当前位置:文档之家› 介绍《冰雪奇缘》英文






Today ,I will talk about a film I love. I love the film very much ,and I am deeply touching by the story . It is a Disney’s musical film, Frozen.

There has two princess ------Elsa and Anna, Elsa has the ability to control ice and snow, she hit her sister Anna accidentally, and after it has been afraid to close to Anna, afraid to hurt again dear sister. To Elsa adult must take over the task of commanding the Kingdom.

Elsa has been the secret collection of magic. A quarrel broke out let Elsa repressed emotions, but magic allows the kingdom to become frozen snow country. Anna came to came to her sister's palace, with her efforts, the country to rediscover the lost green.





In Disney's animated musical film, Frozen, the Snow Queen holds a kingdom under a spell that traps them in a harsh and grueling eternal winter. Anna, the Snow Queen's sister and Anna's friend Kristoff undertake an adventure of Everest proportions, facing magic and mystical creatures, to capture the Snow Queen and save the kingdom from destruction.


冰雪奇缘 它来自寒冷的冬天,裹挟着山中的雨滴 Born of cold and winter air,and mountain rain combining. 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍受但绝对公平 This icy force both foul and fair. 它有一颗值得探索的冰冻的心 Has a frozen heart worth mining. 我们来剖开它的内心,它冷淡而透明 So cut through the heart,cold and clear. 拷问爱也拷问恐惧 Strike for love and strike for fear. 它的美丽锋利而透明 See the beauty sharp and sheer. 切开冰封,释放这冰冻的心 Split the ice apart and break the frozen heart. 哈!嚯!注意脚下!起! Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 哈!嚯!注意脚下!起! Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 多么美丽!多么强力! Beautiful! Powerful! 多么危险!多么冷酷! Dangerous! Cold!

冰雪的魔力无人能控 Ice has a magic can't be controlled. 比一个人强,比十个人强 Stronger than one, stronger than ten 一百个男人也比它不上! Stronger than a hundred men! 它来自寒冷的冬天,裹挟着山中的雨滴 Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍受但绝对公平 This icy force both foul and fair 它有一颗值得探索的冰冻的心 has a frozen heart worth mining. 我们来剖开它的内心,它冷淡而透明 Cut through the heart,cold and clear. 拷问爱也拷问恐惧 Strike for love and strike for fear. 它多么美,又多么危险 There's beauty and there's danger here. 切开冰封 Split the ice apart! 当心这冰冻的心 Beware the frozen heart. 来吧,小斯! Come on, Sven! 艾莎,嘘 Elsa. Psst 艾莎 Elsa! 起来!起来!


冰雪奇缘剧情 故事发生在北欧阿伦黛尔王国,一晚,公主艾莎和安娜姐妹俩在宫殿内堆雪人,堆雪人的过程中艾莎不小心用魔法误伤了妹妹安娜,安娜随即昏了过去,国王和王后连夜快马加鞭向地精长老求助。地精长老用魔法治好了安娜并抹去了安娜对艾莎魔法的记忆。并告诫:如果艾莎不能控制自己的魔力,很可能会危害王国。自此,艾莎的宫殿紧锁,减少她与外界的接触。但是,随着艾莎的成长,她的魔力越来越强,越来越无法控制。国王和王后为艾莎寻求解决办法出航,不幸遇上海啸,船只被淹没。 时间来到艾莎成年加冕仪式,在这一天,紧闭已久的宫殿大门打开,安娜激动出街,遇上了让她一见钟情的汉斯王子。两人越聊越投机,并且私定终生。安娜立刻把这件事告诉艾莎,希望得到女王的赐婚。艾莎表示:我的傻妹妹,你不能和你刚认识一天的男人订婚,坚决不同意。安娜气愤的抓下了艾莎压制魔力的手套,并说了一些难听的话激怒了艾莎,艾莎魔力一下失控,在场的人们都被吓傻了,认为女王是妖怪,艾莎眼看魔力暴露,怕伤及无辜,于是出逃阿伦黛尔。这时,阿伦黛尔王国被冰封,安娜担心艾莎便追了过去,并把王国交给了汉斯管理。

