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开头图面描述+小的概括,点明图画的意义,揭示的问题。在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短例如As is indicated in the picture,an adolescent is telling his grandfather a good news-he can go to a state-class university with his University Admission Report,while his grandpa has also received his own Admission Report of the university for the elder.(长句)How exciting and encouraging it is!(短句)二、套话:1、开头图面描述:As is indicated in the picture,an adolescent is telling 例如As is indicated in the picture,an adolescent is telling his grandfather a good news–2、小的概括:An overwhelming/A noticeable trend/situation is illustrated in an explicit(直接的)/implicit暗示的manner:例如A noticeable situation is illustrated in an explicit manner:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.{Pose a great threat to~~(对...造成一大威胁)}

第二部分(主要是原因、举例和措施的写法)一、原因部分:(一)最佳方案:用3、4句话排比,层层深入点明主题。1、套话:…can be attributed to dozens of factors.+The problem is not A but B;the problem is not B,but C;the problem is not C but D.2、注意:原因分析深刻且有递进关系,这是拿高分得关键:{优秀范例:问题不在于孩子是否崇拜,而在于孩子们崇拜什么人;问题不在于孩子们崇拜什么人;而在于这些人是什么样的人;问题不在于这些人是什么样得人,而在于他们代表一些什么品质。我们应该引导孩子们崇拜那些体现美好品德的人物。}

(二)不会用排比时,这样列举原因:1、原因不容易缩成从句或短语时:(1)套话:Why so?In this day and age,后接原因,在这里用一些精彩的句式表达,词组运用,有能力还可以用一些精彩的词汇。例如:In this day and age,There is no denying that our educational system leaves something to be desired.{There is no denying that...(不可否认的...)}例如In this day and age,knowledge of human beings is advancing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of areas.(短句)Since the advent of the information era,education has been playing a pivotal role in individual development.We will not be abandoned by the society if we keep learning.(2)注意:拿不准还不如不用,以免错用。2.当原因容易缩成从句或短语时…要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,短句…can be attributed to dozens of factors.长句To start with,should take the largest share of responsibility of it.next,in addition,finally


1、用什么例子,需开拓自己的思路可以举正反两面的例子(以前崇拜毛泽东,现在有人崇拜刘翔。这些都是一些健康的崇拜,当然也有些不健康的,给孩子带来坏的影响。)模版1)A good case in point is…(2)For instance,

2、也可以举数字。原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey,about78.9%of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.三、措施部分:套话:To turn the tide或to better the situation,a couple of solutions,based on the in-depth analysis above,have to be implemented.+More importantly,every effort has to be directed to…例如To

better the situation,a couple of solutions,based on the in-depth analysis above,have to be implemented.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.{Spare no effort to+V(不遗余力的)}More importantly,every effort has to be directed to…例句:More importantly,every effort has to be directed to people”s awareness.We should bring home to people the value of environmental protection{bring home to+人+事(让...明白...事)}


1、套话:(1)可以用一个经典的虚拟语气的句型。Obviously,it is high time that we did.例如:The environment being worse(独立主格用法),it is high time that we did our utmost to protect the environment.It pays to do it,because the more we do,the more we gain。{So+形容词+be+主词+that+句子(如此...以致于...)do one's utmost to+V=do one's best(尽全力去...)It pays to+V~~~(...是值得的。)}注意上句中的独立主格用法,得高分法宝(2)展望未来类型:We can cherish the hope that,with these keys,we will unlock the door to a harmonious world.


一、~~~the+~est+名词+(that)+主词+have ever+seen(known/heard/had/read,etc)~~~the most+形容词+名词+(that)+主词+have ever+seen(known/heard/had/read,etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。二、Nothing is+~~~er than to+V Nothing is+more+形容词+than to+V例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。

三、三、~~~cannot emphasize the importance of~~~too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。)例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。

四、There is no denying that+S+V...(不可否认的...)或No one can deny that主要用于描述负面情况例句:There is no denying that our educational system leaves something to be desired.

