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Morphine Inhibited the Rat Neural Stem Cell Proliferation Rate by Increasing Neuro Steroid Genesis

Morphine Inhibited the Rat Neural Stem Cell Proliferation Rate by Increasing Neuro Steroid Genesis
Morphine Inhibited the Rat Neural Stem Cell Proliferation Rate by Increasing Neuro Steroid Genesis


Morphine Inhibited the Rat Neural Stem Cell Proliferation Rate by Increasing Neuro Steroid Genesis

Navid Feizy 1,2?Alireza Nourazarian 1,2?Reza Rahbarghazi 2?

Hojjatollah Nozad Charoudeh 2?Nima Abdyazdani 1?Soheila Montazersaheb 2?Mohamadreza Narimani 3

Received:19November 2015/Revised:28December 2015/Accepted:22January 2016óSpringer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Up to present,a large number of reports unveiled exacerbating effects of both long-and short-term administration of morphine,as a potent analgesic agent,on opium-addicted individuals and a plethora of cell kinetics,although contradictory effect of morphine on different cells have been introduced until yet.To address the potent modulatory effect of morphine on neural multipotent pre-cursors with emphasis on endogenous sex-related neuros-teroids biosynthesis,we primed the rat neural stem cells isolated from embryonic rat telencephalon to various con-centrations of morphine including 10,20,50and 100l M alone or in combination with naloxone (100l M)over period of 72h.Flow cytometric Ki-67expression and Annexin-V/PI based necrosis and apoptosis of exposed cells were evaluated.The total content of dihydrotestos-terone and estradiol in cell supernatant was measured by ELISA.According on obtained data,both concentration-and time-dependent decrement of cell viability were orchestrated thorough down-regulation of ki-67and simultaneous up-regulation of Annexin-V.On the other hand,the addition of naloxone (100l M),as Mu opiate receptor antagonist,could blunt the morphine-induced adverse effects.It also well established that time-course

exposure of rat neural stem cells with morphine potently could accelerate the endogenous dihydrotestosterone and estradiol biosynthesis.Interestingly,naloxone could con-sequently attenuate the enhanced neurosteroidogenesis time-dependently.It seems that our results discover a biochemical linkage between an accelerated synthesis of sex-related steroids and rat neural stem cells viability.Keywords Rat neural stem cell áMorphine áCell viability áNeurosteroids biosynthesis


Pain,an unpleasant feeling sense,is induced by different surrounding stimuli [1].When treatment by routine non-opioid analgesic and physical methods is not responding,opioid treatment is considered an alternative strategy while its medication had long historical background [2,3].Generally,opioids application has been documented for sedating of severe pains [4].In spite of robust analgesic properties,a wide range of side effects in individuals with short-or long-term addiction have also been documented [5].For example,constipation,nausea,urinary retention,cognitive impairment,cardiovascular system involvement and etc.are exempli?ed in people with opiates [6–8].In addition to clinical adverse effects,an array of behavioral disorders and the inhibitory effect of morphine on tissue,cellular and even molecular levels was also determined [9].For instance,neuron size,outgrowth pattern,neurite arrangement and—in particular—neurogenesis are agitated by structural changes of neurons and related synapses [10].As previously highlighted,four classical different opioid,G-protein coupled receptors,namely Mu (l ),Kappa (j ),delta (d )and opioid receptor like-1(ORL1),have been

&Alireza Nourazarian



Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratories,

Faculty of Medicine,Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz,Iran


Stem Cell Research Center,Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz,Iran


Department of Medical Education,Medical Education Research Center,Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz,Iran

Neurochem Res

DOI 10.1007/s11064-016-1847-7

shown to play key role in pathophysiology of opiates[11]. Of note,an activation status of aforementioned receptors by opiate agonists results in G a and G bc subunits which in turn contribute to diminish cyclic adenosine monophos-phate production and eventually modulation of calcium and potassium ion channels[12].Based on taken data,cellular hyperpolarization and tonic neural activity inhibition were followed by over-activation of morphine counter receptors [12].

Adult mammalian neural stem cells(NSCs),an undif-ferentiated nervous progenitors with proliferation and self-renewal ability,reside in speci?c areas of central nervous system(CNS)consisting of subventricular zone(SVZ)of lateral ventrical and hippocampal dentate gyrus regions [13–15].A great body of novel experiments deciphered the effective impact of various factors and hormones,notice-ably testosterone,estrogen,prolactin,corticosteroids/adre-nal stress stroids dehydroepiandrosterone,pregnenolone derivatives such as pregnenolone-sulfate,allopregnenolone and progesterone on cell kinetics of NSCs mitosis and targeted proliferation[16].

Some authors previously acclaimed an active partici-pation of testosterone and17b-estradiol(E2),as sex-related androgens,in induction of neurite and hippocampal growth,development,and neurogenesis capability of NSCs [17–19].A biologically active form of testosterone metabolite,dihydrotestosterone(DHT)is produced by5a-reductase enzyme activity[20].However,observation in the multi-body setting of experiments revealed a large discrepancies relating to DHT action on structure and function of nervous system[21–23].In hippocampal neu-rons,testosterone and its derivative,dihydrotestosterone, play a role via androgen receptor which evokes intracel-lular mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase(MAPK/ERK)signaling pathway.DHT also could activate relevant downstream of MAPK/ERK, cyclic AMP response element binding protein SREB and peculiarly protein kinase C signaling[18].In addition,E2 could impede excitotoxicity and oxidative insults in?icted by many excessive neurotransmitters and harmful stimuli [24].It seems that functional and physiopathological implications regarding to surrounding niches have been illuminated post morphine administration[24].Goodman et al.conceived morphine,in dose dependent manner, could initiate neuropathy simultaneously by diminishing the total level of intracellular testosterone content,sensi-tizing cells to glucose deprivation[24].The aim of current experiment is to scrutinize the adverse effect of morphine sulfate with/without naloxone on rat NSCs DHT and E2 synthesis properties.Materials and Methods


In current experiment,timed pregnant Wistar rats were exploited.The research was performed in compliance with the published guideline of The Care and Use of Laboratory Animals(NIH Publication No.85-23,revised1996).The all procedure phases were also approved by the Animal Care Committee of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Rat Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Extraction

and Expansion Procedure

To isolate rat fetal neural stem cells(rNSCs),6pregnant rats,during the?rst10days of pregnancy,were performed [25].First,the rats were euthanized and prepared by an intraperitoneal injection of an overdose of sodium Pento-barbital.Then,telencephalic tissues from E10embryos were dissected,centrifuged at1200rpm for5min and washed twice with PBS containing1%Penicillin–Strep-tomycin(Pan-Biotech;Cat No:P06)and1%Fetal Bovine Serum(FBS)(Gibco)to remove debris.After discarding the supernatant,brain tissue samples were further sliced, digested enzymatically by0.05%Trypsin–EDTA(Invit-rogen;Cat No:25300-054)and0.1%collagenase type I (Sigma;Cat No:C0130)solutions for20min at37°C[26, 27].To better achieve single cell suspension,solution was gently piped every5min.Thereafter,the enzymatic activity was neutralized by adding equal volume of FBS, and single cell population collected by passing the cells through40-l m cell strainer and then washed twice with PBS.An initial density of50–1009103viable cells were plated per well of24-well plate in?nal volume of500l l neural stem cell basal medium(Millipore;Cat No: SCM003)containing10ng/ml?broblast growth factor (Invitrogen,Cat No:PHG0026),10ng/ml epidermal growth factor(Sigma;Cat No:E4127),1%B-27(Gibco, Cat No:17504-044),2%FBS and1%pen-strep solutions and incubated at37°C in an humidi?ed atmosphere of7% CO2.The culture medium was replenished every2days by the addition of200l l of fresh media per well.After the third passage cells were examined. Immunophenotyping of Cultured Cells by Flow Cytometric Assay

Prior to settling the experiment,cells at passage3were immune-phenotypically monitored based on the percentage of nestin and Sox-2positive cells as previously described

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[28].In short,for each marker an approximate number of 105cells were harvested,centrifuged at1200rpm for 5min,permeabilized further by0.2%Triton X-100for 2min.After centrifugation and discarding the permeabi-lizing agents,a total volume of100l l PBS containing2l l of FITC-conjugated Sox-2(Millipore;Cat No: FCMAB112F)and PE-conjugated nestin antibodies were separately added into cell suspension and kept for20min at4°C.A relevant appropriate mouse FITC(ebioscience; Ref No:11-4732-81)and PE(ebioscience;Ref No: 12-4714-41)isotype control antibodies were performed in this study.Thereafter,cell were washed by PBS and sub-jected to?ow cytometric evaluation by using FACSCalibur (BD Bioscience),and the?nal output data were processed with FlowJo software ver.7.6.1.

Immuno?uorescence Assay

Isolated rNSCs were further immunephenotyped by using PE-conjugated Nestin(1l g/ml)and FITC-conjugated Sox-2(1l g/ml).First,isolated cells at an initial density of1to 29103were plated in each well of Cell Culture Slide(Cat No:30108,SPL)in accordance to our previous article with some modi?cations[29].The chamber slide was cen-trifuged to deposit?oating neurospheres,?xed by2%pre-chilled formaldehyde,permeabilized by0.05%Triton X-100for5min,incubated with antibodies solution for1h and washed twice with PBS.To achieve nuclear counter-staining,the cells were exposed to4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI,1l g/ml,Sigma)solution for30s. The cells were imaged by an inverted microscopy (Olympus).

