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Simile (明喻)

Simile is a figure of speech involving a comparison between two or more things whic h are essentially different but have at least one property or characteristic in common.

Words like as, as...as, as if, as though,( just) as... so, and like are the commonly us ed expressions to make the comparison.

In writing the writer may compare something abstract to something concrete, someth ing remote to something proximal, something unfamiliar to something familiar, and so forth.

e.g. That man can’t be trusted. He’s as slippery as an eel.

The old man’s hair is as white as snow.


Metaphor involves a comparison between two or more unlike things which share at le ast one property or characteristic, but the comparison is not explicitly stated. Instead, it is implied or condensed.

e.g. There were a few lordly poplars(白杨树)before the house.

He often prefaced his remarks by “I can’t help thinking…”

★the leg of a table

Personification (拟人)

Personification is a figure of speech that gives human attribute or feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. It can make the description more vivid and more impressive.

e.g. This time fate is smiling to him.

Dusk came stealthily.

Metonymy (换喻)

Metonymy involves the change of name. In other words, this figure of speech involve s the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. The substituted nam e may be an attribute of the other thing or be closely related with it.

e.g. When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen.

His purse would not allow him that luxury.


Synecdoche, in contrast to metonymy, is a substitution of the part for the whole and the whole for the part.

e.g. The farms were short of hands during the harvest season.

Germany beat Argentina 2 to 1 in this exciting football match. Euphemism (婉言)

Euphemism is a figure of speech which involves the substitution of an agreeable or in offensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. The t opics most likely to be substituted are illnesses, death, old age, toilet habits, poverty and unemployment, menial jobs or professions of low social standing, political and mil itary activities, and so on.

e.g. to die——to pass away; to leave us

old people——senior citizens

mad——emotionally disturbed

dustman——sanitation worker

Lavatory——bathroom; men’s/women’s room

Invasion——military action

Hyperbole (夸大、夸张)

Hyperbole is a figure of speech which involves a deliberate use of exaggeration to ac hieve emphasis.

e.g. She is dying to know what job has been assigned her.

On hearing that he had been admitted to that famous university, he whi spered to himself, “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

Understatement (缩小)

Understatement is just the opposite of hyperbole. It achieves emphasis by deliberately understating a fact.

e.g.It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool.

“He is really strange,” his friends said when they heard he had divorced his pretty and loving wife.

Transferred epithet (移位修饰)

Transferred epithet is a figure of speech where an adjective or descriptive phrase is t ransferred from the noun it should modify to another to which it does not really appl y or belong.

e.g.She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights.

The assistant kept a respectful distance form his boss when they were walk ing in the corridor.

He said “Yes” to the question in an unthinking moment.

The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Oxymoron (矛盾修饰)

Oxymoron is a compressed paradox, involving the co-occurrence of two contrasting, c ontradictory or incongruous terms.

e.g. She read the long-awaited letter with a tearful smile.

When the news of the failure came, all his friends said that it was a vict orious defeat.


A sequence of words beginning with the same sound, especially as used in poetry. e.g. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.

The Russian danger is therefore our danger,… just as the cause of any Ru ssian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe.

Pun (双关)

Pun is a figure of speech involving a play on the form and meaning of words. It is u sually amusing and makes your writing more colorful.

e.g. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, but it sure warms you on a cold winter d ay.

-- What are the differences between men and women?

-- Can you conceive?

Irony (反讽、反语)

Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis or amusing effect by saying the o pposite of what is meant or intended.

e.g. a very fat man -- “skinny”

a very thin man -- “fat”.

“Oh, how I enjoy the freezing weather!” (Actually they hate it. )Paradox (似非而是)

Paradox is a figure of speech where a seemingly self-contradictory and absurd statem ent or proposition is used to express something which is true, well-founded or succinc t. This is a twisted expression, so the reader can only arrive at its real meaning upo n further thinking.

e.g. The Child is father of the Man.

I can resist anything but temptation.

Parallelism (平行)

Parallelism is a rhetorical device which employs the deliberate arrangement of a succe ssion of parallel construction to achieve emphasis.

e.g. We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. W e shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, un til, with God’s help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people fro m his yoke.

