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EhLib 5 Developer’s guide 官方开发手册

EhLib 5 Developer’s guide 官方开发手册
EhLib 5 Developer’s guide 官方开发手册

Library of Components – EhLib 5

Developer’s guide

EhLib Team


Edition: 1.53

(Changes and additions are

highlighted in red color)

Introduction (4)

Installation (7)

Unpacking archive (7)

Installing packages. (8)

Installing help files. (9)

Using TDBGridEh component (10)

Brief description of TDBGridEh, TDataLink and TDataSet. (10)

Working with TDBGridEh at design-time. (10)

Panel of detail information for record – RowDetailPanel. (11)

RowPanel mode (12)

Working with datain grouping mode. (12)

TDBGridEh and vertical scrollbar. (15)

Customizing scrollbars. (15)

Using DBGridEh for sorting and filtering data in the DataSet. (15)

Customizing grid title. (19)

Customizing grid footer. (19)

Customizing grid cells. (20)

Hints and Tooltips (23)

Customizing in place editor in grid cell. (23)

Automatically fits the width of the grid columns to the width of the grid client area. (24)

3D and flat look. (24)

Using properties of TDBGridEh.IndicatorTitle. (24)

Using global properties for TDBGridEh. (25)

Import/Export TDBGridEh data to/from various formats. (28)

Other features. (28)

Converting existing TDBGrid component to TDBGridEh. (29)

Using TPrintDBGridEh component (30)

Rich text before and after grid (30)

Features that current version of TPrintDBGridEh is not supported. (30)

FAQ List: (30)

Using TDBSumList component (31)

Common understanding of TDBSumList. (31)

How it works and why SumList sometimes calculate aggregation values incorrectly. (31)

Using data-aware edit controls (32)

Common understanding of edit controls. (32)

Working with edit buttons. (32)

Using TDBDateTimeEditEh control. (32)

Using TDBNumberEditEh control. (33)

Using TDBComboBoxEh control. (33)

Using TDBLookupComboboxEh control. (33)

Using SpecRow in columns of DBGridEh component and in DBLookupComboBoxEh component. (34)

Using TPropStorageEh and TPropStorageManagerEh components (35)

Introduction in technology of interaction between MemTable and DataDriver. (36)

TMemTableEh component. (37)

Two working mode of TMemTableEh component. (37)

ViewScroll (37)

Master/detail relations. (37)

Storing records in tree mode (TreeView). (37)

Working with AutoIncrement fields (38)

Using indexes. (39)

Using sha red array of records by several TMemTableEh?s (39)

TRefObjectField field type (39)

Using maintained aggregates (39)

Records sorting. (39)

Creation/removing table data in memory in the ...stand-alone? mode.. (40)

Working with MemTableEh in the 'with datadriver' mode. (40)

Cached updates. (41)

Marking and Returning to Records. (41)

Searching in TMemTableEh (42)

Quick access to the record values. (44)

Internal objects of TMemTableEh component (45)

Workig with TMemTableEh at design-time. (45)

TDataDriverEh component. (46)

TSQLDataDriverEh component. (47)

TSQLDataDriverEh or TXXXDataDriverEh, which one is best to use. (50)

Working with TSQLDataDriverEh and TXXXDataDriverEh at design-time. (50)

Feedbacks and bug reports (51)


The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 5, 6, 7, 8 & 2005 and Borland C++ Builder versions 5 & 6, Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, RAD Studio XE & RAD Studio XE2. The Library is intended to increase capacity of the client?s part of the database application by improving interaction between application and users.

TDBGridEh component Using TDBGridEh

It provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: - Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas.

- Provides special titles that can cover several or all columns.

- Can have a footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values.

- Allows to resize column automatically to fit grid width equal to client width.

- Has an ability to change row height and title height.

- Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data rows to a multiline.

- Allows title to act as button and, optionally show a sort marker.

- Allows to mark titles by sortmarking sings automatically and sort data in DataSet.

- Allows to truncate long text with ellipsis in cells.

- Allows lookup list to show several fields.

- Have an ability to make an incremental search in lookup fields.

- Can have frozen nonscrollable columns.

- Allows to show DateTime picker for TDateField and TDateTimeField.

- Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value.

- Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars.

- Allows to hide columns.

- Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows.

- Allows to draw memo fields.

- Can show multiline inplace editor.

- Can have a proportional scrolling for DadaSets independently of dataset?s sequencing.

- Allows to show checkboxes automatically for Boolean fields. Allows to show checkboxes for other type of fields.

- Has procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or ini file.

- Allows to show hint (ToolTips) for text that don't fit in the cell.

- Allows to export data to Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and internal formats.

- Allows to import data from Text and internal formats.

- Can sort data in various datasets.

- Can filter data in various datasets.

TDBLookupComboboxEh component Using edit controls

It provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds several new features as follows: - Can have flat style.

- Allows to assign values as to KeyValue property and as to display Text property.

- Allows to hold KeyValue and Text that will not affect to each others values.

Drop down list can:

- Show titles,

- Have sizing grip,

- Automatically set width as sum of DisplayWidth of the list fields (Width = -1),

- Automatically drops when the user pressed the key.

- Can have specified width.

Edit button can:

- Show DropDown and Ellipsis or Bitmap image.

Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged and OnButtonClick.

TDBSumList component Using TDBSumList

It is intended for calculating sums and amount of records in a TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum objects, which contains types of group operations (goSum or goCount) and name of fields which values need some calculation. (goCount name of field is unnecessary).

TPrintDBGridEh component Using TPrintDBGridEh TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview and print of TDBGridEh component with several features:

- Ability to expand rows vertically until all text is printed.

- Ability to scale grid to fit it to the page width.

- Ability to print/preview title for grid.

- Ability to print/preview page header and page footer where you can specify macros for current page, current date, current time and/or static text.

- Automatically print/preview multi-selected area of TDBGridEh if it?s area is not empty.

- Ability to print/preview rich text before and after grid.

TPreviewBox component

TPreviewBox lets you to create a customizable runtime preview.

TPrinterPreview object

TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly to TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter

Printer.Canvas.Handle and Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle represents the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle represents Printer.Handle. It means that you have to use PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for drawing operation (like DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.) and use PrinterPreview.Handle for such functions as returning information about printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in the default preview form.

TDBEditEh component Using edit controls

represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit data of field in a dataset or can work as non data-aware edit control.

TDBDateTimeEditEh component Using edit controls

represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit data of TDateTime fields in dataset or can work as a non data-aware edit control.

TDBComboBoxEh component Using edit controls

represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware combo edit control.

TDBNumberEditEh component Using edit controls

represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric field in a dataset or can work as non data-aware edit control.

TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components

Using TPropStorageEh

These components realize a technology of storing component properties to/from such storages as INI files, Registry etc.

TMemTableEh component

It is a dataset that holds all data in memory and can get data from TDataDriverEh and return changed records back to the TDataDriverEh.

TDataDriverEh component

Deliver records from the server to the TMemTableEh.

Deliver changed records from TMemTableEh back to the server.

TDataSetDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that deliver records in TMemTableEh from other DataSet and deliver changed records from TMemTableEh back to the DataSet.

TSQLDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that have properties for keeping five SQL expressions and parameters for querying data, removing, insertions, updating and refreshing records. TSQLDataDriverEh by itself can?t request data from server, but it can prepare parameters of the request and have a global event that programmer can write for transferring SQL expression to/from the server.

TBDEDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using BDE connection.

TIBXDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using IBX connection.

TDBXDataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using DBX connection.

TADODataDriverEh component

It is a DataDriver that interacts with the DB server using ADO connection.


Below it will be described how to install EhLib under Delphi 6.

Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib from Delphi 6 IDE.

Remove or copy this files to other directory this files to prevent crossing this and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp, EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp files).

Unpacking archive

Unpack EhLib archive.

After unpacking you will have next list of directories:

Directories of 'EhLib - source include' version:

Directories of 'Ehlib - without source' version or 'Ehlib- Evaluation version':

Create, if need, new directory "EhLib" in your Delphi_X directory. (For instance:


If you have EhLib - source include version then copy to this directory files from Common and Delphi6 directory of EhLib archive.

If you have EhLib - without source version or evaluation version EhLib then copy to this directory files from Delphi6 directory of EhLib archive.

By default EhLib contains resource for English language. If you need other languages you can replace original resource files (which already present in C:\Delphi6\EhLib) by the files that is placed in corresponding language directory.

If you don't find found directory for necessary language then you need to take files from any existing language directory and change it as you need.

Installing packages.

Automatic installing:

Run Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe program from EhLib archive to install library in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE automatically. In time of installation the program creates folder, copies files, compile required packages and registers packages in the IDE.

Manual installing:

Run Delphi and use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the EhLib runtime package C:\Delphi6\EhLib\EhLib60.dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile and build bpl file.

By default Delphi place compiled EhLib60.BPL file to the \Projects\Bpl directory and this directory already present in the search PATH. But if you overwrite default BPL directory then you need to put the compiled EhLib60.BPL file into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory).

After compiling run-time package you must install design-time package DclEhLib60.BPL into the IDE.

Use "File\Open..." menu item to open design-time package DclEhLib60.dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package and then click "Install" button to register EhLib components on the component palette.

EhLib components have to appear on 'EhLib' page of components palette.

Instalation note for users who had EhLib 1.X or 2.X:

Note that Delphi IDE does not move components to the new default place on components palette when you install new version of same component(s). So if you already have EhLib installed, then after installation new version does not move EhLib components to the 'EhLib' page. To force Delphi IDE to move components to the default place on components palette do next:

Open menu: Component->Configure Palette.

Select '[All]' line in Pages listbox.

Click 'Default Pages' button.

Add, (if need) EhLib directory ("C:\Delphi6\EhLib") in Tools->Environment Options->Library-> Library Path.


Installing help files.

Copy EhLib.hlp and https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t files from HLP directory of EhLib archive to the Delphi 6 HELP subdirectory.

Run Delphi IDE.

