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A Comparative Study on the Sense of Red in

English and Chinese


Colour terms are abundant in both English and Chinese,such as red, yellow, and blue. In this thesis, I have attempted to make a comparison between the sense of red in English and that in Chinese by studying the examples collected from all the materials available.

The thesis is divided into three parts. In Chapter One, I relate colour terms with cognition and culture in English and Chinese. In Chapter Two, I list a lot of examples related to red in English and Chinese and analyse them from three aspects in terms of their sense: exact equivalence, partial equivalence, no equivalence. In Chapter Three, I find out the factors that cause these semantic similarities and differences of red from the perspective of cognition and culture.

Through a comparative study of the sense of red in English and Chinese, I shed light on the three kinds of equivalent relationship of red terms in English and Chinese. The three kinds of equivalent relationship indicate that there exist similarity and difference in red terms between English and Chinese. Both similarity and difference are attributed to cognitive basis and cultural influence. If people know them well, they can achieve better cross-culture communication.

Key words: the sense of red; semantic equivalence; similarity; difference; cognition;



Acknowledgements (i)

Abstract ..................................................................... (ii)

摘要 (iii)

1. Introduction (1)

2. The general view of colour terms in English and Chinese (2)

2.1 Colour terms with cognition in English and Chinese (2)

2.2 Colour terms with culture in English and Chinese (3)

3. Semantic equivalence of red in English and Chinese (5)

3.1 Exact equivalence (5)

3.2 Partial equivalence (6)

3.3 No equivalence (8)

11 4. Reasons for the semantic similarities and differences of red in English and Chinese………………………………………………….

4.1 Reasons for the semantic similarities of red in English and Chinese (11)

4.2 Reasons for the semantic differences of red in English and Chinese (13)

4.2.1 Difference in aesthetic habit (14)

4.2.2 Difference in historical background (15)

5. Conclusion (17)

Bibliography (18)

1. Introduction

According to Geoffrey Leech (1981: 9), ―There are seven types of meanings: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning.‖And he combined connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning into ―associative meaning‖. So besides the literal meaning, colour words have affluent associative meanings. Different nations endow them with different cultural connotations. The comparative study of the sense of red in both English and Chinese will be a bridge for both English and Chinese learners to understand the similarities and disparities;otherwise, these disparities can cause ambiguity and lead to misunderstanding.

―Obviously, connotations are apt to vary from age to age and from society to society‖(Ibid: 12). Compared with conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable because associations vary considerably according to culture, historical period, and the experience of individuals. So it is quite necessary to make a comparison between associative meaning of red in English and that in Chinese.

There have been a lot of studies about the meanings of different colours, the way to translate some phrases with colour terms, and the relationship between colour and culture. Many of them focus on several colours, and some focusing on one colour term only list lots of examples without comparing them in different languages, so it‘s meaningful to make a comparison between the sense of red in English and that in Chinese. If we know the similarities and differences in the sense between these two languages, we can learn the second language better, thus achieving the cross-culture communication.

The thesis is about to analyze some examples of red terms in both English and Chinese, try to find the similarities and dissimilarities between them in terms of semantics, and find out the factors that cause these semantic similarities and

dissimilarities from the perspective of cognition and culture.

2.The general view of colour terms in English and Chinese

Colours are closely related to people‘s life. Colour is an important field from which people can recognize the world. Let us see the following example:




Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Who is dancing, waving this coloured ribbon against the sky?

The sun returns slanting after the rain.

And hill and pass grow a deeper blue. (包惠南2003: 128)

In Example(1), Chairman Mao uses seven colour terms to describe the colours of a rainbow in the sky after a summer storm. They are identical with the seven colours that are used to describe the rainbow in English Encyclopedia.

Without colours, there will be no colourful life. Nature provides us with many beauties, such as the rising sun, the white moonlight, the blue sea, and the green wheat wave. They are all that we should cherish.

2.1 Colour terms with cognition in English and Chinese

Language has two meanings. One is its conceptual meaning while the other is its associative meaning. When we use colour terms to describe the colour of a certain subject, their conceptual meaning is applied. When we associate colour terms with abstract concepts, their associative meaning is applied. ―Theory of Semantic Feature-cancellation‖ (王寅2001: 308) makes it possible for us to use words which are supposed to describe concrete things to express abstract concepts.

Cognitive semantics views meanings as a mental phenomenon which is based on

body experience. They are the result of interaction between human being and the real world. The process of the forming of meanings is the process of conceptualization. And the process of conceptualization is a cognitive one which is based on body experience. (Ibid: 181) The cognitive process is a very complex one. The cognition of colours is a visual cognitive process. All the visual information is carried to the cortex over the major visual pathway. The discussion of colour terms will take one on a journey from the eye to the cortex. One‘s brain serves as a colour processor.

The cognition of colours also involves one‘s subjectivity. Thus, one colour reflects not only objective feature but subjective feature as well. The subjective feature is usually formed through synesthesia, which means whether the colour makes you feel warm or feel cold.

As Geoffrey Leech (1981: 235-26) put it, ―The relative uniformity of colour semantics in different languages has much to do with the uniformity of the human apparatus of visual perception.‖Whatever language a person speaks, he is apt to regard ―certain focal colour stimuli‖as more important than others. Among many colours, red is the easiest to perceive.

2.2 Colour terms with culture in English and Chinese

―Culture is an integral whole which embraces knowledge, beliefs, moralities, laws, customs and other abilities and habits a man has acquired as a member of society.‖ (quoted in陶丽2006: 17)

Language is a part of culture. Language is a mirror, in front of which culture is reflected. The difference of the ―inner content of the nation‖(解海江and 章黎平2004: 263) is a fundamental factor causing different understanding of cultural connotations of colours. People in different cultures may have totally different understanding of the associative meaning which the same colour conveys.

Cultural associative meaning is determined by one nation‘s custom, geography, and religion. The same colour may give rise to different association in one‘s mind.

This is caused by cultural difference. The similarity is the result of cultural commensurability and mutual penetration of culture. In most cultures, red is related to enthusiasm and unrestraint. But there exist great differences in custom, geography, and religion between different nations. First, colour terms in Chinese embody feudal hierarchical culture. In many dynasties, certain colours were used by certain people. They represent different social status. Second, colour terms embody western religious culture. As the symbol of purity, white reveals the religious complex of the western people. So a bride in western countries wears a white dress instead of a red one. Third, a nation has a preference for certain colours. We Chinese people consider red as a beautiful colour. A good case in point is that we use 红颜to describe a pretty girl. While red is not so popular among the English people, its positive meaning is used less than that in Chinese.

3. Semantic equivalence of red in English and Chinese

3.1 Exact equivalence

The view of the world is ―a culture‘s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, the universe, life, death, sickness, and other philosophical issues concerning existence‖(quoted in陶丽2006: 47). How one views the world will affect his perception toward the world---the process by which he attaches meanings to social events he encounters in his environment. It helps people interpret and evaluate what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what to do and not to do, and so on.

That‘s the same in colour perception.

Both in China and English-speaking countries, red is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions. In China, people usually use red things to create happy atmosphere to a wedding, a birthday and important festivals. Red is prevalent on a traditional Chinese wedding. People stick red喜喜on windows and doors, use red linens. The bride is dressed in red from head to feet: red dresses and red shoes.

That not only brings happy ambience to the wedding, but also makes people recall their happy days after their marriage. When their baby is one-month old, the host family will send red eggs to the relatives, friends and neighbours to celebrate the coming of the new life. Under festive circumstances, the elder send to the young red packets with money enclosed to pray for happiness and health. Similarly, bosses send to their employees red packets with money enclosed to pray for prosperity. Besides, We have a very famous trademark for a cigarette, that is, 红双喜which is a symbol of good fortune. On calendars, we can find that holidays, such as the Spring Festival, are printed in red, while ordinary days are in black.

