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英文电影中的经典对白 有一种鸟是永远也关不住的,因为它的每片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! these walls arekind of funny like that. first you hate them, then you get used to them. enoughtime passed, get so you depend on them. that s institutionalizing. 刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢的,你习惯生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存.那就是体制化.every man s got a breaking point. 每个人的忍耐都会有限度的.fear can hold you prisoner,hope can set youfree. 怯懦囚禁灵魂,希望还你自由.red: there s not a day goes by i don t feelregret. not because i m in here, or because you think i should. i look back onthe way i was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. iwant to talk to him. i want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the waythings are. but i can t. that kid s long gone and this old man is all that sleft. i got to live with that. rehabilitated? it s just a bullshit word. so yougo on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. because to tell youthe truth,i don t give a shit. red:我无时无刻不对自己的所作所为深感内疚,这不是因为我在这里(监狱),也不是讨好你们(假释官).回首曾经走过的弯路,我多么想对那个犯下重罪的愚蠢的年轻人说些什么,告诉他我现在的感受,告诉他还可以有其他的方式解决问题.可是,我做不到了.那个年轻人早已淹没在岁月的长河里,只留下一个老人孤独地面对过去.重新做人?骗人罢了!小子,别再浪费我的时间了,盖你的章吧,说实话,我不在乎.prison life consists of routine, and then moreroutine. 监狱生活充满了一段又一段的例行公事. 10.i find i m so excited. i can barely sit stillor hold a thought in my head. i think it the excitement only a free man canfeel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.i hope i can make it across the border. i hope to see my friend, and shake hishand. i hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. i hope. 我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能安坐或思考.我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱 的激动心情.我希望跨越边境,与朋友相见握手.我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中一样的蓝.我希望.


花木兰台词50句 花木兰台词(一): 花木兰统领千军万马为国而战 肆智,马革裹尸报国心 感人段落:花木兰两次慷慨激昂的演讲……队伍被困峡谷,大将军背信弃义,被逼入绝境的花木兰应对老弱残兵的兄弟慷慨激昂的誓词……屡次奇兵制胜,让柔然闻风丧胆。 经典台词:我们大魏将士,永不屈服,绝不退让!身后就是家乡,我们要拼死守护她!今日,我们将血染沙场……将军能够叛我,士兵能够弃我,但我花木兰,绝不背叛国家! 飙泪指数:★★★☆ “策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。”花木兰屡次奇兵制胜,报效国家,立了最大的军功,成为令柔然人闻风丧胆的北魏花将军。最终一战,大将军妒忌花木兰,不予救援,却也动摇不了木兰保家卫国的决心。 花木兰顾全大局拒绝了文泰 伍忠,大爱无疆忠孝观 感人段落:一切尘埃落定,花木兰回到阔别12年的家乡,婉拒赏赐,婉拒文泰相约私奔之意。 经典台词:有人说,离家太远就会忘记故乡;杀人太多,就会忘记自我。在战场上死去,生命像雨水落入大地,毫无痕迹。

如果那时候,你爱上了一个人,期望会从泥土中重新绽放,热烈的拥抱生命。 飙泪指数:★★★★ “可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎。愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。”花木兰作为古代女子当自强的典型人物,从一个人普通女子,代父从军上战场转变为英雄人物,背后的辛酸,失去战友、失去自由、失去感情以及失去生命中最灿烂的青春无疑是痛苦的。然而尽管如此,木兰选择归家孝父。文泰为两国联姻,奉旨娶柔然公主为妻。当文泰决定与她私奔,并向木兰表白绵绵深情。木兰含泪拥抱却断然拒绝,却顾全大局,让人揪心。 壹孝,替父从军父女情 感人段落:军令如山,花弧爱国心切,无奈年老气衰,百病缠身,身为女儿身的花木兰孝字当前,灌醉父亲,女扮男装替父从军。回头看家乡,依稀望见父亲在村口高台上不舍的目光。咬紧牙关,忍住泪水,走上未知的战场。 经典台词:花家的人,只会在战场上打……天上多了颗星星,就是我去找你娘了。 飙泪指数:★★★☆ “阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄。愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。”电影若完全按照原诗格局,开篇则注定平淡无奇,花木兰从小徐娇到赵薇的转变,也是刻画父女情升华的全过程。和原诗相比,花弧不是军令下无力抗争的平民百姓,而是一个为了国家安危即