Select Help|Customize menu to start the OpenHelp application.

Add the https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. Select "File->Save Project" menu.

Close OpenHelp application.

To check that EhLib help files have been installed correctly, drop DBGridEh component on the form and press F1. Delphi IDE have to open help window with information about TDBGridEh component.

If you want to install help files under several Delphi versions simultaneously (or under C++ Builder and Delphi simultaneously) then you have to create a copy of EhLib.hlp and https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t for every version of Delphi or C++ Builder with individual files name (For instance for Delphi 6 copy files EhLib.hlp https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t to EhLibD6.hlp and https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t respectively).

Next - need to edit file https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t. This file contain several ":Include" clause at first lines. Comment (using semicolon sign) lines that don?t contain DELPHI6.OHL word)

:BASE EhLib.hlp

:TITLE EhLib library

;:Include bcb4.cfg

;:Include bcb5.ohl

;:Include delphi4.cfg

;:Include DELPHI5.OHL

:Include DELPHI6.OHL.

Copy EhLibD6.hlp and https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,t to Delphi 6 HELP subdirectory and install help files as described above.

Using TDBGridEh component

Brief description of TDBGridEh, TDataLink and TDataSet.

All below texts are equally pertained in both TDBGridEh component and TDBGrid component.

A TDBGridEh control lets you to view and to edit records in a dataset as a tabular grid format. TDBGridEh does not store data in itself, it only show data from dataset via TDataLink object. Every database control have internal TDataLink object to interact with dataset. You can connect TDBGridEh to dataset using DataSource property. If you already have used TStringGrid component you can see that data shows in TStringGrid and in TDBGridEh very similarly, but mechanism that uses to show data in TStringGrid and in TDBGridEh are very different. In TStringGrid count of rows is equal to rows in array of strings, while in TDBGridEh (and TDBGrid) count of rows always not more than count of visible rows and although vertical scrollbar can display thumb position regarding the count of record in dataset, In reality, it take information not from grid but directly from dataset. TDataSet doesn't allow us to work with data as with array of data i.e. we can not quickly get value of the field from certain record. Some types of datasets have not even such notion as record number (in such datasets we can only know what we are at the beginning of dataset or at the end of it or somewhere between them. In that case DBGrid shows vertical scrollbar only in three positions). But to have possibility to draw several records simultaneously, TDataLink object allows having buffer of records (record buffer window) for quick random access. DBGrid uses this possibility of datalink and it sets size of record buffer window equal to count of visible rows in the grid. We can not control what record must be first in this buffer, DataLink itself scrolls record buffer window when we navigate through the dataset. And it controls the scrolling of record buffer window so that the active record is always in the record buffer window. It is a reason why the active record changes position when users change thumb position of vertical scrollbar using mouse.

Working with TDBGridEh at design-time.

TDBGridEh contains rows and columns. Every row is a record in TDataSet. Every column is a field in TDataSet. Columns can be dynamic or static. Dynamic columns are recreated every time when the state of DataSet is changed. State of DataSet can be changed in several cases. It is

changed when, for example, DataSet is reopened. When column is

recreated, values of column properties are reset to their default

values. It is useful to use dynamic columns when the list of fields of

DataSet is not known in advance. In the mode of static columns grid

itself never recreates columns. At design-time to create static

columns you need to double-click on the grid. The Columns Editor

window will be open. Press “Add all fields” in this window. Grid will create static column for every DataSet field.

To customize properties of column you need to select its name in the The Columns Editor window. You can also select column in Object Inspector by clicking column title in the grid. If

grid is connected to DataSource and

DataSource is placed on the same

Form as grid, then icon of

DataSource will be shown in the

bottom right corner of the Grid. You

can click on the DataSource icon to

select DataSource in Object

Inspector. In same manner grid can

show DataSet. If a DataSet is a

TMemTableEh then grid also can

show TDataDriver and DataSet which is connected to DataDriver as a ProviderDataSet.

Panel of detail information for record – RowDetailPanel.

Subproperties of RowDetailPanel property allow you to create and customize the panel of

detailed information for grid rows.

Panel if detailed information is a

special area inside grid where you

can put any control from

Component Palette on it. At design-

time a panel is always opened under

the current record. At run-time

panel is hidden, and there is a …+?

sign at the beginning part of every

row. You can click …+? sign to open

panel. At once time panel can be

opened only for one row. You can

also open panel using key

combination Ctrl-Down or key …+?.

Use Ctrl-Up to return from panel to

grid row. Use …*? key to show or

hide panel depending on current


Subproperties of RowDatailPanel propery:

Active: Boolean; this propery allows activating panel of detailed information.

Width: Integer;width of panel

Height: Integer; height of panel

ActiveControl: TWinControl; use this property to define control which will be focused when panel is opening.

BevelEdges: TBevelEdges, BevelInner: TBevelCut, BevelOuter: TBevelCut, BevelKind: TBevelKind, BevelWidth: TBevelWidth,

BorderStyle: TBorderStyl e: Use these properties to control border style of


Color: TColor; Color of panel

ParentColor: Boolean Property defines if it is need to use color of grid as a color of panel.


Visible: Boolean This property defines if panel is visible. You can set this property at run-time for reading and writing.

Use event OnCheckRowHaveDetailPanel to control of panel showing in grid. You can set parameter RowHaveDetailPanel to allow or forbid panel for required record.

Use events OnRowDetailPanelHide and OnRowDetailPanelShow to execute special action after panel is hidden or before panel is openened.

RowPanel mode.

Grid can work in special mode when every cell of grid can be placed under each other and can

have individual height. Set

RowPanel.Active to True

value to activate this mode.

At design-time you can

place cell, vertical and

horizontal size. At run-time

the possibility to change

position of cell depends on

the presence

dghColumnMove value in

OptionsEh property.

Possibility to change

vertical size of cell depends

on RowSizingAllowed property.

When user change cell width, the grid also changes width of adjoined cells which are placed under or above of changing cell and if the right border of these cells match. By analogy when user changes cell height, grid changes height of cells in left or right part of grid if low borders march. Press and hold Shift key to change the size of only single cell.

To change cell height of cell you need to move mouse cursor to the low border of the title cell. Mouse cursor will change its image from arrow to two arrows with up and down direction. At this moment press right mouse button and change size.

To change position of cell you need to press right mouse button on the title cell and drag it to the required place.

Additional subproperies of the RowPanel property:

NavKeysNavigationType: TGridRowPanelNavKeysNavigationTypeEh defines the order of navigation over cells in the grid when keys Up, Down, Left, Right are pressed. rpntRowToRowEh - (by default) Keys Up, Down move current cell to next or previouse record of dataset. Keys Left, Rigth worksas Tab and Shift-Tab.

rpntCellToCellEh - Keys Up, Down move current cell to under or above last position from the current cell. Keys Left, Rigth move current cell to left or right position from the current cell.

TabNavigationType: TGridRowPanelTabNavigationTypeEh defines an order of going through cells of the grid by Tab key

rpntUpToDownPriorityEh Go, at first, from top to bottom, than from left to right. rpntLeftToRightPriorityEh Go, at first, from left to right, than from top to bottom.

Working with data in grouping mode.

Grid allows to group data in memory using columns as a grouping criterions.

You can create and change

grouping at design-time and at


The grouping works only when

grid is connected to dataset of

TMemTableEh type.

When grid group data it also sort

data in MemTableEh to have

correspondence of data in the gtid

and in the MemTable. The Grid

track data in the MemTable and

moves records in corresponding

groups when data are changed.

Use subproperties of

Grid.DataGrouping property to

control grouping. Use


property to create structure of

grouping. GroupLevels is a

collection of


Every item of collection corresponds one level of grouping. The key property of the item of collection is the ColumnName property of String type. This property keeps name of the column of field for which the records will be group. Use https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html, property to get the name of the column at run-time. Use Font and Color properties of structure s?items to control the format of the grouping records. Set Grid.DataGrouping.Active to True to activate the grouping. Set GroupPanelVisible property to True to show the current active structure of the grouping. Special panel will be shown with active items of grouping at the top part of the gird. The element of the grouping collection is active when its ColumnName property holds a name of a column. After activation of grouping panel, you can make and change the grouping structure using drag-n-drop operations. Drag the column title to the grouping panel to group data by this column. In time of forming the tree of grouping, grid creates the new group record when the value of the field of column Column.Field is changed. You can change key value of grouping in the event TDBGridEhDataGroupLevelEh.OnGetKeyValue or TColumnsEh.OnGroupGetKeyValue. Take current value of the key value from the field GroupLevel.Column.Field.Value. Write the changed value to the KeyValue parameter of the event procedure.

For example, next event will form tree of grouping that will have only two grouping records ‘Big’ and ‘Small’ for numeric field that have record values that bigger or smaller them 100.

procedure TForm1.gridFishColumns6GroupGetKeyValue(Sender: TCustomDBGridEh;

Column: TColumnEh; var KeyValue: Variant);


if Column.Field.AsFloat > 100 then

KeyValue := 'Big'


KeyValue := 'Small';


Grid uses key value to form string that will be shown in the grouping row. If you changed key value of the grouping, then you likely need to change algorithm that convert key value to display value for display. Write OnGetKeyValueAsText event to do it. Write Grid.OnDataGroupGetRowText and GroupLevels.OnGetGroupRowText to rewrite the algorithm of forming the text that is shown in the grouping row.

Use property Grid.DataGrouping.GroupDataTree to access the items of grouping tree. The property have the TGridGroupDataTreeEh type and is inherited form TTreeListEh. The itmes of TTreeListEh class form the tree-type structure of groups and references to DataSet records for the lowest levels of grouping. Use properties FlatVisibleCount and FlatVisibleItem[Index] to access items as a flat list. The flat list FlatVisibleItem contain only items which are in the scope of the expanded nodes. Amount of items in flat array corresponds amount of rows in the grid. Every item of array is a reference to the instance of TGroupDataTreeNodeEh class and defines a node in the grouping tree. Basic properties of this class are:

Count: Integer; Amount of nodes in the group. Nodes can be over groups of lower level or references to dataset records.

