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tumor:肿瘤;肿块;赘生物a mass of diseased cells in the body which divide and increased too quikly

ailment:小病,不安an illness that is not very serious revival:恢复精神;苏醒;再生效a process in which something becomes active or strong again integration:综合;集成the combining of two or more things so that they work effectively normalize:使正常化;使规格化,使标准化standardize

well-deserved :;理应的;当之无愧的well-earned because of good or bad behavior, skill, work, anesthesia:麻醉;麻木the state of unable to feel pain

therapeutic:治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的relating to the treatment or cure of an illness debilitate:使衰弱;使虚弱make one ill or weak

formula:公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品a prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion turmoil:混乱,骚动a state of confusion, excitement of anxiety

deride:嘲笑;嘲弄treat sb. Or sth. As funny and not worthy of serious attention pharmacological:药理学的related to the scientific study of drugs and medicines treatise:论文;论述;专著a serious of book or article about a particular subject nontoxic:无毒的not poisonous to one’s health

stagnation:停滞;滞止a state of in active


inscribe:题写;题献;铭记;雕careful cut, print, or write on sht. Esp on the surface of a stone or



aetiology:病因学;[基医] 病原学;原因论the scientific study of the causes o fdisease ophthalmology:[眼科] 眼科学medicine science dealing with disease illness of the eye beneficiary:受益人,受惠者;封臣a person who gains as a result of sth. aromatic:芳香的,芬芳的;芳香族的having a pleasant noticeable smell


laxative:泻药;缓泻药,通便的a drug tending to stimulate evacuation of the bowels alimentary:of food and digestion

medicinal:药的;药用的;有益的;治疗的helpful in the process of healing in illness semiology:记号学;记号语言;[临床] 症状学symptomatology

typhoid:伤寒的;斑疹伤寒症的a serious infections disease that cause fever, red spots on the chest and severe pain in the bowels and sometimes causes death

botanical:植物学的relating to botany

paediatrics:[儿科] 儿科的;儿科学的the branch of medicine concerned with children and their disease

otorhinolaryngology:耳鼻喉科学the study of disease of ear, nose, and throat phytotherapy:本草疗法;植物疗法the use of vegetable drugs in medicine pharmacopoeia:药典,处方书;一批备用药品an official book containing a list of medicines and drugs and instructions for their use


holistic :整体的;全盘的consider a whole thing or being to be a collections of parts chronic:慢性的;长期的;习惯性的recurring constantly

conception:概念;设想;怀孕;开始the action of conceiving a child of one being conceived excess:无节制;过度,过量;超过,超额an amount of sth that is more than nesessary contract:感染;订约;收缩become less or smaller

ovum:[细胞][组织] 卵;卵子;卵形装饰female egg-cell

physiology:生理学;生理机能the way the body of a person or an animal works practitioner:开业者,从业者a person who woks in medicine

anatomy:解剖学;剖析;[医]解剖;骨骼scienctific study of the structure of animals bodies elimination:. 除去;消除;淘汰getting grid of substances that one ‘s body no longer needs assimilation:吸收;[社会学]同化;[生理]同化作用a conversion of nutriments into living tissue pathogen:病原体;病菌something that causes disease in your body

psyche:物理层;物理层协议soul and mind


syndrome:[临床] 综合征;综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems


stamina:精力;活力;毅力;持久力physical or mental strenth

sinewy:多腱的;有力的;肌肉发达的lean and muscular

constitution:宪法;体质;章程;构造condition of a person’s body with regard to health, strength, etc.

immunity:免疫力;免除;豁免an organism’s ability to resist a particular infection symptom:征兆;症状a change in one’s body or mind showing that one is not healthy moisture:潮湿;水分;降雨量;湿度water or other liquid diffused in a small infection physique:体格,体形the form, size, and development of a person’s body

circulation:流通,传播;循环;发行量the movement of blood around the body

dehydration:脱水loss of water from the body or from an organ or body part

infection:感染;传染;传染病;影响being ill through contact with bacteria

digestion:消化;领悟the process of digesting food

hyperactive:极度活跃的;活动过度的abnormally or extremely active

inadequacy:state of lacking the quality or quantity required stressful:紧张的;有压力的causing mental or emotional stress

libido:性欲;生命力emotional energy or urge, esp sexual


physiology:生理学;生理机能the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organism and their parts

induce:引诱;[电]感应;[医]诱导;引起bring about or giving rise to

interfere:干涉;打扰;妨碍prevent continuing or being carried out properly

fluid:流动的;不固定的;流畅的substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure

ascending:上升;登高;追溯sloping or leading upwards

impair:削弱;损害;减少weaken or damage

excretion: 排泄,排泄物;分泌,分泌物the process of eliminating or expelling waste water rot:腐烂;腐败;堕落cause to decay

nausea:恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit

palpitation:可触知性;明白a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness

trait:特性,特点;品质;少许distinguish quality or characteristic

timidity:胆怯,胆小;羞怯showing a lack of courage or confidence amenorrhoea: an abnormal absence of menstruation

tinnitus: ringing r buzzing in the ears

irritability:兴奋性;易怒;过敏性having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry


correspondence:一致;相当;通信a close similarity, connection, or equivalence deficiency:缺乏;不足的数额;缺陷,缺点a lack of shortage

prevalence: . 流行;普遍;广泛being widespread in a particular area or at a particular time pallid:苍白的;暗淡的;无生气的pale, typically because of poor health

retention:扣留,滞留;保留;记忆力;[医]闭尿the continued possession, use, or control of poor health

groan:呻吟;抱怨;发吱嘎声make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain despair husky:声音沙哑的;有壳的;强壮的sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse

rancid:腐臭的;令人作呕的,讨厌的smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale fragrant:芳香的;愉快的having a pleasant or sweet smell

subdue:征服;抑制;减轻overcome. Quieten, or bring under control

repressed:被抑制的;被压抑的restrained, inhibited, or oppressed

atrophy:萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止(of body tissue or an organ)wasting away

trigger:触发;引发,引起cause to happen or exist

purplish: rather purple in color

tinge:淡色;些许味道;风味, 微染;使带气息a tendency towards or trace of some color


essence:本质,实质;精华;香精the most basic and important quality of something transmute:使变形;使变质change one substance or type of thing into another sufficient:足够的;充分的as much as needed for a particular purpose

temper: make something less sever or extreme

dynamic:动力的;动力学的;动态的;有活力的force that produces change, action, or effect ambience:气氛,布景;周围环境the special atmosphere or mood created by particular environment

unfolding:伸展;解折叠;演变spreading out

primordial:原始的;根本的;[生]原生的being or happening first in sequence of time bestow:授予;使用;放置;留宿give someone something of great value or important underlying:在下面的;优先的;根本的;潜在的basic