In English, red is also used for celebrating events. It has the cultural associative meaning of happiness, such as in red letter day. Important days are printed in red on calendars rather than in black for ordinary days. For western people, a red letter day means a day when a good event happens.

In China, we have the custom to roll out a red carpet to extend our warmth to some important guests, that is, to ―roll out the red carpet to honor a visiting head of state‖, or ―to give someone the red carpet treatment‖. For example,

(2) A mother said, ?It was a real red letter day for me when my son came home from three years in the navy. We rolled out the red carpet to welcome him home.‘ (我儿子在海军服役三年了。他回家的那天,对我来说真是一个大喜的日子。我们把他当贵宾一样来欢迎。) (宋伟华2006: 109)

From the case, we can find that ―to roll out the red carpet‖ can also be applied to an ordinary person. Besides, ―to paint the town red‖ means ―to celebrate wildly, to en joy oneself to one‘s heart‘s content‖.

Likewise, in the west,on Christmas Day, Santa Claus comes to dispatch presents to innocent children. He is in red, making the day full of mystery and happiness.

What‘s more, there exists basic similarity in conceptual meaning of red in English and Chinese such as blood-red (血红色), orange-red (橘红色), red wine (红葡萄酒).

3.2 Partial equivalence

But in the process of translating one source language into another target language, the meaning may change, especially when colour terms are involved, although the translator tries his or her best to be faithful. There exists a close relationship between colour and emotion. This can be well illustrated by the following example: Mr. Brown has been feeling blue lately.

The actual information this sentence conveys is that Mr. Brown has been very depressed lately. Only when we know its connotations can we understand a colour term correctly; otherwise, we will feel very confused.

Like white, red is also associated with certain emotions, anger and embarrassment included. These two kinds of emotion exist both in English and Chinese.Let‘s see an example. Her face turned red when bombarded with such an embarrassing question. We can easily guess the meaning of red and the meaning of this sentence, for there is an Chinese equivalence for it——脸红. There her face turned red because she felt embarrassed and she felt so because of the embarrassing question. In English, we can use either turn red or become red-faced to show one‘s embarrassment. But we must know that in English there are many expressions to describe a person‘s face turning red: to blush, to flush, to redden, to colour up, etc. ―Many objects that would be labelled by the ?red‘ term in one language would not be labelled by the ?red‘ term in another: accordingly the ?red‘ term in one language would not be infallibly translated by the ?red‘ term in another‖ (Geoffrey Leech 1981: 235). Some things and objects have only one or two ways of expression in one language, while in another language, they can be expressed in several ways. That is to say, they have more subtle differences in another language. Let us see where these differences are from the examples below.

(3) “我有什么心事呢?”盛淑君满脸飞红地抵赖。(周立波:《山乡巨变》)

“What cares have I got?‖she blushed as she denied them.

(4) 他和甫两个虽然已经喝了半瓶黑葡萄酒,可是他们脸上一点也不红……


He and Wang Ho-fu had got through half a bottle of port between them, but their faces were not flushed in the least.

(5) 周仲伟的脸上立刻通红了,真像一根“红头火柴”。(茅盾:《子夜》)

Chou Chung-wei‘s face reddened like one of his own red-tipped matches.

(quoted in宋伟华2006: 109-10) In Example (3), we can know that to blush is used when someone feels embarrassed, to flush in Example(4) is used in the exciting, happy, or inebriated situation. To redden and to color up in Example (5) are commonly used in most cases. So when we translate these phrases from Chinese to English, we must consider carefully which word to use.

Those are all about embarrassment. Then what about anger? In Chinese, we say 气得脸红脖子粗. In English, we can use the expression to see red, or to wave a red flag. They are partly equivalent to each other. Also, we can‘t directly translate the to see red into 见红,which may cause misunderstanding, because in China, it implies a woman‘s bleeding when she is giving birth to a baby.

Neither can to wave a red flag be directly translated into 挥动一面红旗. If it is thus translated, we will have difficulty in understanding the whole meaning of a text in which it is used. Let us see the following examples:

(6) He clenched his fist and went very red.

(7) I found he was red with anger.

(8) When he criticized my work, I really saw red.

(9) The mere mention of his enemy‘s name is like waving a red flag to him.

If we are not familiar with the phrase—to be red, we can guess its meaning to some extent because the contexts have already been set here. We can know red in both Example (6) and Example (7) implies anger. But what on earth is the meaning of saw red in Example (8) and waving a red flag in Example (9)? Both of them suggest anger. The former means to become very angry while the latter means to cause quick anger

in somebody by doing something offensive.

3.3 No equivalence

Besides these two kinds of relationship I have mentioned above in terms of red, there also exists no equivalence between English and Chinese. Let us see some examples.

We Chinese say 红糖,but in English it equals brown sugar. We Chinese say 红茶,but in English it equals black tea. 红榜is translated into honor roll; 红豆is translated into love pea; 红运, good luck; 红利, dividend. Red ruin in English refers to 火灾in Chinese;a red battle, 血战;red tape, 官僚作风. A blue sky refers to a sky whose colour is blue, but a red sky is not related to a sky whose colour is red, but refers to colourful clouds in the sky. Let us see Example (13):

(10)Red sky at night, shepherd‘s delight,

Red sky in the morning, shepherd‘s warning.

早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。(quoted in蒋林2002: 26)

Red sky can‘t be directly translated into 红天. If it is translated in such a way, we Chinese can‘t understand it clearly because we do not have such an equivalence in Chinese. To understand it better, we have to translate it liberally. In this way, the liberal translation approach is required when such semantic vacancy appears.

In Chinese, we use 红眼病to express the feeling of being jealous. But in English, we use green eye to express this meaning. If it only refers to a kind of disease, then it should be translated into pink eyes. The colours are so flexibly used here. If we want to understand them correctly, we must have a good command of colour terms. The different semantic meanings of colour terms thus can be seen. It is because of these disparities that translators are very careful when dealing with colour terms. Take David Hawker‘s translating version of《红楼梦》as an example, to avoid the negative associative meaning of red, he translated the name of this classical novel into The Story of the Stone. And 怡红院was translated into the House of Green Delights, and

怡红公子, Green Boy. Jia Baoyu loves the red, but red here symbolizes girls. He sympathized with the girls for their miseries. Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu‘s tragedy was the result of the feudal society in which they lived and what they were looking forward to couldn‘t come true. So such a name translated in this way is so ordinary and can‘t be satisfactory, unable to convey the author‘s intended meaning. And it is very inappropriate to translate the red into the green. (Ibid: 26-7)

In Chinese, we have an idiom 红白喜事. Red is the principal colour of Chinese traditional weddings and white is the principal colour of funerals. But in western weddings, brides always wear white dresses, giving others a feeling of elegance and holiness; while at funerals, people wear black suits. So here care should be taken in translating the phrase 红白喜事. To avoid misunderstanding, we can put it simply as weddings and funerals. When we talk about red and white, there is an interesting coincidence in Chinese and English. In Chinese, those who are popular and find favour with their bosses are called 红人. But Irish people call them the white-headed boy. Obviously, we two nations have different cultures.

In addition, in ancient times of China, 红颜or 红粉was used to call beautiful girls. It stems from the tradition that women in old times commonly rouged their cheeks. But in English, red does not have the connotative meaning of girls, so when translated, the red amid has to be avoided. Then 红颜can be translated into a beautiful girl or a pretty face. 红粉can be translated into a gaily dressed girl. 红楼is a lady’s room. These are all Chinese elements.

In Chinese, red is also the symbol of socialism and revolution used in a positive sense. The typical words are the red army, red flag, red star and so on. In the revolutionary times, 红symbolizes revolution as in 红军, 红色政权or 红色根据地while 白implies decadence and reaction as in 白区,白色政权,白军,白匪or 白色恐怖. The People‘s Liberation Army was called 红色长城. What‘s more, we have 红代会, 红卫兵. The phrase 又红又专is often adopted to describe a person who is not only loyal to the revolutionary cause but also to his profession, that is, both

socially-minded and professionally qualified. Whereas in English, red means extremeness, danger, indignation, and exigency, in such phrases as red light district, red alert and so on.