Antithesis (对立)

Antithesis is a figure of speech where contrasting words or ideas are deliberately arr anged in balanced structural form to achieve emphasis.

e.g. Marry in haste, repent in leisure.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Rhetorical questions 反问

A rhetorical question is a question the answer of which is self-evident and hence seld om demands an explicit answer. This rhetorical device is often used to express the in dignation or astonishment of the speaker / writer or to make argumentation or persu asion more powerful.

e.g. But sometimes she would sit by the window and think of the evening long ago. What would have happened if she had never lost those jewels? Who knows?

If God be for us, who can be against us?


本文根据《大学英语》中出现的最常见的几种修辞格加以分析,希望有助于大家在学习英语的过程中能够恰当地选择修辞手段来丰富自己的表达。 明喻(Simile) 明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。例如: ●He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushedsint oshis wrinkled face.(他往后一跳,好像被什么东西叮了一下似的,他那张布满皱纹的脸顿时涨得通红。)在《品尝家》一文中老人对“我”的慷慨施舍的反应如同被蜜蜂叮过一样,生动地刻画出一个处境凄凉内心却极度敏感的可怜老人的形象。 ●The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. (支票跌落到地上,像一只断了翅膀的小鸟。)《礼物》一文中,老太太喜迎八十大寿,大女儿不来庆祝,只寄来一张支票。作者把这张支票比作断了翅膀的小鸟,形象地表达出此刻老太太希望破灭,极度伤心的心情。 暗喻(Metaphor) 暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。它直接把一种事物名称用在另一事物上,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。例如: ●What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter? (如果没有这位电子保姆,父母该怎么办呢?)形象地说明了电视机的保姆功用。 ●... while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.(……但是我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬


高考英语作文常用修辞手法 高考英语作文常用修辞手法 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。而恰当 地运用修辞手法,可以使文字新鲜活泼、具体逼真,大大增强艺术表 现力,扩大语言表达的范围;而且还可以激发读者的想象,给人留下 深刻的印象。下面介绍一些英语作文中常用的修辞手法。 1 比喻(etaphr) 比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻: 明喻(siile): 用lie, as, asas, as if(thugh) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如: lve’s lie a red, red rse 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。 The an an’t be trusted He is as slipper as an eel 那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。 He uped as if he had been stung他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 hildhd is lie a siftl passing drea 童年就像一场疾逝的梦。 暗喻(etaphr): 用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事物。例如: He has a heart f stne 他有一颗铁石心肠。 The rld is a stage 世界是一个大舞台。 2 换喻(etn)

用某一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。比如用the hite Huse 代替美国政府或者总统,用the bttle来代替ine 或者alhl,用the bar 来代替the legal prfessin,用rn代替ing等。例如: His purse uld nt all hi that luxur 他的经济条件不允许他享受那种 奢华。 The ther did her best t tae are f the radle 母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 He sueeded t the rn in 1848 他在1848年继承了王位。 3 提喻(snedhe) 指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用 一般代表特殊。例如: He earns his bread b riting 他靠写作挣钱谋生。 The fars ere shrt f hands during the harvest seasn 在收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。 Australia beat anada at riet 澳大利亚队在板球比赛中击败了加拿 大队。 He is the Netn f this entur 他是这个世纪的牛顿。 4 拟人(persnifiatin) 把事物或者概念当作人或者具备人的品质的写法叫拟人。例如: heart as singing 我的心在歌唱。 This tie fate as siling t hi 这一次命运朝他微笑了。


《英语修辞学》课程教学大纲 一、教师或教学团队信息 教师姓名职称办公室电话电子信箱徐桦副教授 本教师教授过的本科课程有:综合英语、英语泛读、英语视听说、英语写作、商务英语写作、英语语言风格、英语修辞学、英语词汇学等。所教授的英语写作获得2014年度学院“精彩课堂”奖;所教授的英语写作、英语词汇学、英语修辞学等课程获得学生评教高分。 本教师主要研究方向为英语课程论和英语写作教学。参加编写过多种英语词典、英语专业课本、和英语教辅书籍,其中参与编写的《英语语言学与教学丛书·写作教程系列》获2008年度上海师范大学教学成果三等奖。撰写和发表重要专业论文十余篇。担任2006-2008年度上海师范大学精品课程建设项目“中级英语写作”项目以及2009-2011年度上海市教委重点课程“英语写作基础”系列课程项目负责人。 二、课程基本信息 课程名称(中文):英语修辞学 课程名称(英文):English Rhetoric 课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课□专业必修课专业方向课 □专业拓展课□实践性环节 课程性质*:学术知识性方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性 课程代码: 周学时:2总学时:32 *2 学分: 4 先修课程:英语写作,英语语法 授课对象:英语(师范)专业本科三年级(5+6学期) 三、课程简介 本课程作为一门选修课程,向具备英语写作基础的学生介绍现代英语修辞学的研究内容、方法和主要修辞手段的运用;教学内容涉及词法、句法和段篇的修