战争之王经典台词大全 默默的在背后望着你的背影,当你有危险时我会毫不犹豫的从天而降。哪怕双腿震得生疼,我依然会咬紧牙关再次跳向对手,抛出手中的战矛。哪怕是死,我也要保护你的安全。 “悲剧只有两种,得不到你想要的,得到你不想要的” 世界上最大的军火出口国是美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国和中国这五个国家也是联合国安理会常任理事国。 从14岁孩子的枪里射出的子弹和从40岁男人的枪里射出的子弹一样致命,也许更致命。 往往最残忍的暴行都出自声称自己为自由战士的人们。 Isn't being a dog part of being human?What if that's the best part of you,the dog part?What if you're really just a two-leggde dog. 狗性也是人性的一部分吧?说不定它是你最好的部分,说不定你就是两条腿的狗。 你可以和许多敌人战斗过后仍然存活下来,但是如果

你和你自己战斗,你总是会输。 In my experience, some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit. Since that is where you end up anyway, it is a logical place to start. 根据我的经验,不少美满姻缘都是建立在谎言和欺骗上。反正最终你总会撒谎和欺骗,一开始就撒谎和欺骗也算合情合理。 每年死在抽烟上比死在武器上多得多,但是他们也不是照样卖,我卖的枪至少还带安全栓。 我的一生都想远离暴力,但其实我更该接近它才对,这是人类的天性。最初人类遗骸的肋骨腔中,就有一个矛箭头。 据统计,全世界有五千多万支私枪,平均每十二人就有一把,我们的问题是,怎样让剩下的十一人也拥有枪。 苏联和西方45年来的敌对,造就了历史上最强大的武器,苏联有从地狱弄来的枪,堆的比山高,现在却没有敌人。 根据我的经验,最成功的二人关系都是从撒谎和欺骗开始的,发展到最后也还是撒谎和欺骗,不如就这样开始吧。 You know who's going to inherit the Earth? 你知道谁会继承这个地球吗?


=花木兰= Narrator Soldier:We are under attack!Light the signal,light the signal! (Shan yu killed him) Li:Your Majesty,the Huns have crossed our northern border. Ci:Impossible!No one can get through the Great Wall! Li:Shan yu is leading them.We`ll protect your palace. Maj:No!My people are more important,them first. Ci:Yes,your highness. Maj:Deliver conscription notices through out all the provinces.Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible. Li:Forgive me,your Majesty,but I believe my troops can stop him. Maj:No fault can be permitted,one man may be the difference between victory and defeat. Li:I`ve got it,your Majesty. Narrator:Well,our story started at a peaceful and beautiful village.A family with four members,father,mother,grandmother and their—Mulan! Mom:Mulan,how can you grow up?As a girl,you should be polite and quiet,graceful and respectful,then try to be…Are you listening,Mulan? Mu:Uh,I heard you ,mom.I`ve recited the Final Adonimotion. Mu:Umm~~ Mu:Mom, what is it outside? Mom:Stay inside,Mulan. (Pa went outside) Ci:Citizens!I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City!The Huns are coming,one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army. Ci:Now it`s your turn,the Fa Family! (Mulan rushed out) Mu:No! NN:Don`t get out!Mulan! Pa:I`m ready to serve the Emperor. Mu:Father, you can`t go. Pa:Mulan! Mulan(to Ci):Please ,sir,my father has already fought for… Ci:Silence!You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man`s


31、《魂断蓝桥》 Oh Roy, you're alive! 战争终于过去,活下来的Roy满心欢喜地回到家乡,在火车站遇到了已沦入风尘的恋人Mara。男的是喜出望外、讲起话来喋喋不休;女的却只重复着那一句话“你还活着”: 32、《狮子王》 Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。 33、《落跑的新娘》 "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart -- you're the only one for me." “我肯定我们会分开;我肯定我们一方离另一方而去,在一个人死后。但更我肯定,我现在若不求你留下来陪我,我会后悔一辈子。” 34、Roman Holiday《罗马假日》 J: Which of the cities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most? A: Each in its own way was unforgettable. It would be difficult to ...Rome. By all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!