Experimental Protocol

To establish the protective effect of naloxone in morphine-exposed cells,cultured cells were further randomized into three distinct groups which included;(1)a control group with drug-free media;(2)a morphine group with100l M morphine sulfate media and;(3)a group with the combined effect of100l M morphine and100l M naloxone;and a group with100l M naloxone alone[30–33].In current experiment,the incubation was performed at different times;24,48and72h.

MTT Assay-Based Cell Cytotoxicity Evaluation

A number of39104rNSCs/well were plated and treated with various concentration of morphine(10,20,50,and 100l M),naloxone(100l M)and combined concentration of100l M morphine and100l M naloxone at different times over course of72h.Thereafter,20l l of(3-[4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5diphenyl tetrazolium bromide)solution was(MTT,5mg/ml)added to each well[26]. After4h incubation,150l l of cell supernatant was dis-carded and200l l Dimethyl Sulfoxide(DMSO)overlaid the?nal absorbance recorded at630nm by using a microplate reader system(model:ELx808;Biotek).Octu-plicate for each samples from three independent experi-ment sets were designated.

Neurosphere Counting

The number of rNSC colonies was evaluated under experiment conditions after72h.The neurosphere number was valued in the?xed area at the center of each well by imaging10random?elds.The neurosphere with size of \100l m in diameter were excluded from analysis.

The Assessment of Apoptosis/Necrosis by Annexin

V/PI Flow Cytometric Method

Cells of three different groups for each time and their time-match controls were collected,centrifuged at1200rpm for 10min,and cell pellets washed twice with PBS.There-after,cells suspended in500l l binding buffer(Ref No: 00-0055-56,ebioscience)for15min,incubated with 100l l binding buffer containing5l l of FITC-conjugated Annexin V(Ref No:11-8005-74,ebioscience)for15min at RT which followed by another time wash with binding buffer and exposing with5l l of PI solution(Ref No: 00-6990-42,ebioscience)for15min[34].An appropriate mouse FITC-conjugated isotype control was provided to realize background staining.Flow cytometric evaluation performed by using FACSCalibur system output data were analyzed with FlowJo software ver.7.6.1

Cell Cycle Kinetic Analysis by Ki67

To address the possible effect of morphine and relevant antagonist in rNSCs cell cycle kinetics mediated by Ki67 nuclear factor,cells were treated with0.2%Triton X-100 for2min,washed with PBS and100l l PBS containing2.5 l L FITC-conjugated Ki67antibody(ebioscience;Ref No: 11-5698-82)were added on cell pellets and incubated for 15min[35].After washing with PBS,samples were sub-jected to FACSCalibur system.In addition,mouse FITC-conjugated isotype control(ebioscience;Ref No:11-4732-81)was also performed to normalize background staining. Dihydrotestosterone and Estradiol Determination

in Neural Stem Cell Supernatant

To detect any modalities mediated by naloxone,morphine or their combination on rNSCs,the paracrine property of sex-related steroids,dihydrotestosterone and estradiol,on

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treated rNSCs at different concentration of morphine including10,20,50and100l M and in a group with the combined effect of morphine(100l M)with naloxone (100l M)was examined over period of72h by ELISA assay[30–33].Brie?y,the adjacent cell culture supernatant was collected and centrifuged at400g for20min and ?ltered by0.22l m membrane pore size to remove any cell particulates.Dihydrotestosterone(Bmassay;Cat No: 21737)and estradiol(Bio-vision;Cat No:K3831-100) levels were subsequently measured by ELISA kit according to manufacturer’s instruction.Finally,the optical density of resulting yellow color was determined at450nm by micro-plate reader(Awareness Technology,Inc.).The concen-tration of DHT and E2factors either in control and treated samples were calculated based on comparison to a standard curve.

Statistical Analysis

We evaluated three independent data sets.The obtained data are expressed as mean±SEM,analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey-HSD post hoc test(SPSS software ver.22).Groups were considered signi?cantly different if p\0.05.Three independent experiments,at least,were performed in this study.


Immunophenotypic and Morphological Characterization of rNSCs Primary Cultures

After the7-day incubation of isolated cells from the brain of rat embryos in neural stem basal medium a numerous number of?oating aggregates,neurosphere masses,was generated3days after incubation which reached to their maximum size at day7(Fig.1a).

Flow cytometric immunophenotypic analysis was per-formed to determine the entity of third culture step rNSC by using an appropriate panel of antibodies directed against Sox-2and nestin(Fig.1b).It was well-established that the average percentage of cells expressing related markers exceeded of84%of the whole cell population with respect to the analysis of these two markers.While an average of 89%of cells in cultured cells was Sox-2positive,the computed average of nestin?cells reached to80.4% (Fig.1b).Both co-immuno-reactivity against nestin and Sox-2factors were also evident in in vitro immuno?uo-rescence assay(Fig.1c).Different Effect of Naloxone and Morphine

on rNSCs Viability,Colony Count and ki67 Expression

Cell viability rate of neuronal progenitor cells primed with morphine and naloxone revealed a putative cytotoxic effect of morphine,especially morphine100l M,on rNSCs in three different times(Fig.1d).Although,the statistical dif-ferences between experimental groups did not reached to signi?cant levels after24and72h measured by MTT assay (P24=0.41and P72=0.62,respectively)but it was shown that morphine peculiarly could induced signi?cant cytostatic or cytotoxic effects after48h(Fig.1d).Morphine also decreased the number of rNSCs under morphine treatment as compared to control and other groups(Fig.1e,f).

Additionally,Ki67expression of rNSCs being-exposed to100l M morphine alone or the combination of morphine and naloxone(100l M of each)were sought over period of 72h.Our results showed that the culture of rNSCs under morphine treatment could diminish the expression of cell-cycle progression relevant Ki67factor when compared to parallel time-matched controls(Fig.2a,b).Interestingly, the application of opioid antagonists,naloxone,in combi-nation with morphine not only reduced the numerical dif-ference of Ki67positive cells as compared to time-matched control,but also surpassed to the population of considered cell population at the end-stage of current experiment peculiarly72h of treatment.According to our result naloxone could fairly attenuate the adverse or inhibitory effect of morphine on rNSCs-derived Ki67expression (Fig.2a,b).

The Prohibitory Effect of Naloxone on Cytotoxic Effect Induction Activity Morphine

Analysis of morphine-induced cell cytotoxic effect in rNSCs using?ow cytometric Annexin-V/PI staining revealed a time-dependently uptrend pattern in cells entering apoptosis(Fig.3).In detail,both early-and late-stages of apoptosis were indicated in cells being-exposed to 100l M concentration of morphine where the early-stage apoptotic cell number dominated.Noticeably,no necrotic cell death was evident over period of72h of current experiment(Fig.3).Interestingly,the juxtaposition of rNSCs to the dual combination of morphine and naloxone evidently diminished the promoting cytotoxic effect of morphine in cultured cells as compared to time-matched control and morphine alone treated groups.It presumably seems that naloxone could attenuate adverse effect of morphine in rNSCs through time.

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Distinct Impact of Morphine and Naloxone on rNSC-Related Sexual Hormone Production Capability

The secretion and synthesis of rNSC-related sexual hormone production,including DHT as well as E 2,was subsequently quanti?ed using ELISA after priming with increasing con-centration of the morphine (from 10to 100l M)alone versus with in combination with naloxone through over course of 72h (Fig.4a,b).It seems that morphine time-dependently up-regulated basal secretion of E 2(Fig.4a).In spite of increasing the E 2content in morphine-free control groups in dose-and time-dependently manner,the highest E 2secretion activity was achieved at the dose level of 100l M,as indi-cated either 24,48and 72h,during incubation period as compared to different time-matched concentration of mor-phine (P M100versus control,M10,M20,M50=0.001)(Fig.4a).Of note,naloxone treatment or co-treatment of rNSCs with

morphine plus naloxone (100l M)blunted dramatically the potent E 2-induced secretion of morphine at early,mid and late stage of experiment (P M100versus N100and N ?M (100l -M)=0.001).Although,the total content of secreted E 2was signi?cantly different (P N100versus N ?M (100l M)=0.05)24h after exposure to naloxone,however no signi?cant differ-ences were obtained on the next stage of treatment in nalox-one-treated or combined groups (Fig.4a).Corroborating to our results,it was noti?ed that the changes in DHT levels were similar to pattern of change of E 2over 72-h incubation period (Fig.4a,b).Simultaneously,DHT levels was signi?cantly elevated by the increase of morphine doase and time-depen-dently with respect to time-matched controls (Fig.4b)in which the peak level of DHT in cell supernatant observed at the highest dose (100l M)of morphine at three different time points (24,48and 72h)(P M100versus control,M10,M20,M50,N100and N ?M (100l M)=0.001).Similar to molulatory effect of naloxone in E 2secretion properties of


Fig.1Representative image of thick ?oating neurosphere generated after 7-day (a ).Flow cytometric and immuno?uorescence typing of isolated cells (b and c ).The percentage of cell viability expressed as %of control over period of 72h (d ).The number of neurosphere was determined after 72h.*p \0.05,**p \0.01,and ***p \0.001(One-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test)(e and f )

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rNSCs,the prominent decline in cell supernatant DHT con-tent was also evident in naloxone-treated cells 24and 48h after treatment (P N100-24h versus M100-24h and M50-24h =0.001;P N100-48h versus M10-48h,M20-48h and M100-48h =0.001;P N100-72h versus M10-72h,M20-72h,M50-72h,M100-72h and N ?M (100l M )=0.001).As expected naloxone in combination with morphine neutralized the promotive effect of morphine on DHT synthesis of rNSCs after after 24,48and 72h (P N ?M (100l M)-24h versus M50-24h and M100-24h =0.001;P N ?M (100l M)-48h versus M10-48h,M20-48h,M100-48h and con-trol =0.001;P N ?M (100l M)-72h versus M10-72h,M20-72h,M50-72h,M100-72h =0.001)(Fig.4b).It is well-established that morphine could exert the simulatory effect on the synthesis of DHT and E 2in rNSCs through 72-h incubation time while sex-related hormones synthesis and secretion properties were modulated via its relevant antagonist naloxone.


