当前位置:文档之家› 广东省兴宁市第一中学2015-2016学年高一上学期第九周英语周末测试(2015-10-30)




英语试题 2015-10-30 注意: 1、请在指定的位置填写好考生信息;答题时,请认真作答,选择题部分请按题号用2B铅笔填涂至选择题答题卡上,非选择题部分请按题号在指定位置作答。









1.What doesn’t the rent include?


B. Gas.

C. Water.

2.What is not allowed if the man rents the room ?

A.Removing the furniture.

B. Raising pets.

C. Having visitors.


3.What is the woman doing ?

A. Buying some clothes on the Internet.

B. Applying for a store membership.

C. Reading some websites.

4.What will the woman most probably receive from the shop ?

A.An e-mail.

B. A phone number.

C. A pair of shoes.


5.What is the man busy doing?

A.Preparing for a final exam.

B. Going on a business trip.

C. Preparing a picnic.

6. When does the woman plan to have a picnic?

A.On Monday.

B. On Sunday.

C. On Saturday.

7. What will the man do next Saturday?

A.Have a party.

B. Attend a wedding.

C. Call the woman.


8. How is the man feeling?

A.Quiet well.

B. Terrible.

C. A little sick.

9.What’s the weather like in the city?

A.It’s cloudy.

B. It’s cold.

C. It often changes.

10.What do we know about the woman?

A.She’s been in the city for four years.

B. She often gets ill.

C.She wants to buy some medicine.

11.Why does the man refuse to call the weather hotline?

A.The service is bad.

B. It is too expensive.

C. It is of no use.


12.When was Henry Kissinger born?

A.In 1923.

B. In 1941.

C. In 1943.

13.Which degree did Kissinger get in New York University ?

A. A.

B. degree. B. A. M. degree.

C. Ph.D degree.

14. Where did Henry Kissinger join the army?

A. In Germany.

B. In New York.

C. In South Carolina.

15.Where did Henry Kissinger work as a translator ?

A.The Counter Intelligence Corps.

B. Center for International Affairs.

C. The National Security Council.






A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher emphasized the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience.

One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be astonished gently

shaking his head, shrugging his shoulders, saying, “You don’t say!” “You don’t say!”

I was puzzled. I thought, perhaps this is not an appropriate topic. “Well, I’d better change the topic.” So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall By the way, have you ever been there. “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It is magnificent.” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very proud of it.” Soon I was interrupted again by his order, “You don’t say!” I couldn’t help asking. I said, “Didn’t you say you don’t say” Hearing this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to explain, “You don’t say actually means really It is an expression of surprise. Pe rhaps you don’t pay attention to English idioms.” Only then did I realize I had made a fool of myself. Since then, I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions.

16. A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms because .

A. English idioms were too difficult to master

B.I did not realize the importance of them

C. My teacher didn’t emphasize the importance

D.I had no interest in English learning

17. When I first heard “You don’t say!”, I thought .

A. the Englishman was not interested in the topic

B. the Englishman was only interested in the Great Wall

C. I had talked too much

D.I had to stop talking at once

18. We can learn from the second paragraph that .

A. the Englishman was leaving China without seeing the Great Wall

B. the Englishman wanted to see the Great Wall after I talked about it

C. the Englishman wanted me to act as his guide

D. the Englishman visited the Great Wall and thought it worth visiting

19. After the Englishman explained the idiom,

A. the Englishman made me a fool

B. the Englishman made a fool of himself

C.I felt very silly

D.I felt proud of my understanding


Hello! My name is Lisa, and I am a lioness. I live on the open grasslands of Africa with my family. Lions living in a group are called a pride.

My father is strong and powerful. He and his cousin are the leaders of our pride.

The other members are my mother, her sisters, and their children.

The area where a pride lives is big! We roar (咆哮) to tell each other where we are and to warn strangers to stay away.

Meet my new baby brother. His name is Leon. See the spots on his fur? We lions are born spotted or striped (有条纹的). As we grow older, the spots gradually disappear.

Lionesses usually spend their entire lives with their birth pride, but Leon will leave when he is about three years old. He’ll run around with a male (雄性的) friend or relative for a few years until they take over a pride of their own.

But for now, we have lots of fun together. We often play and fight for hours, which can help us practice skills that we will need for hunting.

We lions keep ourselves very clean. Just like a house cat, I clean my fur (毛) with my tongue. We clean for each other, too, to show we’re friends.

Lions like to sleep for most of the day. We hunt in the cool evening. Female (雌性的) lions hunt more often than male lions. We work together as a team. At the right moment, we attack and kill our prey. Then we share it. Male lions usually eat first. Females eat next. Baby lions are the last to eat. The smallest one gets the least food.

Since we are full, it’s time to go to find a nice place for a sleep. Bye!

20. Lisa in this passage is the name of .

A. a girl

B. a male lion

C. a female lion

D. a pride

21. According to the passage, Leon .

A. hunts more often than his sisters

B. will have spots on his fur for the whole of his life

C. will leave his birth pride when he is about three

D. will take over his birth pride when his father dies

22. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Lions sometimes clean their fur for each other.

