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Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction Hongloumeng 红楼梦"The Dream of the Red Chamber"

Also called "The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记)", this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹(d. 1763) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. A wide branched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this novel, should it be a novel of sentiment, of Daoist-Buddhist enlightenment, of social observation, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or even a veiled attack on Manchu rule. The frame of the novel is the contest of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young noble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉. With a loving detail describing the life of the two cousins in a huge noble mansion, between gardens and palaces, the

red thread is the triangular love between Baoyu, Daiyu and a second girl cousin called Xue Baochai 薛宝钗that is of more plumper character than the ever sick Daiyu. Switching between their life, the divine world and dreams, Baoyu becomes deranged after the disappearance of a stone (the origin of the second title) he had in his mouth when he was born. Not knowing, his love Daiyu died, he is tricked to marrying Baochai. Becoming aware of being tricked, Baoyu leaves the world of the "red dust" and becomes a monk. With hundreds of persons and their stories, paralleling the life and feelings of servants to the life of the main persons, the story is very complex and full of symbolisms, but very interesting and convincing for its encyclopedic character, depicting the life

of a noble familiy in the 18th century Qing China 清.

三国演义Romance of The Three Kingdoms Romance of The Three Kingdoms is one of the great chinese classics and is compiled into a semi-fictional literary masterpiece during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong. The novel comprises around 70+% fact and 20+% fiction. Some issues such as Guan Yu's weapon weighing around 40+ kilograms, the capabilties of Lu Bu, Liu Bei's horses as well as the existence of the Hill of the Fallen Phoenix and some others are probably fictional. That period in history can be said as the golden age of chivalry and although it happened more than 1700 years ago, characters such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao,

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang have become household names among the chinese. Tales of their exploits, courage, adventures and many more are told in the novel "Romance of The Three Kingdoms".

It is one of the most turbulent periods in China's history taking place toward the end of the Han Dynasty where corruption is rampant in the imperial court due to eunuches holding power. Coupled with natural disasters such as floods, plague and locust swarms devouring the crops grown by the peasants, hunger and disatisfaction among the peasants soon escalated rapidly until a major rebellion known as the "Yellow Scarves Rebellion" led by Zhang Jiao broke out. (It was dubbed "Yellow Scarves" because the rebels tied a yellow scarf on their head). Initially just a small band of rebels, due to widespread hunger and ill-sentiment among the populace, swarms of common folks joined in the rebellion across many parts of the country.


LiU Bei (161 —23 AD), StyIed XU n d e(玄徳), was a general, warlord, and later the foUnding emperor of ShU Han dUring the Three KingdomS era of China. AIthoUgh having a

Iater Start than hiS rivaIS, aISo Iacking both the materiaI reSoUrceS and SociaI StatUS they commanded, LiU Bei overcame hiS many defeatS to carve oUt hiS own reaIm, that at itS peak Spanned modern day SichUan, GUizhoU, HUnan, part of HUbei, and part of GanSU.

CUItUraIIy, dUe to the tremendoUSIy popUIar noveI Romance of the Three KingdomS by LUo GUanzhong, LiU Bei iS wideIy known aS the ideaI benevoIent,

humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. His character was to advocate the Confucian set of moral values, such as loyalty and compassion. 张飞

Zhang Fei (?-221 AD) was a military general of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China.

