当前位置:文档之家› 三年级跟上兔子练习(第二季)



《Happy Halloween》



B.pumpkin lanten

C.Happy Halloween





3.()can roll a ball.




4.Littl q wears ( )?

A.Queen’s dress

B.a duck


5.( )can dress up as a present?








7.()can roll very fast in our PE lessons.




8.Does Little q wear Queen’s dress ?的回答()



C.Thank you

9.How do people celebrate Halloween ?()

A.Howe a party

B.dress up

C.Go to the library

10.()is worried about the Halloween party ?




答案:1B 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A 7C 8A 9A 10C

《Chinese New Year》

1. Chinese New Year 的汉语意思?

A. 中国新年

B. 圣诞节

C. 大年三十

2. listen to the radio 的汉语意思?

A. 听广播

B. 看电视

C. 听音乐

3. watch cartoons 的汉语意思?

A. 看电视

B. 看动画

C. 玩游戏

4. down 的反义词?

A. up

B. off

C. on

5.Lulu’s family members(家庭成员) all like ?

A. car


C. mobile phone

6. Who wakes up early this morning ?

A. grandpa

B. Lulu

C. Mum

7. Who burnt the egg ?

A. grandpa

B. Lulu

C. Mum

8. What’s the name of Lulu’s cousin ?

A. Wang Ling

B. Liu Tao

C. Wang Bing

9. Lulu watches cartoon with ?

A. father

B. mother

C. grandpa

10. They have a Chinese New Year .

A. nice

B. busy

C. sad

答案:1-5 AABAC 6-10 BCACA

《跟上兔子》 三年级 第2季Cat and Mouse

跟上兔子三年级第2季Cat and Mouse What’s your Chinese sign? 你的中国生肖是什么? What about your parents? 你的父母呢? Mouse/Ox/Rabbit 老鼠/牛/兔子 In the beginning,cat and mouse are good friends. 一开始,猫和老鼠是好朋友。 One day,Mouse gets great news. 有一天,老鼠得到了好消息。 “There is a party tomorrow!” “明天有一个聚会!” “Really?” “真的吗?” “Will you come with me ?” “你愿意和我一起去吗?” “Of course!” “当然!” “But they have only 12seats. We should get there early.” “但他们只有12个席位。我们应该早点到那里。” Cat looks a little sad. 猫看起来有点伤心。 “I can’t get up early in the morning.” “我早上起不来。” “Don’t worry.I’ll wake you up!” “别担心。我会叫醒你的!” However,Mouse does not do so. He goes alone. 然而,老鼠并没有这样做。他独自一人去了。 “Ha!Ha!I will be the first one there!” “哈!哈!我将是第一个到的!” Mouse tries to run fast. 老鼠试着跑得快点。But soon,he feels tired. 但很快,他觉得累了。 “It’s too far.I can’t get there on time.” “这太远了。我不能准时到那里。” Mouse sees Mr Ox.He comes up with a good idea. 老鼠看到了公牛先生,他想出了一个好主意。 “Hey,Mr OX!Are you going to the party?” “嘿,公牛先生!你是要去参加聚会吗?” “Yes!But I’m lost.” “是啊!但是我迷路了。” Mouse jumps onto Mr Ox’s back. 老鼠跳上了公牛先生的背上。 “I’ll show you the way.” “我给你指路。” Mr Ox wants to be the very first guest too. 公牛先生也想成为第一个客人。 “Ha!Ha!Foolish Ox!” “哈!哈!愚蠢的公牛!” Mouse jumps off Mr Ox’s back quickly. 老鼠迅速地从牛背上跳下来。 He gets the first chair. 他得到了第一把椅子。 Twelve animals are having a great time at the party. 十二只动物在聚会上玩得很开心。 Cat wakes up. It is too late. 猫醒了。它太迟了。 He becomes very angry. 他变得非常生气。 Because of that day,Cat and mouse are no longer friends. 因为那一天,猫和老鼠不再是朋友了。


