当前位置:文档之家› 【AAA】广州市标准劳动合同英文完整翻译版




Labor Contract Of Guangzhou

Employer( Party A):

Address(Party A):

Employee(Party B):

Address(Party B):

Consultation Telephone of Policies and Regulations about Labor Contact:12333


I. Before signing the contract, the two parties shall carefully read every details of the contract. Legal validity shall take effect upon the two parties’ signing the contract and the two parties shall strictly performance according to the terms of the contract.

II. The contract must be signed personally by the legal representative (or entrusted person) of the employer (party A) and the employee himself/herself (party B) with the chop of the employer (or Labor Contract Special Chop) that shall be deemed effective.

III. The blank column in the contract shall be decided by the two parties by negotiation and discussion, and the content must be clearly indicated; for the column with no indicated content, please mark with “/”.

IV. The labor time system is divided into three parts: stander working time system; indefinite tense working system; synthesis computation man-hour of work. If it implements the

indefinite tense working system and Synthesis computation man-hour of work, it should be approved by the labor security department, and agreed and marked out the specific content in the item three of the eleventh article in this contract.

V. With regard to the issue not covered in the contract, please sign other supplementary agreement as the attachment of the contract that fulfilled together with the contract.

VI. Each labor stander of the labor contract that the individual employee signed with the employer shall not be lower than the contract agreement signed by the union or the workers who was elected to be a representatives of the employee.

VII. The contract shall be filled with pen with clear letter, simple and accurate words, any unauthorized change shall not be allowed.

VIII. The original contract (with attachment) was held by Party A and Party B respectively after verified.

IX. The text of this contract shall not apply to the non full time employment.

Party A(Employer): Party B(Employee):

Name: Name:

Legal representative( principal): ID number:

Census register address:

Postal address :

Economic type: Postal address:

Telephone: Telephone:

The contract is hereby conducted by both parties in accordance with Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China and Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith.

I. Contract Valid Period

A. The two parties agree with the term as below to decide contract valid period:

1. Fixed valid period: From (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .

2. Unfixed valid period: From (Date) (Month) (Year) to the time when the termination term stated in the contract happens.

3. Valid period is decided by certain working task: From (Date) (Month) (Year) to when the working task finished; the time when finish of the working

task and termination of the contract shall be determined by .

B. The two parties agree with the term as below to decide period of probation (the probation period is included in the contract period):

1. No probation period.

2. Probation period from (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .

II. Job description and working place

A. Party B’s working department is , working post(management technical post or production operation post) is , title (function) is .

B. Party B’s working content and responsibility are


C. Party B’s worki ng place is .

D. If Party A adjusts the position of Party B according to the operation requirements, or assigns Party B to other places or unions to work in the contract valid period, to sign a variational be a c ontract attachment. If Party B don’t agree with the arrangement of Party A of the two parties failed to agree on a change in the contract, the two parties may terminate the labor contract with mutual agreement.

III. Working hours and rest hours

A. Both parties agree to perform the work and rest time in accordance with the provisions of the "Employee Handbook".

B. Party B entitled to all holidays and leaves provided by the State,including annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, etc. And pay wages according to the salary standard as stipulated in this contract.

IV. Labor payment

A.According to the wage system based legal salary regulation by Party A , Party B’s basic salary in the period of probation is RMB/month, allowance wages (including different kinds of overtime working and bonus) is , merit pay is . (perform as Party A's evaluation system), in total , other .

B.After the probation period, and Party B had completed the work tasks and achieved the required quality that stipulated by Party A. The basic salary after becoming a full time member shall be RMB/month, allowance wages (including different kinds of overtime working and bonus) is , merit pay is . (perform as Party A's evaluation system), in total , other , according to Party A’ s salary system.

C.Other agreement of labor payment

D. Party A shall pay the wage of (last month/ this month) to Party B on

of every month.

E. Party A shall determine the wage distribution system by law according to the production and operation, price level and government issued wage growth guidance line of the organization.

