当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省海安县七校2015-2016学年七年级上学期期中联考英语试题.doc









本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

1. How does Linda’s father go to work every day?

A. B. C.

2. When does the girl get up today?

A. B. C.

3. What’s the boy’s favourite sport?

A. B. C.

4. Where does the woman work?

A. B. C.

5. How often does the boy go swimming?

A. Twice a week

B. For an hour.

C. Never.

6. What does Tom’s father look like?

A. Fat and strong.

B. Short and strong.

C. Big and strong.

7. Which festival are they talking about?

A. Spring Festival.

B. Mid-Autumn Festival

C. Thanksgiving

8. How far is the girl’s home from her school?

A. 13 minutes by bus

B. 30 minutes by bus

C. 30 minutes by car

9. Is the supermarket open now?

A. We don’t know. B Yes, it is. C. No, it isn’t

10. How many people will go shopping this afternoon?

A. Three.

B. Two.

C. One.




11. What isn’t Amy good at?

A. English.

B. Chinese.

C. Sports.

12. How does Amy like her life?

A. She enjoys it.

B. She doesn’t like it.

C. She has no idea.


13. A. a bus B. a taxi C. a train

14. A. visits friends B. writes reports C. has meetings

15. A. at 11:30 p.m. B. before 11 p.m. C. later than 11:30 p.m.

听第二篇短文回答第16-20小题, 短文读两遍.

16. How old is Helen?

A. 10.

B. 1l

C. 12.

17. How does she go to school?

A. By bike.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

18. Why didn’t Helen go to class?

A. Because she was ill.

B. Because her father was ill.

C. Because her brother was ill.

19. What did Mrs. White do during the weekend?

A. She cooked nice food

B. She washed clothes

C. She cleaned the room.

20. How long did Helen stay in bed?

A. Seventy days.

B. Seventeen days.

C. Seven days.


21. –Who is ___ boy in a red cap? --He is Tom. He is good at playing ____ basketball.

A. the, /

B. the, the

C. a, a

D. a, /

22. The pupils in her class are never late _____ school and they’re nice ____ each other.

A. to; to

B. to; for

C. for; to

D. for; for

23. Miss Fang is ______ English teacher. She teaches English.

A. our; us

B. our; our

C. we; us

D. we; our

24. ----_______ your brother a member of the basketball team?

---No, he ______like playing basketball.

A. Does, is

B. Do, doesn’t

C. Is, doesn’t

D. Is, isn’t

25. -----Was your cousin born _________ the evening _______ 31st of January?


A. on, of

B. at, of

C. in, on

D. in, of

26. ---Where _____you _____from? --- Shanghai.

A. are; come

B. does; come

C. is; come

D. do; come

27. ---- _______the door, please. ----Come in please. The door _______.

A. Be open; opens

B. Be open; is opening

C. Open; opens

D. Open; is open

28. I think doing eye exercises ___________ everyone.

A. is good at

B. is good for

C. are good at

D. are good for

29. ---___________do you exercise?

---Every day. It can help me keep healthy.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

D. How much

30. ---________model plane is this? --- It’s ________.

A.Who’s; Daniel

B.Whose; Daniel

C.Who’s ; Daniel’ s

D.Whose; Daniel’s

31. Millie is a very _____ dancer and she dances very______.

A. good, good

B. good, well

C. well, good

D. well, well

32. “Trick or treat” means “get a _________or play a _________”.

A. trick; trick

B. treat; treat

C. treat; trick

D. trick; treat

33. Everyone in my family _______TV.

A. like watching

B. likes watching

C. likes watch

D. like to watch

34. Which is different(不同) from others?

A. swimmer B .twice C. with D. begin

35. ----Happy Thanksgiving Day!

---- _________________.

A. I’m happy too.

B. Not at all.

C. I’m glad to hear that.

D. Thank you, and I wish you the same.


Wang Bin is a 12-year-old boy. He likes sports very much and 36 well in sports.

One afternoon, he comes 37 the classroom and 38 his father waiting for him at the school gate. He is very 39 and runs to his father. "Dad, please don't wait for me after school next time. I can go home by myself(我自己).

On their way 40 , Wang Bin sees some boys skating in a park. "Can I go and learn skating, Dad?" asks Wang Bin. "I'm 41 , my boy. You must go home and do your homework," answers his father, "but I can buy you an ice cream."

Then his father buys an ice cream 42 him. When Wang Bin wants 43 it, a fly(苍蝇)flies to the ice-cream.