episode:插曲;插话;一段情节;有趣的事件an event or short period of time during which something happens

inhalation:吸入;吸入药剂breathe in air, smoke, or gas

volition: 意志,意志力;决断力the power to choose or decide something without being forced to do it

thrive:繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长become and continue to be, successful, strong , heathy,etc. disseminate:散布;宣传,传播scatter widely

disposition:性情;倾向;处置;部署particular type of character


choke:使窒息;呛;阻塞;扑灭;抑制be unable to breathe proper because sth. Is in throat or there Is not enough air

lethargy:死气沉沉;昏睡;嗜眠(症)felling as if one has no energy and no interest in doing anything distention:膨胀,扩张swelling or being swollen

wade:跋涉;可涉水而过的地方walk through water that is not deep

scanty:缺乏的;吝啬的;仅有的;稀疏的not enough

retention:扣留,滞留;保留;记忆力;[医]闭尿action of holding sth in position or containing it wheeze:喘息;呼哧呼哧地响breathe with difficulty

syndrome:医]综合征;[医]综合症状;[医]并发症状;[计]校验子;[计]并发位an illness which consist of a set of physical or mental problems

exertion:努力;发挥;运用a lot of physical or mental effort

complexion:面色;肤色;情况;局面the nature color or appearance of the skin on face coarse:粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的having a rough surface that feels slightly hard not smooth


physiology:生理学;生理机能the branch of biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organs

deficient:不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的inadequate in amount ordegree

stagnant:停滞的;污浊的;不景气的;迟钝的nor circulating or floating

stasis:郁积,停滞;血行停滞a stoppage of the flow of the blood or body fluids in any part abdomen:腹部;下腹;腹腔a part of the body below the chest that includes the stomach and bows bleed:流血;渗出;悲痛loose blood from one’s body

feeble:微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的very weak

impair:削弱;损害;减少make worse or less effective

secrete:藏匿;私下侵吞;[生]分泌produce a liquid substance either as a waste mateialor for use within the body

excrete:分泌;排泄eliminate by a normal discharge

disperse:使散开;分散;传播separate and fo in different directions

expulsion:开除;驱逐the act of sending or driving a substance out of body and bowels occlude:使闭塞;封闭;挡住obstruct

suffuse:充满;弥漫spread all over or through sth

diarrhea:腹泻,痢疾abdominal frequency and liquidity of fecal discharges

impede:阻止;妨碍;阻碍delay or stop the progress of sth

quote:引述;举证;报价a passage or expression that is cited


tenuous:纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的extremely thin

rarefield:稀薄的;纯化的subtle and refined

extremities:四肢,骨端;末端,极限(extremity复数形式);手足the parts of the body that is farthest from the centre, esp the hands and feet

gauge:计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格make a judgment about sth

catalytic:接触反应的;起催化作用的, 催化剂;刺激因素causing the process of speeding up a chemical reaction with a catalyst

pathogenic:致病的;病原的;发病的able to cause disease

diffuse:散开的;弥漫的spread sth in all directions

spontaneous:自发的;自然的;无意识的happening naturally, without being made happen prone:有…倾向的,易于…的;俯卧的likely to do sth

nourish:滋养;怀有;使健壮keep a person an animal or a plant

pectoral: relating to or connecting with chest

simultaneously: at the same time


pore:细想;凝视;熟读hole in the skin that sweat can pass through

assume:假定;承担;呈现;采取take on a certain form, attribute or aspect


acupuncture:针刺疗法;针刺method of pricking the tissues of human body with fine needles in order to cure disease, to relieve pain or as a local anesthetic

cutaneous:皮肤的;侵犯皮肤的of or relating to or affecting the skin

acupoint:穴道,[中医] 穴位locations on the body that are the focus of acupuncture tendon:腱a band of tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bone attachment superficial:表面的;肤浅的being on or near the surface

symmetrical:匀称的,对称的having similarity in size, shape, and elative position or corresponding parts

scapular:肩胛的;肩胛骨的of or relating to the shoulder or scapula

vertex:顶点;头顶;天顶the top of the head

dorsal:背的,背侧的;背部的of, toward on, in , or near the back or upper surface of an organ, a part or an organism

malleolus:解剖] 踝either of the two rounded protuberances on each side to the ankle by recurring inner formed by a projection of the tibia and the outer by a projection of the fibula

ventral:腹部的;腹侧的relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen congestion:充血;拥塞;拥挤excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part psoriasis:[皮肤] 牛皮癣;银屑癣a noncontagious in flammatory skin disease characterized by recurring reddish patches covered with silvery scales

fossa: [解剖] 凹;小窝a small cavity of depression , as in a bone

occiput:枕骨部;后头部the back part of the head or skull

eczema: [医]湿疹a noncontagious inflammation of the skin, characterized chiefly by redness itching and the outbreak or lesions that may discharge serous matter and become encrusted and scaly homeostasis:[生理] 体内平衡;[自] 内稳态the ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological process

axilla: [解剖] 腋窝,[解剖] 腋下;咯肢窝the armpit

meridian:子午线,经线;顶点any of the channels through which vital energy is believed to circulate round the body

metabolism:新陈代谢the complex of physical and chemical process accruing within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life

pernicious:有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的exceeding harmful causing grave harm complication:混乱;复杂;复杂化;[医]并发症any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of another disease

resume: . 再开始return to previous location or condition

replenish:把…装满;补充,再装满;给…添加燃料make full of complete again by suppling what has been used up or is lacking

proximal:最接近的,邻近的;近身体中央的situated close to centre , median line, or joint of attachment or origin

influenza: [医]流行性感冒(简写flu);[兽医]家畜流行性感冒an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease

dyspepsia: . [内科] 消化不良;胃弱a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea

dorsum:腹股沟;交叉拱the posterior part of a human body from the neck to the end of the spine moxibustion:艾灸a method of treatment, originally I Chinese medicine in which a moxa is burned on the skin

formulation:公式化;简洁陈述;构想,规划list of ingredient of sets of instructions for making sth esp medicines and fuels

groin:腹股沟;交叉拱the depression or fold where the legs join the abdomen the genital esp the


tibia:解]胫骨;胫节(昆虫)the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human legs between the knee and the ankle

massage:按摩;揉kneading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote relaxation


etiology: [病理] 病因学;[基医] 病原学;致病源the study of what causes the disease pathogenesis:发病机理;发病原the occurrence development of a disease exogenous:外生的;外因的;外成的derived or originating externally hemorrhoids:痔疮;痔疾swollen veins in the anorectal passage

