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集体教案基英综合英语2 unit1

集体教案基英综合英语2 unit1
集体教案基英综合英语2 unit1

Lesson one: Fresh Start



Section One Pre-reading Activities

Memorable Quotes

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

—James Joyce

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

—O scar Wilde

James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist and poet of the early 20th century, best known for his landmark novel Ulysses (1922), a modern re-telling of The Odyssey.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish writer and poet, regarded as one of London?s most popular playwrights in the early 1890s, also a spokesman for aestheticism.

Cultural Background

1. The i mportance of “f ace”

“Face” is a sense of worth that comes from knowing one?s status and reflects concern with the congruency between one?s performance or appearance and one?s real worth.

“Face” stands for a very important sociological concept i n Chinese culture. The concept of “face” roughly translates as honor, good reputation or respect. The essence of “face” lies in the drive for acceptance and approval of other people other than one?s real worth.

2. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde

Being yourself is celebrating you, as an individual —learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it?s learning to love yourself. For others, it?s not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in.

3. Steps to be yourself

●define yourself

●stop worrying about how people perceive you

●be honest and open


●develop and express your individuality

●believe in who you are

●follow your own style

Section Two Global Reading

I. Structural Analysis of the Text

This text is a piece of narrative writing, in which the author tells about her experience during

the first year at university, which at first seems to be very awkward but turns out to be on the right track at last.

In the text, three incidents are narrated by the author:

the first is about her going into the wrong classroom;

the second is about her falling down in the cafeteria;

the last is about her witnessing the same embarrassing fall happening to someone admired by her.

Despite the differences between these three incidents, they actually revolve around one theme: The growth of the author, who is able to draw lessons from the mistakes she has made and finally succeeds in adjusting herself to the college life.

II. Rhetorical Features of the Text

Detailed descriptions of events are everywhere to be seen in this text, which is a dominant feature of narrative writing. Since the description of an event will involve a lot of movements or actions, compound sentences and compound-complex sentences have been used frequently in the text.

For examples:

I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. (Paragraph 1)

I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, bending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note-taking, and cursing under my breath. (Paragraph 5)

Rhetorical devices

expressions of humor, exaggeration, and contrast:

With the thought in mind, I raised my head,…(para.2, sentence 1)

I spent the afternoon seeking out each room …perfectly timed entrance vs. wrong classroom (para. 2, last sentence)

As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes (para.6, last sentence). I ma de my way through…tiptoed to a table…collapsed in relief. (para.9, first sentence)

Section Three Detailed Reading


1. Why did the author have the impression that “everyone on campus was watching me”? Paragraph 1

The author, being over-sensitive, was uneasy with her identity as a freshman. She thought a new student would attract others? attention, as what she did or said was liable to be too na?ve to be right. That feeling is a typical symptom of lacking in self-confidence.

2. Why did the author exclaim “What confidence, what reserve, what muscles!” when she saw the football player? (Paragraph 2)

College life was a new experience to the author. That she marveled at the real football player showed her excitement about her new life. And more importantly, her response revealed her admiration of an image which was almost exactly the opposite of her own. This admiration would later become the motivation of her change.

3. How many questions are used in Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5? Why does the author raise these questions?

Four elliptical questions are used in these paragraphs. Being a freshman, the author was not well acquainted with campus life. She was at a loss as to what to do when something unexpected happened. These questions are used to show her bewilderment.

4. Why did she dine on junk food for the next three days? (Paragraphs 6-8)

Because she thought she had become the laughing-stock on campus. She couldn?t stand being laughed at by all the students when she turned up in the cafeteria.

5. What was the key lesson Evelyn Herald learned during her first few weeks in college? (Paragraphs 10-14)

The key lesson she learned during her first few weeks in college was that she realized she didn?t have to pay too much attention to what other people were thinking about her. The fresh campus life was her big chance to do her own things and be her own person. She might well relax herself and stop worrying about making mistakes because people all grow by trial and error.

Class Activity

Group discussion:What lessons have you learned from Evelyn?s experiences after reading the article “Fresh Start”? Share the experiences when you first came to college.

Words and Expressions

Paragraph 1

anyway: ad. in spite of everything; in any case; anyhow 无论如何,总之

不管旁人怎么说,反正我来了。I am coming anyway, no matter what others say.

已经无所谓了,我们反正要迟到。It doesn’t make much difference because we’re going to be late anyway.

nothing more than 1).不强于,不多于

e.g. What they have discovered was nothing more than a gimmick.

2) 正好, 与…一模一样:e.g. Nothing more than a tunnel-like passage greeted the excavators. 面对着挖掘者的是一条像隧道一样的通道。…

Other phrases: nothing less than: 不亚于,不少于


3). 与…恰恰相反,完全不 Eg. That’s nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。nothing but 只是;只不过;除…以外什么也不 eg. I drink nothing but coffee.

distinct a.

clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, etc.; noticeable

e.g. Now that the boss was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude.

The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days.

Comparison: distinct & distinctive

distinct: Something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled, etc.

e.g. There is a distinct smell of beer in this room.

distinctive: It means having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.

e.g. Beer has a very distinctive smell; it?s quite distinct from the smell of wine.


One of the _________ features of this book is its __________ illustrations.


(Keys: distinctive, distinct)

first-gradish: a. be characteristic of a first-grade student 新生的样子“—ish”is a widely used suffix which means characteristic of, like, tending to. Eg. childish, selfish, bookis h, womanish

Paragraphs 2-9

clutch vt. hold or grasp tightly; vi. try to grasp or seize

e.g. The frightened woman clutched her bags to her breast.

