当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥雅思阅读难句整理




1. The river builds them up, the sea wears them down; their out-lines are always changing.

2. Health and the person were seen more holistically (mind /body/spirit) and not just in physical terms.

3. During the 1980s and 1990s there has been a growing swing away from seeing lifestyle risks as the root cause of poor health. While lifestyle factors still remain important, health is being viewed also in terms of the social, economic and environmental contexts in which people live. This broad approach to health is called the socio-ecological view of health.

4. One of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two `behaviour segments' in some novel way, never actually performed before, so as to reach a goal.

5. It is clear from this statement that the creation of health is about much more than encouraging healthy individual behaviours and lifestyles and providing appropriate medical care. Therefore, the creation of health must include addressing issues such as poverty, pollution, urbanisation, natural resource depletion, social alienation and poor working conditions.

6. British industry, in particular, has in recent decades often been criticised for its linguistic insularity - for its assumption that foreign buyers will be happy to communicate in English, and that awareness of other lan-guages is not therefore a priorty.

7. Within the established wage and salary system it was not possible to use hospital funds to sup-port this strategy. However, it was possible to secure incentives from local businesses, in-cluding free passes to entertainment parks, theatres, restaurants, etc.

8. The non-financial incentive scheme did appear to assist in controlling absenteeism in the short term. As the scheme progressed it became harder to secure prizes and this contributed to the program's losing momentum and finally ceasing.

9. One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solution of designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary - all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport.

10. Good local government is already bringing this about in some places. But few democratic communities are blessed with the vision - and the capital - to make such profound changes in modern lifestyles.

11. All of these are applications of biometrics, a little-known but fast-growing technology that in-volves the use of physical or biological characteristics to identify individuals.

12. Research in Britain has shown that `green consumers' continue to flourish as a signifi-cant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday's issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.

13. The fruitless search for the cause of the increase in illiteracy is a tragic example of the saying `They can't see the wood for the trees'. When teachers use picture books, they are simply continuing a long-established tradition that is accepted without ques-tion.


The Analysis and Solution of Cambridge IELTS (4、5、6、7) 环球雅思温亮明 IELTS Reading(剑4. 5. 6. 7) 第1章IELTS中关于阅读文章中是非判断题分析 是非题中关于“only”题的总结(共11题,8F, 2NG , 1T) 总结:剑4、5、6中共有“only”题(是非判断)7小题,5题F,2题NG,剑7中共有“only”题(是非判断)4小题3F,1T。F机率远大于NG及T 是非题中关于比较级的总结(共24题,5F, 12NG, 7T) 剑7中比较级考点(是非判断)共计4小题1F,2NG,1T 剑4.5.6比较级考点(是非判断)共计20小题,6T,10NG,4F 总结:NG>T>F 是非判断题中同级比较(the same …as…)(…as well as…)的总结 剑4.5.6共计the same …as题4道2T,1NG,1F 剑7共计2题同级比较,1T,1 F 总结: 剑4.5.6.7 阅读真题中同级比较考点无规律可循 剑桥IELTS阅读文章中是非判断题解决方法 1、是非判断题的出题顺序与其在原文中定位句(处)的顺序是一致的,所以做此类题时必须有方向感,即Q1题在文中定位要在Q2前边,Q2题在原文中定位句要在Q3原文定位处前边……例如:剑5,P23,T1P2Q26 题目中独特定位词为sociobiology,在和中都出现了,第一次出现是在Q25题原文定位处的前面,第二次出现在Q25题原文定位处的后面,因为Q25与Q26两题具有顺序性,所以Q26题的答案应在原文Q25题原文定位处的后面的中定位,而不是在Q25题原文定位处的前面的找答案。 注意:此规律内容并非绝对,但基本成立。 2、剑桥IELTS是非判断题基本上是考查原文中连续段落,即几个是非判断题在原文中的定位处是几个连续顺序的段落,或这些是非判断题集中于原文某一个或某两个段落,但无论是何情形,定位处(句)仍旧是按顺序的。注意:此规律并非绝对,定位处的连续性基本上正确。 3、据考证是非题干中划线的定位词在文中的定位基本上是首次出现时进行定位划线,个别时候,在二次出现时定位,极个别时正确答案在三次以上原文出现时定位。 4、IELTS文章的题目,除List of Headings考段落、Sections主题,或文章后边一个单个选择题考整篇文章title之外,几乎所有阅读文章题目都是针对整篇文章的不同信息点设置的,每个题目所考内容只是整个文章中的一个信息点,而整篇文章是由多个信息点构成的一个层面,考试时间有限,考生使用的答题时间有限,IELTS考官设置试题时必须给予考生一定的解题线索,没有解题线索,此考题出题失败,而每个是非题目中的定位词(关键信息词)就是考生在原文中找到出题点的钥匙,所以把题干中的定位词(题干信息点)确定之后,找其在原文的重复出现或找其在原文中的同义替换,就可以确定本题在文章中的定位处(出题句),题目中的考点词与定位词同处于一道题目中,考点词与定位词之间肯定存在某种逻辑关系,基本上在文中找到定位句后(通过题干中定位词找在文中的对应定位词),就可以在定位句找到与题目中考点词有密切关系的答案信息,这是解决是非判断题最科学有效的方法,切记雅思所有题目实质上就是找题目信息点与原文信息点的逻辑对应。


