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V olume One The United Kingdom

Chapter One Land and People









Section One The British Isles and Great Britain

一、Names and Positions

(一)Names of the country ( Q: How many names do you know about Britain?)

While reading English books, we are likely to find such names as:

1、the British Isles (不列颠群岛)--the largest one is Great Britain

2、Great Britain/ Britain (1707 才正式使用这个名称)

3、England ? ( most important part of Britain)

4、The United Kingdom---The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


(二)Position of UK :

1、Great Britain lies to the wes t and off the European Continent ,

2、.On the continental shelf

3、Share no border with any other countries except Ireland

(三)Component parts of UK

1、Great Britain:England, Scotland and Wales

2、Northern Ireland

3、Some smaller islands around them

Total area:240,000多平方公里,

(四)Administrative divisions/ parts of the island of Britain

1、England in the south--largest, most developed, most important , the majority

Famous for Downing Street 10, Beckingham Palace, House of Parliament, Hyde Park

British Museum.

Capital city: London

Total area:130,000 square kilometres

2、Scotland in the north-- 2nd largest

Capital city: Edinburgh

Total area:78,760 square kilometres

3. Wales in the southwest ---smallest ,

Capital city: Cardiff (Norther Ireland : Capital city-Belfast)

Total area:20,700 square kilometres

(五) Adjacent countries:

1、Across the North Sea(东部): UK faces Germany Holland,, Denmark, Norway

2、Across the English Channel: To the southeast UK faces France

Strait of Dover(多佛尔海峡):UK faces Belgium

3、Across the Atlantic and the Bay of BiscayUK faces Spain and Portugal

4、On the west corresponding side of Atlantic Ocean: faces America & Canada

二.Physiographic features (地形特征)

南北:nearly 1000 kilometers

东西:about 500 kilometers at the widest part

Coastline: about 10,000 kilometers

(一)Britain can be divided roughly into two parts according to geographical features:

The dividing line runs from the mouth of River Exe(爱克斯河) in the southwest to near the mouth of the River Tees(蒂斯河)in the northeast

1、The Highland zone

a. The Highlands of Scotland

many mountain chains in northern part, down from West to East

Ben Nevis---the country’s highest mountain, 1,300 meters, in North Scotland

Pasture for animal husbandry, sparsely-populated

b. The central lowland(Middle Valley)of Scotland (苏格兰峡谷,/苏格兰中央平原)

Swamp forests, central coalfields,

most important economic region in Scotland; industrial centers

c. The Southern Uplands (南部高地),

moorland country with rounded outlines, well-wooded

d.The Pennines (奔宁山脉)

The ― Backbone of England‖----upland ,

Most part is composed of moorland

e. The Lake District of Cumbria (坎布里亚郡)(奔宁山脉以西)

众多湖区诗人云集,William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, 从优美风景中找灵感

f.The Welsh Massif (威尔士山丘)

Swamp forests, rich coal deposits

2、The Lowland Zone

a. The Midlands of England (英格兰中部地区)

Most part consists of lowland and a V-shaped area.

b. The plain of Lancastria (兰卡斯特亚平原)

c. The North Eastern Lowlands (东北低地)

(The three plains have rich soil suitable for agriculture.)

三、Climate and Weather

(1) Taboos for the British:

Never talk about private affairs: marriage, age, income, religious belief, etc.

Topic for talk: weather

(2)features of British climate

1. variability of weather---people are fond of discussing weather, interested in what is uncertain. (Maybe sunny in the morning, rainy in the afternoon, cloudy in the evening) Out of curiosity and practical need---whether to bring umbrella or not.

People say: they have no climate but weather, because it is too changeable, no law.

2 mild and moderate temperature—North latitude 50-60 degrees,

temperate zone(温带), oceanic climate(海洋性气候), 温暖湿润西风

3 strange temperature:Its temperature is incompatible with the latitude:(应该为亚


特点:in winter—too high, above 3degrees in summer—20 degrees, too low sub-frigid zone,

4 Abundant rainfall, humid年均降雨量西部1,000 mm,东和东南部about 700

mm, Rainfall is evenly distributed through the 12 months. (12个月雨量均匀)

In England, rain comes down in drizzle.

Most days are rainy days.

The city of London used to be foggy.----humid air and chemical waste

(3) 4 seasons (differences among four seasons are not so obvious)

Spring: 3,4,5 May Day--popular festival for English, outside, bonfire, twig, masques, courtship

Summer: 6,7,8, days are long, as long as 16 hours, (sun-never-set country)

Autumn: 9, 10, 11 rainiest season of the year

Winter: 12, 1, 2 sometimes snowy, not heavy

四、Factors influencing English weather

(一) Western shores are bathed by warm drift of water—North Atlantic Drift

Britain lies within the warm drift, especially the western side.

(二) British Isles lie within the westerly wind belt—the dominant wind in Britain

The wind comes from the Atlantic Ocean and is mild and moist.

(三) The configuration of Britain, the inlets makes the penetration inland of oceanic influences more effective. (入口,海湾,水湾,使海洋性气候的影响更容易渗透到内陆)

五、Inland Water

(一) Problems due to much rainfall: drainage

(二) Britain has many rivers and lakes.

(三)The largest river-------- Severn River塞文河, 355kilometres, 注入:Bristol Strait

The 2nd largest river------Thames River泰晤士河, 336 kilometers,most important;run across London; Oxford lies on the Thames

Clyde River(克莱德河): in Scotland, ---a shipbuilding centre---Glasgow.

(四) Lakes: Largest lake------Lough Neagh(内伊湖)

Lake district------beautiful scenery, with 15 lakes

六、The English Language

(一) Old English (5th-12th century): it began in the early 5th century when Anglo-Saxon invaded, inflected language, Germanic language /Indo-European lang.

(二) Middle English (12th-15th century): soon after Norman Conquest in 1066,mixture of French and English,

(三) Modern English(15th century): London English-a standard literary language due to the development of printing; English developed with expansion of British Empire and borrowing of words.

Section Two People and the State

Britain was the first to establish Parliament with party politics.

Britain was the first country to witness bourgeois revolution.

Britain was the first to found a democracy with a constitutional monarchy.

Britain was the f irst to start the Industrial Revolution.


(一) most white people ( including natives, immigrants from Europ…)

(二) origins: different , from different parts of Europe, a mixture of ethnic groups

如:法,德。。。( a melting pot)

大多数还是:English origin ( 包括:Scottish, Irish, Welsh…)

Culture, language, traditions: a mixture (French, German, and English……)

(三) Earliest natives: Celts or Britons from Central Europe, moved in Britain in 7th century B.C.

Celts: in 43 AD invaded by the Romans, fled to Scotland and Wales

In 5th century (410 AD) invaded by Anglo-Saxons from North Europe Anglo-Saxon conquest laid the foundation for English nation and brought old English.

二、Party Politics

A western democracy with a two-party political system.

party politics, two major parties in the U.K. are:

(一) The Conservative Party: ( from Tory Party托利党)

Represents: the interests of the smaller landed gentry and tradesmen( the middle class).

Against: drastic social changes,

For: peace, a stable social order for development

(二) The Labor Party: (a mixture of Whig Party辉格党, the Fabian Society费边社and trade unions).

Represents: the interests of the middle and lower middle classes.

For: the promotion of communal growth, business efficiency, socialism, class

cooperation, economic quality.

Against: Class struggle,

(三) additional information

1、The Tory Party--- Conservatives

2、The Whig Party (liberal), the Fabian Society, and trade unions—the Labour

3、If a major party wins the majority of the seats in the Parliament, it gets the power to

form the government, leaving the other Opposition/ the Opposition Party.

4、MP: most important members of parliament initiate government policies

5、Elections: The general elections are held every five years. Two parties want to gain a

majority of seats in the election.

三、Central Government

(System of government)

(一) constitutional monarchy: The participation of the monarch in government i s limited by the basic law known as the constitutional. (通过立宪,树立人民主权,限制君主权力,君主虽然是国家的最高领导人,但他们的权利和义务被宪法(多多少少)明确地规定。这样君主的权利多少受到限制,有一些君主的权利被限制到仅仅作为国家的代表,而没有实际的权利。欧洲英国、挪威、瑞典、丹麦、荷兰比利时/ 日本。

(二) UK is reigned over by Monarch , but she doesn’t rule---formality统而不治,临朝而不理政.

(三) Organization of British Government: 3 tiers

A the Monarch-------- Queen/ king

1、the central government: Monarch

B Parliament: House of Lords

House of Commons

C the cabinet: Prime minister+ important ministers

2、the country government: once called shire

3、the district government: city / borough


(四) distribution of government power----triumvirate(三权分力),for balance of power (标榜民主)

1、Parliament---------Legislative power/ legislation

2、Cabinet------------Administrative/executive power/ administration

3、Court---------------Judicial/ jurisdiction

A The Monarch ( King or Queen)

I. Monarch = the Sovereign( 最高统治者,but many of her functions are exercised by

important ministers)

ii Main feature: reign but not rule

UK is governed by Her Majesty’s Government in the name of the Queen.

iii. Rights: a. summons, prorogues(使休会) and dissolves Parliament,

read and approves of the Bills passed by Parliament,fountain of justice ( 正义之泉)—pardon,

show mercy to those convicted of crimes,grant ―amnesty‖ to criminals,

fountain of honor-----confer noble titles ( Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, Baron),

appoint the Prime Minister(与首相/总理关系最密切) and other ministers on the advice of prime minister,

appoints and dismisses judges, member of the diplomatic corps and colonial official,

commander-in-Chief of the armed services, head of judiciary, in international affairs:

conclude treaties, declare war, make peace, recognize foreign states and governments,

symbol of national unity, must be regularly informed and consulted on every aspect of national life, most important figure in every field of national life

,embodies the highest standard of morality and good manners

丧失的权利:just does what Parliament and the Cabinet want her to do—formality, no right to choose consort,no freedom of belief

【补充材料】Succession to the throne is controlled by Parliament

Successor succeeds to the throne after predecessor dies.