绘本跟上兔子五年级下册 比尔和他的妹妹吉尔正在看一本关于蛋的书· “咔嚓!"蛋破壳了,一只小鸡孵出来了·接着,很多只小鸡都孵出来啦· “我们从哪儿来的?”吉尔很好奇地问,“我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗?” “你的意思是妈妈下了两只蛋?哈! 哈! 哈!不可能吧! ” “那我们去问妈妈·” “妈妈,我们是从哪儿来的呀?”比尔和他的妹妹跑到妈妈身边问道·他们好想知道答 案啊· “你们从小婴儿慢慢长大的呀·” “但是婴儿又是从哪儿来的呢?我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗?”“哈!哈!婴儿出生有不同的方式· “有些宝宝是蛋生的,像鳄鱼·鳄鱼妈妈生下蛋,宝宝们就在蛋里面慢慢生长,当它们长到可以出来时,嘭,它们就会破壳而出啦· “你们知道还有哪种宝宝也是这么出生的吗?”“恐龙宝宝·’ “对极了!有些宝宝是在妈妈肚子里成长的,他们做好准备时就会出生了·” “就像猫吗?” “是的·猫妈妈- -胎可以生好几个宝宝·” “马也是胎生的,但是马妈妈通常一胎只生一个宝宝·”妈妈继续说道· “那我们呢?我们是怎么出生的,妈妈?”吉尔问道· “额...你们不是蛋生的,你们是从妈妈肚子里出来的·”“但我们是怎么到你肚子里的呢?” “额,这是个很长的故事·我来画给你们看·妈妈体内有一颗卵子,爸爸体内有很多精子· “一天,当爸爸和妈妈在-起的时候,所有的精子会在妈妈体内进行一次赛跑·获胜的精子才能和卵子待 在-一起成为受精卵·” “然后受精卵就会慢慢长成小婴儿的样子,一直待在妈妈的子宫里· “几个月后,婴儿会越长越大妈妈也会越来越胖·的层.那” “大约九个月后,小婴儿也准备好了,他就会通过产道出来啦·”“谢谢妈妈!”吉尔听完故事后,紧紧地 抱着她的妈妈· 老麦克唐纳的农场 老麦克唐纳在农场生活工作了一辈子·他想该是两个儿子克里斯和艾瑞克接手农场的时候了· 克里斯和艾瑞克很开心地经营着农场,但是问题出现了,他们无法好好一起工作·老麦克唐纳在农场中 间放置了一道栅栏,然后把农场里所有的动物平分·“好,让我们来看看谁能把农场经营得更好·”他说·第一天,克里斯早早起床去挤奶·他想这应该是一件容易事,可他就是做不好·奶牛开始变得不耐烦·“爸爸,我不知道如何挤奶·你能帮我吗?” “现在那是你的事情了·你应该去寻找法子解决它·” 克里斯再次尝试,但是仍然没有挤出奶来·奶牛哞眸地大声叫·艾瑞克跑过来阻止克里斯道:“哦天啦! 奶牛不喜欢那样·”“你应该这样做,”艾瑞克说,“加油,试-试!” 克里斯照着艾瑞克的方法再尝试,这次真的有效了·“谢谢你,艾瑞克·” “不用谢,好好照顾你的奶牛·” 艾瑞克注意到他的母鸡吃得太少了,也打电话给他爸爸·“好了,我猜它们是想去灌木丛了·老唐说·“灌木丛?克里斯农场里的那片灌木丛吗?为什么?”“因为它们喜欢吃灌木丛里的虫子·” “但是,爸爸,灌木丛现在属于克里斯了·” “作为一位农场主,你应该照顾好你的动物,难道不对吗?"艾瑞克不得不打电话给克里斯,告诉他母鸡 的事情·克里斯立刻同意道:“好的,你把母鸡带到这儿来·”现在母鸡非常开心,艾瑞克也开心了·克里斯发现他的鸭子很脏很不开心·后来他想起池塘在艾瑞克的农场里!他的鸭子们无法游泳和洗澡·他立刻打电话给艾瑞克:“你好,艾瑞克·池塘在你的那边,因此鸭..... ” “哦,那把鸭子带到这儿来吧·没有问题的·”艾瑞克说· 天气非常热,克里斯和艾瑞克不得不帮羊们剪羊毛·


