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SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Question 1-8

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Example Answer

Country of destination China

Name: Scott 1__________

Zip code: 2__________

Address to be collected from: 412 3__________ Road.

Town: Saratoga Springs

Items being shipped: 6__________

books 7__________

Total estimated value: 8_________

Questions 9-10

Choose the correct letter from A-C .

9 What is Scott not worried about?

A not clearing customs

B having his bicycles stolen

C the amount of clothing

10 Who will pick up the shipment?

A a shipping company

B Scott

C a company employee


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-20

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

How do most students feel about being at Ashesi University?



What benefits do students enjoy?

Financial Aid

13 job_________________________

14 access to_________________________

Name TWO characteristics that Ashesi equips each student with.



In what type of event do professionals interact with students?


What might some people in the audience think about the tuition at Ashesi?


What TWO qualities distinguish the attitudes of the faculty at Ashesi?





You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-11, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Scientists Postulate Multiple Universes

New theories have universes sprouting from

one another in endless progression

A Astronomers have gazed out at the universe for centuries, asking why it is the way it is. But lately a growing number of them are dreaming of universes that never were and asking why not. Why, they ask, do we live in three dimensions of space and not two, 10 or 25? Why is a light ray so fast and a


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题whisper so slow? Why are atoms so tiny and stars so big? Why is the universe so old and so vast?

B Once upon a time(only a century ago), a few billion stars and gas clouds smeared along the Milky Way were thought to encompass all of existence, and the notion of understanding it was daunting enough. Now astronomers know galaxies are scattered like dust across the cosmos. And understanding them might require recourse to an even broader canvas, what they sometimes call a "multiverse."

C For some cosmologists, that means universes sprouting form one another in an endless geometric progression, like mushrooms upon mushrooms upon mushrooms, or baby universes hatched inside black holes. Others imagine island universes floating and even colliding in a fifth dimension. Max Tegmark, for example, a University of Pennsylvania cosmologist, has posited at least four different levels of universes, ranging from the

familiar(impossibly distant zones of our own universe) to the

strange(space-times in which the fundamental laws of physics are different from our own).

D Martin Rees, a University of Cambridge cosmologist and the astronomer royal, said contemplating these alternative universes could help scientists distinguish which features of our own universe are fundamental and necessary and which are accidents of cosmic history. "It's all science, but science for the 21st century, to seek the answers to these questions," Rees said, adding he is often accused of believing in other universes. "I don't believe in it," he said, "but I think it's part of science to find out."

E Some cosmologists now say the realm we call the observable

universe--roughly 14 billion light-years deep of galaxies and stars--could be only a small parch of a vast bubble--or "pocket"--in a much vaster ensemble bred endlessly in a chain of big bangs. The idea, they say, is a natural


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题extension of the theory of inflation, introduced by Alan Guth, now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1980.

F The theory of inflation asserts that when the universe was less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second old, it underwent a brief hyper explosive growth spurt fueled by an anti-gravitational force embedded in space itself, a possibly suggested by theories of modern particle physics.

G Because inflation can grow a whole universe from about an ounce of primordial stuff, Guth likes to refer to the universe as "the ultimate free lunch." But Guth and various other theories--including Andrei Linde of Stanford, Alexander Vilenkin of Tufts and Paul Steinhardt of Princeton--have suggested that it might be an endless one as well. Once inflation starts anywhere, it will keep happening over and over again, they say, spawning a chain of universes, bubbles within bubbles, in a scheme that Linde called "eternal inflation."

H "Once you've discovered it's easy to make a universe out of an ounce of vacuum, why not make a bunch of them?" asked Craig Hogan, a cosmologist at the University of Washington.

Questions 1-5

The passage has eight paragraphs A-H. Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

1 a description of other universe levels

2 a comparison of how the universe was viewed in the old days to now

3 the time frame for the process of inflation

4 the idea that naturally flows from inflation theory

5 a series of questions asked in modern times

Questions 6-11


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题Complete the flow chart below:

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write you answers in boxes 6-11 on your answer sheet.

One idea based on the theory of 6__________

about our 7__________

is that it could be a small 8__________ or 9__________

bred from a series of 10__________

using an ounce of 11__________


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 12-20, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

How to Be a ...Film Researcher?

If you like exploring new territory, research may be just the job for you. A good researcher is an integral part of any production team. Yet, when was the last time you watched an outstanding film and said to yourself afterwards, "That was an incredible piece of work--I wonder who researched it"? I would venture to guess that for most people this is not the first question that comes to mind after you watch a film. It is obvious that a producer, director, and editor play significant roles in shaping a film, which is why they tend to receive the most prolific accolades. On the other hand, a good researcher may just be the unsung hero of a well-crafted and thought-provoking non-fiction film.