英语爱情电影经典台词 【篇一:英语爱情电影经典台词】 ():20部外国爱情电影经典台词中英对译 1.《剪刀手爱德华》 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 i love you not for who you are, but for who i am with you. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。 one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 3.《廊桥遗梦》 我们每个人都在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 4.《蓝莓之夜》


老电影10大经典对白 1、“向我开炮!”(《英雄儿女》,王成) 《英雄儿女》是反映抗美援朝的影片。影片中,王成是一名炮兵观察员。在守卫某高地的战斗中,战斗非常激烈,战友们相继牺牲,最后只剩下王成一个人。面对蜂拥而上的敌人,王成喊出惊天动地的豪言壮语:“为了胜利,向我开炮!”随即,抱起爆破筒与敌人同归于尽。王成的原形之一是着名战斗英雄杨根思。在朝鲜战场上,杨根思只身坚守阵地,最后拉响炸药包与敌人同归于尽,壮烈牺牲。杨根思说过一句充满有我无敌豪迈气概的话,“只有我们的勇敢,没有敌人的顽强。” 2、“为了新中国,前进!”(《董存瑞》,董存瑞) 1948年5月25日,我军进攻隆化。当时的隆化中学是主战场之一,敌人在这里修建了很多碉堡工事。为炸毁一座桥型暗堡,19岁的董存瑞用手举起炸药包,舍身炸碉堡,英勇牺牲。据战友回忆,董存瑞牺牲前最后遗言并不是“为了新中国,前进!”从炸药包拉响到爆炸的7至8秒时间里,董存瑞不停地对战友喊,“卧倒!卧倒!快趴下!”“为了新中国,前进!”是电影《董存瑞》的艺术创作。但是,毫无疑问,董存瑞以自己的英雄壮举“喊”出了这句时代的最强音。英雄在最后时刻震撼人心的语句,激励了几代人。 3、“向天空放射三发红色信号弹,让它们照亮祖国的山河。”(《冰山上的来客》,扬排长) 面对洁白冰峰,面对万丈涯谷,面对逝去战友们的音容笑貌,扬排长动情地命令:“向天空放射三发红色信号弹,让它们照亮祖国的山河。”这是影片《冰山上的来客》中最经典的一幕。边防哨所的战士们,肩负着保卫祖国的神圣使命,战斗在异域的高原冰峰,他们的大无畏精神如同冰山上的雪莲一样纯洁高尚,他们的崇高理想信念、浩然正气和英雄主义精神永远值得人们称颂。他们,永远值得人们怀念。 4、“看,这座城市,他,就是瓦尔特。”(《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》,冯·迪特里施) 瓦尔特是前南斯拉夫电影《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》中的英雄人物。七十年代在我国瓦尔特的名字几乎家喻户晓。他是南斯拉夫顽强不屈的民族精神的象征。据说,瓦尔特的原型是南斯拉夫人民的领袖铁托。党卫军上校冯·迪特里施来到萨拉热窝的任务就是抓住瓦尔特,最终他失败了。就在离开这座城市的时候,冯·迪特里施若有所思地望着迷雾中的


《花木》 Mulan 前言:花木代父从的故事中国人来可家。出生古老中国家庭的花木,明伶俐, 志气高昂,得知年的父将被征召入伍以抗日入侵的匈奴,她不禁父的安危担。 父然曾是英勇士,却因腿疾而行不便。但他意赴前作,于是花木决定走父的盔甲,女扮男装,代父从。 Introduction:The story of Mulan who replaces her father to go to the battle field is popular in China. Mulan was born in an ancient Chinese family. She is smart and ambitious. When the news come that her aging father is to be recruited again to the army to fight against Huns, Mulan worries about her father’s safety. Though her father was once a brave fighter, he is now a disabled person. Mulan’s father is determined to go to the battle field. So Mulan decides to steal her father’s armour to go to the battle field in man’s disguise. 第一幕: Act One (音 ~~~Music) 木入,独舞一段 (音:蹄声响起) 木父母从另一入,旨人也入,随从入,木在一旁听,停止舞。 旨人 Herald:“According to god's order, Because of the invasion of the Huns,our emperor made a hard determination that we should take the weapons to protect our homeland. So we need soldiers. It's time to show your loyalty. Stand up, everybody!奉天承运,皇帝曰,匈奴入侵,我做出了个的决定:打他个屁尿流! 所以,我需要士兵!没了,你懂我的意思的。”(稍微娘娘腔) 木父 Father:“We get it.”遵旨。 (木父旨,回到桌子旁,拿起宝与圣旨,一声木上前) 木 Mulan :“ Dad, let me go instead of you to join the army. Your health is not good though .爸,我去代替你从吧!” 木父 Father:“That's not of your business不.关你的事。”木 Mulan :“ But...但是??”木父 Father:“Go back!回去!” 木落寞地离去,木父放下宝与圣旨,也退 木重新上,走到桌子前,拿起宝,拔出,又放下,把(散)束起,再次拿起宝 与圣旨 (旁白解 Aside)(Mulan decides to replace her father to go to the battle field).木Mulan :“ I will be back! ”(深情地)(音效) 熄灯—— 第一幕完 第二幕: Act Two


