当前位置:文档之家› (完整word版)中考英语每日一题之动词词义辨析-borrow和lend



Morning, Karen, 趁着早晨的好时光来一起看看今天的每日一题:

1.-Could you please __ me your notebook, Grace?

-Certainly. Here you are. (2016烟台)

A. borrow

B. to borrow

C. lend

D. to lend



1. 动词词义辨析。

2. 选项分析:


borrow 和lend 都表示“借”,但还是有区别的:

borrow “借入”borrow sth. from sb. (向某人借某物),

注:borrow后不可接双宾语,即borrow sb. sth.句型是错误的。

He borrowed some money from his friend.他向他的朋友借了些钱。

lend “借出”lend sth. to sb. (给某人借某物)

注:lend后可接双宾语,即lend sb. sth. He lent some money to his friend.




Ok,“借入”和“借出”你搞清楚了吗?我是Karen, 我们明天见!


中考英语语法专项复习语法: 名词 语法考点剖析 考点一名词词义辨析 有些名词在不同的语言环境中有不同的词义。词义辨析题旨在考查学生能否通过对上下文的理解,使用合适的词汇,考查形式主要有以下三种: 1.一词多义 一词多义指某个名词具有两种或两种以上的常见意义,在不同的语言环境中有不同的意义。 orange橘子(汁);橘黄色fish鱼;鱼肉 chicken小鸡;鸡肉paper纸;报纸;试卷 glass玻璃;玻璃杯light电灯;光 2.近义词辨析 近义词指某几个名词在意义上比较相近,但使用范围有差别。英语中的近义词比较多,考试中出现频率较高的近义词有以下几组: home, family, house家 problem, question, trouble问题 clothing, clothes, dress衣服 job, work工作 sound, voice, noise声音 person, people, human人 message, information信息 street, road, way路 travel, trip, journey旅行 competition, game, match比赛 3.语境辨词 语境辨词就是运用我们的生活经验、知识积累,根据上下文推测出空格处所要表达的意思,从而选出正确的词语,如我们渴了就需要水(water)、饮料(tea, coffee, juice等);饿了就需要食物(bread, rice, meat, cake等);我们寄信需要去post office;取钱需要去bank。 I'm thirsty, Mom. Could you give me some water to drink?妈妈,我渴了。你可以给我点水喝吗?


英语词义辨析100组 动词 1. abandon desert discard quit abandon: 放弃,丢弃,抛弃。指因为外界的压力或影响完全放弃,因迫不得已而放弃,如: abandon obligation 放弃任务。 desert: 抛弃,舍弃,指某人或某物在困境中“被抛弃”。如: desert the baby after giving birth 生下婴儿后将其抛弃。 discard: 丢弃,抛弃(老朋友或旧物)。如:discard one’s old friends 抛弃老朋友。 quit: 离开,退出,突然放弃。指主动放弃或离开。如: quit one’s job 辞职。 2. abolish cancel remove eliminate abolish: 废除,强调对法律或旧习惯的废除。如: abolish slavery 废除奴隶制。 cancel: 取消,强调对原定的会议、计划、安排等取消。如: cancel the meeting 取消会议。 remove: 出去,撤去。强调位臵的移动或从远处消失。如: remove the stain from clothes 清除衣服上的污渍。 eliminate: 除去,剔除,淘汰。强调使彻底消失。如: eliminate sb. From competition 把某人淘汰出局,eliminate poverty 消除贫困 3. abuse curse condemn criticize abuse: 谩骂,辱骂;滥用,虐待。指出口恶言骂人。 curse: 诅咒,咒骂。表示愤怒或嫉恨。 condemn: 谴责,强调由于不良行为或过失而受到强烈谴责。用于正式、严肃的场合。 criticize: 批评某人,强调指出某人的错误或不足之处。 4. accelerate speed hasten quicken accelerate: 加速,既可指使物体加快速度运动,也可指使事情进程加快。如:accelerate the economic growth 加快经济增长的速度。 speed: 加速,指事物快速运动。 hasten: 赶快,催促。指急忙地做某事。 quicken: 加快。指富有生机地将动作在更短的时间内完成。 5. accumulate assemble collect gather accumulate: 积累,积聚。指有规则地、逐渐地=不断地大量积聚(知识、财富等)。如:accumulate wealth 积聚财富。