Morphine is the most well-known analgesic agent that clinically used in wide variety of patients suffering from overwhelming pains [4].To our knowledge,a body of ambiguity remained unresolved in the context of sedative agent governing nervous system physiopathology.Con-currently,no comprehensive evidence implying short-or long-term morphine exposure on stem cells,peculiarly NSCs,has been perceived either in in vitro or in vivo models.Here,we distinctively investigated the possible effect of morphine in the presence or absence of naloxone on rNSCs cell viability,cell proliferation kinetics and

endogenous dihydrotestosterone as well as estradiol neu-rosteroids synthesis.

Corroborating to our results,it was well-determined that the expression of ki-67was remarkably reduced in rNSCs-being exposed to morphine in time-dependent manner (Fig.2).On the other hand,it seems apoptosis-inducing effects of morphine (100l M)actively participated in rNSCs cytotoxicity (Fig.3).Consistent to our ?nding,it was previously described that detrimental effect of mor-phine administration exerted in various cells via numerous underlying mechanisms [4,36].For example,Mao et al.unveiled that prolonged intrathecal boluses or continuous administration of morphine induced cell apoptosis partic-ularly in the super?cial spinal cord dorsal horn which mainly mediated by constant activation of NMDA recep-tors,glutamic acid decarboxylase expression and pharma-cologically induced perturbation of the spinal glutamate transporter activity [4].Notably,according to our previous preliminary studies and other related experiments gluta-mate variation could play a key role on neurotoxicity [26,37].In line with these changes,pro-apoptotic caspase-3and Bax proteins up-regulation occurred simultaneously with down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic protein levels such as Bcl-2[38,39].Additionally,Arguello and col-leagues previously showed a prominent reduction in number of cycling cells as well as immature neurons entering S phase by monitoring the BrdU uptake and expression of Ki-67-positive cells in the adult hippocampal subgranular zone [36].Considerably,morphine treatment of different cell lines,especially MCF-7and MDA-MB231,resulted in cell cycle blocking at G 1to S


Fig.2The pattern of Ki-67expression determined by ?ow cytometric assay over period of 72h (a and b )

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junction with concurrent N-terminal phosphorylation of p53at serine residues and a stabilization of p53rather than typical opioid receptor-coupled signaling cascade com-prising the G(i),adenylyl cyclase,and protein kinase [40].In contrary,some opposite results were also documented by some authorities in which human microvascular endothelial cell juxtaposed to morphine accelerated in vitro tubulogenesis by an activation of the MAPK/ERK signal-ing pathway and increasing cyclin D1in dynamic cell cycle [41].The con?icting results attained by a great body of experiments may be related to in different cell types or morphine concentrations were performed.Therefore,it seems that morphine could objectively mediate an inhibi-tory or a stimulatory effect on cell proliferation kinetics via exploitation a plethora of intracellular signal pathways which depended on different milieu.The application of selective antagonist naloxone reversed cell cytotoxic effects driven by morphine incubation (Figs.2,3).Con-current with our ?nding,the multiple lines of evidence however discovered a pivotal protective role of naloxone on opiate-exposed neural cell viability and function [42,43].A multiple underlying mechanisms have been pro-posed for prohibitory effect of naloxone induced by mor-phine,governing by the over-activation of NADPH oxidase,superoxide and reactive oxygen species reduction,or by competing for the same receptor sites [15,43,44].Based on current results,naloxone could promisingly blunt the cytotoxic effect of morphine at various


Fig.3The percentages of early-,late-apoptotic,and necrotic changes at 24,48and 72h in different groups

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Consistent with the different experiment done on dif-ferent in vitro and in vivo models,our current work also represented a paramount rise in extracellular component of E 2and DHT hormones which was evident in morphine-primed rNSCs both in dose-and time-dependent manner [45].On the other hand,naloxone might be well suited to hamper the stimulatory effect of neurosteroidogenesis and tissue-dependent steroidogenesis capacities augmented by morphine as observed in current experiment [46,47].Although,the substantial biosynthesis and crucial role of sex-related neurosteroids have been previously docu-mented in development,maintenance and regeneration of nervous tissue cells,consisting both neurons and glial cells,peculiarly in hippocampus region [48,49],but based on the panel of concentrations applied and design of research study,cell cytotoxic effects was likewise observed when cells primed with excessive amount of both DHT and E 2[50].For instance,two different research groups con?rmed that high dose application of testosterone and its deriva-tives,such as 19-nortestosterone,precisely prompted an apoptotic signaling,cell cycle arrest in G 1to S phase transition in different cell lines [21,50].In contrary,the potent protective effect of E 2,pre-and post-treatment by numerous equivalent factors and particularly sex-related hormones such as progesterone,dihydrotestosterone,dex-amethasone or cholesterol was dramatically well-estab-lished [51].Beside,cell exposure to high level of DHT,in turn,could increase the total level of intracellular E 2


Fig.4Time course monitoring of sex-related hormones level,DHT and E 2,in supernatant of rNSCs being-exposed to morphine alone or in

combination with naloxone during 72h.*p \0.05,

**p \0.01,and ***p \0.001(One-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test)(a and b )

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mainly achieved by an enhanced activity of aromatase enzyme[52,53].In accordance to literature,it can be determined by reasoning that an increase in E2content presumably governed by the cell compensatory defense mechanism against the rise in DHT level.Although,the expression of DHT producing enzyme,5a-reductase was simultaneously induced immediately after exposure of spinal cord cells to morphine[23].Interestingly,the detrimental effect of morphine on rNSCs neurosteroido-genesis was blunted during co-treatment with naloxone. Both opiate l-receptor-dependent and independent activity was previously observed when cells being exposed to naloxone[47,54].One possible inhibitory effect of naloxone may be related to competing attachment to l-receptor same site co-administrated with morphine.In line with this statement,in transgenic mice lacking l-receptor were devoid of morphine-induced signaling or naloxone reversed symptoms[55].

Overall,we here noti?ed the superior effect of morphine in the augmentation of rNSCs neurosteroids biosynthesis over course of72h.However,an inhibitory effect of naloxone reversed the morphine-induced sex-related hor-mones production and returned them to basal level as com-pared to parallel time-matched controls,although further complementary investigations however are needed to elu-cidate more detailed understanding of underlying mecha-nisms.For example,the dynamic bioactivity of enzymes mediating neurosteroid biosynthesis and corresponding genes and receptors must be monitored in future studies. References

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感恩图报的成语故事 春秋时候,吴国的大将军伍子胥带领吴国的士兵要去攻打郑国。郑国的国君郑定公说:「谁能夠让伍子胥把士兵带回去,不来攻打我们,我一定重重地奖赏他。」可惜没有一个人想到好办法,到了第四天早上,有个年轻的打渔郎跑来找郑定公说:「我有办法让伍子胥不来攻打郑国。」郑定公一听,马上问打渔郎:「你需要多少士兵和车子?」打渔郎摇摇头说:「我不用士兵和车子,也不用带食物,我只要用我这根划船的桨,就可以叫好几万的吴国士兵回去吴国。」是什么样的船桨那么厉害呀?打渔郎把船桨夹在胳肢窝下面,跑去吴国的兵营找伍子胥。 他一边唱着歌,一边敲打著船桨:「芦中人,芦中人;渡过江,谁的恩?宝剑上,七星文;还给你,带在身。你今天,得意了,可记得,渔丈人?」伍子胥看到打渔郎手上的船桨,马上问他:「年轻人,你是谁呀?」打渔郎回答说:「你没看到我手里拿的船桨吗?我爸爸就是靠

这根船桨过日子,他还用这根船桨救了你呀。」伍子胥一听:「我想起来了!以前我逃难的时候,有一个打渔的先生救过我,我一直想报答他呢!原来你是他的儿子,你怎么会来这里呢?」 打渔郎说:「还不是因为你们吴国要来攻打我们郑国,我们这些打渔的人通通被叫来这里。我们的国君郑定公说:『只要谁能夠请伍将军退兵,不来攻打郑国,我就重赏谁!』希望伍将军看在我死去的爸爸曾经救过您,不要来攻打郑国,也让我回去能得到一些奖赏。」伍子胥带着感激的语气说:「因为你爸爸救了我,我才能夠活着当上大将军。我怎么会忘记他的恩惠呢?我一定会帮你这个忙的!」伍子胥一说完,马上把吴国的士兵通通带回去。打渔郎高兴地把这个好消息告诉郑定公。一下子,全郑国的人都把打渔郎当成了大救星,叫他「打渔的大夫」,郑定公还送给他一百里的土地呢! 伍子胥为了报答打渔郎的爸爸帮助过他,他不但不攻打郑国还让打渔郎得到奖赏,这就叫做“感恩图报”。


