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Oral English Test for Students of Level 2 Grade 2011

Book 21st May, 2012

Task One Paragraph Reading

Directions: Read aloud part of the following two paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

1. Vicky—beautiful, talented, very bright, voted “Most Likely to Succeed” in college—got a promising job with a large company after graduation. Then, after two years without promotions, she was fired. She suffered a complete nervous breakdown. “It was panic,”she told me later. “Everything had always gone so well for me that I had no experience in coping with rejection. I felt I was a failure.”

Success that comes too easily is also damaging. The child who wins a prize for a carelessly-written essay, the adult who distinguishes himself at a first job by lucky accident faces probable disappointment when real challenges arise.

2. While preparing to graduate from high school in 1987, Priscilla waited anxiously for her letter from the University of Washington, hoping she would be the first person in her family to attend college. When the acceptance letter arrived, she was overjoyed.

Balancing work and school was difficult. “I was staying up late studying, and going to work early every morning. I was having a hard time concentrating in class, and a hard time on the job because I was so tire,” she says. But she ended up with two A’s in her first semester anyway.

3. He has been proclaimed “the finest mind alive”, “the greatest genius of the late 20th century”, and “Einstein’s heir”. Known to millions, far and wide, for his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity.

The smartest man in the world is not immune to the depression that can accompany severe disabilities. But Hawking says: “I soon realized that the rest of the world won’t want to know you if you’re bitter or angry. You have to be positive if you’re to get much sympathy or help.”

4. But in my sophomore year, something beautiful and exciting happened. Cupid aimed his arrow and struck me right in the heart. All at once, I enjoyed going to school, if only to gaze at the lovely face in English II.

Occasionally, she would catch me staring at her, and she would flash a smile that radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat. It was a smile that signaled hope and made me temporarily forget the intellectual gulf that separated us.

5. You’re on the Titanic II. It has just hit an iceberg and is sinking. And as last time, there are not enough lifeboats. The captain shouts, “Women and children first!” But this time, another voice is heard: “Why women?”

But in our era of extensive social restructuring to grant women equality in education, in employment, in government, in athletics, what entitles women to the privileges—and reduces them to the status—of children?

6. A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that, for most of us, that clear-eyed vision—that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring—is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood.

Even if you feel you have little knowledge of nature at your disposal, there is still much you can do for your child. Wherever you are and whatever your resources, you can still look up at the sky—its dawn and evening beauties, its moving clouds, its stars by night.

7. What I wish for all students is some release from the grim grip of the future. I wish them a chance to enjoy each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a tiresome requirement in preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as educational as victory and is not the end of the world.

I see four kinds of pressures working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure. It’s easy to look around for bad guys—to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the professors for assigning too much work, the parents for pushing their children too far, the students for driving themselves too hard.

8. A couple of years ago I came to Washington with some French journalists. As our bus passed a health club on the way to the hotel, the French visitors cheered at the sight of body-conscious Americans bending, stretching and leaping around. America’s obsession with physical fitness really amuses—and puzzles—Europeans.

American lines—beginning with the yellow lines at immigration control—are the most orderly in the world. The British queue, once internationally renowned, has begun to decay in recent years. The French queue was never very impressive, and the Italian line is simply a mob.

Task Two Question Discussion

Directions: Discuss the question you’ve taken with your partner. You two have about 4 minutes for this task. Correct pronunciation, specific vocabulary, accurate grammar, argument developing of topic and subject-area and the ability to keep the discussion going will be considered in judging your performance.

1. What should a college student benefit the most from college education?

What do you think are effective ways of learning at college level?

What a successful college life should be like?

2. What goals should students set for themselves early in college?

What are your plans for your academic development?

What are your plans for your social activities?

3. Some people say men and women are from different planets and they communicate differently. Do you agree? Why or why not.

4. How do you understand “success”? What kind of people should we admire and

why? What do you think people need to do to achieve their success?

5. As a successful CEO at a private company, Mike is devoted to endless business dealings. He seems to have no hobbies beside his work. Jane is a secretary working for a big foreign company. She has taken a great variety of hobbies ranging from doing yoga (瑜伽) to playing tennis, going camping and jogging. In her eyes, Mike’s life is quite boring and even a big salary is not worthwhile. Does hobby matter so much in life? Discuss it with your partner over the topic.

6. Xiao Jiang is an undergraduate student at Jiaotong Univeristy. He is brilliant in his area of study but rather weak in English. He has neither the dream of studying abroad for further degrees nor the intention of working in a foreign company after graduation. Therefore he feels strongly “I only have to pass the tests in English learning and save more time for my major.”Do you think he is justified(有理由的) in thinking this way? Why or why not? Discuss it with your partner.

7. In China, we rarely miss a touching story of model workers (劳模). But many confess they are guilty since they have been so devoted to their career that they failed to take care of their families. While some high-ranking officials in the U.S. do the opposite things—they gave up their jobs in order to spend more time with their family members. Which type of persons do you appreciate? Why? Discuss it with your partner.

8. Wang and Xie grew up in the same town and they were good friends since childhood. Ever since they attended college in a different place, they saw each other less often. Both felt their friendship is no longer close as it used to be. When people live apart, they grow apart (疏远). It seems long-distance friendship does not work. Did the same thing ever happen to you? What should you do to keep your friendship alive? Discuss it with your partner.

