当前位置:文档之家› 地道的英语打招呼用语






你也许觉得打招呼是很简单的一件事,不就是“Hello.”“How do you do?”“How are you?”“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”吗?没错,你这样去打招呼也没有什么问题,但真正的美国人日常生活中打招呼是不是也这样呢?其实,这虽然只是个“二星级”的问题,但很多博士生也一样说不好,一迈出国门就闹出很多笑话。


Lisa’s Note: In America, nobody uses the expression “How do you do?”

I don’t know how to answer it. I never heard it until I came to China, but Chinese people say it all the time. I wonder why? “Nice to meet you”is much better.

(在美国,很少有人使用“How do you do?”,因为我不知道该如何回答。我从没听过这句话直到我来到中国,而且中国人一直在使用这个说法,我一直很不解。如果用“Nice to meet you”会好很多。(翻译:CRIOnline Kiele)

1. A: How are you doing? 你好吗? (注:are的发音常略去,发成How ya doin'?)

B1: I’m doing great. 我很好。

B2: I’m doing OK. 我还行。

B3: Pretty good. 还好。

B4: Not too bad. 还不错。

B5: I get by. 过得去。

2. A: How’s life treating you? 日子过得还算惬意吗?

B1: Not bad.不算坏。

B2: It could be worse.还行。“How’s life treating you?”用于朋友之间。对好久没见的人就说:How’s life been treating you?

3. A: What’s up? 有什么新鲜事儿?

B: Not much. 没什么。

4. A: I haven’t seen you in ages! 久违!这一阵子躲到哪儿去了?

B: Yeah, long time no see.是啊,很久没见了。in ages = in such a long time 5. A: What’s new? 近来如何?

B1: Nothing much. I’m still the same. 还是老样子,我一点儿也没变。

B2: Not much. How about you? 没什么。你呢?

B3: Same shit, different day. 不同的日子,同样的调子。这样的回答虽然很常见,但却让你自己感到更沮丧,别人向你问好的时候还是多点说:Terrific! / Wonderful! / Fabulous! / Never better! 这样的话吧,这会让你一天的精神都很振奋,别人听起来感觉也很好。

How are you doing, Jane? 你好吗,简?

别看这只是一句简单的问候语,但举一反三却可以派生出很多实用的句子。学会了这些,以后再跟博友,Q 友打招呼就不犯愁了。

How are you! 你好!

How do you do! 你好!(非常正式场合用)

How are you today? 今天好吗?

How is everything? 一切都好吗?

How is it going? 近况如何?

How is everything with you/going? 你一切都好吗?

How are things with you/going? 一切都好吧?

How is the world around you? 你周围的世界怎样?

What is happening? 在忙些什么?

What’s new/up? 有什么新鲜事吗?

How is life treating you? 你生活过得怎样?

How are you getting along? 最近怎样?(包括工作,健康等等……)

How have you been? 你最近怎样?(现在完成时,用已有一段时间没有见面的朋友。)

Nice to meet you.


Nice to see you again.



How is your family? 你家里怎样?

How is your father/mother? 你爸/妈好吗?

How is your grandson? 你孙子怎样?

How is Lao Zhang? 老张好吗?


it's a small world, isn't it? 这世界真小,不是吗?



what a small world? 多么小的世界!



1. A: Good morning. How are you today? (A: 早上好,你今天好吗?)

B: Pretty good, thanks. How about you? (B: 很好,谢谢,你好吗?)

2. A: How are you doing? (A: 你好吗?)

B1: I'm doing fine / OK / pretty well / great /super / terrific / just so-so.

(B1: 很好/好/挺好的/棒极了/太好了/好得不得了/一般。)

B2: Not bad. / The same as always. / I can't complain.

(B2: 还过得去/和以前一样/我不能太抱怨/还过得去。)

B3: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.

(B3: 难受极了。我整个早上都头痛。)

3. A: How's it going? (A: 近况如何?)

B: Fine. / Pretty good. ( B: 很好/挺好的。)

4. A: How's everything with you? (A: 你一切如何?)

B1: So far so good. B1: (到目前为止一切都好。)

B2: Buzzing, just buzzing. (B2: 简直忙死了。)

5. A: How have you been?(A: 你近来怎么样?)

B: I've been all right. I've been really busy. (B: 还好。我最近特别忙。)

6. A1: How are things with you? (A: 一切都好吗?)

A2: How are things going?