Zhang Fei was shown to have been a


中国四大名著简介 《红楼梦》 作者简介:曹雪芹,清代小说家。名霑,字梦阮,雪芹是其号。 内容简介:《红楼梦》一书,以贾宝玉、林黛玉和薛宝钗的爱情悲剧为主线,通过对“贾、史、王、薛”四大家族荣衰的描写,展示了广阔的社会生活视野,森罗万象,囊括了多姿多彩的世俗人情。人们称《红楼梦》内蕴着一个时代的历史容量,是封建末世的百科全书。 1. 现在人们说起《红楼梦》,往往指的就是曹雪芹的前八十回和高鹗的后四十 续书的总称。这120回的本子,总字数达1075000字左右。 2. 曹雪芹在写这部书时,用了“谐音寓意”的手法,他把贾家四姐妹命名为元春、迎春、探春、惜春,这是谐“原应叹息”的音;在贾宝玉神游太虚幻境时,警幻仙姑让他饮的茶“千红一窟”,是“千红一哭”的谐音,又让他饮“万艳同杯”的酒,这酒名是“万艳同悲”的谐音,这样的手法几乎贯穿了全书. 事件:1、王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 2、林黛玉焚稿断痴情 3、薄命女偏逢薄命郎葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 3、刘姥姥初进大观园 人物性格: 1、林黛玉:生性孤傲,天真率直,蔑视功名权贵,与宝玉同为封建的叛逆者 2、王熙凤:精明强干,贾府的实际大管家,极尽权术机变,残忍阴毒之能事, 3、贾宝玉:封建叛逆者。他厌恶封建社会的仕宦道路,反对“男尊女卑”的封建道德观念 4、薛宝钗:容貌美丽,肌骨莹润,举止娴雅。她热衷于“仕途经济”,劝宝玉去会会做官的。她恪守封建妇德,而且城府颇深,能笼络人心,得到贾府上下的夸赞。 《西游记》 作者简介:吴承恩,明代小说家。字汝忠,号射阳山人,怀安山阳(江苏淮安)人。 内容简介:孙悟空与猪八戒、沙僧一起保护唐僧取经。一路上历尽千辛万苦,战胜形形色色的妖魔鬼怪,经过九九八十一难,功成圆满,终成正果 人物形象: 唐僧:身材高大,举止文雅、性情和善,佛经造诣极高。他西行取经遇到九九八十一难,始终痴心不改,在孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚的辅佐下,历尽千辛万苦,终于从西天雷音寺取回三十五部真经。最后被封为“旃檀功德佛”。 孙悟空:他嫉恶如仇,不怕困难,坚忍不拔,英勇无畏,取经后被封为斗战胜佛。 猪八戒:性格温和,憨厚单纯,力气大,但又好吃懒做,爱占小便宜,他对师兄的话言听计从,对师父忠心耿耿,为唐僧西天取经立下汗马功劳,最后被封为“净坛使者”。是个被人们喜爱同情的喜剧人物。 沙和尚:保护唐僧西天取经路上,任劳任怨,忠心不二,取经后被封为“金身罗汉”。 事件:1.孙悟空打闹天宫2. 云栈洞悟空收八戒3. 八戒大战流沙河4.孙行者三调芭蕉扇5.孙行者大闹黑风山 《三国演义》 作者简介:罗贯中,元末明初小说家、戏曲家。名本,字贯中。杭州人,祖籍太原。 内容简介:《三国演义》通过集中描绘三国时代各封建统治集团之间的政治、军事、外交斗争,揭示了东汉末年社会现实的动荡和黑暗,谴责了封建统治者的暴虐,反映了人民的苦难,表达了人民呼唤明君、呼唤安定的强烈愿望。 人物简介: 曹操:自幼放任荡不羁,但很有才华,又足智多谋,善于随机应变。当年,汝南有个善于评论人物的名士,名叫许劭,评论曹操为:“治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄”。 诸葛亮:智者和智慧的象征,清忠耿直,用人唯贤,谦虚、谨慎、认真又尽职鞠躬尽瘁。 刘备:一代枭雄,宽厚仁爱,求贤若渴。俗话说:刘备的江山是哭出来的 关公:忠义,智勇双全


六级翻译四大名著 第一套: 《水浒传》( Water Margin)是中国文学四大经典小说之一。这部小说基于历史人物宋江及其伙伴反抗封建帝王的故事,数百年来一直深受中国读者的喜爱。笑而过 毫不夸张地说,几乎每个中国人都熟悉小说中的一些主要人物。这部小说中的精彩故事在茶馆、戏剧舞台、广播电视、电影屏幕和无数家庭中反复讲述。事实上,这部小说的影响已经远远超出了国界。越来越多的外国读者也感到这部小说里的故事生动感人趣味盎然。【参考译文】 Water Margin, one of the four classic novels in the Chinese literature, is based on the stories of the historical figures of Song Jiang and his partners, who rebelled against the feudal emperor, and has been popular among the Chinese readers for hundreds of years. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every single Chinese is familiar with some of the major characters in the book as its splendid stories are repeatedly told in tea houses, on theatrical stages, by radio and television, and on film screens.In fact, its influence has been far. beyond the national boundary as more and more foreign readers are touched and intrigued by the stories of the novel. 第二套:


四大名著的英语翻译题 六级翻译原文 中国的四大名著(the Four Great Classical Novels)指创作于明清时期的四部最伟大、最有影响力的小说。阅读四大名著,可以了解中国传统的社会、历史、地理、民俗和处世哲学。大多数的中国人对这四部小说中的人物、情节和场景都很熟悉。它们已经深深地影响了中国人的思想(mentality)、观念和价值观。现在,四部小说都已被改编成电影或电视剧(TV series),受到很多观众的喜爱。四大名著都具有很高的艺术水平,是中华民族的宝贵遗产,在中国文学史上也是一大创举。 六级参考翻译: The Four Great Classical Novels of China refer to thefour greatest and most influential novels written inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Reading them canacquaint people with traditional Chinese society,history, geography, folk customs and philosophy oflife. Most Chinese are pretty familiar with the figures, plots and scenes in the four novels. Theyhave profoundly influenced the mentality, ideas and values of Chinese people. Nowadays, thefour novels have already been adapted into movies or TV series, favored by lots of audiences.Being high in artistic standard, the Four Great Classical Novels are precious heritages ofChinese nation and pioneering works in the history of Chinese literature. 英语四六级翻译中国特色词汇:四大名著 《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms 《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansions 【三国演义翻译原文】 《三国演义》写于14世纪,是中国著名的历史小说。这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为基础,描写了从二世纪下半叶到三世纪下半叶魏、蜀、吴之间的战争。小说描写了近千个人物和无数的历史事件。虽然这些人物和事件大多是基于真实的历史,但它们都不同程度地被浪漫化和戏剧化了。《三国演义》是一部公认的文学巨著。自出版以来,这部小说吸引了一代又一代的读者,对中国文化产生了广泛而持久的影响。


《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》 《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》 《西游记》----《Journey to the West》 Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction 红楼梦"The Dream of the Red Chamber" Also called "The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记)", this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹is said to be the greatest masterpiece (杰作) of Chinese fiction. With hundreds of persons and their stories, paralleling the life and feelings of servants to the life of the main persons, the story is very complex and full of symbolisms, but very interesting and convincing (有说服力的) for its encyclopedic character (百科全书式的人物), describing the life of a noble familiy in the 18th century Qing China 清. 三国演义Romance of The Three Kingdoms Romance of The Three Kingdoms is one of the great chinese classics (中国古典文学) and is compiled into a semi-fictional (半虚构的) literary masterpiece during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong. The novel comprises around 70+% fact and 20+% fiction. Some issues such as Guan Yu's weapon weighing around 40+ kilograms, the capabilties of Lu Bu, Liu Bei's horses as well as the existence of the Hill of the Fallen Phoenix and some others are probably fictional. That period in history can be said as the golden age of chivalry (游侠、骑士) and although it happened more than 1700 years ago, characters such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang have become household names among the chinese. Tales of their exploits (开拓), courage, adventures and many more are told in the novel "Romance of The Three Kingdoms". 水浒传Outlaws (亡命徒) of the Marsh (沼泽)/ The water Margin The novel "Outlaws of the Marsh" is somewhat like an ancient epic tale (史诗故事). No one remembers the period it was composed. One knows this story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers. One knows the North Song Dynasty (XIIIth Century) lived its apogee (最高点) and declined, a victim of corruption (腐败) and decadence (衰落). One finds historical traces of these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority. Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh ("All men are brothers" in Pearl Buck's (Pearl Buck 美国传奇女作家) translation, "Shui hu zhuan" in Chinese, "Au Bord de l'Eau" in French ) is an immortal (不朽的) novel because its tale is universal : it speaks of beings (outlaws but also notables, strong muscled heroes but also intellectual, anarchists (无政府主义者) but also philosophers) who cannot bear injustice nor abuse nor arbitrariness (专横).