八岁的高斯发现了数学定理 德国著名大科学家高斯(1777~1855)出生在一个贫穷的家庭。高斯在还不会讲话就自己学计算,在三岁时有一天晚上他看着父亲在算工钱时,还纠正父亲计算的错误。 长大后他成为当代最杰出的天文学家、数学家。他在物理的电磁学方面有一些贡献,现在电磁学的一个单位就是用他的名字命名。数学家们则称呼他为“数学王子”。 他八岁时进入乡村小学读书。教数学的老师是一个从城里来的人,觉得在一个穷乡僻壤教几个小猢狲读书,真是大材小用。而他又有些偏见:穷人的孩子天生都是笨蛋,教这些蠢笨的孩子念书不必认真,如果有机会还应该处罚他们,使自己在这枯燥的生活里添一些乐趣。 这一天正是数学教师情绪低落的一天。同学们看到老师那抑郁的脸孔,心里畏缩起来,知道老师又会在今天捉这些学生处罚了。 “你们今天替我算从1加2加3一直到100的和。谁算不出来就罚他不能回家吃午饭。”老师讲了这句话后就一言不发的拿起一本小说坐在椅子上看去了。 教室里的小朋友们拿起石板开始计算:“1加2等于3,3加3等于6,6加4等于10……”一些小朋友加到一个数后就擦掉石板上的结果,再加下去,数越来越大,很不好算。有些孩子的小脸孔涨红了,有些手心、额上渗出了汗来。 还不到半个小时,小高斯拿起了他的石板走上前去。“老师,答案是不是这样?” 老师头也不抬,挥着那肥厚的手,说:“去,回去再算!错了。”他想不可能这么快就会有答案了。 可是高斯却站着不动,把石板伸向老师面前:“老师!我想这个答案是对的。” 数学老师本来想怒吼起来,可是一看石板上整整齐齐写了这样的数:5050,他惊奇起来,因为他自己曾经算过,得到的数也是5050,这个8岁的小鬼怎么这样快就得到了这个数值呢? 高斯解释他发现的一个方法,这个方法就是古时希腊人和中国人用来计算级数1+2+3+…+n的方法。高斯的发现使老师觉得羞愧,觉得自己以前目空一切和轻视穷人家的孩子的观点是不对的。他以后也认真教起书来,并且还常从城里买些数学书自己进修并借给高斯看。在他的鼓励下,高斯以后便在数学上作了一些重要的研究了。 为了中华民族的富强-------苏步青的故事 苏步青1902年9月出生在浙江省平阳县的一个山村里。虽然家境清贫,可他父母省吃俭用,拼死拼活也要供他上学。他在读初中时,对数学并不感兴趣,觉得数学太简单,一学就懂。可量,后来的一堂数学课影响了他一生的道路。 那是苏步青上初三时,他就读浙江省六十中来了一位刚从东京留学归来的教数学课的杨老师。第一堂课杨老师没有讲数学,而是讲故事。他说:“当今世界,弱肉强食,世界列强依仗船坚炮利,都想蚕食瓜分中国。中华亡国灭种的危险迫在眉睫,振兴科学,发展实业,救亡图存,在此一举。‘天下兴亡,匹夫有责’,在座的每一位同学都有责任。”他旁征博引,讲述了数学在现代科学技术发展中的巨大作用。这堂课的最后一句话是:“为了救亡图存,必须振兴科学。数学是科学的开路先锋,为了发展科学,必须学好数学。”苏步青一生不知听过多少堂课,但这一堂课使他终身难忘。 杨老师的课深深地打动了他,给他的思想注入了新的兴奋剂。读书,不仅为了摆脱个人困境,而是要拯救中国广大的苦难民众;读书,不仅是为了个人找出路,而是为中华民族求新生。当天晚上,苏步青辗转反侧,彻夜难眠。在杨老师的影响下,苏步青的兴趣从文学转向了数学,并从此立下了“读书不忘救国,救国不忘读书”的座右铭。一迷上数学,不管是酷暑隆冬,霜晨雪夜,苏步青只知道读书、思考、解题、演算,


有机物分子式和结构式的确定 一、研究有机物的基本步骤 1、有机物的分离提纯,得到纯净有机物。 2、对纯净有机物进行元素的定性分析和定量分析,得到实验式。 3、测定相对分子质量,得到分子式。 4、通过物理化学方法分析官能团和化学键,得到结构式。 二、有机分子式的确定 1、元素的定性分析:一般采用燃烧法 ①C :C →CO 2 ,用澄清石灰水检验。 ②H :H →H 2O,用CuSO 4检验。 ③S :S →SO 2、用溴水检验。 ④X :X→HX ,用硝酸银溶液和稀硝酸检验。 ⑤N :N→N 2、 ⑥O :用质量差法最后确定。 2、元素的定量分析:一般采用燃烧法 ①C :C →CO 2 ,用澄清石灰水或KOH 浓溶液吸收,称质量增重值,得到CO 2的质量。 ②H :H →H 2O,用浓硫酸或者无水CaCl 2吸收,测定质量增重值,得到H 2O 的质量。 ③S :S →SO 2、用溴水吸收,称质量增重值,得到SO 2的质量。 ④X :X→HX ,用硝酸银溶液和稀硝酸反应,称量沉淀的质量,得到AgX 的质量。 ⑤N :N→N 2、用排水法收集气体,得到N 2的体积。 ⑥O :用有机物的质量与各元素的质量之和的差值最后确定氧元素的质量。 然后,计算各元素的质量,换算成原子个数比,得到最简式,也就是实验室。 3、相对分子质量的确定方法 ①测定有机蒸气的密度,根据M=ρ·Vm 进行计算,用得多的是标准状况下的密度,此时, Vm=22.4L/mol ③测定有机蒸气的相对密度,根据M 1=D ·M 2计算,得到相对分子质量。 ③用质谱法测定质荷比,最大质荷比就是相对分子质量。这是最快捷最常用最精确的方法。 结合实验式和相对分子质量,就可得到分子式,分子式是实验式的整数倍。 或者:令有机物的分子式为C x H y O Z , X=ω(C)·M 12 Y=ω(H)·M 1 Z=ω(O)·M 16 如果先计算有机物的物质的量n ,则 X=n(CO 2)n Y=2n(H 2O)n Z=n(O)n 三、有机物结构式的确定 1、化学方法:首先根据分子式,结合碳四价理论,估计可能存在的官能团,然后设计实验,用特征反应验证官能团,再制备它的衍生物进一步确认。 2、物理方法 ①红外光谱法:用于测定官能团和化学键。原理是:当用红外光谱照射有机物时,不同官能 团或化学键吸收的频率不同,在红外光谱中就处在不同的位置,也就是有不同的波长。 ②核磁共振氢谱法:用于测定有机物分子中氢原子的种类和氢原子的个数。原理是:处在不同环境中的氢原子在核磁共振氢谱的谱图上出现的位置不同,或者说,有多少种峰,就有多少种氢原子。谱图中峰的个数就是氢原子的种数。吸收峰的面积之比等于各种氢原子的


有趣的数学家故事 蒲丰试验 一天,法国数学家蒲丰请许多朋友到家里,做了一次试验.蒲丰在桌子上铺好一张大白纸,白纸上画满了等距离的平行线,他又拿出很多等长的小针,小针的长度都是平行线的一半.蒲丰说:“请大家把这些小针往这张白纸上随便仍吧!”客人们按他说的做了。 蒲丰的统计结果是:大家共掷2212次,其中小针与纸上平行线相交704次, 2210÷704≈3.142。蒲丰说:“这个数是π的近似值。每次都会得到圆周率的近似值,而且投掷的次数越多,求出的圆周率近似值越精确。”这就是著名的“蒲丰试验”。 数学魔术家 1981年的一个夏日,在印度举行了一场心算比赛。表演者是印度的一位37岁的妇女,她的名字叫沙贡塔娜。当天,她要以惊人的心算能力,与一台先进的电子计算机展开竞赛。工作人员写出一个201位的大数,让求这个数的23次方根。运算结果,沙贡塔娜只用了50秒钟就向观众报出了正确的答案。而计算机为了得出同样的答数,必须输入两万条指令,再进行计算,花费的时间比沙贡塔娜要多得多。 这一奇闻,在国际上引起了轰动,沙贡塔娜被称为“数学魔术家”。 工作到最后一天的华罗庚 华罗庚出生于江苏省,从小喜欢数学,而且非常聪明。1930年,19岁的华罗庚到清华大学读书。华罗庚在清华四年中,在熊庆来教授的指导下,刻苦学习,一连发表了十几篇论文,后来又被派到英国留学,获得博士学位。他对数论有很深的研究,得出了著名的华氏定理。他特别注意理论联系实际,走遍了20多个省、市、自治区,动员群众把优选法用于农业生产。 记者在一次采访时问他:“你最大的愿望是什么?” 他不加思索地回答:“工作到最后一天。”他的确为科学辛劳工作的最后一天,实现了自己的诺言。 21世纪七大数学难题 美国的克雷数学研究所于2000年5月24日在巴黎宣布了众多数学家评选的结果:对七个“千禧年数学难题”的每一个悬赏一百万美元。 “千年大奖问题”公布以来,在世界数学界产生了强烈反响。这些问题都是关于数学基本理论的,但这些问题的解决将对数学理论的发展和应用的深化产生巨大推动。认识和研究“千年大奖问题”已成为世界数学界的热点。不少国家的数学家正在组织联合攻关。可以预期,“千年大奖问题”将会改变新世纪数学发展的历史进程。


