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7. doesn'train





2.couldn'tseeanything3,Eachof,has4.Don'ttake5.W hich6.Howlong7.Differen'tfrom8.Whatdid,do9.Whatatallbuildingitis! .Howtallthebuildingis!











8.th row


二、1.willisgoingtobe2.istalking3.went4.was5.dontsell6.receiving7.swim ming8.Dontbe9.called10.brush



练习一 一、DCCBBDDCDB 二、 1、fifth 2、minutes 3、easily 4、friendly 5、shelves 6、 usual 7、brother’s 8、colourful 9、quietly 10、healthy 三、DFAEC 四、CBACBDDAAC 五、1、spend or 2、Shall we 3、different from 4、less than 5、too young to 六、DCBCA 七、1、Chen Hua wrote this invitation letter 2、The students of Class 3, Grade 7. 3、At Wang's Reatuarant on Nanjing Road 4、On Saturday,30th May. 5、Yes,there is. 6、It's in Wangfu Street 练习二 一、DCDBABCABB 二、1、knives 2、third 3、qucikly 4、driver 5、lives 6、 teeth 7、lovely 8、poisonous 9、western 10、loaves 三、EDBFA 四、BBCDAADCDA 五、1、There are in 2) goes by bike 3) How cold 4) for supper 5) How much cost 六、BBCAB 七、CADBBDACDC 练习三 一、ADCBCDBBDB 二、1) underground 2)outside 3)daytime 4)birthday 5)everybody 6)goldfish 7)footbridge 8)bookshelf 9)notebook 10)postcard 三、EACFB 四、BCDCADBCBD 五、1)another am free 2)Does belong to 3) when she was 4)is fond of 5) above ninth 六、BADAA 七、is cooking is writing writes tells had went were saw didn't want went was went saw felt wrote live is will go will see will be (提示:空隙较小的是在同一条 横线上的词语)

高一英语暑假作业2 (2)

新课标2015年高一英语暑假作业2 (满分100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共4小题;每小题5分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 Nowadays the problem of the generation gap is becoming more and more serious. Poor relationship between parents and their children are very common. Whether we like it or not, our parents are responsible for us at least until we're out of high school. So rather than get upset about that fact, maybe we should focus on some ways to make our relationship better. The best way, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate with my parents. When I find myself arguing with my mom and dad, I try to stop. If I can manage to stop myself from talking, I usually find that I can calm down quickly. I guess I'm usually acting out of emotion rather than logic(逻辑). But if I can stop arguing for a minute, it seems that my opinion changes and I start to realize that I'm a bit childish. Emotionally I may still be upset, but logically I understand that yelling(大 叫大嚷) and fighting surely won't make things better. Once I've stopped arguing, I look at my parents in the eye. You'd be amazed at how much easier it is to communicate with your parents when you've actually looking at them. Looking away doesn't do much of anything except for giving them the impression that I'm not listening or that I don't care. It's much easier to see things eye to eye when you're physically seeing them eye to eye. Finally, I listen to what they're saying (or at least I try). Communication can't happen unless both sides hear and listen to each other. There is nothing wrong with my hearing, but that doesn't mean I always listen to the sounds that people are making. When I argue with my parents, I can physically hear what they're saying without mentally listening to it. Whether I admit it or not, my parents' experience can actually help them give me


七年级历史暑假作业答案 一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案) 1.向朱元璋提出“高筑墙、广积粮、缓称王”建议的是 ( ) A.李善长 B. 刘基 C.朱升 D.徐达 2.八股取士开始于 ( ) A.隋朝 B.唐朝 C.宋朝 D.明朝 3.对明朝君主专制空前加强的表述错误的是 ( ) A.废丞相,权分六部 B.废行中书省,设三司 C.建立行省制度,对全国实行有效统治 D.设置厂卫特wu机构,由皇帝直接控制 4.明初,为安定社会和增加财政收入,政府采取的政策是 ( ) A.重视发展农业 B.奖励垦荒 C.休养生息 D.引进国外高产作物 5.元明两朝的棉纺织业中心是 ( ) A.松江 B.杭州 C.湖州 D.魏塘 6.16世纪中期,主动提出与明朝互市的北方少数民族首领是( ) A.成吉思汗 B.俺答汗巳忽必烈 D.努尔哈赤 7.1553年,攫取我国澳门居住权的殖民者是 ( ) A.意大利 B.葡萄牙 C.西班牙 D.日本

