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Vocabulary study --- research


1. Course orientation

2. Vocabulary study --- research

3. Describing work roles

4. Report Writing

5. Homework

I. Course Orientation

1. 本课程采用经济科学出版社出版的《新编剑桥商务英语(高级)学生用书》(第二版)。该书的第二版是专门针对BEC商务英语考试大纲做出更改后专门编写的,内容既与考试相关,更与现代商务活动息息相关,对你在商务领域大有帮助。

2. 网上课程共计20讲,其中前16讲针对学生用书的每一个单元展开,后4讲则针对考试内容进行讲解。

3. 那些并没有准备参加考试的同学也不必担心,因为课程还会为大家带来大量原版商务文章,让网上学习更贴近现代生活和工作状态。课程还会穿插介绍英语学习方法,包括单词的科学学习方法、基础语法知识等。如果你想多了解商务知识,这一课程一定非常适合你。

4. 同时,如果你准备参加商务英语证书的考试,那么本课程还会为你的应试打下坚实基础。你将有机会在网上课堂进行专门针对考试的写作、阅读训练、听力练习及口语指导。

5. 本课程还有一大优势,那就是我们会在课后为学生布置一些作业,并会为你进行在线答疑,使你的商务英语学习如影随形。

Describing work roles

II. Vocabulary Study



中国学生常用又常会出错的是information, advice, furniture, equipment以及feedback.

information [uncountable] 信息

I need more information.我需要更多的信息。

The book contains information about a wide variety of subjects. 这本书中囊括的话题范围广泛。

For further information, call the number below. 如果需要更多信息,请打下面的电话联系。

I've one or two useful pieces of information to pass on to you. 我有两三条有用的信息要传达给你。advice noun [uncountable] 建议

There's lots of advice in the book on baby care. 这本书中有许多关于育婴的建议。

I followed my father's advice and sold the car. 我听从我父亲的建议,把车卖了。

Take my advice and study something practical. 听我的建议,学些有实际应用的知识吧。

a piece/word of advice

Let me give you a piece of advice. Wear a blue or grey suit to the interview. 让我给你提条建议吧。去面试时穿件蓝色或灰色的西服。

furniture noun [uncountable] 家具

I helped him choose the furniture for his house. 我帮助他挑选房子的家具。

I can't think of a single piece of furniture in my house that I bought new. 我认为我家里买的任何一件家具都不是新的。

office furniture 办公室家具

be furnished (房屋)配备有家电的

be well furnished 家电齐全的

be partially furnished 配备有部分家电的

equipment noun [uncountable] the tools, machines, clothes etc that you need to do a particular job or activity 工具,机器,衣服

a shop selling camping equipment 一家出售宿营用品的商店

piece/bit of equipment

a very useful piece of equipment 一件非常有用的设备

feedback noun [uncountable]

1 advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is 反馈意见

How can I provide feedback without making someone angry? 我怎样做才能在不激怒别人的情况下提出自己的反馈意见呢?

feedback on

Try to give each student some feedback on the task. 针对这项作业,尽量给每位学生提出反馈意见。







1. Computers (A computer/ The computer ) have/ has changed our lives.

就是不能说:Computer changed our life. (′)

2. I am fond of (I am keen on) collecting stamps.

3. children in large cities

4. The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.


research noun [uncountable]

also plural researches formal

1 serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas

research into/on

research into the causes of cancer

scientific/medical/historical etc research

a research team

do/conduct/undertake research

I'm still doing research for my thesis.

Gould was helped in his researches by local naturalists.

2 the activity of finding information about something that you are interested in or need to know about It's a good idea to do some research before you buy a house.

market research noun [uncountable]

a business activity which involves collecting information about what goods people buy and why they buy them They had to conduct market research, then advertise the product.

u 练习:请翻译


Research shows (reveals, indicates) that ….

Report writing

III. Describing work roles

· Speaking.

Can you talk about your position, responsibilities and your duties with your study partner or on your own, providing you are working now?

position ?JOB? [countable] formal a job 正式用语:工作

somebody’s position as something

Bill took up his new position as Works Director in October.

position of

She has held the position of Chief Financial Officer since 1992.

Bruce is thinking of applying for the position.