社区巡逻员小故事 【篇一:社区巡逻员小故事】 本报记者赵影 “我把一处单元楼门关上,发现门坏了。单元门是安全的一道屏障, 如果物业工作人员在场,记录一下,把损坏的门修一修也好。”作为紫金园社区“治安巡逻战队”的一员,冯小秋用日志的方式记录下参 与的社区夜巡活动。 记者了解到,由30多名业主组成的紫金园社区夜间巡逻队成立只有 几个月时间,但队员坚持夜巡,有时还积极调解小区纠纷。“我们自愿巡逻,期望邻里互相守望,使小区邻里间更亲密。” 社区主任谭兆华表示,起初,有几名阿姨每晚跳完广场舞,就穿上 社区提供的蓝色马甲,在小区查看。经过一段时间,夜巡队伍逐渐 壮大,有干部、医生、家庭主妇、个体户……他们穿上由派出所提 供的红色马甲,每日排班,在小区巡视。 随着入住率提高,常有业主将车停放在绿化带或将电动车停在楼道 间。队员小李表示,经过一段时间“提示”,这种现象有所好转,给 巡逻队员带来了信心。 成立夜巡队前,紫金园已有巡逻队。但参与者多是退休人员。另外, 日间巡逻的力量不能很好服务1410户居民,今年夏季,开始招募夜间巡逻志愿者。 “我们发布了红谷滩治安志愿者的招募令,第一周就有20多人报名。”红角洲派出所社区民警俞益兵表示,派出所为志愿者配备了 “三红一电”:红帽子、红袖章、红马甲和手电筒,民警还到社区进 行座谈和示范性教学。 据俞益兵介绍,由于入住率、入住时间等原因,义务巡逻队在各小 区开展进度不一样。据了解,红谷滩有部分小区已开展社区志愿者 义务巡逻工作。虽会出现由于人口流动、工作特殊性及照顾家庭等 因素,巡逻队员并不固定,但常有“新鲜血液”补充进来。 【篇二:社区巡逻员小故事】 □记者梁波文/图 盐边县桐子林镇城南社区,人口多,企业、商铺多,地形复杂,管 理难度大,居民结构以下岗工人和老县城搬迁居民为主……就是这


经典成语故事归纳 成语是我国古代文化学习的一种象征,是一种简洁生动的表达方式,以下是小编整理的经典成语故事归纳,欢迎参考阅读! 闻鸡起舞晋代有一位的将军,名叫祖逖。他文韬武略,忠心爱国,是一位倍受尊敬的人。 可是,祖逖小时候却是个淘气的孩子。他不爱读书习武,整天只喜欢到处去玩。 祖逖长大后,看见国家衰落,连年征战,百姓的日子非常艰辛。但是,他力量微薄,学问又浅,什么忙也帮不上。 为了能改变国家的现状,祖逖开始发奋读书,认真学习,从书中汲取了丰富的知识,学问大有长进。 祖逖还经常去当时的首都洛阳,向有学问的人请教。认识他的人都说:“祖逖将来会是国家的栋梁。” 在祖逖24岁的时候,有人推荐他去做官,但他觉得自己的学问还不够,就没有答应,而是继续努力读书。 祖逖有个好朋友叫刘琨,他和祖逖一样,都希望早日平定战乱,让国家强大,让百姓过上好日子。两个人每次在一起谈论国家大事,都会不知不觉谈到很晚,就在一张床上休息。 第二天早上,他们又会一起练剑习武,为将来报效祖国做好准备。 一天半夜,祖逖在睡梦中听到鸡叫声,便爬起来对刘琨说:“公

鸡在叫我们起床,现在就去练剑怎么样?”刘琨欣然同意了。 从此以后,祖逖和刘琨约定,每天听到鸡叫声就起床练剑。不管刮风下雨,不管酷暑严冬,从来没有间断过。 功夫不负有心人,经过长期的刻苦练习,祖逖与刘琨都成为既能写得一手好文章,又能带兵打胜仗的文武全才。 闻鸡起舞的故事告诉我们:只有通过持之以恒的努力,才有可能获得成功。我们要向祖逖和刘琨学习哟! 磨杵成针李白是唐朝有名的诗人。据说他年轻的时候,读书进步得很慢,他心里就不耐烦起来。有一天,他出门去玩儿,看见一个老婆婆蹲在小溪旁边,拿着一根铁棒在石头上磨。李白觉得很奇异,就问:“老婆婆,你这是干什么?”老婆婆头也不回,一边磨她的铁棒,一边答复说:“我在磨绣花针!”李白更奇异了,又问:“这么粗的铁棒,能磨成绣花针吗?”老婆婆说:“我今天磨,明天磨,铁棒只会越磨越细,哪怕它磨不成绣花针!”李白听了老婆婆的话,心里像开了窍。他从此刻苦用功,果然成了一个很有文才的人。 “磨杵成针”就是从这个故事来的。这个成语说明只要下苦功夫,一定能得到成功。所以常有人说:“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。” 感恩图报春秋时候,吴国的大将军伍子胥率领吴国的士兵要去攻打郑国。郑国的国君郑定公说:“谁能夠让伍子胥把士兵带回去,不来攻打我们,我一定重重地奖赏他。”可惜没有一个人想到好规定,到了第四天早上,有个年轻的打渔郎跑来找郑定公说:“我有规定让伍子胥不来攻打郑国。”郑定公一听,马上问打渔郎:“你需要多少士


华罗庚 有一次,他跟邻居家的孩子一起出城去玩,他们走着走着;忽然看见路旁有座荒坟,坟旁有许多石人、石马。这立刻引起了华罗庚的好奇心,他非常想去看个究竟。于是他就对邻居家的孩子说: “那边可能有好玩的,我们过去看看好吗?” 邻居家的孩子回答道:“好吧,但只能呆一会儿,我有点害怕。” 胆大的华罗庚笑着说:“不用怕,世间是没有鬼的。”说完,他首先向荒坟跑去。 两个孩子来到坟前,仔细端详着那些石人、石马,用手摸摸这儿,摸摸那儿,觉得非常有趣。爱动脑筋的华罗庚突然问邻居家的孩子:“这些石人、石马各有多重?” 邻居家的孩子迷惑地望着他说:"我怎么能知道呢?你怎么会问出这样的傻问题,难怪人家都叫你‘罗呆子’。” 华罗庚很不甘心地说道:“能否想出一种办法来计算一下呢?” 邻居家的孩子听到这话大笑起来,说道:“等你将来当了数学家再考虑这个问题吧!不过你要是能当上数学家,恐怕就要日出西山了。” 华罗庚不顾邻家孩子的嘲笑,坚定地说:“以后我一定能想出办法来的。” 当然,计算出这些石人、石马的重量,对于后来果真成为数学家的华罗庚来讲,根本不在话下。 金坛县城东青龙山上有座庙,每年都要在那里举行庙会。少年华罗庚是个喜爱凑热闹的人,凡是有热闹的地方都少不了他。有一年华罗庚也同大人们一起赶庙会,一个热闹场面吸引了他,只见一匹高头大马从青龙山向城里走来,马上坐着头插羽毛、身穿花袍的“菩萨”。每到之处,路上的老百姓纳头便拜,非常虔诚。拜后,他们向“菩萨”身前的小罐里投入钱,就可以问神问卦,求医求子了。 华罗庚感到好笑,他自己却不跪不拜“菩萨”。站在旁边的大人见后很生气,训斥道: “孩子,你为什么不拜,这菩萨可灵了。” “菩萨真有那么灵吗?”华罗庚问道。 一个人说道:“那当然,看你小小年纪千万不要冒犯了神灵,否则,你就会倒楣的。” “菩萨真的万能吗?”这个问题在华罗庚心中盘旋着。他不相信一尊泥菩萨真能救苦救难。庙会散了,看热闹的老百姓都回家了。而华罗庚却远远地跟踪着“菩萨”。看到“菩萨”进了青龙山庙里,小华罗庚急忙跑过去,趴在门缝向里面看。只见“菩萨”能动了,他从马上下来,脱去身上的花衣服,又顺手抹去脸上的妆束。门外的华庚惊呆了,原来百姓们顶礼膜拜的“菩萨”竟是一村民装扮的。 华罗庚终于解开了心中的疑团,他将“菩萨”骗人的事告诉了村子里的每个人,人们终于恍然大悟了。从此,人们都对这个孩子刮目相看,再也无人喊他“罗呆子”了。正是华罗庚这种打破砂锅问到底的精神, 陈景润 陈景润一个家喻户晓的数学家,在攻克歌德巴赫猜想方面作出了重大贡献,创立了著名的“陈氏定理”,所以有许多人亲切地称他为“数学王子”。但有谁会想到,他的成就源于一个故事。1937年,勤奋的陈景润考上了福州英华书院,此时正值抗日战争时期,清华大学航空工程系主任留英博士沈元教授回福建奔丧,不想因战事被滞留家乡。几所大学得知消息,都想邀请沈教授前进去讲学,他谢绝了邀请。由于他是英华的校友,为了报达母校,他来到了这所中学为同学们讲授数学课。 一天,沈元老师在数学课上给大家讲了一故事:“200年前有个法国人发现了一个有趣的现