五年级英语绘本阅读 《Mother !Dear Mother!》 单项选择题 ( ) live in very places. ( )2. have a small head,a fat body and short legs. ( )3. takes of the little penguin when(当)the little penguin is still in the egg. A. Mother penguin penguin ( ) animal has a long neck ,and she is so tall ( ) animal has strong legs,and she can jump far ( ) animal looks stern,but she is kind to her baby ( ) has two wings and looks very beautiful and animal is this ( ) swims she is animal is this ( ) animal does not look like his mother ( ) is tadpole’s mother ( ) mother is the butterfly ( ) does “just like” mean(意思是) A.喜欢 B.就好像,正如 C.仅仅,只是 ()does “of course” mean(意思是) A.因为 B.当然 C.正如 答案:1-5 B/B/B/BB 6-10 B/B/B/B/B 11-13 B/B/B 填空题 Mother elephant is like a (巨人).But she is (温和的,温柔的)when playing with her baby. Mother has a big and fluffy(柔软的)she looks fashionable. All animal mothers love their (baby). The caterpillar wants to be a (蝴蝶)too. Mother fox has a big and fluffy . Just like you and (I). Swan looks very (漂亮的)and (优美的). Penguin looks a little (有趣的)when she is walking. 答案:、gentle 、elegant 五年级英语绘本阅读 《We all love ice cream》


五年级跟上兔子英语绘本阅读 《Mother !Dear Mother!》 一、单项选择题 ( )1.Penguins live in very places. A.hot B.cold C.warm ( )2. have a small head,a fat body and short legs. A.Giraffes B.Penguins C.Swans ( )3. takes of the little penguin when(当)the little penguin is still in the egg. A. Mother penguin B.Father penguin C.Penguin ( )4.What animal has a long neck ,and she is so tall? A.elephant B.giraffe C.lion ( )5.What animal has strong legs,and she can jump far? A.penguin B.kangaroo C.swan ( )6.What animal looks stern,but she is kind to her baby? A.kangaroo B.lion C.dolphin ( )7.She has two wings and looks very beautiful and elegant.What animal is this? A.dolphin B.swan C.kangaroo ( )8.She swims fast.And she is smart.What animal is this? A.caterpillar B.dolphin C.swan ( )9.What animal does not look like his mother? A.dolphin B.tadpole C.fox ( )10.Who is tadpole’s mother? A.tadpole B.frog C.toad


宝宝是从哪儿来的? 比尔和他的妹妹吉尔正在看一本关于蛋的书。 “咔嚓!"蛋破壳了,一只小鸡孵出来了。接着,很多只小鸡都孵出来啦。 “我们从哪儿来的?”吉尔很好奇地问,“我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗?” “你的意思是妈妈下了两只蛋?哈! 哈! 哈!不可能吧! ” “那我们去问妈妈。” “妈妈,我们是从哪儿来的呀?”比尔和他的妹妹跑到妈妈身边问道。他们好想知道答 案啊。 “你们从小婴儿慢慢长大的呀。” “但是婴儿又是从哪儿来的呢?我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗?”“哈!哈!婴儿出生有不同的方式。 “有些宝宝是蛋生的,像鳄鱼。鳄鱼妈妈生下蛋,宝宝们就在蛋里面慢慢生长,当它们长到可以出来时,嘭,它们就会破壳而出啦。“你们知道还有哪种宝宝也是这么出生的吗?”“恐龙宝宝。’ “对极了!有些宝宝是在妈妈肚子里成长的,他们做好准备时就会出生了。” “就像猫吗?” “是的。猫妈妈- -胎可以生好几个宝宝。”“马也是胎生的,但是马妈妈通常一胎只生一个宝宝。”妈妈继续说道。 “那我们呢?我们是怎么出生的,妈妈?”吉尔问道。 “额...你们不是蛋生的,你们是从妈妈肚子里出来的。”“但我们是怎么到你肚子里的呢?” “额,这是个很长的故事。我来画给你们看。妈妈体内有一颗卵子,爸爸体内有很多精子。 “一天,当爸爸和妈妈在-起的时候,所有的精子会在妈妈体内进行一次赛跑。获胜的精子才能和卵子待在-一起成为受精卵。”“然后受精卵就会慢慢长成小婴儿的样子,一直待在妈妈的子宫里。 “几个月后,婴儿会越长越大妈妈也会越来越胖。的层.那” “大约九个月后,小婴儿也准备好了,他就会通过产道出来啦。”“谢谢妈妈!”吉尔听完故事后,紧紧地抱着她的妈妈。 老麦克唐纳的农场 老麦克唐纳在农场生活工作了一辈子。他想该是两个儿子克里斯和艾瑞克接手农场的时候了。 克里斯和艾瑞克很开心地经营着农场,但是问题出现了,他们无法好好一起工作。老麦克唐纳在农场中间放置了一道栅栏,然后把农场里所有的动物平分。“好,让我们来看看谁能把农场经营得更好。”他说。 第一天,克里斯早早起床去挤奶。他想这应该是一件容易事,可他就是做不好。奶牛开始变得不耐烦。 “爸爸,我不知道如何挤奶。你能帮我吗?” “现在那是你的事情了。你应该去寻找法子解决它。” 克里斯再次尝试,但是仍然没有挤出奶来。奶牛哞眸地大声叫。艾瑞克跑过来阻止克里斯道:“哦天啦!奶牛不喜欢那样。”“你应该这样做,”艾瑞克说,“加油,试-试!” 克里斯照着艾瑞克的方法再尝试,这次真的有效了。“谢谢你,艾瑞克。” “不用谢,好好照顾你的奶牛。” 艾瑞克注意到他的母鸡吃得太少了,也打电话给他爸爸。“好了,我猜它们是想去灌木丛了。老唐说。 “灌木丛?克里斯农场里的那片灌木丛吗?为什么?”“因为它们喜欢吃灌木丛里的虫子。” “但是,爸爸,灌木丛现在属于克里斯了。” “作为一位农场主,你应该照顾好你的动物,难道不对吗?"艾瑞克不得不打电话给克里斯,告诉他母鸡的事情。克里斯立刻同意道:“好的,你把母鸡带到这儿来。”现在母鸡非常开心,艾瑞克也开心了。 克里斯发现他的鸭子很脏很不开心。后来他想起池塘在艾瑞克的农场里!他的鸭子们无法游泳和洗澡。 他立刻打电话给艾瑞克:“你好,艾瑞克。