《转载》四大名著的国外搞笑翻译 一、《水浒传》 英文版的题目有:《Outlaws of the Marsh》(沼泽里的歹徒),《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》(四海之内皆兄弟——猎豹的血),《Water Margin》(水边)。在法文中《水浒传》被译作《中国的勇士》或《沼泽地区的英雄们》,还有一个居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》;德文译名则有点牵强,如《强盗与士兵》。另外还有一些节译本的名字更是耸人听闻,如德人节译潘金莲和武大郎的章节成书,书名叫《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实妇人的故事》,节译的“智取生辰纲”则起名《强盗设置的圈套》。 二、《三国演义》 早年有位美国人从《三国演义》中整理出关羽的故事,节译成书名为《战神》;后来美国汉学家摩斯·罗伯斯将其英文全译本起名为《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》(三个王国间的罗曼蒂克);现在也有一些译本直接叫《Three Kingdoms》(三个王国)的。 三、《西游记》 国外大多译作《Record of a Journey to the West 》(西方旅行的记录)、《Journey to the West》(西行之旅)、《Story of the Journey to the West》(西游故事);另外还有人把孙悟空当作书名,如《Monkey》(猴子)、《The Monkey King》(猴王)等等。 四、《红楼梦》 《红楼梦》原本就有另外一个名字《石头记》,所以外国人翻译时,也就难免翻译出二种名字来,如:《The Story of the Stone》(石头的故事)、《A Dream of Red Mansions》(红色大楼里的梦)、《A Dream of Red Chamber》(红色房间里的梦)。此外,还有张冠李戴的翻译,如《The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl》(牛郎和织女),这与原著可就大相径庭了。 The four Chinese Literature Masterpiece 《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》


2020年6月英语六级翻译练习题:四大名著 【导语】当你真正想完成一件事时,根本不会在意别人是否看到。备考漫漫长路,微博捡捡相因菌和你一起默默地走下去。以下是“2020年6月英语六级翻译练习题:四大名著”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注微博捡捡相因菌! 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 中国的四大名著(the Four Great Classical Novels)指创作于明清时期的四部最伟大、最有影响力的小说。阅读四大名著, 可以了解中国传统的社会、历史、地理、民俗和处世哲学。大多数的中国人对这四部小说中的人物、情节和场景都很熟悉。它们已经深深地影响了中国人的思想(mentality)、观念和价值观。现在,四部小说都已被改编成电影或电视剧(TV series),受到很多观众的喜爱。四大名著都具有很高的艺术水平,是中华民族的宝贵遗产,在中国文学也是一大创举。 参考翻译: The Four Great Classical Novels of China refer to thefour greatest and most influential novels written inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Reading them canacquaint people with traditional Chinese society,history, geography, folk customs and philosophy oflife. Most Chinese are pretty familiar with the figures, plots and scenes in the four novels. Theyhave profoundly influenced the mentality, ideas and values of Chinese people. Nowadays, thefour novels have already been adapted into movies or TV series, favored by lots of audiences.Being high in artistic standard, the Four Great Classical Novels are precious heritages ofChinese nation and pioneering works in the history of Chinese literature. 1.在第一句中,“创作于明清时期”和“四部最伟大、最有影响力的”都是修饰“小说”的前置定语,为了避免译文累赘,可 将“创作于明清时期的”用过去分词作定语表达,置于“小说”之后。 2.第二句可直接按照汉语语序来翻译,“阅读四大名著”可用动名词reading...作主语。 3.倒数第二句“四部小说都已被改编成…”,可将“四部小说被改编成…”作为主干结构“广受到…的喜爱”用过去分词短语favored by...表达,在句子中作状语。 4.最后一句由三个分句组成,如果直译成三个英文句子,句式会显得沉闷。参考译文将第一个分句用现在分词结构表达,译为being high in artistic standard,置于句首作状语;第二、三个分句则用并列连词and来连接。


四大名著英文介绍 The Four Great Classical novels The Four Great Classical novels, including “Romance of Three Kingdoms” “Outlaws of the Marsh” “Journey to the West” “A Dream of Red Mansions”, have a high status in the history of Chinese literature as unfailing masterpieces. The Four Great Classical novels carry a lot of cultural essence, influencing people's Ideology,[,a?d?'?l?d??; ?d-] 意识形态;思想意识value orientation and the way of dealing with the world in a subtle way. It has a profound influence on Social ideological trend, general mood of society, and political change in the future. Romance of Three Kingdoms, attributed to Luo Guanzhong, is not only the first traditional Chinese ?ovel w?th separate and self-contained chapters, but also the most outstanding historical novel in the history of Chinese literature. It is set in the turbulent [?t?:bj?l?nt]骚乱的years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, The story – part historical, part legend, and part mythical–romanticises and dramatises the lives of feudal lords and their retainers家臣, who tried to replace the dwindling逐渐减少的Han dynasty or restore it. This book not only affects the former writing style, but also influences the latter class struggle. This book is of great significance for Chinese people to gain freedom and democracy and be the masters of the country. Romance of Three Kingdoms, attributed to Luo Guanzhong, is not only the first traditional Chinese ?ovel w?th separate and self-contained chapters, but also the most outstanding historical novel in the history of Chinese literature. It is set in the turbulent [?t?:bj?l?nt] years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, starting in 169 AD and ending