The coronation is done by Archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster Abbey

B Parliament:

i.Britain 1st to institute parliamentary system in 13th century.

ii.Function: supreme legislation organ , law-making body,

Determines the revenue and expenditure of the government (votes

taxation, appropriate funds for public works…)

iii. Power: to make, unmake or change any law

iv. 3 Branches of Parliament: a. the monarch ( Queen or King)

b. the House of Lords (上议院)

c. the House of Commons (下议院)

v. Terms: 5 years ( 议会成员五年换届选举一次)

Divided into 5 sessions ( 会期) ,in session: having a meeting Adjournment((休会) : time for members of Parliament to take a rest(可以接着讨论,辩论某个方案,提议,在下次meeting中)

the ending of each session ,help to table controversial motions ( 五届会议每一届结束,这届会议中所有议题都结束,未定夺之事下届会议再来讨论)

C Cabinet

I British government = Her Majesty’s Government, Parliamentary Government, responsible government, Cabinet government

ii. Position: nucleus/ core of the government

iii. Members: Prime Minister + other Cabinet ministers of important departments position of Prime Ministeriv.1 head of the government

2 suggest Queen in many fields (建议选minister)

3 exercise sovereign power

Cabinet ministers=chiefs of the most important departments ( Minister of defence , Foreign Secretary, Chancellor of Exchequer Power of Cabinet: the

administrative branch,

v. function: a. the final determination of policies

b. supreme control of Government

c. the coordination of Government work of different departments

四、Local government

(一)Three – tier government

1central government

2 Local:County/ shire

3 District---city/borough: town

(二).Every county and district has a council, (三年一选,chairman 一年一选)


(一) law

English constitution is embodies in a number of separate laws, including :

1、Acts of parliament

2、Common law,----after Norman Conquest, from Anglo-Saxon traditions and conventions

3、Equity law---deal with cases uncovered by common law, moral (problems, civil disputes)

4、European Community legislation.

六、Reform of the Law court

(一) The English law courts are divided into three tiers;

Magistrates’ courts---lowest, named courts of summary jurisdiction, petty session

Try small offences, impose light penalties.

Court is open to public;

Jury is used, composed of 12 members chosen from the local residents circuit courts---

high courts

(二). English legal principle: No one is to be punished by law without a just trial by his fellow citizens

七、Legal profession

(一) Solicitors ( Senior lawyers)

(二) Barristers ( Junior lawyers)

(三) Qualification: be a member of the four Inns of Court in London

Study there several years.

Pass the Bar examination

八、Police Force:

(一) other names: bobby, peeler;

(二) ―Scotland Yard‖ , unarmed tradition—only on special occasions will English policemen be armed with firearms.

九、Religion . Britain ---a Christian country

(一) The law of the united Kindom protects freedom of religious conscience, and anyone may belong to any religious faith or to none at all.

(二) Most British people still believe in God and the Bible, although their forms of worship and interpretation of the Bible vary.

(三) The formal establishment of the Christian Church in England dates back to 597 when St. Augustine came from Rome and landed in Kent.

State Church: Church of England—Protestant in nature,

Queen appoints archbishops & bishops

(四) The first Christian church in England was built at Canterbury.

England has its own state church---Church of England

It is divided into two provinces: York and Canterbury.


42 dioceses(主管教区) administered by bishops(containing

many parishes)

Canterbury with priests

Doctrine: main ideas of the Bible, deny Pope’s authority, denies

Viewpoints of Roman Catholic Church, with King as leader.

十、Characteristics of the English People

common characteristics------ conservatism and deference

(一) conservatism: accept familiar things, suspicious of anything strange or foreign

e.g. : National song is still God Save the King/ Queen(国旗Union flag/ Jack)

Judges still wear long wigs in courts.

Many rooms still use dummy fireplaces.

Many people against nuclear power stations, European integration plan(一


(二)deference: respect those superior in wealth, status and power

(三) reservation: 矜持的,内向的

refuse to express their mind freely, avoid communication, (不想站太近)

avoid taboos: age, marriage, employment, income and other private affair.

十一、Generation gap:

Problems Confronting Traditional Values ( 挑衅传统价值观):after 2nd World War,

influenced by rock’ n’ roll, Beatles perform。In noisy music and pop songs→

boy copy girls, long hair→girls copy boys wear plain clothes and

close-fitting jeans.-->go against their parents,cohabitation became rampant,high divorce rate,belief in liberty and individualism: abandonment of social responsibility

Section Three National Economy

一、General Survey

Britain was the1st to start the industrial revolution in 18th century.

1、Britain is a market economy , with its economic system known as capitalism, which protects private ownership and free enterprise.

2、Britain’s economic strength lies in: comprehensive industrial system based on:

a. a large number of skilled workers

b.scientific management

c.advanced technology

d.favorable geographic conditions

3、Britain is a trading nation with limited domestic market and inadequate home supply of raw materials---rely heavily on foreign trade/markets. Exports account for 1/3 of GDP.世界5大出口国,也是世界最大的进口国之一.上世纪70年代经济走下坡路=a trend of decline

4、Britain's trading partner---industrialized/industrial countries, about 40% of exports-->

European Community / EC. + USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, France.=G7. 5、China's traditional exports to Britain : handicrafts, textiles, farm and side-line produce.

Britain's exports to China: advanced machinery--power generating equipment , auto fittings,

Container ships, air ground equipment, foodstuffs, etc. 【补充材料】i. resources ( North Sea)

ii. industrial system and skilled workers ( industrial revolution)

iii financial center

iv. trade roles ( with China)

v. declining - developing ( the British Commonwealth)

1. steady development in the 50s and 60s

a. 1947, the British economy had returned to its pre-war levels.

b. The economy policy pursued: John. M.

Keyness: High Consumption and low investment.

2. Economic recession in the 70s ( British Disease)

High unemployment, low productivity, growing inflation.

3. Economic recovery in the 80s

a. Mrs Thatcher: Privatization and Market liberalization replaced prices and incomes control and state interventionism.

b. Net oil exporter

二、Company Law and Framework of Industry

Britain’s forms of industrial organizations and pattern of ownership are varied.

(一) 3 categories:

1、Unincorporated businesses. 非股份有限的=private sector规模小,无股票,Started by one or several investors, can't offer shares to public, 3/4 GDP

2、Corporate有股份的,法人企业=public companies=a legal entity=limited iability company=PLC=a group of persons authorized by law as an individual for a business purpose ,

3、Public sector enterprise公有企业=nationalized/state-owned companies

=basic industries / social services closely related to people’s daily need.

UK has a number of state-owned enterprises, concerning: public transportation,

coal-mining, water supply, post and telecommunication, stctricity eel, eleand oil and gas. 不到GDP的1/4

(二) Big companies often seek to monopolize the production of a certain kind of goods and control the markets to achieve maximum profit by eliminating competition.

方式:companies become larger through merger by incorporating small enterprises

政府阻止:1/4 of goods or services is supplied by 1 or to a single person.

三、Heavy and Light Industries

(一)Heavy industry:


a once the largest coal producer in the world, still has abundant home supply of coal

b coal-mining industry was nationalized

c coal-mining centers: Central Scotland, Central Englan

d and South Wales

d Som

e mines lose money , so government shut down some collieries

e now coal-mining also one o

f the major minin

g industries


a no large land-based oilfields, depend on imports for oil supplies

b brought ashore oil from the North Sea in 1975, self-sufficient, for exportation

c oil reserves are nationalize

d , most oil production controlled by gov.


a long history in manufacturing, workshop of the world, comprehensive industrial s ystem

b products: wheeled tractors, locomotive, railway equipment, motor vehicles, industrial plants

c largest manufacturing industry: iron an

d steel , exports a larg

e proportion, 25% o

f total

d Major markets: USA, European Community countries.

e Steel-producing area: Yorkshire, Wales, Scotland, West Midlands

with a large motor vehicle industry , 1/3 cars for exports,

f most famous car-manufactures: Austin Morris, Range Rover, Dodge and Rolls Royce.

(二) Light industries:

a highly developed with high-quality products: man-made fibers, detergents, watches, textile

b once the leading country in textile industry in 19th century, mainstay of UK’s prosperity,

still important in national economy

c wool- principal fiber, enclosure,

d textil

e industry center: South Lancashire, Manchester

四、Textile Industries

(一) Once UK had the world’s largest texitle industry and possessed more than half of the total spindles of the whole world.

(二) It used to rely on wool as the principal fiber, a nation of sheep farmers and cloth makers.

(三) Cotton industry is centered in South Lancashire, including Manchester, a famnous city in English progressive novels and workers’ movements.


Though an industrialized country, agriculture remains important: highly mechanized, including

(一) Crop farming

Principal agricultural products: wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar-beets and oats.

Mainly grown in the east and south of England, east coast of Scotland, Lancashire and Cheshire plains; farmers work hard to plough, sow and harvest,

Not self-sufficient in food grain/crops,

(二) Husbandry: still an important part of agriculture.

1、favorable conditions: mild, abundant rainfall, large grazing-land,

3/5 of farmers engage in dairying, beef production and sheep-farming.

2、world’s big producers of milk and beef.

3、once a nation ― of sheep-farmers‖

(三) Agriculture ( main products: wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beets and oats.

highly mechanized farming

1、arable farming (East and Southeast)

2、dairy farming ( Western Regions)

3、Stock farming ( North and West)

4、Mixed farming ( rural Britain)

5、Hill farming ( Rocky Mountains and deep valleys)

6、Market gardening ( near large urban areas)

(四) fishing industry: Fishing provides 55% of the UK demand for fish.

六、Transportation and Communication

(一) It built the first railway in the world in 1825

(二) Car – most popular means of travel

(三) BA. Heathrow --- half of all the international flights to or from London.

七、British Disease and Thatcher’s Medicine

(一) Background: After the Second World War, 1945, Britain was confronted with tense competition in overseas markets, it reorganized its production industries and achieved some development; but after 1971 the rate of economic growth dropped considerably. Declining productivity, soaring inflation and high unemployment rate gave birth to ―British disease‖.

(二) Cause:

1) excessive socialism,

2) from-cradle-to-grave welfare program= a heavy burden on the government.

Free medical care for all, provide assistance for elderly people, disabled people, etc.