【精品】三年级上册英语教案-《跟上兔子》绘本分级阅读三年级第1季《This Is My Family》 译林版(三起)

三年级绘本阅读教学设计 《This Is My Family》 教学内容 跟上兔子小学英语绘本分级阅读三年级第1季《This Is My Family》 教学目标1.会读绘本故事,理解故事内容,能生动形象地表演故事。 2.充分利用三年级初始阶段绘本阅读第1课的契机,引导学生发现绘本阅读的奇妙,激发学生绘本阅读的兴趣。 3.通过阅读文本,学习理解Is this...? We all love each other.学习并能合理运用 形容词 tall,nice,cute, strong &beautiful. 4.多层面理解family的意义,明白家人要互相关爱,互相帮助的道理。 5.了解一些绘本阅读方法,如:图文联系,制作思维导图等等。 教学重难点1.通过阅读文本,学习理解Is this...? We all love each other.学习并能合理运用 形容词 tall,nice,cute, strong &beautiful. 2.多层面理解family的意义,明白家人要互相关爱,互相帮助的道理。 学生分析前在基础分析: 在三年级教材前四个单元的英语学习中,学生学习了打招呼用语、询问他人姓名及简单介绍朋友和自己家庭成员的日常交际用语,尤其是第四单元与绘本内容联系紧密,前期的语言积累为本节课绘本的阅读做好一定的铺垫。 困难分析:学生第一次阅读绘本,语言知识积累不足,对于绘本学习过程会存在一定的陌生感,尤其是绘本阅读过程中的归纳,拓展,合作活动等,对于刚刚开始英语学习的三年级学生来说还是存在一定难度。本节课通过设置多样化的任务、分层推进,采用小组合作、表演、游戏、过程体验等方式突出重点,突破难点。 教学准备PPT, 板书、头饰等 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Warm up 1. Sing some songs (1)Let’s sing some songs (2What are these songs about? (3)Greetings T: Good afternoon 2.Free talk How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Sing the song《My family》, 《Finger family》等 Good afternoon. Ss answer the questions 通过唱歌,调动课堂气氛, 激发学生学习热情。 导入主题:family Pre-reading 1.Play a game: What about Miss J.’s family? Play a guessing game 2.Talk: What is family? 1.Look and guess . 2. Think and say: family is... 猜一猜的游戏,渗透学习Is this ...?的句型,并且熟知 一些形容词。通过谈论师生 家庭,引导学生初步思考表 达心中的家庭是什么概念?