He clutched at the rope we had thrown to him but could not reach it.

Synonyms: seize, grasp

e.g. She seized my arm as she fell.

grasp the essence / main points

glimpse n.

①a quick look at sb. or sth.

e.g. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.

②a short experience of sth. that helps you begin to understand it

e.g. Her worried face gave me a glimpse of her true feelings.


up in the air ( of a plan or issue) still to be settled, unresolved: eg. The fate of the power station i s up in the air.

seek out 找出,寻求

Eg. He sought out his friend in the crowd 他在人群中找到了他的朋友。

How can we seek out a really good person for the job?


dumb: a (infml) conspicuously unintelligent; stupid; incapable of using speech; mute; temporarily speechless, as with shock or fear 愚蠢的;哑的;沉默的。(因为震惊或恐惧)说不出话的,暂时说不出话的

eg. That was a dumb thing to say. 谈论这事真蠢。

She was born dumb. 她生来就是哑巴。

He remained dumb, refusing to answer. 他保持沉默,拒绝回答问题。

I was dumb with disbelief.. 我难以置信,一是说不上话来。

reserve n.

a quality in sb.?s character that make them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problems

e.g. Being a man of reserve, Mr. York was never popular with his colleagues.

Judy has tried every means to break through the reserve of her stepson.

Derivation:reserved a.

e.g.T he English have a reputation for being reserved.


n.approximate location;https://www.doczj.com/doc/c414977439.html,ed to ask in what general area sth. or sb. is

e.g. T he orphan?s whereabouts is / are still unknown.

The police have appealed for information concerning the whereabouts of the stolen car used in the robbery.

Whereabouts did you grow up?

march in 进入

Eg. She marched in and demanded an explanation. 她堂皇地走进来要求对她做出说明。

demeanor n.

the way sb. behaves, dresses, speaks, etc. that shows what their character is like



His demeanor was clam and steady.


The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.

foreground: n. the nearest part of a scene in a view, a picture, or a photograph (图画,景物等的)前景,最显著的位置;2。最突出的(令人注目的)地位

Eg. The foreground of the photograph shows a big tree.

As a movie star, she has to keep herself in the foreground.

He has receded from the foreground of public attention.

She talks a great deal, because she likes to keep herself in the foreground.

synonym: focus antonym: background

anthology of American literature: a collection of American literature 美国文学选读

anthology: n. a collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories, or plays


eg. I bought an Anthology of 20th – century American Poetry yesterday.


Crisp:ADJ-GRADED(布或纸)洁净的,挺括的Crisp cloth or paper is clean and has no creases in it.

He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit...



eg: Do you want ruled paper or plain?

scribble(down) v.

write sth. quickly and untidily

e.g. I scribbled his phone number in my address book.

He scribbled down our names.

grope v.

①try to find sth. that you cannot see by feeling with your hands


grope for

e.g. Ginny groped for her glasses on the bedside table.

grope around

e.g. We groped around in the darkness.

②go somewhere by feeling the way with your hands because you cannot see


grope your way along / across, etc.

e.g. I was groping my way blindly through the trees.

settle into 1) (天气、事态等)稳定下来,(表情等)固定下来 2)对适应,习惯于

Eg. Things are settling into shape. 事态在稳定,逐步呈现出头绪。

The boys have settled into their new environment. 男孩子们已经适应了新环境。

tip off: to give an advance warning or hint to 暗中向…泄漏消息;告诫,提示

eg. Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty.

The police were tipped off about the robbery.

They were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents. If he had not tipped off to flee in time, he would have been killed. 如果他事先没有听到风声及时逃避的话,他早就被杀害


Thanks for tipping me off about those shares; I made a tidy profit out of them.


phrases: tip someone the wink: give private information.

on the tip of one?s tongue: one is able to but unable to utter the word.

The tip of the iceberg: a part of a larger amount of situation or problems hidden:

goody (pl. goodies)n.

①sth. that is nice to eat

e.g.We bought lots of goodies for the picnic.

②sth. attractive, pleasant, or desirable

e.g. The competition gives you the chance to win all sorts of goodies.

Variant spelling: (British English) goodie

flail v.

(cause sth. to) wave or swing about wildly

e.g. I flailed my arms to get her attention.

The baby?s feet flailed unde r the quilt.

rear 1) a. 后部的,后背的 n. 后部,背面

Eg. The front of the car was damaged and we had to get out by the rear door. 2) vt. 饲养;抚养,教养:栽培

Eg. The farmer rears a special kind of sheep. 那农民饲养一种特殊的羊。 The boy’s aunt reared him. 那孩子的姑姑把他抚养成人。 rear end = buttocks

topple: vi. to overbalance or become unsteady and fall slowly:

She toppled over when I touched her.

Vt. The push almost toppled him to the ground.

The calf suddenly became rigid, toppled over and went into a convulsion.

Syn. tumble about: to fall quickly down a slope or down stairs, rolling over.

e.g. She let out a yell of triumph as she tumbled into the water. trip over and stumble both mean hit your foot against sth.

Eg. I didn?t see the step and tripped up, sprawling head-long across the floor.

Neighbors were alerted to the burglary after they heard someone stumbling over the garbage can o utside the house.