3) social security system: retirement pension, unemployment benefits maternity allowance …

(三) A new program to cure the ―British Disease‖= Thatcherism

1、advocate tight fiscal and monetary

2、cur on trade unions

3、reduction of taxes

4、privatization of state-owned enterprises

5、stimulate competition by reducing government interference

6、encourage free business

(四) Result: Remarkable success, improve the image of UK

Inflation was reduced,

Average 3 percent increase in economic growth



Britain= urbanized nation with many cities

(一)Largest one: London---

1) situated on the Thames River,

Capital of UK

Political, cultural and industrial center

Divided into 2 parts: a. the City of London= oldest part,

b. the County of Greater London: all suburbs and part of the countryside

around London

2) famous buildings: Westminster Abbey, (加冕之地,

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Tower of London

House of Parliament,

Downing Street. No. 10( 首相宫邸)

Buckingham Palace: (皇室宫邸,女王住处)

(二) Birminham:2nd largest city ,

(三) Manchester: a center of textile industry

(四) Liverpool: 2nd largest seaport in Britain, makes a variety of products, electronics, etc

(五) Edinburgh: Capital of Scotland

(六) Glasgow: well-known for ship-building center

(七) Belfast: capital of Northern Ireland

(八) Cardiff


1. What are the administrative divisions for UK?

2. Describe the organization of the British central government.

3. Does Britain have its written constitution?

4. The British central government is made up of:_______, _______, and ______.

5. The two major political parties in UK are _____________ and _______________.

6. The backbone of England is __________________.

7. What are the functions of Cabinet?

8. Does Britain have its written constitution?

9. Talk about the jury system in UK..



来安方《新编英美概况》( 2004年 6 月)

Chapter Two English History









Section One Origin of the English Nation

一、The Native Celts and the Anglo-Saxon Conquest

(一) Britain used to be part of European Continent.-→washed off→became an island

(二) Earliest natives of Great Britain: Celts / Britons (700 BC) (from eastern and

central Europe) France, Belgium,

southern Germany

Thei civilization of Celts: Stonehenge in Wiltshire—a circular arrangement of big stones / monoliths 巨石阵(英语:Stonehenge),位于英格兰威尔特郡,英国的旅游热点,每


(三) Celts are believed to be: the ancestors of Highland Scots, Irish and Welsh people

Celtic language remain in the accent of some Scottish and Welsh.(未消失)

(四) Important historical Conquests:

1、The Roman Conquest

a. Cause: the Celts offer help to ―France‖ against Julius Caesar’s invasion in 1st century

Romans led by Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55BC, 54BC , then withdrew

b.Romans’ Systematic occupation of England 43 A.D---410A.D.(>350 years)

driving the Celts into Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

c.Effect of Roman Conquest: 好的影响及后果

i. Roman civilization into England (文化)

ii. built towns, temples, theatres, fine buildings (建筑)

iii. drained marshes, cleared away forests, built roads, taught Celts to cultivate (农业)

iv. introduced a system of organized government in towns, ―ster‖, ―cester‖, ―shire‖(政治)

350 years later, 410 A.D, Germanic races invaded Rome-→ Romans withdrew from UK -----→Celts unprotected----→invaders from Ireland and Scotland invade England-----→Newcomers from Northern Europe landed in Kent , known as Angles, Jutes and Saxons-→Britons and Anglo-Saxons combined and won a victory→Anglo-Saxons refused to leave-→relatives and friends came during the next 100 years , taking possession of England

2、the Anglo-Saxon Conquest (6-8th AD) Angles, Saxons, Jutes

a only occupied England,driving natives to Scotland, Wales, Ireland. (with Celts as


b. brought their language, called Old English, Celtic became Spoken English.(早期英语)

c. Angles gave their names to England( Angle’s land) and English people.

d. The Anglo-Saxons brought their Teutonic religion to Britain.

In 597 AD, Pope Gregory sent St. Augustine to England and built the 1st church of Britain at Canterbury, (Christianity)---religious center of England.


(五) After the Anglo-Saxon Conquest, people established many small kingdoms , later

became the 7 principal kingdoms(七国时代): Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. In 9th, the Wessex became the dominant kingdom.

(六) Alfred (871AD, King) one of the earliest and greatest English Kings, King of Wessex. ,

“Alfred the Great.”

a. founded a strong fleet , known as “ the father of the British navy”.

b. defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. (The Danes gained

control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.)

c. Greater in peace,

He translated Latin book into English. His writing is regarded the beginning of prose literature He also established schools and formulated a legal system, promoted the teaching of Christianity

(七) the Danish Invasion (8-10A.D.)

(1) Alfred the Great (Wessex) VS Danes

Alfred defeated Danes in Wedmore.-→made a treaty, Danelaw-→He died, successors buying off Danes-→ Danes taking the throne

(2) Danish Kings ruled England not for long, Danish line died out.

(3) King Edward, a Christian, (1042-1066) took the throne----Westminster Abbey(加冕之地)

(4)Edward died, without a written will.

A problem

Harold VS William

Wife’s brother son of his mother’s brother ( cousin)

(put to throne) Crown

二、The Normans

Northmen from the Scandinavian Peninsula, rovers who sailed up in 645 the Seine River and captured Paris. The French made a bargain with them and gave them a large tract of land in the northern part of France on condition that they promised to help French kin in war and accept the Christian religion.

三、Norman Conquest (1066)

(1) Northmen from Scandinavian Peninsula invaded France and got northern

part of France, Normandy.


Harold ←--→William (Duke of Normandy)

( recommended as King)

1066, William defeated Harold in Hastings, and was made King in Westminster Abbey.

William the Conqueror, 1st Anglo-Norman King.

四、Influence of the conquest and Middle English

(一)influence of the conquest

1、sped up the development of feudalism in England.

2、Feudal aristocracy developed and resulted in noble titles.

3、After 1066, Middle English began.

4、French civilization had a great influence on the Anglo-Saxons.

5、Last invasion in English history.

(二) Middle English period began after 1066

The Normans continued to speak French for about three centuries after their conquest of

England while the Anglo-Saxons continued to use their Englis tongue---bilingualism.

With the loss of territory on the Continent, the Normans began to regard Englandas their

only home and English again became the dominant speech in england.

It was not only used by Anglo-Saxons but also in royal court and law courts.

Section Two Beginning of Parliament and Decline of Feudalism

一、Henry II and His Reform

Eldest son Robert got Normandy

William (died in 1087) William Rufus got England---------killed in hunting

Henry got a large sum of money -----------------crowned king Henry I

Daughter married

Geoffrey Plantagenet

Henry II King 1154

(The founder of Plantagenet dynasty金雀花王朝)

(一) The background for Henr y’s Reform: 1、His position was rather weak

2、many pressing problems had to be solved to keep the

barons under control

3、To limit the power of the barons who regard

themselves as independent rulers within their fiefs.

(lords were divided, supporting different claimants,

internal wars, barons used the disorderly situations to

strengthen their position and enlarge their control).

(二) Henry’s measures of reform: to strengthen king’s position

1、military reforms---to reduce barons’ military power

a reduce the barons’ military strength, destroyed all the fortresses and castles illegally

built by barons, disband hired foreign soldiers(雇佣兵),

b widened the powers of his sheriffs and relied for armed support upon a militia composed of English freemen, stripped the barons of their titles.

2、tax: abolished annual land tax based on hide ( one hide equals some 24 to 48 hectares according to the Anglo-Saxon tradition) and new tax was assessed at some percentage of a subject’s annual rents chattels.

3、judicial system: (最大成就------improve and reform the law courts

a circuit judges------judges who are ordered to make regular journeys from town to town to try cases.-circuit judges

focus---investigate barons’ property and abuse of privileges

b circuit court --巡回法庭:court made up of judges on a tour all over the kingdom to try cases

c jury system:petty jury+ gran

d jury

i petty jury: try suspects accused of small offences, 过去用trial by ordeal, petty jury

replaced it with court debate.

ii grand jury: to decide whether the suspect should be brought up for trial.

d. Common law: the verdicts given by a circuit court / court decisions became the basis of

Common law, but their verdicts was based on Anglo-Saxon tradition and

custom in dealing with offences.

* jury system: A jury contains 12 men, (persons elected by the local free men) whose function is to bring accusation against malefactors , hear the evidence and give verdict.

(三)Thomas Becket

Henry II reformed the Church Courts to free his action from its limit and control -----→Thomas Becket (close friend of King) was chosen Archbishop of Canterbury Cathedral----→against Henry , defend privilege of the church court →Struggle with Henry for 6 years----→4 knights kill Thomas Becket at Cathedral

(四) Influence of Henry II reform: full of achievements. Feudal order was further

strengthened and country experienced a period of security and prosperity. His planned, however, was half finished.

二、The Great Charter

(一) Background:

John----(Henry II …s third/youngest son) became King.

1、John----→ worst of English kings. For his treachery and misbehavior.

2、greedily collected money for himself

3、Within 6 years of his reign, he lost al Continental fief in France.

4、quarreled with the Pope. Drove the monks obeying the Pope out of kingdom and took over their profits

----→Pope retaliated against the king , closing all the churches in England, suspend public services.

5、1214barons became discontented with John’s tyranny and misgovernment, and compel the king to sign Great Charter.

(二) 大宪章是约翰国王1215年在封建贵族压力下签定的

Or the Magna Carta with 63 clauses, “corner stone of English history”

A most important document = Declaration of Independence

1、The king must promise to observe the rights of his vassals and the vassals in turn must observe..

2、The merchant is not to be deprived of his goods for small offenses,nor the farmers of his wagon No tax should be levied without the consent of the Great Council.

3、No free man shall be imprisoned or banished or punished in any way

4、The king should permit merchants to move about freely

(三) Significance:

1st step of constitutional experiment in England, tried to establish the legal relation between the king and his barons by defining their respective right and obligations.

foundation of English liberties ,statement of the feudal and legal relationships between the Crown and the barons,

2、protected the rights of the merchant class and developed commerce & handicraft

3、It set the basic rules for the English and American legal system, trying to prevent the King?s arbitrary violations of the law by limiting the King?s power.

4、The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.

三、The Beginning of Parliament

(一) Background:

1、John died, his 9-year-old boy became king, Henry III.

2、Henry III and John------chips off the same block(一个模子出来的)

3、Started wars and needed money to finance the war by increasing taxes refused by the

against Great Council, the Great Charter

Great Council ---- tense relations---------King

(二) Process and outcome:. Simonde Montfort----King?s brother-in-law , fighter for liberty, control of gov.

1、Raised army against Henry III. Royal family were defeated.

2、Make changes of the organization of Great Council.

Nobles and prellates, added 2 knights from each country, 2 citizens from each flourishing towns summoned to join it---------Parliament ( French word, hold a conference and speak out). Parliament includes House of Lords—higher social status (nobles and prelates)

House of Commons—low social status (knights and citizens)

The Great Council is known to be the prototype (原型) of the current British Parliament. In 1265, Simon de Montfort summoned (召集)the Great Council, together with two knights from each county and two citizens from each town. It later developed into the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Its main role was to offer advice,not to make decisions. There were no elections or parties. And the most important part of Parliament was the House of Lords.


