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我最喜欢吃的食物 我最喜欢吃的食物 1、我最喜欢吃牛排,因为它软软的。:徐义昌: 2、我最喜欢吃的东西是爷爷煮的蛋炒饭,因为爷爷在蛋炒饭里加了许多的香肠。:黄语正: 3、我最喜欢吃的东西是水果,因为它有维他命C,还有它很有营养。:黄焌哲: 4、我最喜欢吃水梨了,因为它可以补充水分,又很好吃。:叶泓陞: 5、我最喜欢吃的是牛排大餐,因为里面有好喝的酥皮浓汤,营养的牛排和餐後的甜点,这些都是我最爱吃的食物。:王宪文:『写得真是完整,「牛排大餐」 用得很好唷,』 6、我最喜欢吃的东西是牛排,因为它的味道很香,所以我才喜欢吃它。:陈骐: 7、我最喜欢吃的东西是鱼,因为吃鱼会让头脑变聪明。:邵渝峻: 8、我最喜欢吃的食物是酸梅,因为我喜欢它酸酸的味道,常常让我一想到就直流口水。:叶彦廷:『会用联想法,好棒喔,』 9、中午时间是我们最快乐的时光。 大家洗过手,拿餐盘,这时我最关心的,是今天吃的食物是什麽, 哇,我第一眼就看到我最喜欢吃的卤鸡肉,它又香又软,口味很好,看来今天的午餐我可以吃完第二碗饭了。:蓝伯玮:『这是一篇内容写得很完整的小 短文,如果全部是自己写出来的,真是厉害啊,』 10、我最喜欢吃的苹果,因为吃苹果对身体很好。:叶柏毅: 11、我最喜欢吃的水果是奇异果,因为奇异果酸酸甜甜的,我觉得很好吃,而且它还含有丰富的维它命呢,:耕莘撒耘: 12、我最喜欢吃牛排,因为牛排香喷喷。:孙伯钦:『会用「香喷喷」来形容牛 排,很棒唷,』 13、我最喜欢吃的是冰淇淋,因为它冰冰甜甜又软绵绵的,所以我最喜欢吃冰淇淋。:蔡明儒:『「所以我最喜欢吃冰淇淋。」这一句话重复了,可以删掉。』 14、我最喜欢吃的苹果,吃苹果对身体很好。:徐昱智: 15、我最喜欢吃的是奇异果,因为它有营养。:林轩苇: 16、我最喜欢吃的螃蟹,因为牠有香甜的肉汁。:江泓陞:『「香甜的肉汁」用 得很好呢,』 17、:林佳君:加油,加油,


高中关于饮食健康的英语作文 饮食健康英语作文【篇一】 Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people. 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要。我们应该建立健康的饮食 习惯。我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的 必要维生素。我们每天还应该少吃肉,每天早晚喝一杯水。此外,我 们应该注意饮食平衡,这能保证我们必要的营养。垃圾食品是我们健 康的致命杀手,所以我们应该远离它们。据说绝大部分的学生早上几 乎什么都不吃,这对我们的健康是有害的。早餐是人们最重要的一餐。 饮食健康英语作文【篇二】 We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn’t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I’m afraid it’s bad fo r their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough. In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more

英语作文-我喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food

英语作文-我喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food In our country, there asdfsre plenty of delicious foods. They asdfsre populasdfsr asdfsmong Chinese people. I like easdfsting very much. There asdfsre masdfsny food I like, such asdfss chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle asdfsnd so on. Among them, fish asdfsnd tofu asdfsre the food I like most. Fish is delicious asdfss well asdfss rich in nutrition. It's good to our heasdfslth. There asdfsre vasdfsrious cooking methods asdfsnd I think the simplest wasdfsy is the best one. Tofu is my fasdfsvorite asdfss well. It casdfsn be cooked with masdfsny other dishes. Different tasdfsstes combine with easdfsch other to masdfske the food more delicious. ----来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 1


良好的饮食习惯英语作文 良好的饮食习惯,是健康的第一步。下面,橙子为你整理了良好的饮食习惯英语作文,希望对你有用! 良好的饮食习惯英语作文篇1 I'm a middle school student.i have good eating habbits. I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at home. I don't like milk, but my mom thinks it's good for my health. I often eat lunch at school. I usually have some meat and vegetables. I like all kinds of vegeatbles and fruit. I also like juck food , but I only eat once or twice a month. I usually drink water and juice, and I never drink coffee or coke. As you see, i eat well and I'm very well. 良好的饮食习惯英语作文篇2 In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors. Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill, Why? 1 / 3

