当前位置:文档之家› 2011.3.17号点题班王京竹托福机经3.20 3.26 4.9 4.23

2011.3.17号点题班王京竹托福机经3.20 3.26 4.9 4.23

2011.3.17号点题班王京竹托福机经3.20 3.26 4.9 4.23
2011.3.17号点题班王京竹托福机经3.20 3.26 4.9 4.23




























3.12 吉日,但是建议看转播(因为2.26日是吉日,所以竹子说3.12为旧题的可能性很大,也不排除是新题的可能~)

3.13 大吉日,竹子老师给出了准确的拼盘——除了作文是新题

3.20 吉日

3.26 不明

4.9 拼盘

4.23 拼盘

5.14 吉日

5.28 悲剧日



1.第一篇: 埃及金字塔: 词汇:by and large =

讲了金字塔: 说埃及人都是一帮 "cow man"建立金字塔, 最完美的就是胡夫金字塔, 还有他们怎么运石头,怎么管理人.

问题: 为什么公认要生活在河的两岸: 因为要运建筑用料到工地.

还有橘子插入题应该是放在一段列出数据例如工人人数, 石料数量的前面

问哪个不是弄砖头的步骤里, 选择B, 涉及到roller的步骤

问怎样显示中央集权的,有两个答案不知道哪个,一个是文献里有记载, 一个是很多高官都是为法老服务的.

2.第二篇: 大平原的恶劣气候(Great Plain)

厄尔尼诺现象导致了美国Great Plain 的极端天气.有提到厄尔尼诺现象那是低气压的, 弄得干旱. 还有一个高气压导致多雨.

问题: 句子翻译题好像是选D, 说会有时候气候会持续多雨, 有时候会持续干旱.

有一个问题: 墨西哥湾的湿气到哪里去了, 选项: 去了加拿大

问文章是怎么organize的, 选的是通过描述现象的形成....

词汇题: by and large

最后一题: Summary

3.第三篇: 人的提问传递的问题,体表温度一般比较低.

还有一个mammal's temperature, mainly human's temperature---core temp, shell temp, surface temp.







Archaeology, 关于Troyde ,和荷马史诗有关系, 开始说空间不大剩不下人,后来科学家发现其实可以剩下,但是这是2003年的事情了, 有个题目是1983年的一个突破.






一个讲plants的communication, 植物释放chemical毒毛虫,或者释放chemical通知其他植物,或者释放chemical 吸引predator 来吃insect


女学生代表一个组织找学院的ASSOCIATE DEAN(就是什么助理院长吧,总之是领导)ARGUE建科学图书馆的事。一个说学校要建个图书馆,但是会覆盖了原有用来hang out 的地方. 一个女生是一个组织的代表, 想申请一个event去表示他们组织反对.

问: 为什么Dean 要问她组织里有多少人, 因为要确定他们是否有足够影响力

问杂志上什么写错了, 其实这件事还没定下来, 那个女生应该做research, 然后去参加会议,直接跟领导人讲

7.第八篇: 动物的communication



1.Describe an tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain

why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

2.Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend

on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

3.【公开信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的公开信. 倡议大学应该to build an

electronic board at student center.

好处: 1. make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on compus by posters.2. 学校也会更整洁,因为墙上没海报了


It is better to get news from different locations on campus because

1. they are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center,

they will miss the notice. 举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn't miss a show / concert的例子.

2. Even though the new bulletin board was estabilished, students will still do

posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post 出来)

4.【课文要点】: Negative Ideation: a method used by people to resist desires by

adding something negative. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯.Brood parasites(孵育寄生动物): animals that use a unconventional tactic to let other animals hatch their offspring for them.

【教授举例】:教授举的他自己戒除巧克力的例子. 教授很喜欢loves chocolate bar because it is tasty, 但吃太多不好. But chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. 后来Whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water, 来reduce the temptation, 就戒了he stopped buying.

5.【学生困难】:男生想弄个announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出

singing group. He did not submit the announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not be many students come to see the performance.


1、to postpone 延期到下周. 但but it not easy to book the music hall where the

performance will take place.

2、to notice students by posters at different locations on campus since students

are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下.


Wetland's two benefits for animals.

1). for nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands

are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

2). for rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the

long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before.


