当前位置:文档之家› 英语演讲稿食品安全




Good morning everyone, Before my speech, I want

to ask one question, what do you eat this morning? Yeah, food is present in our life every time. So today my topic is how do we eat on campus?

1,In China there is an old saying: Bread is the staff of life. The Chinese meaning is 民以食为天。Obviously, it means food plays a decisive [di'saisiv]

role in our daily life, Food safety is a matter of

primary ['praim?ri] importance , The issue is closely related to ordinary people’s health.

2, As we know, The food safety is a serious problem in china, and on campus ,the matter is also exist, and the unhealthy food harm our health everyday. For example, in the morning, you buy a donut ['d?un?t] for breakfast, and likely, the donut is made by drainage

['dreinid?] oil; and when you hungry you buy kebab

[k?'b?b], it may be dealed with chemical materials. So even on campus, we also should improve food safety awareness.

3, The unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to cancer, This is not a threat, some unhealthy food, Containing various additives. And which give a tremendous threat to us. Some unhealthy food will make us ill, such

as diarrhea[,dai?'ri?]、stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. Some food additives use chemical

materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sin?u'd?enik] in a long time.

4, Due to food safety is important in our life,

so there so many things waiting for the government to do. (问1) First, Strengthening food safety legislation

[,led?is'lei??n] , and use the experiences of developed countries. Strongly punish criminal for food safety. Second, our government should promote food safety knowledge, to rise people’s of self-protection.

5, What is more, as a postgraduate, we also

should do more on food safety. First of all, we should learn some essential common sense about safety food, and learn to recognize the unhealthy food by ourselves. ( 问2) second,do not covet ['k?vit] petty gain,in normal situation, the food price is stable, when you see a abnormal price, be carefull ! Last, everyone should have awareness of unhealthy food, raise the sense of prevention.

Though the food safety situation is bad, but I

still believe through the joint efforts of government and all communities, We finally will eat the security food .


英语即兴演讲对演讲人员的英语水平要求较高,这就需要演讲人员在平常的学习生活中进行大量的英语知识积累。下面是为大家整理了英语即兴演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you very much for choosing to e in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference. Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he ac plished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and re onized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of plaining. In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months be es an unf etable experience in my life. We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me . It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther ''s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad . Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult cation ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .When we xfaced with the difficulty x,avoidingx is not a good way for us. It can not solve the problems.What we need to do is that analying the cause and trying to changed our place .So we should be brave and face the trap directly.


大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-educatio n Self education: a model of College English speech 编订:JinTai College

大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-education 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 when finishing the high school course, not every student has the chance or ability to go to college. some students choose to seek a job, start their own business or pursue other interest. however, for some students who want to get further education, they choose self-education, self-education is no better than university studies. on the one hand, self-education lacks of a well-defined structure. in the school, the teacher will make some plans for students’ studies; they plan the target, the fulfillment of expectation and assessment


关于食品的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(食品安全) Food Safety A miracle - we are still alive Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore. Leather milk, substandard milk powder, illegal cooking oil exposed in recent years. It’s greatly influence our live. There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend. In fact, the poisonous food associated with Japan. In China, a variety of pesticides, antibiotics,


关于青春的英语演讲稿及翻译 下面是小编为大家整理的关于青春的英语演讲稿及翻译,欢迎大家的阅读。 范文【一】 Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years .We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. Thank you! 翻译:青春不是生命的时候,它是一种精神状态;它不是红润的脸颊、红润的嘴唇和柔软的膝盖,它是一种情绪的物质:它是新鲜的;它是生命深处的新鲜。


英语即兴演讲稿范文 英语即兴演讲稿范文 发布时间:XXX-05-12 i like to look into the mirror. i remember when i was a little girl, i often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as i was. now i still like to look into the mirror. only now, the dressing table is too low for me. as i bend down, i see the face of a young woman, glowing with maturity, confident in her future and fascinated with her own reflection. the fact that i like to look into the mirror has to do with my granny with whom i spent most of my childhood. i remember clearly that one night i heard her murmuring, /women can't be seen. women can't be seen./ i was so confused as to look into the mirror the next morning to check if i could indeed see