8.抒发民族英雄戚继光爱国情怀的诗句是 ( ) A.“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青” B.“醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营” C.“封侯非我意,但愿海波平” D.“文臣不爱钱,武臣不惜死,天下太平矣” 9.下列各项中不属于努尔哈赤政绩的是 ( ) A.统一女真各部 B.创立八旗制度 C.建立后金政权 D.改女真为满洲 10.李白成提出的最受农民欢迎的口号是 ( ) A.“三年免征,一民不杀害” B.“平买平卖” C.“均田免粮” D.“军人人城,有致伤一人者,斩以为令” 11.明朝中后期,我国资本主义生产关系的萌芽出现在 ( ) A.全国的政治、经济中心北京地区 B.商品经济比较繁荣的江南一些地方 C.黄河流域 D.云南等边疆地区 .对明长城东西起止点的正确说法是 ( ) A.东起山海关,西到嘉峪关 B.东起辽东半岛,西到祁连山 C.东起鸭绿江,西到嘉峪关 D.东起山海关,西到祁连山 13.我国第一部以农民起义为题材的长篇小说是 ( )


P1(P指的是页码,后面的题目有些很简单,不需要参考) 1.蝴蝶孔雀跳舞玩耍合拢钓鱼观察穿戴 2.钓鱼鱼钩辨别花瓣不要玩耍评论草坪仰望欢迎镜子边境 3.硬朗结实亲切亲热 4.假山寒假朝向朝阳盛开盛饭 5.一缕缕阳光一所所学校一条条小溪一台台电视一幅幅画卷 8.(1)形状、颜色 (2)这段话共有3句话。先写仙人球的形状,再写仙人球的颜色,最后写作者的感受,表达了作者对仙人球的喜爱而又惧怕之情。 二、(1)容易知道 (2)接过鸡蛋,放在桌子上摆弄了很久,鸡蛋还是无法竖在桌子上 (3):“,,,。”(4)我们不管做什么事情都要多动脑筋,遇到问题多思考。 P4 1.诚实谦虚滋润欣赏 2.浮守信聪明紧增加熟悉 3.-雨+亻假-扌+父爸-辶+亻仰-女+虫蚂-尸+攵故 4.甜美淡淡辛勤山崖铜钟花朵 5.秋雨打开了秋天的大门。 秋雨把秋天的大门打开了。 秋天的大门被秋雨打开了。

微风像一位姑娘,吹啊吹啊,吹来了春天的生机勃勃。 6.轻松对紧张勤劳对懒惰。复杂对简单,寒冷对炎热。 7.(1)7(2)满池碧绿晶莹高尚 (3)碧绿的荷叶像一把把撑在水面上的伞,布满了晶莹的水珠。 (4)出污泥而不染的就是荷花最高贵的品格。 (5)B P7 1.散步胸脯或者准备摆弄考察胶卷迷糊 2.架辆把串家枚种首 3.(1)“一定会飞回来!”男孩肯定地说。 (2)列宁看看男孩,又看看灰雀,微笑着说:“你好!灰雀,昨天你到哪里去了?” (3)“是的。”小男孩站起来,鞠了个躬,“请让我进去吧!” 4.桥木桥停停下亿亿万障障碍待等待 5.蒲公英飞啊,飘啊,越来越高,越来越远。 同学们有的在打篮球,有的在踢足球,开心极了! 8.(1)哭啊哭,哭得两眼又红又肿,像两只熟透了的桃子。 (2)伙伴们都剃光了头发。 (3)我觉得阿美的伙伴们的光头很美,因为他们帮助阿美克服了难过还有伤心,体现了善良美好的品质。 (4)狮子阿美


