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Unit 4 Making the news 教学设计4-公开课-优质课(人教必修5精品)

Unit 4 Making the news 教学设计4-公开课-优质课(人教必修5精品)
Unit 4 Making the news 教学设计4-公开课-优质课(人教必修5精品)

Unit 4 Making the news 教学案4


The First Period Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

occupation,photograph,photographer,colleague,eager,concentrate,course,acquire,meanwhile,recorder,case,accuse,deliberately,guilty,concentrate on,accuse ... of,so as to (do sth),defend against,cover a story,have a “nose” for a story,get a scoop,get sth straight,a trick of the trade

b. 重点句式(P26)

Never will Zhou Yang forget ...

Only when you have seen ...,can you cover a story ...

Only if you ask ... will you acquire ...

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students to talk about the qualities needed

to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview.

Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点

Help the students learn about the qualities needed to be a good reporter,how to get an accurate story and how to protect a story from accusation.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Fast-reading method;task-based method.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer,a projector and a tape recorder.

Teaching procedures &ways教学过程与方式

人教版英语必修四4Unit4(Showing Our Feelings)课程教学设计

Book4 Body Language Showing Our Feelings教学设计 河北饶阳中学王晓莉一、教学内容(Teaching Content) 人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准试验教科书英语必修四Body Language第三课时---Showing Our Feelings. 二、教学设计(Teaching Plan) (1)教学思路 本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,各项活动的设计都围绕着这个主题进行。身势语是非语言交际手段中非常重要的一个方面,它通过无声的语言表达一个人的内心世界。与有声语言一样,身势语也是文化的载体,在跨文化交际中起着举足轻重的作用。了解身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用,会在交际场合中起到意想不到的好效果。通过本堂课的学习,学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度,“读懂”我们周围人的意思。 整个教学过程以“ 以学生为学习主体” 为设计理念,采用设置任务和小组讨论的形式组织教学,将学生的自主学习调动起来并把这样的活动作为课堂的主体,引导学生完成学习任务。 (2)课前准备 要求学生预习课文Showing Our Feelings,并找出我们周围人们是怎样表达快乐、不高兴、愤怒、厌烦等情感的。 三、学生情况分析

我们的学生绝大多数来自农村,学习英语的条件有限,大部分是上了初中才开始学习英语,所以英语意识淡薄,知识薄弱。面对这样一群孩子,吸引他们对英语的兴趣是关键,因此我在这节课中使用了大量的图片,一方面吸引他们的注意力,引起兴趣,另一方面很大限度地帮助了学生们对这篇课文的理解。 四、三维目标(Teaching Aims) (1)知识目标(Knowledge Aims) 让学生了解“身势语”的概念,掌握身势语的不同文化涵义并正确地加以运用。通过阅读熟悉本课的相关单词、短语及重点句型,如spoken, unspoken, likely, be likely to, in general, at ease, etc. (2)能力目标(Ability Aims) 提高学生的阅读能力,训练学生skimming和scanning的阅读技巧,提高学生归纳总结、善于提取有用信息的能力; 在教学总过程中锻炼学生听、说、读、写各方面的技能,培养学生独立思考和合作学习的能力; 快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观(Emotional Attitude and Point of Value) 通过学生参与英语教学活动,增强其学习英语的主动性和积极性;通过对世界各国身势语及其情感表达方式的介绍,开拓学生的视野;通过自主学习和合作学习,使学生们能够了解世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度的方式,并对以后的工作生活产生一定的影响。 五、教学重难点(Teaching Key and Difficult Points) Teaching Key Points:

人教版高中英语必修四教案:Unit 4 Body language

Unit 4 Body language ⅠAims:T alk about body language: cultural differences and intercultural communication Practise talking about prohibition & warning as well as obligation Learn to use the -ing form as the Attribute &Adverbial Learn to write a diary that showing the observation of how body language helps in communication ⅡStructures:Talk about body language What is the purpose of language? What do you think “body language” means? How can you tell if someone is sad or happy even if they do not speak? How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language? Why do we need to study body language? Talk about cultural differences & intercultural communication What do British people often do when they meet strangers? What do French people often do when they meet people they know? Why should we be careful about our own body language? Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them? ⅢKey new words:represent, association, canteen, dormitory, flight, curious, approach, major, misunderstand, dash, adult, crossroad ⅣKey expressions:represent, introduce, approach, touch, express, nod, avoid, misunderstand, punish, general, curious, similar, expression, agreement, gesture, action Ⅴ.Grammmar:The -ing form as the attribute && adverbial Finding out in the reading text sentences with present participle(s) used as the attribute or adverb Period 1-2 warming up Step I Lead-in The teacher shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005. Ss: Yes, Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of