“Drive off(赶走)the fly," says his father, "it's very dirty(脏).”But Wang Bin 44 with a smile, "You don't let me skate, but can you let him 45 for a while (一会儿)?”

36. A. did B. doing C. do D. does

37. A. out B. at C. in D. out of

38. A. to see B. see C. sees D. seeing

39. A. glad B. sad C. old D. bright

40. A. home B. to home C. school D. to school

41. A. sorry B. happy C. OK D. good

42. A. to B. with C. for D. of

43. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats

44. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells

45. A. skating B. skate C. to skate D. skates



46. Who often plays tennis with Millie?

A. Her friends.

B. Her classmates.

C. Her parents.

D. Her brother.

47. Where does Millie often go out for a picnic?

A. In the playground.

B. In the club.

C. In the park.

D. At home.

48. Millie often __________ on Thursday.

A. plays volleyball

B. reads books

C. goes swimming

D. draws pictures

49. Millie’s brother usually reads books from __________.

A. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m.

B. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m.

C. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p. m.

D. 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p. m.

50. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Millie often plays volleyball for two hours.

B. Millie likes to stay at home on Saturday.

C. Millie likes to read books on Saturday.

D. Millie likes sports very much.


People like to give gifts to others on big days. Do you know how to choose gifts? You should choose gifts that your family or friends like. Different gifts are for different people. For example, boys often like to play with robots, toy guns (枪) and balls. And girls may like something lovely, like flowers, dolls and beautiful clothes. Of course, you don’t need to choose something expensive. Your feeling is much more important than money. There is a Chinese saying, “A small gift means far much.”

51. The word “big” in the first sentence means “___________”.

A. beautiful

B. interesting

C. important

D. sunny

52. When you buy your friend a gift, you should choose something that ___________.

A. you like

B. he or she enjoys

C. is expensive

D. is very big

53. Michael wants to buy a birthday gift for his sister, he may choose a _____.

A. teddy bear

B. basketball

C. water gun

D. robot

54. What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?

A. 礼多人不怪

B. 心有灵犀一点通

C. 礼轻情意重

D. 来而不往非礼也

55. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Everyone needs gifts.

B. Where to buy expensive gifts

C. The meanings of gift

D. How to choose a gift


Welcome to Chinatown(唐人街)

What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! It is in a foreign(外国的) country. It is a place where many overseas(海外的) Chinese live together. There are lots of Chinatowns in America. The biggest one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it. It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers. And it is also a good place to go.

Shopping in Chinatown

Shopping in Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap.

Eating in Chinatown

Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional (传统的) Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. Why don’t you have breakfast with a cup of green tea in it? You can eat some S hanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.

Living in Chinatown

Living in Chinatown is comfortable. You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture(文化).

56. The Chinatown in New York has __________ .

A. 200,000 people

B. no hospitals

C. schools but no hospitals

D. some shops, restaurants and schools

57. New York has Chinatown in the United States.

A. the smallest

B. the largest

C. the funniest

D. the most boring

58. Which sentence is NOT right?

A. It is fun to shop in Chinatown.

B. Many things in Chinatown are made in the USA.

C. The things in Mott Street are cheap.

D.The Chinese can have green tea in Chinatown.

59. If you want to eat Shanghai food in Chinatown, you may go to_________.

A. Evergreen Restaurant

B. Shanghai Restaurant

C. Beijing Restaurant

D. New Silver Palace Restaurant

60. Why do overseas Chinese send their children to the schools where they must study


A. Because their children don’t like English.

B. Because it is cheap to study in these schools.

C. Because there is no English schools for Chinese students there.

D. Because they want their children to learn more about China and its culture.

第二部分(主观题 40分)



61. Among all the subjects, I like G____________ best.

62. The People’s Hospital is the best in our city. It is very ___________(现代化的).

63. I like riding a bike to school. I _______ (not often) take a bus to school.

64. Hard work, not ________(运气) makes him successful(成功的) again.

65. ---It's five fifteen now. ----Oh, I see. That is, it's a __________ past five. B.根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

66.Yao Ming is good at playing basketball and he is a great basketball _________________.

67. I like seeing films and I go to the cinema _________ a week.

68. He is a member of the ___________________ Club in our class.

69. There are many kinds of ___________ in this shop.

70. Is Grandpa at home now? I want to say hello to ________.


71. Simon ___________ happy because he doesn’t do well in English.

72. Many young people enjoy _________ with each other on Wechat(微信).

73. Sandy often ______ kites with her friends at weekends.

74. Some children don’t know how _____________ fun.

75. Millie usually practises ____________ in the river in summer.



76. The boy in blue is his brother.(对划线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ is his brother?

77. My school is 15 minutes’ walk from my home. (写出同义句)

It ___________ me 15 minutes ___________ walk from my home to my school. 78. It never snows in Hainan in winter. (划线部分提问)

_____________ ____________ does it snow in Hainan in winter?

79. Jim does his homework after supper.(改为否定句)

Jim ____________ _____________ his homework after supper.