9. Hardships (Stephen Hawking):

Severely disabled as he is, Stephen Hawking shined academically as a great physicist of the late 20th century. It’s agreed by many that his genius plays an important part in his achievement. Somehow we’re surprised by Hawking when he said, “Before my condition was diagnosed, I was very bored with life.” (Para 12) In a sense, Steven Hawking owed his success to the disease he suffered. Stephen Hawking is not alone with that view, just look at the living proofs at home and abroad: Helen Keller, Zhang Haidi(张海迪), to name a few. What role does hardship play in our life? Do they make us tougher or more vulnerable? Discuss it with your partner.

10. Love (How I Got Smart)

Ernest Hemingway, an American writer, once said, “Every love story ends as a tragedy”.(悲剧) It is particularly true with college students since an overwhelming majority of lovers broke up for a variety of reasons. Those who ended up getting married are far fewer than they had expected. Do you think a romance/love in college life is still worth a try? Why or why not? Discuss it with your partner.

11. Feminism (The Titanic Puzzle):

As we learned from the movie Titanic, it was the women who had the rights to get on the lifeboats first, because men felt they had responsibility to protect women. In appearance “lady first”was developed out of (出于) respect, in fact it was kind of discrimination(歧视) against women. Do you agree with the argument? Why or why not? Discuss it with your partner.

12. Learn about the Nature (Sense of Wonder):

Children are keen to understand the nature. Today our children learn about the nature mainly through books and laboratories. While kids raised thirty years ago had far more access to the natural environment. They learned about the nature through hands-on experience. Which way of learning about the nature is better? Why? Discuss it with your partner.

13. College Pressures:

The moment we step into college, we expect it to be a bed of roses, free from worry and pressures. While things often run against our hope inside the ivory tower. Pressure is everywhere. Pressures can kill, and they can make us high-achievers as well. What are the major pressures you feel as a college student? What do you do to release yourself from those pressures? Discuss it with your partner.

14. Culture (The ABCs of the U.S.A.: America Seen with European Eyes):

The Americans are known for their American Dreams, DIY (do-it-yourself), waiting in lines, doing exercise, eating junk food, watching a lot of TV, etc. Which feature impresses you most? How are Chinese different from Americans? Can you give some examples? Discuss it with your partner.

材料作文 有人说高中是人生的起点也是终点,转眼间,高一第一学期已经结束。

材料作文有人说高中是人生的起点也是终点,转眼间,高一 第一学期已经结束。 2019.1 1.作文 有人说高中是人生的起点也是终点,转眼间,高一第一学期已经结束。回首过去的一学期你一定有很多跟初中不一样的感受和收获。 请你写一篇记叙文,通过高中生活的具体事件来体现你高中生活的感受和收获。 要求:1.题目自拟。2.不少于600字。3.必须是记叙文。 【答案】我的高中生活 不知不觉中,我已成为一名高中生。当第一次踏进高中教室的那一刻,一张张陌生的脸庞三年的初中生活就这样悄悄地远去了,留给我的只有回忆,回忆那些人,那些事,那间伴随我三年一千多个日日夜夜的教室。没想到操场上那些以前嬉戏的、奔跑的身影,那些熟悉的面孔此刻已经成为幻影。如花的校园,已物是人非,不禁生出不尽的感慨。进入我的视线,我比起初中生活,高中生活就像一幅神秘的画卷,让人猜不透,看不清,只能一步步脚踏实地走下去,认清方向,明确目的,不断反思自我以前走过的路。 既然选取了高中,便义无返顾、风雨兼程。高中是让我进入大学的阶梯,是我们走进社会的一道门槛,但前行的道路可能荆棘丛生,我们只要有风的精神,就能穿过这些荆棘和困难。 我的高中生活才刚刚开始,我不能它将发展的如何,但发展的方向和主动权掌握在我们手中。 实际中的高中生活比我想象中的高中生活不容易得多。我总是将初中的思维定势不自觉地搬到高中学习中来,显然,没有什么效果。高中生活不一样于初中生活,高中学习资料也不一样于初中。高中更注重自学,预习、复习、练习,均需要同学们主动来完成,老师的作用只是引导罢了,那种完全依靠于老师“包打天下”的学习念头已经如“黄鹤一去不复返”。 上了高中,似乎很多同学没有了初中时的用心主动,比如很少有人抢着回答问题。此刻,每一天都觉得时间紧,加上作业有很多。因此,我们更要安排好时间,有计划的完成学业,否则,忙到最后,只是竹篮打水一场空,什么也没有学到。我们不能一味只会埋头苦干,而不思考,不总结,那么,只是做无用功。


英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma. 亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。