B: Everything is great. (B: 一切都非常好。)

7. A: What's happening? (A: 你好吗?)

B: Nothing much. (B: 没什么。)

8. A: What's new? / What's up?(A: 有什么新鲜事?)

B: Not much. / Nothing much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. (B: 没什么/没什么特别的。)

9. A1: How are you getting along? (A: 近来如何?)【包括事业、健康状况等等】

A2: How is she getting along?

B: Keeping busy. Yourself? (B: 一直很忙,你呢?)

10. A: What's going on?(A: 最近怎么样?)

B: Nothing new. (B: 没什么。)


英语打招呼用语大全 招呼语是语言学分支上必不可少的一部分。下面橙子为你整理了英语打招呼用语,希望对你有所帮助! 英语打招呼用语(精选篇) 1. My country is rich in natural resources. 我国自然资源丰富。 2. That nation is famous for its tourism. 那个国家以旅游业闻名。 3. The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival. 我国最大的节日是春节。 4. Geographically, China is located in the Northern Hemisphere. 从地理位置上说,中国位于北半球。 5. In this country, the weather is usually awful. 在这个国家,天气通常十分恶劣。 6. It is a very beautiful country with many mountains. 这是一个多山的美丽国度。 7. This country is famous for its beautiful lakes. 这个国家以其美丽的湖泊而闻名于世。 8. The land in this region is rather dry and parched. 这片土地十分干燥。 9. Along the northern coast of this continent, there are 1 / 5

many cliffs. 沿该大陆的北海岸线上有许多峭壁。 10. In Brazil, many ancient forests are very well preserved. 在巴西,古老的森林保存十分完好。 英语打招呼用语(最新篇) 1. Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries. 在一些不发达的国家,伐木业十分重要。 2. The scenery is very beautiful in the small islands in the Pacific Oceans. 太平洋上一些小岛的景色十分优美。 3. What kind of climate do you have in this country? 这个国家的气候如何? 4. In the west of America, there are many high peaks and deep canyons. 在美国西部有许多高峰和深谷。 5. Which one is the longest river in China? 中国哪条河流最长? 6. Do you get much rain in summer? 这里夏天雨水多吗? 7. Is the plain along the river good for farming? 河畔的平原易于发展农业吗? 8. It’s cold and foggy in London at this time of year. 在每年的这个时候,伦敦寒冷而多雾。 9. Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education. 每人必须接受九年的义务教育。 2 / 5


1. kick ass 了不起 A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You’re good. A: 哇! 你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒! B: Yep. I just kick ass. B: 是的! 我就是厉害! “kick ass”除了字面上的「踢屁股」外,还有「厉害、打败」的意思。当「踢屁股」时,比如某人放你鸽子,你很气,就可以说: “I’m going to kick his ass.” (我得踢他的屁股)。当「厉害」用时,就像上面例句一样用。”kick ass”还可作「打败某人的意思」。比如某人一向在某方面比你强,终于有一天你比他厉害了,你就可以说:”Hahaha…I kick ed your ass.”。觉得“ass”太难听的人,就用“butt”吧! 2. kiss ass 拍马屁 A: Mary, I’m sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we c an get back together? A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢? B: I don’t know, but you can kiss my ass. B: 不知道,不过你可以亲我的屁屁(巴结我)。 「亲屁屁」好象不大卫生吧! 不过人家就是这样用,就照着「亲」吧! “cheat”除了作弊外,还有「不忠实」的意思。 3. XYZ 检查你的拉链 Hey, man. XYZ. 老兄啊! 检查一下你的拉链吧。 “XYZ”是“Check your zipper.”的意思。在美国,填表选项时多用打「X」来表示(台湾则用打勾表示)。这个选项的动作就叫”Check”, 也就是这里的 XYZ 的X所代表的。Y 是 Your, Z 就是 Zipper 啰! 4. Hit the road. 上路了。 A: Do you want to come in for some tea? A: 你要不要进来喝个茶呢?