辞特色、组织安排及表达手段。教学目的是让学生了解英语语言较深层次的表达特点和规律,辨别英汉修辞技巧的异同,能够利用修辞知识分析英语读物,提高欣赏水平和语言修养,并恰当地使用修辞手段,提高语言交际效果。 本课程对于高年级的英语语言文学专业的学生是不可或缺的学习领域及环节,它集理论性和实践性为一身,具备较高的实用价值,对于提升学生的专业水平具有重要帮助。 四、课程目标 英语修辞学的教学内容涉及词法、句法和段篇的修辞特色、组织安排及表达手段;通过修辞中的美学和非美学两套标准,系统传授英语修辞学的相关理论及实践技巧。教学目的是让学生了解英语语言较深层次的表达特点和规律,辨别英汉文化及修辞技巧的异同,能够利用修辞知识分析英语读物,提高欣赏水平和语言修养,并恰当地使用修辞手段,提高笔头及口头的语言表达效果。总之,本课程旨在培养学生针对不同目的、场景、对象,使用相应风格的英语交际能力,以及一定的研究英语语言有效表达的学术素养。 五、教学内容与进度安排*(满足对应课程标准的第2条) 本课程内容分三个大方面,第一方面为现代修辞学的研究对象、内容和方法,英语修辞活动的层次;第二方面为不同句法的修辞特色,短篇组织安排,文章写作和修改;第三方面为一些专题研究内容以及常用修辞格。


常见英文修辞手法(Figures of Speech) 英文的修辞手法种类繁多,功能多样,但总体说来,采用修辞手法,目的是为了使表达生动、形象,有感染力,给人以美感,即实现许渊冲先生所指的的语言的三美:“音美、形美和意美”。 1. figures of comparison: simile, metaphor. (resemblance of two identities) Simile: a figure involves an expressed comparison, always introduced by “like”, “as”or “as if”. e.g.: a. Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail. (Alice Walker: Everyday Use for Your Grandmama) b. Maggie?s hand is as limp as a fish. (Alice Walker: Everyday Use for Your Grandmama) Metaphor: the substitution of one thing for another because of the resemblance between them. It is an implied comparison without “as” or “like”. Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be used metaphorically. e.g.: a. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. (The Middle Eastern Bazaar) b. The dye-market, the pottery-market and the carpenters? market lie elsewhere in the maze of the vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar. (The Middle Eastern Bazaar) c. Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. (The Trial that Rocked the World) d. H. L. Mencken wrote sulphurous dispatches sitting in his pants with a fan blowing on him…(The Trial that Rocked the World) 2. Personification: a figure that endows objects, animals, ideas, or abstractions with human form, character, or sensibility. 1)TO inanimate objects(把无生命的物体拟人化)e.g.: a. The thirsty soil drank in the rain. b. The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty. 2) to inanimate living organisms (把有生物拟人化) e.g. a. He (the Fox) muttered as he retreated: “Well! What does it matter! The Grapes are sour!”…. ( Aesop’s Fables) b. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh. (Tagore: Stray Birds) 3) To inanimate concepts or ideas (把抽象概念拟人化) e.g.: a. Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can. (谬误经不起失败,但真理却不怕失败) (Tagore: Stray Birds)


英语修辞手法 1.Simile 明喻 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的 自然属性. 标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 例如: 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud. 3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. I.以容器代替容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了. 2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力 气赚钱. 4.Synecdoche 提喻 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 例如: 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体) 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般) 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分) 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配. 5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。 通感技巧的运用,能突破语言的局限,丰富表情达意的审美情趣,起到增强文采的艺术效果。比如:欣赏建筑的重复与变化的样式会联想到音乐的重复与变化的节奏;闻到酸的东西会联想到尖锐的物体;听到飘渺轻柔的音乐会联想到薄薄的半透明的纱子;



