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The presentation of teaching idea in English


-- given by

Good morning /afternoon,teachers!

Nice to meet you! I’m ……. It’s my great honor to be here to share my teaching ideas with you. My topic is Section A/ B…….,Unit… from English Book I/‖A/B, published by PEP. My presentation consists of six parts such as analysis of teaching material, analysis of students’knowledge, analysis of teaching methods, analysis of learning methods, analysis of teaching procedures and analysis of blackboard design.

First, I’ll talk about the teaching material---Unit…, The topic is ………. It connects with students’ daily lives. And students will be interested in it, In this unit, it provides all kinds of listening, speaking ,reading and writing activities to help students master and use the new language items correctly and fluently. In Section A, students will know………and how………correctly by some listening, speaking activities. And in Section B, students will have further learning the new language items by listening, speaking, reading and writing activities in order to they can express their ideas fluently with the new language items. My teaching content is …., It’s the ……period of the Unit…. It is a…class.It ……. By……. Students can ……correctly/fluently. Students can understand…….

Second, about students’ present knowledge

For Grade-7/8/9 students, they ……, ………

According to 《New English Course Standard of nation-controlled Education》, teaching material and students'present knowledge, I make sure the teaching aims are followings:

The knowledge and skill aims

1. By creating right and exact situations, most students can read ……,

2.at least half students can grasp the meaning and use.......

3. T rain students’ how to …………by ………….

In teaching and learning course and methods,the aims are:

1.In ........... I will direct Ss ....................

2. Student can learn to…………with…………by ………….

3.Student can learn to …………with…………by ………….

The emotional aim is that students will be active ,glad and willing to ………….They can understand ………….

About teaching keys and difficulties.

The teaching keys are………….


And the teaching difficulties are ………….

Third, About teaching method, As we know, the general aims of New English Course Standard of nation-contro lled Education are to develop students’ learning abilities and preliminary abilities of using language for the further learning by having listening, speaking, reading and writing activities, so I will train their ……….. skills in my English teaching by guiding students to take part in activities with me. And in this period, I make sure to use (1.situational

method/2.drilling/3.listening and speaking method/4. communicative method/5 cooperative method/6.task-based method/ 7.whole language method) to help students to get the aims and grasp the skill of …………effectively.

The fourth part is about learning method, As we know, Developing students’ learning skills is one of the most important teaching aims. As students have learned English for ……years. They kno w and can speak some simple English to express their ideas. And they have some learning abilities. Further, the topic of this unit is connected with their daily lives. They must be interested in it, They have strong curiosity and interests for knowing new things. And they especially need teacher’s help to learn better. So I’m guiding them to take part in all kinds of language activities to cultivate students the consciousness of cooperative learning such as students can understand the way of …………by……( the skill of ……by……, the way of ……by……)in class in order to develop their learning skills while master the language items. In the…step, I ……. ……. In the…step, I ……by ……. ……. In the…step, I ……by ……. ……. In the…step, I ……by ……. …….

Next, I’ll talk about my tea ching procedure

The first step is organization.I’ll have greetings with students and ……in order to …….

The second step is revision,it’s needful to revise……before new learning. It can make students feel easy in the new learning and stimulate their interest. Then I will tell them what to learn and the aims are.(teacher writes the title on the blackboard)

The third step is…….In this step I’ll create exact situations to get students to ……, it’s the base of the following activities.

The fourth step is………….this step is for.........

The fifth step is…….

At last let me talk about blackboard design

I will write ……on the basis of showing concise highlight key points. The blackboard design is following:

The above is just my teaching idea, but there may be the generation of unexpected accidents in real teaching course. If so, I’ll adjust my teaching method to make my whole teaching more effective.

That’s all presentation of my teaching, I’m anxious to get your corrections or advice in order to improve my teaching ability. Thank you all.