艾莎逃到了一座雪山上,随着let it go的歌声,一座气势恢宏的冰宫拔地而起。另一边,安娜走进了一家野外的小商店购买防寒装备,克里斯托夫也走进了这家商店,想要购买装备和胡萝卜。因为没有足够的钱,他被店主客气的扔了出来,安娜从克里斯托夫口中得知风雪来自北山,心想艾莎肯定在那,于是安娜帮克里斯托夫付了钱并请求克里斯托夫带她去北山找到艾莎结束这冬天。 正当两人赶去北山的路上遇上了狼群,为了脱险失去了雪橇。安娜表示会赔偿,不强求克里斯托夫陪同继续走下去,克里斯托夫担心安娜一个人会有危险便跟了上去。北山脚下,两人遇到了一个名为雪宝的雪人,原来,雪宝就是姐妹两儿时经常堆的那个雪人,在艾莎魔力爆发的时候获得了生命。安娜请求雪宝带他们去见艾莎,雪宝爽快的答应了。另一边,汉斯王子和猥琐屯商人打算带兵上北山解救安娜公主。 雪宝带安娜找到了艾莎,安娜请求艾莎回归阿伦黛尔王国,艾莎担心自己会伤害到妹妹,表示不会回去,并用魔法制作了一个巨大的雪怪将她强行赶出了冰雪宫殿。在使用魔法的时候不小心误伤了安娜,冰冻了她的心。安娜和克里斯托夫一行人在被赶出来后发现安娜头发变白,于是克里斯托夫带安娜去找地精们帮忙,不明所以的地精们以为克里斯托夫带回了一


关于澳大利亚的英文介绍 Australia: An introduction In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population. Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39°South latitude. The highest point on the mainland, Mount Kosciuszko, is only 2228 metres. Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Its fertile areas are well-watered, however, and these are used very effectively to help feed the world. Sheep and cattle graze in dry country, but care must be taken with the soil. Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought. The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State,


概括:今天我们为大家介绍的是最完美的旅游天堂,有人叫它水下仙静也有人 称它为世界上最神奇的地方——魅力神奇的澳洲大堡礁me people call it an underwater wonderland,others call it the most magical place on our planet——the beautifui and amazing Grea Brrier Reef Australia澳大利亚大堡礁是世界上自然奇 迹之一,大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁大堡礁被列为 世界遗产名录及国家遗产名录。The Great Barrier Reef, Australia,One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world’s largest coral reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage as well as the National Heritage lists. .一.地理位置Location 大堡礁位于澳大利亚的昆土兰州以东,巴布亚湾与南回归线之间的热带海域the Great barrier reef located at east of Australia's elder brother earth Lanzhou, between Papua bay and tropic of capricorn's tropics sea area, 北面从托雷斯海峡起,向南直到弗雷泽岛附近,沿澳大利亚东北海岸线绵延2000余千米,东西宽20~240千米。northern side from the Torres channel, to the south until the Frazer island nearby, is continuous 2000 kilometers along the Australian Northeast coastline, the thing extends 20~240 kilometers 大堡礁由三千个不同阶段的珊瑚礁、珊瑚岛、沙洲和泻湖组成。The great barrier reef by 3000 different period's coral reefs, the coral island, the sandbar and the lagoon is composed 这个世界上景色最美、规模最大的珊瑚礁群,总面积达20.7万平方千米In this world the scenery is most beautiful, the scale biggest coral reef group, the total area amounts to 207,000 square kilometers 二.气候Climate 从季节上讲,大堡礁地处热带,是全年都能进行观光活动的地方。Says from the season, the Great Barrier Reef is situated at the tropics, is the whole year can carry on sightseeing the place. 如果要选最佳时间,以每年5月到10月之间最为理想。If must choose the best time, by every year May to October between most ideal.候较为稳定、清爽宜人,多为蓝天白云。The climate is stable neatly, pleasant, many are the blue sky white clouds 天气晴朗,有足够光线入水,各色绚丽的珊瑚和鱼类的色彩非常艳丽动The clear weather there is enough ray of light into water, each coral with gorgeous color and fish color are very gorgeous to move 三.水域Waters 大堡礁水域共约有大小岛屿600多个,其中以绿岛、丹客岛、海伦岛、哈米顿岛、琳德曼岛、芬瑟岛等较为有名。The Great Barrier Reef waters altogether approximately have size islands more than 600, by Lyu island, the Dan guest island, the Helen Island, Mi Dudao, Lin the German isle of man, the profuse Chinese zither island and so on is more famous. The reef is scattered with beautiful islands and idyllic coral cays and covers more than 300,000 square kilometres大堡礁分散美丽的岛屿,覆盖面积超过300,000平方公里。. The Great Barrier Reef system consists of more than 3000 reefs大堡礁系统由超过3000岛礁组成。大堡礁的一部分岛屿,其实是淹在海中的山脉顶峰。The Great Barrier Reef part of islands, are actually