常用的英文问候语 2019-01-01 1.I hardly know you. 我几乎不认识你, 。 2.Your name just doesn’t come to me. 我就是想不起你的名字。 3.What has kept you so busy? 是什么让你这么忙? 4. How’s everybody at your house? 你的'家人好吗? 5.I hope your family are all well. 我希望你的家人都好。 6.Mr. Park sends his regards. 巴克先生问候你。 7.It so happens that I met him on the train just yesterday. 刚巧,我昨天在火车上碰见他。 8.What a pleasant surprise! I haven’t seen you for a long time. 真叫人惊喜!我好久没看到你了。 9.You’re just the man I want to see. 你真是我想见的人。 10.What happened to Bill? 比尔怎么了?

11. No news. But I bet he’s O.K.. 没什么,我敢说他很好。 12.I haven’t heard from him for 10years. 我已经十年没有他的了。 13.How often do you hear from him ? 你多久有他的消息? 15.How was your trip to Hong Kong? 你到香港玩得怎样? 16.How do you do? I’m glad to meet you. 你好,很高兴认识你, 《》()。 17.How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. 你好,我也很高兴认识你。 18.I’m pleased do meet you. 我很高兴认识你。 19.The pleasure is mine. 这是我的荣幸。 20.May I introduce myself? 我可自我介绍吗? 21.Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍。 22.My name is Ching –ming Wang.I’m a junior at BeiJing University. 我叫王庆铭,我是北大三年级的学生。


打招呼常用语英语 打招呼是联络感情的手段,沟通心灵的方式和增进友谊的纽带。下面橙子为你分享打招呼常用语英语,希望对你有所帮助! 打招呼常用语英语(20xx最新版) 1. We are all busy with work. 我们都忙于工作。 2. I was taking care of Sally. 我在照顾萨莉。 3. I don't think you are right. 我认为你是不对的。 4. I have never seen the movie. 我从未看过那部电影。 5. I haven't seen you for ages. 我好久没见到你了。 6. I was alone,but not lonely. 我独自一人,但并不觉得寂寞。 7. I went there three days ago. 我三天前去过那儿。 8. It's a friendly competition. 这是一场友谊赛。 9. It's very thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。 10. May I speak to Lora,please? 我能和劳拉说话吗? 打招呼常用语英语(经典版) 1. My brother is see king a job. 我弟弟正在找工作。 2. Nancy will retire next year. 南希明年就退休了。 3. Neither you nor he is wrong. 你没错,他也没错。 4. Opportunity knocks but once. 机不可失,时不再来。 1 / 3

5. She dressed herself hastily. 她匆忙穿上衣服。 6. She hired a car by the hour. 她租了一辆按钟点计费的汽车。 7. Someone is ringing the bell. 有人在按门铃。 8. The Smiths are my neighbors. 史密斯一家是我的邻居。 9. These shoes don't fit right. 这双鞋不太合适。 10. This is only the first half. 这才是上半场呢。 11. This pen doesn't write well. 这钢笔不好写。 12. Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? 13. You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。 14. Another cat came to my house. 又有一只猫来到我家了。 15. Check your answers with mine. 把你的答案跟我的核对一下。 16. Don't keep the truth from me. 别瞒着我事实真相。 17. Everything has its beginning. 凡事都有开端。 18. He came to the point at once. 他一下子就说到了点子上。 19. He fell behind with his work. 他工作落后了。 20. He is the happiest man alive. 他是世界上最快乐的人。打招呼常用语英语(热门篇) 1. He ran his horse up the hill. 他策马跑上小山。 2. He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起了他的弟弟。 2 / 3


英语初次见面打招呼用语 打招呼是非常重要的,初次见面如何用英语打招呼问候呢?以下是我为大家提供的英语初次见面打招呼用语,供大家参考借鉴。 英语初次见面打招呼用语(最新) 1. I’ll be back in 5 days. 我五天之后回来。 2. My watch says two o’clock. 我的表是两点钟。 3. My watch is two minutes fast. 我的表快了两分钟。 4. What’s the time by your watch? 你的表几点了? 5. We must arrive there on time. 我们必须准时到那儿。 6. There are only two minutes left. 只剩两分钟了。 7. Can you finish your work ahead of time? 你能提前完成工作吗? 8. The flight is delayed. 飞机晚点起飞。 9. The meeting is put off. 会议延期了。 10. Do you have shampoo here? 这儿有香波卖吗? 英语初次见面打招呼用语(经典) 1. Any tickets left? 有剩票吗? 2. Do you have glue? I need some here. 你有胶水吗?我这里需要一点。 3. I have some left. 我剩下一些。 4. If you have more, please give me some. 如果你有多的,