小学英语单词表 (外研版三年级起点) (最新版) 三年级上册 MOUDLE 1 I 我 am(I’m= I am)是(我是) aah 啊 hello(hi)你好 ooh 嗬 goodbye(bye-bye)再见are 是 how are you?你好么?你好good 好的 morning 早晨,早上 fine 健康的 thank 谢谢 you 你 MODULE 2 Ms 女士 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 whoops 哎吆 and 那么;和 too 也ha ha 哈哈 what 什么 is (what’s=what is)是(是什么) your 你的 name 名字 please 请 afternoon 下午 Mr 先生 MODULE 3 point 指 to 向…… the 这(那)个,这(那)些door 门 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 window 窗户 blackboard 黑板 bird 鸟 tweet (鸟)啾啾的叫声desk 桌子 chair 椅子 MODULE4 it 它 it’s=it is 它是

red 红色的 look 看 wow 呀,哇yellow 黄色的blue 蓝色的 a(an)一个,一chameleon 变色龙my 我的 panda 熊猫 now 现在 green 绿色的black 黑色的 dog 狗 cat 猫 cap 帽子 MODULE 5 how many 有多少one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 oh 噢,哦 ten 十eleven 十一 twelve 十二 MODULE6 happy 快乐的 birthday 生日 here(here’s=here is) 这里(这是) present 礼物 this 这个 pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 cake 蛋糕 old ……岁的 how old多大 yes 是的 you’re=you are 你是 MODULE 7 teacher 教师 pupil 小学生 school 学校 classroom 教室 English 英语 that 那个 say 说 again 再一次 schoolbag 书包 ball 球


中考子仿写题 1.毕业晚会上,王雨把下面的话说了一半,便哽咽了。请你仿照他的话续写一句。要求句式一致,语意连贯。 分别在即,老师,我如何才能报答您?当我靠近你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,您却给了我整个春天;我原想,______________________ 。 2.根据上下文,将语段补写完整。 没有阳光,就没有日子的温暖;没有雨露,就没有五谷的丰登;没有,就没有。所以,面对世界万物,我们心里要常怀感激。 3.仿照前两个分句,续写一个分句。 例句:如果你能使一朵花儿快乐,不用自己的手随意折毁它,那么鲜花也会使你快乐,在你苦闷烦恼时为你送上一束醉人的温馨;如果你能使一条小溪快乐,不把生活的污秽抛向它,那么小溪也会使你快乐,在你口干舌燥时为你送来一捧甜蜜的甘露。 续写要求:①与前面两个分句句式基本相同,②修辞手法运用恰当,③内容贴切,语言流畅。 4. 根据句子进行仿写。 学会宽容,宽容是容纳大树小草的田野,是接受阳光暴雨的天空,是; 宽容是吹开闭锁保守的清风,是选涤狭隘自私的雨水,是。 5.请根据你对“微笑”的理解,仿照下面画线的句子,再写两句,要求句式相同,语意连贯。 朋友,你会微笑吗?微笑是一杯浓浓的咖啡, 微笑是,微笑是,微笑是一曲动人的音乐。微笑让我们的生活充满了温馨。 6.根据语境,续写两个分句,使之构成一个语意相关的排比句。 美是游荡在蓝天上的几缕白云,美是偎依在山冈上的几点残雪,,。

7.阅读下面的语段,从你的积累中也选择一个妙用量词的例子加以揣摩分析,将语段补充完整。 汉语中的一些量词形象生动,极富韵味。比如一“刀”纸。刚刚制成的纸,张张铺设整齐,未曾经过剪裁,未染些墨汁,手起刀落,厚实的一摞纸坯子旋即被劈开,毛边都不飞,利落的声线犹在耳畔。还有一“眼”井。是呀,那水汪汪的井可不就是大地的明眸吗? 再比如。量词,一个字用下去,就把事物的形态神韵描摹传达出来了,这实在是中国人的智慧。 8.依照给定的语境和句式仿写。 母亲的一切言行都赋予了孩子事实上的精神与灵性,在无形中定格了孩子一定的品质与价值。母亲的微笑和亲吻是抚慰孩子心灵的最好的良药;母亲的拥抱和鼓励是: 9.我们身上有很多美好的品质,如诚实、朴素、善良、勇敢、无私、正直等,要善于发掘和自我肯定。请从中找出一点加以阐发(至少运用一种修辞手法)。 示例:诚实是一束馨香的花朵,让他人快乐,更使自己陶醉。 10.仿照例句,再续写两个句子。 春天的雨,细腻而轻柔,给山野披上美丽的衣裳; 夏天的雷,迅疾而猛烈,为生命敲响热烈的战鼓; 秋天的风,,; 冬天的雪,,。 11、结合你所阅读的课外文学作品,就书名、内容、读后感等方面依照例句仿写,要求句子结构基本一致。 有人说,读一本好书就像和一位哲人交谈,它能刘我们明白许多做人的道理;有人说,,。读《假如给我三天光明》,我们能感悟到人生的真谛,了解生命的意义;读《》。 12.根据下面画波浪线句子的句式、修辞和境界仿造句子,使上下文连贯合理。 也许你无法拥有深邃的蓝天,但是你可以做飘逸的白云;,。只要你满怀信心,善于发现,你就会感受到生命的意义。