四、The Hundred Years’ War(1337---1453)

(一) Feudalism in Britain

1、experienced shorter period of feudalism ( Norman Conquest------the Wars of the Roses)

2、full of complex struggles between royal house, church, nobles, landowners, peasants, serfs

(二) background of the war—conflict between the two over foreign markets and territory

1、territorial factors: -----------English king’s desire to regain lost territory of France

a. English king held tracts of land in France-→ Henry II controlled 2/3 of France ----→John lost almost all except a tiny spot ( large duchy in France)

b With parliament, England became strong, and covetous of rich land on the Continent


2、economic factors: English bourgeoisie gained more power

expand foreign markets and foreign trade

cloth manufacturing towns in Flanders--the importer of English

center of woolen textile industry

(三) course of the war---intermittently lasted for 100 years with ups and downs for both Early years: English on the offensive and won victories

As time wore on, guns and powder VS English bows and arrows,

Leadership of Girl Joan of Arc, tide of war changed in favor of the French.

France won the final victory.

(四) effect of the war

1、England lost possessions on the Continent

2、national feeling----a sense of belonging to English, with English as their home

. English language became the official language to replace French language, no longer used Dual-linguistic period in English ended.

3、development of woolen textile industry

4、sped up the decline of feudalism in England.

5、prepared soil for the growth of a new class---middle class, 2 national states were born.

五、The Black Death (1348-1349)

(一) The deadly epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century,

From Italy to France, Germany and England without warning and cure.

(二) Serious consequence: It reduced England's population from four million to two million by the

end of

the 14th century.--------half of the population died

(三) The economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching.

1、much land untended + a terrible shortage of labor.

Manpower rare + treasured

2、The surviving peasants had better bargaining power---

Demand higher wages and better working condition

3、Serfs in a position to change their serfdom into paid labor.---free manpower

(四) ruling class? reaction ----repressive measures to keep down wages

issue Statute of Laborers(1351): to prevent laborers from asking for more wages

prevent laborers from leaving his place of work, raise poll taxes to fund the Hundred Years? War

六、Peasant up-rising(1381)

(一) The immediate cause:

1、discontent with the noble’s extravagant life based on exploitation and demanded equality

2、the flat rate poll tax of one shilling a head levied on the peasants to fund (百年战争)

(二) Course: merchants and industrial manufacturers wanted free laborers,

Supported the peasants’ demand and opened gate of London for the peasants

King, Richard II took refuge in Tower of London, followers of the King were killed

The king decided to play a trick by pretending to accept the petition of the peasants:

1、all the serfs be freed

2、the rebels be forgiven and free from punishment

3、the rent be reduced

4、armed tax-collectors be stopped from going to the countryside

(三) Result:

1、the leader of uprising Wat Tyler was killed

2、uprising peasants were killed

3、uprising was surpressed

(四) Significance: King made concessions, exempted poor peasants from the poll tax,

Put an end to the serf system soon, serf free employment

Pave the way for Capitalist development

七、The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)

(一) Nature: In nature, the war was a struggle between the commercial-minded gentry of

the south and the backward landowners of the North and West.

(二) Name: the House of Lancaster the House of York

A red rose a white one

(三) Cause: During the Hundred Years’ War, warlike nobles were fighting in France. After the war, they returned to England. The nobles had in their pay large numbers of mercenary soldiers. Driven out of France, the barons wanted to gain weal and power at home. The mercenary soldiers were unfit for civil employment.

(四) Result: the war was extremely destructive the participants. 80 nobles were killed

The war was a hidden blessing for English,

England shake off its feudal burden in advance.

The war paved the way for a centralized state.

Section Three The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie

一The New Monarchy

(一) The New Monarchy( 新王朝)------Tudor Monarchy (都铎王朝)

1、Henry Tudor / Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor Monarchy

2、The ending of Wars of the Roses (1485)---the ending of Middle Ages

=the beginning of a new age in English history

3、Wars of the Roses killed many nobles and destroyed many feudal families

--->The position of the Tudor Monarchy was strengthened

--->The influence of the newly-born bourgeoisie increased.

---> Prepare for a centralized government.

The Turdor Monarchy

4、Feudalism -------->Transitional Period----------> capitalism

5、Supporting force: Tudor Monarchy depended on commercial and landed middle class for power and popularity . Stresses development of trade and industry. (bourgeoisie class developed)

6、Henry VII ’s background for his reform and his measure of centralizing Monarchy Background:1)many feudal nobles were killed, few enemies/opponents for king; King’s revenue increased, land also expanded.

2) but some forces against king still exist.

Purpose f or measures: to protect and strengthen his position


a. at home: 1) reduce barons’ private military force and strength

The Statute of Livery and Maintenance(禁养家兵法令)

2) Monopolize the use of heavy artillery

3) Promote talented people from middle class(新贵族)

4) Set up the court of the Star Chamber (星室法庭)--国王权威

which is made up of ministers, lawyers and clergymen.

5) reduce gov. expenditure, encourage exportation, develop

industry, exploit foreign markets.

b. abroad : 1) neutralized policy, avoid wars and build alliance with Spain

2) reach business agreement with Spain, Netherland, Denmark...


1 对外贸易的法规和政策规定有哪些? 英国经济发展具有很高的对外开放性,因此特别注重和倡导建立多边开放贸易体系,即全球自由贸易体系。现在英国的对外服务贸易和货物贸易的管理基本放开,一般情况下,政府不干涉公司的对外经济贸易行为。 由于欧盟在共同贸易政策上具有专属管辖权,作为欧盟成员国,英国在对外贸易管理上的政策法规须与欧盟保持一致。英国在欧盟内部实行统一大市场,政府对企业从欧盟以外的国家进口或向欧盟以外国家的出口总体无限制。 2017年3月29日,时任英国首相特蕾莎·梅签发了致欧盟的脱欧通知书,标志着英国脱欧程序正式启动,按照欧盟相关条约要求,英国将在18个月内完成脱欧程序。虽然脱欧程序已经启动,但在英国未完成脱欧程序之前,目前与欧盟相关的政策法规仍然有效。 1.1 贸易主管部门 2016年英国公投脱欧后,原首相戴维·卡梅伦辞职,继任首相特蕾莎·梅对内阁进行了改组,新成立的英国国际贸易部(Department for International Trade, DIT)、英国商业、能源和工业战略部(Department for Business, Energy& Industrial Strategy, BEIS)分别承担了原英国商业、创新和技能部(BIS)所负责的贸易政策制订、贸易促进、生产力、商业关系、能源、竞争和消费者政策、公司法、就业管理等职能。其中国际贸易部负责促进英国产品和服务出口、吸引海外投资者来英投资、制定配套政策和财政支持措施、牵头对外贸易投资安排谈判等。在贸易领域的职能主要由其下设的贸易政策总司、贸易投资总司和贸易战略总司三个机构实施。商业、能源和工业战略部主要负责在商业、科技、创新、能源和气候变化等领域制定和实施全面的产业战略,牵头政府部门和市场主体之间的联系,确保可靠、经济和清洁能源的供应,确保英国在科技、研发和创新领域的领导地位,跟踪气候变化等。其主要的内设机构包括竞争与市场管理局、土地注册局、企业注册办公室、知识产权办公室、创新英国等。 现任英国国际贸易部内阁大臣是2016年7月就任的利亚姆·福克斯(Liam Fox)。商业、能源和工业战略内阁大臣是2016年7月就任的格里戈里·克拉克(Gregory Clark)。 英国税收和海关总署(HMRC)负责征收和管理直接税、间接税和海关管理。


教学设计一 【教学设计说明】 本课内容涉及英国资产阶级革命,有许多关于政治史方面的内容,因此设计本课内容多从感性材料入手,来引起学生的兴趣。并且课程标准中对于英国资产阶级革命的过程没有要求,重点在《权利法案》的内容以及影响。所以用以先学后教、以学定教的教学模式和新课程改革所提倡的自主探究合作学习的教学理念为指导,用情景再现的方式,结合现代英国的一些现象,以古释今,学生容易理解,也符合课标要求。既能发挥学生的课堂主动参与意识,把课本死板枯燥的文字变成学活生生的历史体验,在体验中掌握知识,提高能力,潜移默化地升华情感、态度、价值观。 【课标精解】 本课主要是讲述英国资产阶级革命爆发的过程,掌握两次内战,共和国与护国政治,封建王朝复辟和“光荣革命”;《权利法案》的颁布和君主立宪制的建立﹔英国资产阶级革命的意义和影响。 【教材分析】 本课分三个子目:第一目:“君权神授”下的英国,介绍英国资产阶级革命爆发的根本原因﹔第二目:查理一世命丧断头台,介绍英国资产阶级革命的经过﹔第三目:《权利法案》的颁布,介绍英国资产阶级革命的巩固和革命的历史意义。 【学情分析】 现实生活中许多学生对于政治问题不感兴趣,或者是浮于表面的理解。根据学生的认知水平和学科的特点,多从感性材料入手,结合现代英国的一些现象,以古释今,来引起学生的兴趣,学生容易理解,也符合课标要求。 【教学目标】 1.知识与能力 知道英国资产阶级革命爆发的过程,掌握两次内战,共和国与护国政治,封建王朝复辟和光荣革命等基本史实,能正确分析英国资产阶级革命发生的原因,阐述革命的经过,理解《权利法案》颁布的目的、内容、作用,能结合后边将要学习的内容得出这场革命的深远意义。 2.情感态度与价值观

