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Unit 1 你脑海中的声音 1
















UNIT 2 罗密欧与朱丽叶















大学英语B 阅读理解答案

阅读理解 B 42、Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the Lincoln Memorial. The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later. Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever. (1)、Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Martin Luther King was a black minister only. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years. A:T B:F 答案:A (4)、The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could be replaced by "gave". A:T B:F 答案:A (5)、The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law". A:T B:F 答案:B 43、A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale. He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr. James had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost (鬼) must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, he shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept it even if he gives it away. (1)、Mr. James was the owner of the public house. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Mr. James had not turned off the lights that night. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Mr. James built the house. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Mr. James found sixty empty bottles. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、The writer of the passage believes Mr. James' story. A:T B:F 答案:B 44、Great changes have been made in family life because of science and industry. In the past, when more Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families can not be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families. In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consists only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take child raising as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people's children, leaving those families free to move from job to job. (1)、The passage discusses influence of science and industry on American families. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Families of the past, the present and the future are described in the passage. A:T B:F 答案:A (3)、People no longer want to have children. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Grandparents will take the chief responsibility of raising children in the future. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、Large families cannot fit in with a highly industrialized society. A:T B:F 答案:A 45、My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband's socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in. I greeted them first and then told them what we were going to do that day. When I turned around to write on the blackboard, the class broke out a roar! They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be into seeing all this. I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they roared even more. Finally, the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too!



大学英语读写译(一) 期末测试题(1) Part I. Reading Comprehension (50%) Section A. Skimming and Scanning (10%) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For question 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Spiders Spiders can be distinguished from other Arachnids because the prosoma (combined head and thorax) is only separated from the opisthosoma (abdomen) by a narrow waist, in other Arachnids the whole body appears to be much more of a single unit. All spiders produce


新视野大学英语快速阅读第三册答案全 Unit1 Passage1 1—5 DCDCD 6—8 AAB Passage2 1 smart enough 2 enters the house 3 only one act 4 properly trained 5 race horses 6 500 to 600 7 because used to each other 8 family or food Passage3 1—5 ADDAD 6—7 AC 8 talking 9 direct commands 10 cultural,not personal Passage4 1—5 Y Y N NG N 6—7 N Y

8 the individual 9 responsible behavior 10 written budget Unit2 Passage1 1—5 Y Y N Y N 6—8 N NG Y Passage2 1 the use of drugs 2 dull and hopeless 3 more and more drugs 4 LSD 5 really able to do 6 long jail sentences 7 dangerous situations 8 full of tension Passage3 1—5 ACBDC 6—7 DA 8 skills courses 9 certificates 10 world communication Passage4 1—5 NG Y N Y Y

6—7 Y N 8 it is easier 9 confront different challenges 10 allowing everything Unit3 Passage1 1—5 BCBAC 6—8 CAC Passage2 1 900 miles 2 weeks of time 3 the kind of boats 4 getting into the mud 5 different levels of water 6 man-made lakes 7 the force of the water 8 the photographys taken from spaceships Passage3 1—5 DBCAB 6—7 AD 8 the chain store 9 th e firm’s expenses Passage4 1—5 N NG N Y N


Unit1 Understanding the text Part A: Comprehending the text 1.Most voice-over artists work in advertising. They provide the voice for the images used to sell a product. 2.They must have a good voice and be good actors. They must be able to modulate their voice. 3.The pay can be good but it is not enough to find work. 4.It?s finding work. You do not become famous even if your voice is good! Nobody knows what a voice-over artist is or what he does. You have to strike a balance between finding work and over-exposing your voice. Part C: Summarizing the text Details 1.Male or female? The voice must create the correct mood for the product. The way the message is delivered is important (stress, intonation). 2.Find a message that is relevant to every audience, which everybody can understand. Make sure the translation is good. 3.You must have the ability to control your voice. You must be confident in front of a microphone. 4.It?s good money. It gives you self-satisfaction --- your voice is well-known! 5.It?s difficult to find work. You don?t get well-known. Nobody knows what you do. Unit 2 Understanding the text Part A: Comprehending the text 1. m 2. e 3. i 4. j 5. g 6. h 7. d 8. b 9. l 10. a 11. n 12. c 13. k 14. f Part B: Summarizing the text Details 1.Capulets vs Montagues; history of enmity Romeo and Juliet fall in love and in trying to come together they die tragically. 2.Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, (Mercutio) 3.enmity between families character of Tybalt Romeo did not get the message. Strength of love between Romeo and Juliet 4.party