英语六级翻译练习题及答案——四大名著 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 中国的四大名著(the Four Great Classical Novels)指创作于明清时期的四部最伟大、最有影响力的小说。阅读四大名著,可以了解中国传统的社会、历史、地理、民俗和处世哲学。大多数的中国人对这四部小说中的人物、情节和场景都很熟悉。它们已经深深地影响了中国人的思想(mentality)、观念和价值观。现在,四部小说都已被改编成电影或电视剧(TV series),受到很多观众的喜爱。四大名著都具有很高的艺术水平,是中华民族的宝贵遗产,在中国文学史上也是一大创举。 参考翻译: The Four Great Classical Novels of China refer to the four greatest and most influential novels written in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Reading them can acquaint people with traditional Chinese society,history, geography, folk customs and philosophy of life. Most Chinese are pretty familiar with the figures, plots and scenes in the four novels. They have profoundly influenced the mentality, ideas and values of Chinese people. Nowadays, the four novels have already been adapted into movies or TV series, favored by lots of audiences.Being high in artistic standard, the Four Great Classical Novels are precious heritages of Chinese nation and


中国四大名著英文简介 Chin ese Literature - Novels and ficti on Hongloumeng 红楼梦"The Dream of the Red Chamber" Also called "The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记)",this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹(d. 1763) is said to be the greatest master pi ece of Chin ese ficti on. A wide bran ched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this no vel, should it be a no vel of sen time nt, of Daoist-Buddhist en lighte nment, of social observati on, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or eve n a veiled attack on Man chu rule. The frame of the no vel is the con test of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young n oble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉?With a loving detail describ ing the life of the two cous ins in a huge n oble mansion, betwee n garde ns and palaces, the red thread is the trian gular love betwee n Baoyu, Daiyu and a sec ond girl cous in


四大名著英文翻译 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》——三个王国的罗曼史 《水浒传》 1、《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》 2、《All Men Are Brothers:Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 3、美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒》七十一回本,取名为《四海之内皆兄弟》 4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》:Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王) 还有其他的: 1、《金瓶梅》译成法文,题目成了《热恋的少女·中国13世纪的爱情故事》 2、《聊斋志异》的意大利文版译作《老虎作客》

3、《赵氏孤儿》由法国文学家伏尔泰改写后易名为《中国孤儿》.译作,也有节译的. 4、《警世通言》中的《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》,德莫朗译成《蒙辱的东方女性》,而英文译名则是《名妓》. 5 、《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio(摄影棚里的寂寞传奇) 6、《西厢记》The Western Chamber(向西边窗口) 8、《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men(觉醒者的故事) 9、《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men(开导者的故事) 10、《警世通言》Stories to Warn Men (警告者的故事) 11、《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World(接触官方世界) 12、《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine(贺伯固医学概要)奇怪! 13、《史记》 Records of the Historian(历史学家的纪录) 14.《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror(以史为镜)


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四大名著书名的搞笑英译 《水浒传》—— 《105个男人和3个女人的故事》 英文版的题目有:《Outlaws of the Marsh》(沼泽里的歹徒),《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》(四海之内皆兄弟——猎豹的血),《Water Margin》(水边)。 在法文中《水浒传》被译作《中国的勇士》或《沼泽地区的英雄们》,还有一个居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》;德文译名则有点牵强,如《强盗与士兵》。 另外还有一些节译本的名字更是耸人听闻,如德文节译潘金莲和武大郎的章节成书,书名叫《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实妇人的故事》,节译的“智取生辰纲”则起名《强盗设置的圈套》。 《三国演义》—— 《三个国家的罗曼史》 早年有位美国人从《三国演义》中整理出关羽的故事,节译成书名为《战神》;后来美国汉学家摩斯罗伯斯将其英文全译本起名为《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》(三个国家的罗曼史);现在也有一些译本直接叫《Three Kingdoms》(三个国家)。 《西游记》—— 《侠与猪》 《西游记》的外文译名,主要有两大类。 一类是根据中文的书名“西游记”直接翻译得出书名,比如:《Record of a Journey to the West》(西行之旅的记录)、《Journey to the West》(西行之旅)、

