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一般式writing being written

完成式having writtenhavingbeenwritten



Seeking afterknowledge is human nature. 求知是人的本性。?Travellingabroa dcan widen one’s outlook.出国旅游会扩大人们的视野。?Eating toomuch chocol ate isbad foryourteeth.吃太多的巧克力对你的牙齿有害。

My favourite sport is playing table tennis. 我最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球。2?)行为与主要动作同时发生,表示伴随。?The students came into the classroom laughingandtalking.学生们又说又笑地走进了教室。

As shesaw me,she came over smiling.她看到我时,笑容可掬地走过来。

Doing thewashing up,Conniewas planning herholiday.康妮在洗碗的时刻盘算着怎样度假。?3)行为在主要动作之前或之后。

Antonio remembered sendinghis motheran emailthree times last month.安东尼记得上个月给他母亲发了三次电子邮件.(在前)

Mr. Lee went out shutting thedoor behind him.李先生出去后将门随手关上。(在后)?v.-ing形式的完成式?v.-ing形式的完成式由“having+v.-ed形式”构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。?____________________ (finish) his homework,hewentto bed.做完了作业,他去睡觉了。(先“做作业”,后“去睡觉”) He doesn’t rememberhavingpromisedme that. 他忘记了曾经答应过我那件事。She regretted havingmissedthe film. 她很后悔没看这部电影。

Irememberhaving heard you speakon that subject. 我记得曾经听见你谈过这个问题。

Icould not recall havingheard anyonesay thatbefore。我不记得以前听过谁说这样的话。?That weekend,having watched TV to a while,Iwent to the library to borrow some newnovels.

那个周末,我看了一会儿电视,便去了图书馆借了几本新小说。?Having realized why he had failedintheexam,he hasmade uphis mind to workharder from now on.他认识到考试失败的原因后,下决心从现在开始要更加努力地学习。?Thedecision having been made,the next problem was how to make agoodplan.v.-ing形式的被动式?一般时的被动式由“being + v.-ed形式”构成,表示逻辑主语是v.-ing 形式的动作的承受者。

What’s thesubjectbeingdiscussed at themeeting?会上讨论了什么话题??Be ing askedto answerthe question,she felt a littlenervous.叫她回答问题时,她感到有些紧张。?Thelargebuilding being built(=which is beingbuilt)will be ourschool library.

正在建造的那座大楼是我们学校的图书馆。?Thehighway beingbuiltwill l ead to Tanggu port.正在修建的高速公路将直通塘沽码头。

I still remember being taken to Hangzhou whenI was achild.


Hedid it withoutbeing asked.他没有被要求就干了这件事。

This problemis far frombeingsettled. 这问题远远没有解决。

He hated being laughed at.他不喜欢被人笑话。?He narrowlymissed being seriousl yinjured. 他差点受了重伤。

You’ll find the topic being discussed everywhere. 你会发现到处都在讨论这个话题。

完成时的被动式?v.-ing形式的完成时被动式由“havingbeen+ v.-ed形式”构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。

Having been given sucha goodchance,how could younot cherish it atall?

别人给你这么好的机会,你怎么能一点儿不珍惜??Having beeninvited,he went to Japanto attendthe conference.受到邀请,他去日本出席了这次会议。

The decision havingbeen made,the next problem was how to make a good p lan.?决定已作出,下一个问题是如何制订一个好计划了。


v.-ing形式的否定形式由not加v.-ing形式构成。?The boy made his father angryby not takinghis medicine.那男孩没吃药,使他父亲生气了。

I regretnot beingable to helpyou.没能帮助你我很遗憾。?Not havingreceived an answer,hedecidedto write again. 由于没接到回信,他决定再写一封信。?Not knowinghis address and telephone number,we couldn’tgetin touch withhim.?由于不知道他的地址和电话号码,我们无法和他取得联系。?I’m sorryfor not being present at your party in time. 我很抱歉,没能按时参加你的聚会。

I feltsorryfor not havingdone the work well. 我为没有把工作做好而感到很难过。?I’m sorryfornot havingtelephoned youbefore. 很抱歉,没有早给你打电话。

She hatedherself for not having worked hard.她悔恨自己没有用功。?Trying without successis better than not tryingat all.实验没有成功也比不实验好。?动词-ing形式的主要句法功能


Seeingis believing. 百闻不如一见(眼见为实)。(谚语)

Playing table tennis is his favourite sport.打乒乓球是他最喜欢的体育运动。

Crossing the Atlanticbyplanetakes onlyafew hours. 坐飞机横越大西洋只需要几个钟头。?Talking is easier than doing. 说比做容易。


It’s no use talking aboutit.谈论这件事是没有用的。?I don’tthink it’s much good writing tohim.我想写信给他不太好.?It’s no usecrying over spilt milk.事已至此,难过也无益。(牛奶倒翻了哭也没用)(谚语)