I’m sorry, the position has been filled (=someone has been found to do the job).

responsibility noun

plural responsibilities

1 [uncountable] a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens

Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility.

responsibility for (doing) something

The Minister will have responsibility for coordinating childcare policy.

with responsibility for something

a manager with responsibility for over 100 staff

it is somebody’s responsibility to do something

It’s your responsibility to inform us of any changes.

The Health Minister has overall responsibility for Britain’s hospitals.

take responsibility for (doing) something (=agree to be in charge of something or someone)

2 [uncountable] blame for something bad that has happened

responsibility for

The management accepts no responsibility for cars left in the car park.

The Chairman of the airline accepted full responsibility for the accident.

claim responsibility (for something) (=say you are responsible)

No one has yet claimed responsibility for yesterday’s bombing.

3 [countable] something that you must do as part of your job or duty 必须做的工作

My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries. family/profession al/parental etc responsibilities

a single parent struggling to balance work and family responsibilities

4 [countable] something that you ought to do because it is morally or socially right ?

synonym duty 责任,义务

a responsibility to do something

We all have a responsibility to protect the environment.

Parents need to encourage a sense of responsibility in their children (=the ability to behave sensibly in a way that will not harm themselves or other people). 责任感

moral/social/legal etc responsibility

The company saw it as part of its social responsibility to provide education for its workers.

duty noun

plural duties


[uncountable and countable] something that you have to do because it is morally or legally right 责任,义务

?synonym obligation

We feel it is our duty to help her.

Local authorities have a duty to keep the streets clean.

You have a duty to your husband and to your children.

She has a strong sense of moral duty.

The unions have failed in their duty to female workers.

In the traditional Hindu family, the son is duty-bound to look after his mother.


[countable usually plural, uncountable]

something you have to do as part of your job 不得不做的工作


Martin’s duties included cleaning the cars.

She works for her father doing part-time secretarial duties.

He will soon be fit enough to carry out his duties (=do his job).

He can only do light duties.

A teacher may be fired for neglect of duty (=failing to do their job properly). 渎职

3 be on/off duty

to be working or not working at a particular time, especially when you are doing a job which people ta ke turns to do, so that someone is always doing it

He’s on night duty next week.

What time do you go off duty (=finish work)?


[uncountable and countable] a tax you pay on something you buy 商品税

duty on

the duty on cigarettes 香烟税

customs duty (=tax paid on goods coming into the country) 关税

· Reading.

What is Workset?

brochure noun [countable]

a thin book giving information or advertising something

a holiday brochure

response noun

1 [uncountable and countable] something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or b een said

response to

the public’s response to our appeal for help 公众对我们呼吁帮助的回应

in response to something

The law was passed in response to public pressure. 为了应对公众的压力,该法律不得不被批准通过。

positive/favourable/negative etc response

The exhibition has received a positive response from visitors. 参观者对该展览的反应积极。

an emotional/angry response

The decision provoked an angry response from residents.该决定引起居民们的愤怒反应。

Emmett’s new exhibition has met with a favourable response from critics.

2 [countable] something that is said or written as a reply 答复

response to

’Sure, why not?’ was his response to all of Billie’s suggestions.

Carl made no response, and carried on with his meal.

in response (to something)

I am writing in response to your letter of June 12.

adopt verb


[intransitive and transitive] to take someone else’

s child into your home and legally become its parent

Sally was adopted when she was four.

The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to adopt.

2 adopt an approach/policy/attitude etc [transitive]

to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way

The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders. 人们要求法庭采取更加灵活的方式对待年轻罪犯。

The store recently adopted a drug testing policy for all new employees. 该商店对所有新员工采取毒品检查制度。

California has adopted a tough stance on the issue. 加利福尼亚对该问题采取严厉的立场。


[transitive] to formally approve a proposal, amendment etc, especially by voting 通过表决批准,通过Congress finally adopted the law after a two-year debate.


foster verb

1 [transitive] to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of time

?synonym encourage, promote

The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.