Just be yourselves! Nick: a swift(雨燕) 特点:1. small and black 2. short tail, look like scissors(像剪刀)3. black wings(黑翅膀) 4. look like a piece of coal(像块煤炭) 主旨:Everyone has his or her own strong points. So just be yourselves! 每个人都有自己的强项。做你自己! A hat’s trip Cheese: a cat, has a nice orange hat. She walks fast to a party.

Treasures Sandy, Lily, Peter find a treasure map. They’re ready to look for the treasures. There are eight rooms on the map. The treasures are in the eighth room.

主旨:Use your brains and work together, you can get the chance too! 动动脑子,一起合作,你也会得到机会! Travel with Abby Amy and Jeff visit E Star in a spaceship(宇宙飞船). The guide(向导)Abby show them around.(带他们参观)

练习: ( )1. Nick is too shy to make friends with other birds. ( )2. Nick has a beautiful long tail.


What’s your Chinese sign? 你的中国生肖是什么? What about your parents? 你的父母呢? Mouse/Ox/Rabbit 老鼠/牛/兔子 In the beginning,cat and mouse are good friends. 一开始,猫和老鼠是好朋友。 One day,Mouse gets great news. 有一天,老鼠得到了好消息。 “There is a party tomorrow!” “明天有一个聚会!” “Really?” “真的吗?” “Will you come with me ?” “你愿意和我一起去吗?” “Of course!” “当然!” “But they have only 12seats. We should get there early.” “但他们只有12个席位。我们应该早点到那里。” Cat looks a little sad. 猫看起来有点伤心。 “I can’t get up early in the morning.” “我早上起不来。” “Don’t worry.I’ll wake you up!” “别担心。我会叫醒你的!” However,Mouse does not do so. He goes alone. 然而,老鼠并没有这样做。他独自一人去了。 “Ha!Ha!I will be the first one there!” “哈!哈!我将是第一个到的!” Mouse tries to run fast. 老鼠试着跑得快点。But soon,he feels tired. 但很快,他觉得累了。 “It’s too far.I can’t get there on time.” “这太远了。我不能准时到那里。” Mouse sees Mr Ox.He comes up with a good idea. 老鼠看到了公牛先生,他想出了一个好主意。 “Hey,Mr OX!Are you going to the party?” “嘿,公牛先生!你是要去参加聚会吗?” “Yes!But I’m lost.” “是啊!但是我迷路了。” Mouse jumps onto Mr Ox’s back. 老鼠跳上了公牛先生的背上。 “I’ll show you the way.” “我给你指路。” Mr Ox wants to be the very first guest too. 公牛先生也想成为第一个客人。 “Ha!Ha!Foolish Ox!” “哈!哈!愚蠢的公牛!” Mouse jumps off Mr Ox’s back quickly. 老鼠迅速地从牛背上跳下来。 He gets the first chair. 他得到了第一把椅子。 Twelve animals are having a great time at the party. 十二只动物在聚会上玩得很开心。 Cat wakes up. It is too late. 猫醒了。它太迟了。 He becomes very angry. 他变得非常生气。 Because of that day,Cat and mouse are no longer friends. 因为那一天,猫和老鼠不再是朋友了。 1 / 1


Sandy,Lily and Peter are good friends.One day,they find a treasure map .They decide to look for the treasure on the map .They put some useful things in their bags .What e l s e d o t h e y n e e d?桑迪、莉莉和彼得是好朋友。有一天,他们找到了一张藏宝图。他们决定在地图上寻找宝藏。他们把一些有用的东西放在书包里。他们还需要什么? Sandy,Lily and Peter are ready to look for the treasure. On the treasure map there are eight rooms. The treasure are in the eighth room.They have to find keys or passwords to enter the rooms one by one . 桑迪、莉莉和彼得已经准备好寻找宝藏了。 在宝藏地图上有八个房间。宝藏在第八个房间里,他们必须找到钥匙或密码逐个进入房间。 The first room is unlock.In it they see a big box on a mat.There are three circles on the box.They are blue,yellow and red. Can they find the password? 第一个房间没有上锁。在里面他们看到一个大盒子在垫子上。盒子上有三个圆圈,它们分别是蓝色、黄色和红色的。 他们能找到密码吗? “I get it !Look at the blackboard.Nine is blue.Eight is yellow.Five is red!”says


