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Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)经典电影英文影评

Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)经典电影英文影评
Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)经典电影英文影评

Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)2001

Expectations were high, perhaps unreasonably so, for A.I., the first - and only - movie to bear the monikers of cinematic heavyweights Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg. Yet, while A.I. is consistently involving, and has moments of near-brilliance, it is far from a masterpiece. In fact, as the long-awaited "collaboration" of Kubrick and Spielberg, it ranks as something of a disappointment. Plus, the movie may end up falling short of the industry pundits' high box office predictions. A.I. should do sufficiently well to join the $100 million club, but it is unlikely to possess the clout necessary to outpace a certain rampaging animated ogre.

By now, the story behind A.I. is well-known. Kubrick had been nursemaiding this project along for almost two decades, awaiting the time when technology could produce visual effects at the level demanded by his perfectionism. Over the years, he spoke in some detail with Spielberg about A.I., and, after his death, Spielberg decided to shepherd the project to completion. To that end, he attempted to wed his own style to Kubrick's. The late master's name appears in the opening credits (the movie is presented as "An Amblin/Stanley Kubrick Production"), and Kubrick's brother-in-law and long-time executive producer, Jan Harlan, is listed as one of two Executive Producers.

I can't help but wonder if the inherent conflict in Kubrick and Spielberg's life views is the reason why A.I. seems so disjointed and uneven. Kubrick had a dim, cynical view of human nature. (What else could one say about the man behind A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut?) Spielberg, on the other hand, is an optimist. A.I. shows both sides, and not always to good effect. It is at times life-affirming and positive; at others, cold and grim. The film's final half-hour is a curiosity, and not a successful one - a prolonged, needless epilogue which force-feeds us a catharsis that feels as false as it is extraneous to an otherwise fine story. There is no doubt that the concluding 30 minutes are all Spielberg; the outstanding question is where Kubrick's vision left off and Spielberg's began.

A.I.is a science fiction re-interpretation of "Pinocchio" (a story the film frequently references) crossed with "Frankenstein". Events take place in a futuristic setting, where the rise of the oceans has swallowed up seaside cities like New York and Amsterdam, where New Jersey resembles an Amazon rain forest, and where the sin-and-sex center of the planet is a place called Rouge City, which resides across the Delaware from New Jersey (perhaps this is what becomes of Philadelphia). This future, as imagined by Spielberg and his set designers, is every bit as awe-inspiring as what Ridley Scott brought to the screen in Blade Runner and what Luc Besson crafted for The Fifth Element. Rouge City is stunning, and the waterlogged ruins of Manhattan are hauntingly beautiful.

The story centers around David (Haley Joel Osment), a child substitute "mecha" who represents the first of his type - a synthetic who can actually love. In this case, the object of his incompletely-understood emotion is his "mother", Monica Swinton (Frances O'Connor). Monica's husband, Henry (Sam Robards), who brought David home as a pilot project from his workplace, Cybertronics of New Jersey, is more wary of the robot child. And, when one of David's actions endangers Monica and Henry's natural son, Martin (Jake Thomas), Monica is forced to take David into the woods and "lose" him. He is quickly found by a group of anti-robot fanatics, and, while being held captive by them, he befriends Gigolo Joe (Jude Law), who becomes an invaluable ally in his escape. Like the real-life science surrounding the development of Artificial Intelligence, the movie is top-heavy with moral and ethical questions. What is life and where is the line that divides sentience from a programmed response? If a robot can genuinely love a person, what responsibility does that person bear in return? How can an immortal robot cope with outliving its organic creators? Writers from Mary Shelley to Isaac Asimov have been fascinated by these dilemmas. (The film Bicentennial Man, which explores similar terrain, is based on an Asimov-penned piece.) Perhaps Spielberg attempts too much with A.I. To some degree, by trying to tackle all of these issues, he fails to effectively present any of them. Plot threads are dropped at an alarming rate.