To refer to an object: fall over/ tip over/topple over

kick off 1)抖落脚上的鞋子 2)开始,引起 3)开球

Eg. I slumped into the armchair and kick off my shoes 我一屁股坐到扶手椅上,甩掉脚上的鞋子。

I’m going to kick off today’s proceedings with a few remarks about next year’s budget. 我先讲几句下一年的预算,以此开始今天的议程。

The match kicks off at 3 o’clock. 比赛3点开始。

brigade n. 1) (军队中的)旅 2)(担任特殊任务的)团、队

军队编制 squad 班、platoon排、company连、battalion营、regiment团、brigade旅、division 师、 army 军

sneak v. (同义词slink, steal, creep, lurk)

1)move or go secretly, so as not to be seen 潜行;鬼鬼祟祟做事,偷偷摸摸地做 e.g. The star sneaked out by the back exit./ She sneaked a glance at her watch.

Just as the thief sneaked into the bedroom of the owner, he was caught on the spot by the awaiti ng

policeman. 小偷刚溜进户主的房间,就被早已等候多时的警察抓个正着。

2). v. (informal) to steal secretly or cleverly

Eg. Roger sneaked in when no one was looking and stole a pie. The boy was caught sneaking an apple from a shop.

Seeing so many fancy candies in the bowl on the table, the little boy couldnt help sneaking a han dful into his mouth. 看到桌上的碗里有这么多各式个样的糖果,小男孩忍不住抓了一把就往嘴里塞。

3) adj. 暗中进行的

sneak up on: creep up on:

eg. He sneaked up on us slyly./ White hair sneaked up on her head.

Charge VERB猛冲;猛攻If you charge towards someone or something, you move quickly and aggressively towards them.

eg. He charged through the door to my mother's office...


He ordered us to charge.


向…收费;索要(钱);要价If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them.

Even local nurseries charge £100 a week...


VERB(警方)指控,起诉When the police charge someone, they formally accuse them of having done something illegal

Police have charged Mr Bell with murder.


PHRASE主管;全面负责;统领If you are in charge in a particular situation, you are the most senior person and have control over something or someone.

the Swiss governess in charge of the smaller children.


die down渐渐消失,平息

eg. The wind has died down quite a lot. 风已减小了很多。

It took a long time for the excitement to die down. 激动的情绪经过很长一段时间才平静下来。

crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite

Here the modifier “crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet” describes the texture and taste of the fast food, which is crunchy, chewy, salty and sweet.

Word formation: The four adjectives are chained up with hyphens to form a new modifier placed before a noun.

e.g. a red-hot news story

an all-round athlete

tiptoe v.

walk quietly and carefully on your toes, so that nobody hears you

e.g. His mother tiptoed into the room.

I tiptoed along the corridor.


tiptoe around (sth.): try to avoid dealing with a difficult or embarrassing subject or problem

e.g. They were tiptoeing around the delicate subject of money.

poor (old) soul

used to show pity for sb.

e.g. The poor old soul had fallen and broken her hip.

spaghetti 意大利式细面条a type of pasta in very long thin pieces, that is cooked in boiling water

macaroni通心粉a type of pasta in the shape of small tubes.

tagliatelle意大利干面条a type of pasta that is cut into very long thin flat pieces

in relief 浮雕一般,鲜明地,显著地

eg. He saw the tower in relief against the sky. 她看到那塔耸立在空中,轮廓十分鲜明。

somebodys heart goes out to somebody =used to say someone feels a lot of sympathy towards a nother person

eg. His heart went out to Mrs. Bradshaw and her fatherless child.

Seeing a picture depicting a mother crying over her dead baby killed by the tsunami, my heart we nt out to her. 看到一位母亲为她在海啸中丧身的孩子哭得悲痛欲绝的图片时,我不禁对她万分同情。

grin v.

show that you are very happy or pleased by smiling widely


grin from ear to ear: grin very widely

slink (slunk/slank, slunk) to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way; to move as if one feels guilty or a shamed, or does not want to be seen

eg. She tried to slink out of the office so that nobody would see her. The cat slunk through th e grass toward its prey.

The defeated army slunk back to its strongholds in the mountains.


Paragraphs 10-14

malicious a.

very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt sb.

e.g. a malicious remark

malicious gossip


malice (n.): a desire to harm sb. because you hate them

e.g. He did it through malice.

I am quite certain that his wife bears malice to/towards/against (=feels continuing dislike for) me.

run with the crowd

Comparison and translation

An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide.


You can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd.


Hait hasn?t got a mind of his own on any matter of importance; he just swims with the tide.


She is always falling into line with the majority.


preoccupation: n. (with) the state of being preoccupied, something that takes up one?s attention 抢先占有,使人全神贯注的事物

eg. Among young people the overwhelming preoccupation is to find a job.


Environmental protection is clearly their main preoccupation.


preoccupy: v. to fill the thoughts of (someone or someone?s mind) almost completely, esp. so that not

enough attention is given to other things.使全神贯注;使入神

Eg. You were too preoccupied to notice me at the bus stop yesterday.


The problem/topic preoccupied my mind all week.一个星期我心中老想着这个问题。

live up to: to keep to the high standards of / put (ones faith, principles, etc) into practice

Eg. You should live up to your promise. 你应当遵守诺言。

The new house didn’t live up to our expectations.这栋新房子我们不合意。

He will live up to what his parents expect of him. 他决不辜负父母对他的期望。

His wife was so clever that he felt he could never live up to her.


It?s difficult to live up to the principle of the Christian religion.

The film didn?t live up to my expectations. (reach the standard that may be expected)

shackle n.

a metal fastening, usually one of a pair, for encircling and confining the ankle or wrist of a prisoner or captive; (fig.) a restraint or check to action or progress, often used in the plural form.

e.g. The policeman placed shackles on the suspect?s hands.

Eg. It is hard to break through the shackles of habit. 打破习惯的束缚是非常困难的。

Society is going to throw off the shackles of racism and colonialism.