To find out more about a researcher's role in the production process, https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce11068377.html, spoke with someone who knows quite a bit about quality programming--NOVA's Senior Science Editor, Evan Hadingham. Unlike many people in this business who have always wanted to make films, Even started out writing books on archeology and pre-history. In 1986, he applied to a fellowship program that sought to take print science writers and give them 11 months of training in film and television. Apparently, the program struck a chord with Evan because 15 years later he is using his talents on one of the most respected science programs on television. Researching is one of the


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题foremost aspects of his job, and here are a few insider tips he offers on how to be a researcher.

A Tip #1: Have wide interests.

Be curious. Subject matter can vary widely when you work as a

researcher. Quite simple, the broader your interests are the more skills you will be bringing to your work and the more likely you will enjoy your research. In Evan's case, his training as a writer endowed him with

journalistic skills that are essential to his job as content editor. Just as

research, story-telling, and critical thinking were essential as a writer,

they are also essential for a film researcher.

B Tip #2: Be critical.

Often a researcher is given the task of finding out everything there is to Know about a certain subject. A good researcher must be able to sort

through information and determine which details are relevant and which are not. This is a lofty task. Being critical also requires an ability to wade through varying interpretations of material in search of those resources that are the least biased. The researcher then must parlay this

information to the rest of the production team, in some ways determining what the producer, writer, and director know about a subject. Processing so much information and presenting it unerringly requires excellent

critical thinking skills.

C Tip #3: Be self-critical.

As Evan put it, part of being critical is being self-critical. Recognizing

biases in other people's writings and opinions is important, but

recognizing one's own biases is just as important.A good researcher

needs to reflect upon his/her own biases, and to be open-minded enough to change his/her point of view if the evidence warrants it.

D Tip #4: Strive for complete journalistic accuracy and balance.

While NOVA believes in putting significant emphasis on the editorial end of production, not every production company devotes enough time to


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题the research phase of a project. Unfortunately, this often results in factual inaccuracies. To prevent inaccuracies and maintain the highest standard of journalistic integrity, it is imperative that facts are checked and re-checked. Evan refers to this aspect of his position as "good cop, bad cop on content." A capable researcher/content editor asks tough questions about how and where facts were obtained. If necessary, a knowledgeable outside party should be consulted to verify the accuracy of information contained within a script. If you are running on a limited time schedule for research, quickly try to determine who seems to have the most authoritative and least prejudiced view, and then find them and their resources.

E Tip #5: Know your sources.

For nearly every researcher, a research trip now begins on your Desktop.The Internet has become a treasure trove of information Making research faster and easier, and academic resources more accessible. Evan makes use of the Internet primarily by drawing on print stories from reputable science magazines whose back issues are available on-line. "Lexus-Nexus" is another valuable research tool. Be warned, however, that not all material on the web--or anywhere else for for that matter--can be trusted. Be a skeptical researcher. In the end, you will at times have to make a judgment call on a source's legitimacy. Evan's advice: make sure to get more than one account of everything.

F Tip #6: Finally...Get out there.

As Evan emphasized in our interview, research is the ultimate entry point into the film world. You don't have to be a writer, a filmmaker, a historian, a scientist, etc., to be a researcher. You do, however, have to have a good sampling of some of the qualities above and an abundance of enthusiasm and motivation. According to Evan, one of the best interns he ever had at NOVA knew little-to-nothing about filmmaking but had intelligence and eagerness that made her exceptional. Don't feel


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题that you have to limit yourself to film research for experience, rather

look beyond film for other outlets. Get experience in writing and

researching for print, the Web, and in any other areas you find

interesting. A wide-range of talents is crucial to survival in the business. If you are looking for a way to get some firsthand experience in the film world, or, if you are someone who enjoys the editorial and storytelling function but are not interested in production, research might be the right place for you. Either way, as a researcher you will have a major impact on the story a film tells and will be assisting in communicating knowledge to a much wider audience. Through a film researcher may not be recognized with the same acclaim that other members of a production team tend to receive, Evan assures me that the best producers understand the critical role a researcher plays in the success of a film. Ultimately, though, research is something that should be rewarding for the researcher. "Research and producing is like a journey of discovery," according to Evan.

Questions 12-15

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 12-15 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information;

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information;

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this.

