当前位置:文档之家› 工程管理专业英语第五章翻译



Chapter 5

Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects


5.1 Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects



第一句:The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on World Bank-financed projects(世界银行资助项目).


第二句:The method selected depends on a number of factors including [(the type of goods or services being procured), (the value of the goods or services being procured), (the potential interest of foreign bidders)and (even the cost of the procurement process itself)].


第三句:The overall objective of the guidelines(指南)how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services as economically as possible (尽可能经济).


第四句:In the World Bank’s experience, this objective is best achieved through transparent(透明的), formal competitive bidding(竞标).


第五句:For the procurement of equipment and civil works, International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the procurement method the World Bank encourages its borrowers to use in the majority of cases(大多数情况下).


第六句:Under ICB, cost is the primary factor(主要因素)in determining a winning bid(中标).


第七句:Other methods for procuring goods and civil works include(Limited International Bidding, National Competitive Bidding, International Shopping, and Direct Contracting).

Limited International Bidding:有限国际招标

National Competitive Bidding:国内竞争性招标

International Shopping:国际询价采购

Direct Contracting:直接采购


第八句:This section outlines(n.大纲;v.陈述)thebidding process of International Competitive Bidding.



The objective of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is to provide (all eligible(合格的)prospective(潜在的、预期的)bidders with timely(及时的)and adequate(丰富的)

notification of a Borrower’s requirements)and (an equal opportunity to bid for(对……进行投标)the required goods and works).


Notification 通知


第一句:Timely notification of bidding opportunities is essential(重要的)in competitive bidding.


第二句:For projects which include procurement on the basis of ICB, the Borrower is required to prepare and submit(提交)to the Band a draft(草稿)General Procurement Notice.


第三句:The Bank will arrange for its publication(刊登,印刷)in Development Business(UNDB). 银行将安排把公告刊登在联合国发展商业报上。

第四句:The notice shall contain information concerning the Borrower (or prospective Borrower), amount and purpose of the loan, scope of procurement under ICB, and the name and address of the Borrower’s agency responsible for procurement and the address of the website where specific procurement notices will be posted.


第五句:If known, the scheduled date(预定日期)for availability(可得到的)of prequalification(资格预审文件)or bidding documents should be indicated(指明的).


第六句:The Borrower shall maintain(维持) a list of responses to the notice.


第七句:The related prequalification or bidding documents, as the case may be(视情况而定), shall not be released(释放、开放)to(发布)the public earlier than eight weeks after the date of publication of the notice.


第八句:The General Procurement Notice shall be updated(更新)annually(每年)for all outstanding(列出的)procurement.


Prequalification of Bidders 投标人预审资格


第一句:Prequalification is usually necessary 【for (large or complex(复杂的)works), or (in any other circumstances(情况、环境)in which the high costs of preparing detailed bids could discourage(不鼓励、妨碍)competition), (such as custom-designed equipment, industrial plant, specialized services, some complex information and technology and contracts to be let under turnkey(交钥匙), design and build, or management contracting)】.


第二句:This also ensures that invitations(邀请)to bid are extended(扩充,扩大,扩展;发挥(力量);延续)only to those who have adequate capabilities and resources. 这也保证了招标邀请只发给那些有足够能力和资源的厂商。

第三句:Prequalification may also be useful to determine eligibility(1有参加比赛的资格 2合格)for preference(优先权;特惠;(债权人)受优先偿还的权利;选择机会)for domestic(国内的,本国的,对内的)contractors(对国内承包商优惠)where this is allowed.


第四句:Prequalification shall be based entirely(完全的) upon the capability and resources of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract satisfactorily(令人满意的), taking into account(考虑)their (a) experience and past performance on similar contracts, (b) capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment, and construction or manufacturing facilities, and (c) financial position(处境,情况;状态,形势,局面).

资格预审应完全以预期的投标人令人满意地履行具体合同的能力和资源为基础,应考虑它们的:(a) 经历和过去履行类似合同的情况;(b) 人员、设备、施工或制造设施方面的能力;及(c) 财务状况。


第一句:Borrowers shall inform(告诉,报告,通知)all applicants(申请者)of the results of prequalification.


第二句:As soon as prequalification is completed, the bidding documents shall be made available(1有用的,可利用的2可以得到的,可以买到的3有效的4有当选希望的;愿意参加竞选的)to the qualified prospective bidders.