请给我。 5. Do you have my pencil? 你拿了我的铅笔吗? 6. Yes, I have your eraser, too. 是的,我还拿了你的橡皮。 7. It’s the year of 1 今年是1999年。 8. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么? 9. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上9点开门吗? 10. It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends. 平日上午8点开,但周末9点开。 11. What will you do the day after next? 后天你干什么? . What did you do the week before last? 上上星期你干了什么? 13. I’ll work for the next 5 days. 我要工作5天(从明天算起) 14. It’s been 5 years since I last saw you. 我已5年没见你了。 15. How do you spell it? 怎么拼? 16. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁? 17. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗? 18. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让


当别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你烦透了,说―You are so boring ―.(你真烦!)。―Shut up !‖(闭嘴!)自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句―Oh, come on .Give me a break !‖ (帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!)这多地道、多幽默。 要想说人―气色好‖。―You look fine !‖当然不错,可如果你说‖You’re in the pink !‖就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动。 ―他精力充沛‖美国人说:―He is bouncy.‖而不说―He is energetic ‖,牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。 如:久仰,―I get mind of you ―.比‖I heard a lot about you.‖轻松得多。 代问他人好当然能用‖Please remember me to your sister .‖ 或‖Please give my best w ishes to your father ‖不过,若是很好的朋友,何不说,―Please give my love to Jim。‖ 在中国可不能随便说―我想你‖,然而,当和西方人分手时说―I will miss you .‖要比说―Goo d-bye‖或―See you soon‖有趣得多,不妨一试。 有人开会迟到了,你若对他说―You are late .‖,听起来象是废话,若说―Did you get lost ?‖,则更能让他歉然,可别说成―Get lost!‖那可是让人滚蛋的意思。 别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说―You can do that .‖就有点土了,用一句―Do you have the time? ‖实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:―May I have you na me?―要比‖What’s your name ? ‖礼貌得多,不过警察例外。 别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用―It’s my secret ,Don’t ask such a personal question .‖回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说―I would rather not say .‖(还是别说了吧!)。 有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说―Well …‖―Let me see‖―Just a moment ‖或―It’s on the tip of my tongue.‖等,想比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。 交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说―By the way ‖,实际上,―To change the subject‖―B efore I forget‖―While I remember‖―Mind you ‖都是既地道有受欢迎的表达。 遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,―I know‖可能是中国人用得最多,而美国人最不能接受的一句话。当一美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍―I know‖可能是中国人用得最多,而美国人最不能接受的一句话。当一美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍―I know‖,我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用―I know ‖或―I got it ‖就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说―I’m not clear about it .‖不过如果你会说―It’s past my understanding‖或―It’s beyond me .‖你的教师定会惊讶不已的。 要想将地道习语熟练地运用于口语,下面内容,不可不读: ☆a black sheep 败家子 绵羊一般为白色,一旦成了黑色的绵羊,一定是个―败类‖。 Eric is a black sheep ,splashing one million dollars in a few years . 艾瑞克是个败家子,几年就挥霍了一百万美金。


常用问候语英语 常用问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语

16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?


A 打招呼基本会话 1. A: How are you doing? 你好吗? (注:are的发音常略去,发成How ya doin'?) B1: I’m doing great. 我很好。 B2: I’m doing OK. 我还行。 B3: Pretty good. 还好。 B4: Not too bad. 还不错。 B5: I get by. 过得去。 2. A: How’s life treating you? 日子过得还算惬意吗? B1: Not bad. 不算坏。 B2: It could be worse. 还行。 “How’s life treating you?”用于朋友之间。对好久没见的人就说:How’s life been treating you? 3. A: What’s up? 有什么新鲜事儿? B: Not much. 没什么。 4. A: I haven’t seen you in ages! 久违!这一阵子躲到哪儿去了? B: Yeah, long time no see. 是啊,很久没见了。 in ages = in such a long time 5. A: What’s new? 近来如何? B1: Nothing much. I’m still the same. 还是老样子,我一点儿也没变。 B2: Not much. How about you? 没什么。你呢? B3: Same shit, different day. 不同的日子,同样的调子。 See Appendix A(见附录A)