Economic shackles precluded further investment. 经济障碍阻止进一步投资。

self-consciousness self- is widely used to form word with the meaning of a par ticular or typical part of one’s nature.

self-analysis 自我分析self-awareness 自知,自明;自我意识self-protection 自我保护 self-adjustment 自我调节,自我调整

self-satisfied 自我满意 self-advancement 自我发展,自我提高

self-service 自助,自助式 self-assembly (对配件元件的)自组装

IV. Sentences

Paraphrase / explanation

I was just feeling a bit first-gradish=I had just the feeling of a new comer at college without the strength a mature student might possess

The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit fir st-gradish.


It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. (Paragraph 2)

Paraphrase: I could not help staring at the football player who was a direct contrast to myself and represented what I had desired but failed to be.

I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classroom so that I could make a perfectly time d entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts: = to seek out each of my classroom, it took me the whole afternoon, I wanted to make certain the a ccurate location of each classroom without asking stupid questions about where the classroom wer e. 我花了整个下午总算搞清楚了我要上课的各个教室,这样,第二天上课之前我能坐到该去的教室,而不是傻傻乎乎地到处问地方。

I was in the foreground. (Paragraph 3)

Paraphrase: Foreground means, as opposite to background, the part of a scene, landscape, etc. nearest, or represented in perspective as nearest, to the viewer, or the most noticeable or conspicuous position.

I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professors direct line of vision:=I took a se at in the first row and to the side, so I was near the front, but put of the professor?s direct field of v

ision. (按新声手册的建议)我坐在前排靠边,但是又不在教授的眼皮底下。

For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. For three days, I had not been to the cafeteria due to my feeling of humiliation and shame. Instead, I stayed alone in my room an d ate junk food of various kinds from a vending machine which was just the right place to aid me i n avoiding others.


I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. (Paragraph 9)

Explanation: What she meant is that she sat down in relief as no one had noticed her. “Collapsed”is a hyperbole indicating her anxiety and the contrasting reality that no one actually cared.

What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been mer ely a moment of college fun. 我曾以为那些笑声是恶意捉弄菜鸟新生的,原来那不过是大学校园里的开心一刻。


Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman —and had lived to tell about it. (Paragraph 10)

Paraphrase: Everyone who had done something dumb had survived the embarrassment (and so was able to recount the experience afterwards).

Popularity was not so important; running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. = I t didn?t matter whether or not you were widely accepted or admired; you did not have to behave to the liking of everybody else.

I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. (Paragraph 12)

Explanation: Metaphorically, she means that she tried different experiences, as if trying on different articles of clothing, until she finally determined what her life should be like.

Section Four Consolidation Activities

Ⅰ. Vocabulary

1.Word Derivation

1) assurance n.→ assure v.→ assuring a.


She assured us that everything would turn out all right.

or She gave us her assurance that everything would turn out all right.


His assuring words helped to banish my fear.

2)discreet a.→ discreetly ad.→ discretion / discreetness n.


You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.


The man discreetly slipped the card into his top pocket.


He handled the matter with his best discretion.

3)relax v.→relaxing a. → relaxation n.


You can relax your muscles by massage.


Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.


Yoga is an exercise that can provide mental and physical relaxation.

4)humiliation n.→ humiliate v.→ humiliating a.


A scholar prefers death to humiliation.


He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss.


In history, China has been forced to sign too many humiliating treaties.

5)strategically ad.→ strategic a.→ strategy n.


Strategically we should despise all our enemies.


The large-scale development strategy for the western region drew worldwide attention.


Generally, the first to the field of battle has the strategic advantage.

6) embarrass v.→ embar rassing a.→ embarrassment n.


He mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister.


Everyone has faced the embarrassing dilemma of deciding how much extra to give a waiter.


He spared the embarrassment of kissing her in front of everybody.

7)maneuver v./n. → maneuverable a.


He maneuvered himself into the board of directors.


In the military maneuver, the blue army attempted to attack the red army?s sentinels i n the dark, but was defeated.


The ship is of an appropriate size and is highly maneuverable.

8) mature a.→ maturity n.

Antonym: immature a.→ immaturity n.


She was a mature woman, but appeared young and was extraordinarily beautiful.


She had reached maturity by the time she was sixteen.


The fruits, mature or immature, can be conserved with sugar.

2. Phrase Practice

1) You have to take your daughter to hospital, as a rash has broken out on her face and hands. break out: (of war, fighting, disease, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly



Forest fires have broken out across Indonesia.

2) In the darkness, I _______ the right box. groped for

grope for:feel or search about uncertainly (for something) by hands; search uncertainly or with difficulty (for a solution, answer, etc.)



I grope for the light switch in the dark room.

3) I warned him repeatedly that it was no good _______ that kind of tricks ________ me. trying…on

try on: put on (an article of clothing) to find out whether it fits or is suitable; test the effect or result of



You can try on this new coat.


Why do people like to try their luck on lottery?

4) Our sympathies ________ the relatives of the victims. go out to

(one?s heart or sympathy) go out to sb.:feel sympathy towards sb. and think about them



His heart went out to Mrs. Blackman and her fatherless child.

5) The drug traffickers were arrested after the police were ________ by the local residents. tipped off

tip off:give an advance warning or hint to…



He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot.

fall away:gradually become weaker and disappears

eg: When the rain stopped,the floods soon began to fall away.


grin from ear to ear咧开嘴笑;笑容满面;满面笑容;笑容可掬

eg: He replaced the receiver, beaming from ear to ear, whistling a happy tune.