B. Lions also develop their skills of hunting by having fun.

C. Lions in Africa usually hunt for food in the evening.

D. Baby lions are often the first to get food in their group.


Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please”.

In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.

What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

23. In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that __________.

A . you are impolite

B . you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host

C . your meal was not enough

D . you are friendly with your host

24. In Polynesia, to be polite while eating you should __________.

A . eat quickly

B . sit still

C . turn your back on others

D . say “Excuse me, please”

25 . People in an East African town are being polite by __________.

A . waiting for a long time before visits

B . sitting down beside others

C . seeing a friend quickly

D . trying not to see you

26. The best title for this passage is __________.

A . Good Manners

B . All manners is the Same Way

C . Different Kinds of Manners

D . Do Have Manners

D The Top 4 Lies Girls Hear

1. “You'll never be good at math.”

It's generally accepted that boys are good at math while girls aren't. The fact is that it isn't true—at least, it doesn't have to be. When girls reach their teens,most of them lose their interest in math. They're trying to be regarded as female(女性).They want to stay away from things that are boy things, and math is still considered a boy thing. Math class is hard, but if you gave it a chance you could be great at math, especially because you are a girl.

2. “Being skinny is good, and how you diet is your business.”

Lots of web sites tell visitors that losing interest in eating is a beautiful thing. These “skinny is better” sites are lying. Losing interest in eating is a disease, not

a fashion statement. It can kill you.

3. “You don't deserve(应得,值得) to make as much money as a guy.”

It's said that in 2002 women who work full-time earn about 23 percent less than guys earn. Once you see real women succeeding in cool jobs, you'll truly get that you're worth just as much as—or more than any guys.

4. “Caffeine(咖啡因)will help you study better.”

Caffeinated soft drinks have long been advertised as must-haves when you have to work very hard. But if you want to do your body a big favor, you'd better give up caffeine altogether.

27. Why do girls lose their interest in math?

A.Because they don't realize the importance of math.

B.Because math class is too hard for girls.

C.Because they aren't interested in the things which are considered boy things.

D.Because girls are not as clever as boys.

28. The word “skinny” means________.

A. pretty B.strong C.tall D.thin

29. Supposing in 2002 a man earns $20,000, how much will a woman who doing the same job probably get?

A.$10,000 B.$15,000 C.$20,000 D.$25,000

30.Which of the statement is NOT true?

A. Girls sometimes can do better than boys in math.

B. Being skinny is good for girls’ health.

C. Girls can earn as much money as boys do.

D. Caffeine can make people feel more excited.



Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 31 Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 32 whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. 33

The following methods may work best for you.

Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

Write your notes in your own words.


Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 35

A Use words, not complete sentences.

B There are three practical note-taking methods.

C You must write your notes on separate paper.

D Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand

and remember it.





Born in America,I spoke English,not Chinese,the language of my

ancestors(祖先). When I was three,my parents flashed(快速出示) cards

with Chinese 36 at my face,but I pushed them 37 .My mom believed

I would learn 38 I was ready. But the 39 never came.

On a Chinese New Year's Eve,my uncle spoke to me in Chinese,but all I could do was 40 at him,confused,scratchin g my head.“ Still can't speak Chinese?”He 41 me,“You can't even buy a fish in Chinatown.”

“Hey,this is America,not China. I'll get some 42 with or without Chinese.”I replied and turned to my mom for 43 .

“Remember to ask for fresh fish,Xin Xian Yu,”she said,handing over a $20 bill.

I 44 the words,running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish 45 surrounded in a sea of customers.“I'd like to buy some fresh fish,”I shouted to the fishman.But he 46 my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The laugh of the people behind increased 47 their impatience .With every 48 ,the breath of the dragons(龙)on my back grew stronger—my blood boiling— 49 me to cry out,“Xian Sheng Yu,please.”“Very Xian Sheng,”I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter.My face turned 50 and I ran back home 51 ,except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry?They're Chinese.I'm Chinese. I should feel right at 52 .Instead,I was the joke,a disgrace(丢脸)to the language.

Sometimes,I laugh at my fish 53 ,but,in the end.the joke is on 54 .Every laugh is a culture 55 ;every laugh is my heritage(传统)fading away(渐渐消失).

