 3、宾语:指的是及物动词涉及到的人或物 v 1) Wang Ling lent me a novel to read in the bus. v 2) The medicine is good for a cold. v 3) How many pieces do you want? v 4) My little sister always likes to ask questions. v 5) Would you mind coming earlier tomorrow? v 6) He asked me what I was going to do tonight 4、宾语补足语:在宾语后面补充说明宾语的动作、状态、特征。 v 1) The government appointed(任命)her chief delegate (首席 代表)to the conference. v 2) I don’t believe the stor y true. v 3) You should put your things in order(有序). v 4) The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week. v 5) We saw the pupils playing basketball. 5、表语:位于系动词如be之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。 v 1)Wang’s father is a doctor. v 2) He is always careless.


Music to Your Gears Andy Ellis 1 尽管音乐能使心中的怒气平息,但是开车时听音乐也会损害你的健康。近期研究表明,听声音很响的音乐会严重地影响司机的注意力,而且心理学家也提醒人们,持续大音量地在车里放这种音乐是很危险的,尤其是处于车流中或是在高速公路上开车时。 2 音乐有两个极端,任何一个极端都有可能带来危险。重金属音乐以其强烈的节奏使人莽撞驾驶,而聆听处于另一个极端的优美而令人舒心的音乐会使司机过分放松,以至于超过安全限度,陷入迷糊状态。 3 英国汽车协会一直关注道路安全,它委托搞了一个项目,研究重大车祸与音乐之间的关系。这项研究发现,17至25年龄段的男性是最危险、最易产生车祸的群体。研究还发现,这个群体的人70%的开车时间都在听音乐。 4 快节奏或重金属音乐要是放得很响,会使人易怒好斗,开起车来冲劲十足。这种司机也就更容易去冒险。开车的速度受到了音乐的速度和节奏的控制。 5 在试验中,那些自愿参加实验的司机说,听了声音很响的音乐,他们说尽管他们不一定感到非要开快车,但的确发现自己换挡更快,加速更快,刹车也更急了若是让这些司机听慢节奏的抒情曲,他们承认自己经常走神。在一次高速公路长途驾驶过程中,至少有两位参加试验的司机发现自己在不知不觉中跨越了车道标志。 6 这些自愿参试的司机(有些刚刚拿到驾驶执照)所发表的意见非常说明问题18岁的西蒙告诉英国汽车协会:“《走出地狱的蝙蝠》里的快节奏摇滚乐有可能让人送命。我发现自己不知不觉地越开越快。” 7 另一名自愿参试的司机一直在听“ZZ顶级”乐队最流行的曲子。他说:“我一直在快速行驶,扯着嗓门唱歌,没有看见也没有听见那辆一直想超过我的消防车。” 8 还有些人说:“我陷入了深思……”,“人的感觉会变得麻木……”,“听不见别的汽车声是个问题”,“我一直在随着音乐的节奏加快速度。” 9 一些慢节奏的背景音乐,如肖邦的音乐,会刺激人的大脑,使思维模式发生变化,激发阿尔法脑波,使人有一种舒服愉快的感觉。处于放松状态在大多数时候对我们有好处,但开车时则不然。心理学家雪利·费希尔教授提醒人们说:“最大的危险是疲倦驾驶。有一些音乐会使你无法集中注意力,甚至陷入轻度睡眠状态,那样就会造成可怕的惨祸。” 10 “问题的关键在于根据具体情况选择合适的音乐。刺激性的音乐适合在漫长、枯燥的道路上听,但是当交通状况糟糕时,或是交通拥挤时,这种音乐会分散你的注意力。” 11 然而,音乐也有其好的一面,正如英国汽车协会的心理学家罗伯特·韦斯特所指出的那样:“如果说有些音乐影响我们安全行驶,那么反过来也是有道理的。精心选择的曲子有助于我们安全行驶,尤其是对高风险的群体而言。例如,要是我们能使年轻的男性驾车者听曼托瓦尼的音乐,他们很可能会把速度放慢。但可悲的是,我自认为没有能力说服他们许多人去这样做。” 12 除了一些音乐会影响行驶安全,我们的车里安装了高技术的音响系统这件事本身也是引起车祸的根源。近期一份有关交通与道路安全的报告表明,小交通事故中,有大约40%是由于人们更换磁带或光盘不看道路所引起的! 13 无论我们对音乐的品位如何,无论我们的开车风格如何,看来安全行驶的习惯是我们一定要养成的。罗孚汽车公司、英国航空航天局、飞利浦公司及瑞典道路与交通研究所已通力合作生产出了一种汽车智能系统——简称为ARIADNE(实时智能驾驶助理)的精密电子防撞行驶报警装置。它利用雷达技术,一旦面临撞车危险,雷达会使车内的电话响起,警告司机注意。 14 如果汽车与前面的车辆之间的距离超出了安全刹车的范围,ARIADNE会通过加速器踏板发出震动以提醒司机放慢速度。随着两车之间的距离不断缩小,这种震荡会越来越强烈。要是司机