五、leaves something to be desired令人不满意

六、It is universally acknowledged that+句子~~(全世界都知道...)例句:It is

universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。are indispensable to us.不可或缺的

八、句中最好使用一个倒装句only+状语+小倒装如Only when we develop ourselves in a well-rounded way,can we become productive members of society

九、So+形容词+be+主词+that+句子(如此...以致于...)例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.注意此处的倒装时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

十、Adj+as+Subject(主词)+be,S+V~~~(虽然...)例句:Rich as our country is,the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.{by no means一点也不}虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。

十一、The+~er+S+V,~~~the+~er+S+V~~~The more books we read,the more learned we become.十二、By+Ving,~~can~~(借着...,..能够..)例句:By taking exercise,we can always stay healthy.十三、On no account can we+V~~~(我们绝对不能...)注意此处的倒装例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.

十四、~~~enable+Object(受词)+to+V(..使..能够..)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。

十五、It is time+S+过去式(该是...的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems

十六、Those who~~~(...的人...)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.十七、There is no one but~~~(没有人不...)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学。

十八、be+compelled+to+V(不得不...)可以与Since搭配例句:Since the examination is around the corner,I am compelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。

十九、It is conceivable that+句子(可想而知的)例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。It is apparent that+句子(显然的)

二十、is a real idol for是的典范He is a real idol for all of Chinese youth

二十一、For the past+时间,S+现在完成式...(过去...年来,...一直...)例句:For the

past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination.

二十二、Since+S+过去式,S+现在完成式。“自从——”例句:Since he went to senior high school,he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

二十三、It pays to+V~~~(...是值得的。)例句:It pays to help others.帮助别人是值得的。

二十五、Spare no effort to+V(不遗余力的)例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。美化我们的环境beautify our environment二十六、bring home to+人+事(让...明白...事)例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。

二十七、be closely related to~~(与...息息相关)例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关。

二十八、Get into the habit of+Ving=make it a rule to+V(养成...的习惯)We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

二十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to+N/Ving,~~~(因为...)例句:Thanks to his encouragement,I finally realized my dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。

三十、What a+Adj+N+S+V!=How+Adj+a+N+V!(多么...!)例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!How important a thing it is to keep our promise!遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

三十二、Have a great influence on~~~(对...有很大的影响)例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

三十三、do good to(对...有益),do harm to(对...有害)例句:Reading does good to our mind.

三十四、Pose a great threat to~~(对...造成一大威胁)例句ollution poses a great threat to our existence.

三十五、do one's utmost to+V=do one's best(尽全力去...)例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。



interesting,smart,gentle,warm-hearted,hospital之类的形象词。小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room二、多变句式原则1)加法(串联)都希望写下很长的句子,像个老外似的,可就是怕写错,怎么办,最保险的写长句的方法就是这些,可以在任何句子之间加and,但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说:I enjoy music and he is fond of playing guitar.如果是二者并列的,我们可以用一个超级句式:Not only the fur coat is soft,but it is also warm.2)转折(拐弯抹角)我们说话的时候,只要在要点之前先来点废话,注意二者之间用个专这次就够了。The car was quite old,yet it was in excellent condition.或The coat was thin,but it was warm.更多的短语:despite that,still,however,nevertheless,in spite of,despite,notwithstanding3)因果(so,so,so)表示的是先后或因果关系!The snow began to fall,so we went home.4)失衡句(头重脚轻,或者头轻脚重)有些句子脑袋大,身体小,或者有些脑袋小,身体大,文章中出现这样的句子,就更会让考官看到你的句子与众不同。其实就是主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句的变形。举例:Whether he can go with us or not is not sure.同样主语、宾语、表语可以改成如下的复杂成分:When to go,Why he goes away…

5)附加(多此一举)那就是定语从句和同位语从句或者是插入语。Mr Liu,our oral English teacher,is easy-going.6)排比(排山倒海句)引用一个个的排比句,一个个得对偶句,一个个的不定式,一个个地词,一个个的短语,将会使文章有排山倒海之势!Whether your tastes are modern or traditional,sophisticated or simple,there is plenty in London for you.We have got to study hard,to enlarge our scope of knowledge,to realize our potentials and to pay for our life.(气势恢宏)7)独立主格的句子原理:在学生的文章中,很少发现诸如独立主格的句子,它就是分词的一种特殊形式,分词要求主语一致,而独立主格则不然。比如:The weather being fine,a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills.Africa is the second largest continent,its size being about three times that of China.如果您可一些出这样的句子,不得高分才怪!三、文章主体段落三大杀手锏一)、举实例思维短路,举实例!提出一个观点,举实例!提出一个方案,举实例!例如:In order to attract more customers,advertisers have adopted every possible stimulative factor in making ads,such as sound,light,colours,cartoon films and human performance.For instance,to advertise a certain food,advertisers will ask

an actor or actress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fime him or her.更多句型:To take…as an example,One example is…,Another example is…,二)、做比较方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的;相似的比较:likewise相反的比较:nevertheless,三、换言之没话说了,可以换一句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字。短语:put it more simply
















Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Sunday paper for

a sales manager in your company.Your company has a reputation for producing high-quality products like Mandolin network system.I am interested in joining such a professional organization.

As you can see from the enclosed resume,my previous work in an export company has provided me with lots of opportunities to contact all kinds of customers and suppliers home and abroad.By communicating with them,I have got very familiar with the international trade and the current market.Besides,my educational training at university concentrated also on international trade which equipped me with a solid foundation in sales and trade.

As such,I believe that my service could be of great benefit to your company in terms of customer relation and new business connections.

I hope to have an opportunity to meet your human resource manager in order to let you know more about me.I enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience.Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,











Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S.degree.I have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry.I am greatly interested in the program.

I graduated in1997from Beijing University,majoring in Chemistry and holding a B.S.degree.At university,I took many fundamental courses in Chemistry and my English is excellent as I had served as the head of English Association for two years.Since then I have been teaching Chemistry in Beijing Normal University.Through my teaching experience,I have not only deepened my understanding in this field,but mastered many complicated research skills as well.

Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me,as enclosed with this letter.

Could you please send me the necessary forms and any information about financial aid in your program?

Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Fan Wei

Dear Sir or Madam:

I wish to apply for admission to your department as a graduate student.I am writing to ask whether it will be possible for you to grant me a full scholarship,considering my academic record and the fact that I have no relatives or friends in America who can act as my sponsor.

I completed a four-year course in chemistry at Beijing University last June.During my four years in the university,I have passed all the required courses of study with satisfactory marks.With Chemistry as my major,I minored in Physics and Mathematics.Enclosed herewith is my transcript from the department concerned. My English is very good.I have been learning English since early childhood with the help of my father who is a professor of English in Fudan University,Shanghai.I therefore believe that I will not have language difficulties while studying in the United States.

I should be most grateful if you would give my request favorable consideration.Thank you very much and look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Wu Li


I am writing to you because I wish to…

I am writing to ask whether you could send me some information about your college and the application forms…

I am a graduate from…,I am very interested in…

Please send me all relevant information concerning the program you offer.

I should be most grateful to you if you would send me…

I would appreciate very much if you could send me…

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your favorable reply. Enclosed in this letter please find three letters of recommendation and a certified copy of my transcript.





第二,推荐信要多写优点,充分肯定成绩,语气要积极、热情。但为了客观起见,也可适当提一下申请者的不足之处,但一定要说明这种不足之处是可以通过学习和锻炼得到克服的。第三,推荐信的篇幅不宜过长,但也不能三言两语敷衍了事,一般以250到350字为宜。第四,推荐信的称呼一般用To whom it may concern或者Dear sir or Madam。而且推荐信通常由推荐人直接寄给用人单位或学校。



To whom it may concern:

I sincerely recommend Ms.Zhang Chen to participate in your program and researching group.I am a department manager in Guangyou Trade Company and Ms.Zhang had been worked in my department for nearly three years.

As her direct supervisor,I have a good understanding in her working ability.She was very careful and sensitive to figures.Her monthly statistics and report forms were always the best of the company.And as I knew more about her,I found that she was very much interested in accounting.So I provided her with the opportunity to work with the experienced accountant in our company so that she would be able to learn from him.

What I appreciate most is her diligence and the ability to learn quickly.By

self-study,she passed the exam of accountant qualification.I must admit that it was not an easy task,but she managed it through hard work.Since she had already

had a deep understanding in this area,I asked her to be responsible for the computerization of the accounting system in our company.It was within my expectation that she accomplished it successfully.