第三句:For prequalification for groups of contracts to be awarded(授予)over a period of time, a limit(限额)for the number or total value(总金额)of awards to any one bidder may be made on the basis of the bidder’s resources.


第四句:The list of prequalified firms in such instances(情况)shall be updated periodically (定期地).


第五句 Verification (证实,证明,确定;核验,验证,核对;检验,校验)of the information provided in the submission(提交;呈递)for prequalification )shall be confirmed(使有效,确认,批准,认可)(at the time of award of contract), and award may be denied(否定)to【 a bidder that is judged to (no longer have the capability or resources to successfully perform the contract)】. 资格预审时对所提供信息的核实应在授予合同时加以确认,并且,如判定某一投标人不再具有圆满履行合同的能力或资源,可拒绝对其授予合同。

Preparation of the Bidding Documents


第一句:The bidding documents shall furnish(供给,供应,提供)all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the goods and works to be provided.


第二句:While the detail and complexity of these documents may vary with(照...变化,跟着...

变化)the size and nature of the proposed(申请;提议,建议,提出)bid package(包,包裹,捆,束,组)and contract, they generally include: invitation to bid; instructions to bidders; form of bid; form of contract; conditions of contract, both general and special; specifications(技术规格)and drawings; relevant technical data(相关技术数据)(including of geological(地质学的,地质的)and environmental nature(环境性质)); list of goods or bill of quantities(BOQ,工程量清单); delivery time or schedule of completion; and necessary appendices(附件), such as formats(格式)for various securities(保证金).


第三句:The basis for bid evaluation(评标)and selection(挑选)of the lowest evaluated bid (最低评标价)shall be clearly outlined(概述)in the instructions(须知,说明)to bidders and/or the specifications(技术规格).


第四句:If a fee is charged for the bidding documents, it (shall be reasonable(合理的)and reflect only the cost of their printing and delivery(印刷和递交)to prospective bidders,)and (shall not be so high as to discourage(不鼓励,影响…积极性)qualified bidders).



第一句:The Bidding documents [shall be so worded(用话表达,措辞,说)as to permit and encourage international competition] and [shall set forth(公开;发行;公布2陈述;宣布;说明)clearly and precisely the work to be carried out, the location of the work, the goods to be supplied, the place of delivery or installation, the schedule for delivery or completion, minimum performance requirements, and the warranty(保证; 保单; 根据) and maintenance requirements, as well as any other pertinent(所论的,所指的;相干的;和...有关系的,关于...的) terms and conditions.]


第二句:In addition, the bidding documents, where appropriate, shall define the tests, standards, and methods that will be employed to judge the conformity(整合; 符合; 一致) of equipment as delivered, or works as performed, with the specifications.


第三句:Drawings shall be consistent with the text of the specifications, and an order of precedence(优先,优越;优先权 ) between the two shall be specified.



第一句:The bidding documents shall specify any factors, in addition to price, which will be taken into account(考虑) in evaluating bids, and how such factors will be quantified(量化) or otherwise evaluated.



第二句:If bids based on alternative designs, materials, completion schedules, payment terms, etc., are permitted, conditions for their acceptability and the method of their evaluation shall be expressly(adv.1明白地,清楚地 2特别地,特意地,专门地)stated.


第三句:Any additional information, clarification, correction of errors, or modifications of bidding documents shall be sent to each recipient(接受者;感受者;容纳者;容器) of the original bidding documents in sufficient time before the deadline(截止时间 ) for receipt(收条,收据;字据2接,接受3收入,收益,收购量) of bids to enable bidders to take appropriate(适当的,恰当的,合适的) actions.


第四句:If necessary, the deadline shall be extended(延期).


第五句:The Bank shall receive a copy (in hard copy format(书面)or sent electronically(电子文件)) and be consulted for issuing(论点;争论问题;商讨;【法】争点,争端)a“no objection” (when the contract is subject to prior review.)



Specific Procurement Notices(具体采购通知)(invitation to Bid)

第一句:The international community(国际协会)shall also be notified in a timely manner of the opportunities to bid for specific contracts.


第二句:To that end, invitations to pre-qualify or to bid, as the case may be, shall be advertised as Specific Procurement Notices in at least one newspaper of national circulation(全国流通)in the borrower’s country(and in the official gazett e, if any).


第三句:Such invitations shall also be transmitted to those who have expressed interest in bidding in response to(应...而,答...而

)the General Procurement Notice.