拓展延伸: v.-ing形式作主语的用法

1)v.-ing形式作主语还可用于“There be no +v.-ing形式”结构中和布告形式的省略结构中There’s nojoking about suchmatters.这种事开不得玩笑。?There’s notelling what he’sgoing to do.没有人能说出他将要干什么。?No smoking.禁止吸烟。?No parking.禁止停车。

2)v.-ing形式作主语可以带有逻辑主语。这种逻辑主语不论是名词还是代词通常用所有格。?Tom’s marryingJenny made his father angry.汤姆和珍妮结婚使他的父亲很生气。?I t’s nouse your pretendingthat you didn’tknow the rules.你假装不知道这些规定是没用的。?Her goingthere won’tdo any harm.她去那里并不碍事。?



带v.-ing形式又能带不定式作宾语。?A类动词:avoid,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,give up,cannothelp,imagine.include.keep(on),mind,miss,practise,put off.suggest等。?Heenjoys listeningto light music.他喜欢听轻音乐。?The youngman is consideringchanginghis job.这位年轻人在考虑调换工作。

Mother suggested going toBeijing by air. 妈妈建议乘飞机去北京。


The students beganwriting/ towrite compositions.学生们开始写作文。?Sh ecannotbear to be laughed at./being laughed at. 她不能容忍别人嘲笑她。

The boys love to play/ playingfootball.那些男孩喜欢踢足球。?

注意:在remember,forget,regret后用v.-ing形式或不定式结构在意义上有明显差别。v.-ing形式结构指动作先于谓语动词的动作发生,不定式结构指后于谓语动词的动作发生。?Iremember __________ (post) the letter.我记得把信寄了。(“寄信”发生在“记得”之前,即已寄过信)?Imustremember____________ (post)theletter.我必须记住要去寄信。(“寄信”发生在“记得’’之后,即尚未寄信)?I’ve forgotten_____________(return) t he book to the library.我忘记了曾经把那本书还给图书馆了。(“归还”的动作在前)?I’ve forgotten______________ (return)the book to the library.我忘记了要把那本书归还给图书馆。(“忘记”的动作在前)

?在try,cannothelp,mean,stop,go on后用v.-ing形式还是用不定式结构,取决于它们本身的含义和用法。

They stopped _____________(talk).他们(停止原来做的事)开始谈话。(不定式作目的状语)

Theystopped____________(talk). 他们停止了谈话。

Hetried_______________ (do)thework better. 他设法把那项工作做得更好。

He tried___________ (do)the work in another way. 他试着用另外的方法做那项工作。

Do youmean___________(tell)me that? 你打算把那件事告诉我吗?

That’llmean ______________ (wait) for some more time.那将意味着再等些时候。?I cou ldn’t help _______________(finish) that job.我不能帮助完成那项工作。

I couldn’t help_____________ (laugh)when I heard thenews.听到那个消息,我情不自禁地笑了。?Hewenton topoint out mistakes in thepaper.?他接着开始指出论文中的错误。(指放下原来做的事,转而指出论文中错误)?Hewent on pointing out mistakesin thepaper.?他继续指出论文中的错误。(指同一动作的继续)?注意:?(1)在少数句型中,可用it代表v.-ing形式做形式宾语,把v.-ing形式短语放到句子后部去。

She found itno use arguing with him。她发现和他争辩没有用。?Doyou consider it any good tryingagain? 你觉得再试一试会有好处吗?


Do you mind__________(我) smoking? 我抽烟你介意吗?

We areconsidering______________(他) going there.我们正在考虑他去那里的事。?2、v.-ing形式作介词宾语。

After_________________(win)the competition,she wasranked fir stintheworld in women’sfigure skating赢了这场比赛后,她在世界女子花


At last he succeeded in__________________(perform) his task. 最后他成功地执行了他的任务。?His Job consists of ________________(gather)information and writing articles.?他的任务包括收集资料和写文章。

I’m surprised at_____________(find) thehouse empty.发现房子里空无一人,我感到惊讶。?I’msorry for____________(give)you so muchtrouble. 对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。?How/What about ____________(go) to the cinema? 去看电影怎么样?

Nothingcanstopthem from_____________(fall) inlove with each other.?什么也无法阻止他们相爱。

Tom is angry about____________________(notinvite)tothe party.汤姆因未被邀请参加晚会而生气。

We hadnotrouble in _____________ (find) his house.我们毫不费力地找到了他的家。?I’m glad tohave this opportunity of ____________(come) to visit your country.

我很高兴能有这个机会访问贵国。?Everyonethinks of______________(change) the world,butnoonethinksof _____________(change)himself. 人人都想改变世界,却没有人想改变自己。


I heardhim singing a popularsong inthenext room. 我听到他在隔壁房间里唱流行歌曲。

We can see steamrising from the wet clothes. 我们可以看到水蒸气从湿衣服中冒出来。


He was heard singing a popular song in the next room.

Steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.?2.复合宾语中用v.-ing形式和用不定式在意义上稍有不同。不定式表示动作发生了,指动作的全过程;v.-ing形式则表示动作正在进行。试比较:

I sawher come in。我看见她进来了。(说明“进来了”这件事)

I saw her coming in。我看见她走进来。(说明“她进来时的情景”)

?四、v.-ing形式作表语?My favourite sportis playing table tennis. 我最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球。

Whatinterests me is living and dying for what one loves.我所感兴趣的是:为所爱而生,为所爱而死。?Reading is learning. 读书就是学习。?注意:

v.-inlg形式和不定式都可以作表语。一般说来,在表示比较抽象的一般行为时,多用v.-ing形式;在表示具体的某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式(这一点,与v.-ing形式或不定式作主语在意义上的差别相同)。?Their job is buildinghouses.他们的工作是盖房子。?Ourtasknow is tobuild ahouse.我们现在的任务是盖一幢房子。

五、v.-ing形式作定语,说明名词的功能用途或所处的状态?There’saswimmingpoo linour school 我们学校有游泳池。(aswimming pool相当于a pool for swimming)?He is in thereadingroom. 他在阅览室里。(the reading room相当于the ro om for reading)? a typingpaper= apaperfor typing复印纸awritingdesk= a desk for writing 写字桌

acleaning woman 女清洁工

a sleeping baby = ababywho issleeping 一个正在熟睡的婴儿

a runningriver = a river that isrunning 一条奔流的小河? a waiting car等待

的汽车 a flyingfish飞鱼?a barking dog 一条爱叫的狗

rolling waves 翻滚的浪头fallingleaves 落叶?touching story 动人的故事rising sun 朝阳


Caring mothers know that brain needs extra nutrition.爱心妈妈知道大脑需要补充营养。

A diet lacking in nutritional value won’t keep a person healthy.缺乏营养价值的饮食不能维持人的健康。

There were a lot of boystudents playingfootball onthe football field.


六、v.-ing形式作状语?He sat there smoking.他坐在那里抽着烟。(表示伴随情况或方式)?She stood onthebeach,gazing attheocean.她伫立海滩上,凝视着大海。(表示伴随情况)

Watching(=When he watched) an apple falling down from the tree, Newton had aninspiration


Looking down from the top of a cliff,youwill feel dizzy.从悬崖上往下看你会觉得头晕。(表示条件)

Nothaving received ananswer,hedecided towrite again.?由于没接到回信,他决定再写一封信。(表示原因)

The dangerous can eat up a person in a fewminutes, leaving only the bones. (表示结果)


1.Peterreceived a letterjustnow ________his grandma wouldcom eto see him soon. ? A.said B says C.saying D.to say?2.—Come on,pleasegive me some ideas about the project.

—Sorry.With somuch work ________ my mind,Ialmostbreak down.

A.filled B filling C.to fill D being filled

3.—Do you think that housing price will keep ________inthe years to come??—Sorry,I have noidea. ?A.lifting up B.going up C.bringing up D.growing up

4.Asthelightturnedgreen,I stood for a moment,not ________, andasked myself what I wasgoingtodo.

A.moved Bmoving C.to moveD.being moved

5. Weoften provideour children with toys,footballs or basketballs,________ that allchildren like thesethings.

A.thinkingB.think C.to thinkD.thought

6.The wildflowers looked likeasoftorangeblanket________thedeser t.? A.coveringB.covered C.cover D.to cover

7.If you think that treating a woman well means always________her perm ission for things,thinkagain.?A.gets B.gotC.to get D.getting

8.Afterhe became conscious,heremembered________and________ on the head witharod.?A.to attack;hit B.to be attacked;to be hit?

C.attacking;be hitD.havingbeenattacked;hit?9.Don’t sitthere________ nothing.Come and helpme withthis table.

A.do B.to do C.doing D. anddoing

10.Mycousin cameto seemefrom the country,________ mea full basket of fresh fruits.

A.brought B.bringing C.tobring D.hadbrought

11.Wheneverhe was askedwhy he was late for class,he would answer carelessl y,always________ the samething.

A.saying B.said C.to say D.having said?12.—There is astory h erein the paperabouta110-year-old man

—My goodness! Ican’timagine________that old.

A.tobeB.to have beenC.being D.having been?13.It isdifficult to imagine his________ the decision without any consideration. ?A.accept B.accepting C.to acceptD.accepted?14.I was told thatthere were about 50foreignstudents ________ Chinese in the school,mostwere fromGermany.

A.study;of whomB.study;of them? C.studying;of themD.st udying;of whom

15.When ________ different cultures,we oftenpay attention onlytothe differenceswithout noticing the manysimilarities.? A.compared B.beingcompared?C.comparing D.having compared

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