12 Film researchers receive accolades similar to editors.

13 Production teams need to have good film researchers.

14 Evan started out as a director, failed and then went into research.

15 Being a film researcher is an excellent way to work your way into the

movie industry.

Questions 16-20


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题Look at the six tips (A-F) on how to be a researcher in Reading Passage 2 and the statements below (Questions 16-20).

Match each recommendation to the tip with the same meaning.

Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 16-20 on your answer sheet.

16 remove your own opinion from your research

17 check several places to verify your facts

18 avoid becoming too specialized in your skills

19 have someone else double-check facts

20 supplement your research abilities by getting involved in other projects PART THREE WRITING (30%)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

Some people think that teenagers should focus on all school subjects while others believe that they should just concentrate on the subjects that they are better at or they find the most intersting. What do you think? Please give your reasons and use your own experience to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words.



Answer Sheet

Part One Listening (30%)

Part Two Reading (40%)


第二届“卓越杯”英语大赛初赛试题Part Three Writing (30%)




卓越团队培训心得体会 感谢港口区党委组织部的支持和关心,给了我们这么一个宝贵的学习机会。通过为期4天的培训,我收获很多,老师给了我们更多的思维和灵感,不论从理论的层面,还是从实践的操作,都有着很重要的促进作用。这对我今后的工作、学习、生活都有很大的帮助。 一、培训加深了我对港口区的了解 通过老师的介绍,我们得知,港口区具有明显的区位优势,防城港位于港口区,是西南出海大通道的主门户, 现有泊位29个,其中万吨级以上泊位15个,20万吨级泊位建成投产。是中国通往越南及东南亚国家最便捷的海陆通道。随着《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》的实施,特别是钢铁项目和核电项目的推进,使港口区的发展前景越来越广阔,而发展需要高素质人才的加入才会更有活力更加朝气蓬勃,更能提高工作效率,加快发展步伐。作为一个有志青年,正应该努力追求这样光荣而有意义的工作。 二、培训提高了我的综合素质



卓越集团企业简介 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce11068377.html,/web/main.htm 卓越集团是经过国家工商总局核准成立的跨行业、跨地区的外商投资集团公司,正式成立于1996年,主要从事房地产开发、物业管理、不动产担保等业务。集团总部位于深圳市福田中心区,经十余年发展,卓越集团已成长为立足深圳,在中国具有领先地位的大型商业及住宅综合性地产开发集团,连续八年被中国指数研究院评比为中国房地产百强企业。 目前,卓越集团已经形成了商务和住宅物业并举的业务开发模式,藉CBD 商务标杆和城市人居引领者定位,有效抵御风险,在一线及高GDP高增长城市不断推出商务和住宅系列产品,目前为深圳CBD商务开发规模最大企业。截至2010年12月,集团已开发房地产面积200万平方米,现有总资产约260亿港元。 旗下商务产品涵盖高档写字楼、酒店、商场、商务公寓等多种产品类型,住宅产品囊括别墅、联排别墅、花园洋房、高层等多种产品。已开发的成熟产品线有:以卓越?时代广场为代表的卓越商务系列、以卓越?蔚蓝海岸为代表的卓越蔚蓝系列,以卓越?维港为代表的卓越城市上居系列、以卓越?浅水湾为代表的卓越城市豪宅系列等产品线。其中,卓越商务地产系列是“中国房地产CBD商务地产专业领先品牌”,蔚蓝海岸系列是“中国房地产项目品牌价值TOP10”,旗下产品多次荣获国际国内大奖。 2005年,卓越集团制定“3+2+X”全国战略发展规划,锁定珠三角、长三角、环渤海三大经济圈作为重点区域,优先进入一线城市,并辐射周边有潜力的二线城市,时机适当时,布局中部、西部的重点潜力城市。卓越集团品牌理念倡导“构筑价值的艺术”,致力于为投资者、客户、员工和合作伙伴提供更丰厚的价值回报和更鲜明的品牌个性。 目前,卓越集团成立了深圳、上海、广州、杭州、武汉、长沙、重庆、青岛、东莞、大连、连云港等子公司,土地储备超过1200万㎡。同时,卓越集团还为旗下所有物业提供优质的卓越物业服务,形成了卓越商务“金钥匙”、卓越住宅“英式管家”、卓越住宅“五心服务”等服务模式,为其所有客户提供了优质有保障的后续服务。