一、选择题 1.— Who ________the classroom tomorrow, Tony? — Our group. A.will clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.clean 2.We’re not sure _______ there’ll be _______ or not tomorrow. A.if; rains B.if; rainy C.whether; raining D.whether; rain 3.— Look at my new watch. —Well, it’s so cool! When and where________you buy it? A.Do B.will C.did D.Are 4.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 5.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 6.It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _____ in the pool. A.swim B.swam C.swims D.are swimming 7.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 8.Which of the following sentences is correct? A.He came in and sat down. B.We all like . C.When we met. He didn't say hello. D.We went out, headed for the bus stop. 9.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 10.—Have you written a litter to your brother? —Yes, I have. I________one last Sunday. A.was writing B.wrote C.have written 11.The Great Wall (长城) ________ long and it ________ a long history (历史). A.has; is B.is; is C.is; has D.have; has 12.—Listen!Who in the music room? —It must be Sally. She there every day. A.sings, sings B.is singing, sings C.sings, is singing 13.My mother when I got home yesterday. A.will cook B.cooks C.has cooked D.was cooking 14.My father is a teacher and he ___________ in this school for about twenty years. A.works B.is working C.was working D.has worked 15.— Could you please tell me yesterday? — In the bookshop nearby.


(英语)中考英语专题汇编英语动词(一)及解析 一、动词 1.— That mountain in Guilin ________ an elephant. — So it does. It's amazing! A. looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:“桂林的那座山看起来像一只大象。”“是的,真令人惊奇。”look like 看起来像;look up查询;look for寻找;look after照料。根据句意故选B。 【点评】考查短语动词辨析。 2.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 3.—Three-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours. ——It amazing. It's my first time to get to know the news. A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一3D打印技术可以用于在24小时内建一座房子。一一听起来令人惊异。这是我第一次知道这个消息.A.看起来;B.闻起来;C.听起来;D.尝起来。这是一则有关3D打印的消息,是通过听觉感受到的。故选C。 4.- Who your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? – My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman. A. put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。句意:当你外出度假时,谁照顾你的宠物狗?-----我的邻居,一个热心的女人。A.穿,张贴;B.照顾;C.放弃;D.关。结合句意可知选B。


名词练习 1. There is no ____to the street through that door. A) access B) avenue C) exposure D) edge (have) access to 1. enter 进入2. possess 拥有3.approach 接近 assess 评价评估,evaluate 评价评估,estimate 预计(at a rough estimate粗略估计) asset 资产(fixed asset 固定资产)property 财产 avenue 大路path 小径route 路线shortcut 捷径(cut across 超近道) edge 边缘margin 边毛利,利润verge 边(on the verge of ) exposure 暴露揭露be exposed to 暴露在……之下 2. Good students who need money can usually get money for education. There are special sources of money, special education ______ from their governments, other agencies, and organizations. A) cash B) finances C) funds D) income Cash现金finance 财政金融financial a.财政的funds 基金income 收入revenue 税收 Salary/wage 薪水pension 养老金allowance 津贴补贴tuition 学费fee 费用 Commission 佣金提成kickback 回扣fine 罚款bonus 奖金tip 小费capital 资本首都 3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _________ . A) intention B) attempt C) purpose D) desire Intention 目的意图(intent to do)attempt 尝试 Purpose 目的结果on purpose=deliberately 故意地destination 目的地destiny=fate命运 Desire 渴望希望(desire to do, desire of doing);Long for sth 渴望得到 4. The teacher wrote his comments in the ________ of the student’s paper. A) margin B) bulletin C) edition D) bargain margin 边毛利,利润bulletin 公告公示edition 版本editor 编辑 bargain v.讨价还价n 物美价廉的商品 5. Because there is great _______ in the quality of diamonds, stones of the same size may not cost the same price. A) similarity B) agreement C) change D) variation similarity n 相似be similar to 和……相似 familiar 熟悉的be familiar with 对……熟悉 agree with同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 agree to同意或接受某事,尤其指别人提出的某事,有时可能是自己不喜欢的事 agree on主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议 Variation 差异vary 变化(vary from a to b ) Variety n 多样性a variety of=various 多种多样的各种各样的 6. As a result of their _________the three small independent countries felt less afraid of their powerful neighbor . A) alliance B) combination C) partnership D) union Alliance n 联盟ally v 联盟combination n 组合combine v 组合 independent 独立depend on=-rely on 依靠依赖 the student union 学生会labor union 工会on strike 罢工 7. The basic _______ to a happy family are love, understanding and communication. A) elements B) sections C) contents D) components element 元素section 部分零件contents 目录content 内容 be content with=be satisfied with 对……满意 contest 斗争比赛contact with 接触联系contract 合同sign a contract 签合同 components 组成部分零件opponent 对手oppose vt 反对rival/competitor 对手