A.I. is an ambitious film that, when it misses its mark, does so because it strives for so much. The script does not insult the audience's intelligence, and it gets us thinking about "big issues", such as love, life, god, and our place in the universe. It's unfortunate that as much thought didn't go into structuring the narrative as went into crafting the movie's thematic content. And those who have come to equate science fiction with action will be disappointed. A.I. is a drama with little in the way of adrenaline-boosting sequences. Spielberg has consciously slowed things down, relying on viewers' curiosity about the ideas and identification with the characters to keep them involved in the proceedings.

The acting, as is usually the case with a Spielberg film, is top-notch. Osment, who is still best known for seeing dead people in The Sixth Sense, is compelling as the Pinocchio-like David. He imbues the robotic character with genuine humanity, but, by slightly exaggerating his mannerisms and some vocal inflections, constantly reminds us that David is not human. All of this is subtle; there are no herky-jerky movements and he does not speak in a monotone. Frances O'Connor (the Australian actress who starred in Mansfield Park) is credible as the conflicted Monica. And, in the part of Gigolo Joe, an android made to give women pleasure, Jude Law is spry and sprightly. The always-dour William Hurt plays David's creator (he also serves as the mouthpiece for much of the film's

exposition - he gives several long, wordy speeches). There are also numerous vocal cameos, including the likes of Robin Williams and Ben Kingsley.

So is A.I. a Kubrick movie or a Spielberg production? Since the film, which suffers from a case of split personality, can't seem to make up its mind, how are we supposed to? Perhaps the more relevant question is whether it's worth seeing. The answer is that, for all of its underdeveloped potential and truncated subplots, there's still enough of value in A.I. to make it a captivating experience.


20世纪世界经典电影100部 1、《教父》The Godfather 1972年8.9 分 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天他那种含糊沙哑的声音与神秘莫测的表情都依然叫人着迷。 2、《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 1994年8.9 分 这部被称为《刺激1995》的影片在中国影迷间也有极好的口碑,可见电影超越国界的神奇之处。 3、《辛德勒的名单》Schindler[]s List 1993年8.8 斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《夺宝奇兵》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。 4、《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane 1941年8.8 无需多言的电影里程碑,神童奥逊·威尔斯可一不可再的惊世之作。 5、《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 1942年8.7 永远的《北非谍影》,永远的英格丽·褒曼。 6、《教父续集》The Godfather Part II 1974年8.7 《教父续集》中科里昂尼家族兴起的历史与麦克血腥的奋斗形成了完美的对仗,这种平行蒙太奇的运用深得评论界的赏识,此片的成功也巩固了艾尔·帕西诺和罗伯特·德尼罗两位意裔影帝的地位。 7、《七武士》Shichinin no samurai 1954年8.7 这可能不是大师黑泽明最出色的作品,但确实是他最好看的作品,它对世界电影的影响早已不是一个简单的东方武侠故事。 8、《星球大战》Star Wars 1977年8.7 对每个出生于50到70年代的美国人而言,他们几乎都喜欢被人被称作“Star Wars Generation”(《星球大战》的一代),星战系列应该是拥有影迷人数最多的系列电影了,还记得99年推出《星战前传》时掀起的狂潮么? 9、《美国美人》American Beauty 1999年8.6 这部电影能入选到TOP10有点叫人惊讶,美国特有的中产阶级影片。 10、《飞跃疯人院》One Flew Over the Cuckoo[]s Nest 1975年8.6 米洛斯·福尔曼和杰克·尼克尔森两人共同的颠峰,一堂影视表演的必修课。 11、《奇爱博士》Dr. Strangelove 1964年8.6 库布里克讽刺冷战的黑色幽默经典,“未来三部曲”的首部,对一个没有那段历史经历的中国观众而言,此片未必会得到这样的高分。 12、《卧虎藏龙》Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon 2000年8.6 李安真的拍了部了不起的电影。 13、《后窗》Rear Window 1954年8.6 希区柯克的经典,詹姆斯·斯图尔特和格蕾丝·凯莉的搭配就如同现今布拉德·彼特和朱丽娅·罗伯茨合作一样抢眼。 14、《夺宝奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981年8.6