《》 I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joing societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life. University life is like drinking coke. I“m experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it! 我一直在大学呆了一年多。我儿时,我才意识到大学生活就像喝可哀。 的生活经历口味、酸、甜、苦、辣。 我从省,离这儿很远。我常常想念妈妈的亲戚、朋友,在我的家乡。 然而,我经常见到。那么孤独总是会陪伴我。我很难过,我无法和在一起。 荣幸的是,我在大学生活是多彩的。有更多的闲暇,可以做更多的事情除了学习,如加入社团俱乐部,打工。的活动,使的生活多彩,而且还能帮助改进各样的技能。大学是社会,里学到的微缩有利于今后____的生活。的人生之路不会一帆风顺。挫折是无法的。失败的____的考试,跟男孩女孩的朋友,或者拒绝由有前途的公司,会让的挫折。有时候,觉得很悲痛,甚至大哭起来。 喝可哀是优美的,undesirble随之打嗝。这是苦的,酸和焦急,而且甜。 你甚至可以感觉到激烈下一杯。全身后,大学的经验是成长的一。哭泣,微笑着,坠入爱河,受伤,离开,学习,然后做的人。 大学生活就像喝可哀。我的感受。我知道,我喜欢它! 1/ 1


关于美食的英语演讲稿 篇一:健康饮食英文演讲稿 Healthy Diet There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don’t hurt yourself trying to make money instead of taking care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more important. So I think heath is very important. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health. Today,many people can't be in good health,So,



篇一:英语演讲稿“青春_梦想” flying youth, master our future distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends life is a process of growing up. saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life‘the youth’.however, who can really say what the youth is ? a period of time? a belief? an attitude to life? or anything else? we don’t know. a famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ; youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life. ’ what’s more , never ignore the power of knowledge. read more books and travel around. for one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden your horizon. i firmly believe one sentence that‘if you think you can, of course you can!’just believe we can make it!


英语主题即兴演讲稿大全 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 英语主题即兴演讲稿篇一no love among relatives has become a normal phenomenon which needn't to be fussed about. what's worse is when love is contaminated by money. sooner or later we will get hurt. the sooner we get out of this net of love, the more we can preserve beautiful memories. we are not living in vacuum, and the society is formed of various kinds of people. as long as we want to live, study, or work, we have to contact, communicate and cooperate with others. those who enjoy common interests, mutual understanding, common undertakings and common benefits become friends. some friends are called fair-weather friends, because they are together just for entertaining themselves by eating, drinking, and gossiping. once there's nothing to eat and drink, their friendship is finished. some are spiritual friends who share common ambitions, pursuits and education. “t hey enjoy talking and laughing with the great talents and never make friends with the good-for-nothings”. the best examples would be yu boya and zhong ziqi of the ancient times who are famous


关于食物主题英语演讲稿例文4分钟 演讲是在公众面前就某一问题发表自己的见解的口头语言活动。那英语演讲稿该怎么写?小编为大家整理了关于食物英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 关于食物英语演讲稿篇一 as a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in china''s history. as a visitor or guest in either a chinese home orrestaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits! on the eighth day of the last month in the chinese lunar calendar, people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called ''la ba zhou''. in ancient times, monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day. people still keep this convention. in central china, when a baby is born, the happy father will send red boiled eggs to announce the news. eggs with a black pointed end and dots in an even number such as six or eight, indicates a boy''s birth; those without a black point and in an odd number like a five or seven will say the baby is a girl. in addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on new year''s eve. 关于食物英语演讲稿篇二 i'm a student.i like eggs and coconut.because eggs is very good for me .it's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .i like them. what about fruit?i like banana very much.banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo.