spasm:痉挛;抽搐;一阵发作a painful and involuntary muscular contraction hematuria:泌尿] 血尿;血尿症the presence of blood in urine

menorrhagia:妇产] 月经过多abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation hypochondrium:季肋部;忧郁症;疑病症the upper region of the abcomen just below the lowest ribs on either side of the epigastrium

regurgitation:回流;反刍;流回gushing back

carbuncle: [中医] 痈;红宝石a large inflamed swelling under skin

dizziness:头晕;头昏眼花a feeling of one is about to fall

gum:使…有粘性;用胶粘,涂以树胶the tissue of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth palpitation: [内科] 心悸;跳动;颤动a rapid and irregular heart beat malnutrition:营养失调,营养不良a state of poor nutrition

puffiness:虚胖,虚肿abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement congestion:充血;拥塞;拥挤excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part suffocate:窒息;受阻,受扼制impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of

passages during certain infectious prcess

tendon: . 腱a thick strong string-like part of your body that connects a muscle to bone ulcer: 溃疡;腐烂物;道德败坏open sore containing poisonous matter on the outside of the body or on he surface of an internal organ


endogenous: [生物] 内生的;内因性的derived or originating internally

blotch:污点;疙瘩;斑点an irregular shaped spot

pallor:青白;灰白;苍白(尤指脸色)unnatural lack of color in skin

lump:块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement menstruation:生理] 月经;月经期间;有月经the discharge of the menses breathlessness:呼吸急促,气喘吁吁breathing with difficulty

incontinence:失禁;无节制;不能自制involuntary urination or defecation feebleness:微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的the state of being weak in health or body cystitis: [泌尿] 膀胱炎inflammation of the urinary bladder

anorexia:厌食;神经性厌食症loss of appetite esp as a result of disease hypoglycemia:低血糖症;血糖过低an abnormal low level of glucose in the blood psoriasis:皮肤] 牛皮癣;银屑癣a chronic skin disease marked by dry red patches covered with scales

fatigue:疲劳,疲乏;杂役physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion listlessness:精神萎靡;无精打采the state of lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort emaciation:憔悴;消瘦,瘦弱a waste condition of the body

buzzing ringing and other noises in the ear

solitude:孤独;隐居;荒僻的地方the state of quality of being alone or remote from others lethargy:死气沉沉;昏睡;嗜眠(症)extreme lack of energy or vitality hypotension:低血压,血压过低low blood pressure

chaotic:混乱的,无秩序的;混沌的complete unordered and unpredictable and confusing


discriminate:区别;辨别;歧视make a difference

insomnia:失眠症,失眠inability to sleep

dullness:迟钝,钝度mental slowness

corporal:肉体的,身体的of the human body

blue:蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的feeling of deep sadness or depression


mechanism:机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程the way that something works pinpoint:查明;精确地找到;准确描述locate or identify with precision

pool:联营;水塘;撞球;共同资金combine into

full-blown:花)盛开的;成熟的;(帆等)张满的fully deveoped

prolapse: a condition in which an organ of the body has slipped forward or down

stamina:精力;活力;毅力;持久力ability to endure much physical or mental strain scarlet:罪孽深重的;淫荡的;鲜红色的;深红的bright red

afflict:折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼cause trouble, pain or distress to sb. Or sth

apathy:冷漠,无兴趣,漠不关心;无感情lack of interest

irritability:兴奋性;易怒;过敏性the state of becoming annoyed very easily rebellious:反抗的;造反的;难控制的showing a desire to rebel



stifling:沉闷的;令人窒息的very hot or stuffy almost to the point of being suffocating disrupt:使分裂;使瓦解;使中断;使陷于混乱;破坏cause disorder in sth

purulent:脓;化脓;含脓;流脓containing pus

viscous:粘性的;黏的thick and sticky

aberration:离开正路,越轨;失常deviation from what is accepted as normal or right pensiveness:沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的deep serious thoughtfulness scrofula: [内科] 淋巴结核a disease causing swelling of the glands, probably a form of tuberculosis puffy:一阵阵吹的;胀大的;喘气的looking swollen

intractable:倔强的;棘手的;不听话的;[医]难治的very difficult to deal with congeal:凝结;凝固become thick or solid esp by cooling

effusion:泻出;渗出;[医]渗漏物pouring out esp of liquid

humidity:湿度;湿气the amount of water in the air

adrenal:肾上腺的at, near, or on the kidneys

melancholy:忧郁的;使人悲伤的deep sadness which last for some time

greasy:油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的covered in grease or oil


食疗:dietary therapy

湿病:damp ailment

保健:maintain wellness/ keep fit

民间医药:folk medicine

中西医结合:integration of TCM and western medicine

内经记载,寒病需热药来医。这个原则在临床中沿用至今。Neijing(canon of medicine) states that cold disease should be treated with hot herbs, and hot diseases should be treated with cold herbs. This principle is still followed in clinical practice.

草药:herbal medicine

中医经典:the classics of Chinese medicine

不提到…就不完整:not complete without mention of…

他的心理功效:its psychological function

使人想起:bring to mind

熟悉药用植物: familiarize oneself with medicinal plants


阴阳学说:theory of yin and yang

阴阳转化:conversion of yin and yang

阳中之阳:yang within yang

阴阳对立:opposition of yin and yang

内脏:internal organs

体表:superficial aspects of the body


Yin: deficiency, hypoactivity ,chronic disease(慢性病),slowly changing symptom, intolerance of cold, cold limps and body

Yang: excess, hypoactivity, acute disease(急性病) ,rapid pathological changes, aversion to heat, hot limbs and body


相生顺序:the generating sequence

相克顺序:the controlling sequence

肺主降气:the lung send qi downwards

肝主升气:the liver spreads qi upwards

纳呆:poor appetite

纳气:hold qi down


The movement of the five elements mainly manifests in the following ways: generating, controlling, over-acting, insulting and mutual interaction between mother and son.


便溏:loose stools

(口)淡:flat taste

视物模糊:blurred vision


A person who is prone to outbursts of anger would manifest an imbalance in wood(usually due to rising of liver yang)


A sour taste often accompanies liver disharmonies; a bitter taste is part of the pattern of heart fire; and a sweet taste is often indicative of spleen deficiency.

Unit 4

与…相关:with reference to

后天之本:the foundation of

水谷精微:pure nutritive essences

脾主运化:the spleen rules transformation and transportation

脾主升清:the spleen rules rises of the usable substances

气为血之帅:qi is the commander of blood

肝主疏泄:the liver rules flowing and spreading

肾为先天之本:the kidneys are the root of life

肾主纳气:the kidneys rule the grasping of qi

肺主行水,通调水道:the lungs move and adjust the water channel


The function of yin organs is to produce, transform, regulate and store the

fundamental textures— qi, blood, essence, spirit, and fluid.