十佳科幻片: 1) 星球大战系列:开创了一个电影神话。 2) 异次元骇客(第十三层):应该说它比黑客帝国的构思更精妙。 3) 超人:所有漫画类科幻电影的代表。 4) 终结者(1、2):科幻电影经典中的经典。 5) 12猴子:如此引人深思的科幻电影真不多见。 6) 黑客帝国系列:引发了对现实和未来网络发展的思考,形成 了一种黑客文化。 7) 移魂都市(黑暗城市):风格另类的科幻片,结尾出人意表。 8) 超时空接触:比较严肃地探讨外星文明问题的力作。 9) 千钧一发:描写未来社会人的基因问题的惊险影片,内容和主题俱佳。 10) 2001漫游太空:经典作品,以严肃的科学性和预见性著称。 十佳剧情片: 1) 肖申克的救赎(刺激1995):男人必看的励志影片。 2) 教父(1、2):经典黑帮片,有此作品,其他同类一概低头。 3)美国往事:整个人生都在里面。 4)天堂电影院:每个男人的童年回忆,太经典了。 5)无主之城:人家怎么能拍出这么牛的电影! 6)活着:也许是中国目前最伟大的电影。 7) 阿甘正传:教导所有的人要去宽容别人,傻就是福气。 8) 勇敢的心:民族自尊的好教材,希望大家要爱中国。 9) 楚门的世界:探讨人的价值和人性根本的奇思怪作。 10) 音乐之声:音乐的力量、音乐的快乐! 11)辛德勒的名单:震撼人心的历史、充满感染力的摄影和杰出的演员。 十佳战争片: 1) 拯救大兵瑞恩:最真实反映战争和人性的超级巨作。 2) 猎杀红色十月:节奏和人物拿捏准确的潜艇影片代表作。 3) 兵临城下:从独特的视角描写二战的巨片,演员表演到位。 4) 大逃杀:归入战争片只因其太震撼、太残酷。 5) 巴顿将军:全景式展示战争的代表作,演员表演出色。 6) u-571:效果出众的新型海战片,拍得很有特点。 7) 全金属外壳:库布里克对战争的深刻反思,看过后使人对战 争产生恐惧。 8) 星际舰队:科幻性质的战争片,士兵的训练和战斗的描写很有煽动性和争议性。 9) 瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝:随时看起来都心潮澎湃的好电影! 10) 野战排:反思越战的经典影片。 十佳动作片: 1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。 2) 真实的谎言:阿诺演的最温情和幽默的电影。 3) 生死时速(1):充满动感,耳目一新! 4) 虎胆龙威系列:呵呵他怎么总是一身伤却不死啊!!!


根据时光网电影评分 全球经典电影TOP100 9.31肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption 9.22盗梦空间Inception 9.13阿甘正传Forrest Gump 9.14辛德勒的名单Schindler's List 9.15教父The Godfather 9.16天堂电影院Nuovo cinema Paradiso 9.17三个白痴Three Idiots 9.18乱世佳人Gone with the Wind 9.19美国往事Once Upon a Time in America 9.110教父2The Godfather: Part II

9.011阿凡达Avatar 9.012机器人总动员WALL·E 9.013这个杀手不太冷Léon 9.014霸王别姬Farewell My Concubine 9.015搏击俱乐部Fight Club 9.016迈克尔·杰克逊:就是这样This Is It 9.017忠犬八公的故事Hachi 8.918海上钢琴师The Legend of 1900 8.919飞越疯人院One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 8.820泰坦尼克号Titanic 8.821玛丽和马克思Mary and Max 8.822闻香识女人Scent of a Woman

8.823狮子王The Lion King 8.824罗马假日Roman Holiday 8.825死亡诗社Dead Poets Society 8.726放牛班的春天Les Choristes 8.727情书Love Letter 8.728钢琴家The Pianist 8.729两杆大烟枪Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 8.730龙猫My Neighbor Totoro 8.731天空之城Laputa: Castle in the Sky 8.732荒野生存Into the Wild 8.733活着To Live 8.734碧海蓝天Le Grand Bleu


Appreciating in English Movies The Everlasting Existence—Artificial Intelligence 罗欢 Class 7 Grade 3 Number:201105140715 China West Normal University 2014/5/4