我最喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food英语作文

我最喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food英语作 文 Fish is my favorite food. I dont know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it. Whats more, I dont care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons. Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual. So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh. 鱼是我最喜欢的食物。我不知道我为什么喜欢它。我只是觉得鱼的味道很好吃。也许是遗传的,因为我的父亲和奶奶也喜欢它。更重要的.是,我不在乎什么样的鱼或是什么样的烹饪方式,我就是毫无理由的喜欢所有的。每次妈妈煮鱼的时候,我会吃的比平时多。我妈妈总是说她生了一只猫。每次她说的时候我们都笑了。 相关y Favorite Food作文 2.我最喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal英语作文 3.My Favorite Food200字作文 4.my favorite food作文100字


我最喜欢的美食作文700字 美食是所有吃货们所追求的东西,也是我们生活中必不可少的元素。大多数人喜欢高档精致的美食,但我却唯独喜欢路边流动小摊的“山东正宗杂粮煎饼”。 我第一次吃杂粮煎饼的时候,还是一个上幼儿园上中班的小孩子,整天在幼儿园里做游戏玩,一到放学的时候肚子就叫起来,感觉饿。一天,我对妈妈说:“妈妈我肚子饿了,有吃的吗?”校园门口只有一个做杂粮饼的摊,妈妈去买了让我一口一口的吃了起来。第二天,放学的时候又饿了,然后妈妈又买了一个杂粮饼……之后我越吃越喜欢,几乎是每天吃一个,后来,连做杂粮饼的老爷爷都认识我们了,每天到放学就提前一两分钟,给我做好一个杂粮饼。 就在上大班快要结束的时候,校门口卖杂粮煎饼的老爷爷去突然不见了,一连好几天都没有看到他。之后,我就因为这事在幼儿园一点也不瞎闹了,因为我怕放学又饿了却吃不到杂粮饼。 之后,渐渐的我就把杂粮饼忘了,不再那么想了。但在一次偶然的机会,我和妈妈晚上在街上逛夜市的时候,我突然有卖杂粮饼的,我仔细看了很久,那面糊在锅上爆炸声、香料撒上面所散出的迷人香味和咀嚼脆饼的“咔嚓”声,令人着迷!这时一个声音在我耳边徘徊,“去吧!这就是你的美食!”我马上跟妈妈要了五元钱,买了个加了鸡蛋,加了肉,加了葱,加了脆饼,要了辣的杂粮饼,那熟悉的样子熟悉的味道,让我不自觉的流下了口水。 现在算算,小时候每天一个差不多有180个了,现在肯定也上200多个了吧!真是太多了!我竟然吃了这么多,但我仍然没有对它起任何的反感,真是太神奇了,谁让杂粮饼那么好吃呢! 我觉得我吃的不是一张普普通通的杂粮饼,因为里面装着我美好而又幸福的童年回忆。在我的眼里,它是世界上最好吃的美食!


我最喜欢吃的食物 初中英语作文 My favorite food to eat Technology, especially my mother a good cook, there are many of the dishes I like to eat. Of these, my favorite dishes to eat the fish is braised. Today, her mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish. I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process. Mother first ready material: carp, onions, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, coriander, rice wine, salt, cooking oil and green pepper. These materials are ready, my mother began to wash the fish. She saw a knife to scale, and then remove the fish gills, and fish bubble remain in the belly, to puncture the bubble of fish, the fish maw with black all the debris removed, cleaned the fish, fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare. Mother heated the pot, when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little, let the pot coated with a layer of oil, then add a small amount of cooking oil, fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine, so you can remove the fish smell, adding a teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of soy sauce.fish can be a


有关食物的英语作文 1、In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas peopl e living in the north prefer bread or noodles. 例如我们国家,南方人喜欢吃大米,而北方人喜欢吃面包和面条。 2、Therefore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers.因此,饭馆很难满足所有人的饮食需求。 People in different parts of our country have very different ideas about what is go od to eat. In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas pe ople living in the north prefer bread or noodles. The natives of Hunan or Sichuan enjoy hot food while those of Shanghai or Suzhou will choose sweet dish. But even if people live in the same part of the country, their tastes vary greatly. Old people and young ones have different tastes; men and women also have their differen t preferences. In a restaurant, some customers order soups that is thick and heavy, while others drink soup that is thin and clear. A few people only eat vegetables. They de noteat fish or chicken. Therefore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers. To increase their business, the restaurants in the cities try their best to prepare foods of d ifferent kinds and different styles. They constantly add new names of dishes to their menu s to eater for customers with different tastes.

我喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food英语作文

我喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food英语作文 In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition. Its good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes combine with each other to make the food more delicious. 我的’家乡有很多好吃的食物。中国人都很喜欢吃这些食物。我也很喜欢吃。我喜欢的食物有很多,比如鸡肉,鱼肉,牛肉,豆腐,面条等等。鱼肉好吃并且含有丰富的营养,对我们的健康很有好处。有很多种烹饪方式,我认为最简单的方式就是最好的方式。豆腐也是我喜欢的食物。它可以和很多其他种类的菜一起烹饪。不同口味相互结合能够使食物更美味。 相关y Favorite Food作文 2.我最喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food英语作文 3.My Favorite Food200字作文


烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类: 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类: 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类: 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点: 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves 冰类: 绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice 紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding 果汁: 甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice 点心: 牡蛎煎Oyster omelet 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕 Salty rice pudding 豆干Dried tofu 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 其他: 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot


我喜欢吃的食物作文5篇 篇一:我喜欢吃东西150字 我喜欢吃汉堡包,薯条,鸡翅,我什么都爱吃&&除了猪肉。为什么呢?没为什么。我就是不喜欢吃肥猪肉,可能是我妈妈的关系吧。哈哈!我妈妈也不喜欢吃。我最喜欢吃得东西是鸡翅!!因为很香!!!哈哈!叫做我要:你好 篇二:我最喜欢的食物 我最喜欢的食物 在各种各样的食物中,我尤其喜欢吃草莓。到了草莓 上市的季节,每当走到草莓摊前,看到那些红彤彤的草莓,闻到那一股甜滋滋的香味,我就会像只馋嘴的小猫,忍不住垂涎欲滴。 草莓的外观十分可爱,红艳艳的衣服下戴着绿油油的 草帽,身上长满白色的芝麻,形状就像一颗爱心。它浑身长满了又细又软的小刺,摸上去毛茸茸的。 草莓也非常好吃。取一颗熟透了的草莓闻一闻,那沁 人心脾的香气立即飘散起来。放在嘴里轻轻一咬,那又酸又甜的汁溢得满口,凉丝丝的、甜蜜蜜的。 草莓不仅好吃,而且营养价值也很高,含有丰富的维 生素C、胡萝卜素、葡萄糖、铁等,所以人们又称作“美容果;”它还可以入药,对许多疾病有预防作用。 草莓还是许多食品的原料。草莓果酱、草莓蛋糕、草 莓汁、草莓酸奶等都是我们爱吃的食物。 草莓不仅味道鲜美、柔软多汁,而且营养价值高,怪 不得被誉为“水果皇后”。 20 × 25 篇三:我喜欢吃的一种食物

我喜欢吃的一种食物 一说到食物,我就想到我喜欢吃的酸辣土豆丝,喜欢吃的羊肉串,还有喜欢吃的冰激凌,但是我更喜欢吃的还是味道鲜美的豆腐。 每当我看到豆腐时,就会垂延欲滴,每当吃到豆腐时,就会有一种说不出的美味。那鲜美而柔嫩的味道非常难忘。在家里,妈妈在做红烧豆腐时,我都想吃极了,还想看看妈妈是怎么烧的,于是我跑到厨房里看妈妈怎么做的:先把油烧开,用刀把豆腐分成三四份,等油烧开了,再把豆腐放进去反复煎,再把肉片和葱。大蒜放进去过十五分钟后,再放上盐。鸡精,一盘香喷喷的豆腐就出来了,还没开饭,我就拿着一口碗和一双筷子,偷偷的拿来吃。妈妈看了,就笑哈哈的对我说:“你这个馋嘴猪,又开始吃了,真是拿你没办法!”我看被老妈发现了,只能不好意思的笑了。 豆腐不但味道鲜美,而且还营养丰富,大家一定要多吃哦! 我最喜欢吃的食物 藕是我最喜欢吃的食物之一。它的形状 有点奇怪,是一节节的,一节长约10厘米左右。藕切开来以后,有一个个粗粗的孔,这就是它的呼吸孔,也称为“孔眼”。白白的莲藕是荷花的根状茎,横在池塘底部的泥土中。茎上有节,节上长出荷花的叶柄和花埂,伸出水面。 藕的营养价格很高,还可以止血,凉血,散血。藕的好处很多,有一样是最可贵:它是荷花的果实,长在湖里,不象桃子,石榴,苹果那样,把鲜红的嫩绿的果实高高地挂在 枝头上,使人一见就生爱慕之心。别看藕一点儿也不引人注目,但大家就喜欢荷花,这也有它的功劳的!等到成熟了,挖起来可以拿去吃。 尝一口藕,味道真不错,有一点点甜甜的感觉。到后来,就会越来越喜欢吃藕。藕挖出来时,最好裹点泥,为了保持新鲜,拿到市场上来卖的藕,有可能是等到荷花谢了之后,从池塘或湖里捞上来的。 藕虽然不引人注目,但是它却为人们无私奉献。 我最喜欢吃的食物 要是问我最喜欢吃什么呀,甭说,那就是五花八门的面包了!我对面包的品种、口味、