《The Story of the Pilrimage to the West》、《Story of the Journey to the West》(西游故事)…… 另一类是把孙悟空当书名,比如:《Monkey》(猴子)、《The Monkey King》(猴王)、《猴子历险记》、《猴子取经记》…… 也有版本译成《侠与猪》的,把孙悟空说成是侠,有趣的是顺带把猪八戒捎上了。而《神魔历险记》则不知道谁是魔了。 《红楼梦》—— 《红色大楼里的梦》 《红楼梦》原本就有另外一个名字《石头记》,所以外国人翻译时,也就难免翻译出二种名字来,如:《The Story of the Stone》(石头的故事)、《A Dream of Red Mansions》(红色大楼里的梦)、《A Dream of Red Chamber》(红色房间里的梦)。


中国四大名著英文简介 Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction Hongloumeng 红楼梦"The Dream of the Red Chamber" Also called "The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记)", this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹(d. 1763) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. A wide branched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this novel, should it be a novel of sentiment, of Daoist-Buddhist enlightenment, of social observation, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or even a veiled attack on Manchu rule. The frame of the novel is the contest of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young noble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉. With a loving detail describing the life of the two cousins in a


四大名著的外文译名 我国文学史上的“四大名著”,包括:元末明初施耐庵的《水浒传》、明初罗贯中的《三国演义》、明代吴承恩的《西游记》、清代曹雪芹的《红楼梦》。 这四部古典长篇小说,是我国古代小说的巅峰之作,其对中国文学乃至文化的影响非常深远。四大名著影响国人的同时,也逐渐走出国门。通过翻译,四大名著被更多的人所了解和喜爱。那么,它们在其它国家中叫什么名字呢?这或多或少会让人好奇。 1.水浒传 《水浒传》成书于元末明初,17世纪时就已经传入朝鲜半岛和日本。在江户时代的日本,《水浒传》的日文译本已经有十多种。由于日文和汉语具有亲缘关系,所以书的名字没有变,仍是沿袭中国的书名。后来,《水浒传》有了英文、法文、德文、意大利文等版本,书名开始变得千奇百怪。 英文版的题目有:《Outlaws of the Marsh》(沼泽里的歹徒/ 法外人),附带地说一说,英文语境中最著名的法外人可能就是罗宾汉,而中国很多读者也认为《罗宾汉》是中国的《水浒传》;《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》(四海之内皆兄弟——猎豹的血),这是上个世纪30年代赛珍珠翻译《水浒传》时译的书名,虽然有点长,但译出了“聚义”的意思,“猎豹”点出了梁山好汉的不驯服不合作(不包括后来的接受招安),“血”

则直接赋予了《水浒传》悲剧的意味——虽然很多读者不认为《水浒传》是一部悲剧;另有一个译成《Water Margin》,直译,优点当然是直白了,不过味道却不是很够。 其它文本的译名也很有意思。在法文中,《水浒传》被译作《中国的勇士》或《沼泽地区的英雄们》,另有一个比较搞笑,居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》;德文译名则有点牵强,曰《强盗与士兵》。另外还有一些节译本的名字则与现在的知音体差不多,如德人节译潘金莲和武大郎的章节成书,书名叫《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实妇人的故事》,节译“智取生辰纲”则起名《强盗设置的圈套》,可谓耸人听闻。 2.三国演义 《三国演义》成书于元末明初,在此之前,陈寿写过《三国志》。从书名中的“演义”也可以看出,罗贯中是在《三国志》的基础上“演义”出《三国演义》的。 和《水浒传》一样,《三国演义》成书后很快就传入朝鲜半岛和日本。不一样的是,名字已略有改变。日文译本主要有三个:吉川英治的《三国演义》、村上知行的《全译三国志》和三间评价的《三国志演义》。 第一次对中国名著的外译名感兴趣,是在看黄仁宇那本《赫逊河畔谈中国历史》的时候。书中谈三国英雄时提到《三国演义》,用了英文名《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》。当时很是奇怪,三个国家之间都有战争,何来浪漫呢?或许是《三国演义》译介入欧洲的时候刚好是浪漫主义(romanticism)产生并开始盛行的时候,所以给了一个《三个王国之间的罗曼史》的书名。不过对于黄仁宇提“信史浪漫化”,我觉得他的用意是说小说《三国演义》是信史《三国志》的浪漫化。