殖民统治 分析

歷史話題:殖民统治的優劣評價(素材資料) 西方资本帝国主义的殖民掠夺究竟给中国带来了什么? 經濟上:西方资本帝国主义的殖民掠夺,在经济上给中国带来的影响首当其冲。在此前,英国向中国大量走私鸦片,为了改变对华贸易的入超状态,导致中国白银大量外流和财政危机。社会上银贵钱贱,劳动人民的负担越来越重。鸦片战争后,越来越多的洋货涌入中国市场,自给自足的自然经济开始解体。《南京条约》使得中国被迫五口通商,西方资本主义势力陆续侵入。但是,这一时期,西方资本主义的影响程度还比较浅。 1856年第二次鸦片战争爆发,1894年甲午战争爆发、1900年八国联军侵华战争爆发……接踵而至的列强们、屈辱至极的不平等条约、无休无止的野蛮掠夺,给中国经济带来了巨大的伤害。无数的赔款让中国的国库亏空,政府财政危机越发严重,举步维艰。在这期间,自然经济的基础进一步遭到破坏,中国的自然经济逐步解体,这一方面造成“织”与“耕”的分离,促进了城乡商品经济的发展,另一方面为中国资本主义的发展提供了必要的市场、劳动力等客观条件。外国资本的入侵,带来的是全新的生产方式,这在客观上推动了中国资本主义生产关系的发展。社会各阶层都在探索:洋务运动提出学习西方先进技术,创办了一批近代企业,有一些官商合办或官督商办的企业已初具资本主义的规模;百日维新中,资产阶级改良派也提出了发展资本主义经济的设想;辛亥革命后,在政府的鼓励倡导下,在西方资本主义利润的刺激下,在实业救国思潮的推动下,中国民族资本主义进入短暂的春天。同时,我们也可以看到,外国资本帝国主义的掠夺和本国官僚资本的压榨,严重阻碍了中国民族工业的发展。资本帝国主义侵略势力操纵中国的经济命脉,攫取大量资源,包括一些开矿权利,这些都阻碍着中国资本主义的进一步发展。 政治上:中国近代史上第一个不平等条约《南京条约》的签署,是西方殖民侵略的胜利,是中国悲惨历史的开端。我们可以从当时的条约中看到:割占香港岛,破坏了中国的主权和领土完整;外国舰艇可在中国领海自由航行,破坏了我国的领海主权;外国人在华不受中国法律约束,享受领事裁判权,破坏了司法主权;协定关税,则破坏了关税主权…… 最根本的是,中国的社会性质开始发生质的变化。中国逐步成为半殖民地半封建国家。中国社会的主要矛盾也发生了变化,由原来的地主阶级与人民的矛盾变为资本主义与中华民族的矛盾、封建主义和人民大众的矛盾。这两对主要矛盾及其斗争贯穿整个中国半殖民地半封建社会的始终,并对中国近代社会的发展变化起着决定性的作用。中国革命的历史任务和性质也因此改变。任务由原来的反封建变为反侵略反封建,革命性质也进入了旧民主主义革命时期。 随着一场场侵略战争和随之而来的不平等条约纷至沓来,中国半殖民地半封建化的程度逐渐加深。到《辛丑条约》签订以后,中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会。帝国主义侵略势力逐步控制了中国的政治,日益成为支配中国的决定性力量。本国的封建势力日益衰败并同侵略势力勾结,清政府沦为“洋人的朝廷”。越是这样的压迫,越有着不屈的抗争。在鸦片战争中,就有广州三元里人民的抗争行动;太平天国、义和团运动风生水起;仁人志士为救亡图存而抛头颅洒热血;辛亥革命的枪声终于终结了封建帝制,创立了资产阶级政权,是中国政治近代化历史上的里程碑。 可以说,西方资本帝国主义的殖民掠夺既给中国带来了屈辱的历史,也开启了中国近代化的


英国风险投资对我国的启示 英国的风险投资在欧洲起步最早,虽然其作用远不能与美国风险投资相比,但在欧洲大陆英国的风险投资经验还是可圈可点的。 英国风险投资业的发展 在英国最早涉足风险融资的是信托机构,19世纪曾对美国铁路进行融资获得成功。1945年,英格兰银行和其他主要清算银行建立了3i公司(英格兰银行持有其15%的股份),目的在于支持英国产业和商业部门的发展,为持续增长的小企业提供长期融资,很快就成为英国最大的风险投资者。但在1960—1970年代,信托机构仅向大型上市公司融资,清算银行这样的金融机构基本不进行权益融资。1980年代以后,英国的风险投资取得了实质性的进展。撒切尔政府为推行私有化政策,实施了一系列扶持风险投资业发展的措施。其中作用较大的有:1980年设立USM(未上市企业证券市场);1981年成立英国技术集团,是政府管理的风险投资机构;苏格兰成立地区级的创投机构;1983年政府出台企业扩展计划;1986年成立第三市场。1990年代,受美国风险投资成功的鼓舞,英国风险投资业进入迅速发展时期。成为欧洲规模最大、发展最快的风险投资基地,占到欧洲全年创业投资总额的50%。1996年英国风险投资回报率高达14.2%,居各类金融资产回报率之首。受资企业年销售额增长40%,年利润增长24%,出口年均增长44%,投资年均增长34%。 英国风险投资发展的主要经验

一、投资方式多样。英国在金融监管方面注重行业自律机构作用的发挥,主要通过宏观政策进行必要引导,为风险投资创造一个较为宽松的经济与法律环境,其组织结构显示出特有的灵活性和多样性。在英国,适用于私人股权基金的组织形式主要是:有限合伙制、投资信托公司、风险投资信托公司和其他组织形式。国外投资者主要是有限合伙制。. 风险投资的主要投资方式有: 创业和发展资本投资信托,主要投资于未上市的企业,由英国创业资本协会(BVAC)成员管理。投资不受法律限制,对私人投资者没有税收优惠。信托整体可以在伦敦股票交易所上市,其股票价格在《金融时报》和其他报纸上披露。 企业天使投资,满足一定要求的企业天使投资享受英国企业投资计划给予的税收优惠。投资项目前景还可以通过BVAC在网络上创建的“企业天使资本来源”中得到评估。 风险资本信托,根据金融法案规定,创业资本信托从1995年4月6日开始生效。它们在结构上类似投资信托,但法律限制其向私人投资者提供税收优惠。在初次筹集资金后,股票在伦敦股票交易所挂牌交易,信息在《金融时报》和其他报纸上披露。这种投资工具的目的是鼓励个人投资于较小的私有贸易公司,使之发展壮大。 二、资金来源的多渠道、国际化。英国金融业实行混业经营,风险资本的来源包括养老基金、保险公司资金等,银行资金也占有不可忽视的比重。近年来鼓励个人投资于风险投资业,所以个人投资的比


资管公司赴英国投资指南(三):英国基金行业的监管 来源:未知作者:邮轮会时间:2019-03-05 浏览:135 次 [ 导读] 2.服务机构及行业协会SuPPorting aGEncies and trade associations 1)英国国 际贸易部(Department for International Trade“DIT”) 国际贸易部(DIT)是英国政府部门, 负责开拓和发展英国和非欧盟国家之间的贸易协议。该部门是在英国脱欧公投后于2016年 7月13 2.服务机构及行业协会SuPPorting aGEncies and trade associations 1)英国国际贸易部(Department for International Trade“DIT”) 国际贸易部(DIT)是英国政府部门, 负责开拓和发展英国和非欧盟国家之间的贸易协议。该部门是在英国脱欧公投后于2016年7月13日就职的英国新任首相泰雷莎·梅(Theresa May)创设的。DIT的目标是为英国制定、协调和实施新的贸易政策, 包括准备和谈判自由贸易协议, 以及与非欧盟国家的市场准入安排。 国际贸易部是一个具有重要的贸易谈判能力的专门机构。它承担了以前由英国外交部和英国商业创新和技能部所属的英国贸易投资总署的职责; 它也承担了英国商业创新和技能部以及英国出口融资部的其他一些与贸易相关的功能。国际贸易部由现任国际贸易大臣利亚姆·福克斯(Liam Fox) 领导。 2)英国投资管理协会(Investment Association) 前身为IMA (Investment Management Association), 是英国投资基金管理的全行业协会。


英国最适合学习的五大城市 留学英国的同学在选择学校的时候,除了考虑学校的排名、专业的好坏以外,大学所在的城市也在留学生的考虑范围之类。下面,小编就给大家盘点一下英国最适合学习生活的五大城市。 1.伦敦 伦敦是一个包罗万象,热闹非凡的大城市,这里的文化、金融、旅游、商业的繁华程度都位于全球大都市的前列。 毫无疑问,伦敦是全英国商业最发达的地区,世界各大公司的聚集地。伦敦也是全球金融中心,诸多国际大型金融机构在这里驻足,对相关行业的毕业生需求量也很大。在伦敦各大高校就读经常有机会第一时间接触各大公司的招聘信息,参与宣讲会的第一站活动。伦敦也有很多华人企业。所以,伦敦的同学在找工作实习方面会占有先机。如果同学希望在留学期间获得实习或工作机会,那么伦敦是上上之选。 院校推荐:伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦艺术大学 2.爱丁堡 爱丁堡是英国文化古城,苏格兰的首府、经济和文化中心。爱丁堡位于苏格兰中部低地的福斯湾南岸,依山傍水,风光秀丽。天气湿润温和,年平均温度8度。除春季多风外,夏秋两季绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,有很多古代宫殿、教堂和城堡,文化遗产丰富,是英国最美丽的城市之一,有“北方雅典”之称。 院校推荐:爱丁堡大学、赫瑞·瓦特大学、玛格丽特皇后学院 3.曼彻斯特 曼彻斯特(Manchester),英国第二繁华城市,人口51万。世界上第一座工业化城市,英格兰西北区域大曼彻斯特郡的都市自治市、单一管理区,英国重要的交通枢纽与商业、金融、工业、文化中心。曼彻斯特在2015QS最佳求学城市排名中名列世界第30位,在2013全球城市宜居调查(Global Liveability Survey)中名列英国第一,世界第51位。曼彻斯特还是英国的第二大经济体,金融与专业服务业在英国各地区中排名第一。 院校推荐:曼彻斯特大学 4.伯明翰


英国的殖民主义 殖民主义指的是资本主义国家所推行的一种侵略扩张政策。具体地说,就是资本主义强国对弱小民族进行压迫、奴役和剥削,把它们变为殖民地和半殖民地。凡是遭受资本主义强国直接地、全面地统治和支配,完全丧失了主权和独立的地区,叫做殖民地。对于形式上是独立的,实际上,财政、经济和外交都处于从属地位的国家和地区,叫做半殖民地。资本主义大国宣布它们对殖民地享有宗主权,所以又把它们叫做宗主国。 在资本的原始积累时期,英国的殖民主义开始产生。商业资本家成为殖民扩张的主要推动者,殖民掠夺通常由政府授予特权的贸易公司进行。当葡萄牙、西班牙这两个老牌殖民国家称霸海上时,人迹罕见的北美东岸成为英国最早的殖民活动地区。,到1733年,英国在北美东岸共建立13个殖民地。随后英国先后消灭了西班牙的“无敌舰队”及大胜荷兰三次对英商业战争,取得了海外扩张的优势。18世纪,英国同法国争夺殖民霸权且大获全胜,英国殖民地大为增加。从此英国登上了殖民霸主的宝座。 英国工业革命兴起后, 成为世界工场,在海外贸易和财政金融方面,都拥有明显的优势。代表工业资产阶级利益的政府奉行自由贸易政策,开始了工业资本掠夺殖民地的时期。随着工业资本主义的发展,使用初期那种纯暴力抢劫和屠杀的办法,已经不适应了。于是,他们就打着“自由贸易”的幌子,以商品输出作为殖民剥削的主要手段。后来,资本输出又代替了商品输出,成为