36. A.custom B.games C.words D.language

37. A.ahead B.around C.along D.aside

38. A.when B.before C.unless D.until

39. A.success B.study C.time D.attempt

40. A.aim(瞄准)B.joke C.nod D.stare(盯着)41. A.cared about B.laughed at C.argued with D.asked after

42. A.right now B.from now C.at times D.in time

43. A.decision B.permission C.information D.preparation

44. A.repeated B.reviewed C.spelled D.kept

45. A.farm B. stand C.pond D.market

46. A.guessed B.forgot C.doubted(怀疑) D.ignored(忽视) 47. A.by B.as C.with D.from

48. A.second B.effort C.desire D.movement

49. A.forcing B.allowing C.persuading D.leading

50. A.bright B.blank C.pale D.red

51. A.open-mouthed B.tongue-tied C.empty-handed D.broken-hearted 52. A.service B.home C.risk D.root

53. A.trade(贸易) B.deed C.challenge D.incident(小事件)54. A.it B.us C.me D.them

55. A.thrown B.lost C.divided D.reflected


56. I ______ for Shanghai this Saturday, so I want to know the earliest plane ________.

A. leave; takes off

B. am leaving; takes off

C. leave; is taking off

D. am leaving; is taking off

57. The teacher told us that the earth __________ seven continents and four oceans.

A. is made of

B. is made up of

C. was made up of

D. was made of

58. They rushed over to help the man ________ car had broken down.

A. who

B. his

C. whose

D. that

59. But the one million people of the city, ______ thought little of these events, were asleep ____ usual that night.

A. who, than

B. whom, as

C. whom, than

D. who, as

60. Next month the city will open a new park _______ those ______ died in the terrible disaster.

A. to honour, whom

B. to honour, who

C. honouring, who

D. honouring, that

61. _______ things can be recycled, ______ waste paper, waste plastic bags and old batteries.

A. Lots of, for example

B. A lot of, for example

C. Lots of, such as

D. Lot of, such as

62. I can well remember that there was a time _____ a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never _________ me spellbound.

A. when, keep

B. that, keep

C. that, have kept

D. when, have kept

63. Never before in history __________ so completely destroyed.

A. a city has been

B. is a city been

C. has been a city

D. has a city been

64. ______________, Wednesday night was a quiet night.

A. Amazing as it may seem

B. Amazing although it may seem

C. Amazed as it may seem

D. Amazed although it may seem

65. The hot weather ______ for a whole week, ______ made everybody tired and sleepy.

A. last, that

B. lasted, that

C. lasting, which

D. lasted, which

第三节背诵考查(每题0.5分,共5分)请严格按Unit1~3 背诵内容做出选择,并将答案填涂至答题卡相应题号中。

66. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds ____________ in their power.

A. held her entire

B. held me entirely

C. hold me entire

D. hold her entirely

67. For example, ____________ it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.

A. the evening when

B. one evening that

C. one evening when

D. once evening which

68. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because ____________ England spoke first Danish and later French.

A. those who rule

B. those that ruled

C. these who ruled

D. those who ruled

69. Later in the 18th century some British people ____________ Australia, too.

A. were taken to

B. was taken to

C. were take to

D. was taking to

70. Actually all languages change and develop when cultures ____________ with each other.

A. meet and communicated

B. meets and communicates

C. met and communicated

D. meet and communicate

71. So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to ____________ a wider vocabulary than ever before.

A. made use of

B. make used of

C. make use of

D. make use off

72. But as the moon gave far too much light, I ____________ open a window.

A. didn’t dare

B. didn’t dared

C. didn’t to dare

D. don’t dare

73. I am fond of my sister but she has ____________.

A. a serious shortcoming

B. one severe shortcoming

C. one’s se rious shortcoming

D. one serious shortcoming

74. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 metres, she seemed to be ____________.

A. exciting about it

B. excited about it

C. excited about them

D. exciting about


75. Once she has made up her mind, nothing ____________.

A. can changed it

B. can change them

C. can change it

D. can changed them



A wolf had got a bone __(76)__ (stick) in his throat and was in greatest pain. He ran __(77)__ and down asking every animal he met to __(78)__ (move) the bone from him, at the same time __(79)__ (suggest) a very handsome reward to the __(80)__ (success)operator.

A crane moved by his eager asking and his p romise, ventured her long neck down the wolf’s throat, and drew out the bone. She then asked for the __(81)__ (promise) reward. To her question, the wolf showing his teeth with __(82)__ ugly smile, replied, “Ungrateful creature! You put your head into a wolf’s mouth, and took it out in safety. It is hard for me to expect __(83)__ you dared to ask for more reward than this!”

Those __(84)__ are only in the hope of a return must not be surprised when they come face to face with bad men. They meet with more laughs __(85)__ thanks.



86. Zhenhe, a famous sailor of the Ming Dynasty, made seven v_________( 航海) in his life.

87. Nowadays, the Internet is the biggest s__________(来源) of information for most people.

88. The beautiful flowers will be t_________(运输) to the United States from China by ship tomorrow.

89. The teacher asked us to write down the useful words and e_________(表达) in the unit.

90. Some English people have strong accents, which a_______(增加) difficulties to our understanding of their speaking.

91. The earthquake is one of the biggest natural d_________(灾难) in the world.

92. You’d better make a(n) o________(大纲) before trying to write a composition.

93. The e_________(东部的) situation is similarly intense.

94. I don’t think he is a r_________(可靠的) man.

95. E______________(不论在哪儿) they appeared, they were met with strong protests.






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I began my senior high school years, I had difficulty to learning

English. I dared not speak English in public because my poor pronounce.

I could not get high marks, but I always used bad grammar. Afraid of be

laughed at, I never put up my hand answer questions in class. When my

English teacher Miss Li learned about this, she encouraged me and

lend me a hand, which helped improving my English. With his help,

I became interest in English and finally got high marks. Miss Li, like

a shining star, shines on my path to success.