Unit1 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn't take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day 他们利润增长,部分原因是采用了新的市场策略 The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. Unit2 尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。 Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。 The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。 The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。 This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. Unit3 你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。 You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure.) There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。 Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。 Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。 I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。 She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height. Unit4


Unit 1 Johnny the Explorer 约翰尼探险家 Johnny was three when he ran away from home for the first time. Somebody left the garden gate open. Johnny wandered out, crossed some fields, and two hours later, arrived in the next village. He was just able to give his name and address. 当约翰尼第一次离家出走时,他只有 3岁。有些人的花园门口敞开着。约翰尼越过这些地段就漫步出去了,接着 2个小时后,他到了下一个村子。他只能说出他的名字和地址。 By the time he was seven, Johnny used to vanish from home two to three times a year. Sometimes he covered quite long distances on foot. On other occasions he got on a bus or even a train, and simply sat there until someone asked for his ticket. Generally the police brought him home. "Why do you do it?" they used to ask. "You aren't unhappy at home, are you? .... " "Of course not," Johnny replied. "Then why?" "I just like seeing places," Johnny told them. 等到他 7岁的以后,约翰尼经常离家出走,一年内有两到三次。有时他步行到很远的地方。其他时候,他通常坐公共汽车或甚至坐火车外出,并朴素地坐在里面直到有人来买票。通常警察来带他回家。“为什么你要离家出走?” 警察们问他,“你在家里是幸福的,不是吗? .... ”“当然不是不幸福,”约翰尼回答道。“那是为什么呢?”“我只是喜欢外出探险, ”约翰尼告诉他们。 Johnny continued to "see places" although everyone tried to stop him. His parents used to watch him closely, and so did his teachers; but sooner or later Johnny managed to slip away. As he grew older, his favorite trick was to hide on a long distance truck. Sometimes he used to travel hundreds of miles before anyone discovered him.


大学英语一阅读理解 一、阅读理解(共505题,共101分) 1. Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $1. 01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” acro ss the country seeking to kick the habit. This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase. The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely. In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. Charleston, S, C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4. 78. The influence is obvious. In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records. Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.” That’s true, But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better. (1分) (1) The text is mainly about___________. (0.2分) A.the price of cigarettes B.the rate of teen smoking C.the effect of tobacco tax increase D.the differences in tobacco tax rate 标准答案:C (2) What does the author think is a surprise? (0.2分) A.Teen smokers are price sensitive. B.Some states still keep the tobacco tax low. C.Tobacco taxes improve public health. D.Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise. 标准答案:B (3) The underlined word "deter” in Paragr aph 3 most probably means . (0.2分) A.discarding B.remove C.benefit D.free 标准答案:A (4) Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of . (0.2分) A.tolerance B.unconcern C.doubt D.sympathy 标准答案:D (5) What can we learn from the last paragraph? (0.2分) A.The new tax will be beneficial in the long run. B.Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.


Unit1奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺 将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。” “等一等 , ”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。” 在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们, 一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你 们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过 去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着 去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获 这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能 体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世 界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你 隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友 却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!