关于青春励志英语演讲稿 关于青春励志英语演讲稿篇 1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth. Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the Agni youth, these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of ones life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up! Friends present here! You like it? Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early spring of life, demonstrating a warm summer, with autumns master real hidden, which makes clear the hope of winter, full of poetic passion and not a lack of hard work, fashion, romantic and full of the hard struggle. When a persons youth integrate into


英语即兴演讲万能素材 【篇一:英语演讲比赛即兴演讲最佳模版】 英语演讲比赛即兴演讲最佳模版 education should be equally devoted to eiching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers. 教育应该平衡的一方面丰富学生的个人生活,一方面把学生培养成训练有素的工作者。 in my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective, as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities. 1.one reason why educators should emphasize personal eichment over job preparation is that rote technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable. 2.another reason why educators should emphasize personal eichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly. 3.a third reason why educators should emphasize personally eiching course work—particularly anthropology, sociology, history, and political philosophy—is that these courses help students understand, appreciate and respect other people and their viewpoints.


关于食品安全的英语演讲稿 演讲稿是一种实用性比较强的文体。是为演讲准备的书面材料。下面XX给您 3, The unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to cancer, This is not a threat, some unhealthy food, Containing various additives. And which give a tremendous threat to us. Some unhealthy food will make us ill, such as diarrhea[,dai'ri]、stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. Some food additives use chemical materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sinu'denik] in a long time. 4, Due to food safety is important in our life, so there so many things waiting for the government to do. First, Strengthening food safety legislation [,ledis'lein] , and use the experiences of developed countries. Strongly punish criminal for food safety. Second, our government should promote food safety knowledge, to rise people’s of self-protection. 5, What is more, as a postgraduate, we also should do more on food safety. First of all, we should learn


关于青春的英语演讲稿大全 对学生进行卓有成效、为学生所乐于接受的励志教育具有十分的必要性和紧迫性。关于关于青春的英语演讲稿大全的有哪些呢?下面是为你整理的内容,希望对你有帮助。 关于青春的英语演讲稿大全篇一dream flying our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come! similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with their own dreams. call in the dream, we gradually grew up thinking of gradually mature, and have learned more and more, understand more and more. our dream is also more and more content, more and more rich. one can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the day and night; not forget that the coexistence of a bitter years of joy; not forget that a bit more earnest remainding respectable mentor taught ... ... the face of the past, we open their minds and hearts of the door, bathed in sunlight to accept and listen to exhort the time, we dream of flying. is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term


英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟3篇 英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟篇1 My Definition of Success By Bao Jinlong(鲍金龙) It is easy to describe success in terms of money,fame and reputation. But I believe that success is not external.I believe that success comes from within.My definition of success is to be true to yourself,and be true to others.That means,that you must cherish your personal ideal even in the face of adversity.I also believe that success is not discriminatory. Success is not restricted to such a class of people,in fact,it may be achieved by any person irrespective of his race,creed,gender and economic background.A good example of success is that of Beethoven.He is one of the world's most famous composers,yet he was deaf.He could not hear the majestic pieces of music that he created.Yet,in the face of this adversity,he was able to maintain his ideals--that of composing music. To exemplify what success means to me,I pose a question to all of you.What brings us together here today?I believe that it is the beauty of the spoken word.The effect of pause and the sound of rhetoric are unique to the spoken word.I believe the beauty of the spoken word is even stronger for those who have difficulty in expressing themselves. These people are reclusive and had their emotions hidden within them. I once went to Australia and I saw two pictures,Once was drawn by a normal child,the other was drawn by a child with social inhibitions.The picture drawn by the normal child was simple and plain.The other was life-like,


5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇 一篇好的英语演讲稿能够打动评委的心灵,而且在演讲时也朗朗上口。小编为大家整理了5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文篇1 If there are a bunch of good and bad oranges, you should eat good oranges and throw away bad oranges; if you first eat bad oranges, good oranges will deteriorate, and you will never eat good oranges, life is also the case. Oranges are not the only fuit .It means that there are a lot of good things in life, we cant only pursue the only one. It tells us that people should know how to give up the bad and cherish the good. "If you cry only by missing the moon, then you will also miss the stars. "Everyone must know how to forget the past and cherish the present, because now is the most important. Everyone has the past, or happy, or sad. However, the past is only in the past, we cannot go back to the past and bury it deeply in our heart. Most of the time we live in the sun, living in the crowd. Only by knowing how to give up the past we can go further forward. We will always keep optimistic attitude to

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