当前位置:文档之家› 《小王子》英文介绍英语演讲



the little prince

The Little Prince (French:

Le Petit Prince), first

published in 1943, is a

novella and the most famous

work of the French writer

and pioneering aviator

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (安



Le Petit Prince),是法國童











This small book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things. A little prince lives on a young star. The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, he decides to explore other planet. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth,He and the author met one another in the desert, they gradually have become friends. Finally, he returned to his own star.


In the travel, the young prince saw allthe forms of person confused in the society :

King, loves the vanity person .

The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks .

The industrialist, only likes calculating the numbers of money . Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity .In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people on the Earth always does not satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side .






On the Earth ,the prince meets a fox .The fox teaches the prince how to love and left,The fox says "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye "and on responsibility, "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."


During the travel ,The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only one of its kind, there are thousands of them in a garden, but then he realizes that his rose is special “because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is she that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.” .


The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: . ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.")Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have devoted to your rose that makes your rose so important。"






















有关小王子的英语演讲稿最新 他就是小王子,纯洁、忧郁,来自太阳系中某个不为人知的小行星,爱提问题,对别人的问题却从不作答。在一起来看看有关小王子的英语演讲稿2020,欢迎查阅! 有关小王子的英语演讲稿1 Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing. In the book it said:”Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.” I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One. It looked like this:


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除小王子英语演讲稿 篇一:《小王子》英文介绍英语演讲 thelittleprince TheLittleprince(French: Lepetitprince),first publishedin1943,isa novellaandthemostfamous workoftheFrenchwriter andpioneeringaviator Antoinedesaint-exupéry(安 东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里) 《小王子》(法文原書名為 Lepetitprince),是法國童 话作品,法国贵族作家、飞行 员先驱安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏 佩里(1900–1944)的最著名 的作品,于1943年在纽约出版。

23年退伍,第二次世界大战期 间他重入法国空军。后辗转去 纽约开始流亡生活。在这期间, 写出、《小王子》(1943)等作 品。1944年返回同盟国地中海 空军部队。在当年7月31日的 一次飞行任务中,他驾驶飞机飞上湛蓝的天空,就此再也没有回来。牺牲时,年仅44岁,成为法国文学史上最神秘的一则传奇。 Thissmallbookcontainsafairytale,astoryaboutmanythin gs.Alittleprincelivesonayoungstar.Theprinceloveshis roses,butfeltdisappointedbysomethingtherosesaid.Asd oubtgrows,hedecidestoexploreotherplanet.hepassedthr oughvariousstar,afterwards,hearrivedtheearth,heandt heauthormetoneanotherinthedesert,theygraduallyhaveb ecomefriends.Finally,hereturnedtohisownstar.这个小本书包含一个童话故事,讲述了很多东西。小王子居住在一颗小小的星球上面,王子爱他的玫瑰,但是被玫瑰花的话语刺伤,感到非常失落。随着疑惑的增长,他决定尝试其他的行星。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友,寻找到那失


三分钟中英双语演讲稿 honorable judges, fellow students: “if you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. all the stars are abloom with flowers.”——these are the sentences from “the little prince”. well, i just have a person who is as important for me as the proud rose is for the little prince. we grew up together and we almost know everything about each other. she’s not my sister but much more than that. i used to be bad-tempered and cursed everyone in the world including myself, but she was the only one who was different. she told me the meaning of patience, modesty and even love. and i felt like reborn. that was the first time that i came to get the value of my life. as the words goes, “if someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.” it goes all the same. i was lucky enough to come across someone and, fortunately, i loved this person, then i got the ability to love anyone in this world. and love, is what make