4. Reasons for the semantic similarities and differences of red in English and Chinese

4.1 Reasons for the semantic similarities of red in English and Chinese

Language has two meanings. One is within the language; while the other is beyond the language. The first level of meaning is what the language possesses itself. The second one is endowed by people. ―Concepts in humans‘mind determine how they perceive the world, what they perceive, and how they relate to others‖ (常宗林2005: 255-6). So when one perceives the outside world, his knowledge, his experience, etc. will affect his perception.

Meaning originates from the interaction between human being and the real world. How people view the world will affect the use of language, thus affecting the meaning of language. During the process of the form of meanings, the external stimuli are conceptualized. This kind of conceptualization is based on body experience.

The cognitive process is very complicated. ―It‘s well known that colour vision is an important tool of human cognition‖(赵艳芳2001: 41). What‘s more, the researches on color and the physiology of human color vision show that the physiology of human color vision is constant across all races. It is generally the case that regardless of the number of color terms in a language, the focal hue is remarkably consistent across languages. (quoted in李丽雪2003: 24)

With this view in mind, let us return to red.

Red is to the human eye the most salient of color experiences. At normal

light levels, red stands out in relation to all other hues by virtue of a

reciprocal, heightening effect between saturation and brightness…(Forley

2001: 163)

So red brings people strong visual shock. The role of red as a warning sign is related to the colour‘s high visibility. People think of the colour of fire as red. For example, Birren notes that ―The Jewish historian Josephus in the first century AD associated … red with fire‖. In Chinese culture, ―We shall set down … red for fire‖. (quoted in陶丽2006: 34) Fire brings people warmth, so people think of red as a warm colour. Fire is also dangerous, so red is used as a symbol of danger. Flashing red lights denote danger or emergency. Stop signs and stop lights are red to get the driver‘s attention and alert them to the dangers of the intersection.

―Metaphors are sometimes used without users‘being conscious of their metaphorical character‖(常宗林2005: 255). The same phenomenon will appear when we use colour terms. Many associations are grounded so deeply in common human experience that we seldom pay special attention to them when we use the associative meaning of colour terms.

In addition to the perceptual basis, color terms are deeply rooted in their cultural basis. This is well summarized as follows:

In other words, what we call “direct physical experience”is never a matter of having a body of a certain sort; rather, every experience takes

place within a vast background of cultural presuppositions…Cultural

assumptions, values, and attitudes are not a conceptual overlay which we

may or may not place upon experience as we choose. It would be more

correct to say that all experience is cultural through and through, that we

experience our “world” in such a way that our culture is already present in

the very experience itself. (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 57)

It is known that bullfighters in Spain use a piece of red rag to exasperate bulls to

wage a war, for bullfighting is a tradition in western countries and bulls are apt to get angry when they see something red. So people use like a red rag to a bull to express one‘s anger. It‘s also a colour for danger. The western people relate red to blood. They associate red with violence and danger.

On calendars, we can find that holidays are printed in red, while ordinary days are in black. That‘s the same in two countries.

Also according to Kovecses (2002: 165), one language could borrow something from another. Like 红灯区, 赤字, they are translations from their English equivalents red-light district, in the red . And the use of red in in the red comes from the color of the ink used in keeping accounts.

So due to the influence of cognitive accordance of people and the mutual penetration of culture, we have those similarities.

4.2 Reasons for the semantic differences of red in English and Chinese

On the other hand, people tend to have different views and understanding of the same object because of the diversity of political rules, religious beliefs, ethics and values of different nations. Every nation has its own ethnic psychology. Culture has been a very important source for constructing connotative meanings of colour terms in English and Chinese. Thus, it leads to cultural difference between source language and target language of colour terms, that is to say, the non-equivalence reflected in their connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning.

Chinese philosophy focuses on emptiness,while western culture pursues entity. Chinese culture pays attention to likeness in nature, while western culture is fastidious about science and preciseness. This kind of cultural characteristic is also reflected in the use of colour terms. For example, Chinese colour term 碧can be explained as 绿

or 蓝. Sometimes, people of different nations use different colour terms to describe the colour of the same objects. For example, brown sugar is translated into 红糖in Chinese. This exactly embodies the great importance of red in Chinese culture. In addition, brown sugar is good for one‘s health, so it is commended as 红糖. In fact, the colour of this kind of sugar is closer to brown. Its being called brown sugar in English is more precise. Black tea is translated into 红茶. In fact, the colour of this kind of tea is closer to black. But we call it 红茶, matching it with green tea. These two tea names fully embody the language tradition in which Chinese culture is fastidious about symmetric beauty. Thus, we can see that for Chinese, the use of colour terms is apt to be vague, to be opaque;however, for English, the use of colour terms is apt to be precise, to be real. It is the result of cultural difference.

4.2.1 Difference in aesthetic habit

Chinese people prefer red, while English people prefer white. This kind of difference in aesthetic habit causes the difference in pragmatic meaning. Red is associated with happy occasions, harvest, etc. Because of this, in China, men of letters in ancient times and today prefer to use red to symbolize hospitality, warmth, energy and youth. It can be seen from the following examples:






In Example(11) and Example(12), two poets use 红to describe the colour of leaves and apricots respectively. In Example(13), the poet uses 红to symbolize the red flowers near the bank reflected by the first rays of the morning sun. He uses 绿to symbolize a pool of green water blown by the breeze in spring. Such a vivid metaphor brings the spectacular scenery to us readers.绿肥红瘦in Example(14)

means green leaves are fresh but the red flowers are fading. 落红in Example(15) refers to fallen flowers.

The importance the colour terms have in literary works can‘t be underestimated. The appropriate usage of colour terms is for more efficient expression of contexts. In ancient Chinese literary works, 红男绿女is often used to describe young and beautiful women and handsome men, so what we just need to do is to translate it into gaily dressed men and women.

Although red is also used for celebrating events in English, there are still many phrases related to red that are derogatory, such as red-handed (当场抓获), red-tape(官僚作风), red-blooded(狂热,固执), see red(怒不可遏), into the red(每况愈下的经营状况), in the red(负债累累). All these Chinese equivalents have nothing to do with the conceptual meaning of red at all. Red flag, in China, is a revolutionary and positive symbol, but in English, it refers to something that will make you angry. We can see it in to wave a red flag, which I have mentioned above.

The positive meaning of red is abundant in Chinese. 红in Chinese has the meaning of happiness while in English people prefer to use white to express this meaning. White in English is associated with beauty, hope, bless and happiness. In the Bible angels always have a pair of white wings with a white halo suspending over their head. Christmas Day is the most important day in western countries. A white Christmas refers to ―银装素裹的圣诞节‖; white hands, ―公正廉洁的‖; a white day ―吉日‖. While the same colour in Chinese people‘s eye is the symbol of death, sadness and poorness. Besides the white colour in funerals, there are many negative phrases which are related to white in Chinese, such as 白搭,白送,白眼,吃白食,一穷二白.

4.2.2 Difference in historical background

―A language carries a lot of culture and history‖(常宗林2005: 174). The difference in the use of colour can be traced back to different historical backgrounds of different nations. Many colour terms are related to specific historical events and

have their own allusions. In the eyes of Chinese people, red is the symbol of success, auspiciousness, loyalty and prosperity, etc. This derives from the adoration for the God of Sun. In ancient times, the house of the rich and officials are called 朱门. ―朱门酒肉臭, 路有冻死骨‖ (杜甫《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》). The clothes they wear are called 朱衣and their transportation tool is called 朱轩. In Chinese, 朱equals red when it refers to a colour.