四年级英语课外阅读测试卷 一、Try to write.将故事与相应的主人公搭配,抄写在横线上。4分 二、Try to match.根据“Home Is Best!绘本,将图片与相应的词汇连线”。(6分) W 三、Try to choose.根据绘本故事内容,选出最佳选项。(4分) ( )1.What does the story “Can I Play With You ?”tell (告诉) us ? A. Just be polite. B. Being rudeness. Windy Dirty Noisy Far Wet and cold Dangerous Zoe Elephant Vic Parrot

()2.If we want to play with others, what should we say first? A. Can I play with you? B.I want to play ball games. ( ) 3.Why does Vic want to be like Superman? A. Because it’s great fun. B. He wants to help people like Superman. ( ) 4.What can the bear mum give to Zoe? A. A hug. B. A carrot. 四、Try to choose.请根据图片选择相应的语句。(3分) ()()() A. I have no friends. I want to play with you, but I don’t know how. B. I want to play on the swing! C. I want to play in the water. 五、Read and judge.(判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。)(3分) 1.()Everyone has a mum, and everyone looks like his mum. 2.()Now little Elephant has many friends and he’s so happy. 3.()Mr. Parrot says “East or West, home is the best.”


《Mother !Dear Mother!》 一、单项选择题 ( )1.Penguins live in very places. A.hot B.cold C.warm ( )2. have a small head,a fat body and short legs. A.Giraffes B.Penguins C.Swans ( )3. takes of the little penguin when(当)the little penguin is still in the egg. A. Mother penguin B.Father penguin C.Penguin ( )4.What animal has a long neck ,and she is so tall? A.elephant B.giraffe C.lion ( )5.What animal has strong legs,and she can jump far? A.penguin B.kangaroo C.swan ( )6.What animal looks stern,but she is kind to her baby? A.kangaroo B.lion C.dolphin ( )7.She has two wings and looks very beautiful and elegant.What animal is this? A.dolphin B.swan C.kangaroo ( )8.She swims fast.And she is smart.What animal is this? A.caterpillar B.dolphin C.swan ( )9.What animal does not look like his mother? A.dolphin B.tadpole C.fox ( )10.Who is tadpole’s mother? A.tadpole B.frog C.toad ( )11.Whose mother is the butterfly? A.roach B.caterpillar C.grasshopper ( )12.What does “just like” mean(意思是)? A.喜欢 B.就好像,正如 C.仅仅,只是 ()13.What does “of course” mean(意思是)? A.因为 B.当然 C.正如 答案:1-5 B/B/B/BB 6-10 B/B/B/B/B 11-13 B/B/B 二、填空题 1.Mother elephant is like a (巨人).But she is (温和的,温柔的)when playing with her baby. 2.Mother has a big and fluffy(柔软的)tail.And she looks fashionable. 3.All animal mothers love their (baby). 4.The caterpillar wants to be a (蝴蝶)too. 5.Mother fox has a big and fluffy . 6.Just like you and (I). 7.Swan looks very (漂亮的)and (优美的). 8.Penguin looks a little (有趣的)when she is walking. 答案:1.giant、gentle 2.fox 3.babies 4.butterfly 5.tail 6.me 7.beautiful、elegant 8.funny


五年级英语绘本阅读 《Mother!DearMother!》 一、单项选择题 (). 当)thelittlepenguinisstillintheegg. 意思是)? A.喜欢 B.就好像,正如 C.仅仅,只是 ()“ofcourse”mean(意思是)? A.因为 B.当然 C.正如 答案:1-5B/B/B/BB6-10B/B/B/B/B11-13B/B/B 二、填空题 1.Motherelephantislikea(巨人).Butsheis(温和的,温柔的)whenplayingwithherbaby. 2.Motherhasabigandfluffy(柔软的). 3.Allanimalmotherslovetheir(baby). 4.Thecaterpillarwantstobea(蝴蝶)too. 5.Motherfoxhasabigandfluffy. 6.Justlikeyouand(I). 7.Swanlooksvery(漂亮的)and(优美的). 8.Penguinlooksalittle(有趣的)whensheiswalking. 答案:、、 五年级英语绘本阅读 《Weallloveicecream》 一、单项选择题 ()’stable?