Unit 3 Look at me Part A Let’s talk Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives 1. S can understand and say How are you? I’m fine, thank you./Fine, thank you, let’s go to school. OK. 2. S can sing the song (Hello! How are you?) 3. Lead to improve S interests of learning English Ⅱ. Teaching Importances S can cut out the dialogue and sing the song Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulty S can use the new language situational Approach Ⅳ. Teaching Aid CAI, word cards, video, Ⅴ.Teaching Procedure: Step1 Warm-up 1、Liston to the song 2、Free talk Good morning/afternoon, Hi/Hello! Nice to meet you. What’s your name? I’m···· Step2 Presentation 1、How are you? I’m fine, thank you, T takes out the puppet of Daisy and says: Hello! I’m Daisy. Let’s say hello to me S3:Hello,Daisy,Nice to meet you Daisy: Nice to meet you, too 2、T: Listen! What are Miss Chen and Daisy saying? Daisy: Good morning, Miss Chen, How are you? Miss Chen: I’m fine, thank you. How are you? Daisy: Fine, thank you 3、S3 learn to say: How are you? I’m fine, thank you ./Fine, thank you. Pay attention to the pronunciation of “thank” and “fine” Learn to practice Step3 Practice 1、Chain game:

新人教版必修四Unit4 Body Language教学设计

Unit 4 Body language I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组 1.教材分析 本单元以Body Language——“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。本单元的语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕“体态语”这一中心话题设计的,旨在通过单元教学,用听、说、读、写、做(表演)等多种形式,让学生正确认识和掌握“体态语”在交际中的作用和意义,使学生明确“体态语”在人类交际中的重要性,了解“体态语”在不同民族、不同文化交际中的多样性;使学生在今后的日常生活、学习、工作和交往中尽量减少或避免运用“体态语”时可能产生的误解,提高他们的“语言交际”能力和“非语言交际”能力。 1.1 WARMING UP 以列表对比(填充及增补)的形式,并通过WARMING UP 的活动,让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。同时,学生在听、说、做(即表演

“体态语”的动作)中能够增进对语言交际的感性认识,为他们在阅读过程中上升到对语言交际的理性认识打下基础。 1.2 PRE-READING 通过提供三个关于不同文化背景下“体态语”的问题,启发学生思考我们所学习的“语言”的目的、形式、功能。通过引导学生联系自己日常生活的实际,提高学生努力学习英语的积极性和自觉性;同时培养学生留心社会、关注生活的洞察力,为引导学生进一步“阅读”作好准备。 1.3 READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。学生也可以结合自己在语言交际中所遇到的实际例子来进一步理解“交际,毫无问题可言吗?”这一主题。 1.4 COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分由“本单元重点词汇英文释义”,“词语填空”和“词性变换”三项内容构成,语法部分由两大方面组成:一是让学生自己通过在课文中寻找相关语法的句子并按其语法功能分类,二是根据学生的认知规律安排该语法项目的练习让学生进行操练。整个项目通过三个练习和一个游戏,以及语法结构讲练,进一步巩固本单元所学词汇(尤其是课文中的黑体字),学习“现在分词”结构用作定语和状语,并通过操练,以收到“学以致用”、“熟练生巧”的效果。 1.6 USING LANGUAGE 通过增加阅读篇目“Showing Our Feelings”来拓展学生在“体态语”方面的知识视野,并通过“True” or “False”判断练习和问题讨论,使学生进一步明确“体态语”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用。同时要让学生认真对待自己的“体态语”,并在日常交际中“听其言”(Listen to them)、“观其行”(Watch them)。此外,该部分还通过听、说、读、写四个方面来巩固本单元所学内容和语言交际项目。