Take the well-known 红娘for example. There is a background for the emergence of this expression. 红娘is originally the name of a maid in the classical play The West Chamber (《西厢记》),whose good demeanor helps bring about the union of two lovers. Gradually, 红娘is used to denote the kind-hearted go-betweens.

In Qing Dynasty, the book that was authorized by the emperor was called red book. It is different from the red book in those English-speaking countries, which only means a book with a red cover. In China, during the cultural revolution, everyone should keep one book about Chairman Mao. At that time, it was called red treasured book. Similarly, in English-speaking countries, words related with history and geography also have their own special meanings, such as red lining, red coat and red brigade. The fact that the American financial institution enclosed the poor area with red line and refused to provide housing loans to this area made the area poorer. This was called red lining. During the American Civil War, the British soldiers wore scarlet service uniform. So they were called red coat. Red brigade is an Italian terror organization, specializing in kidnapping, murder, destruction, etc. The usage of red between these two languages is largely different.


This thesis focuses on a contrastive study of meanings of red in both English and Chinese. At the very beginning, I cite a poem to arouse readers‘interest in colour

terms. Then I list a lot of examples related to red in English and Chinese and analyse their sense relationship from three aspects: exact equivalence, partial equivalence, no equivalence. Through so many examples, readers may have a good understanding of meanings of red. Some readers may have read some of the examples somewhere, but they do not know how to exactly express those phrases related to red. Some readers may have misunderstood some phrases, while after reading the thesis, they will have a better understanding. If someone has never touched this field, he or she will find how interesting it is. Next I try to explain the factors that cause semantic similarities and differences of red in English and Chinese from the perspective of cognition and culture.

In the reason part, I also list many examples, and sometimes compare red with another colour term, such as white. This helps to make clear the culture between different nations. From so many examples, I have found the association of red with happiness, success, fortune, prosperity, as well as danger, anger, etc. The examples are more convincing in that they cover many fields, including politics, aesthetics, and history.I can say that there do exist many semantic similarities and differences of red in both Chinese and English. Only when we understand them correctly can we have a good command of colour terms. And only when we have a good command of colour terms, can we achieve better cross-culture communication.


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李丽雪. Comprehension of Color Metaphor – A comparative study of color metaphor in English & Chinese [D]. Unpublished master‘s thesis, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2003.

李凌霞. 英汉颜色词运用中的文化差异[J]. 黔西南民族师范高等专科学校学报2007 (2) : 32-5.

宋伟华. 汉英颜色词“红色”和“red”的语义对比[J]. 韶关学院学报2006 (7) : 108-11.

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张培基. 英语声色词与翻译[M]. 北京:商务印书馆,1964.

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毕业论文(设计) 题目 指导老师 专业班级电子商务20061 姓名 学号 20052021138 2009年 5月 30 日

都存在着一定的问题。本文通过对学院毕业论文选题、论文指导以及论文备份等工作流程的深入了解及进行了可行性分析后,对其作了需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库的设计以及界面设计,并完成了毕业论文选题系统的开发。本系统采用简单灵活的ASP 语言,并结合简单灵活的Access 数据库,实现在线毕业论文的选题工作,提供学生一个完全公正、开放的选题平台,同时在一定程度上方便了学生与指导教师间的相互交流,同时提供了论文电子稿的保存手段,提高了教务人员

(1) 1.1系统现状研究................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.2系统开发方法 (1) (2) 2.1系统调研 (2) 2.2系统总体目标 (2) 2.3技术可行性分析 (2) (3) 3.1系统需求分析 (3) 3.1.1功能需求 (3) 3.1.2性能需求 (3) 3.2系统流程图 (4) 3.2.1数据流程图 (4) (4) 4.1概要设计 (4) 4.1.1功能模块结构图 (4) 4.1.2功能模块描述 (5) 4.2数据库设计 (6) 4.2.1表设计 (6) 4.3详细设计 (6) 4.3.1用户登录模块设计 (8) 4.3.2论题管理模块设计 (9) 4.3.3学生选题模块设计 (10) 4.3.4筛选学生模块设计 (11) 4.3.5留言联系模块设计 (12) 4.3.6上传论文模块设计 (13) 4.3.7查看论文模块设计 (13)


随着科学技术的不断发展和市场竞争的加剧,我国制造业进入了一个更为激烈的竞争环境。而目前我国许多企业生产效率和经济效益低下,与一些发达国家相比,普遍存在着消耗大、成本高、效率低等问题。据统计,在制造型企业中,用于物料搬运的成本占总成本的20%~50%,而优良的设施布置可以使此费用至少减少10%~30%,在降低制造成本的同时,工厂需要的空间也可比常规制造厂减少40%~60%。设施规划作为工业工程的一个重要的分支,是提高生产率重要和最有效的手段之一。 本论文从设施布置与物料搬运的概念出发,系统阐述了设施布置的发展、目标、基本形式和分析方法以及物料搬运系统设计的分析方法等。接着研究福达公司总装车间设施布置不合理所导致的生产车间物流混乱、物流成本和产品质量成本居高不下等问题。根据总装车间存在的一些问题,运用程序分析技巧、操作分析、设施布置与物料搬运思想和方法,运用设施布置流程分析以及系统搬运分析技术,对总装车间的设施布置和生产流程进行分析改善,从而优化总装车间的设施布置,整理出三套改善方案,对改善后的方案进行评价,并对改善前后的车间设施布置进行比较分析。本论文提出的改善方案对福达公司总装车间的设施布置具有一定的参考价值。 关键词:设施布置;物料搬运;程序分析 摘要 现场管理是企业生存和发展的必要条件,是其他管理方法得以实施的前提和基础。针对生产环节加强现场管理是制造业企业永恒的课题。而6S管理能够营造安全、规范工作环境,构筑产品品质保证,减少浪费,提高效率,促进作业标准化,提升企业形象,提高员工素质。 本论文首先对6S的基本定义和基本理论进行了说明,然后在对顺达公司调查的基础上,通过实施6S管理来提高企业的现场管理工作和改善企业其他管理。对于实施6S管理中的六个重要环节,论文详细阐述了每个环节出现的一些问题以及针对这些问题,制定有效的推进方法。阐述中,充分利用顺达公司实施过程中的一些图表,以图表说明问题和对实施前后的效果进行比较论证。最后,论文对顺达公司实施6S活动中,如何对其进行有效的评价作出了详细的分析。 关键词:现场管理;6S管理;目视管理;定置管理


毕业论文范文模板 届毕业生毕业论文 论新疆农村土地流转法律问题研究 学生姓名马某某学号 1234567890 所属学院经济与管理学院专业法学 班级法学10-2 指导教师徐某某 塔里木大学教务处制 目录 摘 要 ..................................................................... .......... 1 关键 词 ..................................................................... ........ 1 1.新疆农村土地流转概况及独特 性 ..................................................... 1 1.1新疆农村 土地流转概况 ........................................................... 1 1.2新疆土地流转的独特 性 ........................................................... 1 2.新疆农村土地流转法律制度及其不 足 ................................................. 2 2.1我国及新疆土 地流转制度相关立法 (2)

2.2新疆农村土地流转法律制度中存在的不 足 (3) ................... 4 3.新疆农村土地流转法律制度的完 善 ................................ 3.1立法上的完 善 (4) 3.2执法上的完 善 ................................................................... 5 .3司法监督上的完 善 ............................................................... 6 3 结 语 ..................................................................... .......... 6 致 谢 ..................................................................... .......... 6 参考文 献 ..................................................................... (6) 塔里木大学毕业论文 新疆农村土地流转法律问题研究 马某某 (塔里木大学经济与管理学院新疆阿拉尔市843300) 摘要:新疆土地流转过程中出现了农地流转程序不规范,没有专门的土地流转法,流转的市场化管理制度不完