肺为水之上源:the lungs are the upper origin of water

外邪:exterior pernicious influences

便溏:loose stools

五心烦热:five centers heat


水谷精微:essence of drink and food

气滞血瘀:qi stagnation leading to blood stasis

气不行水:qi not moving water

气化:qi transformation

气机:qi movement

气的温煦作用:warming function of qi

气的防御作用:defending function of qi

气的调摄作用:holding function of qi


The formation, distribution and excretion of body fluid are a complicated process which needs the coordinated work of several zang-fu organs.

水液停聚多由外感六淫(six exogenous pathogenic factors)或内伤七情(endogenoous impairment due to abnormal changes of seven emotions)而致,因其影响肺,脾,肾的输布排泄水液的功能。Accumulation of body fluid are usually due to invasion of the body by six

exogenous pathogenic factors or endogenous impairment duie to abnormal changes of seven emotions that affect the distributing and excreting function of the lung, spleen and kidney.


十二正经:twelve regular channels

循行线路:circulating course

奇经八脉:eight extraordinary channels

循经感传:channel transmission phenomenon


The twelve regular channels start and terminate at the definite sites, run long the fixed routes, link in according with regular order, distribute along the limbs with rules and are directly connected with particular organs.


外感大淫:attacked by six exogenous pathogenic factors

七情内伤:internal impairment due to seven abnormal emotions

风痰阻络:wind-phlegm obstructing the channels

下利清谷:diarrhea with undigested food

喘气腐臭:foul belching


Etiology refers to the various factors causing disease, mainly including the six exogenous factors, seven emotions, improperdiet, traumatic injuries, stagnated blood and phlegm retention.

温性重浊,故温邪为病多见倦怠,头身困重,四肢酸懒。Dampness is heavy and turbid in nature, therefore a disease caused by dampness is usually marked by lassitude, heavy sensation of the head and body, and aching and sluggish limbs.

形神统一:inseparability of the body and mind

肝主疏泄:the liver being in charge of flowing and spreading

五味偏嗜:flavor predilection

饮食不节:improper diet


中医基础理论重点整理 1、中医学是发祥于中国古代的研究人体生命、健康、疾病的科学。它具有独特的理论体系,丰富的临床经验和科学的思维方法,是以自然科学知识为主体,与人文社会科学相融洽的科学知识体系。 2、中医基础体系形成标志,四大经典:《内经》、《难经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》 3、金元四大家:①刘完素(河间)—火热论—寒凉派,《河间六书》 ②李东垣(李杲)—内伤脾胃学说—补土派,《脾胃论》 ③张从正(子和)—病由邪生—攻邪派,《儒门事亲》 ④朱丹溪(震亨)—相火论—滋阴派,《格致余论》 4、温病四大家:①清·叶天士——《温热论》 ②清·吴鞠通——《温病条辨》 ③清·薛生白——《湿热条辨》 ④清·王士雄——《温热经纬》 5、整体——是指联系性、统一性和完整体。 整体观念:认为事物是一个整体,事物内部的各部分是互相联系不可分割的,事物和事物之间也有着密切的联系。中医整体观即人体是一个有机整体、人体与外界环境(自然界、社会)的统一性。 (1)整体观念·人体是一个有机的整体 ①结构上:构成人体的各个组成部分事不可分割的(以心为主宰,五脏为中心,通过经络联系) ②生理上:五脏一体观、形神合一 ③功能上:相互协调,相互为用 ④病理上:相互影响,局部病变与整体病变 ⑤诊断上:察外知内 ⑥治疗上:局部病变与脏腑病变,治未病,五行传变 (2)整体观念·人与自然界的统一性 ①生理方面②病理方面 (季节气候变化的影响、昼夜晨昏变化的影响、地方区域变化的影响、环境条件变化的影响)(3)整体观念·人与社会环境关系密切 6、辨证论治·病、证、症的区别 症:症状:疾病的临床表现(主观异常感觉和某些病态变化):发热、咳喘。 体征:能被觉察到的客观表现:面黄、目赤、脉数。 证:指疾病过程中某一阶段或某一类型的病理概括(含病因、病位、病性和邪正盛衰变化),是确定治法、处方遣药的依据。 病:是指有特定病因、发病形式、病机、发展规律和转归的一种完整的过程。如感冒、痢疾。 7、辨证——将四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集的资料、症状和体征,通过分析、综合,辨清疾病的原因、性质、部位和邪正之间的关系,概括、判断为某种证。 8、论治——根据辨证的结果,确定相应的治疗方法。 9、辨证和论治的关系——辨证是确定治疗方法的前提和依据,论治是辨证的目的和具体实施。通过论治的效果,可以检验辨证是否准确。故辨证和论治是疾病诊疗中相互联系而不分割的两个方面。 10、阴阳的基本概念:阴阳是对宇宙中相互关联的事物和现象对立双方属性的概括。阴和阳,既可代表相互对立的事物,又可以代表同一事物内部所存在的相互对立的两个方面。


中医基础理论 绪论 中医学:就是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断与防治的一门科学,它有独特的理论体系与丰富的临床经验。 中医基础理论:就是关于中医学的基本理论、基本知识与基本思维方法的学科,也就是阐释与介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识与基本思维方法的课程。 一、中医学理论体系的形成 1、中医学的学科属性 ①中医学受到中国古代哲学的深刻影响 ②自然科学及社会科学的双重性 ③中医学就是多学科交互渗透的知识体系 2、中医学理论体系的形成与发展 (1)中医学理论体系的形成时期 战国至秦汉时期,《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《神农本草经》、《伤寒杂病论》的问世标志着中医学理论体系的基本建立。 《黄帝内经》:我国现存最早的一部医学典籍,中医学理论体系形成的主要标志,其全面奠定了中医理论的基础。 《难经》:继《黄帝内经》之后的又一部重要的医学著作,创造性的提出了“独取寸口”的诊脉方法。 《神农本草经》:我国第一部药学专著,成书于两汉之间,全书收载365味中药,提出寒凉温热、酸苦甘辛咸之四气五味的理论,确立了中药理论的基础。 《伤寒杂病论》:东汉末年著名医家张仲景所著,后经宋代林亿等整理而成《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》两本书。《伤寒论》确立了中医辨证论治的基本原则。 (2)中医学理论体系的发展时期 1)魏晋隋唐时期: 《针灸甲乙经》:晋代皇甫谧所著,我国第一部针灸专著。 《脉经》:晋代王叔与所著,我国第一部脉学专著。 《诸病源候论》:隋代巢元方所著,中医第一部病因病机证候学专著。 《千金要方》、《千金翼方》:唐代孙思邈所著,使脏腑辨证更加完善。 2)宋、金、元时期 《三因极一病证方论》:宋代陈无择所著,确立了三因之病因分类法。 “金元四大家”:金、元时期我国医学史上的重要医学流派。 刘完素(河间)主寒凉,提出“六气皆从火化”之火热论; 张从正主攻邪,认为病皆由邪生,故“邪去则正安”; 李杲(东垣)提出“内伤脾胃,百病由生”的观点,治以补益脾胃; 朱震亨(丹溪)以“阳常有余,阴常不足”立论而主养阴。 3)明、清时期 出现了大批集成性著作。如明代张介宾之《景岳全书》,李中梓之《医宗必读》,清代王清任之《医林改错》等。 叶桂(天士),吴塘(鞠通)等为代表,创立了以卫气营血、三焦为核心的温病的辨证论治的体系,形成了“温病学派”。 4)近代与现代 三、中医理论体系的主要特点 1、整体观念 (1)定义:人体就是一个有机的整体,人与自然界息息相关、密切相联,人体受社会、生存环境影响,这种机体自身整体性思想及其内外环境的统一性,称之为整体观念。中医的整体观念贯穿与中医的生理、病理及诊治等各个方面。