阅读: 古代的翼龙和skim feeder有很多共同点:

1. 他们都用strong beak, 但因为经常插水, beak 容易坏




1、但是那鸟能够regrow its beak,但恐龙不行

2、那恐龙的肌肉不能让他保持straight when toward to water, 非常危险

3、这个过程很消耗energy, 恐龙的size太大了, 不划算,他可以吃尸体来避开



Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground)





申明:本机经资料整理者Daisy。资料来源于互联网。不做任何盈利性用途。 Activities: 1.If your high school has after-school activities, which activity would you like to choose? 2.Describe an organization you would like to join. 3.Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Explain why you enjoy doing this activity in your school. Include specific reasons and details to support your response. Experiences: 1.Which period of your life do you think the most difficult:Childhood, juvenile or adult? 2.What will you suggest your friend if he comes to your country to study aboard?


2.job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Objects/things/situations: 1.Describe an important letter or poem or story or essay you have written. 2.Your university is planning to prevent students from bring their own computers into classroom. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? 3.Is it beneficial for students to have computer? Describe both advantages & disadvantages. 4.Talk about a book you have not read but you want to read because it is important. 5.College students should not be allowed to keep


6.25 Task 1 Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you.Explain why you were annoyed. Task 2 If someone donates a piece of Iand to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement center or grow plant and flowers? 7.20 TASK1 Your friend is coming to your country for studying, but he or she is worried about the cost, what are the advices you can offer? TASK2 Some people answer mobile phones and reply text messages when they are meeting friends in person, others think it is not a polite thing to do when they are already having a face to face conversation, what is your opinion on this matter? 8.20 Task 1 In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past those young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition form the past that is no longer common but that you wish still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish that still popular. Task2 Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 8.21 Task 1:


2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经下载地址: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c25552290.html,/tuofuzixun/20150515/tfjj-lhy-66bmky.html?seo=wenku6.021 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经!小马老师已经在第一时间内更新出了2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经部分内容: 1.★★★★★ 教授布置了 a special assignment, 是让学生们去 museum 看 ancient Egyptian sculpture, 然后写paper。【好处】(1)make more sense than the textbook;(2)教授可以拿到团体票的折扣,半价。 女生的觉得这主意好, 原因(1)这样做,可以给学?生提供?一个近距离亲眼鉴赏课本?里讲到的雕塑。有助于帮助学生加深印象。(2)博物馆门票正好有discount,而且不用学生出钱,这个女生本来就打算去,就是因为门票太贵,所以没去成。 2.★★★★★ 学生要等候个星期在新学期开始地时候才能move到新的 apartment。 男生是支持的观点。一是因为这样可以确保足够的房间并且合理进行安排。二是因为每次新学期一开学,很多人因为要和朋友搬的近一点之类的原因,刚开学那一阵子总是很吵。这样有助于维持环境稳定等等。 3.Task1: Describe the most important day of your life. Explain why it was important to you.或者另一个版本::数学,画画,科学这三个学科你会选哪一个来学 4.Task2: In terms of success, which one is more important, take risk or make a safe decision? 或者另一版本::Some people argue people born with natural abilities are more likely to succeed. Other people believe success can be achieved through hard work. 5.★★★★★ What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit is import. Include reasons and details to support your response. 6.★★★★★ Describe the most important decision you’ve ever made in your life. Explain why it’s important.


2010-11-21 大陆重复2009-5-30 北美

口语部分: Task 1 Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with your family in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response. Task 2 Social model:A person who is similar to you, or have similar ability with you,they can be a social model: 。For example:your old sister plays piano well。you are similar to your sister。So you believe you also can play piano well。 Task 3 【个人倡议】:A letter from a student says that the university should cancel the writing course。理由1、Science majors’job is to do experiment and it’s unnecessary for them to take the writing course。it not

helpful for them理由2、Science majors are very busy。They spend more time in lab. The school should balance the wrting courses to other major students.(大致是这个意思) 【学生态度】:男生反对此计划。理由1、Science majors need good writing skills to write research papers。说他爹也是个科学家,写一些paper的时候需要好的communication,否则不能很好的表达实验结果,因此这些学生上写作课很重要理由2、Majors from other areas, such as history and English are equally busy。They need to do research in the library and write papers。 Task 4 【名词解释】:一个概念,prenatal learning (胎教):begin learning before birth。【教授举例】:教授举一关于murr-birds 的例子:a mom murr-bird makes unique sound toward her eggs before they hatch。After the hatch,baby murr-birds are very