雅思高频词汇完整版 copy 复印 clock 钟 letter 信,字母ticket 票transportation 交通goals 目标 energy 能量experience 经验January1月 Second第二America美国 Britain英国 London伦敦England英格兰Scotland苏格兰Queensland昆士兰Sydney悉尼Adelaide阿德莱德Melbourne墨尔本Perth珀斯组讨论 fire 火灾,解雇college 学院 teams 小组membership 会员资格difficulties 困难beach 海滩underground 地下spending 花费 site 位置 recreation 娱乐property 财产 learn 学习computers 电脑 plant 植物 table 桌子 support 支持 choice 选择 glass 玻璃 survey 调查passport 护照 range 范围service 服务 exams 考试 failure 失败 demonstration 示威 festival 节日 Belfast贝尔法斯特 Ireland 爱尔兰 Dublin都柏林 Australia澳大利亚 narrator 叙述者 costs 成本 background 背景 kindergarten Avenue 大街 senior 高级的,大四学生 deposit 押金 extra 额外的 tape 磁带 title 标题 culture dark 黑暗的 regular 规律的幼儿园 project 项目 December12月 November11月 beginning 开始 purpose 目的 interest 兴趣 decoration 装修,装饰 migration 迁徙,移民 party 晚会 relationship 关系 environmental 环境的 disease 疾病 Monday周一 Wednesday周三 century 世纪 equipment 设备 methods 方法 location 地理位置 transport 交通 campus 校园 ideas 观点 world 世界 coffee 咖啡 Third第三 Fourth第四 cause 起因 social 社会的 session 课程,时间 female 女性 station 车站 kitchen 厨房 club 俱乐部 American美国人 March3月 February2月 New Zealand新西兰文化 Cambridge 剑桥 media 媒体 Scottish苏格兰人 weekend 周末 traveling 旅游 park 公园 October10月 record 记录,唱片 professor 教授 team 队伍 seat 座位 May5月 August8月 child 儿童 September9月 Tuesday周二 Friday周五 Thursday周四 surname 姓 trousers 裤子 subjects 主题 drinking 饮水 mail 邮件 male男性 safety 安全


雅思阅读长难句分析(十二) 雅思阅读长难句一直是雅思阅读中的一个难点,烤鸭们几乎都被折磨过。今天,雅思小编就给大家具体分析一下剑桥真题中出现过的长难句,让烤鸭们掌握分析长难句的分析技巧,攻克雅思阅读长难句,不再是个传说。 1. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (剑4 Test 1 Passage 1) 译文:这些误解不是孤立存在的,而是组成了一个尽管多层面却十分有条理的概念体系,这一点使得该体系本身及其所有组成的观点更加难以攻破,有些观点甚至本身就是错误的,但是也正是这样,它们反而更容易改动。 这个句子主要难在词汇和句子结构上。我们先来学习一下下面几个词汇: 1. multifaceted:多层面的;多才多艺的 2. component: 组成部分的 3. erroneous:错误的 4. robust: 粗鲁的;强健的 5. incorporated:组成的,合并的 我们该来分析一下句子结构:句子主语是These misconceptions,并列谓语do not remain ……but become,其中有not……but 句式,宾语是isolated,incorporated into…… framework。Making作结果状语,which引导限制性定语从句修饰the component ideas。


1. 【雅思长难句分析】1-5 雅思阅读长难句分析: 1 And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 2 Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of techno logy or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 3 How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and Appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 4 There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the Research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 5 Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s econom directly bound up with the efficiency of its

【最新推荐】雅思阅读:剑桥雅思阅读长难句分析(2)-word范文模板 (1页)