80. The twin brothers are in the school football team.(改为同义句)

The twin brothers are _________ ________ the school football team.


Our school 81 at eight in the morning from Monday to 82 . Usually we do morning 83 first. Our lessons begin at 8:15. My 84 subject is English.

I am very good at it.

Halloween is on 85 31. How do we 86 it? Children have lots of fun on that day. We 87 up and wear masks. Sometimes we 88 our faces. We also make 89 lanterns. It is 90 .



Sophia is 13 years old, she is very happy these days. The girl from the UK has a lot of fun during her trip in Beijing. She eats dumplings, tries Chinese calligraphy(书法), climbs the Great Wall and speaks Chinese, all for the first time!

She stays with a Chinese family for a week. “Beijing is very big and beautiful. And the people here are very nice!” She says. Sophia comes wi th her teachers and classmates from the UK. She goes to see the Shangdi Experimental Primary School in Beijing. These two schools are “Heart to Heart” schools. There are 200 “Heart to Heart” schools in Beijing. Each of them has a partner school in a foreign(外国的) country. They meet and get to know each other.

91. How old is Sophia?


92. Where is Sophia from?


93. How long does Sophia stay with a Chinese family?


94. How many “Heart to Heart” schools” are there in Beijing?


95. What do you want to do if(如果) you are in Beijing?



假如你是Liu Yi, 你的一位英国笔友来信询问你的学校生活。请你根据下面的表格,向他介绍你的近况。开头和结尾已给出。

要求:1. 书写美观,段落清晰;

2. 包含所有要点,可适当拓展;

3. 标点认真,注意细节,不少于60个词。

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter.


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ All the best,

Liu Yi



本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。

1. M: How does your father go to work every day, Linda?

W: He goes to work by car.

2. M: What time do you get up?

W: Usually I get up at a quarter past six. But today I am 10 minutes late.

3. W: What’s your favourite sport?

M: I like running best.

4. M: Are you working here, Jane? A doctor?

W: I come here to see the doctor. I work in a country school.

5. W: Do you like swimming?

M: Yes, I go swimming for an hour every Saturday and Sunday.

6. W: Tom, is your father a tall man?

M: Yes, he looks big and strong.

7. W: How beautiful the fireworks are!

M: Yes. A new year is coming!

8. M: Is your home near your school?

W: No, it takes 30 minutes by bus.

9. M: Let’s go to the sup ermarket.

W: It’s 8 a.m. now. The supermarket is not open.

10. W: Lucy and I will go shopping this afternoon. Do you want to go with us, Tom?

M: I’d love to, but I have too much homework.




M: Hello, what’s your name?

W: My name is Amy. And what’s your name?

M: Zhang Hua. Where are you from?

W: I’m from America.

M: Can you speak Chinese?

W: Yes, I can. But I’m not good at it. I’m good at English and sports.

M: Do you like living in China?

W: Yes. I enjoy my life in China.


My name is Tom. Every morning, I get up at half past seven and leave my house at eight.

It takes me about an hour to get to work. First I take the underground. After three stops, I get off and catch a bus. This takes me to my office.

After working in the morning, I eat lunch at twelve. In the afternoon, I usually have some meetings. I finish working at six.

I often feel tired after a day’s work, so I go home and have a rest. I never go to bed later than eleven o’clock.


Helen is eleven years old. She is in Grade 4 in a school. She goes to school by bus. Last week she was ill. She didn’t go to class. She went to the hospital to see a doctor. She had to stay in bed for a few days. During the weekend, Mrs. White cooked her nice food, and her friends looked after her well. Seven days later, Helen got well again. She went back to school. Now Helen is working hard to catch up with the other students in her class.



1-5 BABAA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 BAACB 16-20 BCAAC


21-25ACACA 26-30 DDBCD 31-35BCBBD


36-40 DDCBA 41-45 ACCAB


46-50 BCCAD 51-55 CBACD 56-60DBBAD


61. Geography 62. modern 63. seldom 64.luck 65.quarter

66. player 67. once 68. Drawing 69. radios 70. him

71. isn’t 72. chatting 73. flies 74. to have 75. swimming


76. Which boy 77. takes to 78. How often 79. doesn’t do 80. members of


81. starts 82. Friday 83.exercises 84.favourite 85.October

86. celebrate 87. dress 88. paint 89. pumpkin 90. wonderful



92. From the UK.

93. For a week.

94. 200.