初一英语暑假作业答案 以下初一英语暑假作业答案由出guo 暑假作业栏目为您提供,希望对您有用! 一. 单词 Country People/Nationality Language Cities America 美国 theUnitedStatesof America(theUSA) American(s) AmericanEnglish WashingtonD.C. 华盛顿 NewYork 纽约Boston 波士顿*LosAngeles 洛杉矶 *SanFrancisco 旧金山*Hawaii 夏威夷 Australia 澳大利亚 Australian(s) AustralianEnglish *Canberra 堪培拉Sydney 悉尼 Canada *

Canadian(s) CanadianEnglish *Ottawa 渥太华Toronto 多伦多 China 中国 Chinese Chinese Bei * gShanghai ChengduHongKong England 英格兰theUnitedKingdom English(man/men) English(woman/women) BritishEngish London 伦敦 France 法国 French(man/men) 同上 French Paris 巴黎 Japan 日本 Japanese Japanese Tokyo 东京Singapore 新加坡Singaporean(s) Chinese;English

Singaporecity Brazil 巴西 Brazilian(s) Brazilian Italy 意大利Italian(s) Italian Germany 德国 German(s) German *Berlin 柏林India 印度 Indian(s) Indian *NewDelhi 新德里 Korea 韩国 Korean(s) Korean


1、Our“What’s New”collection features a massive range of the latest new DVD releases in movies,TV series,and documentaries. Andre Rieu—The Magic of Maastricht Andre commemorates(纪念)a remarkable 30 years since the founding of his beloved band,Johann Strauss Orchestra.This collection of finely crafted interpretations of uplifting evergreens is a must-have! Tracks include:Sole Mio,Hava Nagila(Let Us Be Happy),Halleluia,Tuti Frutti,Can’t Help Falling in Love,and more! $25.95.1 DVD,200 mins.Railroad Australia Meet the kings of the train world and discover what it takes to keep these metal monsters on the tracks.In a wild frontier of extreme heat and vast distances,an army of workers toil day and night to keep the nations lifeblood flowing...with a lot of help from the biggest and most powerful trains in existence. $24.95.2 DVDs,325 mins. Gentle Ben Based on the beloved children’s novel Gentle Ben follows the thrilling adventures in the Florida Everglades of a game warden,Tom Wedloe(Dennis Weaver),his wife Ellen(Beth Bricknel),their son Mark(Clint Howard)and Mark’s tame bear Ben. $39.95.4 DVDs.7 11 mins. Land Giris Land Girls follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home,doing their bit for Britain in the Wom en’s Land Army(WLA),a British civilian organization in WWII.The four girls have all joined the WLA with one common goal,to serve their country and help win the war.Follow the girls as they try to live out their lives in very challenging circumstances,with lots of laughter and tears along the way. $29.95.1 DVD.222 mins. 1.Which of the following probably appea ls to kids most? A.Andre Rieu-the Magic of Maastricht. B.Railroad Australia. C.Gentle Ben. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce3987345.html,nd Giris. 2.What is Andre Rieu most probably?


作业1 Revision of Unit 6 Cycle 1 III. 词汇精练 1. 看音标写单词。 (1) exercise (2) skating (3) hardly (4) video (5) crazy 2. 根据句意和给出的首字母补全单词。 (1) weight (2) yoga (3) cough potato (4) shape (5) practice IV. 课文回顾(略) V. 语法聚焦 1. 把下列副词放在适当的位置。 (1)A: Do you ever play sports? B: Sure. I play soccer twice a week (2)A: What do you usually do on Saturday mornings? B: Nothing much. I almost always sleep until noon. (3)A: Do you often do aerobics at the gym? B: No, I hardly ever do aerobics. (4)A: Do you play the guitar after school every day? B: No. I just play it.(sometimes) 2. 连词组句。 (1) What does your cousin usually do on weeknights? (2) How often does William go to the gym? (3) I practice the piano for a couple of hours every day. (4) My grandparents take long walks once a month. (5) I almost always meet a lot of friends there. VI. 学以致用 1A 2A 3A 4C 5D 6A 7B 8C 9A 10D 作业2 Revision of Unit 6 Cycle 2 III. 词汇精练 1. 看音标写单词。 (1) shape (2) fitness freak (3) twice (4) pretty 2. 根据句意和首字母写单词。 (1) exercise (2) aerobics (3) Tennis