Appendix A Greetings (Qs &As) 简单的问候 Hello! 你好! Hi! 你好!/嗨! Hey! 你好!/嗨! Hey there! 你好! Yo! 嗨!(俚语) Yo, G! 嗨,哥们!(俚语)Howdy! 你好!(方言) Good morning. 早上好。(0—12:00am) morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好。(12:00— 5:00pm) Afternoon. 下午好。 Good evening. 晚上好。(5:00pm—0) Evening. 晚上好。 一般的问候 How are you? 你怎么样? How do you do? 你好。 How are you doing? 你过的怎么样? How are you keeping? 你过的怎么样? How are you feeling? 心情怎么样? How are you getting on? 近来如何? How are you getting along? 近来如何? How are things? 事情办得怎么样了? How are things going (with you)? 近况如何? How's it going? 一切都好吗? How's everything? 一切都好吗? How's everything going? 一切都好吗? How's everything with you? 你一切都好吗? How's anything at home? 家里一切都好吗? How's your family? 家人怎么样? How's it been? 近来怎样? How's work? 工作怎样? How's life? 过得怎样? How's your business? 生意如何吗? How is she (he)? 她(他)怎么样呢? How's your family? 你家怎样? How was your weekend? 周末过得怎样? How have you been? 你过得怎么样? How have you been doing? 最近怎么样? How have you been getting along? 近来过得怎样? How goes the world with you? 近况如何? How's your wife (husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...)? 你的妻子(丈夫,女朋友,男朋友,母亲,父亲...)怎么样? What's happening with your family? 你家怎么样? What's up? 怎么样? What's new? 有什么新鲜事?


地道的英语打招呼用语 随着英语的普及,很多人跟英语都不陌生,几乎所有的人都会说: Hi,Hello等一些简单的打招呼。比如在路上遇到老外,我们会说HI,相反老外也会用中文跟我们打招呼: 你好。打招呼是交流中最基本的用语。 下面和大家一起来学习一下地道的英语打招呼常用语,让你的英语水平 有一些提高。 你也许觉得打招呼是很简单的一件事,不就是“Hello.”“How do you do?” “How are you?”“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”吗?没错,你这样去打 招呼也没有什么问题,但真正的美国人日常生活中打招呼是不是也这样呢? 其实,这虽然只是个“二星级”的问题,但很多博士生也一样说不好,一迈 出国门就闹出很多笑话。 让我们从打招呼开始改变,学会用地道、纯正的美国英语去与人打招呼 吧! Lisa’s Note: In America, nobody uses the expression “How do you do?” I d on’t know how to answer it.I never heard it until I came to China,but Chinese people say it all the time. I wonder why?“Nice to meet you”is much better. (在美国,很少有人使用“How do you do?”,因为我不知道该如何回

答。我从没听过这句话直到我来到中国,而且中国人一直在使用这个说法, 我一直很不解。如果用“Nice to meet you”会好很多。(翻译: CRIOnline Kiele) 1. A: How are you doing?你好吗?(注: are的发音常略去,发成How ya doin'?) B1: I’m doing great.我很好。 B2: I’m doing OK.我还行。 B3: Pretty good.还好。 B4: Not too bad.还不错。 B5: I get by.过得去。 2. A: How’s life treating you?日子过得还算惬意吗? B1: Not bad.不算坏。 B2: It could be worse.还行。“How’s life treating you?”用于朋友之间。 对好久没见的人就说: How’s life been treating you? 3. A: What’s up?有什么新鲜事儿?


实用英语:你不知道的英式地道日常用语 亲们,假如不想赴英国留学惨遭众“白眼”袭击,那就赶紧拿出一些空闲时间学习一下 英国人最喜欢的日常生活用语表达吧! 实用英语:你不知道的英式地道日常用语 英国人吐槽:当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a…(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk 里演《老友记》啊,真是的! 英式表达:Please can I have/ I’d like to order the… 英国人吐槽:下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就 告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。 英式表达:The lesser of two evils/the better of the two eg:I think going with him is the better of two evils/is the better of the two options。 英国人吐槽:我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two- time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)”。难道double啊triple啊什么的都彻底消失了么?从语 法上来说,这根本构不成短语,而且用在口语中更糟糕。每次听到或者看到它我就心跳 加速。这对我的健康造成了威胁,因为基本每天都要经历这些。我去! 英式表达:double,triple,quadruple,quintuple Eg:a double occurrence (not a two-time occurrence) 英国人吐槽:使用24/7来表达“全天候”,不如就朴实地说“all day, every day”。 英式表达:All the time/constantly。 Eg:He plays video game the whole time/he constantly plays video games. (不要:he plays video games 24/7!) 英国人吐槽:我不能忍受的就是“deplane”这个词,意思就是下飞机,用法是这样的:“You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飞机了)”。 英式表达:“deplane”这个词英国人全然不用,连我也只能猜出是什么意思!正确的词:disembark, get off the plane。