Unit 4 Making the news教案

Unit 4 Making the news Period 1 Warming up and reading Teaching aims: 知识目标 1. Let students talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2.Have students read the passage and know about Zhou Yang's first work assignment. 能力目标 Develop students' reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 情感目标 Stimulate students' interest in newspaper and the basic procedure of making the news. Teaching important points: 1.Let students talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2.Have students learn different reading skills. Teaching difficult points: 1.Develop students reading ability. 2.Let students talk about what is needed to work in a newspaper office. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching and learning & Discussion. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead in Show students some pictures and talk about where we can get the news from all over the world? News: five forms of the news media. Step 2 warming up 1.Do you know how to make the news? Can you tell some jobs in a newspaper company? What are their jobs involves? Types of jobs What it involves Reporter/ journalist Interview people or finds out events from onlookers Photographer Takes photos of important people or events Editor Makes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate, check facts Designer Lays out the articles and photographs


新目标八年级(上)Unit3第一课时教学设计 一、设计理念 本节课依据课程标准,结合学生生活设计活动,使学生在谈论自己生活的过程中掌握比较级的用法及其它知识。本节课环节设计思路:以读写为主线,以五个环环相扣,循序渐进的任务活动展开知识学习。从课本中的句型引入,将学生带入语言环境,学生通过阅读,学会描述人的个性特征。 二、教学分析 本节课在学习“比较级”句子的基础上,通过谈论朋友间的相同和不同处,通过阅读写作的方式,帮助学生学习使用形容词的比较级描绘和比较身边的事物并选择最佳方案。 三、学情分析 学生已经学习并掌握了一些有关人物个性特征的单词和短语,并能较熟练地运用这些词语问答,本单元学习形容词比较级时,话题贴近学生生活实际,容易让学生在说与做中体会与学习,并能活跃学生学习思维,激发他们参与课堂活动的欲望。 四、教学目标 1、语言知识目标: A、学习重点词汇:necessary, beat, care, friendship. B、学习句型:掌握如何描述个性特征:A is …than B. 2、语言技能目标:能够综合各种信息,描述个性特征。

3、情感态度目标 通过描述人的个性特征,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。(朋友可以相似,也可以不同。患难朋友才是真朋友。) 培养学生健康、活泼、积极向上的人生观。 五、教学重点: 比较级的结构变法规则 六、教学难点: 比较级的运用与原级的表达方法 七、教学方法和手段: 1.采用的教学法:视听法,任务型教学法。采用视听法,主要是根据八年级学生的视听方面的要求提前设置听前任务,以降低听力难度。采用任务型教学法,是让学生可以在课堂上以听录音,竞猜,观看课件等多种形式输入语言知识,最后运用新知识表达观点。 2.辅助手段或媒体:本课采用图片和视频导入,形象具体而有趣味性,整节课采用多媒体教学,更生动,更直观。 八、教学过程设计 Step 1Lead-in(创设情境,激趣引学) Leading in: T:How often do you exercise/watch a video?I have a wonderful video.Would you like to watch it?Listen and answer some questions.

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 4 Reading 教学设计

Lesson Plan Basic information Teaching Content Unit 4 Body Language Reading: Communication: No problem? Learner Profile This is the second teaching period of this unit, students will have a general knowledge about “ body language”. Although some of them know different body languages in different countries, they may not know what culture mistakes will be made when people don’t understand different cultures. The reading material is about some misunderstandings among different countries people. And students will be also interested about that. Main Focus Students will learn some background information about body language. Students will learn different cultures which are behind different greeting gestures. Sttudents will learn “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Anticipated Learner Difficulty Understand some culture mistakes among different countries. Understand different cultures in different countries. Teaching Aims