英语电影经典台词 Andie? Can we talk a minute? 可以谈几句吗 And you are? 你是哪位? Are you being sarcastic, soldier? No.你在说反话吗,士兵?不 At least I’ll die in the line of duty, proud and strong.至少是因公殉职,光荣而自豪Are you all right? 你还好吧? Any more questions you want to ask? 还有什么问题要问吗? At least we can get free cookies.至少我们还能得到免费饼干。 And everything seems to be going so well.一切似乎都那么地顺理成章。 But I do believe they will happen for some reason.一切都是有原因的。 Be right back.马上回来 Brothers in arms.兄弟齐心,兄弟携手 Calm down冷静,别别,听我说 Don’t ask me questions.我向我提问? Can we go home first? I need to take my laptop.能先回趟家吗?我的去哪笔记本。Couldn’t’ agree with you more, sir.长官完全赞同您的观点。 Don’t move! Stay still! 呆在原地别动 Don’t scare him like that? 别那么吓唬他。 Do you read me? 你能听到我讲话吗? Do you have a visual? 你看到什么了吗? Does anybody know who is responsible for this?有人知道这事儿是谁干的吗? Everything is fine.一切都好


11.《我不是天使》 It’s not the men in your life that counts, it’s the life in your men. 你生命中有哪些男人不重要,重要的是你的男人有没有生命力。 12、《北非谍影》 "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." 路易斯,我想这是一段美好友谊的开始。 13、《毕业生》 "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?" 罗宾森太太,你正在挑逗我吧? 14、《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine. “世界一切城市的一切酒店她都不去,偏偏要到我的店里来。”(亨弗莱?鲍嘉) 15、《西雅图夜未眠》 It's time to wrap it up. 节目的时间到了。

【当影片结尾父子两人离开帝国大厦,而安妮面对着寂静而空无一人的顶层时,观众无一不被感动。】 16、《兄弟连》 I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied, "But I served in a company of heroes." 有一天我的小孙子问我“爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不……但我与英雄们一同服役。 17、《甜心先生》 Show me the money! 给我钱! 18、My best friend's wedding 《我最好朋友的婚礼》 Michael, I love you. I've loved you for nine years; I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it. Oh… Now I'm just scared. I… I realize this comes at a very inopportune time, but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. Michael,我爱你。九年来,我一直在心底深爱着你。我只是太傲慢、太害怕去承认我对你的感情。现在的我也是非常的害怕。Michael,我知道现在说这话也许不是时候,但是我还是要请你答应我的请求。选择我,让我做你的新娘,让我带给你幸福吧!