F. Party B’s labor payment will be evaluated according to his/ her position, duties and comprehensive performance. If Party B’s position and duties change due to Party A’s demand


英文合同范本及翻译 Purchase Contract 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买:__________________________ The Buyer:________________________ 地址: __________________________ Address: _________________________ 电话(Tel):___________ 传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(-mail):______________________ 卖:___________________________ The Seller:_________________________ 地址:___________________________ Address: __________________________ 电话(Tel):_________ 传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(-mail):______________________ 买卖双同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: . 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of


It Is Necessary To Clarify The Rights And Obligations Of The Parties, To Restrict Parties, And To Supervise Both Parties To Keep Their Promises And To Restrain The Act Of Reckless Repentance. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 委托翻译合同简易版

委托翻译合同简易版 温馨提示:本协议文件应用在明确协议各方的权利与义务、并具有约束力和可作为凭证,且对当事人双方或者多方都有约制性,能实现监督双方信守诺言、约束轻率反悔的行为。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 甲方:乙方: 关于乙方接受甲方委托,进行资料翻译事 宜,经甲乙双方同意,签订以下翻译合同。 1. 稿件说明: 文稿名称: 翻译类型为:英译中/中译英 总翻译费为: 交稿时间: 2. 字数计算: 无论是外文翻译成中文。还是中文译成外 文,都以汉字字数计价,按电脑工具栏字数统 计的"字符数(不计空格)"为准。小件翻译:不足

1000字按1000字计算. 3. 笔译价格(单位:RMB/千字) 中译英___元英译中___元 4. 付款方式 签订合同之日甲方支付总翻译费的50%即人民币_____元,甲方接收译稿后3日内支付全部翻译费余款。 5. 翻译质量: 乙方翻译稿件需准确,通顺,简洁得体。一旦出现质量问题,乙方有义务无偿为甲方修改一到两次。力求满足甲方要求。如果因质量问题发生冲突,应该提请双方认可的第三方评判,或直接申请仲裁 6. 原稿修改与补充: 如甲方原稿修改,而需乙方对译文作相应


深圳市 劳 动 合 同 (适用全日制用工) 深圳市人力资源和社会保障局编制

甲方(用人单位) 乙方(员工) 名称姓名 住所性别 法定代表人身份证(护照) (主要负责人)号码 联系人户籍地址 现住址 联系电话联系电话 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》(以下简称《劳动法》)、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)、《深圳市员工工资支付条例》(以下简称《工资支付条例》)等有关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则,签订本劳动合同,共同遵守本劳动合同所列条款。 一、劳动合同期限 (一)甲乙双方同意按以下第种方式确定本劳动合同期限。 1、有固定期限:从年月日起至年月日止。 2、无固定期限:从年月日起。 (二)试用期为,从年月日起至年月日止。(试用期包括在劳动合同期限内,如无试用期,则填写“无”)。 二、工作内容和工作地点 乙方的工作内容(岗位或工种) 。 乙方的工作地点。 三、工作时间和休息休假 (一)甲乙双方同意按以下第种方式确定乙方的工作时间。 1、标准工时制,即每日工作小时(不超过8小时)(不超过40小时),每周至少休息一日。 2、不定时工作制,即经人力资源保障(劳动)部门批准,乙方所在岗位实行不定时工作制。 3、综合计算工时工作制,即经人力资源保障(劳动)部门批准,乙方所在岗位实行综合计算工时工作制。 (二)甲方由于生产经营需要延长工作时间的,按《劳动法》第四十一条执行。 (三)乙方依法享有法定节假日、年休假、婚假、产假、丧假等假期。 (四)乙方的其他休息休假安排 。 四、劳动报酬