英语小学教案模板范文 英语小学教案模板范文 【篇一:小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选)】 小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选) 【对于英语学科专业在事业单位教师、普岗教师、昆明教师、特岗教师面试说课或试或教师资格试讲中,到底是使用全英文的,还是可以使用汉语的,是所有考试面试的学生所纠结的一个问题,育萃面试为您提供了不同的案例。其实不在乎你使用什么形式的说课稿或教案,关键是你是否运用的熟练。在面试考试中,注意】 《unit2 colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备

颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revisi on 1?教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。2上what ' s this? s: it ' s a book. t: what are these? ss: books.

t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no. 继续换几种物品提问。 3. 出示第二课时的句型订读。 step 2 prese ntati on 1. 教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸:what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2. 教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue? 教学yellow 教师拿出一片叶子教学 gree n 6. show a grape: what colour is it? it 7. ss read together step 3 con solidati on 教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗: yellow wait; gree n gree n go go go! 3. t show an orange: what ' s this ? it it? it ' s orange. t: orange is oran ge. 4. s how a peach:what colour is it? it 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it red, red stop;yellow s an oran ge. what colour is 's p 教学粉红色。 's b 教学n 棕's pu 教学紫色。


英语教师全英文说课万能模板 说课就是教师口头表述具体课题的教学设想及其理论依据,也就是授课教师在备课的基础上,面对同行或教研人员,讲述自己的教学设计,然后由听者评说,达到互相交流,共同提高的目的的一种教学研究和师资培训的活动。 说课的环节通常有:说教学材料、说教学目标、说重难点等、说学生、说教法、说学法、说工具、说教学程序、说板书等。教师可根据需要自由组合以上环节,但一般都包含:说教学目标、说重难点、说教法和说教学程序等。下面列出其中一些环节的英文说课模板,供各位老师参考。 Teaching Material The content of my lesson is ______________. It provides all-around practice of listening, speaking, reading and writing on the topic of this unit. If the students can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Therefore, this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit. The selected teaching material is ______________. The article is about ________________. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article ___________ / the topic is unfamiliar to most students. Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge aims(语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题) The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions. The Ss can use the _______________ (grammar) in the proper situation. The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about ________________ and get their own ideas about __________________. 2. Ability aims(技能目标:听,说,读,写) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. To improve Ss’ reading abilit y, especially their skimming and scanning ability.


中文说课稿 尊敬的各位评委老师,上午好!我是7号考生,我要说课的内容是PEP小学英语()年级(),下面我将从说教材,说学情,说教法学法,说教学过程,说板书设计五个方面和大家一起分享我对本课的理解。 一.说教材 本单元是围绕()描述展开的话题,贴近生活,学生也很感兴趣。且在前面学生学习了(联系前面的知识),本课是是本单元的第一(四)时,是在此基础的扩展和延伸。根据我对教学内容的分析和理解,设置教学目标如下: 知识目标: 能力目标:能在具体的情景中运用句子( )与人进行交流。 情感目标:结合本单元的内容(没有就万能的进一步培养学生的英语兴趣,观察和交流能力)其中,学习….单词和句子…是本课时重点,难点是:某个单词的发音,词义构成运用 二.说学情 ()年级的学生,经过()年的英语学习,有一定的英语基础和技能,有较强的好奇心,模仿能力和竞争意识。且在前面学生学习了()单词和句型(),因此,我会在教学活动设计中采用以旧带新的方式,让新旧知识融会贯通,减轻学生学习新知的压力,乐于开口。 三.说教法学法 根据英语新课标的要求和学生的实际情况,我将采用任务型教学模式,运用多媒体辅助法,情景法,小组竞争法引导学生参与学习,让学

生在交流合作体验的过程中,激发学习英语的兴趣,逐步提高综合语言运用能力。 四.说教学过程: Step1. warm-up (大约五分钟,2个环节) 1. sing a song:Everybody stand up follow me!通过唱歌调节课堂气氛,拉近师生之间的距离,让学生在轻松愉快的环境中进入英语学习世界。(如果有和内容相关好的chant,调节课堂气氛,复习旧知,让学生在轻松的活动中开始本堂课) 2. Free talk (可以设置情景或直接说出话题以老师的生活为例)询问几个学生之后,将此话题扩展到生生之间的pair work,学生上下桌交流(),老师指导,几组学生展示,使人人开口说英语,参与课堂,复习旧知,为引出新知做好铺垫。 Step2. Presentation (大约15分钟,4个环节) 1.(可以ppt直接播放动画,图片,猜老师的喜欢,听声音,猜谜语,实物,做动作,简笔画)引出词汇,加入语音教学,游戏操练,结合课本中的句子和这个单词以前相关问题的句子,进行操练理解。 2.采用同样的方法引出什么,简写一到2个单词 3.为了突破()难点,我将采用()游戏或者什么情景,让学生理解单词 (以上环节,我通过…引出本课的词汇,在教学中渗透语音教学,同时联系生活实际,操练和运用句型,环环相扣,激发学习的兴趣)