标题 作者姓名1,作者姓名2 (1.作者单位正式对外名称,省份城市邮编;2.作者单位正式对外名称,省份城市邮编) 摘要:4个整句以上,内容包括目的、方法、结果、结论(四要素缺一不可)等。摘要应以第三人称撰写,不得出现“本文”、“作者”等词汇。应写成报道性文摘,并具有独立性和自明性,即不阅读全文,就能获得全文的主要信息(特别注意所述内容均应包含在正文中,且数据一致)。不要重复题目,给出文中的主要信息、关键步骤或数据,以便于检索;篇幅:200字左右。英文摘要应与中文摘要内容相对应;缩写词首次出现时请给出全称。 关键词:列出3~8个关键词.关键词之间用分号相隔,结束处不用标点符号,中、英 文关键词应一一对应。缩写词请给出全称,如:世界贸易组织(WTO) 中图分类号:查阅《中国图书馆分类法》 引言引言中应简要回顾本文所涉及的科学问题的研究历史,尤其是近三年的研究成果,需引用参考文献;并在此基础上提出论文所要解决的问题,并扼要说明本研究中所采用的方法和技术手段等。引言部分不加小标题。 1 一级标题 层次标题一律用阿拉伯数字连续编号;不同层次的数字之间用小圆点相隔,末位数字不加标点符号。如“1”,“1.1”,“3.1.2”等,编号到三级为止。各层次的序号均左顶格起排,后空1个字距接排标题。标题不得排在页末。模板中的各级层次标题为建议名称,作者可以根据自己的论文内容做相应的修改㈡㈦111111111111。 1.1 二级标题㈠ 1.3.1 三级标题 正文部分 表格: 表格采用三线表。每个表格都应有表序和表题,表题应简明扼要。表头上的栏目填写该栏的项目名称,当项目是物理量时,请按国家法定计量单位的标注规定,列出物理量的名称、符号和使用单位。量符号用斜体字母,单位用正体字母,中间用斜杠“/”连接,如:t R/min,RSD/%。作者应使表格尽量满足期刊要求(单栏7.3 cm,双栏15.3 cm,页面15.3 cm×24.5 cm)。


本科毕业论文文格式参考 本科毕业论文文格式参考 、注释、参考文献、附录、致等。本科毕业论文字数文科类不少于8000字,理科类不少于6000字,外语、艺术类不少于5000字。 一、毕业论文撰写的容要求 标题 毕业论文的标题应简短、明确、有概括性,使读者大致了解论文的容、专业特点和学科畴。标题字数要适当,不宜超过20字,必要时可加副标题。 摘要与关键词 1.摘要 中文摘要标题为摘要,英文摘要标题为 Abstrat 。中文摘要执行GB 6447标准,字数在300字左右,英文摘要在250个实词左右,撰写具体要求为: ①摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即不阅读正文,就能从摘要中获得必要的信息; ②摘要应用第三人称的方法记述论文的性质和主题,不使用、作者等作为主语,应采用对进行了研究、报告了现状、进行了调查等表达方式; ③摘要应突出论文的创造性成果和新见解,不要表述本学科领域常识性的容;

④摘要书写要合乎逻辑关系,同正文的文体保持一致; ⑤结构要严谨,表达要简明,语义要确切,一般不分段; ⑥对某些缩略语、简称、代号等,首次出现时必须加以说明; ⑦摘要常不用图表、化学结构式以及非公知公用的符号和术语。 关键词 关键词的选取执行GBT3860标准,以3 5个为宜,必须反映出论文所属学科和论文的基本信息。中文关键词前加关键词三字、英文关键词前加 Ke ords 作为标识。 正文 一般包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。 1.前言部分: 是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要简明扼要,概括性、准确性强。 本论部分: 是毕业论文的主体,包括研究、论述的容、实验材料、实验结果与分析等,要反映出作者的科研能力和学术水平。 3.结论部分: 是毕业论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语,旨在总结全文,加深题意。 注释


学号200631760003 密级________________ 武汉大学本科毕业论文 基于Psdto3D的立体印刷 图像处理方法 院(系)名称:印刷与包装系 专业名称:印刷工程 学生姓名:王长亮 指导教师:陈娜讲师 二○一○年六月

摘要 在立体成像基本原理的基础上,以Psdto3D为工具并辅助以Photoshop,结合具体的图像处理实例对平面图像立体化的方法做了深入的研究。 立体处理的过程大致分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是以Photoshop为工具,对需要处理的平面图像进行调整、分层、补图,然后生成psd文件。第二个阶段,是以Psdto3D为工具,对psd文件进行参数设置,然后在进行移位勾线处理,直到有理想的预览效果后,输出最终的立体化图像。 关键词:立体图像处理;Psdto3D;立体印刷

目录 第1章绪论 (1) 1.1 立体印刷图像处理的现状和前景 (1) 1.1.1立体印刷图像处理的现状 (1) 1.1.2立体图像处理的前景 (2) 1.2 本论文的研究内容 (2) 第2章立体印刷图像处理的原理 (3) 2.1 立体视觉的产生原理 (3) 2.2 光栅成像原理 (4) 2.3 光栅板参数设置 (6) 第3章立体印刷图像处理的方法 (9) 3.1 立体印刷图像处理方法 (9) 3.2 立体印刷图像处理的过程 (10) 3.2.1 用Photoshop进行前期处理过程 (10) 3.2.2 Psd图像的立体化处理 (11) 第4章基于Psdto3D的立体印刷图像处理实例 (13) 4.1 立体图像预处理 (13) 4.2 立体图像后期处理 (16) 4.3 实验分析 (20) 结论 (21) 参考文献 (22) 致谢 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。


英语专业毕业论文范文(仅供参考) 英语专业毕业论文范文(仅供参考) Hester Prynne---Resurrection Abstract: The Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology. He’s so much indulged in the religious doctrine that people can find the reflection of the God almost everywhere in his works. After reading The Scarlet Letter, one is mostly impressed by the spirit of The Bible the story depicted. The book chiefly discusses sin and how to atone for it. Hester Prynne is the heroine of the fiction. This paper researches her fate to illustrate the influence of The Bible to Hawthorne. Hester Prynne commits adultery and is forced to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her breast. At the beginning, she encounters all kinds of sufferings, both from the society and from her own soul. However, she realizes her sin and tries her best to atone for it. And she dose not choose to avoid her fault. Finally, through her endeavor, God forgives her. In short, sin and atoning for sin, that is the purpose of this paper. Keywords: The Scarlet Letter., Hester Prynne, The Bible, sin and atonement. 摘要:《红字》使美国作家纳撒尼尔霍桑誉满全球。霍桑是一个虔诚的基督徒,并深受神学的影响。他是如此沉迷于宗教的教义之中,人们几乎可以发现神在他的每部作品中无处不在。读完《红字》,给人印象最深的莫过于故事描绘的《圣经》的精神。该书主要讨论了关于罪与赎罪的问题。海丝特白兰是小说的女主人公。本文主要研究她的一生以说明《圣经》对霍桑的影响。海丝特白兰犯了通奸罪,并被迫在胸口上带一个大写的红色字母“A”。一开始,她遭遇了各种各样的磨难,既有来自社会的也有来自她自己精神上的。然而,她认识到了自己的罪行并尽最大努力去赎罪,并且她并没有选择逃避责罚。最后,通过她的努力,神原谅了她。简言之,本文的主要目的就是罪行以及赎罪。 关键字:《红字》,海丝特白兰,《圣经》,罪行以及赎罪。 Chapter One: Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne With the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne became one of the greatest writer at that time and built his reputation as a major American author. Since that time on, people began