(一)甲方依法制定工资分配制度,并告知乙方。甲方支付给乙方的工资不得低于深圳市当年度最低工资标准。 (二)甲方经与乙方协商,同意按以下第种方式支付乙方工资。 1、乙方每月正常工作时间工资元;试用期内每月正常工作时间工资元。 2、双方约定以 确定乙方工资。 (三)甲方每月日发放工资。甲方至少每月以货币形式向乙方支付一次工资。 (四)乙方加班工资、假期工资及特殊情况下的工资支付按有关法律、法规的规定执行。 (五)甲乙双方对工资的其它约定 。 五、社会保险和福利待遇 (一)甲乙双方按照国家和省、市有关规定,参加社会保险,缴纳社会保险费。 (二)乙方患病或非因工负伤,甲方应按国家和省、市的有关规定给予乙方享受医疗期和医疗期待遇。 (三)乙方患职业病、因工负伤的,甲方按《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》、《工伤保险条例》等有关法律法规的规定执行。 (四)甲方为乙方提供以下福利待遇 。 六、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护 (一)甲方按照国家和省、市有关劳动保护规定,提供符合国家安全卫生标准的劳动作业场所和必要的劳动防护用品,切实保护乙方在生产工作中的安全和健康。 (二)甲方按照国家和省、市有关规定,做好女员工和未成年工的特殊劳动保护工作。 (三)乙方从事作业,可能产生职业危害,甲方应采取防护措施,且按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定组织上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时的职业健康检查,并将检查结果如实告知乙方。职业健康检查费用由用人单位承担。 (四)乙方有权拒绝甲方的违章指挥和强令冒险作业;对甲方危害生命安全和身体健康的行为,乙方有权要求改正或向有关部门举报。 (五)经双方协商一致,在台风黄色、橙色、红色预警信号发布后,为保障员工安全,用人单位停工(抢险救灾、医疗及保障居民基本生活必须的公共交通、供水、供电、燃气供应等特殊行业除外),并为滞留在单位的员工提供保障安全的避风场所。经合同双方协商一致,在暴雨红色预警信号发布后,为保障员工安全,用人单位安排员工停工或推迟上班(抢险救灾、医疗及保障居民基本生活必须的公共交通、供水、供电、燃气供应等特殊行业除外);已在室内工作的员工应做好安全防范,如果下班时预警信号仍在生效,用人单位应提供安全场所让员工暂避。 七、规章制度 (一)甲方依法制定的规章制度,应当告知乙方。 (二)乙方应遵守国家和省、市有关法律法规和甲方依法制定的规章制度,按时完成工作


编号:JY-HT-02976 广州市职工劳动合同范本模 板 The contract is a guarantee for both parties and protects legitimate rights and interests 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日

广州市职工劳动合同范本模板 甲方: 住所: 联系电话: 乙方: 住所: 联系电话: 甲方与乙方双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《广州市劳动合同管理规定》等法律、法规,经平等协商,订立本合同。 一、合同期限 1、有固定期限:从_______年_______月_______日起至_______年_______月_______日止。 2、无固定期限:从_______年_______月_______日起至法定的或本合同所约定的终止条件出现时止。

3、以完成一定的工作为期限:从_______年_______月_______日起至工作任务完成时止,并以完成工作任务为标志。 4、双方同意本合同有效期的前_______个月为试用期。 二、工作内容 1、乙方的工作岗位: 2、地点: 3、部门: 4、工种或职务: 三、劳动报酬 1、甲方根据本单位依法制定的工资分配制度,确定乙方的工资不低于_______元/月。乙方试用期工资为_______元/月。 2、甲方每月_______日向乙方支付货币工资。 四、社会保险 甲、乙双方按照国家和省、市有关规定,参加社会保险,缴纳社会保险费,乙方依法享受相应的社会保险福利待遇。 五、劳动保护和劳动条件


合同编号:WU-PO-700-33 广州市劳动合同标准样本 In Order T o Protect The Legitimate Rights And Interests Of Each Party, The Cooperative Parties Reach An Agreement Through Common Consultation And Fix The Responsibilities Of Each Party, So As T o Achieve The Effect Of Restricting All Parties 甲方:_________________________ 乙方:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

广州市劳动合同标准样本 使用说明:本合同资料适用于协作的当事人为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同协商达成一致意见并把各方所承担的责任固定下来,从而实现制约各方的效果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 甲方(用人单位) 名称:_______________ 法定代表人(主要负责人)_____________ 经济类型:___________ 通讯地址:___________ 联系电话:___________ 乙方(职工) 姓名:_______________ 身份证号码:_________ 户籍地址:___________ 通讯地址:___________