1. 学好英语,从而增加和别人交流的机会;

2. 多交一些朋友,友情会使她忘记孤独;

3. 积极参加各种活动,使自己的生活更加有趣。

注意:1. 词数:100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节。 3.开头和结尾已为你写好。

.提示词:交流 communicate 孤独 loneliness

Dear Susan,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to your new school life in America.



I hope you will find these ideas useful.


Li Hua

兴宁市第一中学高一年级周末测试 英语试题 答案 2015-10-30


1-5 BBBAA 6-10 BBBCA 11-15 BAACA


第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

16-19 BADC 20-22 CCD 23-26 BCDA 27-30 CDBB 31-35GEFAD




第二节 单项选择 (共10小题,每小题0.5分。满分5分) 56 - 65 BBCDB CDDAD

第三节 背诵考查 (每题0.5分,共5分)66 - 75 BCDAD CADBC

第四节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

76. stuck 77. up 78. remove 79. suggesting 80. successful 81. promised 82. an 83. that 84. who 85. than

第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分40分)

第二节 单词拼写(共10小题,满分10分) 理解句子,根据首字母提示及中文提示写出各单词的正确形式,并按题号将完整的单词的正确形式认真书写至答题卷上指定位置。

86. voyages 87. source 88. transported 89.expressions 90.adds

91. disaster 92. outline 93.eastern 94.reliable 95. Everywhere

第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) When I began my senior high school years, I had difficulty to learning English. I dared not speak English in public because my poor pronounce.

I could not get high marks, but I always used bad grammar. Afraid of be laughed at, I never put up my hand answer questions in class. When my English teacher Miss Li learned about this, she encouraged me and lend me a hand, which helped improving my English. With his help, I became interest in English and finally got high marks. Miss Li, like a shining star, shines on my path to success. of pronunciation

and being to

lent improve her interested

1. 把had difficulty to learning中“to”改为“in”或去掉

2. because 后加of

3. 把pronounce改为“pronunciation”

4. 把but改为and

5. 把Afraid of 后的“be”改为“being”

6. 在“answer”前加上“to”

7. 把“lend”改为“lent”

8. improving改为improve

9. 把With his help中his改为her 10.把interest 改为“interested”


Dear Susan,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to your new school life in America, but this situation can be easily changed if you take my advice. First, you should work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others. Secondly, why not make some friends? They can help you to forget your loneliness. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you take an active part in all kinds of activities, which will help to make life more interesting. By doing so, you will be happier with your new life soon.

I hope you will find these ideas useful.


Li Hua


高中英语必修一期中测试卷1 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第1节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A People need to relax and enjoy themselves. One way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports event. Even thousands of years ago, groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes(运动员). Over 2,000 years ago in Greece, some days in the year were festival days. These were holidays when people stopped their work and enjoyed themselves. During festivals, people liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games. The most important festival was held every four years at the town of Olympia. It was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus. For five days, athletes from all corners of Greece took part in the Olympic Games. At the Olympic Games, people could watch athletes run, jump and so on. They could also watch exciting races, which included a relay race between two teams in which a lighted torch(火炬) was passed from runner to runner. The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities throughout Greece which were at war with one another had to stop fighting. During the time, people were allowed to travel to the Games safely. Thousands of people came to the Olympic Games from cities in Greece and from its colonies(殖民地) in Africa, Asia, and Italy. They met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy themselves. 1. What did people do at the Olympic Games? A. They fought for their freedom. B. They just talked to friends. C. They cheered good athletes. D. They tried to find friends. 2. Where did people at the Olympic Games come from? A. Greek cities. B. Africa and Asia. C. Italy. D. All of the above. 3. If Greek cities then were fighting, people ______. A. couldn’t go to other cities freely B. could see what each other do C. win the right to join in the Olympics. D. respect the Greek god Zeus 4. The best title for the passage can be ______. A. Greece at war B. Together for the Olympic Games C. Stop fighting D. Greek people


麻醉学个人简历范文 麻醉学个人简历范文目前所在:湛江年龄: 19 户口所在:梅州国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族: 培训认证:未参加身高: 161 cm 诚信徽章:未申请体重:人才类型:在校学生 应聘职位:医院管理人员:,麻醉医生: 工作年限: 2 职称: 求职类型:实习可到职日期:随时公司性质:所属行业:服务业湛江市团委起止年月:2019-09 ~ 2019-08 担任职位:志愿者毕业院校:广东医学院 最高学历:本科获得学位: 毕业日期: 2019-06 专业一:麻醉学专业二: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号外语:英语良好粤语水平: 其它外语能力: 国语水平: 工作能力及其他专长勤奋好学,诚恳踏实,积极向上,有较强的责任心,善于观察,做事认真,易于沟通,能够尽自己最大的努力去完成上级交给的任务。父亲:曾胜先,是一个普通的群众,初中文化程度,但他却是一个非常重视教育的人,所以心里总想着要为教育事业做些什么。他以前是在黄槐电力公司做技工的,