Good morning/afternoon or hello my dear judges. I am No. …/ I am the 1st, 2nd, … competitor. It is my great honor to have this opportunity to present my teaching ideas here. Today, my topic is….I will present my teaching design from the following aspects, the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of Ss, the analysis of teaching aims, and so on. First, let’s focus on the teaching material. It is from primary English Grade 4 the 2nd semester. This lesson 6 is from unit 1. It is the last lesson of the whole unit. It makes a great conclusion for the whole unit. After learning this lesson, Ss will be able to get a full review of the whole unit, meanwhile their reading and listening abilities will be improved. Then we will go to analysis the Ss. The primary school Ss are fond of learning English, but they cannot focus on one thing for a long time. My teaching should be attractive to them. They had learned English for one year and a half, so they have some knowledge background. But every S is different; they are not in same level. Teaching design should be made with considering this. According to the new curriculum standard, I made 3 aims for this lesson, knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims. The 1st one is the knowledge aims. Ss will learn some new words, such as …..; and some language pattern, such as….. The 2nd one is the ability aims. Ss will be able to use the new words and the new language pattern in daily life. At the meantime, their reading and writing ability will be developed. The 3rd one is the emotional aims. After learning this lesson Ss will be more interested in learning English and be braver in speaking English. According to the all analysis above, I will mainly use communication teaching method, …. As for the teaching aids, I will use PPT, pictures… Then we will go to say teaching procedures. Greatings & Warning Up Please kindly allow me to show this part to you. Good morning boys and girls. How are you today? Good, very well, not too bad, sleepy. Oh, you need to get bed earlier. I am very well too. Ok, shall we start now? Great. First, look at the PPT please. Here is a picture of…? Who can tell me what are they? Jenny, please. Yes, they are all animals. Great conclusion. Then what are their names? Who wants to try? Ben, could you? Yes, great pronunciation, thank you. They are tiger, rabbit and monkey. So what will we learn today? Yes, about animals. You are all brilliant. By doing this, Ss will get interested in the following learning. And get some review of the words we learnt before. Then pre-listening. Ss will be asked to find out as much animals in the picture on the text book and say them out in English. There are several new words, I will write them out and help them with reading.


小学英语说课稿 一、说教材(Teaching material) 本节课出自______________出版社出版的……《________》第__册第__章第__节。 1、本节课分____个部分内容,分别是:___________________ 2、本节课贯穿了______以后的整个教学,是学生进一步顺利、快捷操作____的基础,也是形成学生合理知识链的重要环节。(这条基本上通用) 3、本节课联系了________和_________,在以后学习______具有重要意义。 4、本节课是在学习______的基础上,进一步学习___________的关键。 (以上4条,灵活运用,不用全部说上就行。可以参考序言中的句子,主要是说学习本节课的意义。) 二、说教学目标(Teaching objectives) 根据本教材的结构和内容分析,结合着年级学生的认知特点和心理特征,我制定了以下的教学目标: 知识目标:能听、说、读短语及单词:……能运用……等进行口语交际。 能力目标:能用英语交流……。 情感目标:通过活动、游戏使学生产生学习英语的兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流;并在学习的过程中,培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。 三、说教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points) 本着小学英语新课程标准,在吃透教材的基础上,我确定了以下的教学重点和难点: 重点:让学生掌握词组,能运用词组进行交流,初步锻炼学生运用词组…… 难点:让学生认识时态的变化及意识到词组的不同运用造就语言的丰富性。 四、说教法(Teaching method) 根据英语这门课本身的特点及年级学生的兴趣,让学生积极主动的参与到教学活动中,使他们在学习活动中得到认识和体验。我主要采取以下的教学方法: 讲授法:教师为主题引导学生学习,通过讲授激发学生学习的兴趣,将理论知识与解决实际问题的能力传授给学生。