2019 年中考英语真题--- 形容词和副词词义辨析(一) 1. 【2019 ? 福建省】More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are as as mountains of gold a and silver. A. central B. special C. valuable 2. 【2019 ?兰州 市】How ___ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel our football match. A heavily B. light C. heavy D. lightly 3.【2019 ?安徽 省】—The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away. —It's really __ A. secret B. direct C. amazing D. traditional 4. 【2019 ?安徽 省】I came to school _____ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom. A. early B. slowly C. quietly D. suddenly 5. 【2019 ?山东滨州市】The artist is so ___ that he can make different changing __________________________________________ pictures with sand. A. common B. careless C. creative D. helpful 6. 【2019 ?山东滨州市】—Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. —Yes, Chinese is _____ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese. A. hardly B. widely C. never D. seldom 7. 【2019 ? 江西省】Peter spoke so ____ that I could hardly hear him.

中考英语专题复习 动词应用讲解练习(无答案)

动词应用讲解 一、知识讲解 做好动词填空题紧扣时态是关键 “动词时态填空”主要包括动词的谓语形式和非谓语形式。动词的谓语形式涉及到时态和语态;非谓语形式涉及不定式、动名词和分词。要做好这类题目,除了必须熟记动词各种形式的基本概念和用法外,关键是要确定动词的时态。 二、典型例题讲解 (一)根据句子本身附带的时间状语和上下文确定时态,并注意人称和数的一致例1 My father is very busy. He often_________(come) late. 点拨: 句中有频度副词often做状语,且前一句谓语动词是is,故用一般现在时,即comes。 例2It_________(rain) at this time yesterday afternoon. 点拨: 句中的时间状语this time yesterday afternoon指过去某一时刻,故用过去进行时was raining。 例3Li Mei_________(look) her pen now. 点拨: 由句中的状语now可以判断动词应用现在进行时,即is looking。 例4 Mary_________(not hear) from Alice since last term. 点拨: 根据句中的时间状语since last term可知谓语动词需要用现在完成时,即hasn’t heard。 例5Our teacher’s son_________(be) ten years old next year. 点拨: 句中有时间状语next year,故用一般将来时will be。值得一提的是:shall / will与be going to在大多数情况下可以互换。但是在论及不能主观控制的事情时应用will,不能用be going to,所以本题只能填will be。 (二)根据上下句确定事情发生的时间,据此判断时态 例6Look! The boys_________(play) football over there. 点拨: 以第一句Look我们可以确定下句应该是“男孩子正在那边踢足球”,因而用现在进行时,即are playing。 例7-When we _________(have)the class meeting? -Tomorrow morning.