后来由于黄槐大兴煤矿透水事件,很多相关联的产业迁移或者倒闭,所以父亲所在的电力公司也因经营不下去而倒闭。失业后父亲决定做一些与教育事业相关的工作,于是父亲去应聘黄槐中学的教职工,经验丰富的父亲得到了这份工作,并很快就胜任了。从此有学生开始喊父亲“老师”,听到这个称呼,父亲心里甜滋滋的。后来父亲承包起黄槐中学的食堂,负责黄槐中学学生的饮食。如今,父亲每天都跟学生打交道,大多数的时间都花在为学生服务上。正因为有如此热衷于支持教育事业的父亲,才把我培育成为一名有理想、有知识、有文化的大学生;更使我成为了一名肯上进、敢拼搏、忠于奉献的青年。 母亲:刘玲英,汉族,初中文化程度,于1987年初中毕业,1990年在亲戚朋友的帮助下结识我父亲,并于当年嫁给我父亲。在我很小的时候,母亲就细心地教导我一些做人做事的道理,以至从小到大,我在面临很多事中都受益颇多,能够从容不迫的处理这些事情。可以说我是在母亲的严格教育中一天天长大的,母亲曾告诫我:“要做一个诚实守信的人,认真学习科学文化知识,长大后要对社会做贡献。”母亲曾今是一名幼师,她很喜欢小孩子,总是能很有耐心地教导那些调皮的小朋友们,所以小朋友们都非常喜欢她。后来,父亲承包黄槐中学的食堂,由于缺人手,母亲主动放弃自己的工作来帮助父亲。 妹妹:曾思媚,2019年5月出生,现就读于沐彬中学,在校学习认真,成绩优秀。

推荐-兴宁一中高二数学中段考试题理科 推荐 精品

兴宁一中高二数学中段考试题(理科)20XX.11 注意:本试卷共4页,20小题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟. 必须将正确答案填写在答题卡规定的地方 一、选择题:(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 已知集合{} (,)2 M x y x y =+=,{} (,)4 N x y x y =-=,那么集合M N为( ) A. 3,1 x y ==- B. (3,1) - 2. 如图,直线 1 l、 2 l、 3 l的斜率分 别是 1 k、 2 k、 3 k,则() A. 1 k< 2 k< 3 k B. 3 k< 2 k< 1 k C. 2 k< 3 k< 1 k D. 1 k< 3 k< 2 k 3.已知直线0 6 2= + +y ax与直线0 1 )1 (2= - + - +a y a x平行,则实数a的值是() A.2 1或 - B.1 0或 C.1 - D.2 4.如图Rt O A B ''' ?是一个水平放置的三角形的斜二测直 观图,斜边2 O B''=,则这个三角形的面积是() A.22 B.1C.2D. 2 2 5.下列几何体中,正视图、侧视图、俯视图都相同的几何体的序号是() A.(1)(2) B.(2)(3) C.(3)(4) D.(1)(4) 2 l 3 l y x o y 1 l

6.设A 、B 、C 、D 是空间四个不同的点,在下列命题中,不正确的是( ) A.若AC 与BD 共面,则AD 与BC 共面 B .若A C 与B D 是异面直线,则AD 与BC 是异面直线 C .若AB=AC ,DB=DC ,则AD=BC D .若AB=AC ,DB=DC ,则AD ⊥BC 7.表面积是6a 的正方体的八个顶点都在同一个球面上,则这个球的表面积是( ) A .2a π B .3a π C .12a π D .18a π 8.若直线1:=+by ax l 与圆C :12 2=+y x 有两个不同交点,则点),(b a P 与 圆C 的位置关系是( ) A.点P 在圆上 B.点P 在圆内 C.点P 在圆外 D.不能确定 二.填空题:(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分) 9.过点A(1,2)且与原点距离最大的直线方程是 . 10.直线l 过原点且平分平行四边形ABCD 的面积,若平行四边形的两个顶点 为(1,4),(5,0)B D ,则直线l 的方程为________________ 11.对于任意实数k ,直线(32)20k x ky +--=与圆222220x y x y +---=的 位置关系是_______________ 12.已知两条相交直线a ,b ,a ∥平面α,则b 与α的位置关系是 . 13.已知两条不同直线m 、l ,两个不同平面α、β,给出下列命题: ①若l 垂直于α内的两条相交直线,则l ⊥α; ②若l ∥α,则l 平行于α内的所有直线; ③若m ?α,l ?β且l ⊥m ,则α⊥β; ④若l ?β,α⊥l ,则α⊥β; ⑤若m ?α,l ?β且α∥β,则m ∥l . 其中正确命题的序号是 .(把你认为正确命题的序号都填上)