第四句:Publication of the invitations in the Development Business is also encouraged.


第五句:Borrowers are also strongly encouraged to transmit such invitations to (embassies(大使馆)and trade representatives(贸易代表)of countries of likely suppliers and contractors.)借款人还强烈鼓励给可能的供应商和承包商国家的大使馆和贸易代表等发送邀请。

第六句:Additionally, for large, specialized or important contracts, Borrowers shall advertise the invitations in (Development Business and/or well-known technical magazines, newspapers and trade publications of wide international circulation).


第七句:Notification shall be given in sufficient time to (enable prospective bidders to obtain prequalification or bidding documents)and (prepare and submit their responses.)



第一句:Borrowers shall provide reasonable(合理的)access to project sites for visits by prospective bidders.


第二句:For works or complex supply contracts, (particularly for those requiring refurbishing (再刷新;整修;翻新)existing works or equipment,)a pre-bid conference may be arranged whereby potential bidders may meet with Borrower representatives to seek clarifications(澄清)(in person or online).


第三句:Minutes of the conference(会议纪要)shall be provided to all prospective bidders with a copy to the Bank (in hard copy or sent electronically).

标前会的纪要应送给所有潜在的投标人,并抄送世行一份(使用书面文件或电子文件的方式)。第四句:The deadline and place for receipt of bids shall be specified in the invitation to bid.


Time for Preparation of Bids


第一句:The time allowed for the preparation and submission of bids shall be determined with due consideration (适当考虑)of the particular circumstances of the project and the magnitude (广大,巨大;伟大,重大,重要性;大小;积;量)and complexity of the contract.


第二句:Generally, not less than six weeks from the date of the invitation to bid or the date of availability(有效,有益,可利用,可得到)of bidding documents, (whichever is later), shall be allowed for ICB.


第三句:Where large works or complex items of equipment are involved, this period shall generally be not less than twelve weeks to| enable prospective bidders to conduct investigations before submitting their bids.


第四句:In such cases, the Borrower is encouraged to convene(召开会议)pre-bid conferences and arrange site visits.


第五句:Bidders shall be permitted to submit bids by mail or by hand.


Bid Opening Procedures 开标程序


第一句:The time for the bid opening shall be the same as for the deadline for receipt of bids or promptly(马上、尽快)thereafter(紧随其后), and shall be announced(公布), together

with the place for bid opening, in the invitation to bid.

开标时间应与接收投标书的截止时间相同或紧随其后,并在投标邀请中与开标地点一起公布。第二句:The Borrower shall open all bids at the stipulated(约定,订定;规定,订明)time and place.


第三句:Bids shall be opened in public; bidders or their representatives shall be allowed to be present.


第四句:{【The name of the bidder】and 【total amount of (each bid), and (of any alternative bids if they have been requested or permitted, )】shall be read aloud and recorded when opened }and {a copy of this record shall be promptly sent to the Bank}.


第五句:【Bids received after the time stipulated(约定,订定;规定,订明),】as well as 【those not opened and read out at bid opening】, shall not be considered.


第十三段:Evaluation of Bids

第一句:The Borrower shall examine the bids to ascertain whether the bids (a) meet the eligibility(合格的)requirements specified in the Guidelines, (b) have been properly signed, (c) are accompanied(伴随,附着)by the required securities (d) are substantially(实体上,本质上,实质上;大体上)responsive to the bidding documents, and (v) are otherwise generally in order(合规则;情况正常;健康).


第二句:If a bid is not substantially responsive, that is, it contains material deviations from(偏离)or reservations to(保留)the terms, conditions and specifications in the bidding documents, it shall not be considered further.


第三句:The bidder shall not be permitted to correct or withdraw(纠正或撤回)material deviations or reservations (once bids have been opened.)



第一句:The next step is to apply the evaluation criteria(评价标准) specified in the bidding documents and adjust(调整)each bid as appropriate(适当)using the evaluation criteria.下一步是申请在招标文件中规定的评价标准,并调整每个出价适当使用的评价标准。

第二句:Only the criteria specified in the bid document can be applied.


第三句:No new criteria must be introduced at evaluation, and the specified criteria(指定的)must be applied wherever appropriate.


第四句:Specified criteria cannot be waived(放弃(权利,要求等),丢弃(赃物等),撤回;停止,不继续(坚持等) )during evaluation.