2 [intransitive and transitive] to take someone else’s child into your family for a period of time bu

t without becoming their legal parent

The couple wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering.

specify verb[transitive] to state something in an exact and detailed way明确指出

past tense and past participle specified present participle specifying third person singular specifies Payments will be made for a specified number of months.

specify who/what/how etc

Regulations specify how long maintenance crews can work.

specify that

The rules clearly specify that competitors must not accept payment.

allocate verb [transitive]

to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person etc, especially after an official decision has been made 分配

allocate something to somebody/something

the importance of allocating resources to local communities 将资源分配给地方社区的重要性

You should allocate the same amount of time to each question.你应该给每一道题分配相同的时间。

One million dollars was allocated for disaster relief. 政府拨出100万美元用来救援受灾地区。

job description noun [countable]

an official list of the work and responsibilities that you have in your job工作职责描述

= job brief

= job profile

replace verb [transitive]

1 to start doing something instead of another person, or start being used instead of another thing 替换

I’m replacing Sue on the team. 我接替苏在这个团队工作。

Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system. 讲座代替了陈旧的辅导课形式。

2to remove someone from their job or something from its place, and put a new person or thing there 接替

Two of the tyres had to be replaced. 两个轮胎需要更换。

replace something with something

They replaced the permanent staff with part-timers. 他们将长期雇用的员工用临时工代替。

3 if you replace something that has been broken, stolen etc, you get a new one换成新的

I’ll replace the vase I broke as soon as possible. 我将把上次打碎的花瓶换掉。

replacement noun

1[uncountable] when you get something that is newer or better than the one you had before 替换物

Our old car is badly in need of replacement. 我们的这辆旧车仅需更换。

2 knee/hip/joint replacement 膝盖/臀部/关节置换

an artificial knee etc that replaces a damaged one, given to people in a medical operation 假关节

3[countable] someone or something that replaces another person or thing 接替人

replacement for

It was difficult to find a replacement for Ted. 很难找到接替泰德工作的人。

static adjective not moving, changing, or developing

?opposite dynamic

Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period. 经济学家预测房屋价格将在很长一段时间内不会变化。

dynamic adjective

1 full of energy and new ideas, and determined to succeed

dynamic and ambitious people

2 continuously moving or changing

a dynamic and unstable process

?dynamically adverb

interpret verb

1 [intransitive and transitive] to translate one language into another

They spoke good Spanish, and promised to interpret for me.

2 [transitive] to believe that something someone does or something that happens has a particular meani ng 理解为

His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company. 人们把他拒绝工作到很晚理解为对公司缺乏奉献精神。

3 [transitive] to explain the meaning of something 解释

Freud’s attempts to interpret the meaning of dreams 弗洛伊德试图揭示梦的意思

4 [transitive] to perform a part in a play, a piece of music etc in a way that shows your feelings abo ut it or what you think it means 诠释一个(演出、音乐中的)角色

approach verb


[intransitive and transitive] to move towards or nearer to someone or something

She heard footsteps approaching. 她听见脚步声越来越近。


[transitive] to ask someone for something, or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them for the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it

approach somebody for something

Students should be able to approach teachers for advice. 学生可以找到老师询问建议。

approach somebody/something about (doing) something

The charity approached several stores about giving food aid. 这家慈善机构与多家商店接洽,希望他们给与食物援助。

I have already been approached by several other companies (=offered a job, work etc). 已经有几家公司与我接洽。


[transitive] to begin to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way or with a particular att itude

approach a problem/task/matter etc 解决,处理(问题)

It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way. 处理相同问题可以采用不同的解决办法。

approach noun


[countable] a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方法

approach to

a new approach to teaching languages 一种新的语言教学方法

He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through story-telling. 他决定采用一种不同方法,即通过讲故事的方法来教授圣经。

feedback noun [uncountable]

1 advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is 反馈意见

How can I provide feedback without making someone angry? 我怎样做才能在不激怒别人的情况下提出自己的反馈意见呢?

feedback on

Try to give each student some feedback on the task. 针对这项作业,尽量给每位学生提出反馈意见。

review noun

1 [uncountable and countable] a careful examination of a situation or process

review of

She sent us her review of the research.

carry out/conduct/undertake a review

The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.

review body/committee/panel/board

the Teachers’ Pay Review Body

under review

We’re keeping this policy under review (=we are continuing to examine it).

The policy comes up for review (=will be reviewed) in April.

All fees are subject to review (=may be reviewed).

Mr Crowther asked for judicial review of the decision (=an examination of the decision by a judge).