单元综合测评一 Unit 1Friendship (时间:100分钟满分:120分) 温馨提示:1.第Ⅰ卷答案写在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷书写在试卷上;交卷前请核对班级、姓名、考号。2.本场考试时间为100分钟,注意把握好答题时间。3.认真审题,仔细作答,永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1.________ all the figures to see how much they ________. A.Add; add up to B.Add up; add up to C.Add up; add up D.Add; add to 解析:考查固定搭配。add up把……加起来;add up to加起来总共是。 答案:B 2.—What's the matter with Rod? —I think he's still ________ that we forgot his birthday. A.unfair B.stubborn C.reliable D.upset 解析:答句句意:我想他还在因为我们忘记了他的生日而不高兴。upset难过的,符合题意。 答案:D 3.—So you didn't say “hello” to him last night? —Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C.denied D.missed 解析:考查动词辨析。ignore不理会;refuse拒绝;deny否定;miss错过,想念。 答案:A 4.Don't be nervous! Keep ________ even when you are in the face of danger. A.still B.calm C.silent D.quiet


人教新课标必修一Unit2 English around the world单元同步测试 I. 单项选择 1. ---Are you sure you have ______ all the documents in your list? ---Oh, sorry, I forgot to ______ the one you had sent me. A. included; contain B. listed; include C. listed; be included D. contained; listed 2. She didn’t come to his birthday party just ______what he had said to her the day before. A. because B. because of C. as result of D. thanks for 3. If you want to do international trade successfully, ______ of English is _______. A. good command; a must B. a good command; a need C. a good command; a must D. good command; must 4. Pandas are native ______ China. A. with B. to C. for D. in 5. If you can’t _____ a better plan, we have to carry ou t the present one. A. come along with B. come up with C. come across D. come about for 6. She pretended to be calm but _______she was more than nervous at the time she was being questioned. A. in actual B. actually C. as matter of fact D. in a fact 7. Everybody has ______ to play _____ our environment. A. a part; to protect B. a role; in protecting C. part; in protecting D. a role; to protect 8. When the expression first came into being, people refused to use it but _____ they began to accept it. A. usually B. gradually C. frequently D. quickly 9. You won’t be able to make a wise _____ of a word until you know all the _____ of it. A. use; uses B. usage; usages C. use; usages D. usage; uses 10.My elder sister is _______ studying in Britain and she can speak English quite fluently like a native speaker. A. in the present B. at present C. at the present D. for the present 11. Some minority(少数民族) languages are losing their ______ because of the invasion(入侵) of more popular spoken ones. A. ideas B. natures C. identities D. characters 12. Some animals ______ the tiger, the lion and the wolf are meat-eaters.


2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜 2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜 每年兴宁中考前,很多家长都关心兴宁所有的中考学校名单及排名,那么2019年兴宁中考已经就要来了,中考填报志愿选择一所好的高中学校是一件非常重要的事情,本文爱扬整理了关于2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜的相关信息,希望兴宁的考生和家长在填报志愿的时候可以参考。 一、2019年兴宁高中学校排名 二、兴宁一中学校简介及排名 兴宁一中是梅州市重点中学、广东省一级学校,学校创办于1906年,是一所历史悠久,具有光荣传统的高级中学。学校一贯以校风好,质量高,办学有特色,输送人才多而享誉海内外。 该校占地面积7.1万平方米,建筑面积5.058万多平方米,现有教学班48个,学生2600多人,教职工240人,其中特级教师1人,高级教师38人,一级教师80人。近年来,该校以创办全国示范性高中和培养高素质“四有”人才为目标,全面贯彻国家教育方针,大力实施素质教育,深化教育教学改革,强化教育教学管理,学校形成了“勤奋、求实、团结、进取”的优良校风,“严谨善教、好学多思”的优良教风和学风,而且形成“两全五会”(全面贯彻教育方针、全面实施素质教育,让学生学会做人、学会求知、学会健体、学会生活、学会创造)的办学特色。 该校坚持德育为首,大力加强德育工作领导,建立了学科渗透,校内外结合,多层次、多渠道,全方位的德育工作体系,形成了自己的德育特色。学校优良校风不断发扬,教育教学质量持续提高,该校近年来连续三次被评为“广东省文明单位”。 三、宋声中学学校简介及排名

广东省梅州市兴宁一中2017-2018学年高一上学期期中化学试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年广东省梅州市兴宁一中高一(上)期中化学试卷 一、单选题(本题包括14小题,每小题3分,共42分) 1.下列物质中,属于电解质的是() A.氯化氢B.石墨 C.NaCl溶液D.蔗糖 2.下列应用或事实与胶体的性质没有关系的是() A.江河入海口处形成三角洲 B.用石膏点制豆腐 C.在FeCl3溶液中滴加NaOH溶液出现红褐色沉淀 D.清晨的阳光穿过茂密林木枝叶所产生的美丽景象(美丽的光线) 4.下列物质在水溶液中的电离方程式错误的是() A.Na2CO3═2Na++CO32﹣B.NaHSO4═Na++H++SO42﹣ C.KOH═K++O2﹣+H+D.H2SO4═2H++SO42﹣ 5.下列离子方程式书写正确的是() A.硫酸铜溶液与氢氧化钡溶液混合:Ba2++SO42﹣═BaSO4↓ B.澄清的石灰水与稀盐酸反应:OH﹣+H+═H2O C.硝酸银溶液与氯化钠溶液混合:AgNO3+Cl﹣═AgCl↓+NO3﹣ D.铁与稀硫酸反应:2Fe+6H+═2Fe3++3H2↑ 6.下列各组离子,溶液为无色透明并且能大量共存的是() A.Na+、NH4+、Cl﹣、SO42﹣B.Na+、H+、Cl﹣、CO32﹣ C.Cu2+、K+、Cl﹣、NO3﹣D.K+、Ba2+、SO42﹣、OH﹣ 7.下列有关氧化还原反应的说法中,正确的是() A.在氧化还原反应中,非金属单质一定是氧化剂 B.还原剂在反应中发生还原反应 C.氧化还原反应的本质是电子的转移 D.有单质生成的反应一定是氧化还原反应 8.用BaCl2检验SO42﹣离子时,先在待测溶液中加入盐酸,其作用是() A.形成较多的白色沉淀 B.排除SO42﹣以外的其它阴离子及Ag+的干扰 C.形成的沉淀纯度更高 D.排除Ba2+以外的其它阳离子的干扰 9.以下实验装置一般不用于分离物质的是()