The Everlasting Existence---A.I Abstract:Human create the robot and make them to love,but they are also scared by the robots if they do something out of control.The human are selfish,so is their love while the love from robots is everlasting. Key words: robot ; human ;existence&love Commentary text: After seeing the movie A.I by Steven Spielberg and Kubrick.I am lost in the deep thinking, there are too many things contained in it and makes me moved. In the film,there is a very special artificial intelligent robot named David, just as the movie said, David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet and 6 inches tall. He has brown hair, his love is real but he is not. This is a story about the process that David seek for the love from his mother,Monica. He experiences the abandonment and persecution and at last he successes, just like the ending of Pinocchio and Blue Fairy, he becomes a real boy, though it compared with other robots and he gains the love from his mother though it only last for one day. It is not a very long story but it makes us think a lot. Because of the climate change, there exist enormous problems and crisis. In order to reduce the burden then the low-cost robot has been came into use in a large scale. To meet the vanity of human, these robots own the same appearance as human, even the feelings and memories.To some degree, this shows the loneliness of human and the robot just like David who can love is the extremely showing of this. About David, he is very unique for he is the first robot child and he was made by very special reasons. When he is started by Monica, David would love Monica forever and only love her in the world. When he first comes into Monica’s home, his bright smile brings the happiness to this home. But when Martin, the real child of Monica comes back, all are ruined. For Monica, this is the perfect thing in the world but for David, the tragedies just begins. When Martin asks David when is your birthday or what is the first thing that you can remember, all the questions emphasized that David is not a real boy but just a robot. In order to win more love from Monica, David does many things, some are even crazy. However, all things have to stop in the birthday party of Martin. For


电影人工智能英文简介 电影人工智能英文简介 AI - Artificial Intelligence is the hardest kind of movie to review-but it s also the most enjoyable kind of movie to watch. It s been over three weeks since my screening of Steven Spielberg s emotionally harrowing epic about a robot boy. Before writing my review, I wanted to let its themes, content, and characters sink into my head and make a solid impact. The film was based on an idea by Stanley Kubrick, but when he died in 1999, Speilberg took charge of the project. I could spend pages discussing the techniques of Kubrick s intentions and Spielberg s decisions, but I will not. Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg are two of the greatest directors American cinema has to offer; it s pure pleasure watching their ideas clash and flow. I am not going to examine each individual theme here, either. That would ruin the movie for you. AI - Artificial Intelligence presents many themes on screen, but it s important to take what you get out of it. Whenever I read a review of Kubrick s A Clockwork Orange or 2001: A Space Odyssey I feel influenced by the reviewer s interpretation of the movie s themes. Every time I watch either of those movies I get something new out of it. I hate it when other critics state the movie s themes on paper as if it s a fact. There is far too much room for interpretation to reveal this movie s message, or the message of any Kubrick film for that matter. Ask 100 people, and you might get 100 different answers. AI - Artificial Intelligence is that kind of movie-one of the year s best. Critics and audiences alike have torn apart this movie s ending-a clear miscalculation by Spielberg. If Kubrick were in charge, the movie would have called it quits about twenty minutes earlier in an unsettling sequence that takes place in the ocean. But Speilberg, who always seems entranced by science fiction, injects an additional segment into the mix that does not work quite as well, but isn t so completely awful that it deserves such harsh criticism. It still leaves us with an open, startled emotional disorientation. I left the theater with tears in my eyes. The movie before the conclusion is so


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. In 2016, Google’s AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. The machine’s sweeping victories have once again made AI(artificial intelligence)a hot topic. Some people fear that AI will eventually get out of control. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. A lphaGo’s great triumph over Lee Sedol once again draw s persons’ attention to artificial intelligence. And some people assert that AI will pose a threat to human existence if human lose control of it. In my opinion, it will be a long time before artificial intelligence has consciousness itself, not to mention defying human. But in the more distant future, we have reasons to believe that AI will have no distinction from human and disobey human’s orders. Artificial intelligence, in essence, is simulation of human ways of thinking. And its development deals with interdisciplinary of computer