Today,I want to talk about some foods with you . Firstly,I will introduce pizza. Pizza Its name comes from Piza,an old Italian city . It is famous for the Leaning Tower of Piza. In Pizza there are lots of things,such as mutton butter and pepper, it is delicious. In general,pizza is a mixture of lots of nourishing and tasty things. Secondly,I will talk about French food. French food French cooking has been seen as the pinnacle of gastronomy. Food Culture in France provides an accessible tour of haute cuisine but also mainly the everyday food culture that sustains the populace. It illuminates the French way of life as well as showing what the popular cooking shows, such as Julia Child's, were based on. Readers will find the basics discussed in narrative chapters on food history, major foods and ingredients, cooking, typical meals, eaten out, and diet and health. The information-packed volume is also i ndispensable for learning about regional cultivation and specialties . Then ,I will say something about pasta.


我最爱吃的食物高中英语作文 篇1 In our China, there are many delicious dishes. In the record A Bite of China, we can see the essence of Chinese diet. Among so many dishes, I like sweet and sour spare rib and beef most. Sweet and sour spare rib is a traditional and popular Chinese cuisine. Its cooking method is simple but it taste well. Sweet and sour contains together, tasting much better. Beef is popular in general families. There are various methods to cook this food material. We can fry or stew and we can get different but tasty foods. However, taste of home are the most popular in families. 在我们中国,有许多美味的食物。在纪录片《舌尖上的中国》里,我们可以看到中国 烹饪的精华所在。在所有的菜肴里,我最喜欢的是酸甜排骨和牛肉。酸甜排骨是一道大受 欢迎的传统菜肴。它的烹饪方法很简单,但味道却很好。酸味和甜味融合在一起,吃起来 回味无穷。牛肉在普通家庭中也很受追捧。牛肉这种食材有许多烹制方法,可以炒或炖, 味道不同但却同样味美。但是,家的味道才是最受大众欢迎的味道。 篇2 My favorite food is Chinese dumpling; its pronunciation is jiao zi in Chinese. It is a traditional Chinese food and essential during holidays in Northern China. And it is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition. I like eating dumpling not because I am from Northern China but because it is really very delicious and stand for reunion. My family usually eat dumpling when all the members of family come together. Making dumplings with my sisters is the happiest thing for me. Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in Spring Festival. Since the Spring Festival marks the first day of a brand new year, the first meal is rather important. People from north and south have different habits of the food, so they eat different foods on this special day. In Northern China, people usually eat dumplings. Chinese dumpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese dumplings with different fillings. It depends on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you.