2 [countable] an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc

a film review

review of

The paper published a review of her book.

good/bad/mixed review

The band’s new album has had very good reviews.

The film opened to rave reviews (=reviews that praised it a lot) .

see usage note critic

3 [uncountable] the work of writing reviews for a newspaper or magazine

for review

The book was sent to the press for review in September.

The journal receives review copies (=free copies to review) of most new software products.

4 [countable] a report on a series of events or a period of time, that mentions the most important par ts

review of

a review of the year

5 [countable] an official show of the army, navy etc so that a king, president, or officer of high ran k can see them 军队的检阅

a naval review 检阅海军

abreast adverb

1 keep/stay abreast of something

to make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particular subject or situ ation 掌握最新信息

It’s important to keep abreast of the latest developments in computers.

2 walk/ride etc abreast

to walk, ride etc next to each other, all facing the same way 并肩走

two/three/four etc abreast (=with two, three, four etc people or vehicles next to each other)

The planes were flying four abreast.

3 level with someone or something or in line with them 并排地

As the car drew abreast of him, Jack suddenly recognised the driver.

realign verb [transitive]

1 to change the way in which something is organized 重新调整

?synonym reorganize

The company is planning to realign its sales operations. 这家公司计划重新调整其销售经营。

2 realign yourself with somebody

to begin to support and work together with someone again 支持,共同工作

They have tried to realign themselves with the communists. 他们努力让自己能和共产党人一起工作。

3 to change the position of something slightly so that it is in the correct position in relation to so mething else 调整位置

You’ll have to realign your text columns. 你要调整你文章分栏的位置。

How does the Workset system use colour to clarify work roles?

Workset allows companies to clarify work roles by classifying different aspects of the job according t o colour. Companies can use colour to specify the exact level of responsibility to be given to a numbe r of key tasks. These specifications can be changed as the job changes. Employees can use the same sys tem to give feedback on the job from their point of view, ensuring that job descriptions remain releva nt.

Core colours

prescribe vt, vi


prescribe verb [transitive]

1 to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have开药方;开处方

---prescription 名词

prescribe somebody something

If these don’t work I may have to prescribe you something stronger. 如果这种药还不奏效的话,我就不得不给你开出药效更大的药了。

prescribe something for something

the drugs prescribed for his stomach pains 治疗他胃疼的药物

2 formal to state officially what should be done in a particular situation 正式宣布做法

What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime? 对于这种罪行,法律条文中指出应给与怎样的惩罚?

machine verb [transitive]

1 to fasten pieces of cloth together using a sewing machine 缝纫

2 to make or shape something using a machine用机器制造、加工

machinist noun [countable]

someone who operates a machine, especially in a factory

All the women are highly-skilled machinists. 所有妇女都是技术精湛的缝纫工。

specification noun [countable]

1 [usually plural] a detailed instruction about how a car, building, piece of equipment etc should be made详细说明书;清单

build/manufacture/produce something to ... specifications

The airport building had been constructed to FAA specifications.

The bolts met all the engineering specifications.

2 especially British English a clear statement of what is needed or wanted描述,说明

a specification of what role each member will play 对每个人应该承担职责的描述

job specification (=a detailed description of what a job involves) 职责描述

initiate verb [transitive]

1 formal to arrange for something important to start, such as an official process or a new plan开始,


They have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper. 他们决定对这家报纸开始进行法律诉讼程序。

Intellectuals have initiated a debate on terrorism. 知识分子发起对恐怖主义的辩论。

2 to tell someone about something or show them how to do something 告知,展示给某人做事的方式

initiate somebody into something

Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age. 那些孩子在还很小的时候就被教唆服用海洛因。

peak occupancy

peak noun [countable]


[usually singular] the time when something or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful etc 巅峰

at something’s peak

The British Empire was at its peak in the mid 19th century. 大英帝国在19世纪中叶达到巅峰。

Sales this month have reached a new peak. 这个月的销售额再创新高。

Most athletes reach their peak in their mid 20s. 多数运动员在25、6岁时达到他们的巅峰状态。

He’s past his peak as a tennis player. 作为一名网球运动员,他已经过了他的黄金期。

Oil production is down from its peak of two years ago.石油的生产从两年前的顶峰时期下降了。

at the peak of something

Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season. 人们很难在度假高峰时期找到饭店房间入住。

the peaks and troughs of the US economy (=high and low points) 美国经济的高峰和低谷


a) the sharply pointed top of a mountain 封尖

snow-capped mountain peaks 白雪覆盖的雪山顶

peak verb [intransitive] to reach the highest point or level 达到顶峰

Sales peaked in August, then fell sharply. 销售额在八月份达到顶峰,之后急剧下降。

peak at

Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday. 风速昨天最高的时候达到了每小时105公里。

peak adjective [only before noun]