终点?起点! 秋风飒飒,吹落门前小树上仅有的几片叶子,满目萧然的季节。女孩伴着秋风来到这个世界,母亲给她取名“秋儿”。 小树在阳光雨露的呵护下渐渐变得粗壮挺拔,秋儿在母亲无微不至的关怀下渐渐长大。 秋儿是个羞涩的女孩,做什么事都要母亲陪在身边。到了上学的年龄,秋儿不愿意去,但母亲说文化一定要有,所以,义无返顾地把她送进了校门。那里有很多陌生的面孔,秋儿很害怕,下课之后就躲在墙角掉眼泪。好心的老师就给她讲有趣的故事,母亲也让秋儿变得勇敢些。秋儿还是哭,但比以前好了许多。 小树又长高了,秋儿也长高了。她早已不再像小时侯那样哭鼻子了,但秋儿却常问母亲——父亲在哪里。每每此刻,母亲总是不做声,最后就告诉秋儿记住她是妈妈的女儿就足够了。秋儿长大了,也懂事了,她就不再多问。可她隐约明白了,她也许没有父亲。 时光荏苒,秋儿已长成了亭亭玉立的少女。母亲总是微笑着看着自己的女儿,她时时以自己的女儿为自豪,因为秋儿不仅成绩好,尤其是文学创作很突出,她的作品多次获得全国大奖。每次,秋儿把奖状拿回来,母亲都会激动得流下眼泪。 可“月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合”,母亲病了,而且很严重。弥留之际,母亲交给秋儿一封信,秋儿拆开她,那张纸已被母亲的泪水浸透:“秋儿,妈妈知道上天要将我收回了。唯一放不下的就是你,从小到大,看着你健康成长,我很欣慰。秋儿,你过早地懂事,从不追问父亲的事。秋儿,哪有没父亲的孩子呀。你有爸爸,当年他嫌弃你是女孩,离开了我们。那时,我很绝望。可看到你天真的笑颜,我决定自己将你养大。秋儿,我要走了,不能给你做早饭了,不能给你补书包了……你要学会照顾自己。秋儿,记住绝不能放弃生活,那是懦弱者的表现。妈妈的生命已到了终点,你却站在起点上。秋儿,你要学会坚强。妈妈会在天上注视你。” 出人意料的是,秋儿没有哭。没有母亲陪伴的日子,秋儿不哭。 秋风又起,吹得门前那棵树“沙沙地响”,秋儿二十六岁了,今天是她的生日,她的书也出版了,书名叫《起点》,在书中秋儿写道:“我生在秋天,也许是这个季节注定了我由稚嫩走向成熟。母亲是我一生的最爱,这本书为她而作。”捧着这书,秋儿流泪了,这是母亲走后,秋儿第一次流泪。泪水滴在书上,也滴在母亲那封很长很长的信上—……


关于新年晚上开Party的:(这个段子英语不是很地道,改了下也不知道是不是可以) A: "Hey, what are you planning to do on New Year's Eve?"(新年晚上你有什么打算?) B: "I don't know. Maybe go to a party or something."(我也不清楚,参加一个Party或者其他什么的) A: "What about your girlfriend? Aren't you going to spend it with her?"(你的女朋友呢?你不跟她一起过吗?) C: "His girlfriend is spending the New Year's Eve with her family. Like always."(他女朋友要跟她的家人一起过,像往常一样。) B: "Well. What's your plan for that day then?"(好吧,那你的计划呢?对A说的) A: "Ummm..Acturely I don't konw yet."(嗯,其实我还不知道呢) C: "IWait,I remember that you parents will go countryside for visiting your grandparents that day,right?"(等一下,我记得你的父母在那天要去乡下看你爷爷奶奶是吗?) A:"Yes,you're right.So what?"(是啊,没错,怎么了?) B: "So you get the house all by yourself?"(所以你们家那天晚上没人?) A: "Yeah." C: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"(你在想我想的事吗?) B: "I don't know. What are you thinking?"(我也不知道,你在想什么?) A: "Have a party!!!!!"(办Party!!) C: "You read my mind."(你懂我) B: "I think we can do that. I have any plan yet."(我觉得我们可以那样,我正好没安排) A: "Well. That sounds good. I will call you guys for details later."(好吧,那听起来不错。我待会打电话给你们讨论细节) B: "Alright. I will see your later. I have to do something others now."(好吧,那再见吧,我还有一些其他事要做) C: "Talk to you later."(那再聊吧) A: "Bye."


外研版三年级起点三年级英语下册 一、单词归类 (一)、物品类 1. toy 玩具 2. doll 洋娃娃 3. kite 风筝 4. box 盒子 5. book 书 6. computer game 电脑游戏 (二)、交通工具 1. ship 轮船 2. car 小车 3. bike 自行车 4. bus 公共汽车 (三)、动物类 1. monkey 猴子 2. tiger 老虎 3. lion 狮子 4. an elephant 一头大象 5. panda 熊猫 6. cat 小猫 7. dog 狗 (四)、指高矮胖瘦大小的形容词 1. tall 高的 2. short 矮的 3. fat 胖的 4. thin 瘦的 5. big 大的 6. small 小的(五)、食品类 1. rice 米饭 2. meat 肉 3. noodles 面条 4. fish鱼肉 5. milk 牛奶 6. peanut 花生 7. sweet 糖果 (六)、水果类 1. pear 梨子 2. banana 香蕉 3. an orange 一个桔子 4. an apple 一个苹果 (七)、功课类 1. Chinese 语文,汉语 2. math 数学 3. English 英语 4. music 音乐 5. art 拳术 6. P.E. 体育 7. Science 科学 (八)、一年四季 1. spring 春天 2. summer 夏天 3. autumn 秋天 4. winter 冬天 (九)、指天气的形容词 1. warm 暖和的 2. hot 炎热的 3. cool 凉爽的 4. cold 寒冷的 5. sunny 阳光充足的 6. windy 有风的 (十)、节日类 1. Spring Festival 春节 2. New Y ear 新年 3. Christmas 圣诞节 4. Christmas tree 圣诞树 5. Happy Spring Festival. 春节快乐 6. Happy New Y ear. 新年快乐 7. Happy Christmas. 圣诞快乐 8. Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐9、Happy birthday to you. 生日快乐 (十一)、衣物类 1. dress 裙子 2. coat 外套 3. sweater 毛衣 4. T-shirt T 恤衫 (十二)、运动 1. football 足球 2. basketball 篮球 3. table tennis 乒乓球 4. morning exercises 早操 5. riding bikes 骑自行车 6. skipping 跳绳 7. swimming 游泳 (十三)、表整点的时间 1. at four o’clock 在四点钟 2. at five o’clock 在五点钟 3. at nine o’clock 在九点钟(十四)、表半点的时间 1. half past one 一点半 2. half past six 六点半 3. half past eight 八点半 (十五)、动词短语 1. get up 起床 2. go to school 上学 3. go home 回家 4. go to bed 上床睡觉 5. go swimming 去游泳 6. go fishing 去钓鱼 7. go to work 去上班 8. watch TV看电视9. have breakfast 吃早饭10. have lunch 吃午餐