And now,as she has determined that she would choose accounting as her life career,I would like to lend my full support in her effort.Therefore,I strongly recommend you to accept Ms.Zhang in your program.I believe that thanks to all her virtues,she would make herself a good student in your prestigious program and make a good contribution to it.And I really hope that I will have the opportunity to cooperate with her again after she got the MACC degree.

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

Li Tong

Department Manager of Guangyou Trade Company


I proudly introduce…to your attention.

I am certain that…will build a bright career with your instruction.

I would safely say that…will be excellent with your program.

I have no doubt that…will make a strong candidate for your program.

…is surely the right person for your program.




Dear Jane,

We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema,The Longest Day,

Friday,the ninth.Will you join us?We’ll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema,so don’t disappoint us!

Warmest regards.





Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society,I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire,Michigan,from October25to October28,2004.

You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator.Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation.As you know,this is the10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting.We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries,including two from China. If you can come,please let us know as soon as possible,since we have to prepare the final program soon.We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter White




Dear Alice,

Thank you very much for your invitation.It will be great pleasure for me to join you on Friday for the wonderful film.I will arrive at the cinema before eight.I look forward to meeting you on Friday.

Thank you for thinking of me.





Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated15th August,inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming2004International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire,Michigan,from October25to28,2004.

Much to my regret,I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer.I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science.I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,

Wang Xuan






Dear Sandy,

When you left a package for me yesterday,I had difficulty waiting until my birthday to open it.

I don’t know how to thank you for such an attractive present.It is something that will give me pleasure for a long time to come.

Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.



Dear Professor Anthony,

Thank you for a delightful stay.

Your home is lovely,your meals delectable,and I enjoyed the fun and companionship.I am still thinking about it and enjoying it in retrospect.

Many thanks again for your warm hospitality.











To:London Woolen Products

From:Angel Clothes Store

As we plan our Fall inventory,we are again in market to buy woolens.We are principally interested in the traditional sweater and would like to request a sample. Please also send information on any other knitwear that your company produces and a current price list.

If you plan to take part in the Beijing Trade Fair at the end of this month,please inform us of your stand number so that we can contact you at that time.Please note our new address and telephone number.

Thank you in advance for your attention.






Dear Sir or Madam:

I am on an urgent mission and want to get to Hong Kong as soon as possible.Please reserve for me a seat in the plane leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong at8a.m.tomorrow.A

seat by the window in the economic section is preferred.I shall be very grateful if you would deliver the ticket to Room418of the Baiyun Hotel where I am staying. If there is no seat available at8a.m.tomorrow,please inform me as soon as possible,so that I can change a flight.

Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,

Steve Brown






Dear Sir,

Enclosed is one sample of the envelopes which your delivery truck left in our office yesterday.We wish,however,to exchange them for the correct size,or obtain a refund. When our supply secretary selected and purchased official envelopes in your store last week on December12,she asked that size L be sent to our office.The size we received is small,and of course it does not serve our needs.The sales receipt

is#3968,dated December12,written by salesclerk#189.

Please send us the correct size L envelopes in exactly the same style and color,or if this is not available now,cash refund of$50.50.Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,











个人资料一项主要包括姓名、地址、电话。至于性别、出生日期、婚姻状况、业余爱好等等并不是必须要写的内容。中文姓名用英语表达时用汉语拼音,可以写成:Cheng,Huang,姓在前,名在后,用逗号隔开,如Cheng,Jun(或不用逗号即Cheng Jun);姓的字母全部大写,如CHENG Jun;三个字的名字,后面两个字的汉语拼音连在一起,第二个字的第一个字母大写,其余都小写,如Cheng Xiajun。
















证明人一般列在简历的最后,以增加可信度。通常可作为证明人的有:学校里的任课老师和同学、单位的领导和同事。也可不列出具体的证明人,但必须说明Reference will be available upon request.