联系人:_______ 电话:______ 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)和国家、省市的有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿,协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 一、合同期限 (一)合同期限 甲、乙双方同意按以下第______种方式确定本合同期限: 1、有固定期限:从_____年____月____日起至 ____年____月____日止。 2、无固定期限:从____年____月____日起至法定的终止条件出现时止。 3、以完成一定的工作为期限:从____年____月


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


Labour Con tract Employer: Legal Represe ntative: Address: Employee: Name: Gen der:male Address: Natio nality:P.R.Chi na ID Card No.: This Con tract is sig ned on a mutuality volu ntary basis by and betwee n the followi ng Employer and Employee in accordanee with the Labour Law of People ' Republic of Chi na." 1. Term of the Con tract: The term of this con tract is for one year and shall comme nee on ______ , _____ , and shall continue un til , ____ ,unl ess earlier term in ated pursua nt to this Con tract. The Employee shall un dergo a probati onary period of three mon ths. 2. Job Descripti on: The Employer agrees to employ Mr./Ms. ______________ (name)as ___________ (job title) in

________ Departme nt, located in ____ (office locati on and city). 3. Rem un erati on of Labour a. The salary of the Employee shall bemonthly paid by the Employer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of P.R.C. It shall be paid by legal tender and not less than the standard minimum salary in Tianjin. b. The salary of the Employee is RMB$ ____ per month in the probationary period and RMB$ ______ after the probationary period. c. If the delay or default of salary takes place,the Employer shall pay the economic compensation except the salary itself in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. 4. Working Hours & Rest & Vocation a. The normal working hours of the Employee shall be eight hours each day, excluding meals and rest for an average of five days per week, for an average of forty hours per week. b. The Employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of absence in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC and the company 's work rules. c. The Employer may extend working hours due to the requirements of its production or business after consultation with the trade union and the Employee ,but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; If such extension is called for due to special reasons, the


合同编号:YT-FS-7009-44 广州市劳动合同范本(完 整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

广州市劳动合同范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期: 年月日 使用说明 一,用人单位与职工签订劳动合同时,双方应认真阅读劳动合同.劳动合同一经依法签订即具有法律效力,双方必须严格履行. 二,劳动合同必须由用人单位(甲方)的法定代表人(或者委托代理人)和职工(乙方)亲自签章,并加盖用人单位公章(或者劳动合同专用章)方为有效. 三,合同参考文本中的空栏,由双方协商确定后填写清楚;不需填写的空栏,请打上"/". 四,乙方的工作内容及其类别(管理或专业技术类/工人类)应参照国家规定的职业分类和技能标准明确

约定.变更的范围及条件可在合同参考文本第十二条中约定. 五,工时制度分为标准,不定时,综合计算工时三种.如经劳动行政部门批准实行不定时,综合计算工时工作制的,应在本参考文本第十二条中注明并约定其具体内容. 六,约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;实行计件工资的,可以在本参考文本第十二条中列明,或另签订补充协议. 七,本单位工会或职工推举的代表与用人单位可依法就工资,工作时间,休息休假,劳动安全卫生,保险福利等事项集体协商,签订集体合同.职工个人与用人单位订立劳动合同的各项劳动标准,不得低于集体合同的约定. 八,双方经协商一致后,对劳动合同参考文本条款的修改或未尽事宜的约定,可在参考文本第十二条中明确,或经协商一致另行签订补充协议;另行签订的补充协议,作为劳动合同的附件,与劳动合同一并履行.


2016广州市职工标准劳动合同范本+简洁版 编号:_________ 用人单位(甲方)_________ 地址:_____________________ 职工(乙方)_____________ 身份证号码:_______________ _________(甲方)招(聘)用_________(乙方)为职工,双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《广州市劳动合同管理规定》等法律、法规,在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,订立本合同,建立劳动关系,并共同遵守履行。 一、合同期限 (一)甲、乙双方同意按以下第_________种方式来确定本合同期

1.有固定期限:从_________年_________月_________日起到_________年____月_____日止;合同期限为_________年_______个月; 2.无固定期限:从_________年_________月_________日起至法定的或本合同所约定的终止条件出现时止; 3.以完成一定的工作为期限:从_________年_________月_________日起至_________工作任务完成时止;并以_________为工作任务完成并终止合同的标志。 (二)双方同意本合同有效期的前_________个月为试用期。 二、工作内容 (一)乙方的工作岗位(地点、部门、工种或职务)_________. (二)乙方的工作任务或职责:_________;乙方必须按质按量完成甲方正常安排的生产(工作)任务。 (三)乙方岗位类别确定(打; ;√; ;)为:( )管理类/( )工