The Borrower shall prepare[ a detailed report on the evaluation and comparison of bids] setting forth(陈述;宣布;说明)the specific reasons [on which the recommendation(推荐,介绍;介绍信-建议)is based for the award of the contract(签订合同-受标)].

借款人应准备一份详细的评标(比标)报告,其中应说明作为授标建议依据的具体理由。Post qualification of Bidders对投标人的资格后审


第一句:If bidders have not been prequalified, the Borrower shall determine [whether the bidder (whose bid has been determined to offer the lowest evaluated cost) has the capability and resources to effectively carry out the contract (as offered in the bid).]


第二句: (The criteria to be met) shall be set out in the bidding documents, and if the bidder does not meet them, the bid shall be rejected.


第三句:In such an event, the Borrower shall make a similar determination for the next-lowest evaluated bidder.


Award of Contract or Rejection of all Bids



第一句:validity of bids), to the bidder (who meets the appropriate standards of capability and resources) and (whose bid has been determined (i) to substantially responsive to the bidding documents and (ii) to offer the lowest evaluated cost.)


第二句: A bidder shall not be required, (as a condition of award), (to undertake responsibilities for work not stipulated in the bidding documents) or otherwise (to modify the bid as originally submitted).



第一句:Bidding documents usually provide that Borrowers may reject all bids.


第二句:Rejection of all bids is justified(证明...有道理) (when there is lack of effective competition, or bids are not substantially responsive).


第三句:If all bids are rejected, the Borrower shall (review the causes justifying the rejection )and (consider making revisions(修订; 修正; 修改)to the conditions of contract, design and specifications, scope of the contract, or a combination of these), before inviting new bids.


第四句:All bids shall not be rejected and new bids invited on (the same bidding and contract documents)solely(完全; 单独; 独自)for the purpose of obtaining lower prices.


第五句:The Bank’s prior approval shall be obtained before 【(rejecting all bids), (soliciting (征求; 请求; 恳求)new bids), or (entering into negotiations(谈判)with the lowest evaluated bidder)】.



Lesson 1 力学的基本概念 1、词汇: statics [st?tiks] 静力学;dynamics动力学;constraint约束;magnetic [m?ɡ'netik]有磁性的;external [eks't?:nl] 外面的, 外部的;meshing啮合;follower从动件;magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] 大小;intensity强度,应力;non-coincident [k?u'insid?nt]不重合;parallel ['p?r?lel]平行;intuitive 直观的;substance物质;proportional [pr?'p?:??n?l]比例的;resist抵抗,对抗;celestial [si'lestj?l]天空的;product乘积;particle质点;elastic [i'l?stik]弹性;deformed变形的;strain拉力;uniform全都相同的;velocity[vi'l?siti]速度;scalar['skeil?]标量;vector['vekt?]矢量;displacement代替;momentum [m?u'ment?m]动量; 2、词组 make up of由……组成;if not要不,不然;even through即使,纵然; Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果 1、词汇: machine 机器;mechanism机构;movable活动的;given 规定的,给定的,已知的;perform执行;application 施用;produce引起,导致;stress压力;applied施加的;individual单独的;muscular ['m?skjul?]]力臂;gravity[ɡr?vti]重力;stretch伸展,拉紧,延伸;tensile[tensail]拉力;tension张力,拉力;squeeze挤;compressive 有压力的,压缩的;torsional扭转的;torque转矩;twist扭,转动;molecule [m likju:l]分子的;slide滑动; 滑行;slip滑,溜;one another 互相;shear剪切;independently独立地,自立地;beam梁;compress压;revolve (使)旋转;exert [iɡ'z?:t]用力,尽力,运用,发挥,施加;principle原则, 原理,准则,规范;spin使…旋转;screw螺丝钉;thread螺纹; 2、词组 a number of 许多;deal with 涉及,处理;result from由什么引起;prevent from阻止,防止;tends to 朝某个方向;in combination结合;fly apart飞散; 3、译文: 任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。这些零件从规定的运动转变到期望的运动。另一方面,这些机器完成工作。当由施力引起的运动时,机器就开始工作了。所以,力和机器的研究涉及在一个物体上的力和力的作用效果。 力是推力或者拉力。力的作用效果要么是改变物体的形状或者运动,要么阻止其他的力发生改变。每一种