2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3) As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. 以上是中公考研为大家准备整理的2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3)的内容。中公考研提醒大家2018考研招生简章、2018考研招生目录、2018考研参考书目以及2018考研大纲已陆续公布,中公考研将为大家及时提供相关资讯。另外,为了帮助考生更 好地复习,中公考研为广大学子推出2018考研VIP1对1、秋季集训营、保研课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了解咨询。同时,中公考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


2016考研英语二真题:小作文解析 Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to 1)thank him; 2)give your advice. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 point) 如大家所见,这是2016年英语二小作文题目。英语(二)考纲的写作部分,其实主 要考查学生的应用能力,考查范围包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等,还应能写一般 描述性、叙述性和说明或议论性的文章;而要求考生根据所给情景写出一篇约100词(标 点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文。 作为写作B部分的小作文总分10分,大家要抓住得分点。小作文在评分时有如下评分 要点:1.信息点——覆盖全面;2.内容——组织连贯;3.语言——准确性;4.格式——符 合要求;5.语域——恰当。 不出所料,今年英语二的小作文再次考查了书信体,并且考查的信件可以说是杂糅型的。这在2011年英语二中出现了同样的考查方式: Suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to: (1)Congratulate him/her,and (2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use zhangwei. 同样的考查方式,足以说明一件事情——绝对要重视考研真题。跨考教育英语教研室 的老师总在强调真题的重要性,希望大家以后一定要强化这种认识。 下面我们来详细解读下今年的小作文,首先看一下题目要求: 称呼: Dear Jack注意称呼中,后面的逗号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。 正文 建议大家三步走策略——简洁、直接、明了:写作目的、写作是由、重申目的第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样 的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写 进正文,如讲究学习方式、注重坚持、多多接触外文文化及语境。那本篇老师主要从前两 个方面进行论述,表达如下:As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. At the top of list is the persistence due to the fact that you could deserve the position after days or years of efforts that you have had in the field. What’s more, you are supposed to pay more attention to the way in which you finish your major, for it plays a significant role in the process. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope that my suggestions can be in favor of your future study. 落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名: Li Ming特别注 意 Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。


考研英语作文范文和模板:图表作文 图表作文 1.写作攻略图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点:(1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。(2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单



书信类一 (一) 2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


2014年考研作文格式大全 英语大作文一共分为三种。 积极类,比如文化融合,合作,点一盏心灯等等,都可以用积极类的模板。 另一种是消极类的,比如11年的环境污染,温室花朵,过量捕鱼这是一类。 还有一类就是中性类,自信啊,网络利与弊啊,这类的。 但是这三种模板的三段谋篇布局是一样一样的。描述图片+解释图片+我们该怎么办。有时候他会让你举一个人物的例子,这就更简单了,都是提前准备好的。别着急,后面都会说到,先说说这第一段。 第一段的话,80%的作文书,第一句准是as vividly+你看到图中的东西,都用烂了的,咱们不用,咱们的宗旨就是与众不同。第一句怎么写,咱们先不说,先说第二句。第二句一般会写,这个东西对我们的生活产生深远的影响。 例子,1、正如图片中生动形象的描画了一个文化火锅,里边有莎士比亚、佛bulabula~~(后半句用非限定性定语从句,这个待会讲)。2、文化对人们的生活产生了深远的影响。所以金翅给出的第一段第2句(一、2用此表示,下同)的表达方法。 Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking.多元文化的确对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这

种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。大家想一想,是不是把多元文化替换成,网络、环境问题、合作、自信都很通顺呢,而且用does强调动词exert,让人眼前一亮。这样咱们的一、2就完事了。现在说一、1,先上模板。As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha.这句话的亮点在于非限定性定语从句,把两句话合二为一。有同学说了,这不还是as系列的么?这就需要变通啊,句子是死的人是活的呀。咱们的策略是把第一句和第二句调换一下位置,别让老师一看就是as,吐都吐死了。 综上所述第一段前两句是: 一、1:Multi-culture does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking.一、2 As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there is a hot-pot,which involves Shakespeare and Buddha. 多元文化对我们的生活产生了深刻的影响,这种影响使我们生活和思考的方式发生了变革。正如这幅图片所描绘的,这里有一个火锅,它包括莎士比亚和佛。是不是感觉“正如”用的有承上启下的作用呢?是不是很传神呢?11年的环境作文中,金翅用的此法,从最后结果来看,分数还是灰常让我满意的。 第一段第三句就很简单了,一般一张pp下边会有一句话或者一个注释,咱来个中译英就行了,前边要加上修饰的模板。一、3:And below the cartoon,there is a topic which says:the cultural hotpot is both delicious and nutritious.