DataGroup: TGridDataGroupLevelEh Reference to item of grouping structure. Not empty if the node is a node of group.

DataSetRecordViewNo: Integer. Number of record in MemTableEh. Not empty if the node is a node of the dataset record.

Expanded: Boolean. Noe is expanded.

Items[Index: Integer]: TGroupDataTreeNodeEh. List of nodes of the lower level.

KeyValue: Variant;

Level: Integer The number of node level;

NodeType: TGroupDataTreeNodeTypeEh. Type of the node. The Node of a group level or a record level.

Parent.Указатель на родительскую ветку верхнего уровня.

Use Items property of Grid.DataGrouping.GroupDataTree to access the grouping tree as a tree-type structure. Every item of this list is a reference to a tree node of grouping of highest level. Grid.DataGrouping property has next subproperties:

Active: Boolean– Set this property to active grouping in the grid.

DefaultStateExpanded: Boolean– Define Expanded state for every new group node.

GroupLevels: TGridDataGroupLevelsEh– Collection of the grouping structure. Use this property to define template of grouping.

GroupPanelVisible: Boolean– Set this property to True to show panel of grouping in the top part of the grid. When the panel is visible you can form the structure of grouping by dragging the title of the column onto this panel.

Font: TFont– Defines default Font of grouping records.

Color: TColor - Defines default Color of grouping records.

Write Grid.OnActiveGroupingStructChanged to take action when the structure of grouping is changed.

Grid calls OnDataGroupGetRowParams before drawing of a group record.

In the event you can change Text, Color,

Font and add Image from ImageList on

the left of the text.

When the event is calling the DataSet is

positioned on the first record in the

group. So you can access field values of Dataset inside the event.

The event has next type and declaration: TDBGridEhDataGroupGetGroupRowParamsEvent = procedure ( Sender: TCustomDBGridEh; GroupDataTreeNode: TGroupDataTreeNodeEh; Params: TGroupRowParamsEh) of object;

TGroupRowParamsEh type has next properties:

property Color: TColor; // Color of the cell background

property Font: TFont; // Font of the text

property Images: TCustomImageList; // ImageList to show images

property ImageIndex: Integer; // Index of a image from the ImageList.

property GroupRowText: String; // Text to show in the cell of the group

property State: TGridDrawState; // Readonly property. Draw state.

TDBGridEh and vertical scrollbar.

If you work with different types of dataset you can notice that for some types of dataset the DBGrid shows vertical scrollbar correctly, but for other dataset their vertical scrollbar has only three positions independently of record count in dataset. To adjust the vertical scrollbar accommodation the DBGrid uses RecordCount and RecNo property of DataSet component. But some dataset holds -1 in RecordCount and RecNo. DataSet function IsSequenced indicates whether the underlying database table uses record numbers to indicate the order of records. When IsSequenced returns True value, applications can safely use the RecNo property to navigate through records in the dataset and DBGrid can use RecNo property to show thumb position in vertical scrollbar. But when IsSequenced returns False value, DBGrid can not define current record position and it shows vertical scrollbar in three positions. DBGridEh component has possibility to show proportional scrollbar for no sequenced dataset. To do it we need to activate SumList and create list of record bookmars. Set SumList.Active to True and SumList.VirtualRecords to True. SumList will run through dataset and create list of records bookmarks. If you use client/sever technology to access database SumList will force dataset to fetch all records, but this operation can take much time. Keep in mind that VirtualRecords will work only for full relationship bookmarks dataset, it means that https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,apreBookmark function has to return > 0 if record1 is after record2 (i.e. record to which bookmark1 indicates has to be after record to which bookmark2 indicates). It must return 0 if bookmark1 and bookmark2 points to the same record, and value < 0 if record1 is before record2. TBDEDataSet in most cases support full relationship bookmarks.

Customizing scrollbars.

To customize scollbars you need to use subprtoperties of HorzScrollBar and VertScrollBar properties.

Tracking: Boolean This property …

SmoothStep: Boolean …

ExtScrollBar: TScrollBar; …

Visible: Boolean; …

VisibleMode: TScrollBarVisibleModeEh;

sbAlwaysShowEh Always shows scrollbar.

sbNeverShowEh Never shows scrollbar.

sbAutoShowEh Shows or hides scrollbar automatically

depending on visible area of grid.

If gr id is connected to DataSet of TMemTableEh type then on vertical scrolling grid doesn?t change position of active record.

Using DBGridEh for sorting and filtering data in the DataSet. DBGridEh can not sort or filter data by itself. But it can pass action for sorting or filtering to the specal object that will do it in DataSet. You can adjust grid for two types of sorting (local or server), using property SortLocal and two type of filtering (also, local and server), but real possibility to apply each type of operation depends on the type of DataSet. For instance, TBDEDataSet does not suppot sorting locally (inside DataSet). so you can not sort data locally

when grid is linked to TQuery or TTable. Furthermore, EhLib has only special objects for standard types of DataSet (not for a third party DataSet's).

Below you can see a table of special object and DataSet in which those objects can sort or filter

then sort operation is transferred to the TMemTableEh.DataDriver object.

When grid is adjusted for a local filtering, the special object will build expression and assign it to a property Filter of DataSet. So we need also to set Filtered to True value manually.

When grid is adjusted for a server filtering, the special object will build SQL:ORDER BY expression and it will replace ORDER BY string in SQL or Command property of DataSet and it will reopen DataSet.

When grid is adjusted for a local sorting, the special object will perform a sorting using specific type of DataSet.

When the grid is adjusted for a server sorting, the special object will build expression for SQL 'WHERE' clause in SQL string of dataset. It will try to find string that begins from key string '/*Filter*/' in SQL expression and adds filter expression after this string in same line (You can change this key string using global variable - SQLFilterMarker) . So your SQL query must have a line that begins from '/*Filter*/'. For instance:

' select *

from table1


/*Filter*/ 1=1 '

For automatically filtering/sorting data in dataset you need to add one of the units EhLibXXX (EhLibADO, EhLibBDE, EhLibCDS ... depend on the type of dataset where the grid is linked to) to 'uses' clause of any unit of your project. This units have code to register TDatasetFeaturesEh based classes (special object) for respective DataSet's. For other third party DataSet's you have to write and register your own special object or you have to write OnApplyFilter or/and OnSortMarkingChanged events for every required grid. Moreover, you can write OnApplySorting and/or OnApplyFilter for the global variable DBGridEhDataService. These events have TNotifyEvent type where Sender is TCustomDBGridEh.

Adjusting grid for sorting data:

TDBGridEh allows showing special sortmarking bitmaps (small triangles) in the right part of title cell. In order to automatically mark the title by sortmarking bitmaps you have to add dghAutoSortMarking to OptionsEh property. Add dghMultiSortMarking to OptionsEh in order to allow sortmarking in several columns simultaneously. Set Column.Title.TitleButton to true value for titles which will have possibility to change sortmarkers at run time. Or you can set ColumnDefValues.Title.TitleButton to allow setting sortmarking for all columns where Column.Title.TitleButton is not changed. At runtime, clicking on title will change sortmarking.

Holding Ctrl key allows to mark several columns simultaneously. After user changes sormarking grid will call OnSortMarkingChanged event or will pass action to special object, if it is registered. Special object will use Grid.SortLocal property to determine how to sort data: locally or on the server. If you write OnSortMarkingChanged, you can use TDBGrid.SortMarkedColumns property to access the sortmarked columns and TColumnEh.Title.SortMarker property to get state of the sortmarker.

Adjusting grid for filtering data:

TDBGridEh allows to show special row (under title) where user enters expressions in cells for filtering records in dataset.

(Expression in the cell can look like: "1", ">=1", ">1 AND <=5", "%TestStr%"). Set STFilter.Visible to True value to show this special row. AT Run time, when cursor locate in the filter cell, they can press ENTER to apply filter. Grid will parse expression in every not empty filter cell and call TDBGridEh.ApplyFilter. And it calls OnApplyFilter event or passes action to special object, if it is registered.

For normally parsing, the expression in cell have to have next format:

[Operator1] Operand1 [)] [AND|OR Operator2 Operand2 [)] ]

Where OperatorX is one of [ = | <> | != | > | < | >= | <= | ~ | !~ | in ( ]

OperandX is a numeric, date or string value or for the operator 'IN' it is a list of values divided by comma.

For instance:



'>1 AND <=5'

'~ TestStr%'

'!~ TestStr_'

'in (1,2,3,4,5,6) and >100'

'in (Str1,Str2,Str3)'

Grid allows to show dropped down list of STFilter in title cells. Set STFilter.Location to stflInTitleFilterEh to active this mode. Use item …(Custom…)? to enter string for filtering or press checkboxes above required values. Global variable DBGridEhShowInTitleFilterBox contain key combination for opening list of filtering values. By default it contains 'Ctrl-T'.

When grid is connected to the list of uncial values of column is formed automatically. In addition, list is formed with tacking in account of filter applied in other columns. To form list of values and command for filtering, use next events and methods: Events - TDBGridEh.OnFillSTFilterListValues, TColumnEh.OnFillSTFilterListValues, TDBGridEhCenter.OnFillSTFilterListValues or rewrite method TDatasetFeaturesEh.FillSTFilterListDataValues and register new class MyDatasetFeaturesEh for interaction between grid and dataset.

Grid call event OnFillSTFilterListValues every time when it is needed to fill list of StFilter, that have next type:

TDBGridEhFillSTFilterListValuesEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomDBGridEh; Column: TColumnEh; Items: TStrings; var Processed: Boolean)

of object;

This event presents in TDBGridEh, TColumnEh, TDBGridEhCenter.

Every item of Items list must consists of two values: String - Items[i] and Object Items.Objects[i]. Items of object type must be inherited from TPopupListboxItemEh type and they must be declared as global variables. There are already next global variables in DBGridEh: PopupListboxItemEhSortAsc: TPopupListboxItemEhSort;

// Item of the list show sorting item Asc and executes sorting in ascending order.