95. 言之有理即可。


Thank you for your letter. I study at No.1 Middle School now.

Our school is big, and we have thirty classrooms. There is a big playground in front of the classrooms. We also have a music room, an art room and a modern library. There are all kinds of interesting books in the library. We often read there. (省略号


Our school starts at half past seven. We often do after-school activities in the playground after school. We go home at 5:30 p.m.

I live far away from the school. I take a bus to school every day. It takes me about

a quarter to get to school.


七年级英语下册期中测试卷 一、听力 二. 单项选择 ( )21. Dogs are _________ .They are people's __________ . A. friendly; friends B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friend ( )22. –What ______ she ______? --She is a teacher. A. is…do B. is…doing C. does…d o ( )23. --What's your favorite ______? --England. A. world B. country C. city ( )24. The students ______ their classroom every afternoon . A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans ( )25. The child ______ his homework in the evening . A. does B. do C. makes ( )26. ____right at First Street, the bank is _____the left. A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn ,on ( )27. –Look at the monkeys. ______they cute ? A. Isn’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t ( )28. –I love Sports News .What about you ? --_____________, too . A. I do B. I can C. I am ( )29. Peter and I_____ chess . A. am playing B. are playing C. are play ( )30.It’s 8:00 now. Everyone in our class __________ homework . A. does B. are doing C. is doing ( )31.If you are hungry , you can buy some food in the ______________. A. supermarket B. post office C. library ( )32. The scarf looks __________ . I’ll take it . A. ugly B. terrible C. beautiful ( )33. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a job_________ a reporter. A. like B. as C. be ( )34. She likes ______, so she wants to be a ______. A. cooking , cook B. cook, cooking C. cook, cook


七年级英语12月考试卷 (满分120分时间100分钟) 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( )6. A. Yes, please. B. Good idea! C. Yes, I’d like to. ( )7. A. That’s right. B. No problem. C. You’re right. ( )8. A. Yes, I’d like to. B. It’s over there. C. Yes, I do. ( )9. A. She is a teacher. B. She’s from China. C. In a hospital. ( )10. A. He works in Beijing. B. He is a doctor. C. He is twenty years old. Ⅲ.听对话,根据对话内容填空。每组对话读两遍。(5分) 11. Jack is Mike’s _______. 12. Tom would like some _______. 13.—Does Kate like jiaozi? —No, she _______ like it _______. 14. Jim’s mother works in a _______. 15. That woman is Kate’s _______. Ⅳ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分) ( )16. A. Bread and fish. B. Rice and chicken. C. Hamburgers and vegetables. ( )17. A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An office worker. ( )18. A. Hong Kong. B. Beijing. C. England. ( )19. A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they do. C. I don’t know. ( )20. A. My aunt. B. My mother. C. My sister. Ⅴ. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1. —____ is the letter from? —It’s from Mike, my pen pal.


昆明三中、滇池中学2012——2013学年上学期期中考试 初一英语试卷 一.听力。(20%) (一)听对话或句子,选出与所听句子相关的图画。(每个句子听两遍。) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C (二)听句子,选出能回答该句子的正确答语。(每个句子听两遍。) 6. A. I’m fine. B. He is my father. C. Yes, I’m good. 7. A. J-A-C-K-E-T. B. It’s a jacket. C. They are blue. 8. A. It’s yellow. B. I’m OK. C. It’s a key. 9. A. No, she isn’t. B. No, I am. C. No, I’m not. I’m Helen. 10. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. It’s hers. (三)听对话,选出能回答该问题的正确选项。(每个对话听两遍。) 11. Is this Bob’s pen? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s Helen’s. 12. What color is the key? A. Red. B. Black. C. Black and white. 13. Who’s the girl? A. Cindy’s sister. B. Cindy’s cousins. C. Tom’s friend. 14. What’s Grace’s cousin’s name? A. Jenny. B. Grace. C. Linda.