English Translation of TCM Medical Terms Unit 1 A brief introduction to traditional Chinese medicine 1. traditional Chinese medicine 2 .syndrome differentiation and treatment 3. holism 4. correspondence between man and nature 5. returning to the original purity and simplicity/ returning to nature 6. symptoms and signs 7. syndrome 8. dialectical materialism and historical materialism 9. side-effect/ adverse-effect 10. therapeutic effect/ efficacy/curative effect 11. diagnosis and treatment 12. symptomatology 13. integrated/ combined traditional Chinese and Western medicine 14.Miraculous Pivot 15. Plain Questions 16. Huangdi’s Internal Classic 17. Treatise on Cold-damage and Miscellaneous diseases 18. Compendium of Materia Medica 19. A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 20.Essential Prescriptions for Emergencies 21 Supplement to Essential Prescriptions for Emergencies 22 Classic on Difficult Issues of Medicine Unit Two Yin-yang Theory Unit 2 Yin-yang Theory 1. the opposition and unity of yin and yang 2. restriction and transformation of yin and yang 3. excess/ predominance of yin leading to/ causing disorder of yang and excess /predominance of yang causing disorder of yin 4. interdependence of yin and yang 5. There would be impossible survival with solitary yin and vice versa. 6. waning and waxing of yin and yang 7. dynamic change 8. quantitative change 9. qualitative change 10. yin-yang figure/ Taiji figure 11. Excess of yin leading to deficiency of yang, or excess of yang leading to deficiency of yin. 12. yin within yang, and yang within yin 13. materialism 14. dynamic balance 15. inter-transformation between yin and yang/mutual transformation of yin and yang 16. infinite divisibility of yin and yang


一、A型题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.下列哪一脏与血液生成关系最密切: A.心 B.肺 C.脾 D.肝 E.肾 2.气机的含义为: A.气的运动 B.气的运动形式 C.气的运动变化 D.气的升降运动 E.气的出入运动 3.主腐熟水谷的脏腑是: A.小肠 B.胃 C.大肠 D.脾 E.胆 4.月经的来潮与以下哪一组脏腑、经脉关系密切: A.心、肝、脾、冲脉、督脉 B.心、肺、肾、阳明脉、带脉 C.心、肾、冲脉、任脉、督脉 D.冲脉、任脉、带脉、心、脾 E.心、肝、脾、肾、冲脉、任脉 5.下列不属于奇恒之腑的是: A.脑 B.髓 C.脉 D.胆 E.命门 6.误治是指下列中哪一项: A.体实者用攻法 B.实证用攻 C.虚证用补 D.虚证用攻 E.体弱者用补法 7.下列中哪一项不属于饮食不洁: A.不清洁食物 B.不卫生食物 C.陈腐变质食物 D.有毒食物 E.偏嗜某种食物 8.气在中医学中的基本概念是: A.泛指机体的生理功能 B.构成世界的基本物质 C.构成人体的基本物质 D.维持人体生命活动的基本物质 E.构成人体和维持人体生命活动的最基本物质 9.“为胃行其津液”的脏是: A.肺 B.脾 C.肾 D.三焦 E.肝 10.《内经》所说:“大怒则形气绝,而血菀于上,使人薄厥”的病机,是指:

A.气不摄血 B.气机逆乱 C.血随气脱 D.血随气逆 E.血随气结 二、D型题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.五脏发生病变时,按相生关系传变可出现哪两种传变: A.母病及子 B.侮其所不胜 C.克其所胜 D.子病及母 E.乘其所胜 2.以下哪两个脏腑有表里关系: A.脾 B.大肠 C.小肠 D.胃 E.肝 3.下列哪两项既属“五体”,又属奇恒之腑: A.脉 B.胆 C.脑 D.骨 E.髓 4.分别循行于躯干前后正中线的是下列中哪两项: A.冲脉 B.任脉 C.带脉 D.督脉 E.肾经 5.十二经脉分布于上肢内、外侧中线的两条经脉是下列中哪两项: A.手太阳 B.手少阴 C.手少阳 D.手太阴 E.手厥阴 6.下列病因和病邪性质、致病特点中,哪两项是相对应的: A.寒邪 B.湿邪 C.其性数变 D.其性凝滞 E.易致疮疡 7.用气与津液的关系来说明临床病理变化,下列各项中,哪两项相互有关: A.气能生津 B.气能行津 C.津能载气 D.气虚导致白汗,多尿等 E.汗、吐、下太过,导致气脱 8.哪两种情志因素最易影响心: A.惊 B.喜 C.怒 D.悲 E.恐 9.以下哪些属于大肠的生理功能: A.分清别浊 B.吸收水谷精微 C.形成粪便 D.进一步消化饮食物 E.排泄糟粕 10.阴盛格阳,其病证的寒热本质是:



《中医基础理论》复习提纲 绪论 中医学和中医基础理论的基本概念 中医学是发祥于中国古代的研究人体生命、健康、疾病的科学。 中医基础理论是关于中医学的基础理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的学科,也是阐述和介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的课程 一、中医基础理论的体系的形成和发展(历代名医和代表著作) (一)先秦、秦、秦汉时期——形成时期 《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》(二)隋唐时期——充实、系统化时期 《针灸甲乙经》、《脉经》、《诸病源候论》 (三)宋、金、元时期——争鸣、突破时期 《三因记忆病证方论》宋陈无择“三因学说”、《小儿药证直诀》 刘完素(刘河间)——寒凉派 金元 张从正(张子河)——攻邪派 李杲(东垣老人)——补土派 朱震亨(朱丹溪)——滋阴派 (四)明清时期——集大成时期