PopupListboxItemEhSortDes: TPopupListboxItemEhSort;

// Item of the list show sorting item Asc and executes sorting in descending order.

PopupListboxItemEhLine: TPopupListboxItemEhLine;

// Item of the list show horizontal line. On choosing doesn't perform any actions.

PopupListboxItemEhClearFilter: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhAll: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhEmpties: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhNotEmties: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhDialog: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhApplyFilter: TPopupListboxItemEhSpec;

PopupListboxItemEhData: TPopupListboxItemEhData;

// Item of the list shows text that defines text of filtering. When it is selected, it is checked by checkbox and it is put in the list of items of values that is needed be in the filtered records.

You can call next methods in the event to fill values by default

TDBGridEh.DefaultFillSTFilterListValues(Column: TColumnEh; Items: TStrings) TDBGridEh.DefaultFillSTFilterListCommandValues(Column: TColumnEh; Items: TStrings)

TDBGridEh.DefaultFillSTFilterListDataValues (Column: TColumnEh; Items:


Next code show OnSTFilterListValues event where sorting items is deleted from list:

procedure TForm1.DBGridEh1FillSTFilterListValues(Sender: TCustomDBGridEh;

Column: TColumnEh; Items: TStrings; var Processed: Boolean);


Index: Integer;


Sender.DefaultFillSTFilterListValues(Column, Items);

Index := Items.IndexOfObject(PopupListboxItemEhSortAsc);

if Index >= 0 then


Index := Items.IndexOfObject(PopupListboxItemEhSortDes);

if Index >= 0 then


Processed := True;


Now library can fill list of unical values only for DataSet of TMemTableEh type. To fill values when grid is connected to other type of DataSet, it is required rewrite TDatasetFeaturesEh.FillSTFilterListDataValues method and , if it is need, it is required to register class that inherited from TDatasetFeaturesEh. Read information about TDatasetFeaturesEh class in EhLib users guide and EhLibMTE.Pas.

New properties STFilterDefaultStringOperator, STFilterDefaultNumberOperator, STFilterDefaultDateTimeOperator, STFilterDefaultBooleanOperator are added in TDBGridEhCenter class. Use this properties to set default operator that will be used when string in the STFilter doesn't containt operator. The operators can be assigend appart for String fields, Numeric fields, DataTime fields and logical fields.

Customizing grid title.

Complex titles.

TDBGridEh allows to create one common title above several columns. See Figure:

To do it, set https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,eMultiTitle property to True value and fill label of the fields or caption of column title using next rule: every part of text in field label or column title must consist of several parts divided by sign "|", where every common part must be same for several required columns. Other fields or captions must contain same text in the corresponding parts.

For example:

Field1.DisplayLabel := 'Title1|SubTitle1';

Field2.DisplayLabel := 'Title1|SubTitle2';


DBGridEh.Columns[0].Title.Caption := 'Title1|SubTitle1';

DBGridEh.Columns[1].Title.Caption := 'Title1|SubTitle2';

Title acts as a button.

Set Column.Title.TitleButton to True to make title cells act as a button. You can also write an OnTitleBtnClick event to take specific action when the user clicks on title cell.

Show bitmaps in titles.

Use TitleImages property of TDBGridEh and ImageIndex property of TcolumnTitleEh to show bitmap in titles instead of caption.

Default values for title properties.

Use TDBGridEh.ColumnDefValues.Title property to set default values for title properties. Customizing Indicator column.

The Indicator Column is usually shown at the very left part of the Grid and is colored in

red color (The color varieties depending of current color scheme in the Windows). The

Indicator Column can display such information as: Indicator of the current record (Is

shown as triangular), State of editing, the number of the current record and checkbox of

selected record. Use properties of TDBGridEh.IndicatorOptions property to

customize the Indicator Column.

TDBGridEhIndicatorOptions = set of TDBGridEhIndicatorOption;

TDBGridEhIndicatorOption = (gioShowRowIndicatorEh, gioShowRecNoEh, gioShowRowselCheckboxesEh);

gioShowRowIndicatorEh–Display indicator of current record in the indicator column.

gioShowRecNoEh–Display the number of the current record in the indicator column. This property works only for DataSets that support IsSequenced mode (See Help about TDataSet.IsSequenced).

gioShowRowselCheckboxesEh–Display checkbox of selected record. At runtime, user can select records by clicking on checkboxes. Bookmarks of selected records are stored in the TDBGridEh.SelectedRows or TDBGridEh.Selection.Rows collection.

Customizing grid footer.

Footers and total values.

TDBGridEh can display special row (footer) or rows at bottom part. Use FooterRowCount property to specify the number of footer rows in the grid. Use Footer or Footers property of TColumnEh object to specify information which needs to show in footer cells. Footers property is useful when you have more than one footer rows. Footers are a collection of TColumnFooterEh objects. Information from i-th element of collection will be shown in i-th row of footer. In footer cell, it is possible to show: Sum value for the specific field, records count, the value of a specific field or static text. Use property Footer.ValueType or Footers[i].ValueType to specify which type of value will be shown in the footer cell. If ValueType = fvtStaticText, then you also need to set Value property to specify text which will be shown. If ValueType = fvtFieldValue, then you need to set property FieldName to specify the field, value of which will be shown. To force grid to calculate total values you need to activate SumList (Set DBGridEh.SumList.Active to True value).

Set TColumnFooterEh.ValueType to fvtSum to show sum value of the column field in the footer cell, you can also specify Column.Footer.FieldName to calculate total value of the other field. Set ValueType to fvtCount to force grid to display count of records in the footer cell. Customizing grid cells.

Showing bitmaps in data cells depending on the field values.

TDBGridEh allows to show bitmaps from TImageList component depending on the field values. In order to show bitmaps you need:

1. Fill list Column.KeyList property by the possible field values (every value in the separated line) and set Column.ImageList property by the TImageList control that has the bitmaps. Every image in ImageList corresponds to the string line in the KeyList property. You can also set Column.NotInKeyListIndex property to the index of bitmap that will be shown if the field's value does not correspond to any value in the KeyList (for instance you can set index of image for Null field value). At run time you can?t edit cells with bitmaps. Use SPACE key or mouse click to set value from next line of Column.KeyList to the field. Use Shift+SPACE key or Shift+Mouse click to set value from previous line Column.KeyList. You can also set Column.DblClickNextval to True to allow changing values in cell by double mouse clicking.

Showing pictures from DataSet fields in the grid cells.

TDBGridEh can show graphic data in the grid cell from TBlobField fields that have ftGraphic type. Set DrawGraphicData property in True to force the grid to show images from Graphic fields.


报建手册 2007年7月

目录 第一部分项目开发报建流程1 第二部分项目前期阶段报建流程7一、办理签署《土地使用权出让合同书》手续7 第三部分项目建设阶段报建流程10 一、办理项目地名注册手续10 二、办理《项目立项》12 三、规划局13 (一)办理《建设项目选址意见书》 13 (二)办理《建设用地规划许可证》13 (三)建设项目规划设计方案(修规)报批 15(四)办理《建设用地规划批准书》15(五)建筑设计方案报批16(六)办理《建筑工程规划许可证》16(七)办理《临时建筑许可证》(政府机构或企业申报) 17(八)办理《临时建筑许可证》(私人申报) 18(九)建筑物室外装饰工程设计方案报批18(十)“一书两证”及附件变更遗失补发18(十一)办理《建设工程规划验收合格证》19(十二)办理房屋拆迁许可证、房屋拆迁公告20(十三)规划设计单位资格认证21四、市建设局22 (一)建设工程保证安全施工的措施备案22(二)建设工程缴费指南25(三)房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程(施工和监理)合同、保函备案指南29

(四)房地产开发项目手册备案指南15(五)建筑工程(新建和既有建筑装修、加层、扩建、改建)施工许可证32(六)建筑工程(新建和既有建筑装修、加层、扩建、改建)施工许可证34(七)建筑工程(新建和既有建筑装修、加层、扩建、改建)施工许可证39(八)房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工图设计文件审查备案指南43(九)房屋建筑工程和市政基础设施工程竣工验收备案指南49(十)工程合同纠纷调解申请指南 52(十一)房地产开发项目转让备案指南53(十二)商品房预售广告备案指南54(十三)商品房预售楼款用款申请指南56(十四)商住用地办理商品房预售许可情况说明58(十五)商品房预售许可指南59(十六)商品房预售许可证变更、延期指南61 五、城市管理局63 六、人防办76 七、消防局79 八、房管局82


跨境电商平台操作手册V1.0 目录 1产品介绍 (2) 2管理平台功能操作说明 (2) 2.1系统管理 (2) 2.1.1权限管理 (2) 2.1.2内容管理 (3) 2.1.3日志管理 (4) 2.2商品管理 (4) 2.2.1商品基础信息管理 (4) 2.2.2商品型号管理 (5) 2.2.3商品规格管理 (5) 2.2.4商品详情管理 (6) 2.2.5商品销售管理 (7) 2.2.6特色栏目商品发布 (8) 2.2.7商品入库 (8) 2.3订单管理 (9) 2.4发货管理 (9) 2.4.1待发货管理 (9) 2.4.2待签收管理 (10) 2.5栏目类别 (10) 2.6投票管理 (11) 2.7首页广告 (11) 2.8会员管理 (11) 2.9账户管理 (12) 2.9.1充值管理 (12) 2.9.2提现管理 (13) 2.10行为管理 (13)

跨境电商平台操作手册V1.0 1产品介绍 跨境电商管理平台主要由订单管理、产品管理、客户资源管理、物流管理、前端 展示页面管理等模块组成。系统覆盖了电商平台的所有功能与环节,能有效帮助供货商展示产品,采购商(个人)采购产品。 2管理平台功能操作说明 2.1 系统管理 2.1.1权限管理 权限管理包括:角色管理、管理员管理、用户导入功能。 1)角色管理 选择系统管理 --- 权限管理 --- 角色管理,填入用户名及勾选权限列表,点击确定即可。 2)管理员管理 选择系统管理 --- 权限管理 --- 管理员,填入管理员基础信息及角色,点击确定即可。