3. Synonym / Antonym

1. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me.

?Antonyms: vague, indistinct

2. With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand.

?Synonyms: carefully, meticulously

3. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles!

?Synonyms: self-restraint, self-control

4. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.

?Antonyms: clever, intelligent, sensible

5. Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor.

?Synonyms: manner, behaviour

6. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I?d seen just days before…

?Antonyms: excited, agitated

7. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray.

?Synonym: sneak

8. What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun.

?Antonyms: mature, sophisticated

Ⅱ. Grammar

1) Nominal Clauses

There are five main types of nominal clauses: that-clauses, interrogative sub-clauses, nominal relative clauses, nominal to-infinitive clauses and nominal -ing clauses. Nominal clauses function like noun phrases. They can occur as subject, object, complement, apposition, and prepositional complement.

For example:

The hope is [that we will succeed]. (complement)

The hope [that we will succeed] is unrealistic. (apposition)

[What you do] does not concern me. (subject)

I didn?t ask [where you live]. (object)

I had prepared myself very carefully for [what I must say]. (prepositional complement)

[To send him money now] would be [to put the cart before the horse]. (subject;



Combine each pair of sentences into one, using nominal clauses.

① Did he ever go there at all? Do you know?

Do you know if/whether he ever went there at all?

② What do you need? You need a good rest.

What you need is a good rest.

③Who does it belong to? You must give it back.

You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.

④I decided to resign, which was wise.

My decision to resign was wise.

⑤It is proposed that we should import more equipment. The proposal is to be discussed at the meeting.

The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting.

⑥Who can have told you that? It puzzles me.

Who can have told you that puzzles me.

2) so that

So that introduces an adverbial clause of purpose, which usually contains a modal verb.

For example:

so that his students can understand well].

so that they could get a bird’s-eye view of the city]. Practice

Combine each pair of senten ces into one, using “so that”.

①He wore glasses and a false beard. Nobody would recognize him.

He wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.

②They are hurrying. They don?t want to miss the train.

They are hurrying so that they may not miss the train.

③Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.

Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.

④John wanted to be heard in every room. He spoke through a microphone.

John spoke through a microphone so that he could be heard in every room.

⑤She locked the door. She didn?t want to be disturbed.

She locked the door so that she wouldn?t be disturbed.

⑥John has bought a bicycle. He may save money on fares.

John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on fares.

3) Adverbial Clauses of Concession

Adverbial clauses of concession express a contrast of meaning or implication of …unexpectedness? in relation with the main clauses. They are often introduced by concessive conjunctions such as although, though or prepositions such as despite.

For example:

Although the car was badly damaged], none of the passengers was hurt.

[despite the fact that it rained sometimes].

However difficult the situation is], we shall stick to it.


Combine each pair of sentences into one, using adverbial clauses of concession.

① He had been prevented by illness from studying. He passed the exam.

He passed the exam although he had been prevented by illness from studying.

② He might be or not b e here. I shouldn?t have time to see him.

No matter whether he was here or not, I shouldn?t have time to see him.

③ Mr. Johnson is rich. Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man.

Rich as he is / Although he is rich, Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man.

④ He is ill. He works hard.

Despite / Although he is ill, he works hard.

⑤The minister escaped without a scratch. Everything around the minister was blown to pieces. Though everything around him was blown to pieces, the minister escaped without a scratch.

Ⅲ. Translation

1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过。(distress)


If you distress someone, you upset them by doing or saying something that causes them to feel unhappy or alarmed.


It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.



I?m sorry if I?ve distressed you by asking all this.


Please don?t distress yourself.

2. 他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子。(assume)


If you assume a particular expression or way of behaving, you look or behave in this way deliberately in order to give people a particular impression.


He assumed an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.



Civil servants assume a certain military air.


He assumed an expression of penitence.

3. 如果你再犯同样的错误,他会对你非常生气的。(furious)


When you are furious with / at sb. or sth., you are extremely angry or annoyed with him / at it.


He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.



He was furious with himself for not realizing it sooner.


He was furious with her at what she had done.

4. 我们都被他的坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引。(draw)



【一】全新版大学英语综合教程1课后题 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ.1. …down back and on in 2. been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. the command the soldiers opened fire. bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. , rigid, to inspire tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas , career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. violating Ⅲ. , in upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze 1. back

and on out/in 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1. 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship I. Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. 1) absolutely 2) available


Unit One Growing up Text A Writing for Myself Language study 1. off and on: adv. In an intermittent manner: slept off and on last night. 2. take hold: to start to have an effect The fever was beginning to take hold. 3. associate: To connect or join together; combine; To connect in the mind or imagination associate one thing with another We associate China with the Greet Wall. What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 4. turn out: a. to shut off: turned out the lights. b. to arrive or assemble, as for a public event or entertainment: A large group of protesters have turned out. c. To produce, as by a manufacturing process; make: an assembly line turning out cars. d. To be found to be, as after experience or trial: The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team. e. To end up; result: The cake turned out beautifully. f. To equip; outfit: troops that were turned out beautifully. g. Informal To get out of bed. h. To evict; expel: The tenants were turned out. 5. agony: The suffering of intense physical or mental pain. His last agony was over. 他临死的挣扎已经过去了。 He was in an agony of remorse. 他处于极端悔恨之中 be in agony 苦恼不安 death agony (=agony of death)临死时的痛苦, 垂死的挣扎 in agony of pain在痛苦的挣扎中 in an agony of处在极端...状态中 6. assign: a. To set apart for a particular purpose; designate. 分派为某一特定目的分开;指派 b. To select for a duty or office; appoint. 选派为某项任务或工作选派;委派 c. To give out as a task; allot. 作为任务分出;分配 d. To ascribe; attribut e. 归于;归属 be assigned to a new post 被派到新的工作岗位 assign a day for a meeting 确定开会日期 assign property to another 把财产转让给别人 assign one's failure to idleness 将失败归因于懒惰 assign homework 留家庭作业 7. anticipate: To act in advance so as to prevent; forestall. To foresee and fulfill in advance. We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London. We anticipate hearing from you again. We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first. ardently anticipate殷切地期望