2016年广州市卓越教育中考模拟测试英语 试题与答案 2016年广州市卓越教育中考模拟测试-英语试题 一、语法选择(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从16~30 各题所给的A、B、C和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Sam’s uncle had an old bird 1 sat in its cage all day. One day his uncle said, “It is too expensive 2 that bird. We will get rid of it.” But Sam wanted to keep the bird. Sam’s grandfather told him 3 the bird was once a famous hunting bird. Now 4 people knew it. His grandfather took the bird out, and then quickly took his arms away. The bird opened 5 huge wings and flew into the sky. After a few minutes, it returned 6 a small rabbit, cut it open and started to eat it. The next morning, Sam asked his uncle out. Sam did 7 his grandfather had done, but the bird fell to the ground and stood still. Sam’s uncle laughed. Later his grandfather told him that the bird only hunted in late afternoon when l


许三军锻造高绩效卓越团队培训心得 许三军锻造高绩效卓越团队培训心得 二月十八日,非常有幸参加了公司组织的外训”如何锻造高绩效的卓越团队”。通过一整天的封闭学习,较为系统、全面、深入的了解了什么是执行力,执行力的重要性,执行力的不足的表现形式、危害,如何提升执行力以及一些管理知识、技巧等,这也是所有企业的领导人、管理者必须掌握的管理要素。以下就这堂课程浅谈一下我的感受以及让我收获较多的几个方面。 实际上从早上签到的那一刻起,已经把我们带入了课程,从很多人迟到的事实证明,我们的执行力真的有待提高,我们所有参加人员都是经理级以上的管理人员,但起码的准时到会都没有做到,这已经突显出我们的执行力问题。事实上在日常工作中,何常不是存在很多同样的执行难问题。 许三军老师的开场让我受益很多,热情、到位,很好的调动起培训的气氛,随后贯穿始终的助教工作,他都一丝不苟地很好的完成了,如果说这也和执行力联系上的话,我觉得这也是一种强的执行力的表现。因为正如谭老师讲的那样,一切执行以结果为导向,我们热情的反应和掌声证明他执行得很好。 开篇两个企业的案例,让我们帯着思考去进入了课程的正题,了解到企业成败的关键点在于”是否有强的执行力”。尤其是第二个,王强的案例,经过谭老师的剖析,了解到一个新上任的领导,不要对问题企业冒然去变革,改变制度,调整人员,而是要了解到问题的根源,对症下药。而此案例让我领悟到:制度需要贯彻落实到位,如果落实不力,自然就会执行不力,也就不会有好的结果。 之后的三个单元,通过我自己对内容的理解和整理,将我感悟较多的内容分为以下两大部分: 执行力的部分: ◆执行力的理解:执行力是指组织执行战略,实现组织经营战略目标的能力。执行是以结果为导向的。 ◆执行力的关键流程:第一人员、第二战略、第三运营。用我自己的理解就是,人员是一切执行的基本条件,当然重要的是必须用对人(用合适的人);战略是就是目标与方向,重要的是方向一定是正确的;运营就是通过制度、规范管理等达到目标要实施的过程,重要的是每一个环节都要准确到位。 ◆执行力不足的危害:我觉得对于团队来讲危害最大的一点是使团队在竞争中远远落后于竞争对手。对于个人来讲最大的危害是缺乏足够的竞争力与发展晋升的空间,成为老板淘汰时的首选对象。 ◆执行不力的原因:相对于目前我们秘书团队来讲,我觉得有以下几点。A、缺乏工作目


In storage reservoir,the flood downstream can be better controlled and regulated properly so as not to cause their coincidence. 应用蓄水库可以控制和调整下游的洪峰,使这些洪峰不同时出现。 Arch dams transfer the greater proportion of the water load to the valley sides rather than to the floor.拱坝传给两侧岩石的水压力远远大于传给底板的水压力。 The most economical type of dam will often be the one for which materials are to be found in sufficient quantity within a reasonable distance from the site. 最经济的坝型应该是在距离坝址合适的距离有足够的数量的建坝材料。 Hydroplants may be classified on the basis of hydraulic characteristic as fllow: run-off river plants, storage plants,pumped storage plants, tidal plants.根据水力特性把水力发电站分为下列几种:径流式电站、蓄水式电站、抽水蓄能电站、潮汐电站。 2.During peak hours,the water flows from the reservoir to the turbine and electricity is generated.During off-peak hours,the excess power is available from some other plant,and is utilized for pumping water from the tail pool to the head pool, this minor plant thus supplements the power of another major plan.In such a scheme,the same water is utilized again and again and no water is wasted. 在峰荷期间,水从水库流入水轮机而产生电能。在非峰荷期间,利用其他电站的剩余电能,从尾水池抽水到前池,因而这个较小的电站为另一个较大的电站补充电能。在这样的系统中,同样的水量被一次又一次的重复利用,而没有被浪费。 Electric power is generated in power generating stations or plants. 电能是在发电站或发电厂产生的。 The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power. 单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求。 .Although the energy delivered to an impulse turbine is all kinetic,while the reaction turbine utilizes pressure energy as well as kinetic energy,the action of both turbine depends on a change in the momentum of the water so that a dynamic force is exerted on the rotating element,or runner. 虽然传输到冲击式水轮机的能量都是动能,而反击式水轮机利用的能量是压能和动能,但是这两种类型的水轮机能量都是靠水的动量变化的动力作用于旋转的转子产生的。 The water being under pressure,the entire flow from head race to tail race takes place in a closed conduit system and the atmospheric air has no access at any point. 水在水头压力作用下,在引水管到尾水管形成的水流处于一个完全封闭的管路系统,连一丝空气也无法跑出。 Any location that produces asymmetrical flow into the pump bays causes problems with circulation, uneven velocity distribution, vortices, and generally poor pump