托福口语机经第四批 答案

1.Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial 2.Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date? Well, for me , I prefer to finish my work as quickly as possible for several reasons. First of all, I don’t like to be rushed. Starting as soon as possible allow me to make a schedule to follow. With my own plan, I can manage the task step by step, which won’t make me feel tense. Furthermore, it allows me to prepare enough to finish the task. With good preparation, I can just finished the work efficiently. Thus,I can save a lot of time to do other things. In some cases, a flood of works may overwhelm you at the same time, it is wise to cope with them as soon as you can. 3.One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? I think I will give three reasons to my friend if he is going to study math as his major. First, he need to be patient. Math is a basic subject of many fields. However, it is also very difficult. To be a good learner in math , he should calm down and concentrate on the math problem. Second, cooperation is also very important. He can found a math team. During the learning process, they can help each other to get better results. Third, he may learn some other subject as well if he get free time. Math is basic subject and it can be applied to many other areas. Put it into practice and he will learn much more. 4.Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why? For me, I think premature consumption, which means people can borrow money from other people or banks to buy things, is very fashionable and reasonable. As long as I have a steady job, I would choose to borrow money to buy things like a car ,a house and so on. It may be too expensive for me right now, for example, a house. But I really need it. It may take a long time for me to save money to buy it. If I buy it in advance, I can enjoy a comfortable life for a long time. And another reason is thatI will be pushed to work harder if I borrow money from others. Driven by some pressure, I may try my best to achieve myself. 5.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different



S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. 16.01.23 S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art hist ory or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while other s prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer a nd why? 16.01.24 S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs wou ld you like to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane. S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are s uccessful because they hire experienced professors? 16.02.27 S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up ? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? na tural talent or hard work


2020年1月托福口语机经预测 Task 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. When handling with difficult situations in life, do you think it’s better to use humorous attitude or serious attitude? School shouldn‘t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree ? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets. Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves, which one do you think is more reasonable and why? Do you agree or disagree: students should watch teacher‘s lectures in video version instead of attending classes?


一、2015年1月托福考试回忆 (4) 2015年1月10日托福考试回忆 (4) 2015年1月11日托福考试回忆 (7) 2015年1月25日托福考试回忆 (16) 2015年1月31日托福考试回忆 (22) 二、2015年2月托福考试回忆 (28) 2015年2月1日托福考试回忆 (28) 三、2015年3月托福考试回忆 (34) 2015年3月7日托福考试回忆 (34) 2015年3月14日托福考试回忆 (44) 2015年3月28日托福考试回忆 (50) 四、2015年4月托福考试回忆 (56) 2015年4月12日托福考试回忆 (56) 2015年4月18日托福考试回忆 (62) 五、2015年5月托福考试回忆 (68) 2015年5月9日托福考试回忆 (68) 2015年5月16日托福考试回忆 (74) 2015年5月24日托福考试回忆 (80) 2015年5月30日托福考试回忆 (86) 六、2015年6月托福考试回忆 (92) 2015年6月13日托福考试回忆 (92) 2015年6月14日托福考试回忆 (100)

七、2015年7月托福考试回忆 (112) 2015年7月4日托福考试回忆 (112) 2015年7月11日托福考试回忆 (118) 2015年7月12日托福考试回忆 (124) 八、2015年8月托福考试回忆 (131) 2015年8月22日托福考试回忆 (131) 2015年8月30日托福考试回忆 (137) 九、2015年9月托福考试回忆 (143) 2015年9月5日托福考试回忆 (143) 2015年9月12日托福考试回忆 (149) 2015年9月13日托福考试回忆 (155) 2015年9月19日托福考试回忆 (161) 十、2015年10月托福考试回忆 (167) 2015年10月10日托福考试回忆 (167) 2015年10月11日托福考试回忆 (173) 2015年10月24日托福考试回忆 (179) 2015年10月25日托福考试回忆 (185) 2015年10月31日托福考试回忆 (191) 十一、2015年11月托福考试回忆 (197) 2015年11月8日托福考试回忆 (197) 2015年11月14日托福考试回忆 (204)


11月10日独立写作考题预测 11月4日考题回顾 A government spend money on all adults after 25-year-old on a training course for the most up-to-date skills at workplace. Do you think it is effective?Why or why not? 上周预测题第1题与11月4日考题同属政府类的题目,并且部分关键词funding,training 重合。 上周预测题第1题: Which area the government should fund to improve children’s education? ?hiring more teachers to teach in a small class ?preschool education before kindergarten ?providing some training courses so that teachers can be more professional 11月10日独立写作考题预测 ?The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way? ?providing a room for quiet study; ?building an exercise room; ?providing entertainment place(watch film). ? ?Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? ?Being helpful ?Being honest ?Being well organized ? A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop? ?asking parents to help stop the students from cheating ?penalty or punishment to the students ?asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated ?At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why. ?Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do your agree or disagree the following statement? The group will be helped more by members who are willing to do