英语中常见的修辞手法 1明喻(Simile) simile -简明英汉词典['s?m?li:] n. (使用like或as等词语的)明喻 明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。如果使用得当可以把深奥的道理说得通俗、浅显、明白,使人可见可感可悟,把简单的事物表达的更为形象更为生动。例如: Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。)(大学英语第一册第三单元课文B) I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。) 2暗喻(the metaphor) metaphor -简明英汉词典 ['met?f?] n. 隐喻

暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。它是根据两个事物间的某些共同的特征,用一事物去暗示另一事物的比喻方式。本体和喻体之间不用比喻词,只是在暗中打比方,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。例如: I will do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea.(我将全力帮助他穿越人生的惊涛骇浪。)(第二册第三单元课文A) Consider that the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and right of man in the modern world.(想想吧,孕育英语的文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由和人权准则。)(大学英语第二册第七单元课文A) Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was budding.(每一封信就像落在肥沃土地上的种子,浪漫之花含苞待放。)(大学英语第一册地五单元课文A) 3 转喻(the metonymy) 转喻是通过相近的联想,借喻体代替本体。转喻是比隐喻更进一步的比喻,它根本不说出本体事物,直接用比喻事物代替本体事物。例如: The buses in America are on strike now.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses 喻指司机drivers)。“Well,”said the doctor.“I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral porcession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.”(“好吧,”医生说,“我会尽力做到科学能做到的,但每当我的病人开始数自己葬礼上的马车时,药物的疗效就会减掉一半。”)(大学英语第三册第六单元课文A) 4夸张(the exaggeration) exaggeration -英汉双向大词典 D.J.[?g?z?d???re???n] - exaggeration n. 1.夸张,夸大 2.夸张的言语;夸张的手法 - Exaggeration n. 夸张;夸大 把事物的特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张,即采用“言过其实”的说法,使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来。英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发。例如:


高考英语作文常用的12个修辞手法 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。而恰当地运用修辞手法,可以使文字新鲜活泼、具体逼真,大大增强艺术表现力,扩大语言表达的范围;而且还可以激发读者的想象,给人留下深刻的印象。下面介绍一些英语作文中常用的修辞手法。 1、比喻 (metaphor) 比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻: 明喻 (simile): 用like, as, as。。。as, as if(though) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如: O my love’s like a red, red rose。我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。 The man can’t be trusted。 He is as slippery as an eel。那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。 He jumped as if he had been stung。他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream。童年就像一场疾逝的梦。 暗喻 (metaphor): 用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事

物。例如: He has a heart of stone。他有一颗铁石心肠。 The world is a stage。世界是一个大舞台。 2、换喻(metonymy) 用某一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。比如用the White House 代替美国政府或者总统,用the bottle来代替wine 或者alcohol,用the bar 来代替the legal profession,用 crown代替 king等。例如: His purse would not allow him that luxury。他的经济条件不允许他享受那种奢华。 The mother did her best to take care of the cradle。母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 He succeeded to the crown in 1848。他在1848年继承了王位。 3、提喻 (synecdoche) 指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用一般代表特殊。例如: He earns his bread by writing。他靠写作挣钱谋生。 The farms were short of hands during the harvest season。在收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。 Australia beat Canada at cricket。澳大利亚队在板球