《小王子》是法国著名飞行员作家圣埃克苏佩里的代表作,讲述了小王子在自己的小行星上与他喜爱的玫瑰花闹了别扭,于是独自一人开始了宇宙旅行。小王子先后到过六个星球,遇到了形形色色的人,最后到达地球。一只狐狸与小王子成为了好朋友,使他懂得了爱与责任,于是小王子想回到自己的星球与花儿团聚……《小王子》出版不久即风靡全球,不仅深得青少年读者的喜爱,而且也受到了成年读者的欢迎。可以说圣埃克苏佩里造就了《小王子》,而《小王子》则成就了圣埃克苏佩里。尽管这本书于1943年在美国首次出版,而法国人却更重视它的法国出版年份——1946年。2006年,他们高调为《小王子》过了60大寿,向世界宣布:《小王子》满60岁了!根据《小王子》官方网站公布的最新数据,《小王子》目前已被译成160余种语言,在全世界已销售8000万册,仅在法国的销量就达到1100万册。几年前,法国举办了“20世纪最佳法语图书”评选活动,《小王子》力压《追忆似水流年》等巨著,摘得桂冠。 作者简介 作者:(法国)圣埃克苏佩里译者:林秀清 序言“每个大人都曾经是孩子,可惜的是,很少大人记得这一点……”法国作家安东尼?德?圣埃克苏佩里在他创作的《小王子》开头如是说——这是一本“为大人们写的童话故事”,当然也受到了众多小读者的喜爱。 圣埃克苏佩里(1900~1944年),出生于法国里昂,1921~1923年在法国空军服役,参加了法国-非洲-南美国际航线的开辟工作,其间他还从事文学写作,作品有《南方信件》、《夜航》、《风沙星辰》、《战斗飞行员》等等。法国人民把他看作作家、民族英雄,在他逝世五十周年之际,把他的肖像印在五十法郎的票面上,这是和莫里哀、伏尔泰一样的待遇。对全世界的大小读者来说,他的盛名来自《小王子》。根据《小王子》官方网站公布的最新数据,此书已被译成160余种语言,在全世界销售8000万册,仅在法国的销量就达11。0万册。《小王子》曾被多次改编成话剧和电影,盛演不断。《小王子》还被选入许多西方国家的教科书,成为青少年的必读书籍。几年前,法国人毫不吝啬地将“20世纪最佳法语图书”的桂冠授予了《小王子》。 在遥远的一颗小小的星球上,有一位小王子,小王子深爱着他的玫瑰花。因为爱,所以有了矛盾,因为对外面世界的渴望,小王子离开了自己的星球,到宇宙中的各个奇奇怪怪的星球去探险。旅行中,小王子遇到了形形色色的人,最后,小王子来到了地球,遇到了因为飞机故障迫降在沙漠中的飞行员。和飞行员相处的那些日子,他们共同感悟出了很多人生的真谛。最后,为了重新回到属于自己的星球,小王子在蛇的帮助下抛弃了肉身,以死亡的方式,回到了自己的星球。 文章中小王子的所见所闻,都是很有寓意的。比如,他在拜访宇宙中那些非常非常小的星球时,遇到的那些人:控制欲极强的国王,只能听赞美的爱慕虚荣的人,如行尸走肉的醉汉,呆板僵化的点灯人,学术官僚地理学家~~~~他们的世界充满了痛苦。而这些痛苦的源头就是——只有用心才能看到本质,最重要的东西眼睛是无法看到的。

book report of《The Little Prince》小王子

The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (29 June 1900—31 July 1944),French aviator and writer, real life hero who looked at adventure and danger with poet's eyes - sometimes from the viewpoint of a child. World War II Saint-Exupéry served as a pilot. He was shot down on a mission over France in 1944. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was born in Lyons into an old family of provincial nobility. He was educated at Jesuit schools in Montgréand when he was 15 years old. After failing his final examination at a university preparatory school, he entered the école des Beaux-Arts to study architecture. 1921 had became the turning point of his life ,he became a pilot with license ,after that he took an office job and started to write in Paris .Most of his works were about flying. 《The Little Prince》is his most famous work (1943), which he also illustrated. He drew the illustration for the novel . It has become one of the classics of children's literature of the 20th century. This is a fairy tale which especially for grown-ups. The main idea “Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and for ever explaining things to them” cross the whole book. It shows the serious word in a little boy’s eyes and explained the complicated theories in a sample way. Just like the little prince said in the book “Grown-ups are so strange”. Older they were, easier to forget the essence of things. Those grown-ups only cared for the numbers and the appearance. They confused everything and got it all mixed up. But the little prince, a lonely sad boy who lived in a planet no bigger than a house knew the word well——“one sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”. The little prince loves a rose of which just one example exists among all the millions and millions of stars,that’s enough to make him happy when he looks at the stars. But the flower’s oversensitive vanity hurts the little prince so he decided to leave the star which he lives, starts to travel. In the journey, he met a King were both an absolute monarch and kindly man who loves commanding; a vanity person who needs endless admiration; a strange drunkard just keep drinking to forget the shame of drinking; a businessman only likes calculating the astronomy number type money; a dull lamplighter keeps working all round the clock; a geographer who wrote the enormous book but never saw the word by himself. Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity. In the travel, the young prince discovered that, those people always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side and don’t know what they really want. Those experiences plunged the little prince into a depression. With the advice of the geographer, finally he came to last planet——earth. In his mind, this is a peculiar planet. It’s all dry and sharp and hard. And people here have no imagination. It was happened that the little prince walked to a rose garden and saw thousands of flowers just looked like his flower. He felt unhappy, because his flower had told him she was the only one of her kind in the whole universe. Then the fox appeared