剥削殖民地的主要形式。亚非拉以及南美洲许多国家和地区沦为英国的殖民地或半殖民地。英国不满足于对中国的经济侵略,在两次鸦片战争后,不仅要中国赔款、开辟通商口岸,还割去了香港(1842)和九龙半岛界限以南的土地(1860)。1857年印度民族大起义后,英国为了加强统治,于1858年撤销东印度公司的行政大权,将印度改为直辖领地等等。 19世纪70年代以后,由于资本主义国家政治、经济发展的不平衡性,英国逐步丧失其工业世界的垄断地位,但资本输出和殖民扩张仍然领先。到20世纪初,世界领土被瓜分完毕,其中英国所占份额最大,列宁称英国为“殖民帝国主义”。 在帝国主义为重新瓜分世界而进行的第一次世界大战中,英国夺取了德国绝大部分的海外殖民地,并在战后以委任统治的名义将其纳入帝国领域,但第一次世界大战也是英国由盛而衰的转折点。殖民强盗的累累罪行,造成了被压迫民族对殖民主义的深仇大恨,激起了亚、非、拉人民的愤怒反抗,从殖民主义的铁蹄踏上亚、非、拉土地的那一天开始,被压迫民族的反抗斗争,就从来没有停止过。战后,特别是俄国十月社会主义革命的胜利,开辟了民族解放运动的新时代,引起了殖民体系的深刻危机,殖民主义日落西山。在英国的殖民地和附属国内,民族解放斗争风起云涌,并取得程度不同的胜利。第二次世界大战后,在民族解放的革命浪潮冲击下,帝国主义殖民体系土崩瓦解。今天,英国绝大多数的殖民地、附属国已取得独立,剩下的已屈指可数。


英国 货币稳定性和通货膨胀率:(18分) 作为世界第五大经济强国的英国,历年来保持着低利率和低通货膨胀率的财政政策,使其能够在激烈的竞争和困难的市场面前,经济得以持续发展。同时,英国以其稳定的政治经济形势、完善的法律制度体系以及学术研究与商务应用良好的合作,在吸引境外投资方面一直保持着较强的竞争力。 2016年1月英国公布一系列疲弱经济数据,加上围绕全球经济成长的担忧,令市场推后了对英国央行开始升息的时点预期,从而拖累英镑兑美元数周来跌逾6%。另外,围绕英国公投可能支持脱欧的担忧也令英镑承压。国际货币基金组织在5月13日公布的一份报告中称:“投票脱离(欧盟)将引发一个较长的高度不确定性时期,导致金融市场动荡,并打击产出。”但截止到目前为止,英国货币经济相对稳定。 政治稳定性:(12分) 英国法律体系起源与世界最悠久的法系之一,英美普通法系,这一法系长期以来强调突出财产的法权意识。英国此案在处于长期稳定状态,且英国是古典政治经济学的发祥地,深谙国民财富增长所依赖的有效制度路径,长期以来,十分注意通过国家制度的创新来吸引国际资本,并逐步构造出了完备理想的国际投资制度环境。 在2008年全球金融危机发生后,保守党领导的联合政府从2010年起采取一系列财政紧缩和经济刺激政策,使得英国得以逐渐走出经济危机阴霾,经济稳步发展,就业状况明显改善,保守党执政能力赢得大批选民信任。2015年卡梅伦连任英国首相,且保守党一向来与企业关系亲密,获得选民委托继续执政后,政治和经济政策的稳定性将有利于英国的经济增长。 日本 货币稳定性:(18分) 日元是世界主要货币之一,长期以来与人民币之间的汇率相对稳定。虽然“广场协定”之后日元逐渐升值,并导致经济的巨大风险。事实上,自2012年底“安倍经济学”开始推行至今,日本宽松货币政策已逐渐显现出力不从心的疲态。日本宽松货币政策如今显示出来的是零效果甚至是反效果。要想扭转这一局面,日本政府还应克服重重阻力,让货币政策与财政政策和结构性改革积极配合,进而实现摆脱通缩、实现增长的目标。 政治稳定性:(10分) 自06年小泉纯一郎卸任以来日本政局更迭频繁,没有一任首相任期超过一年,内阁成员频繁更换,实施的国内国际政策往往会随着执政党的变化而改变,这给日本政策的执行成果带来一定的不利影响。2015年9月19日,日本自民党和公民党组成的执政联盟,凭借其在国会中的议席优势,还是在国会参议员全体会议上,强行通过了《新安保法》。日本战后“专守防卫”的安保政策实质由此终结。由此可见日本在政治稳定性方面评分可为10分。


1、蓄能(thermal energy storage)简述 蓄热填补了建筑用能与功能间的不匹配。蓄能周期可根据系统需求设计,可以为一日、一周或是一个季节。蓄能系统必定以热量形式放能,但蓄能过程可通过热量或电量形式输入。通过蓄能调峰,可实现: ●降低运行能耗 ●降低设备容量 ●增强系统可调性 ●增大系统安全性 ●节能减排 2、相变材料介绍: 通过相变(熔化/凝固)过程,相变材料可以以潜热形式蓄存/放出大量热。这一特点使其在蓄能领域中得到了广泛应用,可以实现在某一时段的某一过程中吸收冷量或热量,转而推移至另一时间或转移至另一地点放出。此外,相变材料还可提供附加热阻,在控温运输等工业领域尤其有益。 有趣的是,最简单、便宜且有效的相变材料其实是水(或冰)。然而,水的凝固点为0℃,对于绝大多数的蓄能应用并不合适。所幸,许多其他的相变材料已经被发现,相变温度范围低至零下,高达数百摄氏度。 考虑相变温度,相变材料被划分为四类。 ●低共熔物体系:盐的水溶液,相变温度在0℃以下 ●水合盐:一些在凝固过程中可吸收结晶水的盐类,相变温度一般高于0℃ ●有机材料:以碳、氢为主要元素的高分子聚合物,常见的如椰子油、石蜡与脂肪酸,相 变温度一般高于0℃ ●固-固相变材料:此类材料在相变过层中无明显可见变化(除细微膨胀与收缩之外),因 此可免去相变材料应用中封装、防泄漏等问题 ●

3、相变蓄能应用 3.1、在建筑领域内的应用 如图为马来西亚一零能耗建筑,夜间相变材料蓄存冷量, 我们将相变蓄冷在冷冻水系统中的应用推广至世界各地,包括位于西雅图的美国陆军总部、通往澳大利亚的高速铁 如图为墨尔本议会总部,是世界上唯一一栋达到六级能效 如图为英国威斯敏斯特大学一相变砖铺做的屋顶,夜间相 都灵附近一热电联产工厂在系统的冷、热侧皆采用相变材


英国的政治制度 英国也是一个移民国家,它居民来自早期欧洲大陆的迁徙。在历史的长河中,英伦三岛大部分时间是荒芜的。公元43年,罗马帝国将英格兰便成它的一个行省,也是发现那里有大片土地,而且也有人居住。 罗欧亚大陆是联通的,4世纪的欧洲,被一股外来势力所纠结。他们就是被中国赶出去的匈奴,罗马帝国再衰退,匈奴人的入侵加剧了西罗马帝国的灭亡。地处德国和丹麦的日耳曼人盎格鲁、撒克逊人继续向西飘洋渡海。他们成为英格兰的主宰,英格兰的名称就源于这里。 1066年法国诺曼底公爵威廉率军入侵,加冕为英王威廉一世,这个“征服者威廉”,建立起的强大王权对巩固封建秩序起了积极作用。 与中国不同,古代欧洲封建国王的继承制度,是按照亲属关系亲密程度排序的,国王也受制于宗教。 13世纪,国王约翰从即位一开始就不被人们看好,人们怀疑他是将侄子暗杀后,才得到王位继承权。面对质疑,约翰与教皇就坎特伯雷大主教的任命出现争执,导致教庭向英格兰施以惩罚,约翰国王最后被迫于1213年向教皇屈服。 针对法国占领了英国在诺曼底大部份的土地,英国的贵族要求国王取回失去的领土。约翰即在1214年发动对法国作战,却遭逢大败。 1215年,封建贵族乘机联合对国王不满的各方力量反对约翰王。5月17日,封建贵族得到伦敦市民支持,占领了伦敦。6月10日,英格兰的封建贵族在伦敦聚集,挟持英格兰国王约翰。约翰被迫赞成贵族提出的“男爵法案”(Articles of the Barons)。 1215年6月15日,在强大压力下,约翰在兰尼米德(RunnyMede)签署《大宪章》。其中主要反映西欧封建政治制度的特点,即国王只是贵族“同等中的第一个”,没有更多的权力。 当今世界民主制度,多少带有探险者的印迹。作为早期开拓者的后代,不免留有他们的思想痕迹,带有功利性、现实性。因为物质成果受人尊敬,这一思想已经领导全球200多年。美国也是英国的延续。


首都师范大学学报(社会科学版) Journal o f Capital N ormal University 2007年增刊 (S ocial Sciences Ed ition )   世界历史研究 英国商业时代的公司发展状况 苏 蕾 摘 要: 16、17世纪是英国从农业走向商业,并最终确立商业霸主地位的时代。辉煌的英国公司成为了这个时代的代名词,为经济的发展冲锋陷阵,并为英国工业革命 奠基了雄厚的资金、积累了丰富的经验、开拓了广大的市场。英国公司的发展是分阶段的,由规约公司过渡到合股公司并最后进入股份公司,其发展过程与商业经济的发展是相互推动、共同发展的。公司既支撑了商业时代又成就了工业时代,其发展过程是值得我们探究的。 关键词: 合股公司;股份公司;职能资本家;股票;股东大会中图分类号:K 561 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-9142(2007)增刊-0176-06 收稿日期228 作者简介苏蕾(8),女,河北邯郸人,首都师范大学历史系硕士研究生。 (北京 8) 一、公司发展的时代背景 人所皆知的英帝国,在15世纪之前还是一个 落后于欧洲大陆的农业国家。然而18世纪之初,它一跃成为世界强国的领头羊。农业上,完成了“圈地运动”,建立起大农场、大牧场,生产力突飞猛进;工业上,国家支柱产业———呢绒纺织已经形成“工厂制”规模,产品销往世界各地;商业上更是辉煌壮丽,强大的商队和广阔的殖民地,为经济的发展探寻出一套成熟的商业组织和经营模式。社会各界呈现出繁荣景象,英国成为了世界强国。累累的硕果必定需要漫长的道路去积淀,从落后到富强、由弱小到强大的过程发生在16、17世纪大约200年的时间里。 16、17世纪的英国社会是一个孕育现代社会的母体,是一个极具理论研究价值的典型。在传 统的观念中,现代社会的发展或“经济奇迹”的诞生似乎仅与工业革命存在密不可分的关系,以工业革命来划分社会发展的进程,称其前的社会为 “前工业社会”,称其后的社会为“工业社会”。这样的理论框架实际上忽略了16、17世纪英国社会发展的主要趋势,即在工业革命之前的英国社会并非就是一个一切趋于工业化的社会,而恰恰是一个趋于商业化的社会。在那个阶段,英国商业贸易的发展让人有更加深切的感受,国内外商业贸易蓬勃发展,社会的各个领域深受商业化的影响,商业贸易成为英国社会各界最关切的对象。这两个世纪的英国是靠商业的发展来推动整个国家发展的,就像马克思指出的那样“商业的霸权带来工业的优势”[1](p.831)。伊丽莎白时期的工业尚处于手工工场时期,并且很大部分分布在乡村,这就造成了分散的局面,大规模的手工工厂组织 6 :2007111:191-1000971