管理工具 卓越领导力 2天1夜卓越领导力训练复盘 品牌:金冠,13家门店; 地点:江西 人数:28人,企业中高管理层 8月6号 早上9点-12点理论部分的分享: 分享核心内容: 1)学习:学习的目的,成人学习的特点,学习的成果;目的:对于学习的认知达成共识;收心,安心; 2)产出和产能的关系:下金蛋的鹅故事;目的:学习如何赚钱的能力,关注个人和团队的产能; 3)体验式训练:体验,分享,总结,应用;要求:身体,心,脑百分百;目的:体验式培训的学习的流程,如何参与; 4)渔夫与锅的故事;总结自我觉察看回自己,自我设限;目的:打破框框; 5)秀才进京考试的故事;ABC理论,目的:人与人之间最大的差异是对事情的看法,调整自己对待事情看法从而调整结果; 6)能力,实践和时间的关系图:目的:人的能力获得是一个循序渐进的过程; 7)个人成长的阶段;无意识的无能力,有意识的无能力,有意识有能力,无意识有能力;目的;自我评估; 8)人与动物的区别:自我意识,选择!面对外界环境刺激的时候有一个主动选择的空间;

管理工具 卓越领导力 9)约哈里窗:目的:2天1夜的训练是觉察自我和团队的盲点,挖掘自我和团队的潜力,创造不可能! 现场案列事件:2个其他公司的学员离开的事件,从中我们觉 察的是什么? 我们收获的是什么?关于负责任! 上午的环节:主要目的是让团队有一个带入,让人员更加开放,更加主动积极的参与课程,了解训练的过程和原理,了解课程 对于每个人的重要性,以及如何达成我们想要的结果; 中午:12:00-13:00午餐; 下午:13:00—13:40;冥想音乐:目的:自我确认; 下午环节: 1)团队分组:组建团队,选队长,队名,队呼,个人昵称和爱好,团队展示; 2)训练守则宣读; 3)自然法则训练:小鸡,母鸡,老鹰的游戏;游戏结束后不能休息应该马上上台分享;游戏如何玩:三种动物的姿势要求,同 种动物相互pk,剪刀石头布,赢的升级,输的降级;在整个 游戏过程中不可以停,动作要标准;最后剩下的小鸡要惩罚; 总结分享的方向:开始个人和团队的状态是开心的,兴奋的, 好玩的;后面大家是疲惫的累的痛的,最后团队是坚持的躲避 的观望的;关于个人成长要强大;关于处在不同动物的心理状 态;关于生活中的轮回;关于面对失败的心情和状态;关于竞 争;关于如何升级的方法;关于优胜劣汰,弱肉强食的自然法