三、劳动报酬 (一)乙方试用期间的工资标准为:_________元/月。 (二)试用期满后,甲方根据本单位的工资制度,确定乙方执行以下第_________种工资形式: 1.计时工资:乙方的工资由以下几部分组成:_________、_________、_________、_________、_________、_________乙方正常工作情况下的最低工资标准为_________元/月。 2.计件工资:乙方正常工作情况下的基础工资为_________元/月,其余按乙方岗位计件单价及完成情况计发。 3.岗位工资:乙方的岗位工资标准为_________元/月;如乙方的工作岗位调整,按新岗位所对应的工资标准执行。 4.其他工资形式。具体办法在本合同第十二条中明确。 (三)甲方每月定期以货币形式支付乙方工资;甲方的工资发放日


一.hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹 用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。 语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语. 例1: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 参考译文: 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。 注释: (1)hereby: by reason of this 特此 (2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同 (3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工 (4)therein: in the Works在本工程中 (5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价 (6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which (7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照 (8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 例2: We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知 (3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明 (4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中 (5)documentary proof:证明文件 参考译文: 特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,应贵方要求出具证明文件。 例3: This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B) on (Date), in (Place), China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation. 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)hereinafter referred to as Party A:以下称甲方 (3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上


NO: Labor contract Department: Name: Job number:

Labor contract party A : Legal representative: The registered address: Zip code: Telephone: party B : Sexual : Date of birth: Document type: The number of the certificate: Census register address: Mail editor: Contact address: The telephone number: Mail editor: A state of emergency contact and telephone: According to the labor law of the People's Republic, the labor contract law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations, party A and party B according to the principle of equality and free will, consensus, honest and trustworthy principle, to sign the contract. Article 1 The terms of the contract The term of the contract take to the first contract type: (a) fixed term labor contract:from month day year to month day year,the probation from month day year to month day year. (b) the non-fixed term labor contract:from the minth day year. (c) upon completion of a certain job is the term of the Labour contract:the contract from month day year,to . Article 2 The work content and working place (a) party b's post for: ,responsibilities attached. Party b shall keep party a business secret. □This position should be entered into the


编号: 广州市 劳 动 合 同 用人单位(甲方):广州有限公司 地址 (甲方): 职工(乙方): 劳动合同政策法规咨询电话:12333

甲方(用人单位):乙方(职工):姓名: 名称:身份证号码: 法定代表人(主要负责人):户籍地址: 联系人:通讯地址: 电话: 联系电话: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》(以下简称《劳动合同法》)和国家、省市的有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿,协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 一、合同期限 (一)合同期限 甲、乙双方同意按以下第种方式确定本合同期限: 1、有固定期限:从年月日起至年月日止。 2、无固定期限:从年月日起至法定的终止条件出现时止。 3、以完成一定的工作为期限:从年月日起至 工作任务完成时止,并以 为标志。 (二)试用期限 双方同意按以下第种方式确定试用期期限(试用期包括在合同期内): 1、无试用期。 2、试用期从年月日起至年月日止。

二、工作内容和工作地点 (一)乙方的工作内容:。 (二)乙方工作内容确定为(填“是”):()管理和专业技术类/()工人类。 (三)甲方因生产经营需要调整乙方的工作内容,应协商一致,按变更本合同办理,双方签字或盖章确认的协议书或依法变更通知书作为本合同的附件。 (四)乙方工作地点:。 (五)除临时性工作或者短期学习培训外,如甲方需要乙方到本合同约定以外的地点或单位工作和学习培训,应按本合同第七条处理。 三、工作时间和休息休假 (一)甲、乙双方同意按以下第种方式确定乙方的工作时间: 1、标准工时制,即每日工作小时,每周工作天,每周正常工作不超过40小时并至少休息一天,每月固定加班时间为 12 小时; 2、不定时工作制,即经劳动行政部门审批,乙方所在岗位实行不定时工作制; 3、综合计算工时工作制,即经劳动行政部门审批,乙方所在岗位实行以(填“是”):年()、半年()、季()或月()为周期的综合计算工时工作制。 (二)甲方因生产(工作)需要,经与工会和乙方协商后可以延长工作时间。除《劳动法》第四十二条规定的情形外,一般每日不得超过一小时,因特殊原因最长每日不得超过三小时,每月不得超过三十六小时。 (三)甲方执行法定的及企业依法自行补充的有关工作、休息、休假制度,按规定给予乙方享受节日假、年休假、婚假、丧假等带薪假期,并按本合同约定的正常工作时间工资及有关政策法规规定的计算方法支付工资。