Unit One Honesty Teaching Objective:listening , reading , writing , translation Teaching focus:reading , writing , translation Teaching difficulties: reading , translation Teaching Procedures: daily report, lead-in, listening, reading, translation, writing, homework Stage1 Daily Report Ask the student on duty to make a daily report, encouraging him or her to speak more about honesty. While listening, the students make some notes. Then ask some students to retell what the reporter said. Stage2 Lead in Step1 Culture background The teacher would offer some background information about creativity, so as to help the students to better understand the text. Honesty refers to a series of rules or expectancy that people should follow. To be honest means we should respect the fact and behave consistently with the contexts and situations. It means that we should be rational when giving choices or making decisions Honesty and trust is not just an idea, a political or moral teaching, but a way of living. It is an issue that matters to almost everybody. It’s important to be honest. But honesty is not always the best policy. Sometimes we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings, so we have to tell white lies. Women are better liars than men, particularly when telling “a white lie”. For example, when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling at all. This is the kind of lies that politicians and businessmen are particularly skilled at. By telling such lies the liars hope to get profit. Step2Topics for discussion 1. Get the students to go through the topics in the Lead-in of Text A on the textbook. And then they can choose any topic at will to have a discussion among their group members. 2. Show their work Let each group share their opinions with others. While listening, the listeners should take some notes, then retell and share. 3. Summarize The teacher summarizes the Ss’ job, making some comments. Then write down the useful words and expressions needed. Stage3 Listening Step1 Activity 1 Spot dictation 1. Listen to the statements less than three times and fill in each blank with the words


《综合英语4》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码: 课程名称:综合英语4 课程英文名称:Comprehensive English4 开课部门:外国语学院 课程面向专业:英语 课程类型:学科基础课 学分:6学分 总学时:96学时 二、课程简介 本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。 三、教学目的、要求与方法 (一)教学目的 本课程以课文为中心,侧重阅读和写作技能训练,但也不偏废听、说训练。在该课程的教学过程中对语言的控制逐步减少,而对学生创造力的发挥不断加强。本课程通过语言基础训练、相关文化背景知识介绍、语篇讲解以及各种文体的写作方法与技巧分析,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达和特点,扩大词汇量,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。 (二)教学要求 学生通过积极参与各种语言交际活动,获得基本的交际技能,了解基础阶段所需掌握的基本词汇、短语、修辞以及语法知识,达到本阶段应有的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。 四、学时分配

五、教学环节与教学要求 本课程在讲授过程中采用启发式、讨论式、发现式和研究式的教学方法,同时加强基础训练。 六、课程考核 1、平时成绩(包括课堂表现、课外作业)占 20% 2、期末考试占 80% 七、教材及主要参考资料 (一)建议教材 何兆熊主编,《综合教程》学生用书(4),上海:上海外语教育出版社(选用最新版本)。(二)主要参考资料 何兆熊主编,《综合教程》教师用书(4),上海:上海外语教育出版社,(选用最新版本)。 朗文出版公司编,《朗文当代英语辞典》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997。 霍恩比著,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版增补本,北京:商务印书馆,2002。


本科课程教案 2017-2018学年(第 1 学期 ) 课程名称:大学英语 CI 课程性质:□通识必修课□大类基础课□专业核心课 □专业拓展课□通识限选课□通识任选课 授课班级:17 产品设计 1 班(32 人)、环境设计七班( 30 人)学生数:共 62 人 授课教师:庞海才 学分 / 学时:6/75 学时分配:理论讲授学时,课堂讨论学时 实验 / 课内实践学时,在线学习学时 课程设计( 周) 系(教研室)负责人(签名):

审核通过日期:年月日 《大学英语 CI 》是教授英语语言知识和英语学习策略,培养学生外语综 合应用能力和跨文化交际为主要内容的必修课,教学对象是艺术专业大一学 生。课程以外语教学理论为指导,以“课堂教学+计算机和网络的自主学 习”模式为主,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体,旨在培养学生的英语 课程简介综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力;同时,提高他们的自主学习的能力和综合 文化素养,以适应我国社会发展的需要和国际交流的需要。 该课程采用形成性评估和终结性评估两种形式来评估学生学习效果。形成 性评估包括课堂活动记录、课后任务记录等形式。终结性评估包括期中测评、 期末总评。 教材名称、新编大学基础英语综合教程1、 2 高等教育出版社 出版社、出版新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1、 2 时间、版次新编大学基础英语训练与自测1、 2高等教育出版社 (含中英文教 材) (含参考书目、案例材料、阅读材料,网络教学资源等) 新编大学基础英语训练与自测1、 2 新视野大学英语(第三版)长篇阅读1、 2 参考书目 及文献(或 网络教学资源) 形成性评估:平时作业、网络学习、课堂表现、期中考试、期末考试考试考核方式 (含期中考试、 小测验、作业)

新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 1 Organization 电子教案

Unit 1 Organization Teaching Objectives 1.To require students think what organization is. 2.To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.To enrich students’ English for careers. 4.To improve students’ listenin g, speaking, reading and writing skills. Teaching focus https://www.doczj.com/doc/c414977439.html,prehension of reading A. 2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3.Listening and writing skills. Teaching procedures Step1. Warming-up Students read warming-up Task1. Get students to look at the logos. Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word. Ask students to give the names of the countries. Give the answers. Step2. Background Information What is a logo? Company introduction Step3. Language points Step4 Reading A explanation a.Students read the passage and find out important events in the different periods of Google’s history on page 5. b.Ask students to divide this text into several parts and sum up the main ideas. c.Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation Step5 Reading B Step6 Listening & Speaking Step 7 Writing How to write an envelope?