成功不在起点,也不在于终点,而在于转折点 1、成功不在起点,也不在于终点,而在于转折点。看似前方无路,希望就在拐角。在转折的地方往往蕴藏着宝藏财富,但是,在这个转折的前方的这条路上往往是布满荆棘的,坎坷不平的。其实成功的关键就在于自己是否有毅力,有毅力的人。不放弃的人。心存希望的人。永不言败的人终究获取了成功。 2、有时候,你明明知道那不是你的,却想往强求,或可能出于盲目自信,或过于相信精诚所至、金石为开,结果不断地努力,却遭来不断的挫折。有的靠缘分,有的靠机遇,有的得需要人们能以看山看水的心情来欣赏,不是自己的不强求,无法得到的就放弃。 3、许多人都盼望着奇迹能够发生在自己身上,但其实在这个世界上,大多数的奇迹都是经过了无数打磨,无数汗水换来的,它只是努力过后的一个形容词! 4、什么是最好的感情?答:没有恐惧。没有失去的恐惧、没有讨好的恐惧、没有怀疑爱的恐惧、没有见不到的恐惧、没有隐瞒的恐惧、没有对未来的恐惧、没有外在干扰的恐惧、没有压抑妥协的恐惧。没有恐惧,就能全然接受给予。 5、自以为是,自觉自己了不起,大多数人一生所明白的事,都是意识明白,潜意识不明白,支配人的行为是潜意识,而不是意识,所以许多人嘴说明白,但没有行动,是因为他不是真的明白,自以为是落个什么都不是的结果。 6、心灵的房间,不打扫就会落满灰尘。蒙尘的心,会变得灰色和迷茫。我们每天都要经历很多事情,开心的,不开心的,都在心里安家落户。要学会一笑置之,要学会超然待之,要学会转化势能。 7、为你栽一棵平安树,用汗水浇灌,用思念培土,用牵挂修剪,用真心呵护,经过漫长的等待,开出快乐的花朵,结出幸福的苹果,在平安夜这天,托圣诞老人送给你,愿你平安,一生幸福。 8、人生中的每一天都有快乐的影踪,每一刻都有幸福的所在,每一分都有友情的缠绕,每一秒都有情谊的渗透。无论天涯海角,朋友,都会永记心间,惟愿你天天开心,乐享幸福人生! 9、想一下我许别人几辈子,还是算了,这辈子现在还没着落呢。其实婚姻就跟过河一样,过得去的是好男人,过不去的就淹死了,是蠢人。来去自如的,那只是传说,不是人。 10、现在越发觉得,遇到那些能相处的舒服聊天聊得来,彼此之间坦荡不计较,把你放在心里而不是做表面功夫的那种朋友,真是一种莫大的福气。如果有,我们都要珍惜。


遵义市2010年初中毕业生学业(升学)统一考试 语文试题卷 (全卷总分150分,考试时间150分钟) 注意事项 1.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 2.第l~6题为单项选择题,必须使用2B铅笔在规定区域填涂;第7~27题为非选择题,必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 3.所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 4.考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、积累与运用(30分) 1.汉字积累—下列词语中加点字读音完全正确 ....的一项是(3分) A.陶冶.(yé) 潮汛.(xùn) 瀚.海(hàn) B.池沼.(zháo) 叱.骂(chì) 彷.徨(páng) C.酝酿.(niàng) 娴.熟(xián) 恬.雅(tián) D.戳.穿(chuō) 鄙.视(bì) 阴霾.(mái) 2.词语积累——下列成语意思相近 ....的一项是(3分) A.镇定自若胸有成竹胜券在握 B.义愤填膺怒不可遏怒发冲冠 C.向隅而泣惨绝人寰痛心疾首 D.日新月异翻天覆地白驹过隙 3.文化积累——下面句子内容陈述有误 ..的一项是(3分) A.李白,字太白。唐代诗人,被称为“诗圣”。他的诗想象奇特,气势豪迈,极具浪漫主义风格。代表作有《行路难》等。 B.苏轼,字子瞻。北宋著名文学家、书画家。开创了豪放派词风。与其父苏洵、其弟苏辙并称为“三苏”,均在“唐宋八大家”之列。 C.冰心,原名谢婉莹。现代著名女作家、儿童文学家。、她的诗集《繁星》、《春水》的主题表现了对母爱、童真和自然的赞美。 D.老舍,原名舒庆春。人民艺术家。代表作品《骆驼祥子》为我们真实地描绘了北平城里一个人力车夫祥子的悲惨命运。 4.语言运用——下列句子标点符号使用正确 ..的一项是(3分) A.他抱着七、八本书急匆匆地走了进来。 B.什么地方什么条件下可以找到什么样的银杏树?他了如指掌。 C.屈原、李白、杜甫等……,像一颗颗宝石,镶嵌在中华民族的史册上。 D.我心中闪过一句诗:“家是一只船,在漂流中有了爱。” 5.语言运用——根据语境,与下面句子衔接最恰当 ...的一项是(3分) 生活如歌,宽容是曲,和曲而歌,方知歌之动听;,,,;生活如海,宽容作舟,泛舟于海,方知海之宽阔。 A.生活如山,宽容为径,登山循径,方知山之高大。 B.生活如山,循径登山,宽容为径,方知山之高大。


