当前位置:文档之家› 英语头韵修辞的特点及翻译——以《傲慢与偏见》为例




傲慢与偏见婚姻观 main meaning: Marriage is the central topic in Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emma: the plots of the novels and the actions of the characters revolve around marriage. For Austen's characters, marriage does not mean the act of ungoverned passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society. Austen's characters are completely integrated into society and play out the stories within the social rules. Based on Socialist-feminism, this thesis examines social background in Austen's time and explores how social conditions influence females' psychological struggle and anxiety toward marriage. For Socialist-feminists, material factors shape women's marital consciousness in determinate ways. The discussions of male class and female status in the end of the eighteenth century are helpful for understanding why marriage is the central topic in Austen's novels. In a sense, marriage is regarded as a market place to exchange upward class mobility and financial support for Austen's characters. In order to achieve the goal of marriage, females are good at transforming themselves into commodities by displaying their appearances and accomplishments to appeal to male gazers. They realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support; money and class are thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners. keywords: Plot overview ;.Analysis of the major character ;Themes ;Motifs ;Pride and Prejudice ;marriage The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》 Then man treat great event in one's life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage . The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord's family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth's

最新-英语论文(傲慢与偏见) 精品

On Jane Austen’s Point of View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice Acknowledgements This thesis has finally come into being to meet critical eyes through two months of hard work. From the very beginning when I chose the topic till the completion of the thesis, I have benefited from many people . First of all I would like to show my sincere gratitude to my tutor, Shen Guozheng. Without his sincere and trustworthy guidance,valuable suggestions and critical comments,it would be difficult for me to accomplish this thesis.His loyalty to teaching and punctilious work style has profoundly impressed me. Moreover, I heartily thank all the teachers who have helped me in the past four years, who have provided me with incentives and direction for my study. Thanks are also due to my classmates and friends for their constant encouragement and their ways of assistance in the course of writing. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family members, for their selfless support,thoughtfulness and encouragement.


新闻英语标题翻译:欣赏及汉译 我们在阅读英语报刊时,不仅要学会看借新闻标题,而且最好还能善于欣赏并翻 译新闻标题,惟有如此,我们才能较正确地理解英语新闻标题的词汇、语法及修辞等 特点,判断出标题的寓意。 欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题时应该兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题,领悟其妙处;适 当照顾译文特点,增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题,对 于不太熟悉英语国家历史、文化背景的读者来说,有时并不是很容易的。许多妙不可 言的精彩之处,一疏忽就可能从眼皮底下滑过去。因此,这就要求我们平时注意积累,不断熟悉英语国家的历史掌故、文艺作品以及英语的修辞手段等等。一旦真的领会并 译出了英语标题中作者苦心营造的深奥内涵,那份喜悦不亚于数学家攻克一道难题。 一、直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白、直接,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则可直译或基本直译。如: Looking Back To Look Ahead. 回首往昔展望未来。 America's Careening Foreign Policy. 摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 Bill Clinton Assumes Office In White House As Us President. 比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统。(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌 大权。) Olympics Begin In Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold. 奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌。

二、添加注释性词语 即使是明白易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需酌情加上逻辑主语,或新闻人物的国籍、消息的事发地点等等。总之,应兼顾中英语新闻标题之异同,适当增补有关介绍性、注释性词语以利读者理解,避免产生误会。例如: Li Elected Cppcc Head. 李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席。 Lewis, Xie Voted World's Top Two. 路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)。 Emperor's Visit A Milestone In Bilateral Ties. 天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑。 Quake Death Toll Tops 5000. (日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千。 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers. 青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾。 三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom.