1 used to talk about the best, highest, or greatest level or amount of something 最好的,最高的,最棒的

Gasoline prices are 14% below the peak level they hit in November.

a shampoo designed to keep your hair in peak condition

If you phone during the day you pay the peak rate for calls.

periods of peak demand for electricity

2 British English the peak time or period is when the greatest number of people are doing the same thi ng, using the same service etc 黄金时段,高峰时段

Extra buses run at peak times.

Hotel prices rise during the peak season.

off-peak adjective especially British English

1 off-peak hours or periods are times that are less busy because fewer people want to do or use someth ing

Telephone charges are lower during off-peak periods.

2 off-peak travel, electricity etc is cheaper because it is done or used at less busy times峰谷的

?off-peak adverb

off-season noun

the off-season

a) the time of year when not many people are taking holidays

?synonym low season

in the off-season

Most hotels are closed in the off-season.

?off-season adjective adverb

Take advantage of our special off-season fares.

occupancy noun [uncountable] formal

1 the number of people who stay, work, or live in a room or building at the same time 入住率

Hotels in Tokyo enjoy over 90% occupancy. 东京的酒店入住率高达90%。

2 someone’s use of a building, hotel, or other space, for living or working in, or the period during which they live or work there 入住

incidental adjective

1 happening or existing in connection with something else that is more important非主要的,次要的Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.

incidental to

companies that carry out investment business that is incidental to their main activity

2 [not before noun] naturally happening as a result of something附带的, 附属的; 难免的

incidental to

Drinking too much is almost incidental to bartending. 在酒吧上班的人总会有喝酒过度的情况发生。

purpose [countable] a plan or aim 计划,目标

Nick had no particular purpose in mind when he started.

somebody’s purpose in doing something

Attending the race was not my purpose in coming to Indianapolis.

serve a purpose (=achieve a particular aim)

It would serve no useful purpose to re-open the investigation. 再次展开这项调查毫无意义。

contribution noun

1 [countable] something that you give or do in order to help something be successful 贡献

contribution to/towards

Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.

The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution to society.

significant/substantial/valuable etc contribution

Wolko made outstanding contributions to children’s medicine.

2 [countable] an amount of money that you give in order to help pay for something捐献

a campaign contribution

contribution of

A contribution of £25 will buy 15 books.

contribution to/towards

Contributions to charities are tax deductible.

You can make annual contributions of up to $1000 in education savings accounts.

3 [countable] a piece of writing, a song, a speech etc that forms part of a larger work such as a news paper, book, broadcast, recording etc 撰稿

contribution from

a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers 一本有很多知名旅行撰稿人投稿的杂志

3.How does the manager’s brief compare with what the employee actually does?

According to the manager’s brief, about half of the employee’s time should be spent taking personal responsibility for meeting objectives (yellow work). However, the employee feels that this is not the case. Blue work (i.e. work carried out in a prescribed way) is double the amount envisaged in the brie f. As can be seen from the grey, white and pink segments, the employee also perceives him/herself to b e involved in certain activities outside the job brief. While the small amount of white (creative) wor k appears to be positive, the pink time serves no useful purpose. Moreover, the incidental grey work w hich the employee is asked to do in addition to his/her job may be detracting from the core yellow wor k.

envisage verb [transitive]

to think that something is likely to happen in the future 设想,想象

The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally envisaged. 这个项目比我们最初设想花了更多的钱。envisage doing something

I don’t envisage working with him again. 我再也不想和他一起工作了。


Blue: operate, comply, follow

Yellow: schedule, design, decide

Green: support, assist,

Orange: co-operate, participate

Blue: carry out, execute

Yellow: plan, research

Green: aid, cover

Orange: take part, brainstorm

brainstorming noun [uncountable]

when a group of people meet in order to try to develop ideas and think of ways of solving problems 集思广益

a brainstorming session to come up with slogans for new products 让大家为新产品想口号语的集思广益单元?brainstorm ver

b [intransitive and transitive]