七年级英语期中试题 一、基础知识30分 I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. E_____ me, is this your eraser. 2. I don′t know the word (单词)。I need an English d_____. 3. Can you s_____ it? 4. Does he h_____ a computer. No , he doesn′t. 5. – Let′s play soccer . – That sounds i_____. Ⅱ用所给词的适当形式填空: 6 Soccer is so ___________ (board). I don′t like it . 7 There _____________(be) a notebook on the desk. 8 My ____________ (parent ) have a bike . 9 What about ____________ (ask) your teacher for help? 10 Thank you for ___________ (help ) me. Ⅲ选择题 ()1. –“What’s your brother’s name ?” -- _____ name is Bob . A. He B. His C. He′s D. Her ()2. -- ______ . – It′s 257-6699 . A. What’s her first name? B. What’s her family name ? C. What’s your phone number ? D. What color is it? ()3. Bill′s sister has _____ MP4 . A. an B. the C. / D. a ()4. – Is this a watch ? -- _______. A. Yes, it isn′t. B. Yes, it is.


七年级下英语期末测试题 Name________ Score _________ 一. 单项选择 ( ) 1. Beijing is a beautiful city. ______ people come here for a visit every day. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands ( ) 2. –Did you watch the movie last night --No, I didn’t, but my mother ______. She loves movies. A. does B. did C. was ( ) 3. –What is the boy like --He is very _____ and some people don’t quite like him. A. naughty B. well-behaved C. friendly ( ) 4. We must get there ______. You know, to be late is bad manners. A. in time B. on time C. by the time ( ) 5. It’s very difficult ______ him ______ the paper plane. A. for; mend B. of; mending C. for; to mend ( ) 6. –______ --He was a computer engineer working for Microsoft. A. Who was he B. What was he like C. What did he do ( ) 7. –What do you think of this new film --______. A. It’s very interesting B. I think so C. I’d love to ( ) 8. –What did you ______ when you were a little boy --We listened to children’s program. A. hear B. listen C. listen to ( ) 9. ______ comes after October and before December. A. August B. November C. January ( ) 10. I am not able to play ______ piano but I am able to play ______ football. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the ( ) 11. He decided to be an actor when he finished ______ at the age of 14. A. school B. the school C. schools ( ) 12. The door was ______, but the windows were ______. A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened ( ) 13. ___ there a band and many young people on the playground yesterday evening A. Was B. Were C. Did ( ) 14. After that film, the actress became ______. A. popular and popular B. more and more popular C. popularer and popularer ( ) 15. Jim is ______ of the two boys. A. taller B. the tallest C. the taller ( ) 16. –Could you help me ______ this big desk to the gate --Certainly. A. move B. make C. do ( ) 17. –Can you come to the party --I’d love to, ______. A. but I’m too busy to go. Sorry B. and I’m afraid not C. and you can go ( ) 18. Is there going to ______ a sports meeting next Sunday A. have B. is C. be ( ) 19. Changjiang River is one of ______ rivers in the world. A. longer B. the longer C. the longest ( ) 20. –Miss Yang, Tom broke his leg and can’t come to school today. --______. A. He should come to school B. I’m sorry to hear that C. He is too careless ()21. She likes playing____ violin, but she doesn’t like playing_____ basketball. A. the; a B. / ; the C. the; the D. the; / ( )22 There ______ five tall trees in front of my house when I was eight. A. is B. are C. were D. was ( ) 't point ________ others. It's not polite. A.at B.in C.on D.for ( ) 24. —where is your mother —She is cooking lunch in the ______ now. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. kitchen D. living room ( ) 25. Please ________ look outside. Look at the blackboard. A. not B. don’t C .aren’t D. can’t


人教新目标七年级英语上册期末测试卷英语试题 (分数:120分时间:100分钟) 听力部分(20分) 第一节:听录音,从A、B、C中选出与所听录音相符的图画,读一遍(5分)。 . 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A B C 第二节:听录音,从A、B、C选择正确的答案,读两遍(5分)。 ()is the baseball? A.It’s on the bed. B It’s under the chair. B.It’s in the schoolbag. ()’s the girl’s family name? A. Jane Hall ()Linda like soccer?

A. Yes, she does. , she doesn’t C.We don’t know. ()9. Who likes playing basketball? A. Tom B. Tom’s mother C. Tom’s father ()10. Does Gina have a volleyball? A. Yes, she does. B. No,she doesn’t. don’t know. 第三节:听对话,回答问题。读两遍(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 ( ) pencils are ______ ’s ’s ’s ( )’s pen is _____ 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 ( ) is ______ ’s friend ’s friend ’s cousin ( ) last name is Brown. ’s ’s ’s ( ) pen is green. ’s ’s ’s 第四节:听短文,选择正确的答案。读两遍(5分) ( )16. __________ has a great sports collection. A. My father B. My grandfather C. My uncle ( )17. He loves ____________ very much. A. Sports B. balls C. A and B ( )18. He likes playing ____________ and ___________. A.volleyball, baseball B. basketball; volleyball C. basketball, baseball ( )19. He has __________ tennis rackets. A. 5 B. 12 C. 10 ( )20. He has _________ soccer balls A.5 B. 12 C. We don’t know 笔试部分(100分) 一,单项选择。每题一分共15分 21.—Sally is ________ middle school about her brother? —He is________ English teacher. A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an 22.—Is the sweater Jack's? —Yes, and the T-shirt is ________,too. A.yours B.hers C.his D. mine 23.—do you like science??