《傲慢与偏见》(节选之一)译文分析 Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen (An Excerpt from Chapter One) 第一句:"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of wife."*在本文中"It is a truth universally acknowledged"在七个译文中,大多译为“一条举世公认的真理”。在译文一二三六中,几乎无差;但在译文四中,则直接译为“一条真理”;而在译文五中则译为“这条真理无人知晓”;译文七则为“谁都知道;在其余部分"single man"通常被译为“单身男人”或者“单身男士”。七篇译文各有千秋,译文一和二译为“娶位太太”;三译得颇有文采“娶妻室”;而四中而贫乏无味又显得庸长;五用的是“娶妻”用的不是很妥当,且与“单身汉”不呼应;译文七也是如此。 第二句:"However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."*在这七则译文中,文字上各有不同的修辞,修饰。在译文二三六七中,译者把"this truth is so well fixed in ...families"这句提放在句首,句式结构很具有逻辑性;而译文一则比较繁杂,啰嗦;在译文四中则把这句放在了句尾,没有起到强调作用;在译文五则译得比较贴切而又不失逻辑。 第三句:"'My dear Mr Bennet',said his lady to him one day, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?"*在译文一中,译者把“My dear Mr Bennet"译成“我的好老爷”,个人觉得用的不是很恰当,“老爷”这一词太偏中式化了;而在二三四五六七中,则均译为“亲爱的本内特先生”,给人一种太正式化的印象,夫妻之间的谈话更应亲密些;译文五译得比较好些;而在叙述句中,"said his lady to him one day"译文一四五把此译文放在了第一句,其他的则放在原句位置,个人认为放在句首更加贴切。 第四句:"Mr Bennet replied that he had not."*这句简单的译文七句也各不相同。"replied"这词在译文一二三六七中均译成了“回答”,而that从句后后的"he had not"原句应为"he had not heard that",所以则译为“他还没听说”或是“他还没知道”,个人认为这句,在译文一至七都译得比较不错,贴近原文意思。 第五句:"But it is,returned she.For Ms Long has just been here,and she told me all about it."*译文"But it is"一至七中,译文二三译为“的确租出去了”;译文三则“可确是租出去了”’译文四则为“但的确已经租出去了”;文五则为“当真租出去了”;译文六与七则译为“确实租出去了”。在此七句中,我认为译文五译得比较贴切。"returned she"大多数译文则译为“她接着说道”。"all about it"有些译文译得比较繁琐,尤其是译文一;译文二三四六七比较恰当;译文四用了“原委”二字,非常生动形象。


新闻英语翻译研究文献综述 新闻英语,即“新闻报道文章中所使用的英语,具有新闻特性、适合新闻报道要求、适应新闻信息传播需要的语言”(张建,2004),成为了对外宣传的重要工具,特别是进入新世纪以来,对新闻翻译这一领域的关注日益增强,近年来,我国学者关于这方面的研究也逐渐逐渐多元化,从现有文献来看,主要集中在新闻本身的文体特点及翻译方法、新闻翻译理论、新闻翻译原则等方面。 1 新闻文体特点及翻译方法的研究文献综述 徐泉、王婷(2001)总结出新闻文体的如下特点:1.用词新颖,精巧别致;2.句式多样富于弹性;3.巧用时态,布局呼应;4.频繁使用被动语态,重点突出;5.结构合理层次分明;6.善用修辞,讲求效果。就语法层面的翻译而言,李侠(2004)分析了英语新闻句子的四大特点:1.信息量大;2.结构简单; 3.语法手段丰富;4.名词修饰语前置。李认为在翻译英语新闻时,必须遵循汉英两种语言的规律和使用习惯,努力增强译作的准确性和可读性,并提出了英语新闻句子汉译的3种方法: 1.化长为短; 2.调整句子中各部分的顺序与敢减敢删;3.使用四字格结构。曾尼(2010)从新闻英语的标题、词汇和时态及语态的角度,论述了新闻英语的一些文体特征。比如,由于报刊篇幅有限,新闻事件在语法方面的一个重要特点就是句型的高度扩展,结构严谨,句式简短精练,语言简洁是受人们称赞并为人们所追求的风格。郑连勋、郑堃(2011)认为新闻英语的问题与其他形式的新闻问题相同,拥有许多属于自己的独特语言。在理解其用词特点的基础上面,代词、复合词、外来词等应用方式,也是新闻英语用词方面的关键,从英语新闻报道展开分析,以借代词、引申词、复合词、外来词、小词语缩略词、临时造词等方面为例探讨了英语新闻当中的用词特点。 不少学者就这些文体特点的翻译进行了单项阐述。王治江(2001)提出了新闻外来词语音译中应注意的原则,即人名和地名中翻译要统一,不仅要译出指称意义,还要译出联想意义,但要避免产生贬义联想。范晓航(2003)