TOEFL Speaking 2017 March & April 1.Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful. 2.If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience. 3.Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read? 1. Politics; 2. Sports; 3. Arts and films. 4.Some students prefer to study for exam in the night other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer and why? 5.The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to graduate. Which of the following will you choose? A. Soccer; B. Dancing 6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic progr am, but it’s expensive, while the other is less well-known but has offered you with scholarship. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 7.The university international office is going to hold a social events. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best? 1. International food fair; 2. International music festival; 3. International film festival 8.Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer? 9.Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have done that you never imagined you would do. 10.You live in a crowded city with only one green space, the city park. The government recently proposed to build a housing complex on it. Do you think it is a good idea? 11.Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. 12.If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why? January & February 13.If you are asked to write a final project about a famous historical city. Which of the following activity do you prefer? 1. Visit the famous building; 2. Visit the old people; 3. Research and write paper 14.Some students think that they should be graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they should be graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and why? 15.Your friend will move to a school but worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why?


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better? 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success 1.many business opportunities 2.well rounded medical care system 3.a developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper


2015年4月18 日托福机经(最新版) 2015年4月18 日托福机经(最新版)下载入口: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c25552290.html,/tuofujijing/20150310/tfjj-lhy-418tfjjdfw.html?seo=wenku3.754 2015年4月18日托福考试还有20天左右,2015年4月18日托福机经(最新版)发布啦,考生可以复制链接直接进入免费索取下载使用此次机经全部内容备考使用。 2015年4月18日托福机经(最新版)部分内容: 1.?章:学校要来?个节电?赛,看谁?电少,赢者奖励?萨派对。对话:?的说这很好啊,应该节电的。还说应该贴?纸条“随?关灯”在开关旁边。男的说:不是每个?都感兴趣。?的说:就算他们对节电?赛没有兴趣,也对?萨派对有兴趣,这样为了赢,他们就会节电了。 2.学?要等候个星期在新学期开始地时候才能 move 到新的 apartment。男?是?持的观点。?是因为这样可以确保?够的房间并且合理进?安排。?是因为每次新学期?开学,很多?因为要和朋友搬的近?点之类的原因,刚开学那?阵?总是很吵。这样有助于维持环境稳定等等。 3.学?写信,学校咖啡厅提供 beverages and cookies 很好,但建议增加?些如sandwich 这样耐吃的?物和 more light music。The woman agrees with the proposal,具体两点进??持:the cookies don't really help much whenshe's hungry,所以的确要有?些其他吃的。 the music there is too noisy now, she has to go back 小马机经app和小马托福听力app是小马特为托福备考考生而研发的一款手机备考软件。1.内有小马独家权威机经预测和考前机经点播。2.5000+单词,1000+句子,200+文章应有尽有,全方位帮您备考托福考试。3.全新训练模式,拜托枯燥乏味的备考之路4.完全绿色免费,更新及时,第一时间内享受最新最全机经预测内容。没有安装的考生赶紧扫描二维码进行下载安装了。轻轻一扫,开启您的成功之路。 6. Many regions in the world face problems with air pollution. What can be done to decreasethe amount of air pollution in these regions? Use details and examples in your response. 7. Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits forstudents? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a localleader


2015年全年托福独立口语题目汇总 1.10 Task 1 :Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don’t like it.(事物类) Task 2:Do you think universities in the future will on day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead.(教育) 1.11 Task 1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Exercising, cooking, or visiting friends.(事件类) Task2 :Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings, which do you prefer and explain why.(生活) 1.25 Task1 Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning city park.(事件类) Task2 Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer?(工作) 1.31 Task1 Which of the following activities would you like to do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending some time with families?(事件类) Task2 do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint?(教育) 2.1 Task 1: Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading articles written by others. Please use specific reasons to support your idea.(事件类) Task2: do you agree or disagree that people should wear clothes according to fashion?(?生活) 3.7 Task1 :Which new skill do you want to learn?learning a musical instrument, flying plane or playing a new sport.(事物类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone improved our life.(科技) 3.14 Task1:When you are at work,which of the following factors do you think is the most important to you ? Having a flexible schedule, having a friendly co workers , having a helpful boss.(事物类 +?人物类) Task2:Would you prefer an interesting professor with a strict grading policy or a boring professor with a loose grading policy?(教育) 3.28 Task1 :If you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter.(地点类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should work for a year before entering university?(教育) 4.12

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