研究生学位英语必背模版 一、学位英语必背句型 1.as is known /as it is known to all …众所周知 2.with the pace of modern life increasing….随着现代生活步伐的加快 3.with the development of modern society…随着现代社会的 4.personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view…我个人偏向于前/后一种观点 5. there is no doubt that…勿容质疑 6.however everything has two sides…任何事物都具有两方面 7.as a Chinese saying goes…正如中国的一句谚语所说 8.the same is the case with sth…也不例外 9.in the appraisal of …在。。。的评价中 11. according to …there are at least three good reasons…firstly secondly…thirdly….列举的用法 12. In my opinion, in the appraisal of …it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them。 我认为,在对….的评价中,完全的肯定任何事情和否认任何事情都是片面的。我们在欣赏到他们做出的巨大的贡献的同时也要更加注意他们带来的问题。 二、学位英语作文速成模板 1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为…… 2.另一些人认为…… 3.我的看法……


Mba英语二写作历年真题及解析 2016年 Section IV Writing Part A 47。Directions: Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack,wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation。Write him a reply to 1)thank him,and 2)give you advice You should write about 100 on the ANSWER SHEET。 Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter。Use Li Ming instead。 Do not write the address。(10 points) Part B 48。Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below。In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments。 You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET。(15 points)

Section IV Writing 47、 [参考范文] Dear Jack, Your letter of congratulations was received。Thank you for your nice words on my winning the c ontest。In the letter, you asked me about the skills to do translation,so the following are my a dvice for you。 Firstly, you should analyze the sentence structure, thus catching the meaning of the sentence。 Secondly, find the proper words to translate the meaning of the source language into the target l anguage。 Thirdly,revise your translation at least three times to check if there are any mistransl ations or missed meanings。 I hope my advice helpful。 Wish to see you soon。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming 第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,比如多加练习、多与外国人交流,多多接触国际事务等。本篇老师主要从这些方面进行论述,表达如下As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals i n this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study. 落款:Yours sincerely,特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名:Li Ming特别注意Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。 48、 [参考范文] Portrayed in the above pie chart is a survey of college students’ purposes of traveling。 The numb er of students who take traveling as a chance to see beautiful scenes accounts for 37%,while stu dents who would like to travel to relieve pressure from study take up 35 %。 There are several reasons behind the trend revealed in the above chart。To begin with, as the pr esent society is filled with fierce competition, most college students nowadays are under great pr essure to stand out among others or to lunch a decent job after graduation。Therefore, they tend to choose traveling as an outlet to relieve their stress。 Secondly,with the fast advancement of t he living standards of Chinese families, traveling is increasingly affordable to most college stude nts。 For this reason, students prefer to travel to see different views to enjoy themselves or to m ake some friends。 From my perspective, no matter what reason it is for, traveling is of great benefit for students 今年英语二作文的题目比较好写,因为标题和图示非常清晰明白。图表显示了某高校学生旅游目的调查, 考生分析原因的话也会很简单。下面分三段简要地说一下这三段应该怎么写。 第一段主要是描述图表。图表一目了然,数量词百分比也是大家熟悉的词汇,表述数据时,图中有四五组数据,由于字数的限制以及为了写作的便利可以突出较大比例的“欣赏风景”和“缓解压力”,注意引入百分比的表达方式。 第二段给出你的评论,主要写这种情况的原因。主要要结合图表描述的内容从两个方面写起。一方面为什么为了欣赏风景而旅行的目的占37%,另一方面为什么缓解压力会占到33%比例。 最后结尾段落可简要得出结论,这种现象并不奇怪,还将继续下去。


1.2014年考研英语作文范文:家庭关系类 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2. 范文: This drawing depicts a typical “little emperor” of a contemporary Chinese family. The fat son sinks comfortably into a soft sofa watching TV, while his father and mother, who are strikingly thinner, are feeding him watermelon and cutting his nails. No doubt, the boy is very spoiled being the center. Unfortunately, children who are brought up in such an environment may suffer hardships later. Because their life is always pampered, there is a great possibility that they would be unable to deal with any frustration or failure. Most of the children who are extremely pampered are arrogant and complacent, without the awareness of showing respect to others. This attitude can arouse others’ disfavor toward them. Furthermore, these children may find difficulty in sustaining themselves once detached from their families. What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that, though it is good to see much of parents’ attention is focused on children, it is more important to help children learn how to survive and how to be good citizens. They are ensured not only of a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, and hence a healthy life. 译文: 这幅图刻画了一个当代中国家庭典型的“小皇帝”。这个胖男孩舒服地坐在柔软的沙发上看电视,他瘦弱的父母正分别喂他吃西瓜和帮他剪脚趾甲。毫无疑问,男孩在这种以他为中心的环境中受到了极度的溺爱。