Unit 6 第六单元 Karoshi 过劳死 You might be of the opinion that a little hard work never hurt anyone, but this old saying 你可能会认为有点努力工作不会伤害任何人,但这个老说 is wearing thin. Tokyo interiors fitter Nobuo Miuro, quite literally, died in his work boots 穿着瘦。东京的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感钳工Nobuo Miuro照字面上,死于他的工作的靴子 in the middle of a 17-hour shift: a Japanese doctor returned a verdict of death by overwork. 这场当中的改变:日本医生裁定死于加班。 It's a phenomenon that has become so common in Japan (where a typical office worker can 那是一种现象,已经非常普遍在日本(在一个典型的办公室工人可以 leave home at 7am, only getting back after 11pm) that they even have their own word for it: 早上7点离开家,只在晚上11点后打回到,他们甚至还有自己的的话:

"karoshi". “过劳死”。 Karoshi has yet to make it as a buzzword in current British usage, but that's not to say 还没有过劳死,在当前的热门话题,而英国的用法,但这并不是说 that long hours and work-related stress aren't taking their toll on us here. Self-reported 那么长时间和工作压力不重要,我们这里的代价。自报的 health problems in the past 12 months by people in the UK working 48 hours or more have 健康问题,在过去的12个月,英国人在48小时内工作 included mental exhaustion (54 %), difficulty sleeping (43 %) and range from chronic 包括精神的疲惫(5400 %),入睡困难(43 %)年龄从慢性 headaches and irritable bowel trouble to ulcers and drug or alcohol problems. 头痛和肠易激麻烦去溃疡和吸毒或喝酒的问题。

fard by aldous huxley现代大学英语阅读4 翻译

索菲娅,冰冷的小房间里,大部分时间都回荡着争吵声,就像夫人独角连续剧,又被奇怪和不祥的沉默打断了。但是偶而先生好象失去了耐性,不再沉默,而是刺耳的、低沉的、生气的叫喊。夫人始终保持着高声的持续的尖叫而没有减弱,她的声音即使是在发怒时也带有一种奇怪的平板单调。但现在先生他在争吵声中的声音很高,柔和,带有强调性的语调而突然爆发,当他们都能听的见的,听起来就象一系列不同的形式的爆炸。呜呜呜呜,一只狗慢慢的的叫着。 过了一会儿,索菲娅不再注意他们的争吵了,修补着夫人的一个女式背心,修补时她必须得全神贯注,她感到很累,全身酸疼,又是一个辛苦天,昨天也是,前天也是,每天都很辛苦,她已经不再年轻了,两年前她都过五十岁了,从她有记忆时,每天过的都很辛苦,当她还是一个乡下小姑娘时,就经常背着成袋的土豆,蹒跚地走在泥泞的路上,每走十步就得歇歇,这永远没有个尽头,每天周而复始的重复着这繁重的工作。 She looked up from her sewing, moved her head from side to side, blinked. She had begun to see lights and spots of colour dancing before her eyes; it often happened to her now. a sort of yellowish bright worm was wriggling up towards the right-hand corner of her field of vision; and though it was always moving upwards, upwards, it was always there in the same place. And there were stars of red and green that snapped and brightened and faded all around the worm. They moved between her and her sewing; they were on with her work; Madame wanted her camisole most particularly tomorrow morning. But it was difficult to see round the worm. 她停止缝补抬起头,活动活动一下发僵的脖子,眨眨发胀的眼睛,感觉眼前金光


阅读理解大学英语A 1、Throughout the colonial period there was a remarkable shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This shortage enhanced women's status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers. The puritans regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdevelopment country made it necessary that each member of the community performed an economic function. Thus work for women was not only approved but also was regarded as a civic duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and independent women to be self-supporting. There was no social prohibition against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home. The vast majority of women worked within their homes, where their labor produced most articles needed for the family. The entire colonial production of cloth and clothing and partly that of shoes was in the hands of women. In addition to these occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment. They were butchers, silversmiths and gunsmiths. They ran mills, plantations, shipyards, and every kind of shop. They were gatekeepers, jail keepers, journalists, printers, nurses, and teachers. (1)、What does the passage mainly discuss A:Colonial marriages. B:The puritan religion. C:Colonial women's employment. D:Education in the colonies. 答案:C (2)、According to the passage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women A:Puritan communities. B:Seaports. C:Frontier settlements. D:Capital cities. 答案:C (3)、It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans were ______.

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