A: The summer vacation is coming. What’s your plan , B? B: I’m planning to go to Lijiang YunNan Province for sightseeing. C: Really? It is a place that would love to see. And I heard that it is also a World Culture Heritage(遗产) Site. B: Yes. Now there are more than 30 places that have been listed as World Culture Heritage Sites, and Lijiang is among them. A: Well,talking about World Culture Heritage Site reminds me of Beijing. C: Yes, there are many places deserving to visit in Beijing such as Forbidden City, Summer Palace, the Great Wall and so on. B: And it’s said that the Great Wall is the only human construction on earth that can be seen from the outer space. It’s considered as one of seven wonders in the word. A: Yes, I have seen a picture of the Great Wall. It is like a long white belt winding on the surface of the earth. C: There must be some World Culture Heritage Site in our province, right? B: You’re right. The World Culture Heritage Sites in Shandong province include the Confucian Temple and Mount Tai. A: And there are also many famous historic cultural cities such as Jinan Qingdao and Linyi. They are the windows for us to look through into the glamorous history of our coutry. C: Yes. The more places we go, the more we get to know about our


外研版小学英语(三年级起点) 四年级英语教案 (第四册) 四年级英语教学计划 一、学生知识能力习惯态度分析 本班共有28人,其中女生15人,男生13人。他们来自不同的11个自然村。由于各种原因,他们的英语水平也不同。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技能。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 二、教材内容分析: 本册教材——New Standard English三册是供小学四年级下学期使用的。全书共分11个模块,内含一个期末复习模块。每个模块分为两个单元。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务性练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。通过歌谣或小诗,培养学生的语感和节奏感,提高发音的正确性,介绍一定的西方文化。在这一册,我们将进一步描述人、物品、动物等的基础上重点学习对动作的描述。此外,我们还要学习如何表达时间以及如何描述地点方位等内容。 三、教学目的任务 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范。 6、养成响亮清晰读英语、说英语的习惯,认真模仿语音、语调,以培养语感。 7、能在完成某个任务(如涂色,小制作)的过程中学会相关的词句,并且培养动手能力。 8、能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 三、教材重点难点


1.下列各句中没有语病的一项是()。(2分) A.在学习过程中,我们应该注意培养自己解决、分析、观察问题的能力。 B.灯月交映、水波粼粼,滨州中海的夜景令人心旷神怡。C.深入开展“迎奥运、讲文明、树新风”活动,是能否推进精神文明建设,提高公民素质的有效载体。 D.即使日本政府一再美化侵略行径,但是不能掩盖历史真相。 2.下面是某媒体上刊登的一则新闻。文中画线的语句有语病,请一一改正。(4分) ①5月25日,一场爱心的热流在黄果山社区里的孩子们之间涌动。黄果山社区紧靠胜利渠菜场,②社区里住着不少在菜场以及来我市工作的外来务工人员。六一儿童节即将来临。③社区里外来务工人员的子女牵挂着居委会工作人员的心。为了让这些孩子也能感受到节日的快乐,社区居委会组织了社区里的孩子向这些外来务工人员子女捐赠自己的书和玩具的活动。 改正: ① ② ③ 3.下面各组词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是……(B ) ( 2 分) A.喝.彩(hē)伶.仃(líng )姹.紫嫣红(chà) B .污秽(huì)戍守(shù)白雪皑皑(ái) C .忏悔(chàn)晨曦(xī)风调雨顺(diào)

D 、提防(dī)侥幸(xiǎo )丢三落四(là) 4 .下列词语中没有错别字的一项是……(A ) ( 2 分) A .铤而走险相形见绌以身殉职 B .出类拔粹南辕北辙声色俱厉 C .推心至腹中流砥柱漫不经心 D .通霄达旦相提并论焕然一新 5.下列各句中,加点的词语解释不恰当的一项是……(D ) ( 2 分) A .俱往矣,数风流人物 ....(指能建功立业的英雄人物),还 看今朝。(毛泽东《沁园春·雪》)B .宗师说我火候 ..(指写文章的功夫)已到,自古无场外的举人,如不进去考他一考,如 何甘心?(吴敬梓《范进中举》) C .他少年出外谋生,独立支持,做了许多大事。哪知老境 却如此颓唐 ..(衰颓败落)! (朱 自清《背影》) D .总之,一切都要为构成完美的图画而存在,绝不容许有欠美伤美的败笔(错误的设计)。 (叶圣陶《苏州园林)) ) 6.下列词语中加点字的读音全都不相同的一项是()(3分) A.着.重附着.着.急穿着.打扮