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


学案相关错题汇总(必修一) 1.________ it is to jump into cool water on a hot summer day! A.How a fun B.How fun C.What a fun D.What fun 答案: 解析: 2. I am moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ________ in the city. A.ones B.one C.that D.those 答案: 解析: 3. I don’t think this park can be finished by the end of this month,________? A.do I B.don’t I C.can it D.can’t it 答案: 解析: 4..That girl ________Ann was an orphan.She lost her parents in a car accident. A.calling herself B.called C.who was called D.all the above 答案: 解析: 5. Mr. Smith is sure to be ________ as his father. A.as good a worker B.so a good worker C.as a good worker D.a as good worker 答案: 解析: 6. The thing that________ is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not. A.matters B.cares C.considers D.minds 答案: 解析: 7. The students are busy making preparations for the lecture because they will ________ the competition. A.attend B.join C.take part in D.attend to 答案: 解析: 8. By the time the police arrived,the thief ________. A.had disappeared B.was disappeared C.had been disappeared D.has disappeared 答案: 解析:


第一单元 A Animal Friendly Camps for Children SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)camps are the best choice for the children who love animals. Campers enjoy a unique learning experience with our furry friends during these one-week sessions. At San Diego’ s Animal Adventure Camp,younger campers enjoy a wide range of exposure to animals and a dose of life lessons as well .Pets are played with inside a“ ,safety” formationcicle where kids sit with each knee touching a neighbor’s.Children then wait to be approached, learning the animals should come to them as opposed to chasing the animals and causing them stress. Then campers create one-of-a-kind toys for their favorite pups . New Hampshire SPCA Summer Camp includes the Animal Advocates — Campers Picks program.Kids choose an animal to help it be adopted .They get to know it ,its personality ,and get the word out . Cage signs are lovingly made and hung and campers advocate for the animal all week. Then, when the animal finds a home , the entire camp celebrates. Campers of all ages interact closely with horses at the MSPCA at Nevins Farm Children’ s C in Methuen , Massachusetts. Set on a 40-acre farm with a working barn , the program introduces rescue training and the equipment used to transport an injured animal into an emergency vehicle to campers of all ages. This is many children’first time interacting with large animals and it is thanks to the MSPCA's scholarship program . Westchester SPCA Critter Camp in Briarcliff Manor , New York keeps kids busy all day. In addition to attending an animal cruelty workshop , campers create Adopt Me flyers for the sheltered dog or cat they like most’d to find a home . Then it ’ s timetopost them around their neighborhood and do some legwork . There ’also crafting cat toys, baking dog biscuits and painting pictures to brighten things up in the dog farm. 1. What can children learn at San Diego ’ s Animal Adventure Camp? A . How to approach animals .B. How to feed animals . C. How to take care of animals .D. How to get along with animals .


广东省兴宁市第一中学2020届高三地理上学期期末考试试题 下图为某岛屿图。读图,回答以下2题。 1、该岛的气候特征是() A.夏季高温多雨,冬季凉爽干燥 B.终年温和湿润 C.夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨 D.终年高温多雨 2、该岛沿海地区主要的农业地域类型是() A.热带种植园农业 B.大牧场放牧业 C.商品谷物农业 D.乳畜业 海岸地貌和陆架沉积序列的演化能较客观地反映海平面的升降状况。沙坝是由波浪携带泥沙堆积而成的一种狭长的、与海岸线平行的堆积体,沙坝将海水分割,内侧便形成一个封闭或半封闭的潟湖,潟湖常有潮汐通道与大海相连。下图为全新世(11700年前至今)形成的美国东海岸地貌和陆架沉积序列模式图,图中a、b为三角洲。据此完成以下3题。 3.图中a、b三角洲形成的主要外力作用分别是( ) A.风力堆积、退潮时海浪堆积 B.河流堆积、退潮时海浪堆积 C.风力堆积、涨潮时海浪堆积 D.河流堆积、涨潮时海浪堆积 4.全新世该地海岸地貌和陆架沉积序列的演化过程中,海平面相对于陆地( ) A.呈上升趋势 B.基本稳定 C.呈下降趋势 D.反复升降 5.如果此后海平面显著下降,则图中( ) A.沙坝向陆地方向推移 B.潟湖的盐度逐渐降低 C.沙坝向海洋方向推移 D.潟湖受侵蚀水深增大 下图示意2017年甲、乙两国人口性别比(每100