2014中考英语语法知识点总结:动词 一定要记牢动词的现在分词,过去式,过去分词。比如:catch 的过去式和过去分词(caught,caught) 你可能就不知道吧?痛下决心,好好记一记吧。先讲系动词。 系动词:大概是最简单的动词了。你只需注意的是系动词除了be的形式之外,还有become,get,grow,turn,sound,look,smell,taste等,它们不能单独作谓语,必须和作表语的词语(如形容词, 名词等) 连用, 所以用的时候,可要小心为是呀!如:It smells delicious.(它闻起来味道很美)。delicious 是形容词,不是副词。 情态动词:首先要记住情态动词后必跟动词原形。 must的意思是"应当,必须",侧重于说话者的主观看法,没有时态变化,其否定式是mustn't,在"Must I(we) ...."的疑问句中,须注意的是其否定回答常用needn't。如:Must I go?(我一定要走吗?) No,you needn't.(不,不必。) need意为"需要"。既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词,因此在用法上需要注意。作实义动词时,need后跟名词,动名词,或不定式。如:I need to go. (我得走了。) 作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。如:You needn't come tomorrow if you are busy. (如果你忙,明天就不必来了。) 实意动词:我们跑(run),我们跳(jump),我们笑(laugh),这些都得用实意动词来表达。我们一起来看一看一些特殊的词吧。它们在接动名词和不定式时意义有所不同。 stop:这个词让好多同学大伤了一番脑筋,到底什么时候加to do,什么时候加 doing 呢?两者意义又有什么不同呢?OK, Come with me. 看下面两个句子。 When the teacher came in, they stopped to read. When the teacher came in, they stopped talking. 第一句的意思是"当老师进来时,他们停下来开始读书"。而第二句的意思是 "老师进来时,他们停止了说话"。所以stop to do sth表示"停止正在做的事情去干另一件事"。而stop doing表示"中断正在做的某事"。 forget,remember,regret 这三个词用法基本相同,只要记住+doing 表示"事情已经做过",+to do表示"事情还未做"就可以了。


学习必备欢迎下载 中考英语知识点梳理:动词讲解 考点一: 动词的分类 动词按照含义及它们在句中的作用分为四类,即行为动词,也称实义动词,(连)系动词、助动词和情态动词。 一、动词的分类 1.实义动词的用法(及物动词与不及物动词) 实义动词是能独立作谓语的动词。按其是否跟宾语分为及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)。 (1)及物动词 及物动词本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思表达完整,如reach,ask,return,love,need。具体用法为: ①动词+宾语。如: He reached Canada yesterday.他昨天到达加拿大。 ②动词+宾语+宾语补足语。如: They asked me to go fishing with them.他们让我一起去钓鱼。 I saw the children play in the park yesterday.昨天我看见孩子们在公园里玩。 注意:带省略to的不定式或现在分词作宾补的常考动词有:make,let,have,see,watch,notice,hear等。 ③动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。如: I will return the storybook to him.我准备把故事书还给他。 注意:带双宾语的常考动词有:give,bring,buy,get,leave,lend,make,offer,pass,teach,tell,reach,return等。 (2)不及物动词 不及物动词本身意思完整,无须接宾语,构成“主语+谓语”的句型,如swim,come,go,run,travel等;若后面接宾语,必须与介词连用。如: Lucy is swimming. 露西正在游泳。 I am waiting for you at the school gate.我正在校门口等你。 (3)有些动词既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。如: 页 1 第 学习必备欢迎下载 We study English.我们学习英语。(及物) We study hard.我们学习努力。(不及物) 2.系动词的用法 系动词本身没有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。如:The food tastes delicious. 那食物尝起来好吃。


英语名词常见题型及答题技巧及练习题(含答案)及解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?苏州)Steve Jobs was full of — always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society. A. instruction B. invitation C. introduction D. invention 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:史蒂夫·乔布斯充满了发明-总是提出新的想法,这导致了社会的巨大变化。instruction指令;invitation邀请;introduction介绍,说明;invention发明。结合语境,所以选D。 2.— I don't know how to use the App Fun Dubbing. — Ask Kitty for help. She has lots of in doing it. A. expression B. experiment C. examination D. experience 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——我不知道怎样使用趣味配音软件。——向Kitty寻求帮助。她有许多做它的经验。A.表达;B.实验;C.考试;D.经验。向Kitty寻求帮助的原因是Kitty有这方面的经验,故选D。 【点评】考查名词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 3.—Mom, I will eat less fast food this year, believe me. —If you make a , you must keep it. A. joke B. noise C. mistake D. promise 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:-妈妈,我今年将会少吃快餐,相信我。-如果你许下诺言,你就必须坚持它。Joke笑话;noise吵闹;mistake错误;promise诺言。结合语境,所以选D。 4.There's little left at home. Go and buy some, dear. A. carrots B. potatoes C. rice 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:家里剩的马铃薯不多了,去买一些吧。A. carrots 胡萝卜;B. potatoes马铃薯;C. rice大米。因为空格前有little,它修饰不可数名词,rice 是不可数名词,故选C。