我最喜欢的食物作文 我最喜欢的食物作文 篇一:我最喜欢的饮食 我最喜欢的饮食俗话说的好,“民以食为天”。几乎每个地方都有自己的特色美食。虽说我是个广东人,但是我对四川重庆等地的川味麻辣美食却是爱不释手。相比起我们广东人的清淡,我更喜欢一些重口味比较辣的川味美食。例如水煮牛肉、水煮鱼、宫保鸡丁、火锅等。尤其是火锅。 一般而言,火锅基本上只有三大类别,第一种汤为淡味,而以涮生片为主,沾料占重要角色,涮羊肉及广式打边炉最具代表,第二种是锅内的料已熟,如砂锅鱼头、羊肉炉等,炉火只是做为保温作用,并用来烫青菜。第三种是锅内的料全都熟透了,连青菜也无需再穿烫,炉火完全是用来保温的,和大锅菜无二样,如佛跳墙、复兴锅等大锅菜的方式。而四川火锅属于川菜,以麻,辣,鲜,香着称,是四川的美食代表。四川火锅的出现,大约在清代的道光年间。经过多方考证,真正的发源地是长江之滨--酒城泸州的小米滩。炊具仅一瓦罐,罐中盛水(汤),加以各种蔬菜,再添加辣椒、花椒祛湿。名扬四海的麻辣火锅发源于重庆,而最正宗的就是麻辣毛肚火锅,以厚味重油着称,传统汤汁的配制是选用辣豆瓣、豆豉、四川甘孜牛油、花椒为原料。 众所周知,四川人喜欢吃火锅,其喜欢麻辣在全国有名。滚烫 的火锅,丰富的美食,构就了四川饮食文化中的一道靓丽的风景 线。四川是一个盆地,这地形很容易让人联想到火锅。火锅,尤 其是麻辣口味的火锅,什么季节都能吃,什么食材都能烫。肉禽 蛋,各种蔬菜,凡是可以用来“烫”的都可以作为火锅的材料。 火锅中的汤卤处于滚沸状态,边烫边食,热与味结合,再加上选 用上乘的调料,新鲜的菜品、味碟,真是回味无穷,而且辣得过 瘾。记得每次去火锅店都是大一群人一起围坐在火锅旁,边煮边 烫,边吃边聊,很是喜欢这种氛围。就像每次在家与家人围坐在 桌前“打边炉”的情景。但比起广东的“打边炉”我更喜欢吃四 川重庆的麻辣火锅,吃起来别有一番风味。汤底够味又够辣,不 管是大冬天还是大夏天,都能吃得酣畅淋漓。烫上点牛肉,一两 分钟拿起,鲜嫩无比。再来些毛肚嚼着带劲,蘸着干碟或油碟, 真想每天都与火锅做伴。


有关食物的英文作文 篇1 banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see th is in the zoo. I'm a student.I like eggs and coconut.Because eggs is very good for me .It's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .the HauNan's coconut is very GREat.I like them. 篇2 I like banana very much.banana always grows in the warm area.it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths.like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas.you can see th is in the zoo. I'm a student.I like eggs and coconut.Because eggs is very good for me .It's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .the HauNan's coconut is very GREat.I like them. 篇3 I most like the fruit, the mango I like to eat mango. It has a pair of charming appearance: golden yellow skin, fat crescent shape. As long as you peel it yellow and smooth skin, you'll see the Yellow flesh. Gently bite, thin slippery flesh characteristic smell immediately filled the entire mouth, so you have to swallow a mouthful of desire. Unlike other fruits like mango has smell, but put it in the nose below careful smell, can smell the faint fragrance. One time, I put the skin as the fruit into his mouth, suddenly I feel sour and bitter, so I hurried to drink slobber, the better, I was in a hurry to eat something else, just put the food to the mouth, and tongue felt like a layer of skin off like uncomfortable, like a brush at the tongue friction, then I know the mango peel sour and astringent, the skin and flesh has a world of difference, look like the people, can not only look, but also see the human heart. 篇4

我喜欢的食物 My Favorite Food(小学英语作文)

我喜欢的食物My Favorite Food 小学英语作文 In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition. It's good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes combine with each other to make the food more delicious. 家乡My Hometown'>我的家乡有很多好吃的食物。中国人都很喜欢吃这些食物。我也很喜欢吃。我喜欢的食物有很多,比如鸡肉,鱼肉,牛肉,豆腐,面条等等。鱼肉好吃并且含有丰富的营养,对我们的健康很有好处。有很多种烹饪方式,我认为最简单的方式就是最好的方式。豆腐也是我喜欢的食物。它可以和很多其他种类的菜一起烹饪。不同口味相互结合能够使食物更美味。 1


介绍食物的英语作文带翻译 在我国,有很多美味的食物,写关于介绍食物的英语作文应该如何写?如果带翻译和话你会吗?下面是小编为大家分享的是介绍食物的作文英语带翻译的范文,希望对你有帮助! 介绍食物的作文英语带翻译篇一:饺子Dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process. The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done, it s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the

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