【最新推荐】雅思阅读:剑桥雅思阅读长难句分析(2)-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思阅读:剑桥雅思阅读长难句分析(2) 1. The teacher - subject was told that whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question , a shock was to be administered , beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer . 分析:本句的主句为 The teacher - subject was told that that whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question , a shock was to be administered , beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer 为 that 引导的宾语从句,做tell 的宾语;在该宾语从句中 a shock was to be administered 为主句,而whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question 为 whenever 引导的时间装语从句,在该宾语从句中做时间状语, beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer 为现在分词短语做状语,在该宾语从句中做伴随状语。 2. Milgram told the teacher - subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil , and to administer whatever level of shock was called for , as per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment . 分析:本句的主句为 Milgram told the teacher - subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil , and to administer whatever level of shock was called for 其中 whatever level of shock was called for 为whatever 引导的宾语从句,做 administer 的宾语; as per 为介词短语,意 为依据,根据; governing the experimental situation of the moment 为现在分词短语作定语,做 the rule 的定语。



Passage1 Question 1 答案: H 关键词: national policy 定位原文: H段第1句“The New Zealand Government…” 解题思路: 这一段的首句就以一种叙事口吻向考生交代了新西兰全国上下正在开展的一场为残疾人服务 的战略,该句含义为“新西兰政府已经制定出一项‘新西兰残疾人事业发展战略’,并开始进入广泛咨 询意见的阶段。”另外,在该段其它语句中也提到the strategy recognises..., Objective 3...is to provide...等信息,非常符合题干中account一词的含义。 Question 2 答案: C 关键词: global team 定位原文: C段最后一句“The International Institute of…” 解题思路:这句含义为“在世界卫生组织的建议下,国际噪声控制工程学会(I-INCE)成立了一个国际工作小组来”,这句话中international能够对应题干中的global, 而working party能够对应team。这是对应关系非常明显的一道题目。 Question 3 答案: B 关键词: hypothesis, reason, growth in classroom noise 定位原文: B段第3句“Nelson and Soil have also suggested...” 解题思路:在该段首句中就出现了classroom noise这个词,因此该段有可能就是本题的对应段落。在接下来的叙述Nelson and Soil have also suggested...中,suggest一词能够对应题干中的hypothesis 后一句中的This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels,与题干中的one reason相对应 Question 4


雅思阅读长难句分析作业(2011-12-23) 1.From a number of recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space. But pictures are more than literal representations. 翻译: In this paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people A.may be interested in studying art. B.can draw outlines of different objects and surface. C.can recognize conventions such as perspective. D.can draw accurately. 1.This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning .To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle. I was taken aback. 翻译:


1. The scent she carried in her samples and on her body was a message to the other bees that this was the one they were looking for.(剑4, General Training Test B section 3)分析:本句的主句为―The scent was a message to the other bees‖;―she carried in her samples and on her body‖为定语从句,做The scent的定语,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此被省掉;―that this was the one they were looking for‖为that引导的同位语从句,做a message 的同位语;―they were looking for‖为定语从句,做the one的定语,关系词在定语从句中做for 的宾语,因此被省掉。 2. Soon he would also discover a number of other remarkable facts about how bees communicate and, in doing so, revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally.(剑4, General Training Test B section 3) 分析:本句的主句为―he would also discover a number of other remarkable facts about…a nd revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally‖;―how bees communicate‖为how引导的宾语从句,做介词about的宾语。 3. There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ?of hard usual English words'.(剑5, Test 1 passage 1) 分析:本句主句―There had been dictionaries‖;―the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ?of hard usual English words'‖为独立主格结构,其中―compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray‖和―published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ?of hard usual English words'‖均为过去分词短语作定语,做a little book的定语。 4. It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class.(剑5, Test 1 passage 1) 分析:本句的主句为―It is highly appropriate that… ‖, 其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的主语从句,即―that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class‖;在主语从句中―the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man‖为Dr Samuel Johnson的同位语,―as famous in his own time as in ours‖为Dr Samuel Johnson的定语。 5. His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical.(剑5, Test 1 passage 1) 分析:本句的主句为―His approach to the problems was intensely practical‖;―that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eightee nth centuries‖为定语从句,做the problems的定语,关系词为that。 6. He was to be paid £1,575 in installments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his ?dictionary workshop'.(剑5, Test 1 passage 1) 分析:本句为并列句,―He was to be paid £1,575 in installments‖和―from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his ?dictionary workshop'.‖并列,由and连接;―in which he set up his ?dictionary workshop'.‖为定语从句,做17 Gough Square的定语,关系词为which。 7. James Boswell, his biographer, described the ga rret where Johnson worked as ?fitted up like a counting house' with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up.(剑5, Test 1 passage 1)