推荐小王子演讲稿 4 篇推荐小王子演讲稿范文1 亲爱的老师、同学们: 最近,我读了《小王子》这篇寓意深远的童话。这是一个平实的故事,一个童话。《小王子》的故事简单,文字素淡,可是却给人静谧如幽谷的感觉。童话就是这样,在轻松间也给予生活的纯真与美好、简单与清澈。 故事中的小王子是孤独的,在他心情低落的时候,他会看日落。只有欣赏日落时那脉脉含情的余晖,才是他的乐趣。他曾一天看了四十三次日落,因为他心里充满了无尽的孤独和忧伤。有幸的是一朵玫瑰进入了她的生活,玫瑰有着沉静的柔情,她是一朵美丽而且非常骄傲的花。可是小王子是敏感的,他因为玫瑰的一次恼怒而对爱生起怀疑,他离开了自己的星星,开始了自己孤单的旅行。 幸运的是,他来到了地球,碰到了小狐狸,并且在小狐狸的要求下驯养了她。它说,如果小王子驯养了它,它的生活就会变得与众不同。她会辨认出一种特别的脚步声。其他的脚步声会使她躲到地下去,而小王子的脚步声就会象音乐一样让她从洞里走出来。它知道小王子终究是要离开的,但它不难过,只因为曾经拥有过。当它看到麦子,它会想到小王子金黄的头发,想起与小王子在一起的日子。 是狐狸告诉小王子,他的玫瑰是独一无二的,它教会了小王子爱。同时,他也要离开小狐狸去承担他对玫瑰的责任。狐狸最终还是送走了小王子,并且告诉他,本质质东西用眼睛是看不到的,要用心去看。 小王子最后发现自己无法回去自己的小星球。在等待的日子里,小王子

会望着自己的星星想念那朵花儿,他说:”如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么你只要看着那颗星星,就会感到幸福。“ 当我们夜晚仰望天空时,看着某颗星星,一定会想起那个美丽的故事,想起B——612 小星球,想起那个敏感的小王子,想起那朵忧伤的花儿。这样,无论他们是否存在过,在我们的心里,亦是永生。 梭罗说,人在过着静静的绝望的生活,他是远离人群的,阳光下去找寻一切颓废的根源,一无所获,这是一个落满灰尘的天堂。幸而我们的心中还有一个小王子的故事,忧伤但不乏美好。因为小王子的故事,我们在静静的生活时,心里有着希望和温存,有着感动和关于驯养的责任。 推荐小王子演讲稿范文2 亲爱的老师、同学们: 《小王子》这本书是法国的圣——埃克苏佩里著作的。故事讲了在一颗遥远的星球上住着一位小王子,他和一朵花儿生活在一起。爱、宽容和束缚感在他的心里波澜起浮,于是,他怀着忧伤离开了自己的星球,离开了深爱的玫瑰。 刚看到这本书时,我笑了,它简直是太幼稚了。但,看着看着,我笑不出来了。也许这就是幼稚的童言力量啊! 最后的结尾把我感动了,因为小王子为了一朵花,为了一线纯洁的童心,竟然可以舍弃自己的身躯回到有自己那朵玫瑰花的星球。 小王子开始去游览学习,他游历了众多星球。第一个星球那里住着满心控制欲的国王、自以为是的自大狂、矛盾的滑稽统治者。明明他 没有一个臣民,却那么骄傲自大; 接下来是一名虚荣心十分强的人,他以为凡是经过这里的人全都他的崇拜者,这是多么愚蠢的想法! 逻辑有问题