2016-2017学年度期中考试试卷分析报告 七年级英语 分析人:杜建婷 2016年11月9日

2016-2017七年级第一学期英语期中考试试卷分析报告 分析人:杜建婷 一、试卷命题分析: 本次考试试卷卷主要考查得就是新目标人教版七年级上册预备篇得3个预备单元以及正式篇Unit1-Unit5这几个单元得教学目标就是否达成,同时考查学生对日常问候语、音标、代词、介词祈使句、Be动词/助动词do引导得一般疑问以及肯否定回答这些基础知识得理解与灵活应用程度。注重考查英语基础知识与基本技能,又强调学生在实际中运用英语得能力,所涉及得知识点得面比较广,题目设计比较灵活,难易程度符合教学大纲,具有典型性与实用性。试卷以笔试为主,唯一遗憾得就是没有设计听力试题,听力贯串英语学习得始终。试卷由第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷两部分九道大题组成。总分120分,考试时间为120分钟。单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解考查学生询问物品以及物品得颜色、方位等知识点。第Ⅱ卷根据要求写出下列单词、英汉互译、用所给词得适当形式填空、完成句子、补全对话以考查词汇为重点,在单词得拼写基础上增加了灵活性。书面表达题目要求以第三人称得口吻介绍朋友得年龄、爱好、学校、特长等,以课本为主,又高于课本。以考查学生对语言灵活运用能力为主。 二、本次试卷命题导向: 1、七年级英语课堂教学中应重视基础知识得积累与听、说、读、写技能得训练; 2、要注重培养学生得综合语言运用能力;

3、课堂教学中要面向全体学生,减少两极分化。此现象仍然存在,且学困生随着知识难度得提高,她们容易混淆。 二、成绩分析: 本次考试年级平均分为93 分,优良率为%,及格率为%。七年级一班30人,平均分93、73 分,优良率70 %,及格率90 %。二班30人,平均分94、27分,优良率59、38%,及格率84、33%。第一次月考年级均分为111、08分,优良率为84、68%,及格率为96、38%。七年级一班30人,平均分114、5分,优良率93、33%,及格率93、33%。二班30人,平均分113、73分,优良率83、33%,及格率100%。 两次考试相比,一班同学稍有退步,二班同学有进步。 三、存在问题及原因分析: 1、无论就是72分以上还就是以下得同学第Ⅱ卷中根据要求写出下列单词、英汉互译、用所给词得适当形式填空、完成句子这四部分在整张试卷中失分比较明显,主要考查对词汇得掌握像she得名词性物主代词,easy得反义词、一串钥匙、进行体育运动、劳驾、have a good day 、lost and found 、what about 、a photo of family 普遍失5-10分。单词拼写题要求学生在掌握单词得基础上,能够结合句意写出正确形式,具有很大得综合性,这不仅考查了学生对词汇得记忆能力、理解能力,同时也反映了学生得语法知识及运用英语得能力,这在平时课堂都有相应得训练,在试卷上写错有一部分同学就是粗心没有认真审题,这说明在平时得做作业得过程当中我忽视了培养学生认真审


期中考试试卷 初一英语 命题人:张玲玲(备课组长)杨静艳(市学科带头人) 审题人:范莺(学科组长) 本试卷考试时间为90分钟。试卷满分为100分。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡的相应位置上;并认真核对姓名、考号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答选择题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。 3.答非选择题必须用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答,写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷客观题(共60分) 一、听力部分(本大题共20 分,每小题1 分) 第一节(共10 小题,每小题1 分) 听下面10 段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。 1. Which country does the woman work in? A. B. C. 2. What does the woman mean? A. B. C. 3. How will they go to the park? A. B. C. 4. Where do the Green family live? A. B. C. 5. Where can the man find the hospital? A. Behind Sunshine School. B. Beside Sunshine School. C. In front of Sunshine School. 6. Whose new bike is it? A. It’s Sandy’s. B. It’s Millie’s. C. It’s Millie’s brother’s. 7. How does Mary like her new school? A. She dislikes it. B. She likes it. C. We don’t know. 8. How much are all the clothes? A. $6. B. $16. C. $31.