Unit 4 Making the news重点词汇详解

高二必修5 Unit 4 Making the news重点词汇详解 新课标人教版高二第五模块第四单元单词解读 (Making the News) 1.eager(keen, anxious) adj. 热切的;渴望的(after, about, for) The boy was eager for success. 男孩子急于获得成功。 He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriends. 他盼望他的父母去见他的女朋友。 The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody. "商店里的那个女售货员总是十分殷勤,希望使人人满意。" 【习惯用语】 be eager for 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager about 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager after 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager to do 急欲, 渴望做 【参考词汇】 eager /keen /anxious 意思都含“渴望的”。 eager指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的的”, 有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表现急不可耐的”, 如: He was eager to see her. 他渴望见到她。 keen 指“对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的”, 如: They were keen to win. 他们急于取胜。 anxious 指“热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”, 如: l'm anxious to know the final result. 我急于想知道最后的结果。 eagerly adv. eagerness n. 2.work/task/ duty/job/responsibility 【参考词汇】 work 常指正式职业和职位的经常性、一般性工作,不含有“艰巨”、“沉重”等意思。是不可数名词。at work在工作 work hard at努力工作(或学习);out of work失业。My work is as a doctor.我当医生(职业)。 task 一般指必须完成的“任务”, 是可数名词。如: Mother set me the task of sweeping the floor.母亲把扫地的任务交给了我。task 往往含有“艰巨”、“沉重”等意思。而work 除另有修饰语外不含此种意思。 duty指“道义上的责任”, 较强调“自觉性”, 如: Every citizen has the duty to construct his country. 每个公民都有建设祖国的责任。 job指“活、事、一份工作”时是可数名词,多指为换取报酬而进行的日常活动,尤指作为某人的手艺、行业或职业的工作。可数。Washing the windows is not my job. 洗窗子不是我的事儿(任务)。习惯表达: a good job一件好事lose one's job失业be out of a job失业do a


Unit 3 Weather Part B Let’s learn教学设计 【教学内容】Unit 3 Part B Let’s learn。 一、设计预想: 1.指导思想: (1)教材分析:本节课为人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级下册Unit3 Weather 中的第四课时,包括let’s learn和let’s play两个板块,以世界各地天气为话题,学习描述天气的五个形容词:rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy, sunny以及句型:What’s the weather li ke in ... It’s...。本节课是在学生掌握unit3 A部分知识的基础上,进一步学习和认识世界各地的天气差异。这节课与我们生活息息相关,能够让学生了解不同城市、不同国家的天气差异,开拓学生视野,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,因此在整个教材中也占有重要地位。 (2)学情分析:四年级学生活泼好动,表现欲强,经过一年多的英语学习,学生们已具备了一定的英语知识基础和简单交流能力。他们喜欢表演,喜欢与他人合作,具有丰富的想象力,能在教师指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。 (3)教学设计理念:天气与人们的日常生活紧密相关,结合实际展开学习,利用相应的情景创设、游戏教学,为学生提供一个生动、活泼、自主的学习环境,激发学生的学习兴趣及求知欲,充分发挥学生的主体性,让学生在玩中学,学中玩。 2.教学目标: 知识目标: (1)能听,说,认读单词rainy,snowy,cloudy,sunny,windy (2)能够在语境中理解world,Sydney,London,Moscow,Singapore的意思并能正确发音。 (3)能在恰当语境中正确运用句型: What’s the weather like in… It’s …描述天

北师大版高中英语必修四 Unit 12 Culture shock Lesson 4 The New Australians 教学设计

Lesson 4 The New Australians Teaching aims: To identify facts and opinions in a reading text To practise using words with negative and positive connotations Teaching difficulties: To practise using words with negative and positive connotations Teaching Aids:computer and cassette Teaching procedures: I. Warming up T: What do you know about Australia? Australia lies on the southern hemisphere. Australia is the sixth biggest country in the wo rld and the only country covering the whole continent. Australia is also one of the oldest continent. It has special animals. Can you name their names? But today we talk the topi c “The New Australia”. Can you guess what does the text talk about? Let’s read the text and see if your prediction is right. II. Reading 1) Before reading the text can you write two questions about things you’d like to know a bout life in Australia? Then ask students to hand in their notes to the teacher. After reading the article teacher can ask these questions students write. 2) Read the article again||,do the exercise 3 and make if the statements are true||,fals e or no information is given. When checking students’ answers||,have them read out the section of the text which giv es the answer and have them correct the false statements. 3) Listen to the cassette and do the exercise 4 4) Do the first two with the whole class. Then students work in pairs||,reading the sent ences and discussing who said them III. Further understanding Now||,go into the text for detail information. What can we do at night in Sydney ? ? a wide choice of opera ?classical concert ?Shakespearean drama ?Aboriginal culture ?rock concert ?Broadway musicals ?comedy ?cabaret