1英国金融体系:以英国财政部和英格兰银行为核心以零售型银行商人银行海外银行贴现行房屋互助协会保险公司投资信托公司和单位信托公司等 各类金融机构为主体,以英镑货币市场英国资本市场欧洲货币市场英国保险市场及伦敦外汇市场等各类金融市场为依托的多层次金融机构和多功能 金融市场并存的金融体系 金边债券:指由因格兰银行代表英国政府为筹集资金而发行的一种可转让性债券。 零售性银行:指从个人和小企业吸收数量大,金额小的存款,然后向相同群体发放贷款。 合理票据:由银行承兑的商业票据而又符合英格兰银行规定的若干标准,即票据是短期的,发行的目的不是为了筹集资本,承兑是合格的等。 杠杆租赁:是一种融资性节税租赁,出租人一般只需提供设备金额的部分投资就可获得其所有权享受全部设备的投资税收优惠 代理融通:是一种应收帐款的综合管理业务,指的是由商业银行代客户收取应收账款,并向客户提供资金融通的一种中间业务。 英国资本市场:是英国和外国政府出售公债,英国和外国工商企业筹集中长期资金的场所,是进行中长期借贷的金融市场 单位信托公司:将公司资本额分成票面价值较小的许多单位后再公开出售,由投资者按有关规定认购并且保证投资者可以像兑换其他有价证券一样 随时将手中所持有的单位兑换成现金。 认股权证:是授予持有人一项权利,在到期日前以行使价购买公司发行的新股 欧洲债券:是指以外在通货为单位,在本国外在通货市场进行买卖的债券 独立董事:指这些董事既不是交易所的雇员也不是交易所的会员或与交易所有合作关系的人员 2金融市场类型:交易对象,货币.资本.黄金.外汇|金融工具的约定期限,短期资本.长期资本|金融交易的功能,初级.次级|是否立即交割,现货.远期.期货. 1844年《银行特许法》颁布英格兰银行组织分为:货币稳定部,金融稳定部,金融服务局 中央银行有发行的银行,政府的银行,银行的银行三大职能零售性银行有:清算银行.英格兰银行银行部,国民划拨银行,信托储蓄银行等 作用股份制银行分为:决策系统,执行,监督,管理特别金融机构的组成:金融行,代理融通公司,风险资本公司。 贴现市场分为国库券市场,长期资金拆借市场,商业票据市场,短期金融工具这四大市场。 伦敦外汇市场:组织结构,市场主持人.外汇经纪人|交易方式,即期外汇交易.远期外汇.期权外汇.期货外汇|交易所涉地点,两点套汇.多点 私营养老金计划分为:自行管理的和交由保险公司管理的。 3银行同业市场的职能:1)银行同业市场能帮助银行平衡资金余缺2)银行同业市场为非银行机构提供了短期存款的场所3)银行同业市场为一些 中小银行提供了筹集资金的场所。 伦敦发展为欧洲货币市场的主要中心的原因:内1)伦敦早已是世界各国银行进行国际银行业务的一大中心2)伦敦是世界最大的国际债券市场之 一3)伦敦是主要的国际股票发行和交易中心4)伦敦拥有世界上最大的外汇市场5)西方国家逐步放松外汇管理制促进了欧洲货币市场的发展 欧洲货币市场的资金来源:1)商业银行.国际银团及大型工商企业是伦敦的欧洲货币市场的重要资金提供者2)石油输出国的大量油款曾一度是主 要来源之一3)大型跨国公司和国际银行出于业务需要将大量资金投放在欧洲货币市场4)有关国家政府和中央银行是其重要的资金来源5)派生存款使得其资金额增加 伦敦证劵交易所是如何推动经济发展的:1)加速资本的积累和集中2)为人们进行投资提供了场所3)向人们提供各种经济信息4)有效地促使公 司改善经营管理和扶植新兴产业的发展5)正确的引导投资方向有利于合理分配资金和提高了资金使用效益 金边债券市场的改革主要内容:1)取消固定的最低佣金规定2)该单一资格制度为双重资格制度3)要求金边债券市场的参与者必须成为伦敦证劵 交易所的会员4)金边债券市场的批发性交易从伦敦证劵交易所移出改为通过电话网络同主要客户进行直接交易5)实现金边债券市场的国际化 伦敦外汇市场的职能:1)继续发挥了外汇兑换汇付及调剂的传统作用2)防止外汇汇率风险促使金融市场稳定3)服务于其他金融市场4)形成外汇汇率体系发挥汇率对经济发展的调节作用 英国银行的特点:1)十分重视传统惯例,通过实践再进行总结,然后再形成法律条文2)通过贴现行来控制市场现金的松紧度和影响利率水平3)专业化银行制 清算银行的职能:接受存款|提供贷款和放款|经营消费信贷和租赁|经营票据和进行投资|信托投资业务|国际业务|证券交易业务|其他业务活动


英国历史概况 英国历史是一部征服与合并和的历史。英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成,而整个英国的历史也就是由这四个区域的历史交织组成。1535年威尔士成为英格兰王国的一部分,1707年苏格兰与英格兰正式合并为大不列颠王国,1800年大不列颠王国和爱尔兰合并成为大不列颠与爱尔兰联合王国,1922年爱尔兰共和国独立,爱尔兰北部仍留在联合王国内。 苏格兰历史简介 苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北。苏格兰的历史的正式记载是在古罗马人入侵不列颠之后的一些纪录。公元5世纪,爱尔兰北部的盖尔人(凯尔特人的一支)移居苏格兰,曾在阿盖尔郡和比特郡地区建立达尔里阿达王国。此后向东扩张到阿瑟尔森林和厄恩河谷,向北扩张到埃尔金地区。公元843年达尔里阿达国王麦卡尔平兼任皮克特王国的国王,建立阿尔巴王国,王号为肯尼思一世,一个相对独立完整的苏格兰王国逐渐成形。此后,苏格兰历经邓凯尔德王朝、坎莫尔王朝、巴里奥尔王朝、英格兰占领、布鲁斯王朝以及斯图亚特王朝统治,至1707年与英格兰王国合并成为联合王国。 威尔士历史简介 威尔士位于大不列颠岛西南部,英格兰以西。 距今约29,000年便有人类定居于威尔士。至古罗马人进入了大不列颠岛后,威尔士属于不列颠行省 公元5世纪,随着罗马人的撤离,盎格鲁撒克逊人大举入侵大不列颠,直至到11世纪,威尔士人在盎格鲁撒克逊人的高压统治与入侵中度过,而同时布灵顿人开始称自己威尔士人。公元8世纪,传说中的亚瑟王(King Arthur)领导布灵顿人抗击盎格鲁撒克逊统治。 公元9世纪和10世纪维京入侵使威尔士王国进一步统一,成为一个实体,但同时亦使威尔士落入英国皇室统治之下。 公元927年,威尔士国皇承认盎格鲁撒克逊国王阿瑟斯坦保护威尔士的主人。在随后的11世纪中,威廉一世充分利用了这种先例,在威尔士边境建立的强大而野心的封建领地制度。公元1282年,英格兰王爱德华一世征服最后一个威尔士北部和西部的威尔士公国 (Statute of Rhuddlan)公元1284年,威尔士正式被英格兰合并,爱德华一世以《罗德兰法令》 确立自己在该地区的统治。 公元1535年,《联合法案》完成英格兰和威尔士的统一,划分后者为13个郡,并规定英格兰法律通行全威尔士,英文为其官方语言。大部分威尔士人因此无法担任政府公职,但可以派代表参与英国国会。 北爱尔兰历史简介 北爱尔兰是英国的一个地区,位于爱尔兰岛东北部。公元前6600年前后,人类开始在爱尔兰岛定居。现在的爱尔兰人是古代凯尔特人的后裔,世代居住在爱尔兰岛上。公元5世纪的时候,随着罗马天主教的传入,爱尔兰人逐渐信仰了天主教,并形成了由修道院、传道士和王国组成的文化。公元8世纪末,爱尔兰岛上出现了统一的文明和法律,但政治上还没有出现统一的国家。 公元12世纪末,英王亨利二世利用爱尔兰的分裂局面,率军在爱尔兰岛登陆,征服都柏林和附近地区,建成“爱尔兰领地”,交由其四子约翰统治。但到1609年为止爱尔兰仍然是


英国殖民统治对印度传统社会的影响 摘要:将近200年的殖民统治对印度传统社会的影响是深远的,有力地冲击了印度传统的社会结构和价值观。与其它进入印度的民族不同,英国人对印度社会的触动并不局限于表层,而是深入到社会结构内部,其最终的目的是用西方文明改造印度文明。 关键词:英国;殖民统治;印度传统社会 在英国殖民入侵前,印度人民创造了丰富灿烂的文明,曾给印度历史的发展提供了强大的动力。但有些却成了印度历史前进的包袱,最典型的就是种姓制度。种姓制度一开始有其存在的必要性,后来却成为印度社会发展的最大阻碍。另外一个影响最深的是印度教,它给印度社会打I-了深深的宗教-烙印。然而当英国人的铁骑踏上印度这片土地时,它却有了很大的改变。笔者拟就这一问题进行探讨。 一、村社制度的瓦解 村社制度形成于后吠陀时代。是由部落社会的氏族公社变化而来的。村社是一种天然的经济共同体,其中耕地归村社所有,由村社分配给各个家庭使用,并视人口变动和生产状况定期重新分配,牧场、荒地、森林和水源由村社集体使用,而房屋、宅旁园地、农具和耕畜属于个体家庭私人所有。这样一来人们在生产过程中就不能脱离村社这一经济共同体。农民自然地也就被束缚在村社中。这一制度在一开始促进了印度农业的发展,有效地保证了印度社会内部的稳定。但是随着商品经济的发展,到莫卧儿时代后期,村社体制下的自给自足的自然经济阻碍了商品流通,使得整个社会的经济发展陷入停滞状态。英国人的到来首先打破了这种自然经济状态。 从1813年起,英国开始想把印度变为农业原料的供应地。但是英国人很快发现,在把印度变为原料产地方面遇到了一个很大的阻碍——印度自给自足的农业经济。为了解决这一问题,从19世纪30年代到70年代,英国开始在印度推行税制改革,改革的内容为:(1)降低税率。(2)延长修订地税的周期。(3)部分地区按土质好坏定税,税额定到每块土地。(4)再次明确规定纳税者可以自由支配其土地,包括抵押转卖。这些措施的中心是刺激地主、农民的生产积极性,促使他们能得到改善经营的好处,驱使他们扩大经济作物的种植面积。 这次改革的结果,果然如殖民者预期的那样,经济作物的种植面积扩大了,拿到市场上去卖的农产品显著增多了。印度的自给自足的农业经济体制以及在此基础上建立起来的村社制度逐渐瓦解,已经开始融入进了资本主义商品经济之中,走上了农业现代化道路。 二、等级制度的削弱