划线部分的中文意思) A.向下看 B.向上看 C.仰视 ()5.”Whatapity!”Mumsays.(划线部分的中文意思) A.真遗憾 B.很惨 C.真好看 ()’smumsaystoFred“Ifyoueatyourbroccoli,youcanhaveanicecreamandyoucanforanh our. 答案:1-5A/A/A/A/A5-6A/A/A/A/A 二、填空题 1.Fred’sisatthetable.(家庭;家人) 2.Fred’smothersay”Ifyoueatyourbroccoli,youcanhave (一个冰淇淋),(看电视)foranhourandgotobed(晚的). 3.(为什么)don’tyoueatyourcarrots? 4.Fred’smotherdoesn’tlike(胡萝卜). 5.Freddoesn’tlike(西兰花). 6.“Ifyoueatyour(自己的)carrotsandbroccoli,I’llmakeabig (碗)oficecreamfor(两个都)ofyou. (怎么样)that?”asksDad. 答案: ,watchTV,


4. Read for details T: Miss Lu divides the story into three scenes(. 板书 1,Scene 2, Scene 3) let ' s read three scenes one by one more carefully. (1) Scene1 P4-11 T: The 11. T: One day, Mouse gets great news. 板书 T: Party? What is a party? Look at this picture, it is a party. T: Cat is very happy and excited. He asks: T: Who can read as Cat? T: Will they go to the party? animals are going to the party, and he will go there, too. He asks Cat... T: Does Cat want to go to the party? T: He says: go to the party. Do they go together? T: Oh, Mouse goes to the party alone. T: Why? Read Page 8 to 11 and find the reason. T: Look, is Cat happy? Why? How many animals can go to the party?

Ss: 12. T: That means if you are late, there is no seat for you. You can not go to the party. So they must get up early.(给出两幅钟表图,帮助学生理解early, late) T: We know if they want to go the party, they should get up early. Can they get up early? T:Can Mouse get up early? T: Mouse comforts and promises: Does Mouse wake Cat up tomorrow morning? Look at his face. What does he think? T: Yes, you are right. However, he does not do so, he goes alone. T: Oh, Mouse is dishonest. T: This is scene 1, would you like to act this scene out? T:Then on the way to the party, what happened? Let come to scene2. (2) Scene2 P12-18 Scan and choose T: Boys and girls, you need to learn this part by yourselves. Can you find the answer to this question quickly? Q: Who gets the first chair? T: How does Mouse make it? Does it Mouse runs very fast or he uses somebody else? You can read and discuss in Learn: early/late Ss: Cat can'gt et up early. He looks a little sad. Ss Read: I can ' t get up early in the morning. Ss:Yes. Ss Read: Don ' t worry. I ' ll wake you up. Ss: No. He thinks: If Cat gets up late, I can go to the party and have a seat go alone Ss act out this part in pairs. 's (2) Scene2 P12-18 Scan and choose Ss read P13-18 quickly and find the answer: Mouse. Ss read P13-18 again in groups and find the answer: Mouse uses somebody else. Ss: We can ask the