有关小王子的英语演讲稿2020 有关小王子的英语演讲稿1 Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing. In the book it said:" Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion." I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One. It looked like this: I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them. But they answered:"Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?" My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were not


小王子故事梗概英文 Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince,


小王子故事英文演讲稿高中 《小王子》是一部法国的著名小说,书所围绕的话题是爱情与成长。一起来看看小王子故事英文演讲稿高中,欢迎查阅! 小王子故事英文演讲稿1 The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery contains a fairy tale which concludes plentiful things.The first thing we can learn from the book is the innocence of childhood and love.Although disappointed by what his roses said,the little prince still loved them.In the weiters opinion ,the roses stand for the pure love. As the prince growed up,he made a decision to explore other planets and leave his hometown,a planet which just one person lived in.When travelling in the other planets,he discovered that his rose is not the only one of its kind.There are abandunt kinds of roses in the garden,but he still held the opinoion that his rose is special "because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen" . When he came to the earth ,another significant character ,the fox , teached the little prince to take his own responsibility bravely .


绿色的天空 ——《小王子》读后感 文化艺术管理系 2013级一班 王新伟

Contents Overview Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-talethe outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. 绿色的天空 ——《小王子》读后感 我今天读了《小王子》,我读完后心里的感受跟书中的那位在沙漠里失事的飞行员在最后写到的感受是一样的,竟然不经落下泪来。 书中的小王子是一个来自神秘星球的唯一居民(除了他的玫瑰花、两座活火山、一座死火山、一堆猴面包树和一只羊)。他一头金发,十岁,喜欢笑和问问题,但他并不喜欢回答别人的问题。小王子曾经进行过穿梭星球的旅行,见到过国王、爱虚荣的人、数学家、狐狸、酒鬼、商人和灯夫。现在他在(撒哈拉大沙漠,见到了之前所说的飞行员。小王子给飞行员讲了他的旅行故事,最后他的灵魂离开了


《小王子》英语读后感3篇 小王子这本书是法国的安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的,安东尼·德·圣艾修伯里写的这本小王子是在1943年出版的,是一本老幼皆宜的童话书。下面是WTT为大家收集整理的《小王子》英语读后感3篇,希望能够帮助到大家! 《小王子》英语读后感一 The Little Prince is a tale for both children and adults. The Little Prince is the story of a man who crashes his airplane into the desert only to meet a traveling boy from a small pla.The boy inquires about trees and sheep, shares his journeys and various encounters, and then leaves.Yet, reading between the lines, the story offers a much more plex, eiching,satisfying and eye—opening moral: what matters in life is love — and caring about someone or something and maintaining that relationship.The prince loves his rose enough to care for it every night by protecting it with a glass globe and requesting a muzzle for his sheep.He knows that the rose is naive with only four purposeless thorns and, out of his loyalty to her, it is his duty


[小王子英文简介]小妇人英文简介3篇【护士节征文稿】 小妇人英文简介篇(一):第二章会见芒奇金人 一个突然而猛烈的震动,把多萝茜震醒了,倘若她不是躺在柔软的床上,也许会受伤。 这个震动使她不得不屏息着,并且预感到什么事情发生了。 托托把它那冰冷的小鼻子,放到她的脸上,凄惨地哀诉着。 多萝茜坐起来仔细看着,那屋子不动了;天也不黑了,因为明亮的太阳光,从窗子外照进来,照满了小屋子。她从床上跳出来,跑过去打开了门,托托跟在她后面。 这个小女孩子,向四周看了一下,发出一声惊奇的叫喊,她的一双眼睛逐渐地张大起来,更张大起来,呆呆地望着她所看见的奇怪的景象。 在那奇异美丽的地方的中央,旋风十分缓慢地——因为这是