??程3 第二 ?案 UNIT 1 Vocab?ulary? 1) on balan?ce 5) illus?trate? d 9) invol?ved 2) resis?t 6) budge?t 10) econo?mic 3) haul 7) lower?ing 11) blast?ing 4) wicke? d 8) bound?ary 12) just about? 2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) getby? 4) get throu?gh 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) makin?g up for 8) think?up 3. 1) pursu?ed his mathe?matic?al studi?es and taugh?t himse?lf astro?nomy 2) often?gener?ate misle?ading?thoug?hts 3) attac?h great?impor?tance?to combi?ning theor?y with pract?ice inour?work 4) be suspe?cted of doing?every?thing?for money? 5) befor? e he gets throu?gh life 4. 1) their?indoo?r, a profi?t, to inves?t in 2) devic?e, the impro?vemen?t, on a globa?l scale? 3) stack?ed, tempt?ation?, never?dined?out II Confu?sable?Words? 1. 1) house?2) Home 3) home,famil?y 4) house?hold 2. 1) doubt?2) suspe?ct 3)doubt?ed 4)suspe?cted 5) suspe?ct


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growi ng Up Part II Lan guage Focus Vocabulary I. 1. respectable 2. agony 3. put …down 4. sequenee 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. fin ally 11. turn in 12. tackle 2. 1. has been assigned to the newspaper 'Paris office. 2. was so extraordinary that I didn 'know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years ________

time. 4. gave the comma nd the soldiers ope ned fire. _____ 5. buying bikes we 'keep turning them out. 3. 1. reputati on, rigid, to in spire 2. and tedious, What 'more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back □. 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. comma nd 7. was violating 8. anticipate m. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as


Unit Two Friendship 教学目标:通过本单元的学习,掌握英文书信的写作技巧和方法,在生活中学会珍惜友情. 教学重点:掌握单词;available estimate correspondence practically urge postpone reference reunion awful skip 掌握词组;be lost in or something go ahead not much of lose touch on one's mind come up hang out choke up 教学难点:1.to grasp the main idea (never delay expressing your true feelings to a friend) and structure of the text (developing a story around a letter); 2.to appreciate that spoken English is much more informal than written English; 3.to master key language points and grammatical structure in the text; 课时分配:1.Pre-Reading Tasks,New Words Explanation and Analysis 2学时 2.While-Reading Tasks and Analysis 4学时 3.Post-Reading Tasks and Exercises 1学时 4.Home-Reading Check up 1学时 课外练习:1.Vocabulary;PartI II III 2.Structure;PartI II 推荐读物:<<大学英语>>第一册第二课 教学过程:Study of the Text Culture Notes Halloween is celebrated annually. It is on the night of 31 October, when people once believed that ghosts could be seen. Now, in Britain and America, it is a time when children have parties, dress up as witches, make lanterns out of pumpkins from which the inside has been removed, and play "trick or treat'. Trick or treat is a traditional activity at Halloween. Children dress in costumes and visit houses. At each house they say "Trick or treat'. This means that they will play a "trick', or joke, on the people in the house unless they are given a "treat', e.g. sweets or money. Most people prefer to give treats rather than having tricks played on them. Pre-reading tasks 1.T asks Ss the following questions on the song That's What Friends are For; ---What is a fair weather friend?(one who is happy to stay with you when things are going well but leaves as soon as trouble arrives) ---According to the song, what are friends for?(for both good times and bad times) 2.Warm-up Questions

综合英语 Unit 9教案

《新世纪英语专业综合教程》(Unit 9, Book 1)教案 Unit 9 Hollywood Teaching objectives: Students will be able to: Language knowledge (认知目标) 1.Grasp the main idea and general structure of Text A; 2.Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context. Language skills (技能目标) 1.Appreciate the expository writing skills demostrated in Text A (selection of details, coherence, etc.); 2.Express themselves more freely on the theme of Hollywood after doing a series of theme-related listening, reading, and speaking activities Culture awareness (文化目标) Understand the historical and cultural background of Hollywood Affects (情感目标) 1.Be encouraged to appreciate the splendid and glamourous impact of Hollywood; 2. Take a serious consideration of the development of the movie industry in China. Strategies (策略目标) 1.Memorize the meaning and use of key expressions through learning the lexical collocations and guessing the meaning in the context https://www.doczj.com/doc/c414977439.html,municate and express themselves freely and smoothly in the relevant topic with the text by means of the communicative strategies. Teaching important and difficult points: 1. Important points: 1) Key words & Expressions 2) Sentence Interpretation 3) Summarization of the main ideas in each paragraphs 2.Difficult points: Firstly, how to make clear the main idea and the structure of the whole essay is one difficult point in my teaching. Secondly, how to paraphrase the key and difficult sentences is another one. Lastly, it can not be missed how to guide the Ss understand the meaning of the wole text comprehensively. Teaching Time Allotment: Pre-reading activities& Global reading (2课时) Detailed reading (4课时) Consolidation activities(4课时) Teaching Methods: Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.