雅思备考听力篇 剑13 test 1 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇.doc

雅思备考听力篇剑13 test 1 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇 今天我们雅思备考听力篇的文章来研究下剑13 test 1 section 4。题型上来看,该部分为雅思听力section 4非常常见的提纲型填空题,有明确的小标题和分论点。场景上来看,这篇文章的内容为城市环境对动物的影响,属于section 4常出的动物场景。按照惯例,我们总结下其中出现的雅思听力高频词汇。 雅思听力高频词汇 urban 城市的。雅思听力考到跟城市相关的内容时经常考察的单词。既有可能作为填空题的答案,也有可能出现在题干中作为提示信息。 crow 乌鸦。鸟类的一种,在英国拥有大片草坪的公园里经常能够看到大量的乌鸦。 pigeon 鸽子。整个西方都十分常见的一种动物,尤其是在市区的各种公园里。偶尔可能作为答案出现,要注意读音和拼写。 cliff 悬崖。主要出现在与地理相关的内容中,在剑桥雅思8 test 3 section 3的选择题中文章来自雅思曾经考察过,被替换为geographical. tail 尾巴。雅思听力考到动物的时候经常出现的动词,既可以表示鲸鱼/鲨鱼的尾巴,也可以表示鸟类的尾巴。 permanent 永久的。与temporary的意思相反。还可以用来形容工作。 manage 管理,设法完成。雅思听力中非常常见的一个单词。大多都是出现在填空题的题干或者选择题的选项中。表示管理的时候会与run同义替换。 evolution 进化。主要出现在与动物相关的场景中。偶尔会作为雅思听力section 4的答案。 rural 郊区的。与urban是反义词,也有可能被替换为out of town。 mammal 哺乳动物。剑桥雅思11的section 4中作为答案出现过,同时在听力机经中出现的频率也不低,需要大家掌握拼写。 behaviour 行为。从剑桥雅思10开始,考察的频率明显增加。一种考法是作为填空题的答案,一种考法是与它的动词形式behave同义替换。 stress 压力,强调。两个意思,表示压力的时候有可能会作为填空题的答案。表示强调的时候则多与emphasis同义替换。 这篇section 4虽然有几道题目的难度稍大,但整体而言不算太难,比较符合考试的真实情况。


雅思阅读长难句的分类和实例分析从常见的主从复合句、并列复合句和其他特殊句式三个方面分享了这些复杂结构的分析方法,大家可以参考一下,希望能提高大家的备考质量。 一、主从复合句:是指一个句子中有两个或两个以上主谓结构,并且其中一个(或更多)主谓结构作为句子的某些成分。常见的主从复合句有名词性从句(主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、宾语从句)、定语从句和状语从句。给大家举个例子吧: 例:同位语从句+定语从句+状语从句 Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it. (剑9 Test 1 Passage 2) 句子结构分析:这句话的主干是we make a very conservative assumption that…that…since if…whether…。第一个That引导的从句作assumption的同位语,第二个that引导定语从句修饰a life form,since引导时间状语从句,if引导条件状语从句。 译文:第二,我们保守地假定我们正在搜寻的生命形式和人类非常相似,如果形势完全不同,那么我们可能不会把它看作一种生命形式,更不用说能否与它进行交流了。 二、并列复合句:由两个或两个以上的分句通过一些并列连词(but、and、not only…but also…、neither…nor…、yet、while、so等),构成的复合句。常见的并列复合句可以分为并列关系复合句、转折关系复合句、因果关系复合句和选择关系复合句。给大家举个例子吧: 例:并列关系复合句 The technology for dealing with the hostile saline environment under the sea has been developed in the North Sea oil industry and much is already known about turbine blade design, because of wind power and ship propellers. (剑9 Test 3 Passage 2) 句子结构分析:and连接两个并列句,第一个句子是被动语态,为现在完成时,句子主干是The technology has been developed in the North Sea oil industry 。第二个句子是主系表结构,为一般现在时,句子主干是much is already known about turbine blade design,because of作原因状语。 译文:应对海底恶劣盐渍环境的技术已经在北海油田工业中得以研发,而且得益于对风力发电及船只螺旋桨等技术的积累,人们对涡轮机叶片的设计已经有了很多了解。 三、其他特殊句式:除了上面给大家分享的一些复合句之外,雅思阅读中还会出现一些倒装、省略、强调等特殊句式,同学们备考的时候要注意一下。例子如下: 例1 :强调句式