导论 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 一、问题提出......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 二、选题价值......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 三、文献综述......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 四、文章思路......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 五、研究方法......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 六、创新与不足..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第一章我国会计准则国际趋同概述 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 一、我国会计准则国际趋同的涵义及特征......................... 错误!未定义书签。 (一)会计准则国际趋同的含义.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 (二)会计准则国际趋同的特征.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 二、我国会计准则国际趋同的理论基础............................. 错误!未定义书签。 (一)会计准则国际趋同的必要性.............................. 错误!未定义书签。 (二)会计准则国际趋同的可行性.............................. 错误!未定义书签。第二章我国新企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则的比较分析错误!未定义书签。 一、我国新企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则体系的差异错误!未定义书签。 (一)国际财务报告准则的体系构成.......................... 错误!未定义书签。 (二)我国新企业会计准则体系的构成...................... 错误!未定义书签。 (三)我国新企业会计准则体系与国际财务报告体系的比较和分析错误! 未定义书签。 二、我国新企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则项目涵盖范围的比较错误!未 定义书签。 三、我国会计准则体系与国际财务报告体系下财务会计概念框架的比较... 错 误!未定义书签。 四、我国新企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则差异的主要表现错误!未定义 书签。 (一)公允价值的适用范围不同.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 (二)企业合并的范围和会计处理方法有差异.......... 错误!未定义书签。 (三)关联方及其交易的披露范围有区别.................. 错误!未定义书签。 (四)资产减值的相关规定不一致.............................. 错误!未定义书签。 (五)政府补助的会计处理有差距.............................. 错误!未定义书签。 (六)资本与资本保全的处理未规定.......................... 错误!未定义书签。 五、我国新企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则的具体差异错误!未定义书签。第三章我国新企业会计准则国际趋同的历程和影响 ............. 错误!未定义书签。 一、我国新企业会计准则国际趋同的历程......................... 错误!未定义书签。 (一)改革初期市场经济会计的探索阶段1978年—1992年错误!未定义 书签。


华北电力大学 毕业设计(论文) 题目 所在院系能源动力与机械工程学院 专业班级实验动10班 学生姓名杨 学号11011 025 指导教师签名 审批人签字 2014 年3 月24 日

摘要 纯铝具有良好的物理力学性能:易加工、耐久性高、适用范围广、装饰效果好、花色丰富。由于铝的优秀性能,铝越来越多的用于机械制造行业. 随之而来的是对铝焊接的要求也越来越高. 目前国外MIG焊铝的技术工艺日趋成熟, 主要用于全焊接游轮, 火车及汽车箱体, 摩托车架, 压力容器, 工作平台, 飞机等。在飞机、汽车和机车车辆等制造业中,为了减轻运载工具的自重,提高运载能力,越来越多地采用轻金属合金与薄壁型轻量化结构。尤其在飞机蒙皮、筋板等制造中,采用焊接代替传统的铆接工艺,减重效果显著。然而由于铝特性及T型接头结构特点,无论传统焊接还是先进的激光焊接都遇到了焊缝气孔、裂纹、变形等依靠单独焊接方式难以解决的问题。 本文将主要研究焊接速度、焊接电流以及频率的变化对焊接外观造成的影响,从而找到最合适的焊接参数。本文包括三组实验,分别对焊接速度、焊接电流以及频率的影响作了详细的分析,比较各个参数对焊缝的影响,最终通过实验优化了纯铝MIG焊的焊接工艺。实验证明:焊接2.8mm的1630铝板时,焊接速度为35cm/min,焊接电流为77 A,频率为1.5 Hz时,为较佳工艺。 关键词:铝;熔化极氩弧焊;焊接工艺

Abstract Has good physical and mechanical properties of pure aluminum: easy processing, high durability for a wide range of decorative effect, and rich colors. Due to the excellent performance of aluminum, aluminum, more and more used in the machinery manufacturing industry, followed by increasingly high requirements for aluminum welding. Foreign MIG welding aluminum technology matures, mainly for the all-welded cruise ships, trains and car box, motorcycle frames, pressure vessels, work platform, aircraft. In the manufacturing of airplanes, cars and rolling stock, in order to reduce the weight of the means of delivery, to improve the carrying capacity, more and more lightweight construction of light metal alloys and thin-walled type. Especially in the manufacturing of aircraft skin, ribs, using welding instead of riveting, significant weight loss. However, due to the aluminum features and T-joint structural characteristics, regardless of traditional welding or laser welding encountered weld pores, cracks, deformation, etc. rely on a separate welding difficult problem to solve. This article will mainly study the welding speed, welding current and frequency changes caused by the welding appearance in order to find the most suitable welding parameters. In this paper a total of three sets of experiments, made a detailed analysis of the change of welding speed, welding current, and frequency, respectively, the final experiments to optimize the welding of pure aluminum MIG welding process, the results show: welding speed 35cm/min, welding speed 77 A,, frequency of 1.5 Hz, better technology. Keywords: Aluminum;Melting Inert Gas;Welding process


高中议论文范文11篇 一、阅读下面材料,自选角度,写一篇文章,题目自拟,字数800字左右。 有一个农村女学生以优异成绩考上了一所名牌大学,但因交不起学费而苦恼。一家生产健脑口服液的企业愿出万元资助,条件是让这个学生为他们在电视上做广告,说是因服了他们生产的补脑液才思敏捷,考出了好成绩。这个学生断然拒绝,因为她家庭贫困,从未喝过什么补脑液。 诚实就是财富 一名成绩优异但交不起学费的女大学生,断然拒绝了一家生产健脑液的企业愿出万元资助但要为其做虚假宣传广告的要求,原因很简单,因为她没有喝过。“我从来没有喝过!”这句简单的话反映了这位女学生诚实洁白的内心世界。 那么,什么是诚实呢?我认为诚实就是言行与思想的一致。它既表现为对人的真诚,也表现在办事与求知过程中的实事求是。 诚实是做人的根本。每个人都是组成社会整体的细胞,他不可能脱离整体而孤立地存在,这就决定了一个人要在整体中最大限度地发挥自己的作用,就必须处理好相互之间的关系。而处理好这种关系的关键便是以诚待人。我们都无法想象如何与一个满嘴假话的人共处;同样,我们付出自己真诚的同时也会赢得别人的信任与友谊。而当今,许多人在金钱的冲击下,为物欲所蔽,为达到个人目的,整日戴着虚假的面具。当他们为日益鼓起的腰包沾沾自喜时,却不知已经失去了诚实——这做人的根本,这最宝贵的财富。 诚实是处事的原则。解决问题的第一要素就是承认问题的存在和理清问题的脉络。离开了这一点,就解决不了任何问题,更谈不上把问题解决好。一个实事求是、脚踏实地的人才可能是一个成功的人;相反,歪曲事实、隐瞒真相就等于一事无成。对于一个要生存、图发展的人来说,实事求是地对待一切事物就显得尤为重要。 诚实也是求知的惟一途径:我们求取知识的目的就是服务社会,而社会需要的是真正的知识,并不是没有真才实学的高学历。而诚实便是获得真知的惟一有效的途径。古今中外,凡是在学术上有所建树者无一不是实事求是的。爱因斯坦小的时候成绩不好、但他却勇于提出任何一个别人看来近似愚昧的问题。东晋文学家左思对于自己的文章也有着实事求是的评价。对照他们,我们有些同学作业靠抄袭,考试靠作弊,对于疑难问题,不肯钻研,强不知以为知。这种行为显得可悲可笑。爱因斯坦说过:“对真理和知识的追求并为之奋斗,是人的最高品质之一。”这也是人类社会不断进步的动力之一。 诚实是中华民族的传统美德,它造就了一代代炎黄子孙。我们只有用诚实才能换得友谊,赢得成功,获得知识。那位诚实的女学生也许无法踏入大学的殿堂,也许一生都很贫穷,但她拥有诚实,从这个意义上说,她便是个富翁——因为,诚实就是财富。 【点拨】本文作者采用了分——总式的结构方式,从材料中抓住?我从来没有喝过!?这一关键句子,引出所要论述的话题——诚实,从几个不同的方面去诠释诚实的涵义。 首先,诚实是做人的根本,这是最宝贵的财富;其次,诚实又是处事的原则;诚实也是求知的唯一的途径。最后,总结?只有用诚实才能换得友谊,赢得成功,获得知识,诚实就是财富! 文章从第二自然段开始,每一自然段先提出分论点,层次分明,步步推进,让人一目了然。