自考英语(一)英语语法基础材料: 考英语语法基础材料关于句法等相关知识 作者:林海时间:2011-10-18 15:08:26 来源:河北教育网浏览次数:16 非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。 Climbing mountain is a good exercise. (Climbing..., 动名词起名词作用) 爬山是一项好运动。 Do you know the man wearing a white shirt. (wearing ... 分词起形容词作用) 你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗? He gets up early to catch the first bus. (to catch .... 不定式起副词作用) 他早早起床是为了赶上第一班汽车。 谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别: 1) 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语。 Miss Mary teaches us English. 玛丽教我们英语。(teaches 动词作谓语) Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. 维克托先生上周来到了我们教室和我们谈话。 (to have a talk.... 不定式作状语) 2) 谓语动词受主语的人称和数的限制,而非谓语动词形式没有这种限制。 Larke likes the pop music. 拉克喜欢流行音乐。 (动词用单数第三人称形式) Larke has nothing to do today.


UNIT 1 Want to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time studying? Sounds too good to be true? Well, read on... How to Improve Y our Study Habits Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. Y ou do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however. Y ou can receive better grades if you want to. Y es, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here's how: 1. Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in committed(指定的时间)time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc. Then decide on good, regular times for studying. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments. Of course, studying shouldn't occupy all of the free time on the schedule. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play. Plan your time carefully: topic sentence Supporting sentences 展开句 Fill in/out :write in; complete sth by putting whatever is needed Listen carefully and fill in the numbers you’ve heard from the tape. decide on: choose from two or more possibilities or make a decision about I’ve decided on leaving for New Y ork the day after tomorrow. Be sure (to do sth): not fail (to do sth) Be sure to leave adequate time for play. Be sure to write to us as soon as you get there. Be sure not to be late again. set aside:keep or save for special use or purpose Why don’t you set aside some money so that you can use it when you’re in need? as well: also , too This book tells Lu Hsun’s writings, and his life as well. With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. Be/ become aware of: know sth; know(what is happening) Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language? 2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for your study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should not have distractions. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject. concentrate on/ upon : give all one’s attention or efforts, etc. to I can’t concentrate on my studies, for I’m homesick.思乡 Airsick晕飞机 seasick 晕船 3. Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized. Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your comprehension as well. Look over: examine; inspect I looked hurriedly over the apples in the basket and took one that looked good. They looked over several kinds of new bikes before making up their minds to buy. My sister is busy looking over her mail. 4. Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Sit where you can see and hear well. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.

新编大学英语 第三册 单词

第一单元 accent 强调;口音;腔调;重音acquaintance 泛泛之交;了解adversely 有害地 assurance 信心;保证 assured 自信的;感到有把握的circulate 周旋;循环 concept 观念 constant 不断的;始终不变的contrast 对比 converse 聊天 criticism 批评;评论detrimental 有害的 dwell 详述;居中 eliminate 排除;淘汰encouragement鼓励enthusiastically 满腔热情地esteem 尊重 excessively 过多地 hobby 业余爱好 impression 印象;印记improvement 改进

inadequacy 不够格;不充分inferior 差的 inferiority 低劣 interpret 解释;翻译isolate 使孤立 numerous 众多的overcome 消除;压倒overdo 低头 overweight 超重的passive 消极的reasonable 合理的reevaluate 重新评价rejection 拒绝 self-esteem 自尊 shyness 害羞spontaneous 本能的statement 陈述 swirl 旋转 thoughtful 经过缜密思考的timid 害羞的 unattractive 没有吸引力的uncomfortable 不舒服的

worrisome 令人忧虑的 a great many 很多 come along 出现;与某人一起来到dwell on 谈或想的太多 hand in hand 相伴;手拉手地 have something at heart 对…深切关心 in contrast 与…截然相反 of one’s choice 中意的 set aside (为某目的)节约(时间或钱)aptitude 天资 attach 连接;缚;认为有(重要性)awe 敬畏 brand-new 暂新的 confine 限制;监禁 convinced 确信的 crib 有围栏的婴儿床 deafness 聋 despair 绝望 disagreement 分歧 dismissal 解雇 divorce 离婚;分离;与…离婚employer 雇主