卓越集团笔试经验 想进入卓越集团工作吗?面试之前知道卓越集团的笔试情 况吗?下面为大家整理了卓越集团笔试经验,欢迎阅读参考! 26号下午收到了卓越地产hr,一个岭院师姐的电话,先 是在电话里跟我谈了很多东西,包括我家里的情况,在招聘过程 中对卓越的看法和体会,对房地产行业的看法,以及对于大多数 中大学生喜欢到外企的看法。。。一开始以为是final面之后的 最后考察,回答的小心翼翼,后来发现其实更多的时候拉家常, 于是释然。然而在最后还是有点惊讶,因为师姐突然告诉我说, 首先还是恭喜你,你被卓越录用了。。本来通知是在7天后通知的,想不到在2天后就发了offer,而此时他们还在上海宣讲。。。 虽然一开始有点犹豫到底签不签,但深思熟虑了一般, 还是决定签了,主要原因是因为喜欢那个职位内容(策划助理), 同时它也符合我的长期职业生涯规划目标。因为决定签下来了, 且再想想,同时也由于towerman的建议,便希望发一篇面经,虽 然只是个人看法,但希望对后来者有所帮助。 下面是我的面试经历。呵呵,先申明一下身份,im a boy. 24号晚上八点到岗顶的广武酒店,先是在8楼填了一份 性格测试,在场的还有三个人,都是应聘策划助理职位。一个是 管院的企管的研究生师兄,一个广外的市场营销的研究生师姐, 另一个没说上话,不知道什么学校什么学历。。。貌似我资历最 低吧,岭院的小本。。。然后上到10楼,营销总监吧(反正是叫 什么总的)单独面试,一个很年轻的30出头的jj。

坐下来之后先是让自我介绍。于是按照以前面试的自我 介绍说了一通,但因为是单面,就讲的具体一点。她针对简历的 一些经历简单地问了一下,回答基本没什么难度。 但下来的提问显得有些tough。 首先因为强调是岭院的学生,就问岭院跟中山大学是什 么关系。看样子也是认为岭院是什么二级学院了吧,于是解释了 一通。看样子基本满意。 紧接着问熟不熟悉住宅地产,对广州的住宅地产有什么 了解。当时就愣了。。。于是实话实说,对住宅地产不是太熟悉,但对商业地产有关注。举了岗顶的3家电脑城为例子。说看到三 家电脑城并排,就思索这样一个问题:对中间那间而言,从前面 方向来的顾客会被第一家吸引而不会到它那里,从后面方向来的 也会被最后一家吸引,所以中间那座吸引的客流相对会少一点。 本人疑惑开发商在开发的时候有没有考虑过客流可及性这个要素 等等。。。 又问为什么选择策划助理这个职位。回答说,这是一个 很有挑战性的职位,而我本人对房地产和市场营销感兴趣且略有 研究,所以应聘该职位。又按照自己的观点说了下策划助理的职 位内容,比如说立项前的投资分析,可行性分析,立项后的产品,形象,市场推广等等。觉得它要求综合的知识,而我接受的教育 刚好符合这点要求,所以我认为根据专业背景和兴趣,自信胜任 这个职位。 接下来的一个问题是问,觉得哪家企业的市场营销做得好。回答是蒙牛。追问为什么。回答说牛根生从伊利出来之后短 短几年能够赶上并超过老东家,与他采取出色的营销有很大关系。举例说蒙牛酸酸乳赞助超级女生节目,锁定了共同的年轻消费群


选短语填空 GJCIF/ DAHEB 汉译英 1.We have finished the work of this semester ahead of schedule. 2.Having crashed his car, he had to go to work by bus. 3.The city centre wasn’t as crowded this morning as it usually is. 4.Her novel has attracted a lot of attention. 5.She bought a piece of clothing appropriate for formal occasions. 6.He can speak five foreign languages, including English and French. 7.I am rather disappointed that I missed the concert. 8.I can’t find my keys. Oh, here they are. 9.Thank you for informing us of the good news. 10.The rich are not necessarily happy. 英译汉 1.15年后,这些小玩意儿就会像今天的手机和DVD机一样随处可见。 2.你使用的数字水笔已经储存了一份你写过的相关内容的电子文本。 3.再过几十年,这一切真的会发生吗? 4.许多酒吧有包括女队在内的掷镖队。 5.千万不要错过!你一定不会失望的。 6.在提升社交能力的需求下,酒吧文化应运而生。 7.酒吧是英国生活和文化的主要场所。 8.这头驴实在拿不定主意,最后一口草也没碰,倒在地上饿死了。 9.如果想把自己弄得更糊涂的话,就再找一个售货员咨询一下。 10.这一次,停下来品尝的人少了,但卖出的果酱却增加了十倍。 阅读理解 1-5BAACA 6-10CCBDC