一、选择题 1.—I am feeling ill. What should I do? — eating junk food and breakfast every day. A.Stop; having B.Stop; have C.To stop; have. D.To stop; to have 2.Coffee is ready. How nice it ______! Would you like some? A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.feels 3.The teacher's smile made me ________ better. A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt 4.I don’t have a baseball, but Alan A.do B.does C.have D.has 5.What kind of music ________ he ________? A.does; listen B.does; listen to C.is; listen D.is; listen to 6.Our school basketball team ________ in the final of the basketball competition. Another team from No.5 Middle School ________ doing very well too. A.is; isn’t B.are; aren’t C.is; are D.are; is 7.—_______everyone get tired today? —Yes, we_______very tired the whole afternoon. A.Does; are all B.Do; are all C.Does; all are D.Is; all are 8.I tried to make the baby ________by singing, and that worked well at last. A.stop crying B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.to stop to cry 9.—How much ________ this pair of shoes? —Five dollars. A.am B.is C.are D.be 10.This is a photo of my grandpa. He young A.looks B.feels C.sounds D.hears 11.—He’s never been late for school. —________________. A.So have I B.So am I C.Neither have I D.Nor am I 12.These chicken wings taste ________. I want more. A.well B.wonderfully C.nice D.bad 13.—Would you like to try some pizza? —Yes, please. It lovely and nice. A.sounds, sees B.looks, smells C.hears, turns D.sounds, watches 14.— Tom in the library? —Yes,and his friends Eric and Dale in the library,too. A.Is;are B.Is;is C.Are;is 15.I have bought a Chinese – English dictionary. When and where_____ you _____ it?


中考英语初中英语动词解题技巧讲解及练习题(含答案) 一、动词 1.They use the gold ______rings and other things. A. to make B. to made C. is made D. are making 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】use sth. to do sth.使用某物做某事。故选A。 【点评】此题考查固定的短语搭配,平时应多归纳总结并记忆。 2.Grandfather lives with us. We all ________ him. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:爷爷和我们住在一起,我们都照顾他。 A. look at看; B. look for 寻找; C. look after照顾;照看; D. look like看起来像…;根据语境及意义,故选C。 【点评】动词词组的意义多与组合所使用的词有关,学生要注意体会记忆。 3.John the TV and helped his mother with the housework. A. turned off B. heard from C. joined in D. looked after 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:约翰关掉电视然后帮他的妈妈做家务。ed off关掉.heard from得到消息.joined in参加,加入.looked after照顾.根据句意可知选A。 【点评】考查动词短语的辨析。 4.Our geography teacher told us to _____ more information about our city and share it next week. A. find out B. keep away C. turn off D. use up 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】find out查找,keep away远离,turn off关掉,use up用光,结合more information 用find out,句意为我们的地理老师告诉我们查找更多有关我们城市的信息下周一起分享.故答案是A.


(英语)英语名词练习题20篇及解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?江苏扬州)——Finding information is not a big deal today.—— Well, the ______is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not. A. courage B. message C. challenge D. knowledge 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一现在找到信息不是难事。一一哦,最大的挑战是我们是否可以说出信息有用与否。A.勇气;B.消息,信息;C. 挑战;D.知识。找到信息它易,辨别是否有用是对我们的挑战。故选C。 2.— I don't know how to use the App Fun Dubbing. — Ask Kitty for help. She has lots of in doing it. A. expression B. experiment C. examination D. experience 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——我不知道怎样使用趣味配音软件。——向Kitty寻求帮助。她有许多做它的经验。A.表达;B.实验;C.考试;D.经验。向Kitty寻求帮助的原因是Kitty有这方面的经验,故选D。 【点评】考查名词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 3.In every ______ there has to be some give-and-take. A. friendship B. instrument C. attention D. blackboard 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在每一段友谊中都必须有一些互谅互让。A. friendship意思是“友谊”;B. instrument意思是“乐器、仪器”;C. attention意思是“注意”;D. blackboard意思是“黑板”。根据后面的has to be some give-and-take.可知此处是说“友谊”,故答案为A。 【点评】考查名词辨析。理解题意并牢记单词。 4.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 5.— Have you heard of a cool washing machine called Bicycle Washing Machine?