SAT语法重点知识讲解 SAT语法题型解析词之句法分析

词法和句法 1、时态的考点为2道,特别要注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。 2、代词考点为1道,涉及形容词性物主代词与主语的性数配合。 e.g Mudskippers thrive in intertidal regions that are marked by regular, cyclicalchanges in water levels, adjusting its respiration depending on how muchwater is available. 其中的its 应该改为their,因为该句的主语是mudskippers。 3、比较结构这个题目出的挺好的,还涉及到助动词前提的问题。 e.g It is widely known that wind turbinesproduce no pollution and thus cause less environmental damage than do powerplants that burn fossil fuels. 一般情况下我们都会这样写这个句子,注意划线的部分,less environmental damage than power plants that burn fossil fuels do. 但是在比较结构中,如果第二个主语过长例如powerplants that burn fossil fuels就过长,是可以把do前提的,所以这个句子是正确的。 4、介词考点为1道,主要是与名词的搭配。 e.g In particular, bimodal respiration—the abilityof acquiring oxygen using gills or through wet skin—sets mudskippers apartfrom their purely water-based counterparts. 其中ability 后面的搭配应该为abilityto acquire。 5 、连词考点为9道,仍然是重头戏,5道为run-on句型,4道为平行结构。 e.g The economy of Jeju has expanded toinclude farming and tourism, the reliance on the seafood industry is notas strong. 明显可以感觉到逗号是不可以链接句子的,所以需要在两句话中间加一个连词。 e.g Rather than being activated atdifferent stages of the organism’s life cycle or under particular environmentalconditions, but these two modes of respiration are usedsimultaneously and at all stages of life. 该句的问题在于Ratherthan being activated at different stages of……是在做状语,这个句子的主干是thesetwo modes of respiration are used simultaneously and at all stages of life.是不缺少连词的,所以but的使用是多余的,需要去掉。 三立在线课程培训优势 班级种类:(预约试听和科学选班请详询老师) 一对一在线授课班,其优势:一对一是指听说读写都由不同的老师教授,而不是由一位老师负责学生的全部课程。再加上督导顾问,总共是5位老师服务1位学员。一对一可以依据学生自身的优势弱势打造独一无二的学习计划,既避免了已熟悉知识点的无意义重复,又不会将学生还没掌握的重点难点一带而过。这不但大大节约了学习时间,提高了学习效率,而且又有人随时督促,提高学习积极性。同时在线授课突破时空限制,再忙的学员都能将有限的空闲时间利用起来;异地学员也能享受到海外名师授课,这在传统教学中是无法做到的。另外托福本身就是机考,平时在网络上上课,更有助于提前考试演练,熟悉考试流程。


新编大学英语第二版第三册 第三单元课文翻译 编著:浙江大学 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 挂钥匙的孩子——笃、笃,家里有人吗? 在过去的几十年中,美国的生活费用一直在持续增长。食品价格。服装费用、房子开销和学费都越来越高。母亲们纷纷放弃传统的全职家庭主妇的角色,这一部分是由于经济需要,一部分是想通过工作取得成就感。她们越来越多地从事家庭以外的有薪水的工作。 如此重大的角色转换影响着整个家庭,尤其是孩子们。某些后果是非常明显的。例如,晚饭时间推迟了。而另一方面,这种转变对情感的影响就更微妙了。母亲们早上带着愧疚感离开家,因为孩子放学回来时她们会不在家。她们压抑着愧疚心理,因为她们相信她们的工作从长远来讲对大家有益。她们的收入将能够使家庭存下钱来供孩子上大学。度一次长假、买辆新车,等等。 孩子们在情感上所受到的影响是很大的。通常,孩子会感到受伤和愤怒。毕竟,他们一个人呆几个小时,他们感到他们的母亲应该“在那儿”等着他们。他们可能需要有人帮他们完成作业,或者想把一天的活动说给母亲听。然而,母亲们通常筋疲力尽地回到家,又要面临一个紧迫的任务——准备晚饭。她们的首要任务是给全家人做晚饭,而不是轻松的聊天。 挂钥匙的孩子年龄从六岁到十三岁不等。每天,他们放学回家,用挂在脖子上的钥匙打开门,独自一人,孤孤单单地呆在安静而空荡荡的屋子里。对某些孩子来说,这段个人时间是很有所作为的,而对于另外一些孩子,却是令人害怕的孤单的空虚。由于安全原因,很多父母不允许孩子出去玩,或带客人到家里来。因此,孩子们感到一种被隔离的感觉。 被采访的挂钥匙的孩子们反应不同。一些孩子说,每天自己呆上几个小时培