Employees get together and brainstorm ideas. 员工在一起,集思广益一些好点子。

5. Listening.


hierarchy noun

plural hierarchies

1 [uncountable and countable] a system of organization in which people or things are divided into leve ls of importance等级制度;阶层

a rigid social hierarchy 严格的社会等级

She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president.她一路沿着公司的等级不断提升自己的职位,直至做到了总裁的位置。

come to terms with something

to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no longer feel upset or angry about it让步屈服,达成协议,妥协

George and Elizabeth have come to terms with the fact that they will never have children. 乔治和伊丽莎白接受了他们将没有孩子这个事实。

superior noun [countable]

someone who has a higher rank or position than you, especially in a job上级

He had a good working relationship with his immediate superior (=the person directly above him). 他与他的直接领导保持了良好的工作关系。

H more managerial support


manual noun [countable]

1 a book that gives instructions about how to do something, especially how to use a machine手册, 指南instruction/training/reference etc manual 使用说明书/培训说明书/参考说明书

Consult the computer manual if you have a problem. 如果你在使用电脑的过程中碰到了问题,请查看电脑说明书。

a user manual用户指南

manual adjective

1 manual work involves using your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind 手工劳动的

?同义词 blue-collar

manual job/labour/worker etc

low-paid manual jobs低薪酬的手工劳动

People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy. 从事体力劳动的人生命预期要低。

2 operated or done by hand or without the help of electricity, computers etc 手工的

?反义词 automatic

a manual typewriter手动打字机

a five-speed manual gearbox 五速手动变速箱

It would take too long to do a manual search of all the data. 如果手工搜寻所有数据将花费很长时间。

?manually adverb

clock in/ out

clock in/on phrasal verb用打卡机记录上班时间

to record on a special card the time you arrive at or begin work

American Equivalent: punch in

I clock on at 8:30.

clock off phrasal verb

1 informal to leave work at the end of the day 下班

What time do you clock off? 你什么时候下班?

2 to record on a special card the time you stop or leave work用打卡机记录下班时间

At this time a lot of service workers would be clocking off.

clock out phrasal verb

to record on a special card the time you stop or leave work用打卡机记录下班时间

American Equivalent: punch out

clock up something phrasal verb

D more flexible hours


on a one-year contract

glamorous adjective

attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success迷人的;富有魅力的

She led an exciting and glamorous life.

the most glamorous neighborhood in the city

a glamorous actress

On television, she looks so glamorous.

jet in/out

jet verb

past tense and past participle jetted present participle jetting

[intransitive always + adverb/preposition] informal to travel by plane, especially to many different p laces 坐飞机飞行

jet off

We’re jetting off for a sunshine holiday in the Caribbean. 我们坐飞机去加勒比海度过一个阳光假期。business executives jetting around the world 商界高管认识绕着世界坐飞机

B more teamwork


temp noun [countable]

an office worker who is only employed temporarily临时雇员

=casual worker

PA = personal assistant私人助理

law firm律师事务所

E fewer interruptions


say noun [singular, uncountable]

1 the right to take part in deciding something 决策权

have some/no/little say in something

The workers had no say in how the factory was run.工人们对于工厂该如何经营毫无发言权。

The chairman has the final say (=has the right to make the final decision about something). 董事长对任何事有最终的决策权。

2 have your say

to have the opportunity to give your opinion about something 发表自己的观点

You’ll get a chance to have your say. 你将有机会说明自己的观点。

have your say in/on

Parents can have their say in the decision-making process. 家长们在决策过程中有机会发表自己的观点。

initiative noun


[uncountable] the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you wh at to do首创精神,进取心

I wish my son would show more initiative. 我希望我的儿子可以显示出更多的进取心。

Don’t keep asking me for advice. Use your initiative. 不要总是要我给你提建议,你应该有创新精神。

Lt. Carlos was not obeying orders. He acted on his own initiative (=he was not told what to do). …没有听从命令,他按照自己的想法在做。


[countable] an important new plan or process to achieve a particular aim or to solve a particular prob lem 一个重要的新计划

a government initiative to help exporters政府针对帮助出口商的新举措

an education initiative 教育计划

initiative for

a new initiative for peace in the Middle East 中东地区和平的新提议


the initiative

if you have or take the initiative, you are in a position to control a situation and decide what to do next 主动权

Why don’t you take the initiative and ask him out? 你为什么不抓住这个主动权,叫他出去?