第一课 土木工程学土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。他们建造供水和废水处理厂,设计空气净化器和其他设备以最小化甚至消除由工业加工、焚化及其他产烟生产活动引起的空气污染。他们也采用建造特殊倾倒地点或使用有毒有害物中和剂的措施来控制有毒有害废弃物。此外,工程师还对垃圾掩埋进行设计和管理以预防其对周围环境造成污染。

机械工程专业英语翻译 华中科技大学版 李光布

1.机械设计过程 机械设计的最终目标是生产一种满足客户需求的有用产品,而且这种产品安全,高效,可靠,经济,实用。当回答这个问题时,广泛地思考,我将要设计的产品或系统的客户是谁? 在产品设计之前,了解所有客户的期望和期望是至关重要的。营销专业人员经常被用来管理客户期望的定义,但是设计师可能会把他们作为产品开发团队的一部分。 许多方法被用来确定客户想要什么。一种被称为质量功能部署或QFD的流行方法寻求(1)识别客户期望的所有特征和性能因素,以及(2)评估这些因素的相对重要性。QFD过程的结果是产品的一组详细功能和设计要求。 考虑设计过程如何配合为客户提供令人满意的产品所必须发生的所有功能以及在产品的整个生命周期中为产品提供服务也很重要。事实上,重要的是考虑产品在使用寿命后如何处置。影响产品的所有这些功能的总和有时被称为产品实现过程或PRP。PRP中包含的一些因素如下: ?营销功能来评估客户的要求 ?研究确定可在产品中合理使用的可用技术 ?可以包含在产品中的材料和组件的可用性 ?产品设计和开发 ?性能测试 ?设计文件 ?供应商关系和采购职能 ?考虑全球材料采购和全球营销 参加工作的技能 ?物理工厂和设施可用

?制造系统的能力 生产计划和生产系统的控制 ?生产支持系统和人员 ?质量体系要求 ?销售操作和时间表 ?成本目标和其他竞争性问题 ?客户服务要求 ?产品在生产,操作和处置过程中的环境问题 ?法律要求 ?金融资本的可用性 你可以添加到这个列表吗?您应该能够看到,产品的设计只是综合过程的一部分。在本文中,我们将更加注意设计过程本身,但必须始终考虑设计的可生产性。产品设计和制造过程设计的同时考虑通常被称为并行工程。 2.机械设计所需的技能 产品工程师和机械设计师在日常工作中使用广泛的技能和知识。这些技能和知识包含在以下内容中: ?素描,技术制图和计算机辅助设计 ?材料的性质?材料加工*和制造过程 ?化学的应用,如腐蚀防护,电镀和喷漆 静力学动力学材料的强度,运动学和机制 流体力学,热力学和传热 ?流体动力,电气现象的基本原理和工业控制


第一课土木工程学 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。


a common way to construct steel truss and prestressed concrete cantilever spans is to counterbalance each cantilever arm with another cantilever arm projecting the opposite direction,forming a balanced cantilever. they attach to a solid foundation ,the counterbalancing arms are called anchor arms /thus,in a bridge built on two foundation piers,there are four cantilever arms ,two which span the obstacle,and two anchor arms which extend away from the obstacle,because of the need for more strength at the balanced cantilever's supports ,the bridge superstructure often takes the form of towers above the foundation piers .the commodore barry bridge is an example of this type of cantilever bridge 一种常见的方法构造钢桁架和预应力混凝土悬臂跨度是每一个悬臂抗衡预测相反的方向臂悬臂,形成一个平衡的悬臂。他们重视了坚实的基础,制约武器被称为锚武器/因此,在两个基础上建一座桥桥墩,有四个悬臂式武器,这两者之间跨越的障碍,和两个锚武器哪个延长距离的障碍,因为为更多的在平衡悬臂的支持力量的需要,桥梁上部结构往往表现为塔墩基础之上形成的准将巴里大桥是这种类型的例子悬臂桥 steel truss cantilever support loads by tension of the upper members and compression of the lower ones .commonly ,the structure distributes teh tension via teh anchor arms to the outermost supports ,while the compression is carried to the foundation beneath teh central towers .many truss cantilever bridges use pinned joints and are therefore statically determinate with no members carrying mixed loads 钢桁架悬臂由上层成员和下层的紧张压缩支持负载。通常,结构分布通过锚武器的最外层的支持紧张,而压缩抬到下方的中央塔的基础。桁架悬臂许多桥梁使用固定的关节,是静定,没有携带混合负载的成员,因此 prestressed concrete balanced cantilever bridges are often built using segmental construction .some steel arch bridges are built using pure cantilever spans from each sides,with neither falsework below nor temporary supporting towers and cables above ,these are then joined with a pin,usually after forcing the union point apart ,and when jacks are removed and the bridge decking is added the bridge becomes a truss arch bridge .such unsupported construction is only possible where appropriate rock is available to support the tension in teh upper chord of the span during construction ,usually limiting this method to the spanning of narrow canyons 预应力混凝土平衡悬臂桥梁往往建立使用段施工。一些钢拱桥是使用各方面的纯悬臂跨度既无假工作下面也临时支撑塔和电缆上面,这些都是再加入了一根针,通常在迫使工会点外,当插孔删除,并添加桥梁甲板桥成为桁架拱桥,这种不支持的建设,才可能在适当情况下的岩石可用于支持在施工期间的跨度弦上的张力,通常限制这狭隘的峡谷跨越方法 an arch bridge is a bridge with abutments at each end shaped as a curved arch .arch bridges work by transferring the weight of the bridge and its loads partially into a horizontal thrust restrained by the abutments at either side .a viaduct may be made from a series of arches ,although other more economical structures are typically used today 在拱桥桥台的桥梁,是一个在一个弧形拱状,每年年底。拱桥通过转移到由部分在两边的桥台水平推