1 ?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 2 ?This icy force both foul and fair? 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 3 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 4 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透 5 ?Strike for love And Strike for fear? 为了爱不畏恐惧 6 ?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer? 一双善于发现美丽的 眼睛 7 ?Split the ice apart? 打破寒冰结境 8 ?And break the frozen heart? 融化冰封之心 9 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 11 ?Beautiful! Powerful!? 美丽!强大! 12 ?Dangerous! Cold!? 危险!寒冷! 13 ?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled? 寒冰的魔力无法被掌 控 14 ?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten? 胜过一人胜过十人 15

?Stronger than a hundred men!? 胜过一百个人! 16 ?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 17 ?This icy force both Foul and Fair? 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 19 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心冰冷 又剔透 20 ?Strike for love and strike for fear? 为了爱不畏恐惧 21 ?There's beauty and there's Danger here? 危险而又美丽 22 ?Split the ice apart!? 打破寒冰结境 23 ?Beware the frozen heart? 小心冰封的心 24 Come on, Sven! 快跟上斯文! 25 Elsa. Psst! 埃尔莎喂! 26 Elsa! 埃尔莎! 27 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! 醒醒醒醒快醒醒! 28 Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜回去睡觉 29 I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 我睡不着天醒着所 以我也醒着 30 So, we have to play. 我们得起来玩游戏


Culture of Australia In this class, I want to know something about Australia. The culture of Australia is essentially a western culture influenced by the unique geography of the Australian continent. I want to know such as the location and geography, demography, linguistic affiliation, history and ethnic relations. I like Australia and I hope one day I can go there to see its beautiful view. Because Australia living in the first-class level of education in today's world, every year it attracts a large number of international students to Australia Post-graduate. Stepping into Australia's five schools on the top, we will find the Australian university education combines American-style opened ethos and continuation of the traditional British education. P ersonnel’s training provides a relaxed learning space, and it’s a good academic atmosphere there. At last, the teacher taught us the grammar of English, some idioms in English and played some videos about Australia. In teaching, the teacher taught in English from beginning to the end which made us improve our own listening. We thank the teacher and I hope his class will be better and better. That’s all I wanted. Now I will give the teacher some advice. Teachers stressed the importance of constructing and understanding the situational factors. Under the guidance of a teacher, the students explore the social and cultural values to reflect on why some culture can be popular for a long time, and how it became a product of the times. Students' thinking and values will changes to make a re-interpretation about how different the groups of culture are. Students explore the culture points to the audience about how to influence the culture. Students’ sensitive cultural prejudices are changed. Students will realize l the diversity of the national culture of each country.


1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前 8 ?And break the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大! 12?Dangerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险! 13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.?冰雪的魔力难驾驭 14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.?一当十一当百 15?Stronger than a hundred men!?谁人能挡寒冬至? 16?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17?This icy force both Foul and Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 21?There's beauty and there's Danger here.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前 23?Beware the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特! 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂 26 Elsa!艾莎! 27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒 28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉 29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人? 33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快! 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法! 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔... 36This is amazing!哇!好神奇! 37Watch this!看好了! 38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱! 39I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝 40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦! 41Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下! 42Slow down!慢一点! 43Anna!安娜! 44Anna?安娜? 45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸! 46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱 47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜 49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉!-我知道怎样救她 50Ice?雪?


澳大利亚英文介绍 Australia Australia is a island country .It is located in Oceania between the Indian Ocean and the South Ocean. The Australian Aborigines’arrival is the binging of Australia about 50 000 years ago. European countries did not know whether there was a continent , Australia ,before 1768.So they drew a hypothetical map, in which there was a Terra Australia .In 1768,James Cook traveled Cape Horn of South American .He continued his travel toward west .He got to New Zealand .Then he found Australia at west. When the earth and human society appeared was called the Dreamtime. During the Dreamtime, the Rainbow Serpent made laws: people can not eat his animal totem . Bushranging means thieving from law-abiding citizens while living in the Australia Outback. There are two different places we should attention .One is the Cape Horn in South American, the other is the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. Some people moved from Botany Bay to Jackson Port. They founded the city of Sydney, Jackson Port, Sydney Cove . In 1901,the colonies of Australia federated into a country . Australia Day is celebrated annually in January 26. There are some famous states and countries in Australia .Canberra is the capital of Australia. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria .There are some states such as Queensland, Tasmania . There are two famous builds, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge. There are many animals in Australia , kangaroo and thylacine called marsupial animal ,ostrich and emu . How did people catch flying animals? They used boomerang . They also like music performed by didgeridoo . There is a famous song about Australia named Waltzing Matilda: Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong


1.The Location of Australia Australia is located in the south hemisphere, between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic.It's the largest island in the world and the smallest flattest and dried continent in the world . Being isolated from other major landmasses, Australia is a land of natural wonders . It's famous as a homeland of so many unique animals. Such as kangaroo, platypus, koala, and wombat.The Great Dividing Range , the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock, the Twelves Apostles, the Gold Coast are all the wonderlands of Australia attracting many visitors around the world. 2.The history of British Colonization Historically, Australia was a stolen land, stolen by the British colonists from the hands of its original owners---the Australian aborigines. These aborigines have been living in Australia for at least 18500 generations . they belong to over 500 different groups and have diversified aboriginal culture traditions.But as they all believe in dreaming or dream time . They are also called the Peoples of Dreaming. In 1788, the British colonists arrived in Australia in the First Fleet and announced the land to be Terra Nullius. Meaning an unowned wasteland. This name legitimate British colonization of Australia. Since then, convicts or criminals were transported to Australia and a number of


冰雪奇缘故事梗概 在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦黛尔(Arendelle)王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎(Elsa)和安娜(Anna)。姐姐艾莎出生便带有能够创造冰雪的魔法,她在儿时常以这种魔力与感情亲密的妹妹安娜玩耍。某天清晨,两人在王宫里玩雪,创造出一座雪雕乐园。但当玩的正疯时,艾莎的冰不慎误击跑跳中的安娜,让她滚落地面而昏迷不醒。国王和皇后急忙带着两姐妹上山寻求地精协助。地精老佩比(Pabbie)治疗了魔法对安娜的伤害,但消除了她对魔法的记忆。他亦警告说艾莎的魔力确实美丽,但也很危险,必须加以管控。事后虽消除了安娜对这场意外的一切记忆,但艾莎的心灵仍然因为该次事件的震撼而深受创伤。接着,国王和皇后致力以各种措施隐藏艾莎的冰能力,关上了城堡大门,也使艾莎必须长时间关在寝室内。然而,魔力却随着艾莎的成长而日渐增强,让她随时活在可能伤及他人的恐惧中。另一方面,安娜不知道为什么身为亲姐姐兼最好玩伴的艾莎,要在一夕之间与自己断去联系,而感到受伤与困惑。安娜好几次都跑到艾莎房前,试着用各种方法哄她出来玩,却总是无疾而终。当两人成为青春少女后,国王与皇后又在一场海难中双双身亡,失去父母的姐妹俩尽管感到孤单无助,但又不能寻求对方的陪伴与慰藉。三年后,已成年的艾莎必须继承王位,成为女皇。虽然她对于自己要打开大门、在世人之前亮相而满心担忧,但加冕典礼仍安然无事的宣告完成。与艾莎相反,因为城堡门大开而兴奋不已的安娜如脱缰野马在王国四处

游荡,并撞见了来自南方小岛(The Southern Isles)的王子汉斯(Hans),两人间的情愫油然而生。当安娜带着才刚认识一天的汉斯来见艾莎,表示希望能获得她对两人的祝福。然而艾莎无法接受妹妹仓促与陌生人互许终身,两人爆发口角,安娜生气,扯掉了艾莎的手套,而艾莎就在情绪激动下释出了一阵锋利的冰碎片。众人一片哗然和震惊,受邀与会的威斯顿公爵(Duke of Weselton)也指责艾莎是动用巫术的怪物。备感压力的艾莎慌张逃出王国,遁入北山中。首次远离了自己一直戒慎恐惧地提防、保护的人群,艾莎决定欣然拥抱自身的力量。她在无意中造出了儿时与安娜堆过的雪人雪宝(Olaf)、并不知觉地赋予了它生命,还盖起一座富丽堂皇的冰宫殿,深信自己不必再被这种随时会伤到他人的苦恼所困。艾莎有所不知的是自己在逃跑的过程中,外溢的魔力已让盛夏的阿伦黛尔被永恒的严冬所覆盖。 在阿伦黛尔,安娜认为艾莎的出走是自己所致,决定前去寻找艾莎,带她回国以消除寒灾。最后在采冰人克斯托夫(Kristoff)、驯鹿斯特(Sven)的协助与中途出现的雪宝指引下,安娜穿越了深山老林、找到冰宫里的艾莎,期待地表示希望能与姐姐重修旧好。艾莎虽然很高兴能看到妹妹,却依然害怕儿时误伤安娜的悲剧重演,婉拒了她的好意。但在安娜告诉她阿伦黛尔陷入冰雪之中后,引发了艾莎的恐慌,她了解自己终究造成了破坏,并在转身时失控释出一波冰柱打中安娜胸口。当克斯托夫和雪宝上来找安娜后,艾莎为了让妹妹快点远离自己,造出了巨型雪怪“棉花糖”(Marshmallow),将一伙人撵出去,不过心中的阴影因为折磨和自责而扩大,连带使得冰宫变得更加昏暗和