英语修辞赏析 英语中的修辞决非“文学语言”之专利,它已渗透到各种体裁,各类文体。即使是在Internet上,我们每日也能欣赏到五光十色、美不胜收的英语修辞。如:1. U.S. stocks decline; global markets churn(平行结构)2. Hurricane Bonnie hammers Carolina coast(比喻)等。再以科技英语为例,原本一本正经、味同嚼蜡的中科技英语也经常闪现修辞的光彩,如:Electric power becomes the servant of man only after the motor was invented.(只是在电动机发明之后,电力才开始造福人类。)再如:Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixture and compounds.(合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间物质。)英语广告对于修辞的运用更是“穷凶极恶”。如:What is your choice when inflation is slowly eroding the value of your nest eggs? (这是一家投资公司的广告,它把你平日的积蓄比作nest eggs,比喻独到,形象鲜活。)再如:Wash the big city right out of your hair. (广告里的big city即刻让人意识到the dirt of the big city,生动形象。) 英语的修辞可以分为消极修辞和积极修辞两大类。 一、消极修辞(Passive Rhetoric Techniques) 它主要指那些没有相对固定格式的修辞性写作技巧,它与语法、语言结构和词汇的关系密切,只是为了修辞和立意新颖的缘故,对之做了一些调整。举一种情况进行说明:为了增加文采,强化文章的表现力,常常避免重复使用同一个词汇,而另选他词。这种无固定格式可循的消极修辞手段被称为Elegant V ariation(求雅换词)。 求雅换词的手法之一是大字小用,或小词大用。如:Don’t take the low-fat label as a license to eat. 句子写得精彩,最难忘的是其中license一词。它是用途很广的大词。用在这里给人一种“头小帽大”的感觉,新颖别致。译文很难挽留此韵。(不能因为食品标明低脂肪,而敞开食用。)再如:If the term sounds unscientific to 20th-century ears, let us remember there is a definite connection between marshy lands and malaria… (如果这个术语对生活在20世纪的人听来不科学的话,那就让我们记住在沼泽地和疟疾之间有一定的联系……)。求雅换词的手法之二是科技词汇和日常用词的“错位”。如:Na?ve rats and frogs are said to have reacted wildly to such proposed experimented situation. Na?ve用于现代生物学时的含义为:not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular experimented situation.(据说,首次用来作实验的鼠和蛙对这种设定的环境改变都有剧烈反应。)再如:However, there are plenty of people who like tennis. It is the megagame. Mega的含义是兆,百万,是一个科技英语的词缀。使用在这里新义溢出。(但是许许多多的人喜欢网球,这是一项十分普及的运动。) 二、积极修辞(Active Rhetoric Techniques) 它主要指那些有相对固定格式的修辞性写作技巧。常见分类如下: 1.词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices)


湖北省高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文论《傲慢与偏见》留给世人的感想 准考证号:013510210640 学生姓名:李月辉 指导教师:赵红英 二○一二年九月

On the "Pride and Prejudice" for the feelings of the world Li Yuehui Tutor: Zhao Hongying September 2012

摘要 作为英国文学的经典之作,有关《傲慢与偏见》的研究几乎从未间断过。《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀脍炙人口的艺术精品,具有很高的可读性和艺术性。作者在作品的题材选择、人物塑造以及艺术表现手法三个方面都别具匠心,具有不朽的审美价值和艺术价值。同时,《傲慢与偏见》也一直是英国人心目中的经典书目,它在英国人心目中的地位仍然超过流行。我在该论文中论述的主要内容包括:对小说作者的介绍和当时18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情的介绍,仔细研究小说中爱情、金钱与婚姻之间的纠葛,挖掘作品中的内在矛盾性和各个人物特征以及他们在整部小说中所起的独特作用,以夹叙夹议、不断归纳、不断总结的方式论证文章的观点。 关键词:《傲慢与偏见》;审美;女性主义;戏剧性;反讽

ABSTRACT English literature classic, The Pride and Prejudice is almost never stopped. The Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen thrilling fine arts, has the very high readability and artistic quality. The author in the works of subject choice and characterization and artistic methods three aspects does not provide craftsmanship, has the immortality of aesthetic value and artistic value. At the same time, The Pride and Prejudice, and has also been the British seared in the minds of bibliography, it in the mind of the British position still more than popular. The paper discusses the main content including: introduction to the novel of the end of the 18th century to 19th century early in the under conservative and occlusion state of England township life and state of the world favors the introduction carefully study the novel of love, money and marriage of disputes between mining the inherent contradictions in the works and character features and the unique role they played in the entire novel, a narrative proposal and continue to be summarized, constantly sum up the view of the demonstration article. Key words:The Pride and Prejudice; aesthetic; feminism; dramatic; irony