世界经典电影赏析论文 ——《阿甘正传》

[摘要] 电影《阿甘正传》是美国的一部经典励志电影,影片讲述了主人公阿甘单纯、善良、乐观、执著、并且积极面对现实的生活经历。虽然他的智商只有75,虽然他被称为傻子,但他拥有的诚实守信、认真负责的宝贵品质却深刻阐释了善与爱的非凡力量。阿甘创造了一个又一个令人吃惊的奇迹,取得了正常人都难以匹敌的成功,这也许是一种必然。 [关键词]《阿甘正传》; 简单;善良;执着;人生观; 一、电影内容简述 阿甘是生活在美国南方一个小镇上智商仅为75的青年,他的妈妈是一位伟大而坚强的母亲,她常常鼓舞阿甘不要放弃自己的人生。阿甘在越南战争中遇到了他生命中的两个挚友——布巴和丹中尉,善跑的天赋不仅挽救了阿甘的生命,同时也挽救了自己的战友并因此受到了约翰逊总统授予的荣誉勋章。但是好朋友布巴却牺牲了,丹中尉也被战争夺去了双腿。因战争受伤而修养的阿甘喜欢上了乒乓球,并因球艺精湛而成为乒乓外交的使者来到中国参赛,成为中美建交的历史功臣和见证者。退役后的阿甘为了实现好友布巴临终前的心愿买了一艘捕虾船,将之取名为珍妮,并收获了大笔的财富。然而母亲的去世却让阿甘决心做一名义务割草工,这时珍妮忽然回到了阿甘的身边,但却又在一天凌晨悄然离去。因此阿甘进行了长达三年的长跑生涯,在一天感到疲惫重新回到家乡时,他收到了珍妮的来信并见到了他的儿子和身患绝症的珍妮,他们一起度过了一段美好的时光,但最终珍妮还是离世了。故事的结尾阿甘送儿子上了校车,独自坐在椅子上回想沉思。 二、电影内容感悟 阿甘的母亲曾说“人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块的味道。”每个人的天资不同,在成长过程中对生活的态度不尽相同,生活轨迹也大相径庭,所以每个人都是独一无二的。 但如今,像阿甘这样简单执着的人又有几个。这种简单的执著让阿甘在生命的每一个阶段,心中只有一个目标在指引,他也只为此踏实、不懈、坚定地奋斗,直到目标完成,新的目标出现。没有单纯的抉择就不会没有心灵的杂念,而没有心灵杂念的人,大概才能够在人生中举重若轻。


2020高考英语作文预测热点+范文——5G和人工智能 01 5G技术与人工智能 假定你是李华,你所在的山西国际学校要征集一封英文感谢信,以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。 【题目要求】 人工智能与5G时代已悄然来临,随着科技越来越与人类生活相结合,随处可见的人工智能,让生活越来越便利的同时也带来许多的困惑,按要求完成一篇作文。内容包括: 1. 描述或畅想未来人工智能的发展状况 2. 分析这种现象产生的原因 3. 陈述利弊以及表明个人态度 【优秀范文】 As we all know , the time of 5G technology is coming , it is called the fourth industrial revolution , future of computer science lies in the artificial intelligence,it is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to ma ke a human like to think the same machine , for human services and to help people solve problems. After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, it can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, promote the development of other science will have a great impact on all people's lives .



(12)必看十部全球经典不伦之恋电影 有一种爱,爆发的时候仿佛全世界都对它低下了头。然而当激情过后,又不得的向全世界低下头来逃避那种爱,是被诅咒的.被禁锢的爱。可是就算全世界都怪我,爱一个人谁敢说错呢? 每个社会每个历史时期都有不同的道德标准。人需要它的保护,来维持社会的秩序,维持人类的尊严。而也因为这些人们自己制定的标准和秩序,使得某些客观存在的人类情感必须隐秘在黑暗世界不见天日。只是那些隐秘在黑暗世界的情感是不是也是需要尊重的呢。 《晚娘》:母子恋(继母与继子)+兄妹恋(虽然并非亲生)+母女同性恋(继母与继女) 一句话:此片乃乱伦关系的集大成者《洛丽塔》:忘年恋 “洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛一丽一塔:舌尖向上,分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在牙齿上。洛。丽。塔。”