四大名著英文翻译 来源:秦铖的日志 我国文学史上的“四大名著”,包括:元末明初施耐庵的《水浒传》、明初罗贯中的《三国演义》、明代吴承恩的《西游记》、清代曹雪芹的《红楼梦》。 这四部古典长篇小说,是我国古代小说的巅峰之作,其对中国文学乃至文化的影响非常深远。四大名著影响国人的同时,也逐渐走出国门。通过翻译,四大名著被更多的人所了解和喜爱。那么,它们在其它国家中叫什么名字呢?这或多或少会让人好奇。 《水浒传》成书于元末明初,17世纪时就已经传入朝鲜半岛和日本。在江户时代的日本,《水浒传》的日文译本已经有十多种。由于日文和汉语具有亲缘关系,所以书的名字没有变,仍是沿袭中国的书名。后来,《水浒传》有了英文、法文、德文、意大利文等版本,书名开始变得千奇百怪。 英文版的题目有:《Outlaws of the Marsh》(沼泽里的歹徒/ 法外人),附带地说一说,英文语境中最著名的法外人可能就是罗宾汉,而中国很多读者也认为《罗宾汉》是中国的《水浒传》;《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》(四海之内皆兄弟——猎豹的血),这是上个世纪30年代赛珍珠翻译《水浒传》时译的书名,虽然有点长,但译出了“聚义”的意思,“猎豹”点出了梁山好汉的不驯服不合作(不包括后来的接受招安),“血”则直接赋予了《水浒传》悲剧的意味——虽然很多读者不认为《水浒传》是一部悲剧;另有一个译成《Water Margin》,直译,优点当然是直白了,不过味道却不是很够。 其它文本的译名也很有意思。在法文中,《水浒传》被译作《中国的勇士》或《沼泽地区的英雄们》,另有一个比较搞笑,居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》;德文译名则有点牵强,曰《强盗与士兵》。另外还有一些节译本的名字则与现在的知音体差不多,如德人节译潘金莲和武大郎的章节成书,书名叫《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实妇人的故事》,节译“智取生辰纲”则起名《强盗设置的圈套》,可谓耸人听闻。 《三国演义》成书于元末明初,在此之前,陈寿写过《三国志》。从书名中的“演义”也可以看出,罗贯中是在《三国志》的基础上“演义”出《三国演义》的。和《水浒传》一样,《三国演义》成书后很快就传入朝鲜半岛和日本。不一样的是,名字已略有改变。日文译本主要有三个:吉川英治的《三国演义》、村上知行的《全译三国志》和三间评价的《三国志演义》。第一次对中国名著的外译名感兴趣,是在看黄仁宇那本《赫逊河畔谈中国历史》的时候。书中谈三国英雄时提到《三国演义》,用了英文名《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》。当时很是奇怪,三个国家之间都有战争,何来浪漫呢?或许是《三国演义》译介入欧洲的时候刚好是浪漫主义(romanticism)产生和并开始盛行的时候,所以给了一个《三个王国之间的罗曼史》的书名。不过对于黄仁宇提“信史浪漫化”,我觉得他的用意是说小说《三国演义》是信史《三国志》的浪漫化。 早年有位美国人从《三国演义》中整理出关羽的故事,节译成书名为《战神》;后来美国汉学家摩斯·罗伯斯(Moss Roberts)的英文全译本起名为《Romance of the Three Kingdoms》,即刚才提到的《三个王国之间的罗曼史》;现在也有一些译本直接叫《Three Kingdoms》(三个王国/ 三国),中国外文出版社的英文译本用的也是这一名字。 《西游记》的外文译名,主要有两大类:一类是根据中文的书名“西游记”直接翻译得出书名,比如:《Record of a Journey to the West 》(西行之旅的记录)、《Journey to the West》(西行之旅)、《The Story of the Pilrimage to the West》、《Story of the Journey to the West》(西游故事)…… 另一类是把孙悟空当书名,比如:《Monkey》(猴子)、《The Monkey King》(猴王)、《猴子历险记》、《猴子取经记》…… 明人吴承恩写《西游记》,固然把那个叫“孙悟空”的猴子当主角来写,但也没有把他当作唯一的主角。个人认为把《西游记》译成《Monkey》(猴子)、

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