交联于蛋膜上的纳米颗粒增强的尿酸酶传感器 陈燕花 化工与资源环境学院化学工程与工艺专业 指导教师:伍林 1前言 随着生命科学的发展进入分子水平,有人预言21世纪将是检验医学的世纪,即从分子水平对疾病进行诊断和治疗。这就要求临床生物化学检验准确、快速、简便、标本微量化、方法标准化、且经济实用。生物传感器正是在此要求下出现的一类跨领域、多学科的前沿诊断仪器。 国内外对生物传感器展开了广泛深入地研究,已经研制出了葡萄糖生物传感器、乳糖生物传感器、尿酸酶生物传感器、DNA生物传感器、BOD生物传感器、测酚生物传感器等多种类别的生物传感器,来满足人们在临床检验、环境监测和生化分析[1-3]等领域中的需求。 本实验将纳米二氧化硅凝胶和尿酸酶紧贴于蛋膜上,将酶膜紧贴于普鲁士蓝(PB)修饰的玻碳电极表面,然后以自制铂片电极为对电极、甘汞电极为参比电极,组成三电极体系,制成尿酸酶生物传感器。当体液中的尿酸通过酶膜时,与酶进行反应,检测出该处产生的反应电流,然后将其换算成尿酸浓度加以显示。应用尿酸酶传感器测定人体血和尿中尿酸的浓度,是一种准确、快速、简便的方法,可帮助诊断肾炎、白血病和肿瘤等疾病。 2 尿酸酶生物传感器的工作原理 尿酸酶生物传感器的工作原理是:尿酸在尿酸酶作用下,被分子氧氧化成尿囊素,并产生二氧化碳和过氧化氢。根据反应前后氧的消耗,我们用电极监测溶液中氧的变化,就可推算出尿酸的浓度,其工作机理[4]如图2:

图1尿酸在尿酸酶作用下的反应机理 Figure1 Principle of uric acid under the uricase 3 实验部分 3.1 仪器与试剂 试剂:尿酸酶(4.6units/mg, Sigma公司),牛血清白蛋白(BR),戊二醛(CP),磷酸氢二钠,磷酸二氢钾(AR),氯化钠(AR),鸡蛋,气透膜,实验用水为二次蒸馏水。 仪器:玻碳电极(天津兰力天仪器有限公司),铂电极(自制,铂片长×宽×厚为5×4×0.25mm),甘汞电极(上海雷磁),CHI600型电化学工作站(上海辰华仪器有限公司)。 3.2 尿酸酶电极的制备 取新鲜鸡蛋壳小心剥离蛋膜,依次用NaCl溶液、蒸馏水清洗;称取12.5mg牛血清白蛋白(BSA)溶于250μL 10g?L-1尿酸酶溶液中;将蛋膜铺于洁净的玻片上,小心裁取直径为1cm的圆形膜;在膜上依次滴加25μL尿酸酶-牛血清白蛋白混合溶液、改性纳米二氧化硅凝胶液、5μL 2%戊二醛溶液,室温放置3~4h,置4℃冰箱冷藏过夜;过夜后的蛋膜用磷酸缓冲液(PBS)漂洗数次;将酶膜紧贴于PB修饰的玻碳电极表面,覆盖气透膜,即制成尿酸酶电极[5,6]。 实验流程如图2所示。 图2 纳米颗粒增强的尿酸酶电极制作示意图 Figure2 Manufacture flow chart of nanoparticles strengthen uricase electrode 3.3 实验方法 采用三电极体系进行检测:饱和甘汞电极为参比电极,制作的尿酸酶电极为工作电极,自制铂片电极为对电极,底液为0.1mol ·L-1的KCl 磷酸盐缓冲溶液,在一定的温度下进行检测。测量时,先将三


以下黄色背景文字均为格式说明文字,调整完格式后应予 删除。本模板已经设置好页面格式,不得改动。其中页面设置参数为,A4纸张;页边距为上 2.5 厘米、下 2.5 厘米、左 2.5 厘米、右 2.5 厘米。 目录 目录居中,自动生成, 4 号宋体,双面打印 , 若不够双页则独立成页 一、当前新闻教育存在的几个矛盾 (3) (一)粗放式的发展规模与媒体对新闻院校毕业生需求日益减少的矛盾 . (3) (二)融媒体的媒介技术环境与传统的新闻传播专业教育分类的矛盾3二、当前新闻教育的调整 (4) (一)控制规模,准确定位,推进差异化的办学理念 (4) (二)调整专业分类和课程结构,应对融媒体的时代要求 (4) 三、开门办学,加强实践教学建设 (4) (一)实践教学是 ,, (4) (二)做好宏观上的规模控制和微观上的专业分类、课程设置 (5) 四、结语 (5) 参考文献 (5) 1

文章正文字体为 4 号宋体, 1.5 倍行间距,双面打印。 [ 摘要 ](“摘要”应是对全文内容的准确、简明的概括,是对全文内 容的创新的浓缩, 200-300 字。以下为范例)近年来高速、大规模扩张的高校新闻教育,与媒体对新闻专业毕业生需求日益减少的矛盾越来越突出, 暴露出当前高校新闻人才培养的诸多问题。 [ 关键词 ] (关键词是反映论文最主要内容的术语,每篇论文一般可选3—6 个关键词,关键词之间应以分号隔开。以下为例文)新闻教育;发展规模;课程结构;实践教学 以下为正文,此处应空一行,删除此处黄色说明字体即可 进入 21 世纪以来,中国的新闻学教育进入了一个全新高潮期,同时也 不可否认,中国新闻学教育也进入了无法回避的危机期。在这场新闻教育 的危机中,高校教育的危机体现得也最为明显。高校的新闻学教育在整个 新闻学教育体系中占据着无可争议的主体性地位,①在新闻教育活动当中,能够承担设计和教学组织任务的最重要的主体无疑是新闻学专业的院系机 构,新闻专业教育目标的制定、整体教育内容的确定、不同教育方法的选 择以及整体教育程序的设计都取决于院系机构的决策。所以从某种意义上 说,新闻学教育的整体规范都要通过新闻院系的专业决策来实现。然而随 着新闻媒体的强劲发展,新闻学专业的教育机构却陷入了难以克服的矛盾 之中。而正是这些难以克服的诸多矛盾把高校新闻教育推向了整个新闻教 育危机的风口浪尖。 ①注释采用小五号宋体。注释是对论著正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明,以及未公开发表的私人通信、内部资料、书稿和仅有中介文献信息的“转引自”等类文献的引用著录。参考文献序号用方括号标注( 如 [1] 、 [2] , ) , 一般集中列表于文末;而注释用数字加圆圈标注(如①、②,),一般排印在该页底脚。 2