2020MBA考研英语作文7种经典框架模板 01 观点表达(自己/一方/双方) Some people hold the view that_______. However, towards the same issue, others believe that ________. Many people claim that ______. Nevertheless,some others stand on a very different ground. They point out that _______. ln my opinion, ______. For my part, ______. As far as I am concerned, _____. From my point of view, _____. I am convinced that _____. I completely approve of/ side with the former/latter point of view. I can hardly share this viewpoint for the reasons below. Despite the fact that the majority hold the opinion that _______, I doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis. 02 连接词

Firstly/first of all/to begin with/in the first place/for one thing Secondly/ in the second place Besides/ for another/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what is more 03 开头段引起下文 There are many reasons that can verify this. There are three premier causes as follows. Among countless factors which influence my decision,there are three conspicuous aspects. Admittedly, there are merits to both sides of the argument. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. On such a controversial issue, people seldom reach an absolute consensus. This issue is so controversial that people can hardly reach an absolute consensus. It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and explore effective solutions. From my


6级作文模板 1)先背3个句子 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响) 3To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段 Firstly….Secondly…https://www.doczj.com/doc/c812684236.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段 To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that…. 结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子 (补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合)


2016年考研英语二小作文 一、咨询信★★★★★ 写作模式: Dear Sir or Madam, As a ……, I am writing to ask if ……. ……. I,d appreciate it if you could ……/I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.(两句皆可) 投诉信★★★★★ 写作模式: Dear Sir or Madam, I write this to place a complaint against ……/ I venture to write to complain about ……(两句皆可)the quality of ……I bought ……. During ……has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another . For one thing,……, For another,……. Therefore,I wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me a replacement (替代品)as soon as possible. or I will demand a refund. Yours, Xiao xiang 二、邀请信★★★★★ 写作模式:

㈠发出的邀请信分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会. ⑴邀请名人 Dear ……, We should be very grateful if you could ……/May I take the opportunity to you to …….(两句皆可). Please let me know as soon as possible if you come and when you will be able to make it . ⑵邀请参加聚会 Dear ……, I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to ……. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. ……I am glad to tell you that ……. There are also arrangements for ……, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at ……so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision . Love, Xiao xiang ㈡回复别人的邀请信一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信 Dear ……, It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to ……. ……. I do hope I can have a chance to visit ……. Regretfully,


我用过的考研英语写作模板 一、几篇写作模板。 1、人生哲理问题。 Indicated above is a picture that vividly describes such a scence ,......描述图画内容.......Obviously,what the author wants to convey to us is not the picture itself,but to lead observers to find out what hides behind the iceberg. The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with 独立when it comes to the cultivation of individual characteristics.Due attention to this quality has been attached by individuals and even the whole society, Otherwise, we cannot witness such a prosperity . People with the spirit of 独立 can not only accumulate wealth, but will also establish their career, fit into society, and even attain social status. And it is not hard to notice that without 独立,hardly can individuals make progress , take profits , especially in this fiercely competitive modern world , I argue . That will be a sorry state of affairs . The picture , to some degree , makes us reflect the conventional success and enlightens us to wonder the meaning of lift and its permanent as the essential trait that will entitle us the way to make life meaningful . So the surest way to have a meaningful happy life is to set goals mattering to us and to the world and commit ourselves to striving for it with this quality. 2、无形社会问题反面展开。 Indicated above is a picture that vividly describes such a scence ,......描述图画内容.......Obviously,what the author wants to convey to us is not the picture itself,but to lead observers to find out what hides behind the iceberg. The picture does reveal a disturbing phenomenon that is the lack of 诚信,which is in large measure detrimental not only to thepersonal life, but to the further development of the whole society. More specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organizations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of dis诚信when undergoing the dramatic social transformation. It is not hard to notice that without 诚信,hardly can individuals or organizations make

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