七年级上册英语长江寒假作业答案 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 第一节1—5 CCBBB 第二节1—5 BABCA 第三节 1—5 CBBAC 第四节 1—5 CEDBA 21—25 CBCBD 26—30 CCCDA 31—35 BDCDA 36—40 CADBC 41. helps 42. swimming 43.eats 44.kilometers 45. make 46. be 47. am playing 48.easily 49. criminals 50. strawberries 51. washing 52.interesting 53. waiting 54. message 55. candles 56. went 57. ride 58. took 59. expensive 60. stayed61.On the first night 62. played badminton 63.feel about the trip 64. learned a lot 65. took the (a)

bus 66. one bowl of mutton soup 67. What kind of noodles 68. drew many pictures 69. long brown hair 70. medium build 71—75 CABCD 76—80 CABAD 81—85AACBC 86—90 CABGF One Possible Version Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Mount Juci. It was so interesting. It was a sunny Sunday. At 8:00 in the morning we met at the school gate. When everyone arrived, we started. All of us like riding, so we went there by bike. After about 80 minutes’ ride, we got there. We found it a beautiful place because there were many flowers and fruits there. So some students took photos, some played games or picked flowers. The others sang songs. At half past three in the afternoon, we got back to school. We were tired and hungry but we all felt very happy.


暑假作业八 完成情况:________ 家长签字:________ 一、听Unit 8 录音3遍,家长听写Unit 8 四会单词。 二、单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1. We know “ta ll” rhymes _______“sm all”. A. to B. with C. about D. for ( ) 2. You should not eat ______ food. It’s bad for your health. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too ( ) 3. -What did you see just now? -We looked around, but we couldn’t see ______. A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything ( ) 4. The goldfish _______ a bed. She isn’t any trouble. A. needs B. doesn’t need C. needn’t D. doesn’t need to ( ) 5. -I’m hungry. Please ______ me my lunch. -All right. A. take B. show C. take D. bring ( ) 6. The question is too difficult and ______ can answer it. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. none ( ) 8. -Do you like your cat? -Yes. My cat often sleeps ______ my lap and I like it very much. A. in B. at C. on D. with ( ) 8. The girl always ______ “hello” to her classmates in the morning. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says ( ) 9. -What ______ your cousin ______? -He is tall and strong. A. does; like B. does; look like C. is; likes D. is; look like ( ) 10. I won’t leave the classroom _______the teacher comes back. A. after B. because C. till D. when ( ) 11. -What did your mother buy in the shop? -_______. A. No one B. Nobody C. No D. Nothing ( ) 12. Millie’s dog _______ barks or fights. He is very friendly. A. often B. sometimes C. always D. never ( ) 13. -Don’t _______ any noise. Your sister is doing her homework. -No, I won’t. A. give B. take C. make D. have ( ) 14. Simon likes _______the goldfish _______ around in the tank. A. looking; swimming B. watching; swim C. to see; to swim D. looking at; to swim ( ) 15. The house is very small, so we ______ keep any pets. A. should B. should not C. can D. must


新课标2015年高一英语暑假作业8 (满分100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共4小题;每小题5分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 In the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Bad events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so were some helpful life-changing events like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not show how you deal with stress - it only shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that the way you deal with these events dramatically (戏剧性的) affects your chances of staying healthy. By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow the research got boiled down to a memorable message. Women's magazines ran titles like "Stress causes illness". If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy the articles said avoid stressful events. But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous , many — like the death of a loved one — are impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处方) for staying away from chances as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move. The idea that all stress makes you sick also takes no notice of a lot of what we know about people. It supposes we' re all vulnerable and not active in the face of the difficult situation. But what about human ability and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental strength than they had before. We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom and physical and mental pressure. 1. The result of Holmes-Rahe’s medical research tells us _________________. A. the way you deal with major events may cause stress B. what should be done to avoid stress C. what kind of event would cause stress D. how to deal with sudden changes in life 2. The studies on stress in the early 1970s led to ___________________. A. popular avoidance of stressful jobs B. great fear over the mental disorder