3)用户导入 选择系统管理 --- 权限管理 --- 导入用户,选择导入用户的类型、角色,并选择按预设格式编辑的人员信息 excel 文件,即可批量导入用户。 2.1.2内容管理 1)物流公司管理 选择系统管理 --- 内容管理 --- 物流公司管理,填写物流公司基础信息确认即可。


房地产开发项目手册 企业名称_____________________ 法人代表_____________________ 项目名称_____________________ 开发资质_____________________ 金华市建设局制 说明 1.根据《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》和《浙江省房地产开发管理条例》制定《房地产开发项目手册》。 2.房地产开发企业应当在办理《房地产开发项目建设条件意见书》时到建设行政主管部门领取《房地产开发项目手册》。 《房地产开发项目手册》一式两份,房地产开发企业领取并初次纪录提交验核后,建设行政主管部门预留一份,企业自留一份。 3.房地产开发企业应当将房地产开发项目实施的主要事项如实记录在《房地产开发项目手册》中。 4.房地产开发企业应当在每季末将本手册或有关凭证送建设行政主管部门验核。验核后,对建设行政主管部门预留的一份由企业进行补充纪录。

房地产开发企业还应于企业资质延期、定级、晋级、续期时将《房地产开发项目手册》送建设行政主管部门验核。 房地产开发企业还应于办理商品房预售许可、现房销售备案时将《房地产开发项目手册》送建设行政主管部门验核。 5.《房地产开发项目手册》在每次验核后应当由验核部门签署验核意见,并加盖验核章。 6.房地产开发项目综合验收合格交付使用后,房地产开发企业应当将《房地产开发项目手册》交建设行政主管部门统一存档。企业可留存复印件。 7.项目用地被收回或因其他原因项目被撤销的,开发企业应办理项目手册注销手续。 8.项目转让后,转让和受让双方应到建设行政主管部门办理项目手册变更手续。



一、 二、 三、熟悉iMC的管理界面 1.iMC首页介绍 iMC 的首页界面不同于其他功能页面,用户可以在首页上定制展示元素,设定页面布局,自定义多个首页页面。用户可根据需要灵活设置,将自己关注的元素集中展示。如图1-1 图1-1iMC首页 以自上而下从左到右的顺序,iMC 首页界面分为如下5 个部分。 管理链接 显示了当前登录的操作员信息以及相关的功能链接。将鼠标移动到操作员名称上可以看到当前操作员的登录时间和登录IP地址。 导航条 以不同的角度提供了各类管理功能的配置入口,方便管理员根据实际需要进行切换。 搜索栏 实现了对用户、设备、接口的搜索,同时支持多条件查询的高级搜索功能

缺省主页 操作员登录iMC后的缺省首页(Welcome)。iMC允许操作员定制多个首页,并将其中一个指定为缺省首页。同时,iMC还提供了多种展示元素,操作员可以根据实际需要在首页上定制不同的展示元素。 告警统计控件 用于对iMC中的告警信息进行统计,并且可以根据告警的等级进行语音提示。 2.iMC功能页界面 iMC功能页界面如图1-2所示,除首页外,其他功能页的界面相同,这里仅以资源功能页为例,管理链接、功能页签和搜索栏与首页界面相同,这里不再介绍。 图1-2 功能页界面 功能页界面不同于首页的地方,以从左到右的顺序,分为如下两个部分。 表1-1功能页界面 从图1-2中我们可以看到如下信息: ?自定义视图、设备视图的图标颜色与视图中严重级别最高的设备图标颜色一致;

?设备视图快照下按照类别列出了网络中各类设备的数量以及设备当前的最高告警级别; ?存在故障的设备列表列出了处于不同告警级别的设备,并根据严重程度进行排列,仅在存在故障设备时才显示; ?性能监控区域列出了多种用户关心的性能指标。界面中的视图、设备类型图标均为链接,点击后在操作区中将显示其中包含的设备信息列表。 3.页签下拉菜单 iMC的功能页签提供了方便的下拉菜单,如图1-3所示。 图1-3 页签下拉菜单 页签下拉菜单使管理员可以迅速定位到自己需要的功能,这里以业务页签为例。将鼠标指针移动至业务功能页签,页签下拉菜单会自动弹出,选择自己需要的菜单功能,单击菜单链接,即可导航至对应的功能页面。 4.导航树浮出菜单 iMC导航树提供了浮出菜单,如图1-4 所示。 图1-4 导航树浮出菜单


xxxx运维综合管理平台 操作手册V1.0 xxxx(天津)科技有限公司


目录 1.平台介绍 (3) 1.概述 (3) 2.平台架构 (4) 2.1展示层 (5) 2.2功能层 (6) 2.3技术层 (7) 2.4外部接口层 (8) 1.xxxx运维综合管理平台软件功能 (9) 2.1服务台 (9) 2.2自助服务中心 (10) 2.3配置管理模块 (10) 2.4事件管理模块 (12) 2.5问题管理模块 (16) 2.6变更管理模块 (18) 2.7服务管理模块 (21)

1.平台介绍 1.概述 xxxx运维综合管理平台是为了业务需要进行开发,适用于IT服务的日常运维管理。它基于ITSS最佳实践,适应符合ITSS最佳实践的流程,同时它又很灵活,可以适应 一般的IT服务管理流程。 xxxx运维综合管理平台的功能包括: ?记录IT配置项(如服务器、应用程序、网络设备、虚拟机、联系人、位置、VLAN等)及其各个配置项之间的关联关系; ?管理事件、用户请求和变更审批与执行等; ?归档IT服务及与外部供应商的合约,包括SLA(服务级别协议); ?手动或脚本方式导出所有信息; ?批量导入或同步/联调所有来自外部平台的数据; xxxx运维综合管理平台基于Apache/IIS、MySQL和PHP,它可以在任何支持这些程序的操作平台上运行,如Windows、Linux(Debian、Ubuntu和Redhat)、Solaris 和MacOS X等。此外,由于平台是基于B/S架构的应用程序,不需要在用户电脑上部署任何客户端,只需要一个简单的Web浏览器(IE 8+、Firefox 3.5+、Chrome或Safari 5+)即可使用。 2.平台架构 平台架构如下图所示:


YYT0287(2017、ISO13485:2016版质量手册含程序文件)- XXX公司质量手册维护 文件编号:CMHZ-SC-01页:共148页,第45页版本:000 2。内部审核每年至少进行一次,两次内部审核的间隔时间不得超过12个月。当顾客投诉较多或出现重大质量问题时,以及当公司组织改革发生重大变化,外部环境发生重大变化时,将增加内部审核。 3。内部审计人员应经过培训获得认可,与被审计对象无直接关系。 4.《质量体系审核程序》中规定了内部审核的计划、实施、结果和记录 5.每次内部审计应根据审计结果编制审计报告作为管理评审的输入之一 6。对于内审中发现的问题,各级管理者应制定纠正措施,并对本部门的不符合项进行改进7.纠正措施实施后应进行验证,以确定其有效性和适宜性,必要时应出具验证报告8.内部审核由相关内部审核员组织,并报综合办公室备案保存。 8年2月5日过程监控和测量 1。综合办公室应对过程文件、缺陷记录等指标进行测量,并定期向管理者代表汇报。 2。总经理每年至少组织一次质量体系过程评审,对不适用和不完善的程序文件、模板文件、记录表格等采取纠正和预防措施。 8.2.6产品监视和测量 软件产品开发过程的监视和测量应按照本手册7.3.4的相关要求进行;

公司制定《产品发布程序》中规定的产品发布程序、条件和发布批准要求发布的产品应附有合格证书。 根据强制性标准和注册或备案的产品技术要求制定产品检验程序,并出具相应的检验报告或证书 需要常规控制的进货检验、过程检验和成品检验项目原则上不委托检验对检验条件和设备要求较高,确实需要委托检验的项目,可以委托有资质的机构进行检验,证明产品符合强制性标准和注册或备案的产品技术。 每批(套)产品应有检验记录,并满足可追溯性要求检验记录应包括进货检验、过程检验和成品检验的检验记录、检验报告或证明等。 公司的产品是独立的软件产品,没有样本保留 XXX公司质量手册文件编号:CMHZ-SC-01页码:共148页,第46页版本:000 8.3不合格品控制 8.3.1总则 公司建立“不合格品控制程序”,质量保证部控制不合格品,并规定控制不合格品的部门和人员的职责和权限 8年3月2日。2交货前发现的不合格品的相关措施 识别、记录、隔离和评审不合格品。根据评审结果,对不合格品采取适当的处置措施,并保存所采取措施的记录。 | 3.3.1998《交付后发现不合格产品的应对措施》 当售后发现不合格产品时,企业应及时采取相应措施,如召回、


政务服务目录管理系统V1.0 操作手册 哈尔滨华泽数码科技有限公司

目录 一、系统概述 (3) 二、系统操作 (3) 2.1用户登录 (3) 2.2行政权力事项 (5) 2.2.1行政权力管理 (5) 2.3公共服务事项 (8) 2.3.1公共服务管理 (8) 2.3.2公共服务引入 (12) 2.4.政务服务事项 (14) 2.4.1事项认定 (14) 2.4.2办事指南管理 (16)指南信息 (17)申请材料 (19)采集地址信息 (19)流程图 (20)权责信息 (21)中介信息 (21) 2.4.3待审核事项 (21) 2.4.4已发布事项 (22) 2.5目录清单 (22) 2.5.2目录清单管理 (24)