大学综英教程1课后答案 Unit 6 in an only a lonely child Vocabulary Ⅰ 1, needing a lot of attention or effort 2, In connection with 3, Sign of shame 4, Willingness of each person to satisfy other’s wishes 5, decreased 6, The feeling of wanting to get what somebody else has among brothers and sisters Ⅰ 1,arise from 2,unique 3,self-eateem 4,stigma 5,overwhelming 6,interacted 7,favoritism 8,prime

9,involved 10,derpite Ⅰ BCDACDBABC Ⅰ 1,burden burden loads load 2,choose elected choose elected 3,issue problem problem issue 4,trend trend fashion fashion Ⅰ 1,only sole 2,uncommon unusual 3,honor admire 4,decrease admonish 5,worry anxiety 6,insignificant weak 7,first chief 8,fortunately luckily Ⅰ 1,advocacy 2,respectfully 3,potential


一、课程性质及定位 本课程是应用英语和商务英语专业的一门岗位素质课,属于A类课程。本课程是应用、商务英语专业的专业基础课,也是英语专业基础阶段的综合技能课。它旨在发展学生听、说、读、写等语言单项技能的课程相辅相成,使学生在得到语言技能的分项训练的同时,得到全面、严格的听、说、读、写、译等语言基本技能的整合性训练,达到对英语基础语法和基本词汇的熟练掌握和正确运用,各种语言技能协调发展,从而获得语言实际运用的能力;它还致力于使学生通过阅读和语言材料的课堂讲解分析,打开独立思考的空间,使他们的批判思维能力得到发展,人文知识得到增长,人文素养得到提高,为进入高年级的专业知识课程和相关专业知识课程的学习打下扎实的专业基础。 二、本课程教学目标与任务 通过本课程的学习,学生应能掌握全面严格的基本语言技能。本课程的目的在于传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,以精读课文为重点引导学生扎实掌握英语基础知识及常用语法知识,掌握相当的词汇量,培养学生正确的学习方法、较强的逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生的英美社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,为学生学习高年级专业课程打下扎实的基础。 在具体的教学过程中,本课程秉承实用为主、够用为度的原则,一方面通过对精选的语言材料进行详细的讲解和分析,系统的向学生传授语音、词汇、语法、修辞和篇章等英语语言基础知识;另一方面,通过较多的师生互动和课内外练习,培养和提高学生听、说、读、写、译等方面的技能;此外,还应在整个教学过程中注意培养学生跨文化交际的能力和对英语语言学习的兴趣。同时使学生通过两年的综合英语学习,最终达到大学英语四、六级水平。 三、先修及后续课程 无 四、本课程教学内容及基本要求 Unit 1 Education 1. read what Bill Gates says about education 2. build up the students’ vocabulary relating to campus life 3. learn something from an ancient Greek educator 4. study different types of nouns 5. write an introduction of oneself Students are required to master: the plural form of nouns, the skill of self introduction, words and phrases concerning education. Unit 2 Friendship 1. read two stories about friendship 2. learn some frequently-used words and phrases to do with making friends 3. get to know different types of pronouns 4. write a personal letter to a pen-friend Students are required to master: different types of pronouns, words and phrases concerning making friends, the skill of writing a personal letter.


学会辨认物品的所有者; 1、学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法; 2、学会如何写寻物启事和失物招领。 活动过程 活动1、找主人:这是谁的┅┅? 课前准备:教师收集一些学生物品:书、笔记本、手表、铅笔、钢笔、尺子、铅笔盒、橡皮、书包等 活动步骤: 1、把课前收集的物品展示给学生,问他们这些东西是谁的。 2、询问几个学生某些物品是谁的,然后把学生的名字填在表格里。 3、让学生互相询问物品的主人。当所有的学生都做完后,和他们一起确认这些物品的主人,并归还他们。 完成任务所需要的语言结构: 1.Is this your book ? Yes, it is . It’s my book . 2.Is that your ruler? No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler .

介绍家人 课前准备:学生课下准备两三张全家福照片。 活动步骤: 1、把4-6个学生分成一组。 2、小组活动,让学生互相介绍自己的父母。、 3、每一组出一个学生向全班介绍自己组员的父母。 完成任务所需的语言结构: 1、This is my mother .Her name is … That is my father. His name is … 2、This is Jack’s father . His name is … That’s Jack’s mother .Her name is… 3、Is his name …? Is her name…?

寻物启事 Teacher: Have you ever lost anything ? How could you find it ? 活动步骤: 1、先想想,你曾经丢过东西吗?丢过什么? 2、你通常如何寻找自己丢失的东西呢? 3、写一份寻物启事,来寻找你丢失的东西。 4、四人一组,把你的寻物启事读给你同组的人听。 完成任务所需要的语言结构: 1. My book is … 2. My name is … 3. Please call …


Appendix I Key to Exercises (Units 1-8) Unit 1 Appendix I- 91 – Language sense enhancement 1 1) warmth 2) put it down 3) recapture and hold 4) relive 5) however 6) violate 7)composition 8) a failing grade 9) mind 10) for myself II. Synonyms in Context 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command 7. was violating8. anticipate III. Collocation 1. at 2. for

3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about 7. to 8. in, in 9. from 10. on/upon

Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (1) 1. hold back 3. scanned 5. vivid 7. turn out/turn in (2) 1. last 2. surprise 2. pulled 4. blowing 5. dressed 6. scene 7. extraordinary 8. image 9. turn 10. excitement II. Translation 1 1) as it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4) it is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules./ Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./ the local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. tedious 4. recall 6. off and on 8. career

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