Unit4 What can you do? 》第二课时教学设计 一、教学目标与要求 1、知识目标:能听懂、会说Are you helpful at home?What can you do?l can ??等.句型, 并能在实情际景中进行运用。 2、能力目标:培养学生的综合语言运用能力,锻炼学生的基本 听说及表达能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生的互助合作意识,让他们多体谅父母工 作的不易,在家里能帮父母多做些力所能及的事情。 二、教学重、难点分析 重点:学习、掌握What can you do?lcan 句型。 难点:句型Are you helpful at home?以及在实际情景中正确运用 所学的对话。 三、课前准备 多媒体课件。 四、教学过程 一)热身。 1. Hello!What's your name?M y name is Nice to meet you ! Nice to meet you, too. What day is it today?lt's 2.Let's do(. 通过互动,在欢快的气氛中活跃课堂的气氛,同时也对在四年级下册中,所接触的相关的动词短语进行了回顾,为新课引入做 好铺垫)

二)新授 Step1 1.Let ' s try T:You are very good.Mike is good,too. s listen and tick. What can he do at home?Now,let Check the answer T:Have you fini shed?Look at the blackboard.What can Mike do?(学生回 答,并核对答案,对重点句型再一次进行巩固) 接Let's try T:Mike is helpful at home.Are you helpful at home?(出示Are you helpful at home?) S:Yes./Sure. Read:Are you helpful at home?Sure.在校对答案中复习本课的教学难 点) Play a chain game::Are you hel pful at home?Sure 进行连锁操练的游戏不但句型训练的范围广,而且能引起学生的注意,调节课堂教学的节奏和气氛) Step2 1\T:Good.You are helpful.And look at the blackboard .what can they do? 2\T:Oh,what is Wu Yifan do?(出示相应的图片,复习在第一课时 中所学的短语) S:He can cook the meals. 用同样的方法依次出示sweep the floor、clean the bedroom、empty the trash、water the flowers 的图片,在复习短语回顾第一课时的同时,对本节课的新授内容作铺垫。)


Unit 3 Keys: 一、1. driver’s license 2. got, pierced, earings 3. silly 4. allow 5. instead 6. stay up 7. At present 8. old people’s home, performed 9. sleepy 10. disagrees 11. taught, importance, working 12. care about 13. serious enough 14. spend 15. by 16. failed 17. member 18. local 二、1. can be done 2. will be planted 3. are, cleaned 4. was given 5. is spoken 6. is being built 7. has been sent 8. Was, used 三、1. choose, own clothes 2. learn from 3. had an opportunity, volunteer 4. got noisy 5. concentrate on , failed 6. more realistic 7. are , strict , with 8. family rules 9. look good on 10. gets in the way of 11. spend, time on 12. At present 13. comfortable, is good for 14. achieve, dream 四、1. What are you doing this afternoon 2. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive 3. I have to go to the mall 4. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive 5. I have to go to the mall.

教科版高中英语必修四 教案Unit 4

教科版高中英语必修四全册教案 UNIT 4 THINK GLOBALLY, ACTLOCALLY 【教学目标】 1.知识目标 (1)重点单词: resource, settlement, management, seasonally, arid, occasionally, floodplain, dam, diversion, extraction, deprive, salinity, runoff, destruction, impact, significant, ecology, reservoir, integrated, sustainable. (2)重点短语: use of, as well as (3)能理解、应用句型: a. She said that the Earth goes around the sun. b. The tourist suggested that they leave the luggage at the station. 2.语言技能目标 (1)理解并掌握新词的含义及应用。 (2)理解材料内容:通过上下文克服生词困难,掌握听力技巧,提高英语听力能力。 3.情感态度、文化意识、学习策略 在“学生为主体”的思想指导下,让学生成为课堂的主人,形成有效的“生生互动”,“和谐对话”,同时借助多媒体的优势使学生主动融入课堂教学情境之中,以调动学生积极性,激发学生参与课堂的潜能,建立良好的课堂氛围,真正发挥情感教学的优势。

【教学重点】 1.学习并掌握重点单词: resource, settlement, management, seasonally, arid, occasionally, floodplain, dam, diversion, extraction, deprive, salinity, runoff, destruction, impact, significant, ecology, reservoir, integrated, sustainable 2.学习并掌握重点短语: use of, as well as 3.能理解、应用句型: a. She said that the Earth goes around the sun. b. The tourist suggested that they leave the luggage at the station. 【教学难点】 1.学生对本课内容主旨大意的准确理解。 2.材料的理解及听力技巧的掌握。 【教学准备】 1.教师准备:多媒体课件、音响。 2.学生准备:课本及其他学习用品。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warming up and greeting Daytime greeting to every student. Step 2 Preparation for task 1. Show different kinds of pollution in PPT, and ask students to read about the "Water, Water, Water!" in book. 2. Ask students to discuss with the partner what they know about environmental pollution.


