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geographer 地理学家

hemisphere ['hemi,sfi?]半球


parallel ['p?r?lel]平行圈;纬线

latitude ['l?titju:d]纬度

longitude ['l?nd?itju:d]经度

elevation [,eli'vei??n] 海拔

altitude ['?ltitju:d] 高度

temperate latitudes 温带地区

horizon [h?'raiz?n]地平线

equator [i'kweit?]赤道

tropics ['tr?piks]热带地区

Arctic ['ɑ:ktik] 北极

Antarctic [?nt'ɑ:ktik]南极


time zone 时区

topography [t?'p?ɡr?fi] 地形

plain [plein]平原

plateau (highland) ['pl?t?u]高地

lowland ['l?ul?nd]低地

basin ['beis?n]盆地

cavern['k?v?n] (cave) 洞穴

terrain[te'rein, 'terein]地域

subterranean [,s?bt?'reini?n] (underground) 地底下


island 岛屿

continental island 大陆岛

volcanic island 火山岛

coral island 珊瑚岛

islet 小岛

peninsular [pi'ninsjul?]半岛

continent ['k?ntin?nt]大陆

continental shelf 大陆架

continental drift 大陆漂移学说

ranges 山脉

valley 峡谷


channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的

terrestrial [ti'restri?l]地球的;陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermy) 地热terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁sea-floor spreading 海床延展evaporation [i,v?p?'rei??n] 蒸发

salinity [sei'lin?ti]含盐度

ocean bottom 海床

sediment ['sedim?nt]沉积物

tropical ['tr?pik?l]热带的

temperate ['temp?rit]温带的

frigid ['frid?id]寒带的

formation [f?:'mei??n]形成

frost heaving 冻胀现象


the Atlantic Ocean大西洋

the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋

the Pacific Ocean太平洋

the Mediterranean地中海


plate margin板块边缘

plate tectonics板块学说

plate hypothesis板块假说

plate collision板块碰撞

plate motion板块运动

plate drift板块漂移

rift, rent断裂


geology [d?i'?l?d?i]地质学


mantle ['m?ntl]地幔

crust [kr?st]地壳

core [k?:]地核

continental crust 大陆地壳

oceanic crust 海洋地壳

layer (stratum, pl. strata) 地层

plate [pleit]板块

fault [f?:lt]断层

fault plane 断层面

fault zone 断层带

rift (crack; split) 断裂

disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion [i'r?u??n]侵蚀

fossil ['f?s?l]化石

igneous ['iɡni?s] rock火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩

quartz [kw?:ts]石英


marble ['mɑ:bl]大理石

granite ['ɡr?nit]花岗岩lithosphere ['liθ?u,sfi?]岩石圈lithogenous [li‘θ?d?in?s]岩成的mineral ['min?r?l]矿物

ore [?:]矿石

deposit [di'p?zit]矿床

platinum ['pl?tin?m]白金;铂(Pt) silver 银(Ag)

copper 黄铜(Cu)

aluminum [?'lju:min?m]铝(Al)

tin [tin]锡(Sn)

lead [li:d]铅(Pb)

zinc [zi?k]锌(Zn)

nickel ['nik?l]镍(Ni)

mercury ['m?:kjuri]汞,水银(Hg) sodium['s?udi?m] 钠(Na)

gem [d?em]宝石

diamond['dai?m?nd] 钻石

emerald ['em?r?ld]绿宝石

ruby ['ru:bi]红宝石



gem[d?em]; jewel['d?u:?l]宝石glacier['ɡl?sj?] 冰川

glacial ['ɡleisj?l]冰川的

glacial epoch (age; period) 冰川期glacial drift 冰碛qi(沙漠)iceberg ['aisb?:ɡ]冰山

volcano [v?l'kein?u]火山

active volcano 活火山

extinct [ik'sti?kt] volcano 死火山dormant ['d?:m?nt] volcano 休眠火山eruption [i'r?p??n]火山喷发

crater ['kreit?] 火山口

volcano belt火山带lava ['lɑ:v?, 'l?v?]火山岩浆

magma ['m?ɡm?]岩浆

volcanic [v?l'k?nik] 火山的

volcanic dust 火山尘

volcanic ash 火山灰

earthquake (quake; tremor; seism) 地震seismic['saizmik] 地震的

seismology[saiz'm?l?d?i,]地震学magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d]震级

seismic wave 地震波

cataclysm ['k?t?kliz?m]灾变



anthropologist [,?nθr?'p?l?d?ist]人类学家paleoanthropologist[,peili:?u,?θr?'p?l?d?ist]古人类学家

ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家origin ['?rid?in, '?:-]起源

originate [?'rid??neit]起源于

antique [?n'ti:k]古董,古物

antiquity[?n'tikw?ti] 古代,古老

Stone Age 石器时代

Bronze Age 青铜器时代

Iron Age 铁器时代

Paleolithic [,p?li?u'liθik,]旧石器时代ancestor ['?nsest?]祖先

hominid ['h?minid]人

homogeneous [,h?m?'d?i:ni?s]同一种族(种类)的

tribe[traib] 部落

clan [kl?n]氏族

Ku Klux Klan三K党

archeology [,ɑ:ki'?l?d?i]考古学

Mesolithic [,mes?u'liθik]中石器时代Neolithic 新石器时代

ethnology [,ni:?u'liθik]人种学anthropology [,?nθr?'p?l?d?i]人类学morphology [m?:'f?l?d?i]形态学archeologist [,ɑ:ki'?l?d?ist]考古学家excavation [,eksk?'vei??n]挖掘

excavate ['eksk?,veit] (unearth) 挖掘

ruins 遗迹;废墟


artifact ['ɑ:tif?kt]手工艺品

relic['relik] 遗物;文物

skull [sk?l]颅骨

cranial ['kreini?l]颅骨的


4 气象类

meteorology [,mi:ti?'r?l?d?i]气象学meteorologist [,mi:ti?'r?l?d?ist]气象学家forecast (foretell, predict) 预报

climate ['klaimit]气候

atmosphere ['?tm?,sfi?] 大气层troposphere 对流层

current ['tr?p?usfi?]气流

vapor ['veip?]蒸汽

evaporate [i'v?p?reit] 蒸发

damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的

humidity [hju:'mid?ti]湿度

moisture ['m?ist??] 潮湿;水分

saturate ['s?t??reit,] 饱和

dew dju:, du:]露

frost [fr?st]霜

fog [f?ɡ] (mist) 雾

smog sm?ɡ, sm?:ɡ]烟雾

droplet ['dr?plit]小水珠

condense [k?n'dens]浓缩

crystal ['krist?l]水晶;水晶体

downpour ['daunp?:] (torrential rain) 大雨tempest ['tempist] (storm) 暴风雨

drizzle ['drizl]细雨

shower ['?au?]阵雨

hail [heil]冰雹

blizzard ['bliz?d] (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche ['?v?lɑ:nt?] (snow slide) 雪崩precipitation [pri,sipi'tei??n](雨、露、雪等)降水

breeze [bri:z]微风

gale [ɡeil]大风

whirlwind ['hw?:lwind]旋风

typhoon [tai'fu:n]台风

hurricane ['h?rik?n] 旋风,飓风, 狂风tornado [t?:'neid?u] (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风funnel ['f?nl]漏斗,漏斗云