47.This process allows the manufacture of (cleared,tinted and coated)glass(for buildings), and(clear and tinted) glass for vehicles. 48.The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass(about 600 c ), but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass(about 1500c). 49.The glass settled to a thickness of six millimeters because of surface tension interactions between the glass and the tin. 50.By fortunate coincidence, 60 percent of flat glass market(at that time)was for six millimeter glass. 51.However it took months of non-stop production ,(costing the company 100,000 a month)before the plant produced any usable glass. 52.Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. 53.Our ancestors adapted to the universal but irregular global warming since the end of the last great Ice Age, around 10,000 years ago, with dazzling opportunism. 54.For the time before records began, we have only ‘proxy records’reconstructed largely from tree rings and ice cores, supplemented by a few incomplete written accounts 55.This book is a narrative history of climate shifts during the past ten centuries, and some of the ways in which people in Europe adapted to them. 56.By 1400, the weather had become decidedly more unpredictable and stormier, with sudden shifts and lower temperatures that culminated in the cold decades of the late sixteenth century.


雅思阅读长难句分析 1.There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ‘of hard usuall English wordes’. 翻译:当然,过去也有词典,第一部词典是一本大约120页的小册子,它由一位叫罗伯特·考德雷的人编纂而成并于1604年出版,书名叫《疑难常用英语词汇表》。 词汇:compile v. 编写,编纂 a certain 某一 publish v. 出版 under the title 名叫……,题为…… 分析: 主干部分:There had been dictionaries in the past. (倒装句) 独立主格结构:the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages The first of these 逻辑主语 Being a little book of some 120 pages 分词短语 状语成分:compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, publishe d ... wordes’. (过去分词短语作状语) 2.Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer --- lexical as well as social and commercial. 翻译:除了从混乱中建立起秩序的实际需要,词典的兴起也与英国中产阶级的兴起息息相关,他们急切地希望能定义和界定各种各样等待他们去征服的领域——词汇领域,社会领域以及商业领域。 词汇: Chaos n. 混乱,紊乱 新通教育


31.A further argument against the simple wear and tear theory is the observation that the time within which organism age lies between a few days (even a few hours for unicellular organisms) and several thousand years, with mammoth trees. 32.there is a big sport center under construction which will be very impressive when it’s finished. 33.So, to give you some idea of what’s on, and to help you choose from the many possibilities,we have made a selection of the star attractions. 35.I found an agency that runs all kinds of voluntary projects in South Africa. 36.It was a very remote village and some of them were reluctant to speak to me, although they were always interested in my clothes and how much i’d had to pay for them. 37.If it was to do with people in the villages rather than those in the republic sphere, i would. 38.a host of studies confirm this, covering a wide range of business setting :branch banks, retail stores, real estate agencies, factories,call centers....to name but a few. 39.Managers who want to apply existing knowledge typically start off by going to an expert-such as the person who designed and is running a successful department store- and picking their brains. 40.Now, this approach can be used if you want to gain a rough understanding of a particular system, or understand smaller isolated problems. 41.The trouble is even the expert doesn’t fully grasp the whole thing because when it comes to complex systems, the individual components of the process are interwoven one another. 42.Glass, which has been made since the time of the Mesopotamian and Egyptians, is little more than a mixture of sand, soda ash and lime.


小编仔细分析了一下,发现生词多、长难句多、不熟悉解题技巧是考生觉得雅思阅读时间紧张的原因。所以,小编整理了雅思阅读中的15个长难句分析,希望大家可以克服长难句这个壁垒。 1. Ahomeowner can get hurt trying to use the wrong kind of extinguisher on anelectrical fire. 2.Bolenciecwcz was staring at the floor, trying to think, his huge hands rubbingtogether, his face red. 3. Facingthe Atlantic, it is on the northeastern coast of the United States, and most ofthe city is built on islands. 4. He sat infront of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dustyface masking his age. 5. Freedfrom TV, forced to find their activities, they might take a ride together towatch the sunset. 6. Over 800full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining andrenewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses. 7. He hadnever been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time hewas twenty he was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish,Russian, German, France, and English. 8. Thematerials used – copper, stainless steel, concrete and glass- give the buildinga striking beauty. 9. Afterall, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as youchose to look at it. 10. But atleast they would distinguish the organizations entitled to a continuing voicein the dialogue with the research community about the rights of animals inresearch from the organizations that deserve no say. 11.Registering for classes, becoming familiar with the buildings on campus, buyingbooks, adding and dropping classes, and paying fees are confusing for everyone.

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