英文版:Thesnowglowswhiteonthemountaintonight Notafootprinttobeseen Akingdomofisolation,anditlookslikeI'mtheQueen Thewindishowlinglikethisswirlingstorminside Couldn'tkeepitin Heavenknowstried Don'tletthemin,don'tletthemsee Bethegoodgirlyoualwayshavetobe Conceal,don'tfeel,don'tletthemknow Wellnowtheyknow Letitgo,letitgo Can'tholdmebackanymore Letitgo,letitgo

Turnawayandslamthedoor Idon'tcare Whatthey'regoingtosay Letthestormrageon Thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway It'sfunnyhowsomedistance Makeseverythingseemsmall Andthefearsthatoncecontrolledme Can'tgettomeatall It'stimetoseewhatIcando Totestthelimitsandbreakthrough Noright,nowrong,norulesforme I'mfree Letitgo,letitgo

Iamonewiththewindandsky Letitgo,letitgo You'llneverseemecry HereIstand AndhereIstay Letthestormrageon Mypowerflurriesthroughtheairintotheground Mysoulisspiralinginfrozenfractalsallaround Andonethoughtcrystallizeslikeanicyblast I'mnevergoingback, Thepastisinthepast Letitgo,letitgo WhenI'llriselikethebreakofdawn Letitgo,letitgo


冰雪奇缘 Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬 And mountain rain combining 山雨降临 This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房 Cold and clear 冰冷清澈 Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块 And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去 Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去 Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大 Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷 Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人 Stronger than ten 胜过十人 Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人 Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬 And mountain rain combining 山雨降临 This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房 Cold and clear 冰冷清澈 Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块 Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心 Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文 Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎


动画电影冰雪奇缘2全集又名《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》是一部迪士尼3D动画电影,故事改编自安徒生童话《白雪皇后》。剧情讲述了艾莎为安娜办了一个生日会,想悄悄给安娜一个惊喜。没想到自己却感冒了,因此闹出不少笑话。 电影冰雪奇缘2生日惊喜预计将于2015年上映,待上映出资源时大漫网会第一时间更新冰雪奇缘2电影完整版在线资源,敬请期待! 冰雪奇缘2角色介绍 安娜(Anna) 阿伦黛尔王国的小公主,她勇敢无惧,有一点一根筋,但内心开朗澄澈,温柔而体贴。安娜与姐姐艾莎在小时候亲密无间,可因为某些原因她们逐渐疏远,而安娜一直都渴望与姐姐重回儿时的亲密无间。当艾莎在登基大典上意外暴露了她的魔力,并意外将王国冰封之时,安娜踏上了破除魔咒的冒险旅程。伴随她的无畏、执着和对他人的信任,安娜下定决心要解救王国,以及自己的亲人。 艾莎(Elsa) 阿伦黛尔王国的长公主。从外表上看,她优雅、矜持、有王者之相。但她却一直生活在恐惧中,内心与强大的秘密搏斗——她生来就拥有呼风唤雪的魔力,这种能力美丽,又极度危险。因为小时候她的魔法差点害死妹妹安娜,从此艾莎封闭了内心将自己隔离,时刻都在努力压制与日俱增的魔力。登基大典上的意外导致她的魔法失控,使得王国被冰天雪地所覆盖。她害怕自己会再次伤害他人,孤身逃进了雪山。 克里斯托夫(Kristoff) 一个野外生存者,他居住在雪山的山顶,以采集冰块销售给阿伦黛尔王国为生。克里斯托夫不修边幅,强壮而威严,有着自己的生活原则。他看起来很不合群,不过却有一位最好的朋友陪伴——他那忠心耿耿、脏脏兮兮的驯鹿斯文。 斯文(Sven) 虽然是一头驯鹿,但内心可是藏着一只拉布拉多犬!他是克斯托夫的好友、雪橇“司机”和良心。斯特深爱着坦率正直的主人,并不声不响地用行动表达。虽然不会说话,不过他的鼻息声通常就能让大家明白他的观点。斯特惟一的愿望就是克斯托夫在代表自己说话时改掉那搞笑的驯鹿腔(好像驯鹿真那么说话似的)。 ◎简介 故事讲述一个严冬咒语令王国被冰天雪地永久覆盖,乐观无畏的安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔配音)和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫配音)以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的大冒险,以寻找安娜的姐姐——冰雪皇后艾莎(伊

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