宝宝是从哪儿来的 比尔和他的妹妹吉尔正在看一本关于蛋的书。 “咔嚓!"蛋破壳了,一只小鸡孵出来了。接着,很多只小鸡都孵出来啦。 “我们从哪儿来的”吉尔很好奇地问,“我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗” “你的意思是妈妈下了两只蛋哈! 哈! 哈!不可能吧! ” “那我们去问妈妈。” “妈妈,我们是从哪儿来的呀”比尔和他的妹妹跑到妈妈身边问道。他们好想知道答案啊。 “你们从小婴儿慢慢长大的呀。” “但是婴儿又是从哪儿来的呢我们也是从蛋里孵出来的吗”“哈!哈!婴儿出生有不同的方式。 “有些宝宝是蛋生的,像鳄鱼。鳄鱼妈妈生下蛋,宝宝们就在蛋里面慢慢生长,当它们长到可以出来时,嘭,它们就会破壳而出啦。 “你们知道还有哪种宝宝也是这么出生的吗”“恐龙宝宝。’ “对极了!有些宝宝是在妈妈肚子里成长的,他们做好准备时就会出生了。” “就像猫吗” “是的。猫妈妈- -胎可以生好几个宝宝。”“马也是胎生的,但是马妈妈通常一胎只生一个宝宝。”妈妈继续说道。 “那我们呢我们是怎么出生的,妈妈”吉尔问道。 “额...你们不是蛋生的,你们是从妈妈肚子里出来的。”“但我们是怎么到你肚子里的呢” “额,这是个很长的故事。我来画给你们看。妈妈体内有一颗卵子,爸爸体内有很多精子。 “一天,当爸爸和妈妈在-起的时候,所有的精子会在妈妈体内进行一次赛跑。获胜的精子才能和卵子待在-一起成为受精卵。”“然后受精卵就会慢慢长成小婴儿的样子,一直待在妈妈的子宫里。 “几个月后,婴儿会越长越大妈妈也会越来越胖。的层.那” “大约九个月后,小婴儿也准备好了,他就会通过产道出来啦。”“谢谢妈妈!”吉尔听完故事后,紧紧地抱着她的妈妈。 老麦克唐纳的农场 老麦克唐纳在农场生活工作了一辈子。他想该是两个儿子克里斯和艾瑞克接手农场的时候了。 克里斯和艾瑞克很开心地经营着农场,但是问题出现了,他们无法好好一起工作。老麦克唐纳在农场中间放置了一道栅栏,然后把农场里所有的动物平分。“好,让我们来看看谁能把农场经营得更好。”他说。 第一天,克里斯早早起床去挤奶。他想这应该是一件容易事,可他就是做不好。奶牛开始变得不耐烦。 “爸爸,我不知道如何挤奶。你能帮我吗” “现在那是你的事情了。你应该去寻找法子解决它。” 克里斯再次尝试,但是仍然没有挤出奶来。奶牛哞眸地大声叫。艾瑞克跑过来阻止克里斯道:“哦天啦!奶牛不喜欢那样。”“你应该这样做,”艾瑞克说,“加油,试-试!” 克里斯照着艾瑞克的方法再尝试,这次真的有效了。“谢谢你,艾瑞克。” “不用谢,好好照顾你的奶牛。” 艾瑞克注意到他的母鸡吃得太少了,也打电话给他爸爸。“好了,我猜它们是想去灌木丛了。老唐说。 “灌木丛克里斯农场里的那片灌木丛吗为什么”“因为它们喜欢吃灌木丛里的虫子。” “但是,爸爸,灌木丛现在属于克里斯了。” “作为一位农场主,你应该照顾好你的动物,难道不对吗"艾瑞克不得不打电话给克里斯,告诉他母鸡的事情。克里斯立刻同意道:“好的,你把母鸡带到这儿来。”现在母鸡非常开心,艾瑞克也开心了。 克里斯发现他的鸭子很脏很不开心。后来他想起池塘在艾瑞克的农场里!他的鸭子们无法游泳和洗澡。 他立刻打电话给艾瑞克:“你好,艾瑞


Can I play with you? There are many animals in the forest. They are playing happily. 在森林里有许多动物。他们玩得很开心。 Look at the picture. 看看图片 What are they playing? 他们在玩些什么? Little Elephant is naughty. 小象很淘气。 He wants to play with other animals. 他想要和其他动物们玩。 I want to play ball games! 我想玩球类游戏。 What are you doing,Little Elephant? 小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开! Little Elephant leaves sadly. 小象伤心的离开了。 I want to play in the water! 我想在水里玩。 What are you doing,Little Elephant?

小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开! Little Elephant leaves sadly. 小象伤心的离开。 I want to play on the swing! 我想在秋千上玩。 What are you doing,Little Elephant? 小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开! I have no friends. I want to play with you,but I don’t know how. 我没有朋友。我想要和你们玩,但是我不知道如何做。You can play with us,but you need to ask first. Just be polite. 你可以和我们一起玩,但是请你先有礼貌的问一下。 I’m sorry for my rudeness. 我为我的粗鲁道歉。 Can I play with you? 我可以和你们一起玩吗? Sure. 当然。 Can I play with you?

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