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tortoise and the hare龟兔赛跑英文话剧台词

tortoise and the hare龟兔赛跑英文话剧台词
tortoise and the hare龟兔赛跑英文话剧台词

Reader 1 :One day, little red riding hood get lost in the jungle. What can she do?

Reader 2 :At the same time, Here comes the rabbit brothers and the Tortoise brothers. They are best friends. They like each other and they play together all the time.

Reader 3:Suddently, the big rabbit saw a little girl who's wearing a red hood. He felt very curious about her.

Big Rabbit :Hey Tortoise!Look! Who's there?Let's go and have a look. Can't you guys hurry up, we don't have all day. We will lose her!

Speed up you slow fellows!(兔子和弟弟们先上场)

Big Tortoise :I am doing my best! I am sure we won't be too late, don't you worry! I am sure to be there before noon.(乌龟上场,兔子无聊的等候)

Rabbit Brother

What?! Noon?!! I can't believe it!(A) Brother, they are pulling our legs!(AB)

A&B :

They can never rush up(A), the bigger they are, the slower they will be.( B) But, we are running faster each day!(AB)

Tortoise Brother

Did you hear what they just said?(A) How could they be so mean to us.(B) They should be our best friends.(AB)

A&B :

If we have the big feet we could run faster than them.(A)

Big Tortoise :Indeed, they are just a little faster than us!

Big Rabbit :What do you mean a little? A little? A little! Hahahahaha!

Rabbit Brother

Hahahaha! Old and slow! Old and slow!

A&B :

Tortoise Brother

You guys are too much!! Go away!!

A&B :

Big Tortoise :Enough!....It is not funny! Same place here tomorrow I will race you and you will see who is faster!

Big Rabbit :You!! You want to race with me?? Don’t be ridiculous! Hahahaha, you want to race me! What a big joke!

Big Tortoise :You will see, Rabbit!

Big Rabbit :Okay, see you tomorrow,here! Don't be late, Old and slow tortoises

Reader 1 :Animals, plants and little red riding hood in the forest heard about the Tortoise challenge the Rabbit for a race tomorrow.

Everyone talks about the race.

little red riding

Hey, you guys are good friends, aren't you? You should be kind to each other.


Big Rabbit :No! not from now!!!!

Big Monkey :Brothers a0nd sisters have you all heard about the news? Slow tortoies will have race with fast rabbit!!! What do you think?

Who will win? Tortoise or rabbit?

Monkey Brother

It was really a joke isn't it?(A) The Tortoise race a Rabbit?(B) We don't see any chances from the Tortoise to win!


Ribbit win! Yeah!(AB)

Monkey Sister

Poor tortoise! They are so slow!(A) They have no chances to win!(B)


We will side the rabbit too! (AB)(猴子上场)

Big Monkey :Come, lets see what are other animals going to say about this joking race.

Reader 2 :Monkeys saw little red riding hood. They decieded to ask her.

第 1 页

Big Monkey :Hey! Little girl, have you heard about the great news of the race?

Monkey Brother

Which side are you with? The Tortoise or the Rabbit?


Monkey Sister

You won't be supporting the Tortoise are you? They are really making a big fool of themselves.



little red riding

I don't think so, I think the Tortoise is very smart and very brave. He must have his own ways to win.


Big Monkey :Are you sure? I don't think so, It is really hard to imagine a Tortoise race a rabbit!


Yeah!! Hahahaha

Brothers &

Sisters A&B:

Panda Sister

You monkeys are good for nothing, you just know how to make fun of the others!


Reader 3 :When the Pandas met Tortoise brothers they are very happy.

Big Panda :Tortoise my brother! We all heard about the race, we came to give you support!

Panda Brothers

What a brave decision you have made! We all believed that you will win the race!


Panda Sister

Yes! We all came here to give you big support! Win the race! Win the race!

A&B and other



Big Panda :So,what is your plan to win the rabbit?We will help you

Big Tortoise :Nothing, I will just run with him.

Other animals

What?! Just run?!!


Other animals

Oh, no, poor tortoies, you will lose the race!