名女性所对应的男性数量),其中甲国为西亚某产油国,乙国为南亚某人口大国。读图回答以下2题。 6、导致甲、乙两国2017年全国人口性别比差异显著的主要因素是() A、教育水平 B、产业结构 C、宗教信仰 D、生育政策 7、为应对近年来出生人口性别比偏高的问题,乙国应采取的措施是() A、促进城乡人口流动 B、政策鼓励少生优生 C、限制国际人口迁移 D、提高女性社会地位 面临城市无限制低密度向外扩张的问题,美国规划师协会(APA)于2003年提出城市“精明增长”的理念,推行高效、集约、紧凑的城市发展模式。美国“精明增长”的先锋城市——波特兰,通过制定严格的城市增长边界来控制城市向外蔓延,同时在城市增长边界内提高建筑密度,并采取增加绿色环境和公共空间、大力推行公交和慢行系统来缓解高密度带来的负面影响。经过数十年的努力,波特兰成为了一个家居、绿色、可持续的现代化城市。据此完成以下2题。 8、波特兰通过“精明增长”的规划方案,可以( ) A、保护城市边缘农田 B、解决城市交通拥堵 C、提高城市化水平 D、优化城市产业结构 9、波特兰城市规划建设对我国建设家居城市最具有借鉴意义的是() A、进一步提高城市建筑密度 B、积极开发老城区、棚户区 C、大力推动郊区城市化 D、兴建卫星城,疏解城市职能 慕尼黑郊区农业被认为是创意农业的经典,其主要内容为文化休闲、环境保护和生态农业,被称为“绿腰带”。绿腰带项目实施的目的是保持农业用地的同时,最大限度地减少化肥和农药的使用量,种植与当地生态环境相符的农作物,为城市居民提供优质的农产品和适宜的休闲场所。据此完成以下2题。 10、发展绿腰带项目的前提是当地拥有() A、高度发达的交通网 B、充足的剩余劳动力 C、都市居民的消费需求 D、掌握现代科技的农民 11、与一般郊区农业相比,绿腰带农产品的突出优势在于()


最新人教版高一英语必修一单元测试题全套带答案 阶段质量检测(第一单元) B卷能力素养提升 (时间:120分钟满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 略 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Poor areas of India may have few doctors or other health resources. Instead, many people turn to traditional healers (医疗者) when they are ill. These traditional healers, or witch doctors, sometimes have strange theories (学说) about how the body works. In West Bengal, for example, some people have long believed that getting bitten by a dog leads to the birth of little dogs. Dr Kumar Kanti Ghosh is a psychiatrist. He heard this belief when a nine-year-old boy came to his office about ten days after being bitten by a dog. He really couldn't believe his ears when he heard that. Kanti Ghosh sai d, “He believes that he had a little dog developing inside him. And his parents have said that sometimes the boy is barking like a dog.” A healer named Budheswar Singh says his medicine made of yogurt and herbs has cured many people. “If the man is brought to me in time, I can give him my medicine and he will be all right,” he said. Sanjay Samui is a medical doctor who wishes people would stop believing ideas like this. “They are poorly-educated village people. They still strongly believe such odd ideas,” he said. He tells everyone that in no situation can a dog be born by a human. The national government spends about one and a half percent of India's GDP on health care. This is among the lowest rates in the world. It means such traditional healers are the only choice in some places. The healers spread medical myths (神话) and even make villagers not believe doctors. 语篇解读:在印度一些贫困地区,人们依然迷信巫医。 21.The example given in Paragraph 1 shows that ________. A.witch doctors' theories are based on scientific research B.nobody in India believes that a man can give birth to a dog C.witch doctors know very well about how the human body works D.some Indian people believe unusual theories told by witch doctors 解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段的“In West Bengal, for example, some people have long believed that getting bitten by a dog leads to the birth of little dogs.”可知,那个例子是说有些人一直深信被狗咬会怀上狗宝宝,这说明他们相信巫医们那些奇怪的学说。 22.When Dr Kumar Kanti Ghosh heard what the boy told him, he was________. A.happy B.shocked C.relaxed D.interested 解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段的“He really couldn't believe his ears when he heard that.”可推断Kumar Kanti Ghosh医生当时很惊讶。 23.We can learn from the last paragraph that in India ________. A.some traditional healers are very helpful B.people believe whatever doctors tell them C.doctors are not as helpful as traditional healers D.more money should be spent on the public health care 解析:选D推理判断题。根据末段的“The national government spends about one and a half percent of India's GDP on health care. This is among the lowest rates in the world.”可知印度需要在公共医疗上投入更多的钱。 24.What would be the best title for this passage? A.In poor Indian areas, traditional healers help B.In poor Indian areas, medical myths spread

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