七年级英语试卷下学期期末考试学校:姓名:考号: 注意事项: 1、本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分;考试时间为120分钟,满分120分。 2、所有答案均须做在答题卷上相应区域,做在其他区域无效。 一、听力部分(25分) I. 听句子,从A—E中选出与所听内容相符的图片。(共5分)

A B C D E 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. __________ 4. ________ 5. _________ II. 听短对话,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分) 6. Where can they eat lunch? A. In the classroom. B. In the dining hall. C. In the library. 7. How old is Mary? A. Eleven.. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. 8. What does the girl want to drink? A. Some milk. B. Some juice. C. A cup of tea. 9. Who is playing with the dog? A. Lisa. B. Peter. C. Tom. 10. Does the girl like the talk show? A. Yes, very much. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, a little. III. 听长对话,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分) 11. When did the girl and her mother go to Beihai Park? A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday. 12. How did they go there? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway. 13. What time is it now? A. It’s 7:15. B. It’s 7:25. C. It’s 7:45. 14. What does the boy want to have for breakfast? A. A hamburger, an egg and some juice. B. A hamburger, an egg and some milk. C. Some bread, a tomato and some milk. 15. Where does the boy want to go after breakfast? A. To the zoo. B. To the supermarket. C. To the shop. IV. 听短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项。(共5分)16. When does Lisa usually get up?


七年级英语 第二学期阶段教学质量检测题 (时间:90分钟;满分:100分) 友情提示:本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共七道大题。第Ⅰ卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40小题;第Ⅱ卷包含综合填空A、综合填空B、阅读表达A、阅读表达B和书面表达。考试结束后将答题卡上交。 第Ⅰ卷(满分40分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每题1分,共10分) 1.—Can Jane and Jill write stories? —__________. They write many stories for children. A. Yes, he can B. Yes, he does C. Yes, they can D. No, they can’t 2. Miss Read is good ______ music. She often talks ______ her music teacher _______ music. A. at, to, to B. for, to, about C. for, at, about D.at, to, about 3. Little Tom can draw _________. His drawings are ___________. A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well 4. —_______ do your parents play tennis? —They usually play it on weekends. A. What time B. Where C. When D. What 5.They like going to school __________ their bikes. A. by B. in C. take D. on 6. It takes ________ 25 minutes ___________ by bus. A my, to go home B me, to go home C my, going home D me, going home 7. —___________ is it to the ABC Bank? —About 20 minutes’ bus ride along the road. A. How much B. How soon C. How far D. How long 8.I often ______the cleaning after school. Now I __________the cleaning, too. A. do, doing B. am doing, do C. do, am doing D. am doing, am doing 9.—What do you think of zongzi? —Oh, it’s _______. I like it. A. bad B boring C. scary D. delicious 10. —Don’t run in the hallways, Peter!


第二学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷 (时间:100分钟总分:100分) (注意:请在答题卷上答题,答在试卷上无效!) 第一部分。选择题(55分) 一、听力(20分) I. 听对话,回答问题。 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍,在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择最合适的备选答案。 1. Which is Kate’s favourite season? A. B. C. 2. Where's Susan's father? 3.What does the man’s father do? A. B. C. 4. How does Mr. Brown usually go to work? A. B C. 5.Why can’t the man go to the birth day party? A. He is ill. B. He is busy. C. He will go to Shanghai. 6. What’s her telephone number? A.84351978 B. 83561958 C. 84561968 7. Where are they talking? A. In a shop B. At the bus stop. C. In the police station. 8. Why is Mary late? A. Because she went to bed late. B. Because she likes sleeping. C. Because he doesn’t feel well. 9. How much will the shirt cost the man ? A. 45 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 55 yuan 10.How often does the girl’s mother go shopping ? A. Twice a week B. Once a week C. Three times a week II.听对话和短文回答问题。(10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,听两遍,在听每段对话或短文前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读 相关题目,听完后你将有时间选择最合适的备选答案。