和谐社区故事 导读:本文是关于和谐社区故事,希望能帮助到您! **社区有位“闲人马奶奶” 电视剧《闲人马大姐》塑造的热情、善良、乐于助人的马大姐形象,深入人心。但我们**社区里的居民却对电视剧里的“马大姐”并不感冒,因为他们身边有一位活生生的“马大姐”,她就是家住文教路78幢5单元309室的马凌霄老人,因为热心社区工作、热于助人,居民们都叫她“闲人马奶奶”。 马奶妈做的虽然是一些不起眼的小事,但正是因为有了这样关心社区、关心邻里的好人,邻里之间才会更加和睦,社区才会更加和谐。 马奶奶管过的“闲事” ●今年上半年,社区整治里弄小巷。路面浇到马奶奶家门口时,已是傍晚5点钟左右。为了防止刚铺浇的路面因天黑看不清楚被人踩坏,马奶奶让老伴在楼下守着,打算自己吃好饭去换班。没想到老伴有事离开了一会儿,结果路面就被人踩出了脚印,马奶奶发现后心疼不已,直埋怨老伴:“你怎么不等我来就走开啊?”第二天,她专门找到施工员,将踩坏的路面修补好。 ●去年11月,马奶奶被城西派出所聘为治安信息员。她心想,既然是治安信息员,就要名副其实。于是特意找来一块硬纸板,写上换领第二代身份证需要哪些证件、多少费用等内容,并将纸

板挂在了楼道口。 ●马奶奶虽然不是楼道长,但自从搬到**社区后,她就主动承担了楼道长收缴卫生费的任务,她说,“邻居们工作都很忙,白天家中没人,我今天跑一户,明天跑一户,卫生费就帮着收起来了。”将卫生费收齐交到社区后,马奶奶又将社区开具的收据送到每户邻居家中。 ●每当有新住户搬来,马奶奶都会去串串门,还忘不了叮嘱一番:“空调水要接进落水管”、“要爱护楼下的防盗门”、“晾晒衣服注意滴水”…… ●去年夏天,楼上一住户的空调水落在遮阳棚上,每天夜深人静时,“滴滴答答”的声音特别清晰,影响居民睡觉。见此情况,马奶奶自己掏钱买来皮管,让那家住户将空调水,还讲了一番道理:“你家的空调水一层层往下滴,发出的响声会影响楼下居民的休息,邻里间容易闹矛盾。” ●今年10月初,社区居民安装数字电视。开始时,由于人多需要排队登记,5楼的住户急着要上班,马奶奶说:”你把身份证等交给我,我来帮着办理。“ 一楼住户小王的妻子那时正好身怀六甲,马奶奶考虑到她行动不便,也特地跑到他家,帮着办好了数字电视的登记手续。 ●人大代表选举前一天,马奶奶得知二楼住户要会老家,她忙跑去提醒说:“明天就要选举了,你们是要投票的。”那住户忙写好委托书交给马奶奶,让她帮忙投票,还请求马奶奶帮着照看屋子,马奶奶二话没说就答应了。


专题8分子式,电子式,结构简式,结构式 1 甲烷的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。2乙烷的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 3丙烷的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。4丁烷的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 5乙烯的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。6丙烯的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 7乙炔的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。8苯的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 9甲苯的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。10乙醇的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 11甲醇的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。12乙醛的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 13甲醛的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。14乙酸的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 15甲酸的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。16苯酚的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。17尿素的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 18葡萄糖的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。19淀粉的分子式是_________ 电子式是_____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 20甘氨酸的分子式是________ 电子式是____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。21聚氯乙烯的分子式是_______ 电子式是____ ,结构简式___ __ 结构式。 电子式:1 原子:H O N Na Al 2离子:H+Na+Mg2+ Cl- O2-S2- 3共价化合物H2O HCl N2 4(中挎号)离子化合物(金属离子+铵根离子)Na Cl Ca Cl2 NaOH NH4Cl Na2O2


蕴含教育意义的成语故事5篇 家阅读,供您参考。 随遇而安 俗话说“不如意之事十有八九”,在每个人的一生当中,根本就不可能永远都是风平浪静。人生遭际不是个人力量所能左右的。而在诡谲多变、不如意事常存的环境中,唯一能使我们不觉 安”。 “橘生淮南则为橘,橘生淮北则为枳”,是何缘故成了如此?水土不同是也。想一想,人如果像此橘,应该如何应对呢?当今这个社会,千变万化,每个人一生当中所处的环境不会一成不变,我们怎么去面对呢?有大智慧的人都认为,坚持自己的信念,随遇而安吧。 在很久以前,有一个寺院,里面住着一老一小两位和尚。

有一天老和尚给小和尚一些花种,让他种在自己的院子里,小和尚拿着花种正往院子里走去,突然被门槛绊了一下,摔了一跤。手中的花种洒了满地。这时方丈在屋中说道“随遇”。小和尚看到花种洒了,连忙要去扫。等他把扫帚拿来正要扫的时候,突然天空中刮起了一阵大风,把散在地上的花种吹得满院都是,方丈这个时候又说了一句“随缘”。 小和尚一看这下可怎么办呢?师傅交代的事情,因为自己不小心给耽搁了,连忙努力地去扫院子里的花种,这时天上下起了瓢泼大雨,小和尚连忙跑回了屋内,哭着说,自己的不小心把花种全撒了,然而老方丈微笑着说道“随安”。冬去春来,一天清晨,小和尚突然发现院子里开满了各种各样的鲜花,他蹦蹦跳跳地告诉师傅,老方丈这时说道“随喜”。 对于随遇、随缘、随安、随喜这四个随,可以说就是我们人生的缩影,在遇到不同事情、不同情况的时候,我们最需要具有心态就是“随遇而安”。而且,一个人如能不管际遇如何,都保持快乐的心境,那真比有百万家产还有福气! 大文学家苏东坡曾经多次被流放,可是,他说,要想心情愉快,只需要看到松柏与明月也就行了。何处无明月,何处无松柏?只是很少人有他那般的闲情与心情罢了。如果大家都能够做到随遇而安,及时挖掘出身边的趣闻乐事,甚至于去找寻苍穹中的闪


社区里的故事作文 篇一:我们的社区 从小,我就住在姥姥家。姥姥家住在西岗区的一幢老楼里,后来动迁改造了,我就随姥姥来到中山区葵英社区的一个小区里居祝 我们的小区临近解放路,交通十分便利。2路、5路、403路、525路、521路等公共汽车和小公汽都离我们不远,乘坐出行十分便利。社区医院、私人诊所和大连市中医院离我们都很近,就医条件也很好。方圆几百米内,农贸市尝早市、大型超市、小型超市鳞次栉比,购物十分方便。姥姥家门口还有两个健身小广场,每天清晨或黄昏,都有很多人在健身,有的散步、有的打拳、有的跳健身操、还有的在做自己喜欢的运动。不远处的其他广场上,安置了许多健身器材,人们都挑选自己喜欢的器材锻炼身体,可热闹了。 小区的楼道里安装了防盗门,既美观又安全。小区的花坛里种满了绿树和鲜花,有的绿草枯萎了,小区的人就自己种上了美丽的月季花,每到开花的时节,鲜艳的花朵在陽光下竞相开放,随风舞动,可漂亮了。 小区物业的卫生清扫员每天都把楼道擦洗得干干净净,楼梯扶手一尘不染,楼道的玻璃锃明瓦亮,看着都舒服。小区的垃圾原来使用黑袋子清运,后来改成地埋式垃圾桶,轻轻一踩盖子就开了,就可以把垃圾扔进去了,既方便又卫生,大家都十分欢迎。 小区里的人们都十分友善,邻里间都能互相照应,楼洞里的大部分

住户连我都认识。二楼的姥姥家养的兔子,全楼的人都喜欢喂一喂,逗一逗,有时候我们大家聚在一起喂兔子,可好玩了。 住在这里我感到挺高兴的,不仅是房子好、周围的环境也不错,生活和学习也都挺放方便的。我想,随着城市的发展,我们的社区、我们的小区一定会越来越好,越来越美。 篇二:小区故事 前天回家,看见了铁门上贴着一张纸,上面说有人建立了小区QQ群。我连忙跑到家里打开电脑,把Q号加了进去。这让我想起了我们小区发生的一些有趣的或惊险的故事。 一天晚上,我和妈妈回家,走到楼梯口,灯没有开。突然我看见一条黑影从栏杆里窜出来,那东西那箭一样,一下子就不见了。我吓得浑身发抖,还好妈妈在身边,不然我早就吓晕了。妈妈好像没有发现。于是我们又走了几步,这回我们俩都听见有东西“嗖嗖”跑过的声音。我立即抓紧妈妈的的手,身体向妈妈身边挪动。窗外的光透进来,好恐怖啊!突然妈妈尖叫一声,也被那个东西吓到了。到底是什么呢?妈妈往前走了几步,我连忙按亮了灯,看到一只猫正虎视耽耽地注视着我们。那是一只黄色的肥猫,长得很像加菲猫。它趁我们不注意的时候,快速地从栏杆里钻了出去,跑了。如果以后再碰上这只肥猫,我非得来个以牙还牙,也吓吓它。 一个周日下午,我和妈妈出去打羽毛球。外面陽光灿烂,没有一丝风。我们选了一块空地开始“战斗”。正入神,看见两个男孩子也下