一,准备说课稿 我面试的是英语老师,所以准备的是全英说课稿,但我觉得各学科应该有相通的地方。正式准备前,看面试说明,有没有指定教材。比如我们小学英语是以本县所用小学五年级教材为面试材料。最好先找个当地的老师请教下,面试时可以怎么准备或者他会给你些建议或者注意事项。准备面试时,可以去网上搜索几篇相关科目的说课稿,英语全英的比较少,但还是找到几篇我认为可以有借鉴的。(不一定必须是和教材课文对应的,主要是参考它的语言和形式)。建议不要用现成的稿子,一定要有自己的思考在里面。我当时的腹稿就是研究了几篇打印稿后自己综合写出来的。还有一点,建议不要每篇课文都准备说课稿。以我们这次面试为例,五年级上下册,每册10个单元,每单元两课,如果每篇都准备,得背40篇说课稿,这在几天的面试准备时间下是不可行的。实际上,每单元的第一课都是新课,教学目标和教学方法之类的差不多大同小异。包括说课稿必说的几大部分里,也是有一样的地方。我的做法是,准备一到两篇说课稿,把相似部分的语言组织好,背过。这样,无论到时候抽到那一课,这些原样抄上就可以了(其实面试那天,几乎每个人手里拿着的都是一份稿子,而不是几十份,说课前有备课时间,可以利用那段时间根据抽到的课完善腹稿)。背的滚瓜烂熟后,对着镜子练手势和表情(我觉得这点很重要,开始看着镜子练时,一走神就容易忘词,后来就习惯看着人说了),纠正细节。觉得差不多了后,可以设置模拟课堂,找几个家人当评委,该怎么说怎么说,让他们纠错。我觉得实战演练也很重要,当时我自己准备的腹稿已经背的差不多了,但是第一次自己试着站在讲台上说时,尽管下边没人,一走上那个讲台,心还是禁不住乱跳起来,说了没两句,就开始忘词重复了。还有一点,不知道是不是因人而异,坐着背稿和站着说稿的感觉很不一样,站着时更容易感受紧张。如果同学们也有类似感觉,建议站着练稿。 二,注意事项 1、英语老师的面试,都说全英的说课稿比汉语说课稿加分。但我们这次面试我知道的得91点多的那位面试第三名用的是汉语。无论什么说课稿,一定要注意语调,要有变化;语速,一定不要全快或者全慢。 2,、面试着装很重要,女孩子可以使那种白黑搭配的连衣裙(建议),要穿个比较正式的高跟鞋。男孩子可以穿西装。我这次选择了件比较素的裙子,但面试那天,还是有好多考生穿的很正式的职业装,给人形象很好。 3、面试时要抽签决定面试顺序。可能会有人给你说前几名和最后几名不沾光。但你一定要记住,其实沾光和不沾光不是顺序决定的。像我们面试那天一个工作人员老师给我们说的,


小学英语说课稿 尊敬的各位评委老师 大家上午好: 我是英语组()号,我今天说课的题目是——(板书:课题)如:Unit 1 I like football.下面我将从以下四个方面进行说课:说教材、说教学目标、说教学重难点、说教法和学法、说教学程序(板书黑板)。(可适当加手势、眼神、动作)五个方面来对本课作具体的阐述。结合教材的重难点以及学科的特点,利用多种教学方法,在愉快轻松的气氛中进行教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到了语言的训练,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。 我从下面先说一下第一方面: 一、说教材 1.教材的地位及作用 《》是科普版小学四年级下册第()单元的第()篇课文,本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 I like …\I don't like …,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。 2.教学目标 知识目标:学习掌握单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 能力目标:培养学生运用英语的能力。 德育目标:教育学生热爱体育运动,勤于体育锻炼。 确立教学目标的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。 3.教学的重点与难点 教学重点:能听说单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。


全英文说课稿 Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me. And I’ll try my best. Now i will introduce myself briefly, my name is , born in Yunnan province. I was graduated from________my major is________.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2012, I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET4、TEM4. and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. I'm capable of more responsibilities. My character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure, sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything, my favorite pastime is volleyball, playing cards or surf online. Through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. To be an English teacher is my dream, so now I am standing here. Today I’ll talk about unit 9 , the topic is about saving our earth, my contents consists of 8 parts ,the lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth. I will talk about it from ….. Analysis of the teaching material Analysis of the students Teaching methods Teaching aims and demands Teaching aids teaching aids Teaching procedure Blackboard design Conclusion Well, firstly, I’ll t alk about part 1 analysis of the teaching material.. 1 . there are a lot pictures. For this, the kids will be interested in the book. As we all know that interest is best teacher for the students. 2. It lays stress on the communication. According to the problem of Chinese students learning English, the book design a lot of material to improve the students’ ability of listening speaking, reading, and writing. So I think the book is very good. Then I’ll talk about next part analysis of the students. It is known to us that the kids are very active and like playing games very much, so during my class, I’ll design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something. They will also be interested in the class. Next I’ll talk about teaching methods. My teaching methods are task-based approach and situational approach. Using different methods can make the class