浙江省中等职业学校课本《英语》第一册(浙江省教育厅职成教教研室编) Unit 3 School Life Section C Reading 教学设计 The Lesson design on Reading Unit 3 Section C, BookⅠ

学情分析 本班学生学习英语具有以下特点: 1、学习英语动力不足,只停留在感官认识上——主要表现在喜欢接触新鲜英语材料,如图片,音像资料等,但是落实到学习实处时动力不足; 2、只会简单操练,课堂会话欠加强——主要表现在对不同话题只会简单机械模仿,自由会话明显不够,小组讨论有待加强; 3、学习目标明确但能力存在障碍——主要表现在希望通过出色的表现来实现被尊重的自我需求,但是学习基础低下、学习方式落后。 具体到本课时,同学们已经掌握谈论最喜欢的课程和最喜欢的校园活动这两个句型并能模仿操练;但对阅读方法掌握不够,影响阅读速度和质量。 教材分析 本单元是浙江省中等职业学校英语第一册的第三单元,单元主题是“School Life”。本课时为Section C的第一课时,仍延续“School Life”这个话题并加以延伸,是一节阅读课。 阅读是组成英语课程资源的基本要素。Section C主要通过四个小标题:Courses、School Activities 、Friend 、Jobs,勾勒出本单元的话题,引出阅读文章“American high school life”,让学生了解美国学生高中生活。通过略读、查读、精读和小组讨论等形式,让学生对课文的内容有所了解,并一起讨论中美高中生活的异同之处,同时培养学生的阅读技巧和方法,从而提升他们的阅读能力。

人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 4 Body language教案

Book4 Unit4 Body Language Reading教学设计 教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,阅读部分讲述了一个机场迎接客人的故事。来自几个不同国家的商人由于文化背景的差异,在初次见面时互相问候的方式迥然不同且发生了一些小误会,反映出身势语与文化背景的密切关系,以及身势语在人们日常交际中的重要作用。 教学设计思想: READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。在教学过程中实施任务型教学,在课堂中让学生完成根据阅读材料所设置的任务,从中学习语言知识以提高语言应用能力。在布置小组活动时,让不同学习类型的学生为一个学习小组,尽可能让所有学生都参与到任务活动中来.把握从兴趣出发的原则,采用表演、猜测和讨论等形式,使学生保持学习的热情。让学生在实践中掌握阅读技巧和方法,提高阅读能力。教学中以学生体验为主,在语境中体会词义,培养学生爱思考的好习惯。英语学习不仅是对语言的学习,更是对文化的学习。 教学目标: 1. 让学生通过阅读文章去了解不同的文化、不同的身势语。同时,在阅读训练中渗透略读、查读等阅读技巧来培养学生预测内容、概括大意、查找特定信息、猜测生词、细节判断以及推理的能力。 2. 身势语是传递交际信息的非语言手段。帮助学生了解由于文化差异所带来的身势语的变化,减少在跨文化交际中产生的误解。 教学重点和难点: 1. 了解不同文化中的身势语的不同含义。掌握略读、查读、猜生词及推理判断等阅读方法和技巧。 2.对文章内容进行推理判断的能力及在实践中运用阅读技巧的能力。 教学过程: Step 1 Leading-in T: Let's enjoy a video about " The Gold Rush" again. T: How do you think the character express his feelings? S: T: Yes, sometimes gestures and body language can help us to express ourself, too. Are all the gestures similar around the world? S: Look at the title and picture of the passage. Predict what you think he topic will be.Then skim the passage and check to see if your prediction was right. 【设计说明】这项任务旨在通过回顾上一单元的视频材料来展现和导入本单元的主题——Body language,不仅能提高学生对所学内容的兴趣,充分起到了热身的作用,而且能使学生通过对旧知识的回顾从而自然过渡到对新知识的学习上来。 Step2 Fast-reading

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