一、系统概述 按照国家《互联网+政务服务技术体系建设指南》,参照《行政许可标准化指引(2016版)》,结合工作实际,黑龙江省政府办公厅下发了《黑龙江省政务服务事项标准化工作实施方案》(黑政办综〔2017〕7号)文件,建设了全省统一政务服务事项管理系统。在原有权力清单、公共服务目录等数据基础上实现政务服务事项目录、办事指南和所有应公开信息相互关联、动态管理。目标是实现全省政务服务事项在纵向不同层级、横向不同区域间“编码唯一、标准统一、同步更新、同源公开、多方使用”的标准化管理。 二、系统操作 2.1用户登录 平台的互联网访问地址是https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,:8888,在系统登录页面提供了由省编办制定的政务服务事项认定标准、政务服务标准化工作的实施方案、操作手册和指导视频以及使用平台的各单位账号。如图1所示。 (图1)使用平台的各地市、省直部门应在登录页面下载本地区对应的账号。账号按分工的不同,分为两种权限:一是管理账号,各地区政务服务事项管理部门使用管理账号登录平台,实现对本地区政务服务事项认定情况、目录清单生成情况、办事指南录入情况的查看和统计;二是录入账号,各地区政务服务实施部门使用

2018-房地产开发项目手册执行情况报告-推荐word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 房地产开发项目手册执行情况报告 篇一:《房地产开发项目手册》及“两书”执行情况 《房地产开发项目手册》及《住宅使用说明 书》、《住宅质量保证书》执行情况 我公司自201X年2月成立以来,认真执行《房地产开发项目手册》制度,服从房地产开发主管部门管理。如实填写、记录开发项目的建设及经营情况,并如 实记录有关管理部门对项目开发建设经营活动的审批、核准和奖惩等意见。并 指定专人负责《房地产开发项目手册》的填报及管理工作。 同时,我司严格执行建设部建房(1998)102号文件关于《商品住宅实行住宅质 量保证书和住宅使用说明书制度的规定》的通知,确实保障住房消费者的权益,加强商品住宅售后服务管理,促进住宅销售,在房地产开发企业的商品房销售 中实行《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》制度。使广大购房户和公司 员工,共同深入了解实行商品房住宅质量保证书和使用说明书制度的主要内容 和重要意义。提高了广大购房户和公司员工的质量意识,为安岳的两个文明建 设作出了积极贡献。 1、我司加强对施工及材料、构配件和设备采购的管理, 使用优质产品,并明确与设计、施工、监理、材料、构配件、设备供应等相关 单位的质量责任。 2、我司在向用户交付销售的新建商品住宅时,向业主提供《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》。将《住宅质量保证书》作为商品房购销合同的补充约定。 3、我司严格按《住宅质量保证书》的约定,承担保修责任。 4、商品住宅售出后,委托物业管理公司等单位维修的,在《住宅质量保证书》中明示所委托的单位。 四川省翔云房地产开发有限公司 二〇一四年三月五日


旌德县社会管理综合治理信息化办公平台 操作手册 杭州博国软件有限公司 2013年8月

文档控制 修改记录 * 修改类型分为A—Added M—Modified D—Deleted 审阅人 存档

目录 目录 1系统综述 (4) 1.1系统功能简介 (4) 1.2版权声明 (6) 2系统操作说明 (6) 2.1登录 (7) 2.2主界面介绍 (9) 2.2.1业务需求描述 (9) 2.2.2界面截屏及界面字段解释 (9) 2.2.3操作说明 (15) 2.3系统平台 (16) 2.3.1基本设置 (16) 2.3.2角色权限 (32) 2.3.3系统通知 (38) 2.3.4日志信息 (41) 2.4矛盾纠纷排查调处 (43) 2.4.1网上交办 (43) 2.4.2领导批示 (53) 2.4.3跟踪督办 (57) 2.4.4查询统计 (66) 2.4.5统计报表 (68) 2.5社会治安防控 (69) 2.5.1填报报表 (69) 2.5.2查询统计 (77) 2.6网格化管理 (80) 2.6.1信息录入 (80) 2.6.2查询统计 (90) 2.7社会稳定风险评估 (93) 2.7.1填报报表 (93) 2.7.2查询统计 (95) 2.7.3统计报表 (96) 2.8信息平台 (97) 2.8.1通知通报 (97) 2.8.2政策法规 (100) 2.8.3报送信息 (103)

2.8.4已报信息 (106) 2.8.5信息统计 (108) 3出错处理和恢复 (110) 3.1“登录超时” (110) 3.2“服务器未启动” (110) 3.3打印时提示“无法调用O FFICE对象,请确保您的机器已安装O FFICE并已将本系统的站点加 入到IE的信任站点列表中” (110) 1系统综述 1.1系统功能简介 系统平台:


交建云商审批流程平台管理员操作手册 中国交通信息科技(集团)有限公司 二零一九年 编辑部门:电子商务事业部

1. BPS简介 (2) 2. 登录 (2) 2.1登录地址 (2) 2.2登录主页 (3) 3. 管理员主页 (4) 3.1流程实例监控 (4) 3.1.1主页 (4) 3.1.2介绍 (4) 3.2业务流程定制 (4) 3.2.1步骤1 (5) 3.2.2步骤2 (5) 4. 流程图绘制 (7) 4.1流程设计器主页及介绍 (7) 4.1.1主页 (7) 4.1.2图标介绍 (8) 4.2连接线 (8) 4.2.1介绍 (8) 4.2.2基本属性及界面 (9) ①.显示名称 (9) ②.优先级 (9) 4.2.3默认连线 (9) 4.2.4.简单表达式 (9) 4.2.5分支规则 (10) ①.介绍 (10) ②.新增规则 (10) ③.分支规则条件判断页面 (11) 4.3单步审批流程 (14) 4.4多步审批流程 (18) 4.5多条件分支(老版本:互斥网关) (28) 4.5.1介绍 (28) 4.5.2效果图 (28) 4.5.3分支模式 (29) 4.5.4聚合模式 (30) 4.5.5拖拽图标到绘制区域 (31) 4.5.6连接各个图标 (31) 4.5.7修改图标名称 (32) 4.5.8修改连接线名称 (32) 4.5.9设置提交路由分支、聚合模式 (33) 4.5.10设置提交路由到审批人节点的判断条件 (33) ③.设置工程物资类型判断条件 (33) ④.选择工程物资业务变量右值 (34) ⑤.设置其他类型连接线条件 (34) ⑥.保存流程,提交流程 (35)


编号: 房地产项目开发手册 项目名称:_________________________ 湖北省建设委员会印制 1、根据《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》和《湖南省城市房地产开发经营管理办法》制定《房地产开发项目手册》。 2、房地产开发企业应当在签订土地使用权出让合同或取得划拨土地使用权批准文件后的十五日内,到房地产开发主管部门备案,领取《房地产开发项目手册》。

3、房地产开发企业应当将房地产开发项目实施阶段的主要事项和政府有关管理部门对房地产开发企业开发经营活动的审查、批准、处理、处罚意见记录在《房地产开发项目手册》中。 4、房地产开发企业应当在申领《拆迁许可证》、《商品房屋预售许可证》,以及申请综合验收前,将《房地产开发项目手册》并附有 关凭证送房地产开发主管部门验核。 房地产开发企业还应定期将《房地产开发项目手册》送房地产开发主管部门验核。 5、《房地产开发项目手册》在每次验核后应当由验核部门签署验核意见,并加盖验核章。 6、房地产开发项目验收合格交付使用后,房地产开发企业应当将《房地产开发项目手册》交房地产开发主管部门统一存档。 项目概况

注:分期建设项目按各期项目情况分别填写此表。 项目概况

注:分期建设项目按各期项目情况分别填写此表。 项目概况

注:分期建设项目按各期项目情况分别填写此表。 项目概况

注:分期建设项目按各期项目情况分别填写此表。 拆迁安置主要事项记录拆迁批准单位和批准文号: 拆除房屋建筑面积: 拆迁动工日期: 拆除房屋完成日期: 计划安置房屋建筑面积: 需安置户数:需安置人口: 拆迁安置负责人及XX : 安置记录:


平台操作使用手册 一、增加用户 如果本级管理员想增加下级用户,先要增加“工程组织机构”,才能增加用户。 1)选中左侧树形菜单的“工程组织机构”,再单击右上角的“增加”,在弹出的“新建机构”对话框中填写要增加用户所属机构的相关信息。 2)选中左侧树形菜单中的“用户管理”,单击右上角的“增加”,在机构选项的菜单栏中选择刚才增加的“机构”,填写用户的其他信息既可以增加用户。 二、高级研修班申报 1)选择左侧“高级研修班初审/申报”,再单击右侧的“新建申报”即可以填写申报的相关信息。

三、开班通知和方案申报 1)选择“开班通知和方案上报”,在右侧的栏目中选择需要上报通知的高研班,点击“上报”,在弹出的对话框中即可选择通知上传。 2)开班通知和方案请至少提前一个月上传到平台,以便审批。如有其他要求请跟专技司联系。 四)结业上报 1)选择左侧“结业上报”,在右侧中选择需要上报的高研班,点击“上报”,即可上报总结报告、经费结算表和考核学员名单。总结报告、经费结算表和考核学员名单可以分别上传。

2)上报学员名单时首先请点击“下载导入模板”,将模板下载到电脑中,然后填入学员名单、课时等等,里面栏目不要做任何修改。名单填好后再点击“导入学员”,在弹出的菜单中点击“上传”,选择刚才的模板,然后点击“提交”即可将学员导入到系统中,此时学员名单并未提交到人社部专技司,只有本地管理员可以看到。此时本地管理员还可以修改、添加、删除学员信息。 3)确定学员名单完整后,就可以再次点击最下方的“提交”按钮,此时名单即提交到人社部专技司,平台管理员就可以生成证书编号。一旦点击此“提交”按钮,学员信息任何人(包括平台管理员)都无法更改,也不能对学员进行任何添加或者删除。慎重建议各管理员在提交人员名单确定好,如提前提交出错后果自负!