自身免疫性感音神经性聋基因治疗的实验研究 发表时间:2009-6-5 14:45:50 浏览次数:174 来源:中国创新医学网推荐 蔡文君,谭长强,李玉瑾,黄和,李霜 南京医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉科暨耳鼻咽喉科学研究室,江苏南京 210029;南京工业大学生物 化学中心,江苏南京 210009 【摘要】目的:研究以重组复制缺陷型腺病毒为载体的Fas配体(Fas Ligand,即FasL)基因和白细胞介素10(即IL 10)基因治疗实验性自身免疫性感音神经性聋。方法:采用同种内耳组织抗原加弗氏佐剂免疫豚鼠,造成自身免疫性感音神经性聋的动物模型28只,按配对设计将其分为4组,通过鼓阶微量注射的方式,A组注入携带FasL基因的腺病毒(Ad FasL),B组注入携带IL 10基因的腺病毒(Ad IL 10),C组单纯注入腺病毒(携带绿色荧光蛋白,即Ad GFP),D组注入等量的磷酸盐缓冲液。基因导入7 d后行听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR)测试,后取颞骨制作石蜡切片并行HE染色和光镜观察,每组各取两耳行螺旋韧带和基底膜透射电镜观察。每组各取3只(6耳)行免疫荧光和酶免疫组织化学试验,以检测基因产物表达和腺病毒转染情况。结果:免疫组织化学显示携带目的基因的腺病毒可以转染血管纹、螺旋韧带、Corti器、螺旋神经节、蜗轴小血管周围及其耳蜗的骨壁等部位的细胞,并产生相应的蛋白产物(IL 10和FasL)。ABRⅢ波阈值的均值对比结果显示,A组和B组明显低于C组和D组。内耳组织的免疫炎性反应亦明显较C组减轻。结论:重组复制缺陷型腺病毒可以携带目的基因转导入内耳,并在内耳表达基因产物,其抑制炎症反应的作用可有效地减轻自身免疫性感音神经性聋的内耳组织免疫炎性损伤和听觉功能障碍,有望成为治疗自身免疫性感音神经性聋新的方法和途径。 【关键词】基因治疗;自身免疫性感音神经性聋;豚鼠 1979年McCabe依据其临床发现,即18例听力障碍患者经过免疫抑制治疗后听力有明显改善,提出了自身免疫性感音神经性聋(autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss,ASNHL)的概念。之后的进一步研究发现,自身免疫性损害不仅可累及耳蜗,还可波及前庭,故又提出了自身免疫性内耳病(autoimmune inner ear disease,AIED)[1 2]概念。目前ASNHL的病因和发病机制尚不十分清楚,临床缺乏特异性诊断方法,对于ASNHL患者的治疗亦存在着一些问题,主要是采用皮质激素或免疫抑制剂治疗,虽然疗效较快、较好,但该类药物毒副作用多,而且还存在停药后复发率较高等问题。 近年来随着分子生物学研究的深入和基因工程技术的进展,基因治疗已成为许多相关疾病治疗研究方面的热点和新希望。基因治疗是根据特定的治疗目的基因将DNA导入到宿主细胞中并在其中表达。1996年Lalwani等[3 4]报道了将基因导入动物内耳,以后关于内耳的基因治疗成为一个热点,并在载体选择、导入方法和安全性评估等方面取得了很大的进步。基因工程技术已能构建特异性载体,可携带治疗基因导入动物耳内,在动物内耳获得高效表达[4],产生具有高度生物活性的稳定的基因产物,并且不产生病毒相关的耳毒性反应,这为基因治疗感音神经性聋提供了生物学证据。 目前因为复制缺陷性腺病毒载体具有病毒滴度高、转染效率高(100%)、宿主细胞范围广、外源基因容量大、稳定和无插入突变危险等特点,已经成为基因转导研究中应用最多的载体之一。Yagi等[5]将腺病毒携带的GDNF基因从圆窗膜注射入鼓阶,GDNF基因在蜗内得到表达并发挥作用。 基于上述研究状况和现有研究工作基础,本项目组拟将利用基因治疗的独特性和内耳可行局部治疗的独特解剖特点,对自身免疫性感音神经性聋模型动物进行内耳免疫抑制或调节基因的试验性治疗研究,以探讨其治疗效果和可能发生的副反应情况。 1 材料和方法 1.1 实验动物 健康成熟豚鼠,白色红目,体重300 g左右,耳廓反应正常,耳镜检查排除中耳疾患,所有动物均由南京青龙山养殖场提供。 1.2 内耳组织粗制抗原(crude inner ear antigens,CIEAgs)制备豚鼠CIEAgs制取方法参考文


浅谈企业竞争力与现代物流服务 目录 引言 (3) 一、物流服务的内涵 (3) (一)作为客户服务一部分的物流服务 (3) (二)作为物流企业产品的物流服务 (4) 二、物流服务与工商企业竞争力 (4) 三、物流服务水平的确定 (5) (一)对顾客服务进行调查 (5) (二)顾客服务水平设定 (5) (三)基准成本的感应性实验 (5) (四)根据顾客服务水准实施物流服务 (5) (五)反馈体系的建立 (5) (六)业绩评价 (5) (七)基准与计划的定期检查 (5) (八)标准修正 (5) 四、中国企业物流服务的现状 (5) (一)企业内部轻视物流服务 (5) (二)物流服务水平的确定程序不清 (5) (三)在物流水平的确定过程 (6) (四)企业对物流服务外包认识不到位 (6) 五、企业物流服务水平的提升 (6)

(一)转变观念,树立顾客至上的服务意识 (6) (二)开发差别化物流服务 (6) (三)建立物流信息系统 (6) (四)借助外部资源,提高企业的物流服务水平 (6) 六、合理设定企业物流服务水平 (7) (一)物流服务应与顾客的特点、层次相符 (7) (二)在确定物流服务水平时,要权衡服务、成本和企业竞争力之间的关系 (7) (三)对企业的物流服务水平要进行定期评估和改进 (7) 七、结束语 (7) 参考文献 (7)

浅谈企业竞争力与现代物流服务 陈小勤 树人大学成教学院08物流管理200810331110 某310015 摘要:随着科学技术的进步和经济的不断发展以及中国加入WTO,中国企业正面临着巨大的竞争压力,作为企业顾客服务的主要构成部分的物流服务已成为企业提升竞争力的关键。本文首先介绍了物流服务的概念及其特性,指出了物流服务对于企业的重要性,在此基础上,通过分析企业物流服务存在的问题,提出了物流服务水平提升的途径及实现合理化的步骤。 关键词:物流服务客户服务企业竞争力 引言20世纪90年代以来,随着科学技术的进步和经济的不断发展,消费呈现个性化、多样化的特征。企业面临着缩短交货期、提高产品质量和降低成本的压力。商品在进入成熟期以后,顾客对于商品的比较不仅仅放在质量方面,而更侧重于伴随商品购买所得到的服务,服务在顾客决策中已占据重要地位。面对激烈的市场竞争,越来越多的企业开始关注客户服务,去主动靠近顾客,并以顾客的需求和利益为中心,最大限度地满足顾客的需求,顾客服务成为企业竞争力重要表现。作为顾客服务主要构成部分的物流服务,则成为企业提升竞争力的关键。特别是随着网络技术的发展,企业间的竞争已突破了地域的限制,竞争的中心逐步转移为物流服务的竞争。目前许多大型制造业、零售业的跨国公司,为争夺全球市场,把物流服务作为自己的竞争优势。同时,它们也从高效率、优质的顾客服务中获得巨额利润。在日益激烈的市场竞争环境下,如何提升和确定企业的物流服务水平,保证企业长期竞争优势,已成为企业需要关注的重大课题。企业竞争力是企业在市场竞争中谋求并保持最大收益的能力,获利能力越强的企业,其生存能力也必然越强。企业如何在一定时期内,不断适应外部环境变化,合理运用各种资源、提供产品与服务的过程中建立其生存与发展能力并形成竞争优势,显得尤为必要。 一、物流服务的内涵 物流服务是指对在供应链中商品要在企业和供应商/顾客之间移动,与每笔交易相关的资金和信息移动相关的业务流程进行管理物流服务是企业为了满足客户(包括内部和外部客户)的物流需求,开展一系列物流活动的结果。物流的本质是服务,它本身并不创造商品的形质效用,而是产生空间效用和时间效用。站在不同的经营实体上,物流服务有着不同的内容和要求。 (一)作为客户服务一部分的物流服务从工商企业的经营角度看,物流服务是企业物流系统(Logistics System )的输出,是保证顾客对商品可得性的过程。企业物流服务属于客户服务的X畴,是客户服务的主要构成部分。 在这里,物流服务主要包括以下三个要素:1.有顾客所期望的商品(备货保证) 2.在顾客所期望的时间内传递商品(输送保证)3.符合顾客所期望的质量(品质保证)

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