英语期中测试题 时间:80分钟满分:100分 Ⅰ.单项选择:(15分) ( )1.There is(有) ______”u” in the word(单词) “quilt”. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 2.-______. Are you Mary -No, I’m Gina. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Goodbye ( ) 3.Jim, ______ is Julia. She is my good friend. A. She B. this C. he D. that ( ) 4.-Is this a photo________ your father A. in B. of C. to D. at ( ) 5.A set of_______ on the table. A. key is B. keys is C. keys are D. key are ( ) 6.-Is this your pencil - Yes, _______. A. it’s B. this is C. its D. it is ( ) 7.My friend isn’t________. His computer games are everywhere. A. good B. fine C. tidy D. nice ( ) 8.This is _______ pen. ________pen is nice. A. an; The B. a; The C. a; A D. the; A ( ) 9.-Where’s my computer game -It’s_______ the bed, ________ the floor.(地板) A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D. under; under ( ) 10.-Are these_______ pencils -No, they’re________. A. your; his B. your; her C. his. her D. his; my ( ) 11. -Jenny, where is my toy -_______. A.Yes, it is. B He is under the table B.No, it isn’t D. I don’t know. ( ) 12.-Your backpack is ______ the lost and found case. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( ) 13-.Could you please get me some________ -I’m hungry. A. apple B.water C. bread D. egg ( )14.Some keys are in Classroom 3F. Please ask the teacher ________ them. A. to. B. for C at D. in ( ) 15.This is the key______ the door. A. at B. of C. to D. in II.完形填空 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分)


七年级下学期英语考试试卷 满分100分 一.单项选择:(20分) ( )1.1. Please late for school. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t be ( )2.. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B.by car C. in car ( )3.The tall boy is good at_________football. A.play B.playing C.played ( )4.Mary is girl, but she knows a lot about science. A. a eight-year-old B. eight-year-old C. an eight-year-old ( )5.--Would you like some drink? --_______. A.Here you are B.Yes, just a little C.Please give me some ( )6.. the weather in Hangzhou? It’s cloudy. A. How’s B. What C. What’s ( )7.I________know where the post office is. A.not B.don’t C.doesn’t ( )8.There some bread and two cakes in the plate. A. is B. are C. has ( )9.--__________hamburger would you like? --A small one ,please A.What kind of B.What size C.How much ( )10 –Do you like playing ____badminton? ---No, I like playing _____ guitar. A the;/ B the; the C / ; the ( )11.Would you like soccer with us ?Sure. I like soccer very much. A. to play, playing B. playing, playing C. to play, play ( )12.Jim usually gets up at 6:30 ____ the morning on weekdays, but ___ Saturday morning he gets up at 9:00. A in ; on B in ; in C on ; in ( )13.--_______did you go last Sunday? -- I went to the zoo A.How B.Where C.What. ( )14 --_____you busy last weekend? --Yes, I helped my mother clean the house and the garden. A Were B Was C Did ( )15. My friend ________a medium build and she ________of medium height. A.has, has B.is , is C.has , is ( )16 – What did they do last weekend? -- They _______in the park. A went a boat B went to a boat C went boating ( ) 17. How many ____did you see on the farm? A sheep B chicken C cow ( ) 18 –Did you have a good weekend? --Yes ,it was good. But I was kind of ______. A interested B happy C tired ( ) 19. Mary _____very late last night .


京华中学2017—2018学年第一学期第二次集中单元测试 七年级英语试题 时间:90分钟分值:120分 第I卷(80分) 一、听力部分(共30小题,每小题1分,满分30分) (一)听下面五个单词,选出对应的音标。 ( )1. A. [tu?] B. [t??l] C. [t??k] ( )2. A. ['en?] B. [?nd] C. ['?n?m(?)l] ( )3. A. [tri?] B.['tr?vl] C.[tre?n] ( )4. A. [j??] B.[d??] C. [h??] ( )5. A. [t?ek] B.[t?e?] C. [t?i?z] (二) 听句子,选答语。 ( )6. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it does. ( )7. A. It’s 2 years old. B. Sichuan, China. C. In China. ( )8. Click “Save”. B. Click “Print”. C. Click “No”. ( )9. A my dad. B. A computer. C. 3,999 yuan. ( )10. A. sometimes. B. At home. C. It’s my birthday. (三) 听小对话,听正确答案。 ( )11. What would Bob like for his birthday? A. A cinema ticket. B. A concert ticket. C. A box of chocolate. ( )12. What sport is David good at? A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Football. ( )13. What animal are they talking about? A. Tiger. B.Giraffe. C. Monkey. ( )14. What does the boy usually use the computer for? A. For reading emails. B. For doing his homework. C. For playing computer games. ( )15. Does Cathy go to the library on Sunday afternoon? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)听下面三段对话,回答相关问题。 听下面一段对话,回答16至18题。 ( )16. Which subject is Jack good at? A. Maths. B. Chinese. C. English. ( )17. Where does Miss Smith come from? A.China. B. England. C. America.

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