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ansys autodyn杆冲击实例教程
ansys autodyn杆冲击实例教程



首先点击File>new,新建如图所示的文件。其中Folder是文件的保存目录,通过Browse可以更改保存的目录。点击Folder list可以设置添加和去除常用的保存目录(带加号的是添加常用的目录,减号是去除选中目录)。文件名为talor,head和description可以不写(有前面没有红色感叹号的可以忽略的)。






选中Init.Cond.>new,定义泰勒杆的x方向速度100mm/ms,选中Include Material是指只要是这个材料都是100mm/ms,对于材料相同速度不同时就不行。同时,轴向没有旋转速度,若有可以在Radial velocity设置旋转速度。








这是网格划分,表示I方向化5格,对泰勒杆的填充钽材料(勾选Fill with initial J方向100格。Condition set,表示将初始定义的速度





勾选Fill with...(选择4340钢材料)






通常来说,不同拉格朗日part之间要定义接触。依次点击Interaction>Largrange/Largrange>External Gap>calculate>check,然后一直点击确定。因为本例子采用的是largrange和largrange接触。外部间隙,采用自动计算并检验(计算的值一般是网格大小的十分之一)。

结果我们发现是这样的,这是因为在前面建模的时候我们没有考虑间隙,此时我们可以回到建模时。点击part,选中靶板,点击Zoning,点击Transformation>translate>Selected part选中靶板,在x distance中填写0.11表示向x正方向移动0.11mm。使之大于或等于caculate计算出的间隙(Current IJK Range 是指移动整个坐标,我们需要的是将杆与靶板之间制造出缝隙)。通过放大(tips:按住ctrl+鼠标左键框选需要放大的区域【和Ansys一样】)可以看出间隙了。再次回到Interaction,再点击check。











点击parts>Gauges>add。勾选Interactive Selection。按住alt+鼠标右键选择你想要的点。图中给出仅供参考。如果觉得图标太大,影响捕捉。可以进入plots。勾选Gauges,点击右端的大于号。将Mark scale改为0。




运算结束后,点击History,点击Gauge point,点击Single variable plot,弹出Single Variable Plot对话框,按住ctrl+鼠标右键选中所有的gauge点,y var 选择PRESSURE,X Var选择TIME点击勾后即可出现所有高斯点压力随时间变化的图像。

当然我们可以将不同使用Multiple Variable Plots将不同y变量值绘制在图中,如需要将gauge3y变量改为compress(这个单位不一样是没有意义的)。

我们比如要比较gauge1x方向速度和y方向速度随时间变化的情况。可以单击Multiple Variable Plots.通过Delete plot选项删除所有的plot(可能剩最后一个删除不了,可以通过modify改为你需要的gauge点和相应的变量)然后add plot 添加你需要的变量。

当我们需要将这些数据导出(比如导入到origin或者excel中),可以点击write txt output,弹出如下的对话框。点击确定。我们打开计算保存目录(如果不知道自己保存路径,可以通过autodyn中file>open点击后你会发现弹出保存目录。用写字板打开Ident0-talor01.uhs即可得到数据。








通过History,Part summaries,选中靶板,y var下拉菜单选中Tot Mass,可以查看靶板的质量为1.2299e6mg。而通过Materials>review。可以查看4340钢密度为7.83g/cm3。那么总质量M=3.14*502*20*7.83=1229310mg。这和仿真的计算是一样的。


泛读英语教程3读写习题答案 unit1 When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference, I think of my parents. They were truly saints among ordinary people. I was one of the ten children my parents adopted. They rescue (挽救) each of us from a life of poverty and loneliness. They were hardly able to restrain (克制)themselves from bringing home m ore children to care for. If they had had the resources (资源) they certainly would have. Most people do not realize how much they appreciated(感激) someone until they pass away. My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happen before we uttered(说) the words "Thank you" to our parents. Although we have all grown up and scattered(散落) about the country, we got back together to thank our parents. My brother Tom undertook(从事,承担)the task of organizing the event. Every Friday night, Mom and Dad have had the ham d inner special at the same r estaurant for the last twenty years. That is where we waited without their knowing. When we first caught a glimpse (瞥一眼) of them coming across the street, we all hid underneath(在…之下) a big table. When they entered, we leapt out and shouted, "Thank you, Mom and Dad." My brother Tom presented(提供)them with a card and we all hugged. My Dad pretended that he had known we were under the table all along. 当我想到的人在这个世界上真的有区别,我认为我的父母。他们是真正的圣徒在普通 人中间。我是十个孩子的父母。他们拯救(挽救)我们每个人从贫穷和孤独的生活。他们 几乎能够抑制(克制)把更多的孩子带回家照顾自己。如果他们有资源(资源)他们肯定会。大多数人都没有意识到他们欣赏(感激)的人,直到他们去世。我和我的兄弟姐妹不希望这 样的事情发生在我们说出的话(说)“谢谢”我们的父母。虽然我们都长大了,分散(散落)的国家,我们一起回来,感谢我们的父母,我的哥哥汤姆进行了(从事,承担)的任务组织事件。每一个星期五的晚上,妈妈和爸爸有火腿晚餐特别在同一餐厅过去二十年了。我们等 了不知道。当我们第一次瞥见(瞥一眼)的街对面,我们都躲在(在…之下)一个大表。当他