英语比较结构的功能句法分析 ” 说明:”英语比较结构的功能句法分析”一文完稿时间是20XX年7月。NOTE: The following paper will be appear in the collection in honour of Professor Gui Shichun (to be published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press)。 A Functional Analysis of Comparative Constructions in English 英语比较结构的功能句法分析 1 导言 在国外的学术界,著名学者的同事、学术朋友、学生或崇拜者会在特别的时候为 这位学者编纪念论文集(festschrift),以表示对他的敬意;这类论文集的论文 通常由这位学者的同事、学术朋友、学生、崇拜者等撰写,论文集要么直接在标 题上点明是为某人而编(如:Greenbaum, S., G. Leech, and J. Svartvik (1980) (eds) Studies in English Linguistics for Randolph Quirk. London: Longman),要么在副标题上说明为某人而编(如:Hoey, M. (1993) (ed) Data, Discourse and Description: Essays in Honour of Professor John Sinclair. London: Collins; Cook, G. and B. Seidlhofer (1995) (eds) Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics: Studies in Honour of H. G. Widdowson. Oxford: Oxford University Press)。出这样的纪念文集通常都有一个”理由”(如某人XX大寿,或退休,或庆祝XX活动,或有其他特别的原因)。例如系统 功能语言学创始人M. A. K. Halliday要退休时,他的同事、学术朋友、学生、崇拜者便着手为他编 五册纪念论文集,即(1)Steele and Threadgold Gregory (1995), (4) Berry, Butter, Fawcett and Huang (1996)。在国际应用语言学界,像J. Mch Sinclair, Widdowson, C. Candlin, M. Hoey等等人也都有人为了表示对 他们的敬意而编辑纪念论文集献给他们。


Unit 1 Personality 1) 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。 You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。 In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3)待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4) 每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。 Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life. 5)我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。 I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6)他最终辜负了父母的期望。He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 7) 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. Unit 3 Social Problems 1) 由于紧急情况,这位医生几小时内都没有空。 Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours. 2) 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群。How will taxes affect people with low income? 3) 我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴。 My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano. 4) 这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等。These books range in price form $10 to $20. 5) 在我看来你没有什么选择。It seems to me that you don’t have much choice. 6) 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做得相当不错了。 Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job. 7)对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修需要的钱。 For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you’ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs. 8) 我们能否从讨论上次会议产生的问题开始? Can we begin with discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting? Unit 4 Career Planning 1) 几年前他心脏动了一次大手术。He underwent a major heart surgery several years ago. 2) 我们估计完成这项工作要花一个星期。We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work. 3) 我过去喜欢摄影,但我现在没有时间从事任何业余爱好了。 I used to enjoy photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies. 4)你可以爱一个人而不一定要跟他结婚。You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him. 5) 恐怖分子采用暴力手段已达到他们的政治目的。 Terrorists resort to violence to achieve their political aims. 6) 他说他下午会呆在办公室里,以便万一你要见他。 He says he’ll stay in the office this afternoon in case you want to see him. 7) 科学家已确定了造成畸形发育的基因。Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth. 8) 这些例子显示了有些学生的简历写得多么差。 These examples demonstrate how badly some students write their resumes. Unit 5 Language 1) 看到所有的人在办公室外面走来走去,我变得更焦虑了。 Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried. 2) 最终他会明白谁是他真正的朋友。In time he will see who is his true friend. 3) 那位科学家的实验产生了一种新药。 That scientist’s experiment gave birth to a new drug. 4) 大半个冬天他都因病被困在屋里。He had been shut in by illness during much of the winter.

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