资产管理业务综合报送平台 操作手册 中国证券投资基金业协会 2016年 8月

目录 1. 系统概述 (3) 1.1. 系统介绍 (3) 1.2. 主要功能 (3) 1.3. 专业术语 (3) 2. 运行环境 (3) 2.1. 硬件环境 (3) 2.2. 软件环境 (3) 3. 资产管理业务综合报送平台功能介绍 (4) 3.1. 系统登录及注册 (4) 3.1.1.系统登录 (4) 3.1.2.系统退出 (4) 3.1.3.注册 (4) 3.2. 首页 (5) 3.2.1.首次注册登录 (5) 3.2.2.非首次注册登录 (6) 3.3. 管理人登记信息 (6) 3.3.1.首次登记信息 (6) 3.3.2.机构基本信息 (7) 3.3.3.相关制度信息 (9) 3.3.4.机构持牌及关联方信息 (9) 3.3.5.诚信信息 (10) 3.3.6.财务信息 (10) 3.3.7.出资人信息 (11) 3.3.8.实际控制人 (12) 3.3.9.高管信息 (13) 3.3.10.管理人登记法律意见书 (14) 3.4. 产品备案 (15) 3.4.1.产品备案 (15) 3.4.2.新增备案产品 (15) 3.4.3.管理人信息 (16) 3.4.4.基本信息 (17) 3.4.5.结构化信息&杠杆信息 (17) 3.4.6.募集信息 (18) 3.4.7.合同信息 (19) 3.4.8.委托及外包服务机构信息 (20) 3.4.9.投资经理人或投资决策人信息 (21) 3.4.10.投资者信息 (21) 3.4.11.相关附件上传 (22) 3.5. 产品查询 (22)


质量手册、程序文件培训考试 一、填空题(21分,每空分) 1. 本手册是按照和标准制定的. 2.公司的质量方针是:、、、。 3.. 公司的质量目标是:1);2) 3) 4) 4.. 公司的管理者代表是: 5.公司的主要职能部门有、、、、、。 6. 管理评审原则上年进行一次,一般以形式。 7.. 公司建立《员工培训登记表》做到。 8.. 公司现场使用的设备,应有统一的,以便于保养。 9.. 在接受每一份合同或订单时,应进行。 10.. 公司生产中的特殊工序有、、。 11. 内部审核原则上每年进行次。 的方法可适用于所有的过程,PDCA是指: 、、、。 13.不合格品经评审后处置方案有,,。 14..对已完成的预防措施,应进行验证,凡证实预防措施已完成,应在《预防措施处理单》上作好验证记录。 15.产品实现过程策划必须按本公司的质量方针,以及要求来进行。 16..对采购产品验证的方法有、、、工艺验证、提供合格证明文件等。 17.为验证质量管理体系有效运行的记录至少应保存年。 18.组织应确保质量管理体系在计划和实施更改时保持。 二、不定向选择题(每题2分,计30分) 1. 质量记录的保存期限为()。 A. 1 年 B. 3年 C. 5年 2. 下列哪种情况出现时可以提出管理评审()。

A. 市场变化重大时 B. 质量审核发现不符时 C. 有客户投诉时 3. 员工培训的内容一般包括( )。 A.健康安全环保 B. 质量体系教育岗位 C.政策方针 4. 有特殊产品合同或价值超过50万人民币以上的合同评审由()签名确认及完成评审。 A.生产部长 B. 采购部长 C. 总经理 5. 合同评审应有()的内容。 A.风险评估 B. 岗位职责 C.应急措施 6. 设计评审的时间应按()规定时间实施。 A. 设计工作计划 B. 设计输出计划 C.设计输入文件 7. 生产部依据销售部填写的销售合同或订单,结合相应产品的图纸、工艺卡、零件明细表及有关库存资料等制定()。 A. 生产计划单 B. 生产进度表 C. 装箱明细单 8. 采购部根据对供方评定情况制定(),并经总经理批准。 A. 供方评定表 B. 合格供方名册 C. 采购申请单 9. 作业指导书的代号为()。 A. SL B. WI 10. 不合格品评审几须遵守的“三不放过”原则有()。 A. 原因不清不放过 B. 责任不明不放过 C.纠正措施不落实不放过 11.()负责制定并批准书面的质量方针和质量目标。 A 管理者代表 B 总经理 C技术质量部经理 12.最终设计评审由()实施并形成文件。 A 设计人员 B生产部 C与该设计无直接责任人员 13.采购产品的验证由()负责。 A 技术质量部 B采购部 C生产部 14.内部质量审核将包括()的评审。 A 质量事故 B、后同 C先前审核结果 15.当材料或产品可以满足设计验收准则但不能满足制造验收准则时,是否可以验收() A 可以 B不可以 C视情况而定 三、名词解释(每题7分,计14分)


房地产开发项目手册 (范本) 郑州市住房保障和房地产管理局印制

目录 1.填报说明与要求 2.《项目手册》填报人员确认 3.开发建设企业及项目投资(合作)开发建设企业基本情况 4.项目基本情况 5.项目规划设计、施工图及景观设情况 6.项目拆迁安置情况 7.项目建设方案 8.项目分割转让记录及项目或公司股权变更记录 9.项目年度建设情况记录 10.项目工程施工企业情况 11.项目单项(体)工程施工进度及监理情况 12.项目建筑节能实施情况 13.住宅主要成套技术应用及性能等级认定情况 14.商品房预售款监管情况 15.预售许可情况记录 16.商品房预(销)售进度记录 17.《使用说明说》、《质量保证书》发放记录 18.项目前期物业服务情况 19.房屋交付使用记录 20.《项目手册》备案考核记录 21.项目结束总体情况记录 22.有关法律、法规、规范性文件摘录

填报说明与要求 一、根据国务院令第248号《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》、《河南省城市房地产开发经营管理条例》和《郑州市城市房地产开发经营管理条例》的规定,制定《房地产开发项目手册》(以下简称《项目手册》)。 二、凡在郑州市行政区域范围内国有土地上进行房地产开发建设的项目,以及我市企业在其它地市开发的房地产项目,均须执行《项目手册》制度。即在取得《国有土地使用证》十日内(包括外地项目),登陆郑州市住房保障和房地产管理局(以下简称市房管局)网站(https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca11526761.html,)填写《项目手册》并网上报送。首次报验后,应于每月5日前,按照要求网上填报《项目手册》。 三、企业填报《项目手册》的内容和方法 (一)基本信息 包括项目名称、项目具体位置、所属类型、开发状态、占地面积、小区规划建设总面积、设计和施工企业信息、投资(合作)企业情况等及“信息系统”中默认的必填项数据(如工商注册信息、企业资质信息等)和其他相应数据。 (二)行政审批(或备案)的主要数据信息 包括建设用地规划许可证、土地使用证、建设工程规划许可证、施工许可证、预售许可证、竣工验收备案表等,企业自取得以上证件5日内应及时更新“信息系统”中的相应数据。 (三)开发建设进度动态数据指标记录 包括拆迁安置进度情况、项目施工进度情况、项目投资情况、项目建筑节能情况、预售情况、交付使用情况、项目物业服务情况等相应数据。当以上数据指标发生变化时,企业应及时更新和完善相应的网上信息。 (四)开发项目的主要问题记录 项目在推进实施过程中,存在的主要问题可在项目备注中加以说明。 四、房地产开发建设项目属联合开发的,应当以土地使用权人作为填报项


闪龙VDI管理平台用户手册 Version 1.5

VDI管理平台用户手册 VDI管理平台用户手册 (2) 一、VDI管理平台简介 (3) 1、背景 (3) 2、简介 (4) 二、VDI管理平台功能介绍 (4) 1、系统管理 (4) 1.1用户登录 (4) 1.2 用户管理 (5) 1.2.1 创建用户 (5) 1.2.2 删除用户 (6) 1.2.3 编辑用户 (6) 1.2.4 密码初始化 (7) 1.2.5 选择角色 (7) 1.3 角色管理 (7) 1.3.1 新增角色 (7) 1.3.2删除角色 (8) 1.3.3 为角色分配权限 (8) 1.4 日志管理 (8) 2、总览 (9) 3、数据中心 (9) 3.1 集群 (9) 3.1.1新增集群 (9) 3.1.2 编辑集群 (10) 3.1.3 删除集群 (10) 3.2 主机 (11) 3.2.1 新增主机 (11) 3.2.2 编辑主机 (11)

3.23删除主机 (12) 3.24 主机关机 (12) 3.3虚拟机 (12) 3.3.1 创建虚拟机 (12) 新增虚拟机 (13) 批量部署虚拟机 (13) 删除虚拟机 (14) 编辑虚拟机 (14) 为虚拟机安装驱动 (15) 3.3.2 VDI管理平台用户对虚拟机可以进行的操作 (16) 开启虚拟机 (16) 重启虚拟机 (16) 关闭虚拟机 (16) 强行关闭虚拟机 (16) 挂起虚拟机 (16) 取消挂起虚拟机 (17) 克隆虚拟机 (17) 选择虚拟机所属用户 (17) 虚拟机详情 (17) 1)磁盘管理 (18) 2)链接管理 (19) 3)声卡管理 (19) 4)显卡管理 (19) 5)网卡管理 (20) 6)光驱管理 (21) 3.4 虚拟机用户 (21) 3.4.1 新增虚拟机用户 (21) 3.4.2 编辑虚拟机用户 (22) 3.4.3 删除虚拟机用户 (22) 3.4.4 批量导入虚拟机用户 (22) 3.4.5 导出虚拟机用户的模板 (23)



说明 1、根据《城市房地产开发管理暂行办法》制定《房地产开发项目手册》。 2、房地产开发企业应当在签订土地使用权出让合同或取得划拨土地 使用权批准文件后的十五日内,到房地产开发主管部门备案,领取《房地产开发项目手册》。 3、房地产开发企业应当将房地产开发项目实施阶段的主要事项和政 府有关管理部门对房地产开发企业开发经营活动的审查、批准、处理、处罚意见记录在《房地产开发项目手册》中。 4、房地产开发企业应当在申领《拆迁许可证》、《商品房屋预售许可证》,以及申请综合验收前。将《房地产开发项目手册》并附有关凭 证送房地产开发主管部门验核。 房地产开发企业还应定期将《房地产开发项目手册》送房地产开发主管部门验核。 5、《房地产开发项目手册》在每次验核后应当由验核部门签署验核 意见,并加盖验核章。 6、房地产开发项目综合验收合格交付使用后,房地产开发企业应当 将《房地产开发项目手册》交房地产开发主管部门统一存档。