说真的,一开始我真的不知道为何中国人要把这部影片翻译成:一树梨花压海棠。不过听起来确实很浪漫。后来翻看了资料,才知道出处的来由:典出苏轼对好友张先的调侃。张先年逾80,娶一18岁美貌少女为妾,苏轼遂作诗曰:“十八新娘八十郎,苍苍白发对红妆。鸳鸯被里成双夜,一树梨花压海棠。” 一个有恋童僻的男人。近四十岁的教授,幼年爱人猝死,使他对性抱有缄默的忍让。他的爱情注定只能停留在十几岁少年的午后,纱衣轻解,懵懂仙凡。他只是少年,她只是少女,时间钝重停止,在这个昼与夜的短暂时分,时间不再流动,不再惊动,那种逝去的漫漫年华。 洛丽塔,一个清澈的十二岁少女。美丽,野性,率真,单亲家庭,跟随母亲生活。对性怀有青涩幻想。而她给他的多只是难过。女孩母亲死后,他们第一次做爱。男人说,我竟不是她的第一个情人。淡淡感叹,却仿佛已看到结局。 “我望着她,望了又望。一生一世,全心全意,我最爱的就是她,可以肯定,就象自己必死一样肯定……她可以褪


世界各国经典电影大全 一、法国 1. 楚浮(弗朗索瓦·特吕弗):四百击(四百下)/射杀钢琴师(枪杀钢琴师)/夏日之恋(朱尔和吉姆)/软玉温香(柔肤)/华氏451度/野孩子/巫山云(阿黛尔雨果的故事)/零用钱/邻家女/激烈周日/最后一班地铁/憧憬(短片)/爱女人的男人-共13部。 2. 高达(让-吕克·戈达尔):断了气(筋疲力尽)/新七宗罪{一段}/赖活/枪兵/卡拉比尼/轻蔑/阿尔法城/狂人彼埃洛/我略知她一二/芳名卡门/中国女人/女人就是女人/华丽的咏叹/向玛莉致敬/侦探/神游天地/男性女性--共17部。 3. 路易·马勒:死刑台与电梯(通往绞刑架的电梯)/孽恋(情人们)/地下铁的莎姬(扎齐在地铁)/鬼火/好奇心/大西洋城/五月傻瓜(秘鲁在五月)/雏妓/再见,孩子们/毁灭(烈火情人)/万雅在42街口/黑月亮(原文)/私生活(原文)--共13部。 4. 尚·雷诺:母狗/大幻影/游戏规则/法国肯肯舞--共4部。 5. 吕克·贝松:地下铁/大蓝(碧海情天)/尼基塔(堕落花)--3部 6. 贾克·大地:节日/胡洛先生的假期/我的舅舅--共3部。 7. 马塞勒·卡内:天堂的小孩{2集}/红杏出墙--共2部。 8. 阿伦·雷乃:去年在马里安巴德/几度春风几度霜/广岛之恋/老调重弹/爱与死/深深的水-共6部。 9. 亨利-乔治·克鲁佐:恐怖的报酬{2集}/像恶魔的女人--共2部。(个人认为还应包括乌鸦) 10. 夏布雷尔:表兄弟/朱门一芳邻/女鹿/新七大罪{一段}--共4部。 11. 贾克·德米:新七大罪{一段} 12. 克劳德·勒鲁什:男欢女爱(一个男人和一个女人)/男欢女爱续/新悲惨世界(孤星血泪)-共3部。 13. 雷尼·克莱曼:禁忌游戏/阳光普照--共2部。 14. 马克斯·奥夫尔斯:轮舞/一个陌生女人的来信--共2部 15. 贝特杭·塔维涅(贝特朗·塔维尼埃):乡村星期日/诱饵(新鲜诱惑)/达达尼昂的女儿(豪情玫瑰)--共3部 16. 让·考克多:诗人之血/奥尔菲的遗言--共2部。 17. 雷尼·克莱尔:巴黎睡眠/幕间休息/巴黎屋檐下/还我自由--共4部。 18. 安得烈·泰西内:巴洛克/情陷夜巴黎/野芦苇(野恋)--共3部 19. 贝特杭·布利叶:圆舞曲女郎/掏出你的手帕/美的过火/我的男人(浪的过火)-3部。 20. 艾力克·罗相:无情世界/爱国者--共2部 21. 亚伦·可奈:世界的每一个早晨 22. 昂勒·勾勒比:长久的缺席(长别离、悠长的不在) 23. 埃里克·侯麦:喜剧与箴言系列{1.绿光(难得有情郎)2.沙滩上的宝莲3.我女朋友的男朋友}/六个道德故事{1.女收藏家(床上故事)2.三心二意(三分钟恋爱)3.苏珊的恋爱短跑4. 一夜心情(我与幕德的一夜)5.午后之爱6.情迷伊膝上(克莱尔之膝)}/巴黎的约会/四季曲序列之夏天的故事--共11部。 24. 罗勃·布列松:乡村牧师的日记