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


土木工程专业英语课文原 文及对照翻译 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Civil Engineering Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities. 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities. 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 Scope. Because it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement—water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and


(1)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including Canada and the United States, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction. (1)混凝土和钢筋混凝土在每个国家都被用作建筑材料。在许多国家,包括加拿大和美国,钢筋混凝土是一种主要的工程结构材料。 (2)The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction. (2) 钢筋混凝土建筑的广泛存在是由于钢筋和制造混凝土的材料,包括石子,沙,水泥等,可以通过多种途径方便的得到,同时兴建混凝土建筑时所需要的技术也相对简单。 (3)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, building of all sorts, underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships. (3)混凝土和钢筋混凝土被应用于桥梁,各种形式的建筑,地下结构,蓄水池,电视塔,海上石油平台,以及工业建筑,大坝,甚至船舶等。 (4)Reinforce concrete structures consist of a series of individual members that interact to support the loads placed on the structure. The floor of concrete buildings is often built of concrete joist-slab construction. (4)钢筋混凝土结构由一系列单独构件组成,这些构件通过相互作用共同抵抗施加在结构上的荷载。混凝土建筑的楼层通常采用肋梁楼盖的形式。 (5)A series of parallel ribs or joists support the load from the top slab. The reactions supporting the joists apply load to the beams, which in turn are supported by the columns. (5)一系列的平行梁肋或次梁抵抗其上楼板传来的荷载,次梁的反力作为荷载施加在主粱上,主粱则支承在柱上。 (6)The slab transfers load laterally to the joists, and serves as the top flange of the joists, which act as T-shaped beams that transmit the load to the beams running at right angles to the joists. (6)楼板将荷载垂直传递给次梁,并且作为上翼缘和次梁一起形成T形截面梁,将荷载传递给与次梁正交的主粱。 (7)Some floors of have a slab-and-beam design in which the slab spans between beams, which in turn apply loads to the columns. (7)一些楼层被设计成梁板结构,即楼板直接支承在相邻的主粱上,主粱再将荷载传递到柱上。 (8)Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. As a result, cracks develop whenever loads, or restrained shrinkage or temperature changes, give rise to tensile stresses in excess of the tensile strength of the concrete. (8)混凝土的抗压能力很强但抗拉能力很弱。因此,当荷载、受约束的收缩或温度变化所引起的拉应力超过其抗拉强度时,混凝土中的裂缝就会开展。 (9)The construction of a reinforced concrete member involves building a form or mould in the shape of the member being built. The form must be strong enough to support the weight and hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete. (9)钢筋混凝土构件的制作需要一个与构件形状相同的模子,其必须具有足够的强度以抵抗湿混凝土的重量和流动压力。 (10)The reinforcement is placed in this form and held in place during the concreting