disaster [,di'zɑ:st?] (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难

devastation/destruction 破坏

submerge [s?b'm?:d?]淹没

drought [draut]旱灾

flood [fl?d]洪水

5 生态学


ecosystem ['i:k?u,sist?m,]生态系统

balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡

fauna ['f?:n?]动物群

flora['fl?r?] 植物群

rain forest 雨林

food chain 食物链

acid rain 酸雨

greenhouse effect 温室效应

infrared [,infr?'red] radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射

pollution [p?:'lju:??n]污染

pollution control 污染控制

air pollution 空气污染

water pollution 水污染

noise pollution 噪音污染

soil pollution 土壤污染

pollution-free 无污染

pollutant [p?'lu:tnt] 污染物

noxious ['n?k??s] (toxic) 有毒的,有害的fumes ['fju:miz]废物

solid waste 固体垃圾

sewage ['sju:id?](wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化

sewage disposal 污水处理

decibel (噪音)分贝

6 植物类

botany ['b?t?ni]植物学

botanist ['b?t?nist]植物学家

botanical (botanic) 植物的

plant 植物

aquatic plant 水生植物

parasite plant 寄生植物

root 根


bore [b?:]腔;膛

column ['k?l?m]花柱

immunity [i'mju:n?ti]免疫

organism [‘?:ɡ?niz?m]生物;有机物necrosis [n?'kr?usis]坏死

barren ['b?r?n]贫瘠


carbohydrate [,kɑ:b?u'haidreit] (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉);糖类glucose ['ɡlu:k?us]葡萄糖

starch [stɑ:t?]淀粉

fat 脂肪

protein ['pr?uti:n]蛋白质

vitamin ['vit?min]维生素

calorie ['k?l?ri]卡路里

malnourished [m?l'n?ri?t]营养不良nutrition [nju:'tri??n]营养

7 动物类

Darwinism ['dɑ:winiz?m] n.达尔文学说, 进化论

hide [haid] n.兽皮, 皮革

natural selection 自然选择

class 纲

order 目

family 科

genus ['d?i:n?s] 属

suborder ['s?b,?:d?]亚目

species ['spi:?i:z]种

invertebrate [in'v?:tibr?]无脊椎动物vertebrate ['v?:tibr?t] 脊椎动物

aquatic[?'kw?tik] (life) 水生动物

reptile ['reptail]爬行动物

amphibian[?m'fibi?n](amphibious animal)两栖动物

dinosaur ['dain?s?:]恐龙

bird [b?:d]鸟类

extinction [ik'sti?k??n]灭绝


Primates[prai'meiti:z]灵长目insect ['insekt]昆虫

antenna[?n'ten?] (Pl. antennae) 触须larva['lɑ:v?] (Pl. larvae)幼虫camouflage['k?muflɑ:?伪装

pest 害虫

worm 虫;蠕虫

hibernate ['haib?neit]冬眠

lizard['liz?d] 蜥蜴

chameleon [k?'mi:li?n]变色蜥蜴regeneration[ri,d?en?'rei??n]再生turtle['t?:tl] 龟

beast [bi:st]野兽

domesticate [d?u'mestikeit]驯养predator (carnivorous) 食肉的predator['pred?t?]掠食者

prey [prei] v.捕食n.被捕食的动物carnivore ['kɑ:niv?:]食肉动物herbivore['h?:biv?:]食草动物scavenger ['sk?vind??]食腐动物migrate [mai'ɡreit]迁移

wing [wi?]翅膀;翼

bill [bil](鸟)嘴


nest [nest]筑巢

dolphin ['d?lfin]海豚

whale [hweil]鲸鱼

bat [b?t]蝙蝠

gorilla [ɡ?'ril?]大猩猩

chimpanzee[,t?imp?n'zi:]黑猩猩ape, orangutan, primate猿




prawn [pr?:n]对虾

lobster ['l?bst?]龙虾

crab [kr?b]螃蟹

clam [kl?m]蛤蜊

sponge [sp?nd?] 海绵

coral ['k?:r?l]珊瑚

starfish ['stɑ:fi?]海星

canary [k?'nε?ri]金丝雀

chirp [t??:p]唧唧

squeak [skwi:k]吱吱

porpoise ['p?:p?s] 海豚

sloth [sl?θ] 树懒

slothful ['sl?:θful] 懒散的

hygiene ['haid?i:n](个人)卫生sanitation [,s?ni'tei??n](公共)卫生parasite ['p?r?sait]寄生虫

moth [m?θ, m?:θ] 蛾子

caterpillar ['k?t?pil?]毛虫

horde [h?:d](大)群

swarm [sw?:m](蜜蜂)群

flock [fl?k](禽,畜等)群

herd [h?:d](兽)群

bunch ['b?nt?]束

community [k?'mju:niti]动物的群落或人的部落

beaver ['bi:v?]海狸

monogamous [m?'n?ɡ?m?s]一夫一妻的polygamous [p?'liɡ?m?s]一夫多妻的polyandrous [,p?li'?ndr?s]一妻多夫的trapper ['tr?p?]诱捕动物者

