当前位置:文档之家› other__the_other__another_与_others_的用法区别与同步练习题



other, the other, another 与others 的用法区别


(1) 指复数时,若泛指用other(后接复数名词),若特指用the other(后接复数名词):

There are other ways of doing it. 做这事还有其他的办法。

Where are the other students? 其他同学在哪里?

(2) others 永远表示复数意义,且其后不能再接名词。其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词”,同样地the others 大致相当于“the other +复数名词”:

Show me some others. 再拿一些给我看。

He died so that others might live. 他牺牲了自己使别人能够活下来。

I was tired, and so were the others. 我累了,其他人也一样。

He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细

Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋总是乐于助人。

(4) another一般只能表单数,且其后接名词时也只能接单数名词。但是若其后有数词或few 修饰时,则也可接复数名词:

Have another piece of cake. 再吃一块蛋糕。

I’ve got another three minutes. 我还有三分钟。

(5) 与some 对比使用时,用others(此时与some 同义):

Some say yes, and others say no. 有人说对,有人说不对。

(6) 表示两者中的一个如何,另一个如何,可用one...the other...。如:

We have two daughter.One is a teacher,the other is a doctor.

These shoes do not match; one is large and the other is small. 这双鞋不相配,一只大,一只小。

(7) the other 后接day, night 等时间名词时,表示“几天前,几天前的一个晚上”等。如:

I bought a pair of sports shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双运动鞋。

Other 有形容词和代词的意思,没有单独作主语/名词的情况!


There are other ways to do this exercise.


*Others 表示剩下所有的,其余的人/物,可单独作主语/名词,其来源于other。


Some boys are reading; others are listening to the radio.


*Another 有形容词代词两种词性,表示又、再/同类事物(三个以上)的另一个,


He drank another glass of beer.


I don't like this one, please show me another.


*the other 表示两者里面的另一个!


I've bought two sweaters . One is for you and the other is for my brother. 我已经买了两件毛衣,一件给你,另一件给我的哥哥。



1.There’s no _____ way to do it.

A. other

B. the other

C. another D others

2. Some people like to rest in their free time. ______ like to travel.

A. Other

B. The others

C. Others

D. Another

3. This cake is delicious! Can I have_______ piece, please?

A. other

B. another

C. others

D. the other

4. Where are ______ boys?

A. the other

B.the others

C. others

D. another

5. The supermarket is on _____ side of the street.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. others

6. There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are ___?

A. others

B. the others

C. the other

D. another

7. Some of the speakers went straight to the conference room.____ speakers are still hanging around.

A. The other

B.The others

C. Another

D. Others

8. This is not the only answer to the question. There are _____.

A. the others

B. others

C. another

D. the other

9. Please give me ____ chance.

A. other B .the other C. another D. the others

11. I don’t like those shoes. Please show me ______.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. some others

12. Mary didn’t want ____of the two kinds and asked the shop assistant to show her ______.

A. both; the other

B. all; the others

C. either; another

D. other; the others

13. Mr. Turner bought two bikes. One was for his wife, and ____was for his son.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. one

14. he has two sons. One is a doctor, ____is a student. He is now studying at _____ university.

A. another; a

B.the other; an

C. the other; a

D. another; an

15. --- Would you like _____ apples?

---- ______, please.

A. some more; another two

B. any more; Two more

C. another; two more

D. some more; Other

16. There are twenty-eight students in the class. Ten of them are girls and _____ are boys.

A. the other

B.the others

C. others

D. other

17. I don’t like this pen. Would you please show me ___ one?

A. another

B.the other

C. other

D. others

18. I have six colored pencils; one is blue, another is red, and _____ are green.

A. others

B. another

C. others

D. the others

19. ---- Have you finished your report yet?

---- No. I’ll finish it in ______ ten minutes.

A. another

B. other

C. more

D. less

答案acbac babca accca bada

“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。


others的用法小结 你们知道others的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 others的用法 1、others相当于other+复数名词,如: 注意:所指的其他人并非其他所有的人,指其他部分的全部,请看“2、” ome people like walking.Some like running.Others like swimming. 有些人喜欢散步,有些人喜欢跑步,其他人喜欢游泳. He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人. 2、the others 其余的,相当于the other的复数形式,特指某一范围内的其他全部,如: Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home.