温病四大家:叶桂(叶天士)、薛雪(薛生白)、吴瑭(吴鞠通)、王士雄 另有吴有性著《瘟疫论》创“戾气说” 二、中医理论体系的主要特点——整体观念、辨证论治 (一)整体观念——人体自身的整体性和人与自然、社会环境的统一性两个方面 (二)辨证论治——辨析疾病资料以确立症候,论证其治则治法方药并付诸实施的思维和实践过程 1、病、症、证的概念 病:即疾病,是致病邪气作用于人体,人体正气与之抗争而引起的机体阴阳失调、脏腑功能损伤、生理机能失常或心理活动障碍的一个完整生命过程(重点在全过程)症:即症状和体征的总称,是疾病过程中表现出的个别、孤立的现象可以是病人异常的主观感觉或行为表现,也可以是医生检查病人时发现的异常征象(是病和证的基本要素) 证:即证候,是疾病过程中某一阶段或某一类型的病理概括,一般由一组相对固定的有内在联系的、能揭示疾病某一阶段或某一类型病变本质的症状和体征构成(重点在现阶段) 2、辩证与辨病


v1.0可编辑可修改Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语 acupunture and moxibusion 针灸 health maintenance 养生 drugs cold and cool 寒凉药 the school of cold and cool 寒凉派 diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下 the school of purgation 攻下派 exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪 reinforcing the earth 补土 internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃百病由生 yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足 nourishing yin滋阴 medicinal herbs草药 blood stagnation淤血 warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃 中国医药学 : traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论 : basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验 : clinical experience 辨证论治 : treatment based on syndrome differentiation;pattern identification and treatment 本草 : materia medica 中药 : Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药 : Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味 : four properties and five tastes


中医翻译研究:回顾、现状与思考 (上海中医药大学外语教学中心周恩) 摘要:本文对过去几个世纪关于中医翻译的研究状况进行了全面总结。分三个阶段回顾了其发展历程,并从学科与研究队伍建设、学术成就以及研究内容等几方面概述了中医翻译研究的现状,同时指出了研究中存在的不足。 关键词:中医;回顾;成就;不足 Research on the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Survey Abstract: This article provides a general survey of the research on TCM translation in the past several centuries. It reviews the three-staged developments of the research, presents the status quo by highlighting the researcher cultivation and subject construction, achievements, contents as well as weaknesses in the research of TCM translation. Key Words: traditional Chinese medicine; review; achievements; weaknesses 1.引言 中医翻译早已有之,早在秦汉时期,中国的医药学就已传入东南亚诸国。然而,在我国同那些国家那时所进行的医药交流中,却鲜有翻译活动的记载。直到17 世纪中叶,我国开始与欧洲诸国进行医药交流,才为我们今天研究中医翻译历史提供了比较详尽资料(李照国1997)。从那时起到现在,我国中医翻译经历从无到有,从小到大的一系列的发展过程。在此,我们将对中医翻译的历史做一个大致的回顾,对其研究现状进行大致的介绍,并提出中医翻译研究的一些思考。 2.中医翻译研究的历史回顾 中医翻译从17世纪至今,其发展大致可以分文三个阶段:早期萌芽阶段、逐步深入阶段和逐步成熟阶段。下面我们对每个阶段的特点进行简要的回顾。 2.1 早期萌芽阶段 17 世纪中叶到18世纪末,为中医向欧洲传播的始发阶段,进展比较缓慢。在欧洲仅出版了19 部有关中医的译著。而在18 世纪末到19 世纪末的这一百年间,中医学在欧洲的传播有了一定的发展,研究范围有了一定得拓展,先后出版了137 部有关中医的书籍。


中医基础理论 绪论 中医学:是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治的一门科学,它有独特的理论体系和丰富的临床经验。 中医基础理论:是关于中医学的基本理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的学科,也是阐释和介绍中医学的基本理论、基本知识和基本思维方法的课程。 一、中医学理论体系的形成 1、中医学的学科属性 ①中医学受到中国古代哲学的深刻影响 ②自然科学及社会科学的双重性 ③中医学是多学科交互渗透的知识体系 2、中医学理论体系的形成和发展 (1)中医学理论体系的形成时期 战国至秦汉时期,《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《神农本草经》、《伤寒杂病论》的问世标志着中医学理论体系的基本建立。 《黄帝内经》:我国现存最早的一部医学典籍,中医学理论体系形成的主要标志,其全面奠定了中医理论的基础。 《难经》:继《黄帝内经》之后的又一部重要的医学著作,创造性的提出了“独取寸口”的诊脉方法。 《神农本草经》:我国第一部药学专著,成书于两汉之间,全书收载365味中药,提出寒凉温热、酸苦甘辛咸之四气五味的理论,确立了中药理论的基础。 《伤寒杂病论》:东汉末年著名医家张仲景所著,后经宋代林亿等整理而成《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》两本书。《伤寒论》确立了中医辨证论治的基本原则。 (2)中医学理论体系的发展时期 1)魏晋隋唐时期: 《针灸甲乙经》:晋代皇甫谧所著,我国第一部针灸专著。 《脉经》:晋代王叔和所著,我国第一部脉学专著。 《诸病源候论》:隋代巢元方所著,中医第一部病因病机证候学专著。 《千金要方》、《千金翼方》:唐代孙思邈所著,使脏腑辨证更加完善。 2)宋、金、元时期 《三因极一病证方论》:宋代陈无择所著,确立了三因之病因分类法。 “金元四大家”:金、元时期我国医学史上的重要医学流派。 刘完素(河间)主寒凉,提出“六气皆从火化”之火热论; 张从正主攻邪,认为病皆由邪生,故“邪去则正安”; 李杲(东垣)提出“内伤脾胃,百病由生”的观点,治以补益脾胃; 朱震亨(丹溪)以“阳常有余,阴常不足”立论而主养阴。 3)明、清时期 出现了大批集成性著作。如明代张介宾之《景岳全书》,李中梓之《医宗必读》,清代王清任之《医林改错》等。 叶桂(天士),吴塘(鞠通)等为代表,创立了以卫气营血、三焦为核心的温病的辨证论治的体系,形成了“温病学派”。 4)近代和现代 三、中医理论体系的主要特点 1、整体观念