2019年广州市劳动合同标准版 用人单位(甲方)__________________ 地址及邮政编码:__________________ 职工(乙方)__________________ 身份证号码:__________________ 住址及邮政编码:__________________ 广州市劳动局印制甲方(单位)因生产(工作)需要,按照国家、省、市相关劳动法律、法规、规章规定,招用(以下称乙方)为劳动 合同制职工。双方根据平等自愿、协商一致的原则,签定本劳动纠纷 处理劳动合同,确立劳动关系,明确双方的权利、义务,并共同遵守 履行。 一、合同期限 本合同自_________年_________月_________日起生效。本合同 有效期经甲、乙双方商定,采取下列第_________种形式: 1.合同有效期限为_________年,至_________年_________月 _________日止。 2.无固定期限。本合同除可因甲方生产经营发生变化或在定期考 核中发现乙方未能认真履行本合同规定的劳动义务而依法予以终止外,其他终止条件为: ______________________________________________________. 3.合同期限至_________工作(任务)完成时终止。 其完成的标志事件是_________.新招收、调入、统一分配人员的 劳动合同,自生效之日起_________个月内为试用期。

本劳动合同由甲乙双方各存一份。鉴证时还需交鉴证机构一份。均具有同等效力。 二、工作任务 (一)乙方生产(管理)工种(岗位或部门)_________. (二)乙方完成甲方正常安排的生产(工作)任务。 三、工作时间 (一)甲方实行每日不超过8小时,平均每周不超过44小时的工作制度。并保证每周乙方至少不间断休息24小时。 (二)甲方能够报经劳动行政部门批准实行不定时工作制或综合计算工时工作制。 (三)甲方因生产、工作需要,经与工会和乙方协商同意,可安排乙方加班加点,但每个工作日延长工作时间不得超过3小时,每月累计不得超过36小时。 (四)有下列情形之一的,甲方延长工作时间不受第(三)项规定限制: 1.发生自然灾害、事故或者其他原因,威胁劳动者生命健康和财产安全,需要紧急处理的; 2.生产设备、交通运输线路、公共设施发生故障,影响生产和公共利益,必须即时抢修的; 3.在法定节日和公休假日内工作不能间断,必须连续生产、运输或者营业的; 4.必须利用法定节日和公休假日的停产期间实行设备检修、保养的; 5.为完成国防紧急任务的;