高考英语语法复习 动词词义辨析

高考英语语法复习动词词义辨析 动词是是各类考试的重点,高考试题中,单项填空、完形填空和改错等三项题型中,动词辨义的比重较大,并逐年增加。动词辨义主要指:1、形状相同的动词之间辨义。如:lie, lay; hanged, hung; rise, raise; sit, seat等。2、意义相近的动词之间辨义。如:borrow, lend; speak, say, talk; hope, wish等。3、动词与其它词形相近、意义相似的词的辨义。如:advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past 等。4、意义不同,但容易混淆的动词的辨义。如:explain, say; discover, invent, uncover; find, find out等。5、某些常用动词的习惯用法的辨义。如:ask, give, call, make, find, get, keep, want, see, hear等。6、某些常用动词短语的辨义。如:give in, give up, turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up等。 (一)易混动词 1 2、rise和raise:rise是不及物动词,其过去式是rose,过去分词是risen,而raise是及物动词,是规则动词。 3、hear与listen to:hear侧重点是听到,听见什么,而listen to是侧重于听的倾向,但hear用于无意中的听见,而listen to却用于集中注意力的听。 4、see, watch和look:see用作看电影,剧目;watch则用作看电视比赛,而watch还有在旁观看之意。如:Are you going to play or only watch?;look一般用作不及物动词,只是当盯着某人看时用作及物动词,如:The little boy looked me in the face.(小男孩直盯着我的脸。) 5、wind和wound:wind意为蜿蜒而行,其过去式与过去分词都是wound,而动词原形wound 意为伤害,其过去式、过去分词都是wounded。 6、hang的用法:hang有两个意思:一为悬挂,是不规则动词,过去式、过去分词都是hung;二为绞刑,是规则动词,其过去式、过去分词都是hanged。 7、hear的过去分词born与borne:bear作为出生讲有两个过去分词born,borne。只有当be+born…短语后没有by介词短语时,才可用born。如:He was born in Shanghai. 而作它用时要用borne。如:She has borne five children. 但如果作忍受讲,则一律用borne。 8、sit与seat:seat为及物动词时是作容纳讲,sit只是表示一动作。seat如果表示就座时要用be seated。如:They were seated at their desks. 或用seat oneself, 比如:I seated myself in the armchair. 9、borrow, lend与keep:借入英文中用borrow,借出用lend,但这两个词都是截止性动词或瞬间动词,不能用于长时间的动作,所以我能借多久应用keep。 10、win与beat:win作胜、赢讲时其后应接,a game, an argument, a battle, a prize, a contest, a race, a bet,但不能接人,如果接人则有另外的含意。如:I have won him. 即我已说服他了,我赢得他的好感。而beat是及物动词为击败、胜过讲,直接接人、队。 11、steal与rob:steal为偷。rob为抢,其用法不同。steal其后接物+from+某人、某地,而rob 其后接人+of+抢的物品。 12、fit与suit:fit与suit均可作合适讲,但英文中却用在不同的地方。如fit用于尺寸大小的合适,而suit则多用于颜色式样的合适。 13、take, bring 与fetch:英文中拿三个词,即拿来,拿去,去取然后回来(即双程)。所以拿来,带来是bring,拿去带走是take,而去取回来是fetch。 14、shut与close:shut与close有时是可以互换的,但有些地方则不可这样做。如:在正式场合多用close,而在命令,态度粗暴的场合则用shut。如:Shut your mouth!(闭嘴);又如:Shut up. 在指铁路、公路交通关闭或停止使用的场合,则要用close。 15、answer与reply:作为回答讲answer是及物动词,如作不及物动词,则意义不同,如answer for,意为向某人或向某事负责。而reply作回答讲是不及物动词,后跟宾语时,要加上to。

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