小学英语全英说课稿模板 篇一:小学英语说课稿模板万能 小学英语说课稿 (英文万能版) ● Good morning, my dear judges. I am_______, from____________. I’m glad to interpret my teaching design here. ● The teaching content is Part, of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects. 1. 教学内容(体现教材的整合) Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit . It includes and . In section 1, it mainly deals with these key words, 2. 教学对象(根据不同年级的学生,描述其特点) Secondly, it is about the students. Our students are in Grade They are active and curious, interested in new

things. After learning English for years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language. They have learnt English for years, and have already knownIt is not difficult for them to understand and use the language 3. 教学目标(根据具体内容定目标和要求) So, I set the following aims. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words: And, these sentences: By the end of the lesson, Ss can understand the and get useful information from the through attentive listening / reading. Ss are able to talk about Ss can use to give


英语教师全英文说课稿万能模板 Good morning everyone. Standing here, I'm very happy and excited. It's my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me. And I'll try my best. Now I will introduce myself briefly, my name is________ , born in ________ province. I was graduated from ________,my major is________,and I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2012, I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET4、TEM4. and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. I'm capable of more responsibilities. My character? I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure, sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything, my favorite pastime is volleyball, playing cards or surf online. Through college life,I learn how to balance between study and entertainment. To be an English teacher is my dream, so now I am standing here. Today I'll talk about unit 9 , the topic is about saving our earth, my contents consists of 8 parts ,the lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth. I will talk about it from ….. Analysis of the teaching material Analysis of the students Teaching methods Teaching aims and demands Teaching aids teaching aids Teaching procedure Blackboard design

2018-重大版小学英语说课稿-范文模板 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 重大版小学英语说课稿 小学英语是孩子以后学高级英语的基础。小编为大家整理的重大版小学英 语说课稿,希望大家喜欢。 一、说教学内容 今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP Primary English Book IV Unit 6 At a Farm。的第一课时,主要学习 sheep, lamb, goat, cow,horse, hen六个新词。。 二、说教材 本节课是单词教学。它是在学生初步学习了句型“How many……do you have?之后进行教学的。通过学习新词,感知句子What are they? They are…。How many…。为下节课的教学打下基础。本课时容量大,但难度不大,并受到学生的喜爱。 三、说教学目标 《英语课程标准》指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自 信心,养成良 好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精 神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上,我针对学生实际, 将本课时的教学目标及重,难点确定如下: 1、知识目标 (1)使学生能听、说、认、读sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse,hen等单词。 (2)初步感知:“What are they?They are…。How many…。How many……”等句子,学生能听懂并理解其意思。。 2、能力目标: (1)能听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作。,如Shear a sheep。

小学英语全英文试讲 小学英语说课万能模板

小学英语全英文试讲小 学英语说课万能模板 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“小学英语说课万能模板”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! 小学英语说课稿 尊敬的各位评委老师 大家上午好: 我是英语组()号,我今天说课的题目是——(板书:课题)如:Unit 1 I like football.下面我将从以下四个方面进行说课:说教材、说教学目标、说教学重难点、说教法和学法、说教学程序(板书黑板)。(可适当加手势、眼神、动作)五个方面来对本课作具体的阐述。结合教材的重难点以及学科的特点,利用多种教学方法,在愉快轻松的气氛中进行教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到了语言的训练,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。 我从下面先说一下第一方面:

一、说教材 1.教材的地位及作用 《》是科普版小学四年级下册第()单元的第()篇课文,本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型I like …\I don’t like …,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。 2.教学目标 知识目标:学习掌握单词football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型I like …\I don’t like …。 能力目标:培养学生运用英语的能力。 德育目标:教育学生热爱体育运动,勤于体育锻炼。 确立教学目标的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。 3.教学的重点与难点 教学重点:能听说单词football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型I like …\I don’t like …。 教学难点:灵活运用句型I like …\I don’t like …。 确立教学重难点的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求以