《中医基础理论》培训资料 梁学亮 一、中医学的基本特点 中医学的理论体系是经过长期的临床实践,在唯物论和辩证法思想指导下,逐步形成的,它来源于实践,反过来又指导实践。这一独特的理论体系有两个基本特点:一是整体观念,二是辨证论治。现分述如下: 1、整体观念。 中医学整体观念包括人是一个有机整体以及人与自然、社会的统一性。整体观念认为,人体是一个由多层次结构构成的有机整体。构成人体的各个部分之间,各个脏腑形体官窍之问,结构上不可分割,功能上相互协调、相互为用,病理上相互影响。人生活在自然和社会环境中,人体的生理功能和病理变化,必然受到自然环境、社会条件的影响,人类是在适应自然与社会环境中维持着机体的生命活动。 2.辨证论治。 辨证论治是运用中医学理论辨析有关疾病的资料以确立证候,论证其治则治法方药并付诸实施的思维过程。辨证,是在认识疾病的过程中确立证候的过程,即将四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集的有关疾病的所有资料,包括症状和体征,运用中医理论进行分析、综合,辨清疾病的原因、性质、部位及发展趋向,然后概括、判断为某种性质证候的过程。 二、《中医基础理论》的主要内容 《中医基础理论》主要阐述人体的生理、病理、病因,以及疾病的防治原则等基本理论知识。内容共分:阴阳五行、藏象、气血律液、经络、病因与发病、病机、防治原则等七部分叙述。 1. 阴阳五行,是我国古代的哲学,具有唯物和辩证的观点。中医学运用它来阐明人体的结构、生理、病理,并指导临床的诊断和治疗。本书着重介绍阴阳五行的基本概念、基本内容及其在中医学里的应用。 2.藏象学说,是研究人体各脏腑、组织器官的生理功能、病理变化及其相互关系,以及脏腑组织器官与外界环境相互关系的学说,是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,是指导临床各科辨证论治的理论基础。本章具体阐明五脏、六腑、奇恒之腑的生理功能和相互联系。 3.气血律液,主要阐述气、血、津液的生成、作用及其相互关系,从而说明气、血、津液既是脏腑功能活动的产物,又是脏腑功能活动的物质基础。 4.经络学说,是研究人体经络系统的生理功能、病理变化及其与脏腑的相互关系的学说,是中医基础理论的重要组成部分。经络,是人体沟通表里上下,联络脏腑组织器官,通行气血的一个完整的组织系统。本章着重阐述十二正经和奇经八脉的基本概念、分布、走向与交接规律、循行路线,经络的生理功能及经络学说在病理、诊断、治疗上的运用。 5.病因与发病,主要阐述各种致病因素的性质、特点及其所致病症的临床表现。并说明疾病的发生,是由于人体内外环境的失调。 6. 病机,是阐述病理变化的一般规律,主要的有正邪斗争、阴阳失调、气血失常、内生五邪、脏腑经络功能失常等。 7.防治原则,即防病和治病的基本法则。强调预防为主,主张“治未病”,对控制疾病的发生与发展具有重要意义。治疗法则主要介绍“治病求本”,“扶正祛邪”,“调整阴阳”,


第一课 1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth方剂prescription; formula 医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation 第二课 1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之 第三课 1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热 pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛 general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳 第四课 1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to be generated and to generate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑 Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济 第五课 doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应 clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleen storing consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面 第六课 the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency of blood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse脉象细弱the heart storing


中医基础理论名词解释 1、五行:是指木、火、土、金、水五种物质及其运动变化,衍化为归纳宇宙万物并阐释其 相互关系的五种基本属性。 2、肺主治节:是指肺气具有治理调节肺之呼吸及全身之气、血、水的作用。 3、元气:是人体中最根本、最重要的气,由肾精(或先天之精)化生,是人体生命活动的 原动力。 4、别络:为脉络中较大者,又称“大络”。,加之任脉、督脉的别络和脾之大络,合称“十 五别络”.若加之胃之别络,又可称为“十六别络”。 5、伤寒:寒客肌表,郁遏卫阳者,称为“伤寒”。 6、痰饮:痰饮是人体水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物。一般以稠浊的称为痰,清稀的称为 饮。 7、内燥:是指机体津液不足,各组织器官和孔窍失其濡润,而出现干燥苦涩的病理变化。 8、邪正盛衰:是指在疾病过程中,机体的抗病能力与致病邪气之间在相互斗争中所发生的 盛衰变化。 9、正治:是指采用与疾病的症候性质相反的药物以治疗疾病的一种治疗原则。由于采用的 方药与疾病症候性质相逆,故又称“逆治”。 10、赛因赛用:是指用补益药物来治疗具有闭塞不通症状的虚证,适用于因体质虚弱,脏腑精气功能减退而出现闭塞症状的真虚假热证。 11、阴阳:是中国古代哲学的一对范畴,是对自然界相互关联的某些事物或现象对立双方属性的概括。 12、上焦如雾:雾,即雾露。喻指上焦心、肺输布气血的作用如天降雾露。 13、精:是由禀受于父母的生命物质与后天水谷精微相结合而形成的一种精华物质,是人体生命的本原,是构成人体和维持人体生命活动的最基本的物质。 14、经络:经络是经脉和络脉的总称,是运行全身气血,联系脏腑形体官窍,沟通上下内外,感应传导信息的通路系统,是人体结构的重要组成部分。 15、中寒:寒邪之中于里,伤及脏腑阳气者,称为“中寒”。 16、风为百风之长:一是指风邪常兼他邪而伤人,为外邪致病的先导;二是指风邪袭人,致病最多。


中医基础理论 我们都知道,《中医基础理论》是学习中医很重要的一门学科,而且这也是中医学的基础,所以打好基础比什么都重要。也许对大多数同学来说,这门课很枯燥,又或许对于一部分同学来说老师幽默的讲课方式为枯燥的课堂增添了不少的乐趣,不管怎么样这门学科的重要性都是不可忽略的。三个月过去了,在这我讲讲我的一些学习心得。 一、了解中医发展 绪论部分讲解了中医学的科学属性,中医理论体系的形成与发展以及中医理论体系的特点,需要掌握的内容并不是那么多,所以只需要对四大经典有一定的了解,当然这也是作为一名中医学生应该知道的,也许学习中医这些都是需要背下来的,但在这门学科中我们需要掌握的就只是了解而已,同时金元时期的“金元四大家”对中医理论和实践有突破性创新为中医学的发展起到里程碑的作用,所以这也是我们应该掌握的重点,当然还有中医学理论体系的特点——整体观念和辨证论治。对于这部分知识没有更好的其他方法,只有靠多花时间读一读,背一背,当然时不时的复习也是很重要的。 二、从中医到哲学 精气学说、阴阳学说和五行学说,是中国古代有关世界本原和发展变化的宇宙观和方法论,是对中医学理论体系的形成和发展最有影响的古代哲学思想,也是中医学的重要思维方法。这部分内容深奥而且没有条理性,学好这部分知识需要的是有中医学独特的思维方式,然而世界观是思维方式的基础,它为人们认识和把握外部世界提供了思维背景和认识框架,从而决定了人们的四维空间和思维内容。所以我们需要通过看更多的相关书籍从而去深入地了解中国古人的世界观以及他们独特的思维方式,自己对内容的足够了解,这看似深奥的中医哲学相信也不在话下了。 三、联系生活实际 我们学习医学无非就是想通过自己的双手救死扶伤,为人类出去病痛,让世人都拥有健康的身体,幸福的生活。而疾病源于生活,是生活中一些因素引起的,病因的种类很多,如七情内伤、饮食失宜、劳逸失度等,均可导致发病而成为病因,而这些都是我们在生活中常见的,或者有的不那么常见,