non-destructive test 非破损检验 non-load—bearingwall 非承重墙 non—uniform cross—section beam 变截面粱 non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement 纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数 normal concrete 普通混凝土 normal section 正截面 notch and tooth joint 齿连接 number of sampling 抽样数量 O obligue section 斜截面 oblique—angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝 one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab “单向板” open web roof truss 空腹屋架, ordinary concrete 普通混凝土(28) ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋(29) orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝(61) outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度(57) outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度(57) over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·钢梁整体稳定系数(58) overlap 焊瘤(62) overturning or slip resistance analysis 抗倾覆、滑移验算(10) P padding plate 垫板(52) partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝(61) partition 非承重墙(7) penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝(60) percentage of reinforcement 配筋率(34) perforated brick 多孔砖(43) pilastered wall 带壁柱墙(42) pit·凹坑(62) pith 髓心(?o) plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构(24) plane hypothesis 平截面假定(32) plane structure 平面结构(11) plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架(5) plank 板材(65) plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section 截面塑性发展系数(58) plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计(56) plastic hinge·塑性铰(13) plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone 受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数


1.我们可以把钢再次加热到临界温度以下的某一温度,然后在慢慢让其冷却。We can heat the steel again to a temperature below the critical temperature, then cool it slowly. 2.无论任何简单的机床,都是由单一元件即通称为机械零件或部件组成的。However simple, any machine is a combination of individual components generally referred to as machine elements or parts. 3.这些金属不都是好的导体。 All these metals are not good conductors. 4. 在做带电实验的时候,再怎么小心都不为过。 You can't be too careful in performing an experiment. 5.利用发电机可以把机械能转变成电能。 The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo. 6.假定电源输入的电压保持不变。 Assume that the voltage input of the power supply remains the same. 7.化石燃料是发电过程中最为频繁使用的能源。 Fossil fuels are most frequently used source daring the power generation process. 8单个机械零件的可靠性成为评估整台机器使用寿命的基本因素。 The individual reliability of machine elements becomes the basis for estimating the overall life 9.说我们生活在一个电子时代,这一点都不夸张。 It's no exaggeration to say that we live in an electronic age. 10.发动机的转速不应超过最大允许值。 Engine revolution should not exceed the maximum permissible. 11.如能从大型核电站获得成本极低的电力,电解氢的竞争能力就会增强。(Electrolytic hydrogen)。 If extremely low-cost power were ever to become available from large nuclear power plants, electrolytic hydrogen would become competitive. 12.电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。 A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics. 13.远距离输电需要高压,安全用电需要低压。 High voltage is necessary for long transmission line while low voltage for safe use. 14.铝的电阻大约是同等尺寸的铜的1.5倍。 The resistance of aluminum is approximately half again as great as that of copper for the same dimensions = size 15.In fact,it is impossible for no force to be exerted on a body,since in this world everything is subject to the for ce of gravity. 事实上,物体不受外力作用是不可能的,因为在这个世界上任何物体都要受到重力的作用。 16.In a thermal power plant,all the chemical energy is not


Take the road of sustainable development civil engineering Abstract: Civil Engineering is the oldest in human history "technical science" as a system of industrial activity, the essence of civil engineering production process, is a technical process Civil engineering is the construction of various facilities in science and technology, collectively, both refer to the construction of the object, that is built on the ground, underground, water facilities, a variety of projects, but also refers to the application of materials, equipment and carried out survey and design , construction, maintenance, repair and other technology. As an important basis for discipline, civil engineering has its important attributes: a comprehensive, social, practical, technical and economic and artistic unity. With the progress of human society and development, civil engineering has already evolved into large-scale comprehensive subject, and has many branches, such as: construction, railroad engineering, road engineering, bridge engineering, specialty engineering structures, water supply and drainage projects, port engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering and other disciplines. There are six professional civil engineering: architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, built environment and equipment engineering, water supply and drainage works and road and bridge projects. Civil engineering is a form of human activity. Human beings pursued it to change the natural environment for their own benefit. Buildings, transportations, facilities, infrastructures are all included in civil engineering. The development of civil engineering has a long history. Our seniors had left a lot of great constructions to us. For example, Zhao Zhou Bridge is the representative of our Chinese civil engineering masterpieces. It has a history of more than 1300 years and is still service at present. Civil engineering has been so rapid development of the period. A lot of new bridges have been constructed, and many greater plans are under discussion. China is a large county. And she is still well developing. However, civil engineers will be facing more complex problems. We should pay attention to the growing population and a lot of deteriorating infrastructures. We should prepare for the possibility of natural disasters. To meet grow needs in the

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