rhinoceros rai'n?s?r?s]犀牛

niche [ni:?, nit?]小生态环境

vestige ['vestid?]退化器官

oyster ['?ist?]牡蛎

fertilize ['f?:tilaiz]使。。。受精

tentacle ['tent?kl]触角

homotherm ['h?um?θ?:m]恒温动物poikilotherm ['p?ikil?θ?:m]变温动物,冷血动物

metabolism [mi't?b?liz?m]新陈代谢baboon [b?'bu:n]狒狒

breed [bri:d] 繁殖

multiply ['m?ltiplai] (reproduce) 繁殖

hatch [h?t?] 孵(蛋,卵)


offspring (young) 后代anatomy [?'n?t?mi]解剖学

appetite ['?pitait] 食欲

creature ['kri:t??]生物

microbe ['maikr?ub]微生物herbivorous [h?:'biv?r?s]草食的carnivorous [kɑ:'niv?r?s]肉食的omnivorous [?m'niv?r?s]杂食的

egg [eɡ]蛋

yolk [j?uk, j?ulk]蛋黄

albumen ['?lbjumin]蛋清

eggshell ['eɡ?el]蛋壳

8 天文类

Mercury ['m?:kjuri]水星

Venus ['vi:n?s]金星

Earth [?:θ]地球

Mars[mɑ:z] 火星

Jupiter['d?u:pit?] 木星

Saturn ['s?t?n]土星

Uranus ['ju?r?n?s]天王星

Neptune ['neptju:n]海王星

Pluto ['plu:t?u]冥王星

astronomy[?'str?n?mi]天文学astronomical[,?str?'n?mik?l,-ik]天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer [?'str?n?m?]天文学家astrology [?'str?l?d?i]占星学pseudoscience ['psju:d?u'sai?ns] 伪科学cosmos ['k?zm?s] (universe) 宇宙cosmology [k?z'm?l?d?i]宇宙学

cosmic ['k?zmik] 宇宙的

cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

cosmic rays 宇宙射线

celestial [si'lestj?l]天的

celestial body(heavenly body) 天体celestial map(sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球

dwarf [dw?:f] (dwarf star) 矮星photosphere ['f?ut?sfi?]光球层Convection zone 对流区

vacuum ['v?kju?m]真空

infrared ray 红外线

chondrite ['k?ndrait]球粒

absolute magnitude 绝对量级

radiation 辐射


high-resolution 高清晰度

infinite ['infin?t]无限的

quasar ['kweizɑ:, -sɑ:]类星体;类星射电源constellation [,k?nst?'lei??n]星座

(白羊座----Aries ['ε?ri:z]

金牛座----Taurus ['t?:r?s], Halcyone [h?l'sai?ni]

双子座--Gemini ['d?eminai]

巨蟹座----Cancer ['k?ns?]

狮子座----Leo ['li:?u]

处女座----Virgo ['v?:ɡ?u]

天秤座----Libra, Balance, Scale [skeil]




水瓶座----Aquarius [?'kwε?ri?s], Water bearer

双鱼座----Pisces ['pisi:z] )

galaxy ['ɡ?l?ksi] (Milky Way) 银河

cluster ['kl?st?] 星团

solar system 太阳系

solar corona [k?'r?un?]日冕

solar eclipse [i'klips] 日食

solar radiation [,reidi'ei??n] 太阳辐射

planet ['pl?nit]行星

planetoid ['pl?nit?id] (asteroid ['?st?r?id])小行星

twinkle ['twi?kl] 闪烁

naked eye 肉眼

orbit ['?:bit] 轨道

spin [spin]旋转

satellite ['s?t?lait]卫星

lunar ['lju:n?]月球的

meteor ['mi:ti?]流星

meteor shower 流行雨

meteorite ['mi:ti?rait]陨石

comet ['k?mit]彗星

space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft ['speiskrɑ:ft] (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman(astronaut ['?str?n?:t]) 宇航员,航天员