项目概况项目编号 项目名称 项目地址 开发单位名称 开发单位地址 房地产开发资质等级证书号 开发单位法定代表人电话项目负责人电话 项目用地用地批准文号取得方式和批准日期 项目性质项目占地面积项目建筑面积计划投资额 建设用地规立项批准文号划许可证号和批准日期 拆迁许可证号 计划建设期限开工年月 和发证日期竣工年月普通住宅别墅公寓写字楼商业厂房文教其他 房屋 分类 备注

拆迁安置主要事项记录 拆除房屋建筑面积: 拆迁动工日期: 拆除房屋完成日期: 计划安置房屋建筑面积: 需安置户数:需安置人口: 安置记录: 安置日期安置面积安置户数安置人口安置方式备注


编号: NFS 房地产开发项目手册 公司名称: 宁夏金诚定置业发展有限公司 ( 盖章) 填报日期 : 07月27日 企业代码 : □6□9□4□3□4□5□3□8—□7 宁夏回族自治区建设厅监制 说明

1、根据《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》制定《房地产开发项目手册》。 2、房地产开发企业应当在签订土地使用权出让合同或取得划拨土地使用权批准文件后的十五日内, 到房地产开发主管部门备案, 领取《房地产开发项目手册》。 3、房地产开发企业在申办商品房建设计划、拆迁许可证、开工报告、商品房预售、工程质量竣工验收等手续前, 应持《房地产开发项目手册》和规定的有关资料, 送房地产开发主管部门审查验核。 4、房地产开发项目( 含土地使用权) 经有关部门批准办理转让手续后, 应到房地产开发主管部门备案, 并办理项目开发人变更等有关手续。以房地产开发项目( 含土地使用权) 作价入股、合资、合作开发经营房地产时, 合资、合作双方应依法设立房地产开发项目公司, 并到房地产开发主管部门办理项目开发人变更等有关手续。 5、房地产开发企业定期将《房地产开发项目手册》送房地产开发主管部门, 进行年度验核, 并不定期接受房地产主管部门的抽查验核。 房地产开发主管部门应在每次验核后签署验核意见, 并加盖验核章。 6、房地产项目综合验收合格交付使用后, 房地产开发企业应当将《房地产开发项目手册》交房地产开发主管部门统一存档。 7、《房地产项目手册》一式两份, 由房地产开发企业填写, 一份企业自存, 一份报项目所在地房地产开发主管部门备案。 项目概况


—2— 拆迁安置记录



目录 第一章系统软件介绍 系统软件简介 德芯数字广播应急管理平台是一款村村响及数字广播应急系统播控管理软件,可对整个广播应急系统及系统中的设备进行参数调整和播控管理,该管理软件操作简单,为客户提供了便捷可行的管理方式。 主要功能菜单: 远程监控 日常广播 紧急广播 定时广播 授权电话 电话密码 通话记录 短信记录 终端设备 终端控制 控制设备 区域管理 报表 系统设置 每个大菜单都有各自不同的功能与特点,本文第四章将对每个菜单选项做详细的介绍,以此来了解整个平台的使用,实现对终端设备及系统的管理。 此播控管理平台在应用时,需与数据库,加密狗驱动和DBTool软件配合使用,本文第二章中将详细介绍数据库、加密狗驱动、数据库管理工具和数字广播应急管理平台的安装流程。

系统配置要求 (1)硬件要求: (2)软件要求: 第二章软件的安装 安装SQL Server2005/SQL Server2008数据库 在Windows2003上安装SQL Server2005企业版数据库 在Windows2003上建议安装SQL Server2005(企业版或标准版),为保证系统长期稳定运行,请勿使用SQL Server Express版本。 * SQL Server企业版只能安装在Windows server服务器上,不能安装在Windows XP或Windows7上。 下面是SQL Server2005企业版数据库安装步骤: 1)打开SQL Server2005安装光盘,单击开始安装 2)接受许可,单击 3)单击 4)单击



目录一、宏观市场环境分析 (一)武汉市宏观经济环境分析 (二)产业政策对房地产市场的影响 二、区域市场分析 (一)区域环境分析 (二)区域产品特征分析 (三)新政对区域的影响 三、产品定位

(一)项目SWOT分析 (二)形象及市场定位 (三)文化内涵定位 (四)目标购房群定位 (五)产品设计定位及建议 (六)价格定位 四、销售推广建议 (一)销售推广建议 (二)案名及平面表现 (三)营销推广建议 五、案例评述 武汉房地产市场项目开发策划书 一、宏观市场环境分析 (一)武汉市宏观经济环境分析

“十五”及“十一五”期间,武汉市经济持续、健康、快速发展。至2007年底,武汉GDP 就已经到达3141亿元,跨入“3000亿俱乐部”。 武汉作为湖北经济增长的“引擎”,在全球金融危机背景下,GDP增长快速,仍高于全国、全省平均水平。武汉着力打造八个千亿产业,各项指标接近十年最高水平。武汉经济呈现以下特点:1、消费市场旺畅。武汉累计实现社会消费品零售总额持续增长。2、消费价格回落,这将促进人们对高价值产品的消费居民收入提高,将促进房地产市场更加活跃。(二)产业政策对房地产市场的影响 与房地产市场联系比较紧密的金融政策,税收政策以及国家各种关于调控和稳定房价的政策措施对房地产市场起着很大的影响,下面我国针对房地产市场的最新政策。 虽然目前宏观经济明显复苏,但经济增长基础尚不稳固;而楼市价格的持续上涨,房价重站高位。由此判断,未来的房地产政策将可能走向有保有压,对首次置业继续优惠、对二套房贷款收紧的政策可能性更大。

二、区域市场分析 (一)区域环境分析 本案位于武汉新型商业区——光谷商业区腹地,离武汉光谷CBD近五分钟车程,在短时间内就能到达光谷中心,满足各项购物需求;小区面朝中国最大的城市内陆湖——东湖,自然环境优美,在小区内生活,东湖美景尽收眼底,为您的居住带来身临鱼米之乡之感;小区背临著名学府——中国地质大学,人文气息浓厚,使您置身家中就能聆听高等学府的教育。




本书约定 介绍符号的约定、键盘操作约定、鼠标操作约定以及四类标志。 1.符号约定 带尖括号“<>”表示键名、按钮名以及操作员从终端输入的信息;带方 括号“[]”表示人机界面、菜单条、数据表和字段名等,多级菜单用“→”隔开。如[文件→新建→文件夹]多级菜单表示[文件]菜单下的[新建]子菜单下的[文件夹]菜单项。 4.标志 本书采用两个醒目标志来表示在操作过程中应该特别注意的地方。 注意:提供一些应用关键的描述。 提示:提醒操作中应注意的事项。

目录 1.系统概述 (6) 1.1概述 (6) 2.登录和退出 (7) 2.1概述 (7) 2.2 登陆系统 (7) 2.3退出系统 (9) 3. 平台首页 (9) 3.1数据中心 (9) 3.2企业数据 (10) 4. 在线监测 (10) 4.1一次接线图 (10) 4.2实时数据 (11) 4.3电量分析 (12) 4.4报警分析 (14) 4.5指标关联 (15) 5. 节能分析 (15) 5.1监测点对比 (15) 5.2能效排名 (17) 5.3电能质量 (18) 6. 智能用电 (19) 6.1需求响应 (19) 6.2最大需量分析及建议 (20) 7. 报表管理 (21) 7.1电量统计报表 (21) 7.2负荷统计报表 (22) 7.3原始值报表 (22) 8.运维管理 (23) 8.1设备巡检 (23)

8.2运维记录 (23) 8.3操作人员管理 (24) 9经验知识 (24) 9.1用户论坛 (24) 9.2知识园区 (25) 9.3国标行标 (25)




说明 1.《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》制定《房地产开发项目手册》。 ,到房地产开发主管部门备案,领取《房地产开发项目手册》。 、批准、处理、处罚意见记录在《房地产开发项目手册》中。 《拆迁许可证》、《商品房屋预售许可证》,以及申请综合验收前,将《房地产开发项目手册》并附有关凭证送房地产开发主管部门验核。 5.《房地产开发项目手册》在每次验核后应当由验核部门签署验核意见,并加盖验核章。 ,房地产开发企业应当将《房地产开发项目手册》交房地产开发企业部门统一存档。 。 ,具体意见由房地产开发部门审核后填写。 项目概况 项目编号联络员张丽娜项目名称国鑫楠坪雅居电话 项目地址郑州市二七区南屏路9号 开发单位名称郑州国鑫企业发展有限公司 开发单位地址郑州市管城区南曹乡毕河村潮湖管委会1号楼

房地产开发资质等级级资质证书编号 开发单位法定代表人马新海电话60128690 项目负责人郑维利电话 总占地面积㎡土地投资万元 项目用地取得方式国有土地使用证号和批准日期 建设用地规划许可证号拆迁许可证号和发证日期 计划总建筑面积㎡计划总投资万元计划开工时间计划竣工时间 房屋 分类 普通住宅别墅住宅写字楼商业厂房文教其他备注: 拆迁安置主要事项记录 拆除房屋建筑面积:其中住宅: 拆迁动工日期: 拆除房屋完成日期: 拆迁户数:其中公房户:私房户: 需安置户数:需安置人口:

安置房屋建筑面积:安置房屋户数: 安置记录: 安置日期安置面积安置户数安置人口安置方式备注

项目建设主要事项记录 项目的勘察单位:资质等级:项目的规划设计单位:资质等级:项目的建筑设计单位:资质等级: 单项工程进度记录 单项工程名称建筑面积(㎡)住宅 套数 开工日 期 基础完 工日期 竣工验 收日期 竣工房屋实际面积(㎡)竣工 住宅 套数 质量验 收单位 质量等 级合计住宅合计住宅

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