英语论文开题报告范文 傲慢与偏见

On the Relationship between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中金钱与婚姻的关系 On the Relationship between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice I.Literature Review Pride and Prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen and it is read widely all over the world. It was written in 1813. That specific history time decided that people at that time took money much more seriously, even on their marriage. From the ancient times to the present, there are many studies about Jane Austen and her major works. In 1813, Oxford World's Classics for the first time recorded and published the work Pride and Prejudice and aroused great repercussion around the world. Then, in 1826 after the work has been widely read, Sir Walter Scott analyzed Pride and Prejudice from an overall perspective. In his article “The Journal of Sir Walter Scott”, he summarized the features of Jane Austen, he said that “Jane Austen has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful that I ever met with.”The background of Pride and


《傲慢与偏见》(节选一) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (An Except from Chapter One) 译文对比分析 节选文章背景:小乡绅贝内特有五个待字闺中的千金,贝内特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。新来的邻居宾利(Bingley)是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了贝内特太太追猎的目标。 1.It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 译文一:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的道理。译文二:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。 分析:从译文的准确性来看,译文一和译文二都表达的很准确,担从翻译的句子结构来讲,译文二的“有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太”与译文一的“凡是有钱的单身汉,总想要娶位太太”相比语言更简练,表达意思更清晰明朗。 2.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 译文一:这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作是自己某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。 译文二:这条真理还真够深入人心的,每逢这样的单身汉新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍的人家尽管对他的性情见识一无所知,却把他视为某一个女儿的合法财产。译文一中说“这样的一条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固”译文二“这条真理还真够深入人心的”,译文一的译法比较书面化,使用了“根深蒂固”,译文二“深入人心”,两种译法相比较,我更倾向第一种书面化的译法。

英语论文《傲慢与偏见》中反讽写作手法 (1)

毕业论文 毕业论文题目:On Irony in Pride and Prejudice 学生姓名: 学号: 院(系):外国语学院英语系 专业:双学位经贸英语 班级: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师称谓:讲师 起止时间:2012年10月—2013年5月

On Irony in Pride and Prejudice A Thesis Submitted To Foreign Languages Department Of Zhongyuan University of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Supervisor: May, 2013 ii

SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Zhongyuan University of Technology Declaration of Academic Integrity I promise that the thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutes of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis. I understand that to do so would mean that I had committed plagiarism, and that it is my responsibility to be aware of the University’s regulations on plagiarism and their importance. Signed: Date: iii

英语论文 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析

"Pride and prejudice" Elizabeth characters analysis 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析Keywords: Social environment Marriage is love The:"Pride and prejudice" is Jane Austen's early, but also she has made the masterpiece of writing characteristics. She is in daily life, with the female's discriminating and exquisite, humorous and witty style represents a series of vivid female images, especially for novel heroine Elizabeth successfully molded reflects the Austin in matters of marriage values. "Pride and prejudice" durable minerals-each root cause is perhaps the most interested in "best skills and create a" : people. One, Elizabeth successfully molded image 1, the heroine Elizabeth life and social environment "Pride and prejudice" described the 18th century at the beginning of the 19th century British women, regardless of in the economic and social or family status, social rank in male attachment, marriage system of equal pay. Like Elizabeth such a middle-class origins and property of low intellectual women, want to get a decent life and status, the only way is to marry a good man. Anyhow, the marriage is seeking economic security and social status. 2, Elizabeth's marriage The center is a smart Elizabeth, frank, the thought is agile, humorous and educated young lady.