中医的基础理知识概要 中医的基础理论是对人体生命活动和疾病变化规律的理论概括,它主要包括阴阳、五行、运气、脏象、经络等学说,以及病因、病机、诊法、辨证、治则、治法、预防、养生等内容。 阴阳是中国古代哲学范畴。人们通过对矛盾现象的观察逐步把矛盾概念上升为阴阳范畴,并用阴阳二气的消长来解释事物的运动变化。中医运用阴阳对立统一的观念来阐述人体上下、内外各部分之间以及人体生命同自然、社会这些外界环节之间的复杂联系。阴阳对立统一的相对平衡是维持和保证人体正常活动的基础。阴阳对立统一关系的失调和破坏则会导致人体疾病的发生影响生命的正常活动。 五行学说即是用木、火、土、金、水五个哲学范畴来概括客观世界中的不同事物属性,并用五行相生相克的动态模式来说明事物间的相互联系和转化规律。中医主要用五行学说阐述五脏六腑间的功能联系以及脏腑失衡时疾病发生的机理,也用以指导脏腑疾病的治疗。 运气学说又称五运六气,是研究、探索自然界天文、气象、气候变化对人体健康和疾病的影响的学说。五运包括木运、火运、土运、金运和水运指自然界一年中春、夏、长夏、秋、冬的季候循环。六气则是一年四季中风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火六种气候因子。运气学说是根据天文历法参数推算年度气候变化和疾病发生规律。 脏象学说主要研究五脏、六腑和奇恒之腑的生理功能和病理变化。 五脏:心、肝、脾、肺、肾。 六腑:小肠、大肠、胃、膀胱、胆、三焦 奇恒之腑:脑、髓、骨、脉、胆、女子胞。

经络学说与脏象学说密切相关。 经络是人体内运行气血的通道,有沟通内外、网络全身的作用。在病理情况下经络系统功能发生变化,会呈现相应的症状和体征,通过这些表现可以诊断体内脏腑疾病。 一、中医学理论体系的形成 根据史书记载我国远古医学典籍有《黄帝针灸》、《素女脉诀》和《神农本草经》即所谓“三世医学”。“三世医学”后中医学的学术发展分别沿着“医经”和“经方”两方面发展。汉以前计医经七家凡二百十六卷经方十一家凡二百七十四卷。但这些典籍大多可能早已散失,所以从现存的医学文献来看,汉以后历代医药学家的学术主张和理论依据几乎都没脱离《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《神农本草经》和《伤寒杂病论》这几部古典著作的理论框架。这四部著作可说是汉代以前也就是中医理论体系形成时期的代表经典著作,反映了从先秦至东汉末年之间中医从基础医学到临床医学以及药物、针灸治疗等已形成了较完整的理论体系。 二、中医学理论特点 中医学的理论体系是经过长期医学实践主要是临床实践,亦包括对人和动物的解剖观察等,在古代哲学思想指导下并融合了当时的自然科学知识,如天文、历学、农学等而逐步形成的。千百年来一直在指导临床实践并在实践中不断丰富和发展。也就是说这一理论体系产生年代古远,受古代哲学思想和当时的自然科学知识影响很深,同时又来源于实践并长期指导实践。因此它是经过实践反复检验过的。这一独特理论体系有两个基本的特点:一是整体观念;二是辨证论治。下面就此两点进行论述。 1、整体观念 整体其含义就是指统一性和完整性。中医的整体观念其内涵有两方面:一是认为人体是一个有机的整体;二是重视人与自然界的统一。 中医把人体看成一个以心为主宰,五脏为中心的统一体,这个统一体可分为五个系统。这五个系统通过经络相互连结在一起,而以气、血、津液为其活动的物质基础。同时又通过相生相克而相互调节,维持整体水平的协调和平衡。这个


中医英语词汇 下面是整理的中医英语词汇,以供大家学习参考。 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。②本学科专业职业队伍。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。 中医药学traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。 方剂学prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与


《中医基础理论》重点笔记(1) 李本强 1.中医学有两个主要特点:一是整体观念,二是辩证论治。 2.证,也叫证候,是机体在疾病过程中的某一阶段的病理概括。 3.辨证,就是将四诊所收集的症状和体征等资料,通过分析、综合,辨清疾病的原因、性质、部位,以及邪正之间的关系,概括、判断为某种性质的证候的过程。 4.论治,是根据辨证的结果,确定相应的治疗原则和方法。 5.“同病异治”,是指同一种疾病,由于发病的时间、地区以及患者机体的反应性不同,或处于不同的发展阶段,所以表现的证不同,因而治法就各异。 6.“异病同治”,是指不同的疾病,在其发展过程中,由于出现了相同的证,因而就采取同一方法治疗。 7.人体是有机的整体。以五脏为中心,配合六腑,联系五体、五官九窍等,并通过经络纵横广泛地分布,以贯通内外上下,运行气血津液,滋养并调节各组织器官的活动。 8. 阴阳是对自然界相互关联的某些事物或现象对立双方属性的概括,并含有对立统一的内涵。阴和阳,既可以代表两种相互对立的事物和势力,又可以代表和用以分析同一事物内部相互对立的两个方面。 9. 阴阳的对立制约: 正常者如“动极者镇之以静,阴亢者胜之以阳”、“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”。反常者,则如“阴胜则阳病,阳胜则阴病”、“阳虚则阴盛”、“阴虚则阳亢”等。 10. 阴阳的互根互用: “阳根于阴,阴根于阳”、“阳生于阴,阴生于阳”、“孤阴不生,独阳不长”:“阴者,藏精而起亟也,阳者,卫外而为固也”,“阴在内,阳之守也,阳在外,阴之使也”,“无阴则阳无以生,无阳则阴无以化”,“阳生阴长,阳杀阴藏”等。 《中医基础理论》重点笔记(2) 李本强 11. 阴阳的转化: “重阴必阳,重阳必阴”、“寒极生热,热极生寒”、“寒甚则热,热甚则寒”。

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