Politicians need to seize the initiative from the terrorists. 政治家们需要从恐怖分子那里掌握主动权。The government must not lose the initiative in the fight against terrorism.


[countable] law a process by which ordinary citizens can officially suggest a change in the law by sig ning a petition 公民立法提案权

alteration noun [uncountable and countable]

a small change that makes someone or something slightly different, or the process of this change 小变化

alteration to

If you make alterations to the Windows setup, save the new settings before closing.

alteration in

Have you noticed any alteration in the patient’s behaviour?

minor/major etc alterations

The King’s Arms pub is to undergo extensive alterations. 经历了巨大的变化。

alter verb

1[intransitive and transitive] to change, or to make someone or something change 改棉

Her face hadn’t altered much over the years. 这些年她的面孔没有什么改变。

The city centre has altered beyond recognition (=changed very much). 这个城市的中心已经变得让人都认不出来了。

Nothing can alter the fact that the refugees are our responsibility. 没有什么事情可以改变这个事实,那就是难民也同样是我们的责任。

2[transitive] to make a piece of clothing longer, wider etc so that it fits 改衣服

A more responsibility

6. Language.

Present simple

l To refer to permanent or long-term situation:

I work for the UK subsidiary of a Japanese company.

l To refer to regular actions:

I produce technical documents.

l To refer to states

I have a lot more responsibility now.

l To refer to future time in subordinate clauses:

I always have to consult him before I can make even the smallest alteration.

l As part of a conditional clauses:

If something needs doing, then I think whoever’s available should do it.

Present continuous

l To refer to temporary situations:

I’m travelling around Europe a lot.

l To refer to current activities

I’m a temp and I’m working as a PA for law firm in London just now.

l To refer to an activity happening around a particular time:

Especially when you’re starting a new…

l To emphasise that an activity is ongoing:

Everyone’s still clocking in and out at the same time.


IV. Report Writing

workshop noun [countable]

1 a room or building where tools and machines are used for making or repairing things 车间

2 a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing prac tical exercises 研讨会

writers’/drama/music etc workshop

They held a number of workshops and seminars.

seminar noun [countable] 研讨课

1 a class at a university or college for a small group of students and a teacher to study or discuss a particular subject

a Shakespeare seminar

2 a class on a particular subject, usually given as a form of training

Publishers and writers from 13 countries attended the seminar.

arise verb[intransitive]

past tense arose past participle arisen

1 if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen 发生

A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. 外事办公室中发生了危机。

More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.核电站今后还会发生更多类似的问题。

2 if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc 由….引起

Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations. 一些重要的法律问题出现在此次合同谈判中。

arise from/out of

Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? 我们能否从昨天会上产生的问题开始讨论呢?

3 when/if the need arises

also should the need arise

formal when or if it is necessary 当需要时

Should the need arise for extra staff, we will contact you. 如果我们需要再雇用员工时,我们会与你取得联系。

perception noun

1 [uncountable and countable] the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like 认识,观念,看法

perception of

children’s perceptions of the world 孩子们对世界的认识

the public perception of the government’s performance 公众对政府业绩的看法

2 [uncountable] the way that you notice things with your senses of sight, hearing etc 感知,感觉,察觉drugs that alter perception 可以改变感知的毒品

visual perception 视觉

3 [uncountable] the natural ability to understand or notice things quickly洞察力;感知能力,认识能力Ross shows unusual perception for a boy of his age. 罗斯显示出同年龄男孩子中非凡的理解力。

disparity noun[uncountable and countable] formal

plural disparities

a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one不等;不同;不一致

disparity in/between

We are still seeing a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women. 我们仍然能看到男女薪酬的不一致。

illustrate verb [transitive]

1 to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples 说明,阐明

Let me give an example to illustrate the point. 让我用一个例子来阐明这个观点。

She illustrated her discussion with diagrams. 她用图表说明她的讨论内容。

2 to be an example which shows that something is true or that a fact exists 表明,显示

illustrate that

This dispute illustrates that the regime is deeply divided.这场争论显示这个政权已经分裂得很深了。illustrate how

The following examples illustrate how this operates in practice. 下面的例子表明这个设备是如何在实践中运作的。

3 to put pictures in a book, article etc 加入图例

Over a hundred diagrams, tables and pictures illustrate the book. 这本书中插入上百幅图片、图表和画片。

capable adjective

1 capable of (doing) something

having the qualities or ability needed to do something

I don’t think he’s capable of murder.