泛读教程第二版第一册unit 11

Unit 11 Psychology 1-5 CDDBB CAD 1-5 TFTFT TTT Word Match involvement being engaged in an activity or event restore to put back into the original state plead to ask for something in a serious and emotional way oblige to do something that one is asked to do underachieve to perform not as well as expected prophecy prediction entrepreneur a person who starts a business supervisor a person who oversees someone or something plateau a land with a level surface raised high above nearby area necessity something needed curve a gradually bending line spectacular marvelous hereditary passing naturally from parent to young through the genes insight a clear understanding identical exactly alike 1.hereditary 2.pleaded 3.spectacular 4.identical 5.involvement 6.restore 7.insight 8.necessities Prefixes 1.a great number 2.having many different parts or elements; many 3.to combine the former number as many times as the latter one states 4.of many nations 5.the same form 6.to form into one 7.existing or true at all times or in all places 8.treatment by psychological methods of mental , emotional , and nervous disorders 9.a person who studies psychology 10.human soul or spirit Cloze 1.sense 2.mental 3. lived 4.paid 5. brother 6.logical 7.spend 8.palying 9.birthday 10.wonderful SECTION B 1-5 BBCCC BAB SECTION C 1-5 BCACC BAB

(完整word版)泛读教程第二版第一册unit 4

Unit 4 Food Section A Word Pretest 1-5 CCCBA CAB Reading Comprehension 1-5 CBCBA CBC V ocabulary Building Word Match flavor taste fragrant having a pleasant smell bland lacking strong taste dairy made from milk staple basic food pickle to preserve food with salt water or vinegar smoke to use smoke to flavor and reserve food mince to cut food into very small pieces drizzle to pour a small amount of liquid onto something bake to cook food(such as bread or a cake) with dry heat in an oven stew to cook food slowly in hot liquid braise to cook food by browning in fat and simmering in a covered pot steam to cook or heat food with steam boil to cook food in boiling water brew to make (coffee, tea,etc.) 1.drizzled 2.boil 3.bake 4.brewed 5.staple 6.flavor 7.dairy 8.stewed Prefixes 1.disagrees 2.misunderstands 3.disappearance 4.misleading 5.disadvantage 6.misfortune 8.discourage 9.misinterpreted Cloze 1.seeds 2.foods 3.ingredients 4.called 5.hands 6.increase 7/rising 8.allowed 9.final 10.oven Section B 1-5 ADCBA DCB Section C 1-5 TFFTT FTT


Unit 13 Physical Fitness 1-5 BACBA ACB 1-5 BBAAC BCA Word Match subtract to take (a number, amount, ect.) from something larger dissolve to cause something to end or disappear persevere to continue doing something in spite of difficulties alleviate to make less hard to bear; relieve overtax to demand too much arthritis a disease that causes the joints to become swollen and painful obesity having too much fat in the body stroke an illness caused by a braking or blocked blood vessel in the brain fatigue physical or mental tiredness; exhaustion ; weariness tissue the substance of an organic body or organ diet a limited list of food or drink that one is allowed meditation focusing attention on only one thing so as to be calm and relaxed clearance official permission for someone to do something leisure the time when you are not working ratio the relationship between two things expressed in numbers Prefixes precede: to come before in time subway: an underground railway physiological: relating to physiology (function of a living organism ) preschool: of early childhood (before elementary school ) subzero: below zero physique: physical build (body size and shape ) subconscious : below the level of conscious perception posthumous : after one's death Cloze 2. joggers 4 .shoes 5. protect 7. far 8. short 9. distance 10. run SECTION B 1-5 ACBBC ABC SECTION C 1-5 FTTFT FFTTT