英语中常见的修辞手法 1 明喻(Simile) 明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。如果使用得当可以把深奥的道理说得通俗、浅显、明白,使人可见可感可悟,把简单的事物表达的更为形象更为生动。例如: Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。)(大学英语第一册第三单元课文B) I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。) 2 暗喻(the metaphor) 暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。它是根据两个事物间的某些共同的特征,用一事物去暗示另一事物的比喻方式。本体和喻体之间不用比喻词,只是在暗中打比方,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。例如: I will do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea.(我将全力帮助他穿越人生的惊涛骇浪。)(第二册第三单元课文A) Consider that the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and right of man in the modern world.(想想吧,孕育英语的文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由和人权准则。)(大学英语第二册第七单元课文A) Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was budding.(每一封信就像落在肥沃土地上的种子,浪漫之花含苞待放。)(大学英语第一册地五单元课文A) 3 借代(metonymy) 借代是通过相近的联想,借喻体代替本体。借代是比隐喻更进一步的比喻,它根本不说出本体事物,直接用比喻事物代替本体事物。例如: The buses in America are on strike now.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses 喻指司机drivers)。“Well,”said the doctor.“I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patien t begins to count the carriages in her funeral porcession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.”(“好吧,”医生说,“我会尽力做到科学能做到的,但每当我的病人开始数自己葬礼上的马车时,药物的疗效就会减掉一半。”)(大学英语第三册第六单元课文A) 4 夸张(hyperbole) 把事物的特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张,即采用“言过其实”的说法,使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来。英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发。例如:Most American remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure.(在大多数美国人的心目中,马克.吐温是位伟大作家,他描写哈克.费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆.索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。)(eternal和endless都是夸张用语,表示哈克.费恩童年时期田园般的旅游和汤姆.索亚夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事都已成为永恒不朽之作。) 5 拟人(personification) 所谓拟人就是把无生命的事物当作有生命的事物来描写,赋予无生命之物以感情和动作或是把动物人格化。例如:The first day of this term found me on my way to school, beautiful flowers smiling and lovely birds singing in the wood.(新学期第一天上学的路上,美丽的花儿在微笑,可爱的小鸟在林中歌唱.)(采用拟人化的修辞手法使句更为生动,表达更富情感.) The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare.(萧瑟的秋风吹落了枝叶,藤上几乎是光秃秃的。) (这里作者运用了拟人手法,将秋天比做人,秋天吹出的寒冷的呼吸就是秋风。语言表达生动、有力,让人有身处其境的感觉)(大学英语第三册第六课课文A) 6 反语(irony) 反语就是说反话,用反话来表达思想、观点、事物等等。有的时候可以达到讽刺的意味。例如: “What fine weather for an outing!”(计划了一个美好的出游却被一场大雨搅和了,于是出现了上面的这句话,通过反语达到讽刺的效果,从而更能够反映出当时的无奈与沮丧。)


26种常见修辞格名称的释义及举例 英语修辞格的运用(二)名称定义 Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.以下是26种常见修辞格名称的释义及举例: 1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. In his dream he saw the tiny figure fall as a fly(simile)在他的梦中他看见那小小的人影像苍蝇一般地落了下来。 2) Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, The world is a stage.世界就像一个大舞台。 Life is an isthmus between two eternities.(Metaphor)生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 3) Analogy: (类比)It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance. Analogy:a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification 比拟说明,类比 4) Personification: (拟人)It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal


英语中常见得修辞手法 1明喻(Simile) simile - 简明英汉词典 ['s?m?li:]?n. (使用like或as等词语得)明喻 ?明喻就是一种最简单、最常见得修辞方法,就是以两种具有共同特征得事物或现象进行对比,表明本体与喻体得关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式就是“A像B”,常用得比喻词有as, like,asif, asthough等。如果使用得当可以把深奥得道理说得通俗、浅显、明白,使人可见可感可悟,把简单得事物表达得更为形象更为生动。例如: Like climbing amountain, westruggleup three feetand fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。)(大学英语第一册第三单元课文B)?I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutishmasses of the Hun soldiery bloddingon likeaswarmofcrawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当得比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。) 2暗喻(the metaphor) metaphor —简明英汉词典 ['met?f?] n. 隐喻 ?暗喻也就是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了得明喻(a compressed simile)。它就是根据两个事物间得某些共同得特征,用一事物去暗示另一事物得比喻方式。本体与喻体之间不用比喻词,只就是在暗中打比方,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言得表现力。例如:?I will do anythingI can t ohelp him through life's dangerous sea.(我将全力帮助她穿越人生得惊涛骇浪。)(第二册第三单元课文A) Consider that the same cultural soil producingthe English languagealso nourishedthe great principlesof freedom and right of manin the modernworld、(想想吧,孕育英语得文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由与人权准则。)(大学英语第二册第七单元课文A) Each letter was a seed fallingon a fertileheart. Aromancewas budding。(每一封信就像落在肥沃土地上得种子,浪漫之花含苞待放、)(大学英语第一册地五单元课文A) 3 转喻(themetonymy) ?转喻就是通过相近得联想,借喻体代替本体。转喻就是比隐喻更进一步得比喻,它根本不说出本体事物,直接用比喻事物代替本体事物、例如: The busesin America are on strike now.美国得公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses 喻指司机drivers)。?“Well,”said the doctor.“I will do all that science can accomplish、But wheneve rmy patientbegins to count the carriages in herfuneral porcessionI subtract50percent from the curative powerofmedicines、"(“好吧,”医生说,“我会尽力做到科学能做到得,但每当我得病人开始数自己葬礼上得马车时,药物得疗效就会减掉一半。”)(大学英语第三册第六单元课文A) 4夸张(theexaggeration) exaggeration -英汉双向大词典 D。J、[?g?z?d???re???n]?— exaggeration?n、 1. 夸张,夸大? 2. 夸张得言语;夸张得手法?— Exaggeration?n、夸张;夸大 ?把事物得特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张,即采用“言过其实”得说法,使事物得本质特征更好地呈现出来。英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张得功能就是突出事物得本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发、例如:?MostAmericanremember Mark Twain as thefather of Huck Finn’s idylliccruisethrough eternal boyhood and TomSawyer’s endless summer of freed om andadventure、(在大多数美国人得心目中,马克、吐温就是位伟大作家,她描写哈克。费恩永恒得童年时代中充满诗情画意得旅程与汤姆、索亚在漫长得夏日里自由自在历险探奇得故事。)(eternal与endless都就是夸张用语,表示哈克、费恩童年时期田园般得旅游与汤姆.索亚夏日里自由自在历险探奇得故事都已成为永恒不朽之作、) 5 拟人(the personifjcation) ?所谓拟人就就是把无生命得事物当作有生命得事物来描写,赋予无生命之


英语写作常用修辞格 英语中的修辞与汉语的修辞相比,分类细,种类多.下面将英语的修辞简单介绍如下: 1.Simile 明喻 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. 标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud. 3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. I.以容器代替内容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了. 2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. 4.Synecdoche 提喻 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory. 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century. 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap. 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配. 5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物. 1>.The birds sat upon a tree and poured forth their lily like voice. 鸟儿落在树上,倾泻出百合花似的声音. 2>.Taste the music of Mozart. 品尝Mozart的音乐.


英语中常见的修辞手法 1明喻(Simile) simile -简明英汉词典 ['s?m?li:] n. (使用like或as等词语的)明喻 明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。如果使用得当可以把深奥的道理说得通俗、浅显、明白,使人可见可感可悟,把简单的事物表达的更为形象更为生动。例如: Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。)(大学英语第一册第三单元课文B) I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。) 2暗喻(the metaphor) metaphor -简明英汉词典 ['met?f?] n. 隐喻 暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。它是根据两个事物间的某些共同的特征,用一事物去暗示另一事物的比喻方式。本体和喻体之间不用比喻词,只是在暗中打比方,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。例如: I will do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea.(我将全力帮助他穿越人生的惊涛骇浪。)(第二册第三单元课文A) Consider that the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and right of man in the modern world.(想想吧,孕育英语的文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由和人权准则。)(大学英语第二册第七单元课文A) Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was budding.(每一封信就像落在肥沃土地上的种子,浪漫之花含苞待放。)(大学英语第一册地五单元课文A) 3 转喻(the metonymy) 转喻是通过相近的联想,借喻体代替本体。转喻是比隐喻更进一步的比喻,它根本不说出本体事物,直接用比喻事物代替本体事物。例如: The buses in America are on strike now.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses 喻指司机drivers)。“Well,”said the doctor.“I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient be gins to count the carriages in her funeral porcession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.”(“好吧,”医生说,“我会尽力做到科学能做到的,但每当我的病人开始数自己葬礼上的马车时,药物的疗效就会减掉一半。”)(大学英语第三册第六单元课文A) 4夸张(the exaggeration) exaggeration -英汉双向大词典 D.J.[?g?z?d???re???n] - exaggeration n. 1.夸张,夸大 2.夸张的言语;夸张的手法 - Exaggeration n. 夸张;夸大 把事物的特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张,即采用“言过其实”的说法,使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来。英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发。例如: Most American remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and

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