Mulan Guard: We're under attack! Light the signal! Guard: Now all of China knows you're here. Shan-Yu: Perfect. General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border. Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall. General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately. Emperor: No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu, Chi Fu: Yes, your highness. Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible. General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him. Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat. Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...[picking up some rice with her chopsticks and eating a mouthful] delicate...refined...poised... [She sets down her chopsticks and writes down a final word on her right arm] punctual. Aiya. Little brother. Little brother. Lit-ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on smart boy, can you help me with my chores today? Fa Zhou: Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today. Little Brother: Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark. Fa Zhou: Please, PLEASE, help her. Mulan: Father I brought your-- whoop! [Fa Zhou bumps into Mulan. The cup falls to the ground and Fa Zhou catches the teapot with the handle of his cane] Fa Zhou: Mulan-- Mulan: I brought a spare. Fa Zhou: Mulan-- Mulan: Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning--


1.曾经有一份真挚的爱情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,直到失去的时候才后悔莫及,尘世 间最痛苦的事莫过于此。如果上天能再给我一次机会的话,我会对这个女孩说“我爱你”。 如果非要在这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是:一万年……——《大话西游》 2.每个人都在忙,要么忙着活,要么忙着死,只有这两种选择。——《肖申克的救赎》 3.风往哪个方向吹,草就要往哪个方向倒。年轻的时候,我也曾经以为自己是风,可是最 后遍体鳞伤,我才知道,我们原来都只是草。——《艋舺》 4. 有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈。世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。——《怦然心动》 5. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你不知道你的下一块口味是什么。——《阿甘正传》 6. 你以为躲起来就找不到你了吗?没有用的!像你这么出色的男人,无论在什么地方,都像漆黑中的萤火虫一样,那样的鲜明,那样的出众。你那忧郁的眼神,唏嘘的胡渣子,神乎其神的刀法,和那杯dry martine,都深深地迷住了我。 ——《国产零零柒》 7. 如果,我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走? ——《花样年华》 8. 我等这个机会等了三年,不是为了证明我比别人强,只是要证明我失去的东西,我一定要夺回来。 ——《英雄本色》 9. 我已经老了,在人来人往的大厅,有一位老人他向我走来。他说我认识你,那时的你还很年轻,魅力,你的身边有许许多多的追求者。不过跟那时相比,我更喜欢现在你这经历了沧桑的容颜。 ——《情人》 10. 每个人都会有过去,就算你是一个杀手,一样会有小学同学。每回碰上这种人,他们都会问同样的问题。 ——《堕落天使》 11. 有一天我的小孙子问我:“爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?”我回答:“不...但是我与英雄们一同服役。” ——《兄弟连》 12. 不管怎样,我终相信这个世界是美好的。 ——《安妮日记》 13. 面包会有的,牛奶会有的,一切都会有的。 ——《列宁在1918》 14. 如果人生面对的最大苦难只是死亡,那还有什么可以害怕的呢?人生没有解决不了的事,也没有无法面对的事。 ——《新不了情》



7个人英语短话剧剧本:花木兰改编 花木兰改编,应该家喻户晓了吧. Summary: Long time ago, there was a war in China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers.Unex pectedly, Mulans father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father w as not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army i nstead of her fater. Scene I Narrator:Long time age, ther was a war in China….. 德首:Get out. The land doesn’t belong to you. 土酋:Your land?……Hey , he says this is his land. 土酋:We just get our land back. 德首:Go to hell, you barbarians. 土酋:Attack! 德首:Fire! Kill them all. 德首:Just wait and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you. 路人甲:Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do? 陛 下:Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is r ecruit soldiers. 使者:Pat…….Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat? Pat:Yes. 使 者:O.K. I am the messenger from our great general, Li Shang. This letter is confident ial. Please read it carefully. Mulan:What’s up? Daddy, you look so pale, Pat:Nothing…. Mulan:Look! Pat:What…… Mulan:My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do? 路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do? Mulan:What can I do? Voice:You can go to the army instead of your father. Mulan:But I’m a girl. Voice:Why not? You look like a man. Mulan:Right! Good idea! I can’t see the reason why a girl can’t be a soldier to defen d her own country. Scene II Narrator:Mulan began her life in the army. 報到 士兵:Hey, don’t cut in. Line up. 士兵:Attention! This is our general, Li Shang. Li Shang:I just want you to follow three “A”s. Thell them what three “A”s. 士兵:The three “A”s are “Apple, airplane, adult video.” Li Shang:The three “A”s are “Action, ability, and agility.”—–understand? 士兵:Yes! Li Shang:Good!….Dismissed.


20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 每部电影都有让人难忘的经典对白,下列对白哪个是您最欣赏的呢? 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go o f that promise. 3.《007系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're go nna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is j ust a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this m arked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I'v e wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。

5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》

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