首先,我要感谢XX市XX区新聘干部卓越团队培训班的主讲老师姚部长、班主任徐部长、主持助教杨老师以及几位助教,您们辛苦了!在这三天的培训中让我学到在大学五年时光和在三年多的工作中没有学到了知识,让我对“团队的凝聚力”有了更深入的感悟,以积极的心态和良好的心理投入到港口的建设事业中去,同时实现自己的人身价值。“您给我一个舞台,我会全力以赴把自己的知识和能力发挥得淋漓尽致”是我追求的人生目标。伯乐不常有,而千里马常有,珍惜这来之不易的机会。 其次,感谢我的团队——“卓越二班”,在这个团队中让我读懂了怎样才能做到卓越。一个团队要获得巨大的成功离不开团队中的每一位成员,更重要的是全队中要有一个领导核心,要做到群龙有首,把队员紧密联系在一起。队员和领导之间的关系要错综复杂,领导和队员之间、队员和队员之间的关系要和谐,实现共同的奋斗目标而努力。 这次的培训,让我感悟的东西太多太多。下面我就把我最感悟的东西同大家分享吧: 一、要怀着一颗感恩的心回报自己、回报父母、回报社会。 一个人不懂得感恩,回报自己、回报父母、回报社会就等于开了一张空口支票。其实我们来到人世间够不容易的,首先要感谢您的父母,是他们给了你来到这人世间的机会,没有他们的养育之恩,我们不可能成才。其次是社会这个大家庭对我们的教育,让我们更好地融入到这个社会大家庭中去。怀着一颗感恩的心,您才会有高度的责任感、高度的使命去做事情。有了崇高的理想才不为小肚鸡肠的事情烦恼,不为一件小事情耿耿于怀。多一份包容少一份埋怨。其实社会对每一人都是很公平的,我们努力了总会有收获成功的喜悦的一天的,因为机会是留给有所准备的人。 二、努力了不一定能够成功,放弃了注定要失败。 这句话一直铭记在我心中,让我懂得了社会竞争之残酷。每一个人都是很厉害的,就拿这次走到最后的50名同志来说真得不容易,别人上了你就得下来。我们走到了现在,前面我们一直都在努力,希望把努力的精神继续发扬光大,投身到港口的建设事业中去,永不放弃。虽然我们有时候面对的是艰苦的工作环境,没有在大城市的生活那么惬意、那么舒服,但是我们要怀着是来基层锻炼的心态就行了。 三、态度决定命运,同时决定你的高度。 一件事情的成功与否很大关键是你的态度问题,积极心态投身到工作中去,要有认同感和归属感,明确发展方向才能在工作中有所作为。常言道:兴趣是最好的老师。如果一个人干着自己不愿意干的事情是对人身心的一种折磨,是万分痛苦的,会让人工作的热情走下坡路,自信心在下降,离成功的终点越走越远。 四、服从原则,圆满完成领导交代的事情。 要打造一个卓越团队,离不开每一位成员的分工合作,才能圆满完成任务。领导交代的事情要怀着是对自己能力锻炼的想法完成任务,要更好圆满地完成任务。领导的话要绝对的服从,听从指挥。

2019-2020年高一上学期新生入学卓越班选拔考试英语试题 缺答案

2019-2020年高一上学期新生入学卓越班选拔考试英语试题缺答 案 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 请根据句意,从每个小题的A、B、C和D中选出最佳选项。 1. To my delight, I _____ from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. A. was chosen B. was being chosen C. would choose D. had chosen 2. ______ more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course. A. Learn B. Learned C. To learn D. To be learning 3. China Today attracts a worldwide readers, ______ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. A. who B. which C. that D. whom 4. It was when we were returning home ______ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. A. which B. where C. that D. how 5. Always ______ in mind that your main task is to get this pany running smoothly. A. to keep B. to have kept C. keep D. have kept 6. ______ the job takes a large amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it. A. If only B. Although C. After D. In case 7. I heard ______ bank where Dora works was robbed by ______ gunman wearing a mask. A. the; / B. a; / C. a; the D. the; a 8. I f you miss this chance, it may be years ______ you get another one. A. before B. as C. since D. after 9. The exhibition tells us ______ we should do something to stop air pollution. A. where B. why C. what D. which 10. In the last few years, China ______ great progress in environmental protection. A. has made B. had made C. was making D. is making 二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 请根据短文,从每个小题的A、B、C和D中选出最佳选项。 It was a busy morning,about 8:30, when an old gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment at 9:30. The nurse had him take a 11 in the waiting area, 12 him it would be at least 40 minutes 13 someone would be able to see him. I saw him 14 his watch and decided, since I was 15 busy —my patient didn’t 16 at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked if he had another doctor’s appointment. The gentleman said no and told me that he 17 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 18 . He told me that she had been 19 for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be 20 if he was a bit late. He answered that she 21 knew who he was, that she had not been able to 22 him for five years now. I was 23 , and asked him, “ And you 24 go every mor ning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?” He smiled and said, “She doesn’t know me, but I know who she is.” I had to hold back 25 as