英语说课讲稿的撰写 摘要: 说课是指在某一特定的场合,教师较为系统地讲述某一教学内容的课堂教学设计及其设计的理论依据。说课分详细说课和概略说课。本文拟从英语学科特点出发,就英语详细说课讲稿的要素、撰写方法和注意事项以及说课对英语教师素质提出的更高要求几个方面做些理论探讨。 说课是近几年兴起的一种教学研究和教师教学基本功训练的活动形式,是教学研究改革的产物,是素质教育下提高教师队伍整体素质的有效途径。所谓说课,是指在某一特定的场合,教师较为系统地讲述某一教学内容的课堂教学设计及其设计的理论依据。说课分详细说课和概略说课。本文拟从英语学科特点出发,就英语详细说课讲稿的要素、撰写方法和注意事项以及说课对英语教师素质提出的更高要求几个方面做些理论探讨。 一、英语说课讲稿的要素及撰写方法 与其他学科一样,英语说课讲稿也包括五个要素:说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学程序、说板书设计。 (一)说教材 说教材要对教材所在的知识系统做简要分析,通过分析某课教学内容在整个教材体系中的作用,以及本课教学内容与学生先前掌握的知识和将要学习的知识的联系,说明教材的地位和作用;通过对课程标准关于教学的具体要求的概括分析,说明本课教学目标的确立及其依据;通过对英汉两种语言差异和学生的知识水平的简要分析,确定并说明重点、难点和关键点的确立及其依据。 1.说教材的地位和作用。

说教材的地位和作用,应简要分析本课内容在单元整体教学中和整个教材体系中甚至在素质教育英语教学中的重要地位。例如,在分析SEFC Bl L37的教材地位和作用时可做如下表述。 SEFC Bl L37是对话课,对话课是单元整体教学的重要环节。作为单元的第一课,对话课的作用首先是为第二、三课提供话题和语境。由于整个单元都是围绕一个话题操练特定的功能项目,对话课又具有为二、三课的学习扫清语言和文化障碍的作用。 本课对话内容紧紧围绕体育运动话题展开,谈论运动项目必定使人联想到奥运会、奥运历史、奥运精神等,这就为下一课阅读教学提供了话题和语境。本课操练的功能项目是表达个人喜好的句型"prefer...tO",学习并熟练掌握该句型有助于学生能就"prefer A to B”表达自己对运动项目的爱好及爱好程度。 从素质教育的要求和学习语言的目的看,高中英语教学重视培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。根据英语课程标准的要求,对话课应侧重培养学生的口语表达能力,体现英语教学的交际性、得体性、准确性和实践性。因此,本节对话课教学应着重培养学生熟练运用所学功能用语谈论体育话题的能力,为进一步自由谈论奥运历史打下基础。 2.说教学目标的确立及其依据。 教学目标的确立首先要根据单元教学的目的和要求(对语音、词汇、日常交际用语、语法等方面的不同程度的要求),结合学生的实际水平,确定贯穿单元教学的总目标(goal)。总目标可以是相当概括的,如SEFC Bl L37的总体教学目标可定为“了解奥运会历史,学习表达个人爱好的交际用语"。由于中学英语教材的编写都有单元话题,因此,总目标往往以单元教学目标的形式出现,一节课的教学目标(object ive)则应落实到与本课教学内容相关的具体语言知识或某项技能上,即:通过本节课


Good morning, everyone, it is a great honor to be here today to share my teaching ideas with you. I’m going to talk about section____Unit____from Go for it Book____ the title is _______. I am going to give this speech from part 6.Part one is about the teaching materials, part two is about the analysis of the students, part three is about teaching methods and teaching aids, part four is about teaching procedures, part five is about the homework ,part six is about the blackboard designing. Part one Analysis of the teaching materials (一) A brief introduction of the teaching materials Section A is the main part of this unit, it presents the the main language structure and vocabulary. If the students can grasp the knowledge of this section, it will lay a good foundation for the rest part of this unit. In this unit. Students will learn to use the sentence pattern “”to talk about problems and use “” To . this topic is very related to their real life, so it will be a good chance for them to share opinions and foster their spirit of helping others (二)Teaching aims Knowledge aims (1)to enable students to grasp the new words and phrases…… (2)to enable students to use “”to talk about problems and give

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