一阵旋风——把屋子放了下来。那里满是可爱的一块块绿草地,以及高大的树林,树林里挂着丰饶的甜美的果子。斜坡上到处长着奇异的花草,鸟儿们披上罕见的辉煌美丽的羽服唱着歌儿,并且在树林里和灌木丛中鼓翼飞舞。离开不多路有一条小溪,沿着绿的斜坡中间冲流着,起着泡,发出淙淙的声音来,小女孩子对此十分悦意,因为她在那干燥的、灰色的草原上住得太久了。 正当她高兴地站着,望着这片奇异美丽的景色时,看到了向她走过来的一群人,是她所看见过的人们中最奇怪的人。他们不像她所看惯了的成人那样大;可是他们也不太小。实在的,按照多萝茜的年龄,她是一个长得较高的孩子,但他们似乎只像她一样高大,虽然照外貌看起来,他们的年龄是比她大得多了。 他们三个是男人,一个是女人,都穿着奇怪的衣服。男人们的头上,戴着圆帽子,中间耸起了一个小小的尖顶,四边挂着小铃子,当他们走动时,好听地叮当作响。男人的帽子是绿的。女人的帽子是白的,穿着一件白袍子,从肩上打着褶裥挂下来,上面闪耀着小星,在太阳光里像许多金刚钻。男人们穿着绿的衣裳,和他们戴的帽子的颜色同样深浅,套上擦得很亮的靴子,在靴子的上面绕着蓝色的绑腿布。多萝茜


《小王子》读书笔记(中英文对照) Tome,youarestillnothingmorethanalittleboywhoisjustlikeahund redthousandotherlittleboys.AndIhavenoneedofyou.Andyou,onyou rpart,havenoneedofme.Toyou,Iamnothingmorethanafoxlikeahundr edthousandotherfoxes.Butifyoutameme,thenweshallneedeachothe r.Tome,youwillbeuniqueinalltheworld.Toyou,Ishallbeuniqueina lltheworld. 对我而言,你只是一个小男孩,和其他成千上万的小男孩没有什么不同。我不需要你。你也不需要我。对你而言,我也和其它成千上万的狐狸并没有差别。但是,假如你驯服了我,我们就彼此需要了。对我而言,你就是举世无双的;对你而言,我也是独一无二的…… Thewheatfieldshavenothingtosaytome.Andthatissad.Butyouhaveh

airthatisthecolorofgold.Thinkhowwonderfulthatwillbewhenyouh avetamedme!Thegrain,whichisalsogolden,willbringmebackthetho ughtofyou.AndIshalllovetolistentothewindinthewheat. 麦田和我毫不相干,真令人沮丧。不过,你有金黄色的头发。想想看,如果你驯服了我,那该有多好啊!小麦也是金黄色的,那会使我想起你。我会喜欢听麦田里的风声…… Itisyourownfault,Ineverwishedyouanysortofharm;butyouwantedm etotameyou...butnowyouaregoingtocry!Thenithasdoneyounogooda tall! 这是你的错,我根本无意伤害你,可是你却愿意让我驯服你……可是你现在却想哭!那驯服根本对你毫无好处! Ithasdonemegood,becauseofthecolorofthewheatfields.Goandlook againattheroses.Youwillunderstandnowthatyoursisuniqueinallt


the little prince The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French writer and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (安 东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里) 《小王子》(法文原書名為 Le Petit Prince),是法國童 话作品,法国贵族作家、飞行 员先驱安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏 佩里(1900–1944)的最著名 的作品,于1943年在纽约出版。 23年退伍,第二次世界大战期 间他重入法国空军。后辗转去 纽约开始流亡生活。在这期间, 写出、《小王子》(1943)等作 品。1944年返回同盟国地中海 空军部队。在当年7月31日的一次飞行任务中,他驾驶飞机飞上湛蓝的天空,就此再也没有回来。牺牲时,年仅44岁,成为法国文学史上最神秘的一则传奇。 This small book contains a fairy tale, a story about many things. A little prince lives on a young star. The prince loves his roses, but felt disappointed by something the rose said. As doubt grows, he decides to explore other planet. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth,He and the author met one another in the desert, they gradually have become friends. Finally, he returned to his own star. 这个小本书包含一个童话故事,讲述了很多东西。小王子居住在一颗小小的星球上面,王子爱他的玫瑰,但是被玫瑰花的话语刺伤,感到非常失落。随着疑惑的增长,他决定尝试其他的行星。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友,寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。最后,他又回到了他的星球。 In the travel, the young prince saw allthe forms of person confused in the society : King, loves the vanity person . The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks . The industrialist, only likes calculating the numbers of money . Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity .In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people on the Earth always does not satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side .