两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. Thirty of them are boy students and the others are girls. 他们当中三十人是男生,其他人是女生. other如果是指代词“另一个”时,必须要加“the” 而“one...the other...”用于单数,指“一个...另一个...” 如:I have two pensils.One is red,the other is blue. others 和some对比使用时,是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲,如:Some cleaned the windows,others mopped the floor.有的擦窗户,有的擦地板. the others 是“其余的”意思,表示在一个范围内的其他全部,如:This dictionary is better than the others.这本字典比别[其余]的好. the other 是其中的“另一个”,如:Give me the other one; not this one.给我那一个,不是这一个.

other the other和others的用法和区别

another与other的区别。 ①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。 【解析】other表示“别的”,“另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the 即可与单数名词连用。如: I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black. 我有两枝钢笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。 ②John did better than all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other 加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如: We must think more of other comrades. 我们必须多想想别的同志。 ③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another. 这件衬衫我穿太大。请另外拿一件我看看。(一般商店不会只有两件衬衫) 【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如: His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse. 他父母都在一家医院工作。一个是医生,一个是护士。(父母为两个人)

other,another,others,the others,the other的用法和区别

other,another,others,the others,the other的用法和区别 other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:

He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。 the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:


学仕教育1对1定制学习教学案 学员姓名学员学校学员年级 任课老师刘奥林授课科目英语授课时间 教学目标: 教学重点: other others the others的区别与搭配 1.从是否确指来看 other和others均表示不确指意义,其中other后可以修饰名词,而others 后不能再接名词,两者的关系可描述为:others=other+复数名词。如:He never thinks of others. 他从来不为别人着想。 I don’t like these books. Show me some others. 我不喜欢这些书,再拿一些给我看。 第一句中的others=other people,意为“其他人”“别人”,泛指其他所有人;第二句中的others=other books,意为“其他的书”。 但是,若要表示确指意义,我们就在other和others前面使用定冠词,同样地,other后可以修饰名词,而others后不能再接名词,两者的关

系仍然存在the others=the other+复数名词。如: I started last in the race but I soon caught up with the others. 我在赛跑中最后一个起跑,但不久就赶上了其他人。 句中的the others=the other people,意为“其他人”,其中的定冠词特指参加赛跑的所有其他人。 注意:the other后除接复数名词外,还可以接单数名词,此时不能用the others代替。如: This seat is free; the other seat is taken. 这个座位空着,那个座位有人。 2. 常用惯用表达 ①one...the other表示“(两者中的)一个……另一个……”。如: What I say goes in at one ear and out at the other. 我说话他是一只耳朵进,另一只耳朵出。 ②one...the others表示“(好几个中的)一个……其余都……”。如: Of their five children, one is in China and the others are abroad. 他们有五个小孩,一个在中国,其余的都在国外。 注:若为三者,想要表示“一个……另一个……剩下的一个……”,可用one...another...the other [the third...];若为四者,可用one...another...another [a third]...the other [the fourth, the last]。 ③some...the others表示“一些……其他一些的……”。如: The search party was divided into two groups. Some went to the right, the others went to the left. 搜寻小组一分为二,一部分向右,另一部分人向

other, the other, another 与 others 的用法区别、练习题及参考答案

other, the other, another 与others 的用法区别 (1) 指复数时,若泛指用other(后接复数名词),若特指用the other(后 接复数名词): There are other ways of doing it. 做这事还有其他的办法。 Where are the other students? 其他同学在哪里? (2) others 永远表示复数意义,且其后不能再接名词。其用法大致相当 于“other+复数名词”,同样地the others 大致相当于“the other+复数名词”:Show me some others. 再拿一些给我看。 He died so that others might live. 他牺牲了自己使别人能够活下来。 I was tired, and so were the others. 我累了,其他人也一样。 He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。 Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋总是乐于助人。 (3) another一般只能表单数,且其后接名词时也只能接单数名词。但是 若其后有数词或few 修饰时,则也可接复数名词: Have another piece of cake. 再吃一块蛋糕。 I’ve got another three minutes. 我还有三分钟。 (4) 与some 对比使用时,用others(此时与some 同义): Some say yes, and others say no. 有人说对,有人说不对。 (5) 表示两者中的一个如何,另一个如何,可用one...the other...。如:We have two daughter. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor.


the other, others, the others, another 等用法现归纳 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。 如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧!Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。

2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。 如:He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:On the other side of the

street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的 另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高 得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others是other 的复数形式,泛指“另 外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。