在口语栏目里面,我们陆陆续续为大家介绍了一些常用的英语口语,本栏目集合了60 个生活和工作中做常用到的一些主题口语,我希望通过这个60 个主题口语为大家带来系统的学习资料。熟练掌握这60 个主题的英语,相信对于提高简单的英语会话会有很大的帮助! 第一单元为大家带来的是问候篇,当然关于问候的话题我们已经学过很多了,本单元为大家精选了15 句问候最最常用的语句,希望对大家有用! 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 这句话相信每个人都会说,最简单的问候语。很多人在路上遇到老外都会跟老外说这句话! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/ 晚上)好! 在英语里面,没有中午好,所以就没有Good noon! 这个说法! 3. I'm Kathy Kin g. 我是凯西?金。 这也是最简单的自己介绍的句型:I am.. 我是谁。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得?史密斯吗? Are you...? 你是某某人吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 类似的语句有How is everything? How are you doing? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/ 你妻子好吗?/ 你 丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。


nice to meet you 见到你很高兴 how are you ? 你好吗? thank you very much 非常感谢 what's the date today? 今天是几号? It‘s up to you . 由你决定。 Excuse me , Sir . 先生,打扰一下。 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗 ? what can i do for you ? 我有什么能帮到你吗? Don‘t worry . 别担心。 Good luck! 祝好运 !

What time is it? 几点了 ? It‘s a fine day 。 今天是个好天。 You can make it! 你能做到 ! I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意 How much does it cost? 多少钱 ? See you . 再见 Be careful! 注意 ! I think so . 我也这么想 Here you are . 给你 What a pity! 太遗憾了 ! I'll try my best .

我尽力而为 What does she like? 她喜欢什么 ? what's worry with you ?/What happened to you? 你怎么了 ? nice to meet you 见到你很高兴 一般礼貌的用 :it'my pleasure to meet you .( 见到你是我的荣幸 ) how are you ? 你的身体怎么样? 口语用 :how are you doing ? fine ,thank you and you? 我很好 谢谢 你呢? 口语 :well,do you well? excuse me 打扰了

100句 实用英文问候语

◇问候语(G r e e t i n g) 1Hello!Nicetomeetyou.你好,很高兴见到你 2Hello!Gladtoseeyou.你好,很高兴见到你 3Howdoyoudo你好 4Nicetalkingwithyou.很高兴和你说话 5Goodbye.再见 6Seeyou.再见 7Takecare.保重 8Keepwell.保重 9Pleasesayhellotoyourfamily.请代我向你的家人问好 10IhopeyouwillcomebacktoShenyangagain!希望你能再来沈阳做客 11Seeyouagaininthenearfuture.后会有期 12Hello,howareyoudoing你好吗? 13Hello,welcometoShenyang!你好,欢迎来到沈阳 14What'syourfirstimpressionofShenyang沈阳给你的第一感觉是什么? 15HowdoyoulikeShenyang/HowdoyoufindShenyang你觉得沈阳怎么样? 16Shenyangisabeautifulcity.沈阳是一座美丽的城市 17ThepeopleinShengyangareveryfriendly.沈阳人非常热情 18NewShenyang,newInternationalHorticulturalExpo.新沈阳新世园 19Cheerstoourfriendship!为我们的友谊干杯 20afteryou.你先请 21Couldyouhelpme你能帮助我吗? 22Wouldyoupleasedomeafavour能忙我个忙吗? 23Wouldyoupleasegivemeahand帮我个忙好吗? 24WhatcanIdoforyou您需要什么帮助? 25MayIhelpyou我可以帮助你吗? 26Letmehelpyou.我来帮助你 27It'sverykindofyou!你真是太好了 28Gostraightthisway.简直往前走 29Excuseme,canyoutellmethewaytotheInternationalHorticulturalExpo劳驾,请问去世园会怎么走? .沿这条街走下去,然后往左拐 31Turnrightatthenextcrossing.在第二个路口往右拐 32I'.对不起,我不知道它在哪儿 33Thankyouallthesame.尽管如此,还是要谢谢你 34Isitfarfromhere离这儿远吗? 'dbettertakeabus.远,你最好坐公共汽车去 36No,it'sjustoverthere.不远,就在那里 37It'saboutonekilometerfromhere.距这里约一公里 38Excuseme,请问,4路公共汽车去世园会吗? 39Whereisthenearestpostoffice去最近的邮局怎么走? 40Howlongistheride坐车要用多长时间? 41Itwilltakeabouttwentyminutes.大约需要20分钟 42Thankyouverymuch.非常感谢 It'smypleasure.乐意为您效劳 ◇购物用语(Shopping)