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 1. proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 2. percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 3. confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 4. affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 5. centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 6. exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F


several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible could never recall his whole dream, only remembered that someone was running after was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati, believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad also found that after having a good dream,people feel more ,dreams can have harmful or beneficial a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our say there are many ways to do can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our practice helps us to stay in we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the should also try to remember an important word or picture from the image makes the rest of the dream easier to longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Cartwright is a dream researcher, has developed another dream therapy for changing to ,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next second step is to identify what it is about the dream that makes you feel bad-for example,weak instead of strong,or out of control instead of in control. Next,stop any bad do not have to continue your bad dream,because you are in last step is to change the negative part of the you may have to wake yourself up and change the dream before you return to times it is possible to change the dream while you are still asleep. By using dream therapy,Joseph was able to change his ,his bad dreams stopped


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1D 2B 3B 4C 5D 6D 7A 8B Reading Comprehension 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7T 8F Vocabulary Building Word Match(略) Suffix 1familiarize 2visualize 3merely 4idealize 5finalize 6necessarily 7physically 8highly Cloze Favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B 1D 2C 3C 4B 5C 6B 7D 8D Section C 1D 2A 3B 4D 5C 6B 7C 8A Unit 2 Section A Word Pretest 1C 2A 3D 4C 5C 6B 7A 8D Reading Comprehension 1C 2D 3D 4D 5D 6C Vocabulary Building Word Match(略) Suffix 1dividable/divisible 2determination 3dependable 4satisfaction 5correction 6relation 7usable/useable 8recognization Cloze Foreign anxious behavior mean necessarily appear unsure approach frustrations system


新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版) Unit 1 Part I Exercises I. Reading for information 。 A. Reading to find main ideas 1. A 2. C B. Reading to find major details 3 . D 4. B C. Reading to find relevant facts 5. C 6. A II. Translation Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1 A hundred papers in the boys' scrawls; he had shirked this work for weeks, feeling all the time as if a sword were hanging over his head. 有一百份卷子要批,而且全是男孩们用潦草的字迹写成的,这事他已经拖了好几个星期了。这些日子,他一直觉得头上仿佛悬着把剑。 2 I’ve spent a fortune on it behind closed doors. 我私下里已经花了一大笔钱来学习音乐了。 3 His face was beaded with perspiration. 他的脸上挂满了汗珠。 4 No judge delivering a sentence felt more pained and helpless. 没有哪个宣布判决的法官会比此时的谢卡尔更痛苦、更无助。 5 Truth required as much strength to give as to receive. 说出事实和接受事实同样需要勇气。 III. Summary Complete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms. 1 Truth is like the sun because no human being can ever look it straight in the face without blinking or being dazed . 2 Sekhar thought that morning till night , the essence of human relationships consisted in tempering truth so that it might not shock . 3 Sekhar practiced truth for only one day and he had three trials :The first one was with his wife , the second with his colleague and the last one with his headmaster

大学英语泛读教程2【第二版】UNIT1 课文翻译

Dreams:making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream.Joseph could never recall his whole dream,though.He only remembered that someone was running after him.Joseph was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati,Ohio.He believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping minds.When Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad dream.He also found that after having a good dream,people feel more optimistic.Clearly,dreams can have harmful or beneficial effects.As a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad dreams.When we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our dream.Researchers say there are many ways to do this.We can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our day.This practice helps us to stay in charge.When we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our dream.Dream researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the dream.We should also try to remember an important word or picture from the dream.This image makes the rest of the dream easier to later.The longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Dr.Rosalind Cartwright is a dream researcher,too.She has developed another dream therapy for changing dreams.According to Dr.Cartwright,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your own.The first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next morning.The second

泛读教程第二版第一册unit 2

Unit 2 Culture Shock Word Pretest 1-5 CADCC BAD Reading Comprehension 1-5 CDDDD CCA V ocabulary building Word Match exaggerate to say more than the truth about something slang nonstandard vocabulary irritable becoming angry very easily insecure weak; uncertain; unprotected distinct different; separate discomfort the feeling of being uncomfortable transition the process of changing cope with to deal with merchandise goods bought and sold recommendation a suggestion that someone or something is good minimize to make as small as possible distortion twist; changing shape reverse opposite; contrary 1.slang 2.exaggerate 3.cope with 4.reverse 5.recommendation 6.discomfort 7.discomfort 8.transition Suffixes 1.dividable/divisible 2.determination 3.dependable 4.satisfaction 5.correction 6.relation https://www.doczj.com/doc/c18439735.html,able/useable 8.recognizable Cloze 1.foreign 2.anxious 3.behavior 4.mean 5.necessarily 6.appear 7.unsure 8.approach 9.frustrations 10.system