Artificial Intelligence The last decade has witnessed great change all over the world, especially about high-tech, artificial intelligence and so on. Artificial intelligence and technology has found its way into our daily life. Today, we give a topic about what and how they affect every aspect in life. 过去十年见证了世界各地的巨大变化,特别是关于高科技,人工智能等。人工智能和技术已经进入我们的日常生活。今天,我们来谈一谈,他们如何影响生活的每一个方面。 Undoubtedly, advanced technology has make contribution to our daily life. In some special work environment, AI can help human to get the job done, like dangerous work, high labor work etc. AI not only reduce the burden of work, but also they tend to be more efficient, save more time and labor costs. In additional, It is AI that bring our life unprecedented convenience, quick and comfort. Even separated by thousands of miles, we can still easily communicate through high-tech. 毫无疑问,先进的技术为我们的日常生活做出了贡献。在一些特殊的工作环境中,人工智能可以帮助人们完成工作,比如危险的工作,高劳动力等。人工智能不仅减轻了工作负担,而且它们往往更有效率,节省更多的时间和劳动力成本。另外,人工智能带给我们的生活前所未有的方便,快速和舒适。即使分开数千英里,我们仍然可以通过高科技轻松通信。 However, it is more like double-edged sword. it's likely to lead to certain


100部世界名著拍成的经典电影 Les Miserables悲惨世界 维克多·雨果 配音:国语/法语 字幕:中文 V oskreseniye复活 列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰 配音:国语/俄语 字幕:中文 The New Land被开垦的处女地 肖洛霍夫 配音:国语 字幕:中文 The Anna Cross 脖子上的安娜 安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫 配音:国语/俄语 字幕:英文/俄文/中文简体/中文繁体 The Gadfly 牛虻 艾丽·伏尼契 配音:国语/俄语 字幕:中文 The Sorrows of Young Werther少年维特的烦恼 约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德 配音:德语 字幕:英文/德文/中文简体/中文繁体 Wuthering Heights咆哮山庄 艾米莉·勃朗特 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 Faust浮士德 约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 The Snows Of Kilimanjaro乞力马扎罗的雪

欧内斯特·米勒·海明威 配音:英语/国语 字幕:中文简体/中文繁体 The Good Soldier Schweik好兵帅克 雅·哈谢克 配音:捷克语/国语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 Romeo & Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶 威廉·莎士比亚 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文 Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde化身博士 罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文生 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 Grand Hotel 大饭店 维基·鲍姆 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 Le Plaisir 欢愉 莫泊桑 配音:法语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 How Green Was My Valley翡翠谷 李察·勒埃林 配音:英语 字幕:英文/中文简体/中文繁体 Le Rouge Et Le Noir红与黑 司汤达 配音:法语/国语 字幕:中文简体/中文繁体 Helen of Troy木马屠城记 荷马 配音:英语 字幕:英文/日文/阿拉伯文/中文简体/中文繁体


(12)必看十部全球经典不伦之恋电影 有一种爱,爆发的时候仿佛全世界都对它低下了头。然而当激情过后,又不得的向全世界低下头来逃避那种爱,是被诅咒的.被禁锢的爱。可是就算全世界都怪我,爱一个人谁敢说错呢? 每个社会每个历史时期都有不同的道德标准。人需要它的保护,来维持社会的秩序,维持人类的尊严。而也因为这些人们自己制定的标准和秩序,使得某些客观存在的人类情感必须隐秘在黑暗世界不见天日。只是那些隐秘在黑暗世界的情感是不是也是需要尊重的呢。 《晚娘》:母子恋(继母与继子)+兄妹恋(虽然并非亲生)+母女同性恋(继母与继女) 一句话:此片乃乱伦关系的集大成者《洛丽塔》:忘年恋 “洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛一丽一塔:舌尖向上,分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在牙齿上。洛。丽。塔。”