新闻英语与翻译美 新闻传媒已经成为当今世界文化传播、信息交流的重要途径,是人们生活中不可或缺的部分。新闻报道的现实性、真实性、时效性特点决定了该文体的特殊性,使得新闻翻译与文学、科技和商务等方面的文字翻译存在诸多差异。 新闻英语是英语中常见的实用文体之一。它用词范围广,变化多;题材涉及社会政治生活、金融商业、军事冲突、科技发展、外交斗争、文体动态以及宗教、法律、家庭等各方面。目前对新闻英语及其翻译的研究多基于新闻传播学、文体学、语言学等的理论,从普通语言学和文体学的角度研究较多,却很少涉及翻译美学的理论。本文拟从翻译与美学的关系入手结合新闻英语的特点对其汉译过程中的审美和审美再现进行研究。 翻译与美学。纵观中西方的翻译理论史,不难看出,多数不同的翻译理论背后,都有与之同时代的哲学——美学思潮的影响,有学者指出,在中国传统的翻译理论研究中,“几乎所有的议论命题都有其哲学——美学渊源”,认为“历史定势和文化整体形态的发展促使翻译学与哲学尤其是与美学联姻”。 新闻英语翻译中的审美再现。新闻翻译作为一种语际间的交际行为,涉及新闻原文、译者、译文三方面。译者要做的不仅仅是简单的文字转换,还要把新闻原文中美学要素转嫁到译文中去。刘宓庆提到过翻译中表象要素或者是非表象要素的转换:表象要素,是语言的形式,而非表象要素是语言的内容,不仅包括语音、语义语言所反映的现实,还包括语言中所隐含的情态、韵味、意境等。所以,审美价值的吸收与再造就成了不可或缺的艺术实践。 英语重形合,从构词、构语、构句到语段的连接都偏重于使用形式或形态因素,句型结构严谨、界限分明,表达讲究简洁流畅和准确严谨;而汉语则重意合,句子疏于结构,重在达意,表达风格上,多用“四言”“八句”,多对仗。修辞手法形式美主要体现为:英语中,对照均衡美,比喻形象美、简洁美,排比气势美,诗歌的韵律美等;而汉语对偶、排比等,比英文更显突出。 所以从语言美学角度来看,忠实通顺而措辞无法展现原文风采的译文,就没有达到审美的要求,算不上好译文。下面结合实例,从形象美、形式美和修辞美三个方面探讨新闻英语汉译中的美学分析和审美再现。 形象美。形象思维是翻译中对源出语联想所产生的鲜明意象的形象感受,形象美的再现要求译文能生动形象地进行等值转换。一般应遵循下列三条原则:保留原文形象直译,寻求形式对等;更改原文形象换译,寻求信息内容对等;省略形象补偿意译,寻求功能对等。 1.Palestine, a tiny place, straddles one of the world's political faultline.The crack from the small point threatens the peace of larger nations,the economy of every oil importer.——巴勒斯坦这块弹丸之地,坐落在世界政治的某个断层之上。断层上的一小点裂缝,就会威胁许多比它大的国家的和平,威胁每个石油进口国的经济。“faultline和crack”具有生动的视觉形象,可使读者产生视觉美,直译出其喻义即可实现形象美。 2. "The Chinese are nation of merchants." said a Japanese diplomat,with distain mixed with fear that the no-holds-barred Chinese brand of commerce eventually could overwhelm the more controlled Japanese model.——一位日本的外交官轻蔑地说:“中国人很有商业头脑。”话语中流露着害怕中国人那无孔不入的经商方法最终会压倒较拘束的日本经商模式的语气。“no-holds-barred”的原意是“没有船舱被关闭的”,若此句比喻直译成“没有船舱被关闭的经商方法”,读者将不知所云,显然有悖汉语表达习惯。因此,翻译时替换喻体为“无孔不入的经商方法”,传神达意,使形象美的信息内容对等。 3.I do not have a crystal ball. I cannont predict how long it will take. ——我不能预见将来的情况,所以不清楚会谈将持续多久。“crystal ball”指的是水晶球,含有丰富的文化内涵,如果将其译成“我没有水晶球。我无法预计它会持续多久”,不了解文化背