葛文山(英语特级教师 ) “以终点为起点思考,”这是斯蒂芬?科维(Stephen R.Covey) 的一句名言,他被美 国《时代》周刊誉为“25 位最有影响力的美国人 之一”。终点思考,就是先想好目的 地,再制定时间表和路线图。有 所不同的是,只不过是从终点开始,反方向朝着起点去 思考和计划。 一、终点思考,找准方向 b5E2RGbCAP 对于正在思考人生方向和职业规划的青年老师来说,从终点思 考,从起点出发, 不 失为一个行之有效的方法。每一个青年英语教师 都应该做自己人生的设计师, 问一问 自己, 60 岁时我哪里, 在干什么? 50 岁呢? 40 岁呢?为了实现这些目标,我现在应该怎 么做?用这种 “终点思考”方式,来规划好自己的人生。p1EanqFDPw 立志是人生的起跑点。一个人的志向,折射出他的理想、胸怀、 情趣和价值观, 是决定事业成功的基本前提, 影响着一个人的奋斗目 标及成就的大小。DXDiTa9E3d 而终点思考有助于我们明确我们的志向:60 岁时的你,是一个腰 缠万贯的富翁,是 一个身居高位的政府要员,还是一位“赠人玫瑰, 手留余香”的人民教师?RTCrpUDGiT 有了目标,我们才会抵制得住成长路上的其他诱惑,坚定地朝着 自己的方向前进; 才会经受得住清贫和寂寞, 再苦再累, 也感觉充实。 例如, 国家督学李希贵在回忆自 己的成长之路时, 就提到过这样的一 个曲折的经历:5PCzVD7HxA 大学毕业后,大概在四五年的时间里,我那些比较要好的同学大 都跳出了学校,有的下海经商,有的做起了公务员,而且一个个都做 得十分出色,我 也有些按捺不住了。可是,在进行“终点思考”后, 我发现, 这些终点目标并不是自己 梦寐以求的:下海经商最好的结局 是挣了花不完的钱,衡量你的成功与否也往往是看钱


Private cars A: Hello.Today, let’stalk something about private cars. B: OK .Private cars are a hot topic now. More and more families own private cars. It has been playing a significant role in people's daily activities. Private cars are a convenient means of transportation .If I have private car, I can go everywhere I like. A: Nowadays more and more private cars have entered thousan ds of ordinary families. Private cars are used every day to carry i n people to and from work. At weekends, private cars take famil ies on joyful outings. C:Yes,there is no doubt that private cars will have a great devel opment on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growin g at a higher rate in the near future. B:Yeah,you are right. But, private cars have a series of problems . In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, causing actual harm to the health of people and a great deal of energy will be wasted. C: But I believe we can solve all of the problems in the near fut ure. Many countries research green cars, purification the exhau st, and they research new energy. I believe that this day will co

外研版 三年级起点 小学英语三年级上册单词表

最新小学英语三年级上册单词表(外研版三年级起点)三年级上册 MOUDLE 1 I 我 am (I’m= I am)是 (我是) hello(hi)你好 ooh 嗬 goodbye(bye-bye)再见 are 是 how 怎样 How are you? 你好么?你好! good 好的 morning 早上 fine 很好 thank 谢谢

MODULE 2 Ms 女士 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 whoops 哎哟 and 那么、和 too 也 ha ha 哈哈 what 什么 is (what’s= what is) 是(是什么)your 你的 name 名字 please 请 afternoon 下午

MODULE 3 point 指 to向…… the 这个,那个,这些,那些door 门 sit 坐 down向下 stand站 up 向上 window 窗户 blackboard 黑板 bird 鸟 tweet(鸟)啾啾的叫声 desk 桌子 chair 鸟

MODULE4 it 它 it’s= it is它是red 红色的 look 看 wow 呀,哇 yellow 黄色的blue 蓝色的 a(an)一个,一chameleon变色龙my 我的 panda 熊猫 now现在 green 绿色的black 黑色的 dog 狗

cat 猫 cap 帽子 MODULE 5 how many 多少one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七eight 八 nine 九 oh 噢,哦 ten 十


终点,就是下一个起点 终点并不意味着结束,而意味着重新开始。 花儿会凋零,但来年会再吐新芽;生命会逝去,但同时会有更多新生命的降临;比赛会结束,但终点,对每一名运动员来说是下一场比赛的起点。 奥运会上刘翔摔倒后亲吻栏架然后带着伤痛黯然离去的背影给了我们太多的落寞与伤感,没有太多的解释,他就这样带着伤痛离开,一瘸一拐的顽强走到了赛道的终点,给这次奥运之行划上了句号。但这次奥运亦是他的起点,一切都必须重新开始,抚平创伤后继续接受身体的磨炼与考验继续自己的事业与梦想,开始踏上下一届奥运会的道路,开始越过伤痛,走向未来。 然而只有比赛中才有终点么?不,生命的旅程中,同样有着终点。 记得早先荧幕上的武打巨星李小龙曾被黄皮小子暗算打伤后已经被当时的医学界确认不可站立,更不要谈练武功了,他近乎瘫痪后,多少人为他惋惜,多少人以为,轮椅会是他武术生涯的重点。但是他没有放弃,他不相信所谓的医学权威,他用他顽强执著的精神,创造了生命的奇迹。轮椅,成了他新生命的起点。是的,一切都必须重来,只有经过肉体上的痛苦和精神上的磨难,他才能恢复到以前的状态,但这也使他更有勇气与毅力,去面对未来的一次次不经意的考验。



