当前位置:文档之家› 国际象棋对局评注符号




文本符号 中文意义 英文意义
1-0 黑方负(白方胜) Black resigns (White wins)
0-1 白方负(黑方胜) White resigns (Black wins)
1/2-1/2 和局 Draw agreed
! 好着或最好着 Good or best move
? 劣着或错着 Bad move or mistake
(?) 有疑问 Questionable
!? 有兴趣着(冒险);激烈着法 Interesting (risky)
?! 可疑着(太冒险) Dubious (too risky)
!! 极好着;精彩的着法 Excellent or brilliant move
?? 大错;大漏着 Blunder
+- 白方有致胜优势;白胜势 White has a winning advantage
+/- 白方有明显优势 White has a clear advantage
+= 白方有轻微优势;白略优 White has a slight advantage
& 情况不明朗 unclear
~ 大致均等 about equal
=/& 子力(付出)有补偿 with compensation for material
=+ 黑方有轻微优势;黑略优 Black has a slight advantage
-/+ 黑方有明显优势 Black has a clear advantage
-+ 黑方有致胜优势;黑胜势 Black has a winning advantage
# 将死 centre (hash also used for mate)
=》/《= 持有反击 with counterplay
R 多种不同选择 Various alternatives
/\ 构思是……;想法是…… with the idea
or 更好 better
BB 双象 two bishops
Bb 异色格象 opposite coloured Bishops
=》 持有进攻 with the attack
^ 持有主动 with the initiative
@ 持有出子领先 with a lead in development
O 持有空间优势 with a space advantage
《 后翼 Queen“s-side
》 王翼 King“s-side
// 斜线 diagonal
|| 直线 file
== 横线 rank
zz 无等着;楚茨文格 Zugzwang
x 弱点 weak point
_|_ 残局 endgame
ch 锦标赛 championship
m 对抗赛 match
cc 通信赛


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