长江作业本英语寒假作业答案——阅读理解 .阅读理解。 (1) Today is the 5th of March. It’s my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends, gives me a long b ox. What’s in it? It’s an umbrella. My sister gives me a round box. I think it’s a big cake, but it is a basketball. I like playing basketball very much, so I’m happy to have it. Now, my friends are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to me. ( )1.My birthday is on _________. A. March 5 B. March 7 C. Sunday ( )2. I get a lot of presents from__________. A. my parents B. my friends C. A and B ( )3. My sister gives me ________ as my birthday present. A. a big cake B. a basketball C. a football ( )4. There’s _______ from my parents. A. a box B. an umbrella C. a book ( )5. From this dialogue (对话) , you know _____. A.I am a boy . B. There’s a birthday party. C. My father is a doctor (2)Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers’ Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time. 根据短文内容判断正误。( T or F ) ( )1.Yesterday was National Day. ( )2.We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. ( )3.Our teachers were not happy. ( )4.We held a party in the afternoon in the morning. ( )5. We all had a good time. C. 根据短文内容判断下列各句是否正确,对的写“T”,错的“F”。 An old man and a young man are walking in the park . The old man is behind the young man . There’s a chair in front of the young man . The old man is very glad to see the chair . He is very tired . He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes (几分钟) .He walks to the chair . He sees the young man walking to the chair , too , So he begins to run . Now he is in front of the young man . The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair ”. The old man doesn’t listen to him . H e is sitting on it . He looks very happy . The young man come over to him . He is holding (举着) a small board in his hand . It says “Wet Paint (油漆未干)” ()1、The young man is playing in the park . ()2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair . ()3、The old man wants to have a rest (休息一下) on the chair . ()4、There is some water on the chair . ()5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because (因为) it is wet (湿


初一年级上英语作业本答案 Starter Units l - 3 【基础达标】 I.略n . 1.BBC 2.CD 3.kg 4.NBA 5.UF0 6. CCTV 7. UN 8. PRC 8. DIY 10. DJ 皿.I.you 2. English 3. Spell 4. color 5. yellow IV. 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9. C 10. B 【综合 使用】 I.1.Good evening. 2. What color is the cup? 3. What's this in English? 4. Spell it, please. 5. How are you? 6. Hello ! n . l.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9. C 10. B 皿.1. Peter. 2. Anne. 3. She is fine. 4. He is fine. V. l.am 2.is 3. Are 4,is 5.is 6.your 7. My 8. Its V . l. It's an apple. 2. rm fine, tha nks. 3. P - E- N. 4.lt's a map. 5.lt's white. W. ( A)l. Hello, David ! 2. How are you? 3. what's that in English? 4. What color is it? 5, Spell it, please. ( B)6. Are you Bob? 7. Are you Alice? 8. Nice to meet you, too ! 9. Can you spell "jacket", please? 10. Is this your jacket? Unit 1 My name 's Gina. 【基础达标】 I . l. Her 2. Hell0 3. meet 4. your 5. His n . L.I 'm 2. what's 3.she's 4.my name's 5.it's 皿.l.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6. D 7.A 8.D 9. B 10. D V. 1.F 2. A 3,C 4.B 5.D 6.E V. 略


最新高一英语暑假作业及答案 为大家整理了高一英语暑假作业及答案,希望对大家有所帮助和练习。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。 一、单项选择题,语法和词汇知识运用,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The support of the students ______ the losing team and they played harder, so in the end they won the game. A. brought up B. cheered up C. grew up D. turned up 2.Gorge managed to ___________ several customers of the advantages of his product. A. remind B. accuse C. inform D. convince 3. Once it is formed,a bad habit is not easy to _____ 。 A.get rid of B.pick out C.cut off D.care for 4. _____ go straight on to university, why not get some work experience first? A.Rather than B.More than C.As well as D.Along with

5._______ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy. A. Unless; will you B. Unless; you will C. Only if; you will D. Only if; will you 6. It is wrong for us to ___ others however poor they are. A. look down upon B. look up to C. look after D. look through 7. This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can _____ my father. A.find out B.pick out C.look out D.speak out 8. I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon. A. you to call B. you’re calling C. your calling D. you call 9. Like so many others, the little tramp has rushed there ___________ gold , but without success. A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of 10.The unemployment __________ in this city has fallen from 16% to 8% in the past two years. A. speed B. rate C. welfare D. line

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