Big Tortoise :No I don't

Other animals A-

Look at your legs. They are so short. Look at your body. It's too heavy.



Panda Brothers

It is really not a joke, you will make fools of yourself.


Panda Sister

if you loose, the rabbits and the monkeys will make fun of you for your life!

A&B and other


Tortoise Brother

Tell them brother, what do you have in mind, tell them!

A&B :

Big Tortoise :I play TaiJi to keep myself fit for the race!(开始打起太极拳- 其他动物看傻了)

Big Panda :That's all?(大家舆论纷纷)

Big Tortoise :Oh, Yes! (非常自信)

Big Panda :Well,well,well……….. I still put my trust in you! Brother, teach the rabbit a lesson!

Reader 1 :Other animals just knocked their head because they just cannot figure out how Tortoise will win. They just prayed hard that some magic will happen tomorrow.(大家随头丧气离去)

Reader 2 :The next day, Early in the morning, a lot of animals came to see the race.

Tortoise arrived early too and all his friends claps their hands to show support.


Small Trees A&B Wow! What a big day today! I have never seen so many animals gathering around us. Why is everyone so concerned about this race?

Big Tree :Of course, this is a race where the weak race the strong. 第 2 页

Flowers :It must be a very interesting race, isn't it Big Tree? We know the rabbit will win but the brave Tortoise has win all our hearts. You are my hero, you are my hero…

Big Tree :Yes, if you are brave and confident, you will sure find the way to success.

Reader 3 :There comes the rabbit and his brothers. Shaking his legs and showing off his arragont to the crowd.

Only Monkeys are very excited on their arrivals.(猴子乱叫)

Other Animals

Rabbit and the Tortoise please stand to the line.(A) We are the judges of the race.(AB) Please take the race seriously.(B)

A&B :

Other Animals

There will be no cheating in the race and the distance of the race will be 1 kilometer from this line.

C&D :

Short cuts are not allowed during the race!

Other Animals E

Have you both fully understand the rules of the race? The first person who reach the finishing line will be the winner.


Big Tortoise and

Yes we do!

Big Rabbit :

Other Animals

On your mark, get set, GO!

A&B :



STYLE - funny

Action going on!

Reader 1 :After half a kilometer running, the rabbit felt tired, he turn around and look at the path, it was quiet and there was no sign of the tortoise at all.(其他动物站在后面)

Big Rabbit :That slow fellow! It will take him more than hours to get here. I woke up early this morning. I better take a nap now.

Aooooh!! I am so sleepy. It is getting hot now. I can see the finishing line from here it will just take me a few steps.

Big Tree :Well well well, Mr. Rabbit is taking granted of his speed. We will see who will get to the finishing line first.

Flowers :Rabbit is too proud of himslef he just take the race too easy. We don't think he can win.

Small Tree A :I can see the Tortoise is trying very hard crawling non stop over there.

Small Tree B :He has never afraid of tired, he felt off and stand up again and continue with the race.

Big Tree :He is so brave, never afraid of falling down, never worry that it is too late, never give up and

always try our very best on what ever we are doing. Nothing is impossible!

Small Trees and

We will success and our dreams will come true at the end.

Flowers :

Reader 2 :Finally the Tortoise crawled past the rabbit. He saw rabbit was still in a deep sleep.The Tortoise's legs were painful and tired.

But he never give up. He keep crawling and crawling and finally he reached the finishing line.

All the animals :Wow!!!!! Tortoise Win the race! Tortoise win the race.

The Tortoise

We are the Champion!!!(放音乐)

sing :

Big Rabbit:What is so noisy!(伸懒腰)OOps!! The Tortoise won the race!! It cannot be!! OHHH! (cried)

Liitle Red Riding

Hey Rabbit, don't cry, don't feel bad, it is okay! Tortoise will still be your friend.


Big Rabbit:Sorry Tortoise, I made fun of you. I really feel ashame, can you forgive me??

Big Tortoise:Well, just a small matter don't take it so hard, we are still best friends aren't we??

Big Rabbit:Yeah! We are friends forever!!!

Liitle Red Riding

Everyone stands up, Let's dance together!


All the animals

sing and Dance!


第 3 页

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