潜江市天门市仙桃市 2011年初中毕业生学业考试江汉油田 语文试卷 本卷共6页,满分120分,考试时间150分钟 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷第l页装订线内和答题卡上,并在答题卡的规定位置贴好条形码,核准姓名和准考证号。 2.必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将答案填写在答题卡对应的区域内,写在试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交。 一、积累与运用(共35分) 1.用行楷将“写漂漂亮亮中国字,做堂堂正正中国人”书写在答题卡上。要求运笔流畅、结构合理、匀称美观。(3分) 2.下列各项中字词的音、形、义无误的一项是:(3分) A.炽.痛(zhi) 刮目相看诸.如此类(许多) B.纨.绔(w6n) 通霄达旦诲.人不倦(教导) C.营.生(yfng) 妄自菲薄心旷神怡.(愉快) D.剽.悍(piao) 温故知新言简意赅.(简练) 3.古诗文默写。(6分) (1)潮平两岸阔,。(王湾《次北固山下》) (2) ?烟波江上使人愁。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》) (3)白居易《钱塘湖春行》中直接写诗人骑马游春,感受春花初绽美景的句子是: ,。 (4)6月4日,中国姑娘李娜改写了亚洲在世界网坛的历史,以大满贯捧得法国网球 公开赛冠军奖杯,领略了“,”的登峰境界。(用杜甫((望岳》中的句子作答) 4.下列有关文学常识的表述有误的一项是:(2分) A.《论语》是儒家的经典著作之一,与《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称为“四书”。 B.吴敬梓的《儒林外史》,以讽刺的笔调塑造了范进、孔乙己等一大批深受封建科举制度毒害的读书人形象。 C.鲁迅的《风筝》一文,有对小兄弟放风筝的粗暴干涉,有对“精神虐杀”的自我反省,也有误解和冲突中的亲情。 D.罗曼·罗兰在《名人传》中,记载了痛苦和磨难造就的贝多芬、米开朗琪罗和列夫·托尔斯泰三位名人的丰功伟绩。 5.下列各项中加点文言实词的解释有误的一项是:(2分) A.汝心之固.(顽固) 波色乍.明(始,初) B.策.之不以其道(马鞭) 相委.而去(丢下,舍弃) C.同舍生皆被.绮绣(通“披”,穿) 无论 ..魏晋(不要说,更不必说)


《起点和终点》教学设计 一、教材及学生分析: 在生活中,学生们自然地进行着比较,也会进行一些简单的测量。而比较与准确测量的前提是公平,我们必须给每一次比较与测量确定起点和终点。本课以纸蛙跳远的比赛活动引导学生意识到比较中的公平原则,从比赛需要确定起点和终点中学生会深刻地认识到相同的起点是公平比较的基础,不同的终点是公平比赛的不同结果。 通过第一课的学习,学生或许有了初步的确定起点与终点的意识。学生把恐龙的头对齐就是在确定起点,然后比较尾部长短就是在确定终点。学生在生活中也会有一些确定起点和终点的经历,比如体育活动中的跳高、跳远、跑步比赛等。本课将通过纸蛙跳远比赛的探究活动,要求学生确定起点与终点,通过研讨让学生理解确定起点和终点的重要性。二、教学目标 科学概念: 1.通过纸蛙跳远比赛知道比赛要公平,要站在同一起点上进行比较。 2.通过纸蛙跳远比赛知道确定起点后,还要标记终点来进行比较。 3.通过纸蛙跳远比赛知道纸蛙跳远的距离可以用起点和终点来标识。 科学探究: 1.通过纸蛙跳远比赛的活动,学习标记起点与终点的方法; 2.通过纸蛙跳远比赛的活动,能有序地把跳远的结果呈现在黑板上,进行科学的比较。 科学态度: 1.通过纸蛙跳远比赛的活动,愿意倾听他人的意见,乐于讲述自己的观点、展示自己的探究证据。 2.通过纸蛙跳远比赛的活动,小组间能团结协作,互相配合。 科学、技术、社会与环境目标: 通过纸蛙跳远比赛的活动,知道比较和测量是我们生活中常用的一种基本方法。 三、教学重难点: 通过纸蛙跳远比赛知道纸蛙跳远的距离可以用起点和终点来标识。 四、教学准备 教师:PPT(含视频资料)、大纸蛙两只、大纸带一条 学生:每人一只纸蛙、一条纸带、一支彩笔、剪刀 五、教学过程 (课前活动:3分钟):老师想问问大家,有没有参加过跑步比赛啊。 老师想请两个小朋友来比一下(选两个小朋友,一个站在1号位,一个站在2号位,事先在地上粘两条线),其他小朋友做裁判,谁先跑到老师这儿,谁就赢。(师发令:预备,开始!)(看学生反应) 根据孩子反应,借孩子之口说出比赛的不公平。 设问:“要怎么比才公平?”

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