泛读教程第二册 练习答案 Unit 1 Reading Word Pretest1-4 ABBA 5-8 BCBC Reading Comprehension 1-6 BABBCC Word Search 1-5 assignment, irony, reverse, accomplish, assemble 6-10 squeeze, sensual, fragment, narcotic, adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. The takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Synonyms 1-5 adaptability, purpose, strained, hold, defeat Cloze important, second, France, student, bilingual, monolingual, serious, means, use, difficult Section B1-5 FTTCA 6-10 BBBBT 11-15 TFFTT Section C1-5 FTTFT 6-10 FFFFF Unit 2 Music Decide whether each of the following statements in true or false. 1-5 TFTTT 6-8 TTF Word Search 1-5 folk, capacity, sensuous, qualified, abuse 6-9 stuff, mood, clarify, strive Semantic variations 1-6 BBBBAB Synonyms 1-5 discriminating, widespread, compatibility, clearness, association cloze music, form, south, dance, interest, instruments, voice, roots Section B 1-3 FTF 4-6 FFT 7-9 TFF 10-12 FFT 13-15 TFT Section C 1-5 DADDD 6-8DDA Unit 3 Generation Circle the letter of the best answer 1-5 DCCAB 6-8 CAB Word Search 1-5 lull, associate, client, utterly, certificate 6-10 rags, jerk, foreman, demanding, sentimental


泛读教程第二版的U n i t 的习题答案 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

泛读教程3(第二版)Unit5的习题答案 Word Pretest 1-5 CACBA 6-10BACAB Text1 3-5 CAA 6-10 CACCA Vocabulary Building 1)availbility, avail, availably 2)conquest,conquering, conqueringly 3)luxuriate,luxurious,luxuriously 4)originate,original,originally 5)occur,occurent,/ 6)systematize,systematic,systematically 7)phonology,/,phonologically 8)decision,decide,decidedd, 9)vary,various,variously 10)/,superior,superiorly 11)Peculiar,particular,particular 12)Favor,prefer,favor Cloze Sex,Men,differs,compliment,complimenting,causes,makes,languages ,have,outside,understood,have,use,circle Section B

1-5 CBBBC 6-10 CBCCC,11-15CBACC 16-17 BA Section C 1-5BBCAB 6-10BACCB

泛读教程第二版第一册unit 15

Unit 15 Fiction 1-5 BCBBA AAC 1-5 CCACB BBC WORD MA TCH shower a bath in which water is sprayed on the body gear tools or equipments for a special purpose resolution determination occurrence something that happens current a continuous movement of water or air in the same direction frivolous silly and not serous benevolent kind and generous faint very slight or small gaunt thin and bony relic something from the past steer to control the direction in which something moves odor a particular small row to move a boat through water using oars subdue to get control by using force bait something used to attract fish or animals so they can be caught 1.steered 2.benevolent 3. resolution 4. frivolous 5.odor 6.subdue 7.faint 8.rowed Compound Words 1.part-time 2. two-hour 3. narrow-minded 4.make-up 5.seasick 6.overflowed 7.schoolmaster 8. heartbeat Cloze 1.whatever 2. bed 3.pointing 4. please 5. Cat 6. sir 7.pondalorum 8.cottage 9.girl 10 cockalorum

泛读教程第二版第一册unit 9

Unit 9 Festivals and Holidays 1-5 BCBCA ACB 1-5 FTFTF FFT WORD MA TCH decor the way that a room or the inside of a building is decorated jolly cheerful donate to give something for the benefit of others prevail to be useful, common, or popular precede to happen or exist before something else bonfire a long fire built in the open air as a celebration costume clothes typical of a certain period, country or profession hilarity noisy fun or laughter porch roofed entrance diversion entertainment couplet two successive lines of poetry gaiety happiness or excitement sentiment an attitude or opinion pagan a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Christianity delicacy something good to eat 1.prevails 2.hilarity 3.diversion 4.costumes 5.sentiment 6.donated 7.preceding 8.delicacy SUFFIX 1.shorten 2.deafening 3.quicken 4.brighten 6.leaden 7.straighten 8.deepened 9.tightened CLOZE 1.festival 2.traditions 3.belief 4.practical 5.celebrated 6.carve 7.candle 8.expect 9.door 10.neighborhood 1-5 CBBCC CAC 1-5 BBBBC BAB

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