旅游英语口语300句:欢迎、问候用语1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2、How do you do? 您好!(初次见面) Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到您。 3、How are you? 您好吗? Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。您好吗? 4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop)。 欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。 5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.

希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)7、Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快! 8、***Hotel, front desk. Can I help you?***饭店,前厅。您找谁? 9、Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。 10、May I speak to your general manager?能和你们总经理说话吗? Speaking. 我就是。 11、Sorry. He is not in at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在。 Would you like to leave a message? 您要留口信吗? 12、Pardon. 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? I beg your pardon. 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?


英语中常见打招呼用语 Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。(一般初次见面时打招呼,实际上在美国英语中与Nice to see you.一样。) Nice to see you.很高兴见到(看见)你。(一般熟人间见面时打招呼) Hello!喂!/你好!(初次见面或相识间的打招呼) Hi!喂!/你好!(较熟悉或相互间较随便的打招呼) Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好!(较熟悉或不熟悉均可用) Good night.晚安!(晚上分别时的招呼语,不管时间的早迟,相识或不相识均可。) Good day.你好!(白天任何时候相见时的招呼语,相识或不相识均可。) B.相应的应答语: 与别人见面时,别人向你打招呼,你也应该作出相应的回答。 Nice to meet you,too.我也是(很高兴认识你)。(初次见面回答对方的答语) Nice meeting you.Bye.很高兴认识你,再见。(初次见面时回答对方的答语且是分别时说,如果你说了后不离开,则一般不要如此说。) Nice to see you,too.我也是(很高兴看见你)。 Hello!喂!/你好!(初次见面或相识间打招呼的回答语) Hi!喂!/你好!(较熟悉或相互间较随便打招呼的回答语) Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好!(较熟悉或不熟悉均可的应答语) Good night.晚安!(晚上分别时的应答语,不管时间的早迟,相识或不相识均可。) Good day.你好!(白天任何时候相见时的应答语,相识或不相识均可。) 注意:(1)Nice可以换成glad/happy/pleased,但主语不相同,Nice主语为it,而glad/happy/pleased主语是I。 (2)由Good+时间所构成的招呼语,在关系极好或很随便时可以直接说时间,不说Good。


日常交往 一、问候Greeting 初次见面Meeting for the first time 1.由你发起会话: Hello! How do you do? It’s very nice to meet you. /省略句Nice to meet you. /It’s a great pleasure to meet you./I am pleased to make your acquaintance. ★‘How do you do? ’vs.‘ How are you? ’﹡视频 前者用于首次正式问候,用‘How do you do? ’回答;后者用于熟悉后打招呼,用‘I’m fine, thanks./Pretty good./Not bad./Hello./Hi.’回答. ★‘Nice to meet you. ’vs.‘Nice to have met you. ’(能遇到你真高兴。)前者用于见面打招呼,后者用于见面后道别的客套话。 I often heard so much/a lot about you. 一直久仰大名。 其他搭讪用语pick-up lines I think I know you? Aren’t you Mr.+ surname 姓 Have we met before? You look so familiar. You like one of my friends. You have a charming smile. I like your hairdo. /I really love your hairstyle./Y ou look pretty cool with the haircut. Would you like a drink? Coffee, tea or wine? Instant coffee or freshly ground coffee? /A glass of red wine, white wine, rose wine

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