傲慢与偏见读后感----婚姻与爱情的平衡 作者个人简介:奥斯丁(1775-1817)英国著名女性女小说家。出生于英国的小乡镇史蒂文顿。父亲是乡村牧师。她没有讲过正规学校,在家由父母指导学习,所受教育大多是阅读古典文学作品和流行小说。她终身未婚,家境小康,长期居住乡村,生活圈子较狭窄。她20岁左右开始写作,共发表6部长篇小说:《理智和情感》(1811)、《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯非尔德花园》(1814)、《爱玛》(1815)、《诺桑学寺》(1818)和《劝导》(1818)。奥斯丁的小说以女性的细腻和敏锐描绘了她所熟悉的狭小世界;有资产阶级恬静舒适的田园生活,绅士淑女的爱情和婚姻。她的代小说中没有可怕的祸和重大的矛盾;只有日常生活中的风波和人物之间的喜剧冲突,格调轻松诙谐。她的作品主要是关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻和生活。以女女性特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实的描述了她周围世界的小天地。她的代表作是《傲慢与偏见》和《爱玛》,其中尢以《傲慢与偏见》影响最大。这部小说表达了她的婚姻观,既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把结婚当儿戏,小说情节曲折,富有喜剧性,语言流畅,机智幽默,深受读者喜受。 背景介绍:18世纪70年代以后,英国文学中有40年左右没有出现过第一流的小说作家和作品,社会上充斥着庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”。奥斯丁的小说破旧立新,一反常规的展现了当时尚无受到资本主义革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光,她的作品往往通过戏剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢,自私,势力和盲目自信等可笑的缺点。奥斯丁的小说出现在19世纪初期。一扫风行一时的假浪漫主义潮流,继承和发展了英国18世纪优秀的现实主义传统。为19世纪现实主义的高潮做了准备。虽然其作品反应的广度和深度有限。但她的作品从一个小窗口窥探到整个社会形态和人情世故。对改变当时小说创作中的庸俗风气起了很好的作用。在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的意义。被誉为“可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。 傲慢与偏见赏析


简析《傲慢与偏见》两译文中的 女性主义以及反讽艺术 班级:经贸003班姓名:罗艺姝学号:0862010627 [摘要]小于50字,写文章的主要内容 [关键词]3-5个词组 1.引言:200字研究背景 2.译文分析角度 2.1.分析译文中的女性主义 2.2.分析译文中的反讽艺术 3.结束语:总结全文 参考文献 不少于5个

本科生课程论文 学院潇湘学院专业 课程名称 学生姓名学号 开课时间至学年第学期考试成绩 教师评语: 教师签字 年月日

简析《傲慢与偏见》两译文中的 女性主义以及反讽艺术 班级:经贸003班姓名:罗艺姝学号:0862010627 摘要:通过研究《傲慢与偏见》的两个中译本, 探讨译者对书中女性主义的诠释,以及译者对书中反讽艺术的理解。 关键词:女性主义;傲慢与偏见;反讽艺术;翻译; 1.引言 16世纪的欧洲社会禁止女性写作, 翻译成为唯一的方式来言说女性意识, 从此翻译与女性就有了千丝万缕的联系。具有女性意识, 是建构女性主义翻译理论的基础, 因而女性主义译者在翻译时要尽量使女性在语言中显现, 从而让世人看见和听见女人, 从而建构女性意识并恢复女性身份。 《傲慢与偏见》之所以能超越通俗小说的范围而跻身于世界巨著之列,其主要原因之一就在于其贯穿全书的反讽基调,分析《傲慢与偏见》的反讽艺术有助于我们加深对作品的理解。笔者结合自己的理解, 从分析奥斯丁及《傲慢与偏见》入手, 分析《傲慢与偏见》中宏观和微观上的反讽艺术。 2.译文分析角度 2.1 分析译文中的女性主义 女性主义观点的兴起是为了使女性从历史隐形中走出来, 全面地展现在历史舞台上, 进而追求男女平等的社会。而且/ 当代西方妇女运动已经超越了争取男女平权的阶段, 转向强调女性的主体意识, 并用女性的主体意识重新审视整个社会文化及历史传统。 《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁最著名的小说之一, 是一部充满女性主义意识的作品。作品从表面看是一部婚姻大观, 实则是通过人物塑造、情节叙述深刻而全面地概述当时社会的女性意识。女主人公伊丽莎白聪慧机智, 充满活力, 敢于追求自由平等的生活, 敢于反抗传统夫权制度。 在18世纪的英国,女性被视作是头脑简单、能力低下的异类,认为即便是最好的女人在智力上也比不过最差的男人。而奥斯丁却坚信女性和男性有着同等的

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