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Unit 4

班别________ 姓名_____________ 分数__________



( )31. ___________ the boy failed many times, he' try again.

A.As if

B. Because

C. When

D. Eve n though

( )32. The girl isn 'atood nurse, because sheisn ' _______________ w ith patients.

A.patie nt

B. patie nee

C. angry

D. frien dly

( )33. I'm not afraid of being ____________ because I don'tfeel _____________ .

A.l on ely; alone

B. alone; Ion ely

C. Ion ely; Ion ely

D. alone; alone

( )34.1 don 'tbelieve that this ____________ boy can paint such a nice picture.

A.five years old

B. five-years-old

C. five-year-old

D. five-year old

()35.-- Do you like to do the chores now?

--Yes, I don 'thate them _____________ .

A.no Ion ger

B. anymore

C. no more

D. some more

( )36. —Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mou ntain.

--Good job, Tom! I 'm _____________ of you.


B. pride

C. afraid

D. worried

( )37. We used to __________ in the evening, but because of the study, we are used to ______________ early in the morni ng.

A.exercise; exercise

B. exercise; exercis ing

C. exercised; exercise

D. exercis ing; exercise

( )38.Jim is very happy to be ___________ the swimming team.


B. for

C. of

D. on

( )39.I _________ like singing, but now I 'm getting interested in it.

A. used to

B. did n 'used to

C. did n 'use to

D. don 'use to

( )40. She is ________ a clever girl. She always gets good scores ___________ her exams.

A. such, in

B. such, on

C. so, in

D. so, on

( )41. Though the road _____________ success is difficult, you 'll _______ it.

A. of, succeed

B. to, succeed

C. of, make

D. to, make

( )42. He doesn'tdare ______________ her carelessness.

A. to deal with

B. deali ng with

C. deals with

D. to deali ng with

( )43.His mother is so busy that she ____________ watches TV.

A. ofte n

B. always

C. seldom

D. almost

( )44.Please don'ttalk about ______________ problems in public. It will make me shy.「

A. private

B. serious

C. create

D. convenient

( )45. If you want to know the truth, why not ask him ___________________ ?

A. by pers on

B. in pers on

C. in the pers on

D. for pers on


Man has inven ted four kinds of satellites( 卫星).The first kind of satellite studies the 46 of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they may 47 _____________________________ oil or gold. The sec ond kind of satellite is used to guide ships and pla nes. A ship or a pla ne can 48

a message to the satellite, and satellite can find out 49 the ship or the pla ne is. The third kind studies the weather. These satellites 50 clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations when very 51 weather is coming. 52 kind is used for com muni catio n. Teleph one calls 53 coun tries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the satellite, then the 54 ________________________________________________________________________________ sends

it to a stati on in the country and this country is being phon ed. These satellites also carry pictures; they can receive and send about eight 55 at a time.

)46. A. physics B. chemistry C. biology D. geography

)47. A 亡arty B find C keep D一choose

)4®. A. wiite B. take匚send D bring

)49 A. where B. what C. which D. that

)50 A have b wtch C. notice D, see

)51. A sunny B cool Chad D. fine

)52. A The last B. Another C. One D. Any other

)53 A among B. al&ng C. between D. of

)54. A TV B, tdegraph C. telephone D. satellite

)55 A plays B programs C. films D. languages



Tom, Beijing, China

In fact, yes! I haven 'tchanged a lot. Some of my high school classmates saw me recently, and they said I look exactly the same as I used to be. They have n 'see n me for over ten years! So I don 'th ink I ve cha nged so much.

Ruth, New York, the USA

Of course no t! I used to wear glasses, but now I don 'wear them. I used to be small and some big girls in high school often laughed at me, but now I'm very tall and strong. I'm glad I've changed.

Martin, Paris, France

Ah, yes, I do. I 'm about as tall as I was in high school, and I have the same hairstyle (发型) I'm probably a little bit heavier but not very much. But one thing has cha nged. I 've got some gray hair. Kate, California, the USA

Well, I think that I 've changed. A lot of my friends say that I haven 'changed at all, but I think I have. I used to wear sports clothes and sports shoes. But now I often wear skirts and heels( 高跟鞋).I look more like a lady.

( )56. Which of the follow ing questi ons is the four people an sweri ng?

A. What do you do in your free time?