销售合同英文翻译(3) 来源:翻译界浏览次数:1255 添加时间:2008-5-3 20.2 Binding Effect 20.2 合同约束力的范围 This Contract is made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them. 本合同对本合同双方以及该方合法的继受者和受让人有法律约束力。 20.3 Amendment 20.3 修改 This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument signed by the Parties. 本合同不得以口头方式修改,而须经双方签署书面文件后方可修改。 20.4 Mutual Agreement of the Parties 20.4 双方协商一致的结果 THE PARTIES DECLARE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REFLECT THE RESULTS OF THEIR COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS CONDUCTED IN GOOD FAITH AND THAT NONE OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF CONSTITUTES THE STANDARD TERMS OF EITHER PARTY. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS REVIEWED AND UNDERSTANDS THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND HAS RECEIVED SATISFACTORY EXPLANATIONS AS TO ANY ISSUE RAISED BY IT IN RESPECT THEREOF. 本合同双方确认本合同的条款体现双方本着诚信原则谈判的结果,本合同的条款不构成任一方的标准条款。买卖双方确认其已经审阅并理解本合同的条款且已经就条款相关的任何疑问得到满意的解释。 20.5 No Publicity 20.5 合同内容保密 The existence of this Contract, as well as its contents, shall be deemed to fall within the scope of Confidential Information and subject to Article 16, and shall not be disclosed in whole or in part to any person or entity, except (i) to Permitted Disclosure Parties, (ii) to authorized securities regulators or exchanges in accordance with Applicable Laws or the relevant rules of the securities exchange to which the Party in question is subject, (iii) to officials in relevant government departments pursuant to the requirements of Applicable Laws (iv) in order to fulfil any conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Contract, (v) for the purpose of the performance by a Party of its obligations or exercise of its rights hereunder or relating hereto[, or (vi) to financial institutions for the purpose of arranging debt financing for either Party]. 本合同的存在及其内容应被认为属于保密信息,须遵照16 条进行保密,不得向任何人或实体予以全部或部分披露,但向以下各方的披露的除外:(i) 向允许披露方披露;(ii)依据有关法律或该方为规制对象的证券交易所的规则,得到授权的证券市场监管机构或交易所;(iii)依据有关法律向有关政府机构的官员披露;(iv)为了满足本合同的生效条件;(v)一方为履行其于本合同项下或与本合同相关的义务或行使其于本合同项下或与本合同相关的权利[;或者(vi)金融机构(为各方安排债务融资的目的)]。 20.6 No Solicitation 20.6 禁止招揽另一方雇员 Neither Party shall, during the Term or within one (1) year after the Expiration Date, directly solicit for employment the other Party's personnel who are engaged in the performance of this Contract without the prior written consent of the other Party. 在本合同有效期内以及合同期满日后一(1)年内,任何一方均不得直接向另一方参与本合同执行的雇员发出招聘要约,经另一方书面同意的除外。 20.7 Notices 20.7 通知 (a) Any notice or written communication provided for in this Contract by either Party to the


委托翻译合同书 一、翻译时间为天(自月日算起),乙方分批交稿 二、翻译费为每千字元,全书千字,共元。 三、乙方保证翻译质量,达到出版水平,并保证按时完成全稿。 四、甲方在收到全部译稿之后,一次性支付元。 五、如有未尽事宜,双方协商解决。 甲方乙方 年月曰 甲方: 住所地: 乙方: 住所地: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,遵循自愿、平等、诚实信用的基本原则,就甲方委托乙方进行文字翻译事宜,协商一致订立本合同,由双方共同遵守执行。 第1条定义 本合同有关用语的含义如下: 1.1 原文:指甲方委托乙方,按照本合同的约定提供给乙方的未翻译文本。 1.2 译文:指乙方接受甲方的委托,按照本合同的约定向甲方提供的翻译文本

1.3 字数统计标准:中文翻译成外文,按照中文字符数 统计。外文翻译成中文,按照稿件翻译完成后的中文字符数统计。若中文之外其它语种互译,按照原文字数乘以2得出最终字数。 1.4 字数统计方法:依次打开微软公司中文word办公软件菜单栏”工具-字数统计”,按照弹出的”字数统计” 框所显示:如果中外互译,按照”字数统计”框中”字符数 (不计空格)”项所显示的字符数为准。若中文之外其他语种互译,则按照”字数统计”框中”字数”项所显示的字数为准。 1.5 长期客户:系指甲方与乙方签订一年或一年以上 《委托翻译合同》中的甲方。 第2条期限 2.1 本合同有效期为,即自年月日起至年月曰 止。 第3条业务内容及价格 3.1 乙方接受甲方的委托,根据甲方提供的文字稿件进行翻译工作。 3.2 乙方交稿时间根据每次所签订的《客户委托单》上的约定按时交稿。如乙方因故不能按时交稿的,应提前书面通知甲方,由双方另行约定交稿日期;如因甲方原因而必须中途暂停翻译,则交稿期限按照暂停时间依次后延;在翻译工程中,如因甲方原因必须中途结束翻译,则甲方需支付乙方已经完成的稿件。同时,乙方有 权要求甲方支付本次合作 的全部稿费

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