space debris 太空垃圾

space suit 宇航服,航天服

space shuttle ['??tl] 航天飞机

space telescope 空间望远镜

astronaut ['?str?n?:t]宇航员

star 恒星

starlet ['stɑ:lit]小星星

stellar ['stel?]恒星的

intergalactic[,int?ɡ?'l?ktik] 星系间的interstellar[,int?'stel?]恒星间的interplanetary [,int?'pl?nit?ri]行星间的asteroid ['?st?r?id]小行星

nebula ['nebjul?]星云

ammonia [?'m?unj?]氨

corona [k?'r?un?]日冕

chromosphere ['kr?um?,sfi?]色球层photosphere ['f?ut?sfi?]光球层convectionzone 对流区

vacuum ['v?kju?m]真空

infrared ray 红外线

chondrite ['k?ndrait]球粒

absolute magnitude 绝对量级

radiation 辐射


high-resolution 高清晰度

interferometer [,int?f?'r?mit?]干扰仪luminous ['lju:min?s]发光的

solar spectrum太阳光谱

sun ray太阳光线

spot, sun spot, macula太阳黑子

sun particle太阳粒子

heliocentricism [,hi:li?u'sentrisiz?m]太阳中心说

geocentricism [,d?i:?u'sentrisiz?m]地球中心说

full moon ['kres?nt]满月

crescent ['kres?nt]新月

wax [w?ks]月亮由亏转盈

wane [wein]月亮由盈转亏

crater ['kreit?]环形山

lunar eclipse[i'klips]月食

revolve, revolution公转

rotate, rotation自转

black hole黑洞


chemistry ['kemistri]化学

chemical property化学性质,化学特性chemical composition (makeup) 化学成分chemical agent化学试剂

chemical reaction化学反应

chemical change化学变化

chemical bond化学键

chemical apparatus化学器械substance (matter, material) 物质substantiate 证实,使实体化substantial=essential

element ['elim?nt]元素

periodic table 元素周期表

hydrogen ['haidr?d??n]氢

oxygen['?ksid??n] 氧

nitrogen ['naitr?d??n]氮

helium ['hi:li?m]氦

carbon['kɑ:b?n] 碳

calcium['k?lsi?m] 钙

silicon ['silik?n, -k?n]硅

sulfur ['s?lf?]硫

iodine ['ai?udi:n]碘

compound ['k?mpaund]化合物hydrocarbon[,haidr?u'kɑ:b?n] 碳水化合物derivative[di'riv?tiv] 衍生物

alchemy ['?lkimi]炼金术

petroleum (oil) 石油

petroleum products 石油产品

crude [kru:d] oil 原油

refine [ri'fain]提炼,精炼

gasoline ['ɡ?s?li:n]汽油

methane ['mi:θein]甲烷

solution [s?'lju:??n] 溶液

dissolve [di'z?lv]溶解

solvent ['s?lv?nt, 's?:l-]溶剂

solubility [,s?lju'bil?ti]可溶性cohesive [k?u'hi:siv]聚合力

adhesive [?d'hi:siv]粘合力

diamond['dai?m?nd] 钻石

emerald ['em?r?ld]绿宝石ruby ['ru:bi]红宝石



gem[d?em]; jewel['d?u:?l]宝石

glacier['ɡl?sj?] 冰川

glacial ['ɡleisj?l]冰川的

glacial epoch (age; period) 冰川期

atom ['?t?m]原子

nucleus ['nju:kli?s]原子核

electron [i'lektr?n]电子

neutron ['nju:tr?n]中子

proton ['pr?ut?n]质子

molecule ['m?likjul]分子

particle ['pɑ:tikl]粒子

ion ['ai?n]离子

particle accelerator 粒子加速器

catalysis [k?'t?lisis] (Pl. catalyses) 催化作用catalyst ['k?t?list] 催化剂

artificial [,ɑ:ti'fi??l]人造的

synthetic [sin'θetik]合成的

synthetic fiber 合成纤维

polymer ['p?lim?] 聚合物

polymerization [,p?lim?rai'zei??n]聚合作用

plastic ['pl?stik,'plɑ:s-]塑料

dye [dai]染料

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