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 寓言故事: 开卷有益·博而不精·百发百中·捕风捉影 ·必恭必敬·百感交集·兵贵神速·杯弓蛇影 ·不寒而栗·不合时宜·不自量力·不拘一格 ·不可多得·不堪回首·不可救药·别开生面 ·不可同日而语·不伦不类·伯乐相马·班门弄斧 ·白面书生·八面威风·不名一钱·拔苗助长 ·不屈不挠·不求甚解·髀肉复生·病入膏肓 ·不入虎穴,不得虎子·拔山举鼎·博士买驴·冰山难靠 ·背水一战·半途而废·不贪为宝·白头如新 ·百闻不如一见·不为五斗米折腰·抱薪救火·标新立异 ·不学无术·不入虎穴,不得虎子·不远千里·不因人热 ·别有天地·不遗余力·百折不挠·百丈竿头 ·不自量力·不知所云·宾至如归·拔帜易帜 ·残杯冷炙·寸草春晖·草船借箭·乘风破浪 ·才高八斗·城狐社鼠·沧海桑田·草菅人命 ·草木皆兵·程门立雪·长驱直入·车水马龙 ·乘兴而来·沉鱼落雁·乘人之危·车载斗量 ·大笔如椽·打草惊蛇·雕虫小技·大材小用 ·多多益善·大腹便便·大公无私·当局者迷 ·大逆不道·大器晚成·当务之急·开诚布公 ·不得要领·抛砖引玉·二桃杀三士·尔虞我诈 ·罚不当罪·奋不顾身·分崩离析·风吹草动 ·覆巢无完卵·分道扬镳·奉公守法·负荆请罪 ·发奸擿伏·返老还童·发蒙振落·风声鹤唳 ·覆水难收·赴汤蹈火·分庭抗礼·防微杜渐 ·负隅顽抗·负重致远·管鲍之交·各得其所 ·感恩图报·过河拆桥·刮目相看·瓜田李下 ·高枕无忧·各自为政·华而不实·好好先生 ·狐假虎威·汗流浃背·后来居上·合浦珠还 ·后起之秀·后生可畏·火树银花·坚壁清野


勤奋数学家小故事简短 【篇一:勤奋数学家小故事简短】 高斯念小学的时候,有一次在老师教完加法后,因为老师想要休息,所以便出了一道题目要同学们算算看,题 目是:1+2+3+ .+97+98+99+100 = 老师心里正想,这下子小朋友一定要算到下课了吧!正要借口出去时, 却被高斯叫住了!原来呀,高斯已经算出来了,小朋友你可知道他是如何算的吗?高斯告诉大家他是如何算 出的:把 1加至 100 与 100 加至 1 排成两排相加,也就是说:1+2+3+4+ .+96+97+98+99+100 100+99+98+97+96+ .+4+3+2+1 =101+101+101+ .+101+101+101+101 共有一百个101相加,但算式重 复了两次,所以把10100 除以 2便得到答案等于从此以后高斯小学的学习过程早已经超越了其它的同学, 也因此奠定了他以后的数学基础,更让他成为——数学天才!自己可以浓缩一下 【篇二:勤奋数学家小故事简短】 最佳答案1、数学家的故事——苏步青 苏步青1902年9月出生在浙江省平阳县的一个山村里.虽然家境清贫,可他父母省吃俭用,拼死拼活也要供他上学.他在读初中时,对数学 并不感兴趣,觉得数学太简单,一学就懂.可是,后来的一堂数学课影响 了他一生的道路. 那是苏步青上初三时,他就读浙江省六十中来了一位刚从东京留学归 来的教数学课的杨老师.第一堂课杨老师没有讲数学,而是讲故事.他说:“当今世界,弱肉强食,世界列强依仗船坚炮利,都想蚕食瓜分中国.中华 亡国灭种的危险迫在眉睫,振兴科学,发展实业,救亡图存,在此一举.‘天 下兴亡,匹夫有责’,在座的每一位同学都有责任.”他旁征博引,讲述了数学在现代科学技术发展中的巨大作用.这堂课的最后一句话是:“为了 救亡图存,必须振兴科学.数学是科学的开路先锋,为了发展科学,必须 学好数学.”苏步青一生不知听过多少堂课,但这一堂课使他终身难忘. 杨老师的课深深地打动了他,给他的思想注入了新的兴奋剂.读书,不仅 为了摆脱个人困境,而是要拯救中国广大的苦难民众;读书,不仅是为 了个人找出路,而是为中华民族求新生.当天晚上,苏步青辗转反侧,彻 夜难眠.在杨老师的影响下,苏步青的兴趣从文学转向了数学,并从此立 下了“读书不忘救国,救国不忘读书”的座右铭.一迷上数学,不管是酷暑 隆冬,霜晨雪夜,苏步青只知道读书、思考、解题、演算,4年中演算了 上万道数学习题.现在温州一中(即当时省立十中)还珍藏着苏步青 一本几何练习薄,用毛笔书写,工工整整.中学毕业时,苏步青门门功课 都在90分以上. 17岁时,苏步青赴日留学,并以第一名的成绩考取东京高等工业学校, 在那里他如饥似渴地学习着.为国争光的信念驱使苏步青较早地进入 了数学的研究领域,在完成学业的同时,写了30多篇论文,在微分几何


社区故事心得体会3篇 导语:心得体会就是撰写自己看一个东西后的感受以及收获,不知道怎么写个人心得体会的朋友们,可以参考小编整理的关于社区故事心得体会范文,希望对你有帮助! 在寒假期间,应家长建议,我参加了杨义庄社区的节假日社区实践活动。虽然只是短短几天时间,我感到受益匪浅,特别开心。 当人们正为春节筹备忙碌着的时候,还有一部分人被人们、被社会忽视了。无儿无女的孤寡老人,日复一日、年复一年,家里始终冷冷清清,在团圆喜庆的节日里除了冷清还是孤单。他们正是最需要我们每个人关心的群体。 星期六,我们的实践队到杨义庄的社区里、举行关爱空巢老人活动。我们为老人们洗衣服、叠被,宣传卫生健康知识并且和他们谈心,送上一些年画和生活用品等等,提供我们所能提供的一切帮助。千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重,虽然我们能为他们做的很少,但从老人脸上绽开的皱纹中,我们感觉到了老人们的兴奋和快乐。我发现老人们包括残疾的老年人的生活有诸多不便,这些最需要别人照顾的人家里却没有人。他们是最需要我们关心和照顾的。看到他们的生活,我深刻的意识到老龄委说的老有所养,老有所医是那么的重要。同行的几个同学眼眶都湿润了,在这样的时候我们发现自己竟是如此的渺小,我们能为他们做的与他人需要我们每一个

人来参与。 孤寡老人需要我们的关心,其他的老人同样也需要人关心,我不禁想到一个公益广告:过节了一位老妈妈高兴地预备了一桌菜,想到能和子女们一起吃顿团圆饭她会心地笑了,但是等了又等,等到的是儿女们不能回家吃饭的电话,老人一个人对着一桌丰盛的菜独自垂泪。现在有大部分的老人随着子女的生活水平提高而提高了,繁忙的工作及沉重的生活压力让许多子女忽略了父母的精神生活,忘了在百忙中抽出时间来陪父母说说话,听听父母的教诲。年轻人有许多的娱乐消遣方式,而大多数老人却只能呆在家中看看电视。老有所享,老有所乐,老有所为也同样的重要,而却被许多人忽视了。 我忽然想到了我的姥爷,还有姥姥,他们在家里除了看看电视,带带小孩,就没有其它的生活内容了,忽然意识到自己应该多去陪陪他们,而且是应该马上行动的,因为老人如夕阳,假如有一天想陪他们也可能不会再有机会了。有许多东西没想到时没发现,到接触了才猛然发现自己做得是那么的不够。我们应该时时提醒自己常回家看看。 这次社会实践,对于现在的小学生来说是十分重要的,让我们真正参与到社会实践中去,学会感受社会,体验社会;让我们见到了社会的真实一面,使我们对生活中的许多方面有了更加深刻的认识和了解,更加懂得珍惜生活里的


考点48有机物分子式和结构式的确定 复习重点 1.了解确定有机物实验式、分子式的方法,掌握有关有机物分子式确定的计算; 2.有机物分子式、结构式的确定方法 难点聚焦 一、利用有机物燃烧反应的方程式进行计算 有关化学方程式 烷烃+++烯烃或环烷烃+点燃 点燃 C H O nCO (n 1)H O C H +3n 2 O CO nH O n 2n+2222n 2n 222312 n +?→???→?? 炔烃或二烯烃++-点燃C H O nCO (n 1)H O n 2n 2222--?→??312n 苯及苯的同系物++-点燃 C H O nCO (n 3)H O n 2n 6222--?→??332n 饱和一元醇++饱和一元醛或酮++点燃 点燃 C H O +3n 2 nCO (n 1)H O C H O O nCO nH O n 2n+222n 2n 222O n 2312 ?→??-?→?? 饱和一元羧酸或酯++点燃 C H O O nCO nH O n 2n 2222322n -?→?? 饱和二元醇++ +点燃 C H O O nCO (n 1)H O n 2n+22222312n -?→?? 饱和三元醇+++点燃 C H O O nCO (n 1)H O n 2n+23222322n -?→?? 由上可知,相同碳原子数的烯烃(环烷烃)与一元饱和醇完全燃烧时,耗氧量相同(把 C H O C H H O n 2n+2n 2n 2看成·:相同碳原子数的炔烃(二烯烃)与醛(酮)及饱和二元醇完全 燃烧时,耗氧量相同(醛:C H O C H H O n 2n n 2n 22→·-饱和二元醇: C H O C H 2H O n 2n+22n 2n 22→·-);相同碳原子数的羧酸(酯)与三元醇完全燃烧,耗氧量相