课前三分钟演讲稿小王子 演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合 发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。下面是的课前三分钟演讲稿小王子,欢迎来参考! 今天,我向大家推荐一部童话就是这本《小王子》,它是20世纪流传最广的童话。作者埃克苏佩里在书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。书中作者以小王子的孩子式的眼光,透视出成人的空虚、盲目和愚妄,用浅显天真的语言写出了人类的孤独寂寞、没有根基随风流浪的命运。同时,也表达出作者对金钱关系的批判,对真善美的讴歌。所以我觉得它甚至不是一部童话,而是一片反映社会的镜子。 童话中中的精彩片段不胜枚举,其中让我印象最为深刻的,是 我从这部伟大的童话里找到有关情感与交往的密码: 小王子住在一颗只比他大一丁点儿的小行星上,陪伴他的是一 朵他非常喜爱的小玫瑰花,他一心一意地照料她、爱着她。然而,有一天,当他在地球上的花园里看到整整五千朵跟他的花一模一样的玫瑰花时,小王子才知道那朵举世无双的花原来只是一朵平平常常的花,于是他倒在草地上哭了。 他说,“人的感情建立在‘驯服’的基础上,‘驯服’就是建 立纽带,一份默契,一种责任。在驯服之前,你对我来说不过是一个男孩子,跟成千上万的男孩子毫无两样。我不需要你,你不需要我。

我对你不过是一只狐狸,跟成千上万知狐狸毫无两样。但是,你要是驯服了我,咱们俩就会互相需要。你对我是世界上唯一的,我对你也是世界上唯一的”小王子就此明白了那朵玫瑰花对于它之所以独特唯分珍贵的原因,因为他被她“驯服”了,所以“单她一朵就比花园里五千朵都宝贵”。 这真是一个伟大的发现——我们为什么爱一个人?是因为他(她)比别人更漂亮、更富有、更出众吗?在一般人眼里,你爱的这个人实在是普通的很;同样,为什么我们被爱,也不是因为我们多么出类拔萃,而是我们之间建立了独特的“驯服”关系,彼此的奉献和付出使对方独一无二,不可替代。狐狸还非常有诗意的说道,本来他对麦子没兴趣,因为他不吃面包。可小王子驯服他之后就不同了,他会喜欢风吹麦田的声音,因为麦子的颜色黄澄澄的,像小王子的头发。这真是爱屋及乌,凡是与所爱的人儿联系的上的东西,都能引起幸福的遐想。 仔细想来,我们津津乐道的所谓“故土情怀”何尝不是因为这种“驯服”而产生的呢?若非如此,热爱故土就只能是一种“嫁鸡随鸡”的无奈了。“问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许”、“弱水三千,只取一瓢饮”的爱情同样也是因了这种“驯服”。正因为此,小王子才会想着给他所在的小行星上的那朵玫瑰花画一副铠甲。这朵玫瑰对于小王子的意义,旁人是永远也无法体会的——因为,人与人、人与物的交往,更多是通过心灵,而不是通过肉眼可以看到的。 最后送给大家一句小王子说的话:


有关小王子的英语演讲稿 篇一:小王子英语演讲稿 the little prince the little prince (french:le petit prince), firstpublished in 1943, is anovella and the most famouswork of the french writerand pioneering aviator antoine de saint-exupéry (安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里)《小王子》(法文原書名為le petit prince),是法國童话作品,法国贵族作家、飞行员先驱安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里(1900–1944)的最著名的作品,于1943年在纽约出版。 23年退伍,第二次世界大战期间他重入法国空军。后辗转去纽约开始流亡生活。在这期间,写出、《小王子》(1943)等作品。1944年返回同盟国地中海空军部队。在当年7月31日的一次飞行任务中,他驾驶飞机飞上湛蓝的天空,就此再也没有回来。牺牲时,年仅44 岁,成为法国文学史上最神秘的一则传奇。in the travel, the young prince saw allthe forms of person confused in the society : king, loves the vanity person .the drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks . actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side . 在旅行中,小

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