8%。 优财富资深女博士:揭秘英国脱欧后的投资策略 6月24日,英国脱欧公投在过山车式的行情中结束。英国与欧洲大陆的渐行渐远,历 史性地逆转了欧洲一体化的进程。 从建构共同主权到收回全部经济主权, 拥有老牌帝国、全 球第五大经济体、欧洲第二大经济体、联合国安理会常任理事国等诸多名号的英国, 脱离欧 盟,其冲击波非比寻常。 中天嘉华吳团战路提适部課总经理钟陈住子 英国公投脱离欧盟,全球市场大幅震荡。中天嘉华集团战略投资部副总经理钟陈佳子博 士对贸易、投资、人民币、金融市场等方面造成的期影响进行了分析。 英国脱欧事件回顾 1、在2016年6月24日英国宣布脱欧之后,英镑价骤降了

2、瑞士央行在2016年6月24日宣布其已经介入干预货币市场,削弱瑞士法郎,来 应对英国脱欧所带来的消极影响。瑞士央行在史上是极少做出类似的对外公告的。 3、英国脱欧公投之后,瑞士法郎遭遇上行压力。Sterli ng Natio nal Ba nk 宣布其已经介入外汇市场干预并会持续活跃在外汇市场。 4、随着人们避险情绪的升温,黄金价格在2016年6月24日上涨了 5%。 5、卡梅隆先生在早8点后宣布辞去首相一职。他认为英国应该在10月份的保守党大会召开之前看到新任首相到位。他将把启用《里斯本条约》第50条款的任务留给信任首相。如果现在启用第五十条款并开始推出谈判的话,卡梅隆承认将面对极大压力。 6、美国的卡特皮勒集团,世界上最大的工程机械和矿山设备生产厂家、燃气发动机和 工业用燃气轮机生产厂家之一,也是世界上最大的柴油机厂家之一。卡特皮勒集团在2016 年6月24日宣称英国是其欧洲经济供需链上不可或缺的一环,并呼吁所有政党应当达成一 致,从而迅速消除不确定性。 7、作为全球七大石油与天然气巨头之一的英国石油集团称,就现在来看,完全明白这 次公投结果所带来的具体影响还为时尚早,不过不确定性对包括石油在内的行业只有坏处没 有好处。 8、欧盟区金融股受到冲击的最大:按3个月移动平均值来看,欧盟区的银行股已经超 过了 5个标准差。 9、苏格兰民族党 Nicola Sturge on 在2016年6月24日宣称苏格兰民族党将会在英国正式脱欧之前开始立法、准备新一轮的公投。这意味着苏格兰的第二轮独立公投很有可能在未来两年内举行。同时,苏格兰议会必须完全并直接的参与到英国与布鲁塞尔的谈判当中。 10、法国、荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、奥地利、斯洛伐克的右翼和反移民政党要求进行脱欧


英国一地威尔士12日游 4钻(MU)(签证配套:英国) 出团日期: 4月6日、4月13日、4月27日、5月4日、5月11日、5月18日 6月1日、6月8日、6月15日 旅行配套: ★ 精选中国东方航空公司,往返直飞; ★ 特别安排柴郡奥克斯购物村,伦敦全天自由活动,满足您隐忍一路的购物欲望; ★ WIFI畅享:特别提供高速WIFI设备,4人一台,畅游欧陆直播朋友圈; ★品味地道英式下午茶,威尔士升级一顿三道式西餐; ★伦敦安排两晚市区酒店连住,避免进出城堵车,高效运用旅途时间; 历史人文: ★ 世界遗产之旅:旁特斯沃泰水道桥、爱丁堡老城区,伦敦塔(外观),西敏寺(外观),圣玛格丽特大教堂(外观),温德米尔湖区; ★查斯沃斯庄园:影片《浪漫与偏见》的取景地,近距离接触贵族生活,; ★三城堡: 康威城堡—威尔士地区的杰作,中世纪军事建筑的典范; 爱丁堡城堡——苏格兰地区的精神象征,苏格兰必打卡景点; 温莎城堡——位于英格兰,皇室婚礼首选,女王最爱度假地; ★双学府:剑桥、牛津,感受深厚历史人文气息; ★双博物馆:大英博物馆--站在历史开始的地方,丰富馆藏令人大开眼界; 国家足球博物馆--足球历史文化加文创周边集齐一处的球迷圣殿; 自然风情: ★英国湖区国家自然公园—乘坐德米尔湖游船,触摸“英格兰最美的大自然景致之一”; ★搭乘复古蒸汽小火车,慢速品位乡村风情,看牛羊成群的乡村生活; ★精选四座风情各异的英式小镇:

兰迪诺德—皇室度假地中的皇后;切斯特—悠久历史的古城墙充满韵味; 贝克韦尔—英国峰区国家公园的经典代表;水上伯顿—英式乡村生活的明信片。

我公司保留因领馆、航空公司、欧洲展会、天气、交通状况等原因,调整行程以及航班的权利 服务内容: 1. 英国旅游签证(ADS)随团进出,不允许擅自离团; 2. 国际往返机票,含税;


英国历史上的重大事件简介 公元1840年 ·6月,英国对中国发动鸦片战争 ·英国在世界上首次发行邮票——“黑便士”实行邮资制 ·英国J.P.焦耳发现电热当量,并测试了热功当量,为能量守恒和转换定律作出贡献 公元1840~1842年 ·英国宪章运动第二阶段 公元1841年 ·英国W.菲利肯斯提出第一个地层系统表 公元1842年 ·中英签订《南京条约》 ·英国J.B.劳斯建成第一个过磷酸钙厂生产氮肥 公元1843年 ·10月,中英签订《虎门条约》 ·英国A.拜恩发明了可以传送文字和图形的自动化记录电报装置

公元1845年 ·英国R.W.汤姆森获充气轮胎专利。数十年后用于自行车和汽车车胎 公元1846年 ·英国议会废除谷物法,标志着英国自由贸易政策的确立,两年后废除航海条例,自由贸易替代了保护贸易 公元1848年 ·英国开尔文提出热力学温标和绝对零度是温度的下限 公元1849~1851年 ·英国考古学家A.H.莱亚德在伊拉克摩苏尔发掘古代新亚述帝国都城尼尼微遗址时,发现大批艺术珍品和新 亚述国王“阿苏尔巴尼帕图书馆”中的大量楔形文字,轰动欧洲 公元1850年 英国伦敦用漂白粉消毒饮用水 ·英国E.福布斯编成第一幅海产生物分布图 公元1851年 ·英国建成水晶宫,为现代建筑先驱工程之一

·首届世界博览会在英国伦敦举行 公元1852年 英国社会学家、哲学家H.斯宾塞的论文《进化的假说》发表,首次提出社会进化论思想 公元1853年 ·英国同俄国的克里木战争发生 ·英国W.汤姆森给出电路振荡方程,并导出振荡频率,为电振荡理论的开端 公元1854年 ·英国J.斯诺调查伦敦霍乱大流行,证明霍乱与水源卫生的关系,促进城市公共卫生运动 ·英国F.南丁格尔率护士赴克里木战场,返英后于1860年创办世界第一所护校 公元1856年 ·英国H.贝塞麦发明转炉炼钢 公元1856~1864年 ·英国K.W.西门子和法国P.E.马丁发明平炉炼钢 公元1857年


英国-不同国家和地区的商业习惯 英国 全称是“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国”简称联合王国,简称英国。 英国是欧洲西部的群岛国家,面积25。4万平方公里,人口5650万,其中英格兰人占83%。主要宗教是新教和罗马天主教。现英国政府实行君主立宪,责任内阁制。国会分上、下两院。下院议员由人民选举,任期5年。上院由世袭或加封之贵族、教士或社会贤达组成。此外,内阁掌握政权,阁员由首相提名,经由国王同意任命。此外,首相为下议院多数党领袖,有权解散、改选下议院。王位继承,无子时由长女继任。现任国王为伊丽沙白二世。 英国的国民特性与其文化背景密切相关。英国的经济发展较早,在大部分外国人的眼里,英国人"自命清高"和"难于接近"。但是,事实上,也并非完全如此,他们之间善于互相理解,能体谅别人。无论办什么事情,总是尽可能不留坏印象,绅士风度,处处可见。他们懂得如何造就一个协调的环境,让大家和谐而愉快地生活。职业感强烈,是英国人的另一大特性。选择了一种职业,就一定要让自己的业务精益求精。商务交往中,他们重交情,不刻意追求物质,不掂斤拨两,一副大家的作风。对商务谈判,他们往往不做充分的准备,细节之处不加注意,显得有些松松垮垮。但英国商人很和善、友好,易于相处。因此,遇到问题也易于解决。他们好交际,善应变,有很好的灵活性,对建设性的意见反映积极。在英国,"外表决定一切",与英国人交往要尽量避免感情外露。受到款待一定要致谢,事后致函表示谢意,更能引起注意,赠送小礼品能增加友谊。在英国经商,必须属守信用,答应过的事情,必须全力以赴,不折不扣地完成。 英国的礼俗丰富多彩,彼此第一次认识时,一般都以握手为礼,不像东欧人那样常常拥抱。随便拍打客人被认为是非礼的行为,即使在公务完结之后也如此。英国人有些禁忌须注意,如他们从不从梯子下走过,在屋里不撑伞,从不把鞋子放在桌子上,和人像做装潢等。他们注意服装,

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