关于当代感恩的故事 “做人就像蜡烛一样,有一分热,发一分光,给人以光明,给以温暖。”当你感到孤独寂寞时不要抱怨世界的不公、自己命运的悲凉,也不要总等着他人带给你温暖与幸福。当你拥有一颗感恩的心时,你就会慢慢发现,有更多的人在回报你曾给予他们的温暖,有越来越多的幸福在不远处等着你。 那次,我独自去外面餐馆里吃饭,看见一个大约八、九岁的小女孩站在柜台前,从她的眼神中就能体会出一种失落与沮丧的神情。我想要上前去打听一下,没想到一不小心就被地上的一团水滑倒了,我刚好摔倒在小女孩的背后,她听见后面我摔倒的声音后,立马转过身来扶我。“这位姐姐你没事吧?”她与我对视了一下,用她那甜美的声音向我问候道。“呃……我没事,谢谢你,小妹妹。”我在她的帮助下坚强的站了起来,揉了揉膝盖回答了她。我隐着疼痛坐在了旁边的椅子上,看她好像有什么心事,便问她:“你怎么了,站那干嘛?” 她走了过来对我小声地说:“我想要买一碗面,可是阿姨说钱不够。”她皱着眉头,紧握手中那仅有的几元钱,我掏了掏腰包,看还有20元,本想吃好一点,但我还是忍了忍嘴。我走到柜台前,对柜台的阿姨说:“给我来两碗面。”然后转过身问小女孩要打包还是带走,她说她要带回家给她爸爸吃。我瞬间被震撼了,原来这碗面是小女孩对她爸爸的一份爱。等面煮好了,我拿给她,她还好奇地问:“不给钱吗?”我微笑着说:’“今天这面免费。”她半信半疑地还是走了。看着她远

去的背影,我十分感动。回来吃面时,发现这次的面变多了。 生活需要一颗感恩的心来创造,一颗感恩的心需要生活来滋养。拥有一颗感恩之心,既能温暖他人,又能使自己感到一份幸福与快乐。 当代感恩的故事2 假如我是一颗种子,那母亲就是灌溉我的水源,父亲就是滋养我的土地,他们不管结果,只是一味地付出,不断地辛劳,无私地奉献。谢谢您妈妈,也谢谢您爸爸,有了你们所做出的努力,我才能懂得文化,汲取知识,才能茁壮成长,感谢你们,我亲爱的爸爸、妈妈。 在我眼里,妈妈就是法官,掌管全家的大小事物,同时也是“家庭教师”,专门帮我检查作业和指导我写作文;爸爸就是护士,任何的跌打损伤都由爸爸全权负责,同时他又是位“伟人”,总教我许多做人的道理。而我在父母的眼里就是一个“书生”,要成为状元,只能勤读诗书。是你们给了我这个家,一个温暖而舒适的家。感谢你们,亲爱的爸妈。 还记得那一次,学校开家长会。老师决定让同学们选出自己认为写得最好的一篇作文,在家长会当天朗读,这回我可束手无策了,因为我从小胆子就很小,就连见着一只小老鼠我也会大惊失色。糟了,还有几个同学就轮到我了,我紧张不安。终于,我战战兢兢地站上讲台,台下全是陌生的面孔,本来滚瓜烂熟的文章也开始“变”得陌生了。突然,我看到了两张熟悉的面庞,那就是坐在第一排的妈妈和爸爸,他们的目光那样的亲切,看着他们,我心里如释重负。我响亮地朗读


关于数学家的励志故事大全【三篇】 了解一些数学家的故事,以及数学史,很有好处.学生通过感人、有趣的数学家的历史事例,以及一些数学的重大事件,有助于了解数学的发生和发展。下面是无忧考网整理分享的关于数学家的励志故事大全,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 【欧姆与欧姆定律】 乔治·西蒙·欧姆生于德国埃尔兰根城,父亲是锁匠。父亲自学了数学和物理方面的知识,并教给少年时期的欧姆,唤起了欧姆对科学的兴趣。16岁时他进入埃尔兰根大学研究数学、物理与哲学,由于经济困难,中途缀学,到1813年才完成博士学业。欧姆是一个很有天才和科学抱负的人,他长期担任中学教师,由于缺少资料和仪器,给他的研究工作带来不少困难,但他在孤独与困难的环境中始终坚持不懈地进行科学研究,自己动手制作仪器。 欧姆对导线中的电流进行了研究。他从傅立叶发现的热传导规律受到启发,导热杆中两点间的热流正比于这两点间的温度差。因而欧姆认为,电流现象与此相似,猜想导线中两点之间的电流也许正比于它们之间的某种驱动力,即现在所称的电动势。欧姆花了很大的精力在这方面进行研究。开始他用伏打电堆作电源,但是因为电流不稳定,效果不好。后来他接受别人的建议改用温差电池作电源,从而保

证了电流的稳定性。但是如何测量电流的大小,这在当时还是一个没有解决的难题。开始,欧姆利用电流的热效应,用热胀冷缩的方法来测量电流,但这种方法难以得到精确的结果。后来他把奥斯特关于电流磁效应的发现和库仑扭秤结合起来,巧妙地设计了一个电流扭秤,用一根扭丝悬挂一磁针,让通电导线和磁针都沿子午线方向平行放置;再用铋和铜温差电池,一端浸在沸水中,另一端浸在碎冰中,并用两个水银槽作电极,与铜线相连。当导线中通过电流时,磁针的偏转角与导线中的电流成正比。他将实验结果于1826年发表。1827年欧姆又在《电路的数学研究》一书中,把他的实验规律总结成如下公式:S=γE。式中S表示电流;E表示电动力,即导线两端的电势差,γ为导线对电流的传导率,其倒数即为电阻。 欧姆定律发现初期,许多物理学家不能正确理解和评价这一发现,并遭到怀疑和尖锐的批评。研究成果被忽视,经济极其困难,使欧姆精神抑郁。直到1841年英国皇家学会授予他荣誉的科普利金牌,才引起德国科学界的重视。 欧姆在自己的许多著作里还证明了:电阻与导体的长度成正比,与导体的横截面积和传导性成反比;在稳定电流的情况下,电荷不仅在导体的表面上,而且在导体的整个截面上运动。 人们为纪念他,将测量电阻的物理量单位以欧姆的姓氏命名。 【数学家陈景润】 陈景润是国际知名的大数学家,深受人们的敬重。但他并没有产生骄傲自满情绪,而是把功劳都归于祖国和人民。为了维护祖国的


篇一:好人好事事迹材料 在生活中,王蕊非常乐于帮助一些有困难的人。还记得在不久前的一个周末,得知一位孤寡老人生活非常困难,家里又养着许多小兔子,于是,她和另外两名小伙伴主动帮助这位老人利用自己的休息的时间卖兔子,他们整整叫卖了一下午,将卖兔子的钱丝毫不取全部归还给了老人,虽然辛苦了一个下午,但看到当她把钱给老人时她那感激的目光,听到那一声发自肺腑的谢谢,王蕊感到非常的满足。即使自己付出得再多也是值得的。 还有一次,在王蕊放学回家的路上,她看到一位腿脚不灵便的老人正吃力地走着,手里还拿着满满一袋子鸡蛋,而此时正下着蒙蒙细雨。于是,王蕊毫不犹豫地走到他的旁边,和他共用一把伞,老人很感激得说了声谢谢。虽然当时很冷,但因这声谢谢,使王蕊体会到帮助别人的感觉,真好! 也正因如此,王蕊同学越发的发现助人为乐也能使自己感到快乐,所以她以“我为人人”为本,发扬一个优秀团员的光荣传统,努力在学校和社会上帮助他人,不断完善自己的优秀品质。 篇二:好人好事事迹材料

2011年8月14日,机械一组晚班。经机组反应,B2324号飞机右发发电机不能自动转换,同时,APU引气波动,8 号轮见线。由于北京方面天气原因,原定于晚间22点到达的B2324号飞机延误至凌晨2点方才降落至浦东机场,并计划于7点50分继续执行航班任务,这意味着留给我们的时间将十分紧迫。 IDG扮演着空中发电的角色,右发发电机不能自动转换,将导致飞机在飞行过程中依靠单发电机工作,继而无法完全正常供电,势必在一定程度上影响飞机飞行安全。而APU引气波动则会直接影响到飞机发动机的启动,该故障的长时间存在,必然会造成发动机的损坏,同时影响到客舱压力。 飞机到达后,我组唐施佳,陆捷,杨费杰,吴炎琼第一时间借来相应工具来到现场,根据之前分配好的责任有条不紊着手更换右发IDG。在拆卸的过程中,IDG内多余的滑油顺势大量滴漏在同志们的身上,但是同志们并没有因此而皱眉,在几位同志的共同努力下,极其沉重的IDG终于顺利的拆卸下来。然而,在安装新件的过程中,同志们发现,按照手册排号申领的封圈与旧件大小不一,明显无法正常安装上去,于是立刻上报至MCC处,并申请办理保留。 所有工作直至清晨7点才得以完成,同志们在忙碌了整整一个通宵后拖着疲惫的身体,继续赶至其他机位开始飞机的日常维护工作。这次的一系列排故工作,无疑体现了我组

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