如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人 喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余 的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的 东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others意思 是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内 的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形

other与others 的用法区别

other与others 的用法区别 other后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other students 其他的学生。不可数other tea 别的/其它的茶,other information 别的/其它消息。other用法的注意事项:1)泛指另一个用another。2)一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。3)一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。4)一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。5)泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。 other的衍生词 the other 定指其它的……,其后可接可数名词和单数,如:the other book 另外的一本书,the other map 另一张地图,其后也可跟可数名词的复数形式,如:the other flowers 其他的花朵,the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词,如:the other water 剩下的水,the other beer 别的啤酒others 其用法相当于复数名词,此词不能用作定语,表示的意思是“不具体的某些东西”,如:This chemical is poisonous . Others are poisonous , too . ( others = other chemicals ) 但是如果others前用了the ,则表示具体的别的东西。如:I don’t want these books . Please give me the others .( the others = the other books another,another 指另一个,没有固定的范围。比如:this dress is dirty,please change another one for me.这件裙子脏了,再给我换一件吧。 1.other和others均表示不确指意义,其中other后可以修饰名词,而others后不能再接名词,两者的关系可描述为:others=other+复数名词。如: He never thinks of others. 他从来不为别人着想。 I don’t like these books. Show me some others. 我不喜欢这些书,再拿一些给我看。 第一句中的others=other people,意为“其他人”“别人”,泛指其他所有人;第二句中的others=other books,意为“其他的书”。 但是,若要表示确指意义,我们就在other和others前面使用定冠词,同样地,other后可以修饰名词,而others后不能再接名词,两者的关系仍然存在the others=the other+复数名词。如: I started last in the race but I soon caught up with the others. 我在赛跑中最后一个起跑,但不久就赶上了其他人。 句中的the others=the other people,意为“其他人”,其中的定冠词特指参加赛跑的所有其他人。 注意:the other后除接复数名词外,还可以接单数名词,此时不能用the others代替。如:This seat is free; the other seat is taken. 这个座位空着,那个座位有人。 2. 常用惯用表达 ①one...the other表示“(两者中的)一个……另一个……”。如: What I say goes in at one ear and out at the other. 我说话他是一只耳朵进,另一只耳朵出。 ②one...the others表示“(好几个中的)一个……其余都……”。如: Of their five children, one is in China and the others are abroad. 他们有五个小孩,一个在中国,其余的都在国外。 注:若为三者,想要表示“一个……另一个……剩下的一个……”,可用one...another...the other [the third...];若为四者,可用one...another...another [a third]...the other [the fourth, the last]。 ③some...the others表示“一些……其他一些的……”。如:

考点解析 _ other,the other,another,others和the others的用法

The other 特指两个或两部分中的另一个或另一部分,可接单数或者复数名词,表示两个中“一个……另一个……”,常用结构式为:one...the other... e.g. 1.H e has two brothers,one is a teacher, the other is a docter. 他有两个弟弟,一个是老师,另一个是医生。 2.T here are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the other studentsdon’t. 我们班有48个学生,一些学习努力,其余的学生不努力。 The others 特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”相当于the other+名词复数,指剩余的全部。 e.g.There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the others don’t. 我们班有48个学生,一些学习努力,其余的不努力。 Other “其他的,另外的”位于名词前做定语。 e.g.We learn chinese,English,math and other subjects. 我们 学习语文、英语、数学和其他的学科。 Others 相当于other+名词复数,指剩余的另一些,并非全部。e.g. 1.Some students are doing homework,but others are talking loudly.

一些学生正在做作业,但是其他的再大声讲话。 2.A lot of people are in the park, some are singing,others are dancing. 许多人在公园里面,一些在唱歌,其他的再跳舞。 Another 泛指同类事物中三者或三者以上中“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。 e.g.I don’t like this one,please show me another. 注意: another+名词单数=one more+名词单数 another+数词+名词复数=数词+more/other+名词复数e.g. 1.I want to have another apple. =I want to have one more apple. 我想再吃一个苹果。 2.We need another ten chairs. =We need ten more/other chairs. 我 们还需要十把椅子。 现学现用: 1.--Would you like to have _______cake? --No,thanks.I’m full. A.more B.another C.other 2.W e have two foreign teachers here,one is from England,and ____ is fromAmerica. A.another

Other, the other,others,the others,another 的用法讲解

Other \the other\others\the others\another 的区别: the other 是形容词要加名词,是特指的。表示其他的。 other 是泛指的,也是形容词要加名词 the others是一个名词,后面不需要加什么名词了,是特指的。表示二者之中的另外一个,或者是两部分之中的另外一部分 others 是名词,是泛指的 another意为“另一个”,特指与此是同种物质的另一个,用于三个或以上 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other 作代词。如:

On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。指“剩余的人/物”(指大部分)在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”是the other的复数形式,指“其余的人/物”,(指全部)。如: give me some other apples.=give me some others. 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 练习: 1.Do you have any ________________question(s)? 2.He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _______________is a worker. 3.Some of us like singing and dancing, ________________ go in for sports. 4.Two boys will go to the zoo, and __________________ will stay at home. 5.he is very clever. he may be _________________ Edison. 6.A few students are playing soccer while________________ are watching them. 7.Two of the ten boys are standing and __________________ are sitting round them 8.I’ve bought two pens. One from Beijing, ________________ from Tianjin. 9.She has more concern for ___________________ than for herself. 10.Four of them are in the classroom. What about ________________________? 1 other 2 the other 3 others 4 the others 5 another 6 others 7 the others 8 the other 9 others 10 the others

other another others the other the others的用法区别讲与练附答案

other, another, others, the other, the others的用法区别 基本用法 other:other+ 复数名词(other student s) another:another +单数名词, “另一个”(数目不清楚) the other:The other +复数名词= the others “其他的人或物”(指确定范围内剩下的全部) others (别人):其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,泛指)the others:代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,定指); 考点要求注意两个句式、一个搭配和两个区别 1、两个句式的用法 (1)One …the other …一个……另一个 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明具体数量的数词two;如出现的数词大于two,one可以根据实际情况调整成其它数词;如出现的数词减去one或调整后的数词后仍大于“1”时,the other应变为the others或“the other + 数词”(两个数词相加应等于所给数词)。 e.g There are two apples here. One is for you, the other is for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the others are for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the other three are for your sister. (2)Some …others …一些……另一些 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明不定数量的词语;如出现说明具体数量的数词,others前应加上the。 e.g There are many people on the beach. Some are swimming, others are enjoying the sun. Mrs. Smith bought 25 books. Some were for her daughter, the others were for her son. 2、一个搭配:any同other连用时应注意之点: Any others:any同单一的other连用,other应使用others; Any other + 单数名词:any后如还带有名词,用other,名词用单数; Any of结构:any of后的other前应加the,如含名词用other,名词用复数;如不含名词,用others。 e.g Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any other city. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities. 3、两个区别:(1)同数词连用时another和more的区别 another用于数词前,more用于数词后。(鞍前马后) e.g To finish the work in time, we need another two men.


Other,the other,others, the others,another的区别 1.the other 指两者中的另一个,系特指,常与one 连用。 e.g. 1.He has two children. One is a doctor ,the other is a teacher. 2. I have two apples. One is red , the other is green. 2.another 指三个以上的人或物中除去已知部分后“余下部分中的某一个”,非特指。 e.g . 1. I don’t like this pen. Please show me another. 这支钢笔我不喜欢,请给我另外一支。 2. This shirt is too big for me. Could you show me another one? 3.others 所指的是三个以上的人或物中除去已知部分后“余下部分中的某一些”,非特指,后面不能再加名词出现。 e.g. 1. I don’t like these books. Please let me see some others.=other books我不喜欢这些,请另外给我一些瞧瞧。 2. Mr Zhang is very friendly and kind. He always likes helping others . = other people 3. There are many students on the playground. Some are singing, some are dancing, others are playing sports.

other,the other, another,others,the others用法介绍

another; the other; others; the others; other这5个词组都源于other一词,其意义十分接近,因而在使用时极易造成混淆。现将其用法归纳如下: 1.other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。例如: I'll come again some other day. 我改日再来。 2. the other表示已知的两个(或两部分)人或事物中,特指的“另一个”或“另一些”,其后可跟单数或复数名词。例如: I have two brothers. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher. 我有两个兄弟。一位是医生,另一位是教师。 3. others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。例如: The students of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water, others are sweeping the floor. 四班的学生们在打扫教室。一些人在打水,另一些人在扫地。 4. the others(=the other+复数名词)指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”。例如: This composition is better than the others. 这篇作文比其他那些都好。 5. another泛指不定数中(三者或三者以上)的“另一个”。another前面不能用定冠词the,它作为限定词(定语)通常与单数名词连用,但是它后面可以跟few或基数词的复数名词。例如: This glass is broken, get me another please. 这只玻璃杯坏了,请给我再拿一个。 I'll stay here in another few days. 我要在这儿再呆几天。 注意:other和another都可以用来修饰数词,表示“另外的;附加的”,但是结构不同。other的位置是“数词+other+复数名词”,相当于more的用法;而another则是“another+数词+复数名词”。例如: 今天下午我又写了两封信。 I wrote another two letters this afternoon. =I wrote two other letters this afternoon. =I wrote two more letters this afternoon.