The company isn’t capable of handling an order that large.

I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you!

2 able to do things well

a strong, capable woman

?capably adverb

compatible adjective

1 if two pieces of computer equipment are compatible, they can be used together, especially when they are made by different companies能相容的

The new software is IBM compatible (=can be used with IBM computers). 这个新软件可以和IBM的电脑相兼容。

2 able to exist or be used together without causing problems能共存的

compatible with

Stephen’s political views often weren’t compatible with her own. 施蒂芬的政治观点经常和她的相左。

3 two people that are compatible are able to have a good relationship because they have similar opinio ns or interests能共处的

--- compatibility n.

in-house adjective, adverb working within a company or organization 在公司内举办的

We have an in-house training unit. 我们有一个公司内部培训部门。

attribute verb归因于,归咎于

attribute something to somebody/something phrasal verb

1 to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something

The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet. 心脏病死亡人数的下降通常是由于饮食的改善。

attribute noun [countable] a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or usefu l 好特点,好特性

What attributes should a good manager possess? 一个好经理应该具备什么样的品质?

screen verb [transitive]


to do tests on a lot of people to find out whether they have a particular illness 身体检查

All women over 50 will be regularly screened. 所有50岁以上的妇女都应该定期检查。

screen somebody for something

It is now possible to screen babies for diabetes. 目前可以为婴儿做糖尿病的检查。


if something screens something else, it is in front of it and hides it

screen something from something

A line of trees screened the house from the road. 一排树将这座房子从马路上遮蔽起来。


to show a film or television programme 放映

The film is now being screened at cinemas around the country. 这部电影目前正在全国各影院放映。

The match will be screened live on television. 这场比赛将在电视上直播。


to find out information about people in order to decide whether you can trust them 甄别,鉴别;选拔Police are very careful when screening politicians’ bodyguards. 警方在挑选政治家的保镖时非常认真。Applicants are screened for security. 出于安全角度,他们对申请者详细了解情况。


to check things to see whether they are acceptable or suitable 检查

You can use an answerphone to screen your phone calls before you answer them. 你可以用电话答录机在接听电话之前来检查这些来电。


(1) to explain how they saw their roles.

(2) Leaders had different perceptions of their roles.

(3) To communicate the most appropriate approach to a series of key tasks.

(4) Skills can be developed; attributes (i.e. the qualities people are born with) cannot.

(5) It can set up assessment centers to screen applicants and team leaders.

· Report / Proposal format and its terminology.


Date:Report/ Proposal on….IntroductionFindingsConclusion(s)RecommendationsYour nameYour position (if available)

There is some fixed terminology in the report writing.

l Introduction

The report/proposal aims/set out to….

The aim / purpose of this report/proposal is to…

The report is based on….

l Findings

It was found that…

The disparity clearly showed …

The following points summarise our key findings.

The key findings are outlined below.

l Conclusions

It was decided/agreed/felt that…

It is clear that….

No conclusions were reached regarding….

l Recommendations

It is suggested/proposed/recommended that ….

We (strongly) recommend that…

It is essential to

It would be advisable to

l Adding ideas

Furthermore/ Moreover/ In addition,

l Contrasting ideas

However, …

Although …,……

Despite/ In spite of…

…while / whereas…

l Making comparisons



l Linking cause and effect

Because of/ as a result of/ due to/owing to…

This means…

…leads to./ results in…

Ex. 3 on page 13.

Write passive voice sentences in a report.

1. ‘There’s a lack of communication in Sale s.’

(it/feel) It was felt that there was a lack of communication in Sales.

2. ‘Let’s organise some training for our team leaders.’

(it/ suggest) It was suggested that some training should be/be organised for our team leaders.

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