《卓越英语1》unit1 Classroom English (2).doc

《卓越英语1》第一单元(2) 教案封面 授课课题:Unit 1 Classroom English (2) 知识目标:1. To master the language points in Section C; 2. To understand the text well and get some ideas on how to lead a meaningful college life 素质能力目标:1. To expand Ss’ vocabulary; 2. To train their translation ability. 教学重点:Help Ss analyze the whole Text A in Section C. 教学难点:How to understand and translate complex sentences appeared in the text. 授课方法: 1. Communicative Approach; 2. Task-based teaching method. 教学仪器:Tape-recorder, mini-type amplifier, MP4 player, etc..

Unit 1 Classroom English (2) Step One Review: Classroom English T: Ask two students to come to the platform to greet all the Ss, check attendance, and give a brief introduction of the text to the whole class, just as a real teacher. S1: … S2: … Step Two Lead-in: 1.Test time: Take the following test which can assess your interpersonal strength in college. 【Page 11】 2.Question: T: Do you have strong interpersonal strength? If not, How could you strengthen? S: … Step Three Presentation: T: Tell the students related background about types of Colleges in the U.S. Types of Colleges in the U.S. : If you’re planning to study in the U.S., you have a number of choices when it comes to pick your college. There are many types of schools, each having its own mission and purpose within American education. There are two-year colleges, four-year colleges and universities,public versus private, privately owned colleges. S: Tell something about their own college life. Section One New words and Expressions 1.S: Read the new words together after a student; 2.T: Correct the wrong pronunciations of the leading student;


卓越教育专用精品试题 1.Monday is the_____(two)day of the week.and Saturday is the ____(seven) day. 2.W is the _____(twenty-three) letter. 3.He is always the ____(one) to come to school in our class. 4.This is his ___(five) time to visit Beijing . 5.I hope we can have a ______(swim) pool in my school. 6.Which lesson shall we learn today ? The ______(twelve) lesson. 7.Would you like ______(live) in the city ?Yes . 8.There are____(much) than one hundred birds here. 9.Simon wants to ask an engineer ____(check)his computer. 10.He can _____(find) some college students to help us _____(learn) English. 11.Some people are ready _______(help) the old men with their problems. 12.My parents _________(work) in China next year. 13.The engineer __________(not come) next Monday。 14.What_______you _____(do) tomorrow ? We shall have a meeting. 一般将来时练习: ( ) 1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2. Charlie ________ here next month. A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working C. isn’t going to working D. won’t work ( ) 3. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. –________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No. I ________ free the day after tomorro A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give ( ) 7. – Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________. (不,不要。) A. No, you won’t. B. No, you aren’t. C. No, please don’t. D. No, please. ( ) 8. – Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to g D. will get ( ) 9. ________ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are


卓越外语陷阱及易错题 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce11068377.html,ter in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _____ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. A. where B. when C. who D. which 2. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ____ New York in an example. A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which 3. The girl as well as the other students ____ excited. A. was B. were C. being D. be 4. No one but her parents ____ it. A. knows B. know C. is knowing D. are knowing 5. Mary, together with two boys, ____ for having broken the rule. A. was punished B. punished C. were punished D. being punished 6. A library with five thousand books ____ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. hasn’t decided C. aren’t decided D. haven’t decided 7. The teacher, together with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ____ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be 8. The ____ we saw yesterday come out from the farm once in a while. A. cow B. dog C. horse D. deer 9. A ____ of fish has been killed in this river because of serious pollution. A. lot B. number C. mass D. great deal 10. Large amounts of water ____ polluted since the factory was built last year. A. was B. were C. have been D. has been 11. A large quantity of crops ____ destroyed in the flood. A. was B. were C. have D. has 12. In the wartime, the masses devoted ____ they had ____ the army in fighting against the Japanese. A. whatever; to supporting B. what; supporting C. anything which; to supporting D. all; supporting 13. How long do you think it is ____ she arrived here? A. when B. that C. before D. since 14. It was ____ computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons. A. to have played B. playing C. played D. having played 15. Was it during the Second World War ____ he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then 16. ____ helped you work out that difficult maths problem? A. Who did B. it was who that C. Who it was that D. Who was it that 17. This is the biggest nature park for milu deer in China ____ they have visited. A. where B. in which C. that D. which 18. The day they were looking forward to ____ at last. A. coming B. comes C. came D. come 19. Do the way you thought of ____ the water clean make any sense? A. making B. to make C. how to make D. having made 20. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the

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