说真的,一开始我真的不知道为何中国人要把这部影片翻译成:一树梨花压海棠。不过听起来确实很浪漫。后来翻看了资料,才知道出处的来由:典出苏轼对好友张先的调侃。张先年逾80,娶一18岁美貌少女为妾,苏轼遂作诗曰:“十八新娘八十郎,苍苍白发对红妆。鸳鸯被里成双夜,一树梨花压海棠。” 一个有恋童僻的男人。近四十岁的教授,幼年爱人猝死,使他对性抱有缄默的忍让。他的爱情注定只能停留在十几岁少年的午后,纱衣轻解,懵懂仙凡。他只是少年,她只是少女,时间钝重停止,在这个昼与夜的短暂时分,时间不再流动,不再惊动,那种逝去的漫漫年华。 洛丽塔,一个清澈的十二岁少女。美丽,野性,率真,单亲家庭,跟随母亲生活。对性怀有青涩幻想。而她给他的多只是难过。女孩母亲死后,他们第一次做爱。男人说,我竟不是她的第一个情人。淡淡感叹,却仿佛已看到结局。 “我望着她,望了又望。一生一世,全心全意,我最爱的就是她,可以肯定,就象自己必死一样肯定……她可以褪


非专业人士翻译,如有错误请谅解。 Google's AI Reasons Its Way around the London Underground 谷歌人工智能推导出环绕 伦敦地铁系统的路线 DeepMind?s latest technique uses external memory to solve tasks that require logic and reasoning—a step toward more humanlike AI 深度思维最新技术使用了外部存储来解决需要逻辑思 维和推理能力的任务 By Elizabeth Gibney, Nature magazine on October 14, 2016 伊丽莎白.吉布尼2016年10月14日发表于《自然》杂志 Artificial-intelligence (AI) systems known as neural networks can recognize images, translate languages and even master the ancient game of Go. But their limited ability to represent complex relationships between data or variables has prevented them from conquering tasks that require logic and reasoning.

人工智能(AI)系统被认为是神经网络,可以识别图片,翻译,甚至精通古老的游戏。但他们描绘数据或变量之间的复杂关系的能力有限,这妨碍了他们克服需要逻辑思维和推理能力的任务。 In a paper published in Nature on October 12, the Google-owned company DeepMind in London reveals that it has taken a step towards overcoming this hurdle by creating a neural network with an external memory. The combination allows the neural network not only to learn, but to use memory to store and recall facts to make inferences like a conventional algorithm. This in turn enables it to tackle problems such as navigating the London Underground without any prior knowledge and solving logic puzzles. Though solving these problems would not be impressive for an algorithm programmed to do so, the hybrid system manages to accomplish this without any predefined rules. 在10月12日《自然》杂志中发表的一篇论文中,谷歌在伦敦的子公司深度思维展示了他们通过结合外部存储创造了一个神经网络,来进一步克服这些障碍。这种和外部存储的结合不仅允许神经网络学习,还可以通过存储器来存储和回忆事件,并以此来像正常情况那样做推断。这反过来能够让它解决难题,比如在没有任何经验的情况下操控伦敦地铁,比如解决逻辑谜题。尽管对于一个算法程序来说做到这点并不会令人印象深刻,但这个混合系统在没有任何先决条件的情况下做到了这点。 Although the approach is not entirely new—DeepMind itself reported attempting a similar feat in a preprint in 2014—“the progress made in this paper is remarkable”, says Yoshua Bengio, a computer scientist at the University of Montreal in Canada. 虽然这个方法不是一个全新的技术——深度思维自己就在2014年报告过他们尝试了一种相似的技术——但“在论文中的这个进步是非凡的”,加拿大蒙特利尔的计算机学家本吉奥.本希奥赞叹道。


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