在我们平时学习中,围绕着other及相关辨析词设计的考题相当多,实属中考英语的重难点。很多同学由于掌握的知识不够全面,理解不够清楚而丢分。下面从辨析考题的角度以点带题,以题衬点进行分析: I.theother;another;(the)others other后加名词单数时,前面必须有the,指“两者中另一个”,由于是特指,又是单数,需要限定词,因此theother后加名词单数特指“两者中另一个”(单数名词常省略),常用搭配为:One…,theother…(前提语境表明两者)。然而other后加名词复数时,根据语境,如果有明确的范围就用theother+名词复数(可以省略成theothers);如果没有明确的范围,即从广义上说的,那么就用other+名词复数(可以省略成others),常用搭配为:Some…,others…(如中考完形第46题)。Another+名词单数,指“三者或三者以上中另一个”。 填空练习 1.Thishatdoesn'tfit.I'dliketotry______。 2.Ihavetwobooks.OneisanEnglishbook,______isaChinesebook。 3.Shealwaysthinksof______andneverthinksofherself。 4.somechildrenlikeapples,______childrenlikebananas。 5.Thereare40studentsinourclass,threeareAmerican,______areChinese。 答案:1.another2.theother3.others4.other5.theothers II。表示“另外几个……”时other和another的区别 表示“另外几个……”时,用“数字+other+名词复数”或“another+数字+名词复数”。注意:数字放在other前或another后。如“另外三天”的表达为:


other用法要点归纳 1.基本义为“其他的(人或物)”“别的(人或物)”,使用时既要分清是特指还是泛指,还要分清是单数还是复数:表特指时其前用定冠词,表泛指时其前不用冠词;用于单数时后接单数名词或不接词(即用作代词),用于复数时后接复数名词或用?o thers这样的形式。如:Shut t he o ther e ye,t oo.另一只眼也闭上。(单数特指) It i s n ot T om b ut s ome o ther b oy.那不是汤姆,而是别的哪个男孩。(单数泛指) Other p eople[O thers]m ay n ot t hink t hat w ay.别的人可能不这样想。(复数泛指) I h ave s een t wo o f t he f ilms,b ut n ot t he o thers.我只看过其中的两部电影,其余的没看过。(复数特指) 注意,英语可以说?o ne o ther f riend(另外一个朋友),?s ome o ther p lace(另外某个地方)等,但是不能说?a n o ther b ook,要表示类似含义,可用?a nother b ook。 2.与数词连用时,通常应放在数词之后,其意为“另外的……个”;此时的?o ther主要起区别作用,即将其后所修饰的人或事物与前面提及的相同人或事物区别开来。如: Every m ember m ust b ring o ne o ther p erson.每一个会员必须带一个人来。 Mary r ents a h ouse w ith t hree o ther g irls.玛丽和另外?3位姑娘合租一幢房子。 但若所修饰的名词带有定冠词表示特指,则?o ther也可放数词之后或之前,但仍以置于数词之后为普通,此时表示“其余的……个”。如: The f aces o f t he o ther t hree g irls w ere f ixed o n A lex.其余?3位姑娘盯着艾利克斯。 Police t ook t he f ive o ther p assengers t o h ospital.警方将其余?5名乘客送到医院。 但是,如果后面不接名词,?o ther则必须置于数词前。如:


another 与other 的区别。 ①Some stude nts like En glish and other stude nts (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。 【解析】other表示"别的”,"另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即可与单数 名词连用。如: I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pe n) is black. 我有两枝钢笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。 ②Joh n did better tha n all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内"所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名 词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如: We must think more of other comrades. 我们必须多想想别的同志。 ③This shirt is too large for me. Please show me ano ther. 这件衬衫我穿太大。请另外拿一件我看看。(一般商店不会只有两件衬衫) 【解析】an other, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个",表示特指,总数为俩;an other 表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如:

他父母都在一家医院工作。一个是医生,一个是护士。(父母为两个人) His pare nts both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse. 其他习惯用法one another, from one …to another, the other day = a few days ago , every other day/ week/year , some …,others …,如: I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day. 前几天我在公园里碰见了Smith先生。 While at the uni versity, he went to the library every other day. 在大学时他每隔一天去图书馆一次。 Some people like football, others like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。 They are very differe nt from one ano ther. 他们互相之间差别很大。 Whe n America ns moved from one place to ano ther, they took their dialects with them. 当美国人从一个地方迁移到另一个地方时, other指另外的人或物;other泛指别人,可与some连用;the other指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;an other则泛指另一个。 回答者:萧萧羽禺-魔法学徒一级4-15 15:41


Other各种用法 other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。 the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。

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